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Nama : Ayu Prastiwi / NIM : 16811057 / Tutorial D

1. How to start the collaboration of pharmacists and doctors in the hospital?
Pharmacist must be build a good communication with the doctors in the
hospital. Pharmacists and doctors need to understand each duty and obligation
of their own profession. As health professionals should be aware that the main
interest of the patient is thus expected to collaborate in performing their duties
as health workers. Pharmacists can start by taking a visit to the ward with
doctor and start communicating with humble and good attitude. Pharmacists
should be able to understand why the doctor thought the doctor prescribed or
administered the drug to the patient. Pharmacists do not merely look at the










recommendations to physicians according to the condition of the patient.

Pharmacists also must always be updated with the latest research. As
pharmacists we must show that we are competent in their field so that it can
be a source of reliable information by doctor related to things that are less
controlled by doctors such as TDM and other matters related to the drug, with
the capabilities of pharmacists related to drugs, we hope the pharmacist can
assure doctors with the information who pharmacist deliver. That is create good
cooperation between pharmacist and doctors in the hospital. After build a good
cooperation, doctors and pharmacists should be able to maintain and develop
this collaboration for the progress of the patients care in hospital. To achieve
the patient goal, health workers have to pass through a long and complicated
journey that is susceptible to error, with this collaboration between doctors,
pharmacists and other health workers is expected to minimize


errors occur in patients.

2. How urgency collaborative health workers in hospitals to realizing patient center care?
Pharmacist use a patient centered approach in collaboration with others providers on the
health care team to optimize patient health and medications outcomes. Models of collaborative care
must be designed to meet the needs of patients. Patient centered care is important because
collaborative models of practice must reduce fragmentation and enhance the quality and safety of
care provided to patients and health practitioner must collaborate with respect and understanding
about each contribution. Annother reason why patient centered care is important, because to

achieve the patient goal, health workers have to pass through a long and
complicated journey that is susceptible to error, with this collaboration between
doctors, pharmacists and other health workers is expected to minimize
medication errors occur in patients. Patient centered care can be able to
minimize patient cost such as cost of health resource, utilization, direct cost
and indirect cost; also can maximize the health related quality of life patient,
fuctional status, and psychological wellbeing.

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