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Energy in physics, the capacity for doing work.

It may exist in potential, kinetic,

thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, or other various forms. There are, moreover,
heat and worki.e., energy in the process of transfer from one body to another.
After it has been transferred, energy is always designated according to its nature.
Hence, heat transferred may become thermal energy, while work done may
manifest itself in the form of mechanical energy.
All forms of energy are associated with motion. For example, any given body has
kinetic energy if it is in motion. A tensioned device such as a bow or spring, though
at rest, has the potential for creating motion; it contains potential energy because
of its configuration. Similarly, nuclear energy is potential energy because it results
from the configuration of subatomic particles in the nucleus of an atom.
Energy can be converted from one form to another in various ways. Usable
mechanical or electrical energy is, for instance, produced by many kinds of devices,
including fuel-burning heat engines, generators, batteries, fuel cells, and
magnetohydrodynamic systems.
Energy is treated in a number of articles. For the development of the concept of
energy and the principle of energy conservation, see physical science, principles of;
mechanics; thermodynamics. For the major sources of energy and the mechanisms
by which the transition of energy from one form to another occurs, see coal; nuclear
fission; oil shale; petroleum; electromagnetism; energy conversion.
Renewable energy usable energy derived from replenishable sources such as the
Sun (solar energy), wind (wind power), rivers (hydroelectric power), hot springs
(geothermal energy), tides (tidal power), and biomass (biofuels).
Energy conversion

the transformation of energy from forms provided by nature to forms that can be used by
Over the centuries a wide array of devices and systems has been developed for this purpose.
Some of these energy converters are quite simple. The early windmills, for example, transformed
the kinetic energy of wind into mechanical energy for pumping water and grinding grain. Other
energy-conversion systems are decidedly more complex, particularly those that take raw energy
from fossil fuels and nuclear fuels to generate electrical power. Systems of this kind require
multiple steps or processes in which energy undergoes a whole series of transformations through
various intermediate forms.
Many of the energy converters widely used today involve the transformation of thermal energy
into electrical energy. The efficiency of such systems is, however, subject to fundamental
limitations, as dictated by the laws of thermodynamics and other scientific principles. In recent
years, considerable attention has been devoted to certain direct energy-conversion devices,
notably solar cells and fuel cells, that bypass the intermediate step of conversion to heat energy
in electrical power generation.
This article traces the development of energy-conversion technology, highlighting not only
conventional systems but also alternative and experimental converters with considerable
potential. It delineates their distinctive features, basic principles of operation, major types, and
key applications.

General considerations
Energy is usually and most simply defined as the equivalent of or capacity for doing
work. The word itself is derived from the Greek energeia: en, in; ergon, work.
Energy can either be associated with a material body, as in a coiled spring or a
moving object, or it can be independent of matter, as light and other
electromagnetic radiation traversing a vacuum. The energy in a system may be only
partly available for use. The dimensions of energy are those of work, which, in
classical mechanics, is defined formally as the product of mass (m) and the square
of the ratio of length (l ) to time (t): ml2/t2. This means that the greater the mass or
the distance through which it is moved or the less the time taken to move the mass,
the greater will be the work done, or the greater the energy expended.
Development of the concept of energy
The term energy was not applied as a measure of the ability to do work until rather
late in the development of the science of mechanics. Indeed, the development of
classical mechanics may be carried out without recourse to the concept of energy.
The idea of energy, however, goes back at least to Galileo in the 17th century. He
recognized that, when a weight is lifted with a pulley system, the force applied
multiplied by the distance through which that force must be applied (a product
called, by definition, the work) remains constant even though either factor may
vary. The concept of vis viva, or living force, a quantity directly proportional to the
product of the mass and the square of the velocity, was introduced in the 17th
century. In the 19th century the term energy was applied to the concept of the vis
Isaac Newton's first law of motion recognizes force as being associated with the
acceleration of a mass. It is almost inevitable that the integrated effect of the force
acting on the mass would then be of interest. Of course, there are two kinds of
integral of the effect of the force acting on the mass that can be defined. One is the
integral of the force acting along the line of action of the force, or the spatial
integral of the force; the other is the integral of the force over the time of its action
on the mass, or the temporal integral.
Evaluation of the spatial integral leads to a quantity that is now taken to represent
the change in kinetic energy of the mass resulting from the action of the force and
is just one-half the vis viva. On the other hand, the temporal integration leads to the
evaluation of the change in momentum of the mass resulting from the action of the
force. For some time there was debate as to which integration led to the proper
measure of force, the German philosopher-scientist Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
arguing for the spatial integral as the only true measure, while earlier the French
philosopher and mathematician Ren Descartes had defended the temporal
integral. Eventually, in the 18th century, the physicist Jean d'Alembert of France
showed the legitimacy of both approaches to measuring the effect of a force acting
on a mass and that the controversy was one of nomenclature only.
To recapitulate, force is associated with the acceleration of a mass; kinetic energy,
or energy resulting from motion, is the result of the spatial integration of a force
acting on a mass; momentum is the result of the temporal integration of the force
acting on a mass; and energy is a measure of the capacity to do work. It might be
added that power is defined as the time rate at which energy is transferred (to a
mass as a force acts on it, or through transmission lines from the electrical
generator to the consumer).

Conservation of energy (see below) was independently recognized by many

scientists in the first half of the 19th century. The conservation of energy as kinetic,
potential, and elastic energy in a closed system under the assumption of no friction
has proved to be a valid and useful tool. Further, upon closer inspection, the friction,
which serves as the limitation on classical mechanics, is found to express itself in
the generation of heat, whether at the contact surfaces of a block sliding on a plane
or in the bulk of a fluid in which a paddle is turning or any of the other expressions
of friction. Heat was identified as a form of energy by Hermann von Helmholtz of
Germany and James Prescott Joule of England during the 1840s. Joule also proved
experimentally the relationship between mechanical and heat energy at this time.
As more detailed descriptions of the various processes in nature became necessary,
the approach was to seek rational theories or models for the processes that allow a
quantitative measure of the energy change in the process and then to include it and
its attendant energy balance within the system of interest, subject to the overall
need for the conservation of energy. This approach has worked for the chemical
energy in the molecules of fuel and oxidizer liberated by their burning in an engine
to produce heat energy that subsequently is converted to mechanical energy to run
a machine; it has also worked for the conversion of nuclear mass into energy in the
nuclear fusion and nuclear fission processes.
Energy conservation and transformation
The concept of energy conservation
A fundamental law that has been observed to hold for all natural phenomena
requires the conservation of energyi.e., that the total energy does not change in
all the many changes that occur in nature. The conservation of energy is not a
description of any process going on in nature, but rather it is a statement that the
quantity called energy remains constant regardless of when it is evaluated or what
processespossibly including transformations of energy from one form into another
go on between successive evaluations.
The law of conservation of energy is applied not only to nature as a whole but to
closed or isolated systems within nature as well. Thus, if the boundaries of a system
can be defined in such a way that no energy is either added to or removed from the
system, then energy must be conserved within that system regardless of the details
of the processes going on inside the system boundaries. A corollary of this closedsystem statement is that whenever the energy of a system as determined in two
successive evaluations is not the same, the difference is a measure of the quantity
of energy that has been either added to or removed from the system in the time
interval elapsing between the two evaluations.
Energy can exist in many forms within a system and may be converted from one
form to another within the constraint of the conservation law. These different forms
include gravitational, kinetic, thermal, elastic, electrical, chemical, radiant, nuclear,
and mass energy. It is the universal applicability of the concept of energy, as well as
the completeness of the law of its conservation within different forms, that makes it
so attractive and useful.
Energy related to our design
Kinetic energy - the energy that a body or system has because of its motion.
Potential energy - energy stored in body or system
About potential
Stored energy that depends upon the relative position of various parts of a system.
A spring has more potential energy when it is compressed or stretched. A steel ball

has more potential energy raised above the ground than it has after falling to the
Earth. In the raised position it is capable of doing more work. Potential energy is a
property of a system and not of an individual body or particle; the system composed
of the Earth and the raised ball, for example, has more potential energy as the two
are farther separated.
Potential energy may be converted into energy of motion, called kinetic
energy, and in turn to other forms such as electric energy. Thus, water
behind a dam flows to lower levels through turbines that turn electric generators,
producing electric energy plus some unusable heat energy resulting from
turbulence and friction.
Mechanical energy
Sum of the kinetic energy, or energy of motion, and the potential energy, or energy
stored in a system by reason of the position of its parts.

Electrical Energy
Electrical energy is the presence and flow of an electric charge.
Conservation of energy
the principle that the amount of energy in an isolated system remains the same,
even though the form of energy may change
machine or device that is used to convert mechanical energy into electricity.
Potential Energy
potential energy is the energy that an object has due to its position in a force field
or that a system has due to the configuration of its parts
Kinetic Energy
It is defined as the work needed to accelerate a body of a given mass from rest to
its stated velocity
Mechanical Energy
It is the energy associated with the motion and position of an object.
Mechanical Work
is the amount of energy transferred by a force
Renewable Energy
defined as energy that comes from resources which are naturally replenished on a
human timescale such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat.
Theory in MD

a unit of a mechanism that transmits motion from one part to another part for performing a particular function
a small gear wheel that engages with a larger gear or with a rack

a heavy wheel or disk that helps because of its inertia to maintain a constant speed of rotation in a machine or to
store energy

a rigid bar that pivots about a point fulcrum and is used to move or lift a load at one end by applying force to the
other end

a rotating part of an electrical apparatus

stationary part around which rotor turns



Kapag dumaan yung sasakyan sa lever ng rumble strips bababa ang elevation ng
lever since potential energy is proportional sa height bababa din ang potential
energy. Dahil sa energy conservation. Ang nawalang potential energy ay
makoconvert sa kinetic energy through gears and pinions. Ang gears ay naka
connect sa flywheel kaya ma iistore ang energy from gears. Ang rotor ay nka attach
sa flywheel kaya dhil sa rotation ng flywheel nkakapag induced sya ng current. Mag
aact sya as a generator. Tpos diretso sa battery .

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