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Which of the following are the background

properties in CSS?
i) background-color
ii) background-image
iii) background-repeat
iv) background-position
v) background

15px;"> ....................... </p>

D) None of the above

i) The border-spacing specifies the width that

should appear between table rows.
ii) The empty-cells specifies whether the border
should be shown if a cell is empty.

A) i, ii, iii and iv only

B) i, ii, iii and v only
C) i, ii, iv and v only
D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v

State whether the statement is/are True.

i) font-family property is used to change the face
of a font.
ii) font-variant property is used to create smallcaps effects.
A) i-True, ii-False
B) i-False, ii-True
C) i-True, ii-True
D) i-False, ii-False



The CSS links properties are

A) :link, :visited, :hover, :active
B) :link, :visit, :hover, :active
C) :link, :visited, :over, :active
D) :link, :visited, :hover, :active, :inactive
Internet Explorer uses ....................... property to
create transparent images.
A) -moz-opacity:x
B) filter: alpha(opacity=x)
C) Both of the above
D) None of the above


The different ways to associate styles with

a HTML document is/are
A) Embedded CSS with <style> element
B) Inline CSS with style attribute.
C) External CSS with <link> element.
D) All of the above


Which of the following is correct CSS syntax for

using font property?
A) <p style="font: italic, bold, 15px;"> ................
B) <p style="font-style: italic font-weight: bold
font-size: 15px;"> ................... </p>
C) <p style="font: italic bold

State True of False for the CSS table properties.

A) i-True, ii-False
B) i-False, ii-True
C) i-True, ii-True
D) i-False, ii-False

In CSS tables, the possible values for the captionside property can have the following values.
A) top, bottom, left or right
B) top, bottom, center, left or right
C) top or bottom
D) left or right


The ................... property indicates whether a cell

without any content should have a border
A) blank-cells
B) empty-cells
C) nocontent-cells
D) noborder-cells

10. The ..................... specifies whether a border

should be solid, dashed line, doted line, double
line, groove etc.
A) border-layout
B) border-decoration
C) border-style
D) border-weight
11. Which of the following are the advantages
of CSS?
i) CSS saves time ii) Page load faster
iii) Easy maintenance iv) Multiple compatibility
A) i, ii and iii only
B) ii, iii and iv only
C) i, ii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv
12. A CSS style rule is made up of three parts which
are ..

i) Selector ii) Property

iii) Value iv) Attribute

19. Which of the following is / are the measurement

units in CSS?

A) i, ii and iii only

B) ii, iii and iv only
C) i, ii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv

i) % ii) cm iii) em iv) pc v) px

A) i, ii, iii and iv only
B) i, ii, iii and v only
C) i, ii, iv and v only
D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v

13. Which is not the selector type of CSS?

A) Type selector
B) Universal selector
C) Local selector
D) Descendant selector

20. The possible formats of CSS colors are.

i) Hex code - #RRGGBB
ii) Short Hex Code - #RGB
iii) RGB% - rgb(rrr%, ggg%, bbb%)
iv) Keyword - teal, blue, black

14. The correct example of class selector is.

A) h2.type1 {color: #000000;}
B) h2 type1 {color: #000000;}
C) h2 #type1 {color: #000000;}
D) #h2 type1 {color: #000000;}

A) i, ii and iv only
B) ii, iii and iv only
C) i, iii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv

15. CSS comments are inserted inside.

A) //...................//
B) <!..................>
C) /*..................*/
D) All of the above
16. We can handle old browsers by placing CSS
codes inside.



A) //...................//
B) <!..................>
C) /*..................*/
D) None of the above
17. State whether True or False.
i) Any inline style sheet takes highest priority.
ii) Any rule defined in <style>
...........................</style> tag will override rules
defined in any external style sheet file.
A) i-True, ii-False
B) i-False, ii-True
C) i-True, ii-True
D) i-False, ii-False
18. ...................... is used to import an external style
sheet in a manner similar to the <link> element.
A) @insert
B) @import
C) #import
D) #insert





<b> tag makes the enclosed text bold. What is

other tag to make text bold?
a. <strong>
b. <dar>
c. <black>
d. <emp>
Which tag inserts a line horizontally on your
web page?
a. <hr>
b. <line>
c. <line direction=horizontal>
d. <tr>
Which tag allows you to add a row in a table?
a. <td> and </td>
b. <cr> and </cr>
c. <th> and </th>
d. <tr> and </tr>
Which tag creates a check box for a form in
a. <checkbox>
b. <input type=checkbox>
c. <input=checkbox>
d. <input checkbox>
To create a combo box (drop down box) which
tag will you use?
a. <select>
b. <list>
c. <input type=dropdown>
d. all of above
Which of the following is not a pair tag?
a. <p>










b. < u >
c. <i>
d. <img>
The _____ character tells browsers to stop
tagging the text
a. ?
b. /
c. >
d. %
Marquee is a tag in HTML to
a. mark the list of items to maintain inqueue
b. Mark the text so that it is hidden in browser
c. Display text with scrolling effect
d. None of above
When should you use path along with file
name of picture in IMG tag?
a. path is optional and not necessary
b. when the location of image file and html file
are different
c. when image file and html file both are on same
d. path is always necessary when inserting image
Which attribute youll use with TD tag to
merge two cells horizontally?
a. merge=colspan2
b. rowspan=2
c. colspan=2
d. merge=row2
<TITLE> </TITLE> tag must be within
a. Title
b. Form
c. Header
d. Body
Text within <EM> </EM> tag is displayed
as ________
a. bold
b. italic
c. list
d. indented
Text within <STRONG> </STRONG> tag
is displayed as ________
a. bold
b. italic
c. list
d. indented
<UL> </UL> tag is used to ________
a. display the numbered list
b. underline the text
c. display the bulleted list
d. bold the text
Which tag is used to display the numbered
a. <OL></OL>
b. <DL></DL>






c. <UL></UL>
d. <LI></LI>
Which tag is used to display the large font
b. <BIG></BIG>
c. < SIZE ></SIZE>
d. <FONT></FONT>
<SCRIPT> </SCRIPT> tag can be placed
within ________
a. Header
b. Body
c. both A and B
d. none of the above
using <P> tag will
a. start a new paragraph
b. break the line
c. end the current paragraph
d. none of the above
<TD> </TD> tag is used for ________
a. Table heading
b. Table Records
c. Table row
d. none of the above
Which of the following is an attribute of
<Table> tag?
a. SRC





What should appear at the very end of your

The <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">tag
A. The </script>
B. The <script>
C. The END statement
D. None of the above
______ tag is an extension to HTML that can
enclose any number of JavaScript statements.
What is the correct JavaScript syntax to write
"Hello World"?
A. System.out.println("Hello World")
B. println ("Hello World")
C. document.write("Hello World")
D. response.write("Hello World")
Inside which HTML element do we put the

A. <js>
B. <scripting>
C. <script>
D. <javascript>
5. Which types of image maps can be used with
A. Server-side image maps
B. Client-side image maps
C. Server-side image maps and Client-side
image maps
D. None of the above
6. What does the <noscript> tag do?
A. Enclose text to be displayed by nonJavaScript browsers.
B. Prevents scripts on the page from executing.
C. Describes certain low-budget movies.
D. None of the above
7. If para1 is the DOM object for a paragraph, what
is the correct syntax to change the text within the
A. "New Text"?
B. para1.value="New Text";
C. para1.firstChild.nodeValue= "New Text";
D. para1.nodeValue="New Text";
8. Which of the following is not considered a
JavaScript operator?
A. new
B. this
C. delete
D. typeof
9. Which of the following event fires when the form
element loses the focus: <button>, <input>,
<label>, <select>, <textarea>?
A. onfocus
B. onblur
C. onclick
D. ondblclick
10. JavaScript is interpreted by _________
A. Client
B. Server
C. Object
D. None of the above
11. Which of the following is the structure of an if
A. if (conditional expression is true) thenexecute
this codeend if
B. if (conditional expression is true)execute this
codeend if
C. if (conditional expression is true) {then
execute this code>->}
D. if (conditional expression is true) then
{execute this code}
12. How to create a Date object in JavaScript?
A. dateObjectName = new Date([parameters])
B. dateObjectName.new Date([parameters])








C. dateObjectName := new Date([parameters])

D. dateObjectName Date([parameters])
Which tag(s) can handle mouse events in
A. <IMG>
B. <A>
C. <BR>
D. None of the above
When a JavaScript object is sent to Java, the
runtime engine creates a Java wrapper of type
A. ScriptObject
B. JSObject
C. JavaObject
D. Jobject
_________ is a wrapped Java array, accessed
from within JavaScript code.
A. JavaArray
B. JavaClass
C. JavaObject
D. JavaPackage
To automatically open the console when a
JavaScript error occurs which of the following is
added to prefs.js?
A. user_pref("
javascript.console.open_on_error", false);
B. user_pref("javascript.console.open_error ",
C. user_pref("javascript.console.open_error ",
The syntax of a blur method in a button object is
A. Blur()
B. Blur(contrast)
C. Blur(value)
D. Blur(depth)
The syntax of capture events method for
document object is ______________
A. captureEvents()
B. captureEvents(args eventType)
C. captureEvents(eventType)
D. captureEvents(eventVal)
<script type="text/javascript">
A. 44
B. 8
C. 4
D. Error output

20. Which best explains getSelection()?

A. Returns the VALUE of a selected OPTION.
B. Returns document.URL of the window in
C. Returns the value of cursor-selected text
D. Returns the VALUE of a checked radio input.

insert into Employee values(1006,Ted,Finance, 23000);

insert into Employee values(1002,Rita,Sales,20000);
What will be the result of the query?
a) All statements executed
b) Error in create statement
c) Error in insert into Employee


values(1006,Ted,Finance, );
d) Error in insert into Employee

1. DML is provided for


(A) Description of logical structure of database.

(B) Addition of new structures in the database system.
(C) Manipulation & processing of database.
(D) Definition of physical structure of database system.
2. The DBMS language component which can be
embedded in a program is
(A) The data definition language (DDL).
(B) The data manipulation language (DML).
(C) The database administrator (DBA).

6. Select * from employee where dept_name=Comp Sci;

In the SQL given above there is an error . Identify the
error .
a) Dept_name
b) Employee
c) Comp Sci
d) From

(D) A query language.

3. Which of the following is correct:

(A) a SQL query automatically eliminates duplicates.
(B) SQL permits attribute names to be repeated in the same

7. Select name


from instructor

(C) a SQL query will not work if there are no indexes on

where dept name = Physics

the relations

order by name;

(D) None of these

By default, the order by clause lists items in ______ order.

a) Descending

4. A primary key is combined with a foreign key creates

(A) Parent-Child relationship between the tables that
connect them.

b) Any
c) Same
d) Ascending

(B) Many to many relationship between the tables that

connect them.

8. A . Does not have a distinguishing

(C) Network model between the tables that connect them.

attribute if its own and mostly are dependent entities, which

(D) None of the above.

are part of some another entity.

5. Create table Employee(Emp_id numeric not null, Name

A) Weak entity

varchar(20) , dept_name varchar(20), Salary numeric,

insert into Employee values(1002, Ross, CSE, 10000)

B) Strong entity

C) Non attributes entity

d. SELECT city, temperature, condition FROM weather

WHERE condition BETWEEN ('sunny', 'cloudy');

D) Dependent entity
9. Which of the following statements contains an error?

14. What does the following query find?

A) Select * from emp where empid = 10003;


B) Select empid from emp where empid = 10006;

FROM boats b, reserves r

C) Select empid from emp;

WHERE b.bid = r.bid

D) Select empid where empid = 1009 and lastname =

AND b.color = 'red')



10. Which of the following statement on the view concept

in SQL is invalid ?
[A] all views are not updatable
[B] the views may be referenced in an SQL statement
whenever tables are referenced
[C] the views are instantiated at the time they are
referenced and not when they are defined
[D] the definition of a view shouldnot have GROUP BY
clause in it

FROM boats b, reserves r

WHERE b.bid = r.bid
AND b.color = 'green')
a. Find the sailor IDs of all sailors who have reserved red
boats but not green boats
b. Find the sailor IDs of at least one sailor who have
reserved red boats but not green boats
c. Find the sailor Ids of atmost one sailor who have
reserved red boats but not green boats
d. None of These

11. Which one of these is an aggregate function in SQL ?

[D] None of these

15. Which of the following query finds the name of the

sailors who have reserved at least two boats?
a. SELECT DISTINCT s.sname FROM sailors s, reserves
r1, reserves r2 WHERE s.sid = r1.sid AND r1.sid = r2.sid
AND r1.bid r2.bid

12. What is the meaning of LIKE '%0%0%'

a. Feature begins with two 0's
b. Feature ends with two 0's
c. Feature has more than two 0s
d. Feature has two 0's in it, at any position

b. SELECT DISTINCT s.sname FROM sailors s, reserves

r1, reserves r2 WHERE s.sid = r1.sid AND COUNT(r1.bid)
> r2.bid
c. SELECT DISTINCT s.sname FROM sailors s, reserves
r1, reserves r2 WHERE s.sid = r1.sid AND r1.sid = r2.sid
AND r1.bid <> r2.bid
d. All of these

Find the names of these cities with temperature and

16. If a query involves NOT, AND, OR with no parenthesis

condition whose condition is neither sunny nor cloudy

a. NOT will be evaluated first; AND will be evaluated

a. SELECT city, temperature, condition FROM weather

second; OR will be evaluated last.

WHERE condition NOT IN ('sunny', 'cloudy');

b. NOT will be evaluated first; OR will be evaluated

b. SELECT city, temperature, condition FROM weather

second; AND will be evaluated last.

WHERE condition NOT BETWEEN ('sunny', 'cloudy');

c. AND will be evaluated first; OR will be evaluated

c. SELECT city, temperature, condition FROM weather

second; NOT will be evaluated last.

WHERE condition IN ('sunny', 'cloudy');

d. The order of occurrence determines the order of

17. Table employee has 10 records. It has a non-NULL
SALARY column which is also UNIQUE.
The SQL statement
a. 10
b. 9
c. 8
d. 0
18. The HAVING clause does which of the following?
a. Acts EXACTLY like a WHERE clause.
b. Acts like a WHERE clause but is used for columns rather
than groups.
c. Acts like a WHERE clause but is used for groups rather
than rows.
d. Acts like a WHERE clause but is used for rows rather
than columns.
19. How to select all data from student table starting the
name from letter 'r'?
a. SELECT * FROM student WHERE name LIKE 'r%';
b. SELECT * FROM student WHERE name LIKE '%r%';
c. SELECT * FROM student WHERE name LIKE '%r';
d. SELECT * FROM student WHERE name LIKE '_r%';
20. In SQL, which command(s) is(are) used to change a
table's storage characteristics?
d. All of the above


[B] final

Q1. Which of the following may be part of a class


[C] static

[A]. instance variables

[B]. instance methods

[D] none of these above

Q6. Which statements about JDBC are true?

[C]. constructors

[A] JDBC is an API to connect to relational-, object- and

XML data sources

[D]. all of the above 5.

[B] JDBC stands for Java DataBase Connectivity

E. none of the above

[C] JDBC is an API to access relational databases,

Q2. What is garbage collection in the context of Java?

[D] JDBC is an API to bridge the object-relational

mismatch between OO programs and relational databases

[A]. The operating system periodically deletes all of the

java files available on the system.
[B]. Any package imported in a program and not used is
automatically deleted.
[C]. When all references to an object are gone, the memory
used by the object is automatically reclaimed.

Q7. Which type of driver provides JDBC access via one or

more ODBC drivers?
[A] Type 1 driver
[B] Type 2 driver
[C] Type 3 driver

[D]. The JVM checks the output of any Java program and
deletes anything that doesn't make sense.

[D] Type 4 driver

[E]. Janitors working for Sun MicroSystems are required to


Q8. Which type of driver converts JDBC calls into the

network protocol used by the database management system

Q3. Which of the following statement is correct?

[A] Type 1 driver

[A] For positive numbers, result of operators >> and >>>

are same

[B] Type 2 driver

[B] Java provides two operators to do left shift <<< and <<

[C] Type 3 driver

[C] >> is the zero fill right shift operator

[D] Type 4 driver

[D] >>> is the signed right shift operator

Q9. Which of the following statements is false as far as

different type of statements is concern in JDBC?

Q4. The order of the three top level elements of the java
source file are

[A] Regular Statement

[A] Import, Package, Class

[B] Prepared Statement

[B] Class, Import, Package

[C] Callable Statement

[C] Package, Import, Class

[D] Interim Statement

[D] Random order

Q10 Which of the following allows non repeatable read in

JDBC Connection?

Q5. A method cannot be overridden if it is qualified by

which one of the following modifier?


[A] friendly



[D] Java.util.Collection


Q16. To explicitly throw an exception , ______ keyword is


Q11. Which type of Statement can execute parameterized


[A] try

[A] PreparedStatement

[B] ctach

[B] ParameterizedStatement

[C] throw

[C] ParameterizedStatement and CallableStatement

[D] throwing

[D] All kinds of Statements

Q17. If a statement tries to divide by zero which exception

is thrown?

Q12. Which of these statement is incorrect?

[A] ArithemticException
[A] All object of a class are allotted memory for the all the
variables defined in the class.
[B] If a function is defined public it can be accessed by
object of other class by inheritance.

[B] NullPointerException
[C] NumberFormatException
[D] None of these

[C] main() method must be made public.

[D] All object of a class are allotted memory for the
methods defined in the class.
Q13. Which of these method of Object class can clone an

Q18. What will be the output of the program? try { int x =

0; int y = 5 / x; } catch (Exception e)
{ System.out.println("Exception"); } catch
(ArithmeticException ae) { System.out.println(" Arithmetic
Exception"); } System.out.println("finished");
[A] finished

[A] Objectcopy()
[B] Exception
[B] copy()
[C] Compilation fails.
[C] Object clone()
[D] Arithmetic Exception
[D] clone()
Q14. Which of these keywords can be used to prevent
inheritance of a class?
[A] super
[B] constant
[C] Class
[D] final
Q15. Which interface provides the capability to store
objects using a key-value pair?
[A] Java.util.Map
[B] Java.util.Set
[C] Java.util.List

Q19. What will be the output of the program? public class

X { public static void main(String [] args) { try
{ badMethod(); System.out.print("A"); } catch (Exception
ex) { System.out.print("B"); } finally
{ System.out.print("C"); } System.out.print("D"); } public
static void badMethod() {} }
[A] AC
[B] BC
Q20. Which method is used to print the description of the
[A] printStackTrace()

[B] printExceptionMessage()
[C] printStackMessage()
[D] printExceptionTrace()

.Net Questions

D - All of the above.

Q1. Which of the following is correct about Object Type in


Q7. The conditional logical operators can be overloaded.

A - The Object Type is the ultimate base class for all data
types in C# Common Type System (CTS).
B - Object is an alias for System.Object class.
C - The object types can be assigned values of any other
types, value types, reference types, predefined or userdefined types.
D - All of the above.
Q2. Which of the following statements is correct about
A - Encapsulation is defined as the process of enclosing
one or more items within a physical or logical package.
B - Encapsulation, in object oriented programming
methodology, prevents access to implementation details.
C - Abstraction allows making relevant information visible
and encapsulation enables a programmer to implement the
desired level of abstraction.
D - All of the above.
Q3. Which of the following is correct about C#?
A - C# is a modern, general-purpose, object-oriented
programming language developed by Microsoft.
B - C# was developed by Anders Hejlsberg and his team
during the development of .Net Framework.
C - C# is designed for Common Language Infrastructure
D - All of the above.
Q4. Which of the following operator represents a
conditional operation in C#?
A - ?:
B - is
C - as

A - true
B false
Q8. Which of the following is the default access specifier
of a class member variable in C#?
A - Private
B - Public
C - Protected
D Internal
Q9. You can define one namespace inside another
A - true
B false
Q10. Which class is used for MS Access connectivity with
C# (.net).
A - AccessDbConnection
B - MsDbConnection
C - OleDbConnection
D - DbConnection
Q11. Which class decides in C# .net project to set the start
form in windows application.
A start.cs
B program.cs
C home.cs
D new.cs
Q12. Which of the following statements are correct about
Inheritance in C#.NET?

A derived class object contains all the base class



Inheritance cannot suppress the base class



A derived class may not be able to access all the

base class data.


Inheritance cannot extend the base class



In inheritance chain construction of object

happens from base towards derived.

Q5. Which of the following defines unboxing correctly?

A - When a value type is converted to object type, it is
called unboxing.
B - When an object type is converted to a value type, it is
called unboxing.
C - Both of the above.
D - None of the above.
Q6. Which of the following is correct about nullable types
in C#?
A - C# provides a special data types, the nullable types, to
which you can assign normal range of values as well as null
B - You can assign true, false, or null in a Nullable<bool>
C - You can store any value from -2,147,483,648 to
2,147,483,647 or null in a Nullable<Int32> variable.

A 1,2,4
B 2,4,5

C 1,3,5
D 2,4
Q13. Which of the following should be used to implement
a 'Has a' relationship between two entities?
A. Polymorphism
B. Templates
C. Containership
D. ncapsulation
E. Inheritance
Q14. In an inheritance chain which of the following
members of base class are accessible to the derived class
1. static
2. protected
3. private
4. shared
5. public
1, 3
2, 5
3, 4
4, 5
Q15. Which of the following statements is correct about the
C#.NET code snippet given below?
class Student s1, s2; // Here 'Student' is a userdefined class.
s1 = new Student();
s2 = new Student();
Contents of s1 and s2 will be exactly
The two objects will get created on the
Contents of the two objects created will
be exactly same.
The two objects will always be created
in adjacent memory locations.
We should use delete() to delete the two
objects from memory.
Q16. Which of the following statements is correct about
classes and objects in C#.NET?
Class is a value type.
Since objects are typically big in size,
they are created on the stack.
Objects of smaller size are created on
the heap.
Smaller objects that get created on the
stack can be given names.

Objects are always nameless.
Q17. Which of the following security features can .NET
applications avail?

PIN Security
Code Access Security
Role Based Security
Authentication Security
Biorhythm Security
1, 4, 5
2, 5
2, 3
3, 4
Q18. Which of the following are parts of the .NET

The Common Language Runtime (CLR)

The Framework Class Libraries (FCL)
Microsoft Published Web Services
Applications deployed on IIS
Mobile Applications
Only 1, 2, 3
Only 1, 2
Only 1, 2, 4
Only 4, 5
All of the above
Q19. Code that targets the Common Language Runtime is
known as
Managed Code
Native Code
Q20. Which of the following statements is correct about the
.NET Framework?
.NET Framework uses DCOM for achieving
language interoperability.
.NET Framework is built on the DCOM
.NET Framework uses DCOM for making
transition between managed and unmanaged code.
.NET Framework uses DCOM for creating
unmanaged applications.
.NET Framework uses COM+ services while
creating Distributed Applications.

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