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Research Paper

Impact of Brand Image on Consumers Taste Preferences

Syed Shahzaib Ali (1527)
University of Education Lahore, Multan Campus
Shoaib-ur-Rehman (1591)
University of Education Lahore, Multan Campus
M. Kashif (1603)
University of Education Lahore, Multan Campus

This research paper is based on finding effects of different variables on consumer taste
preference. The research was conducted on a small scale and fulfills what it was being pursued
for. The research focuses on finding effect of brand image on consumer taste preference. The
research concludes that brand image influences consumers taste preferences both positively and
negatively. The research also concludes that brand awareness and brand perceptions help brand
image to influence consumer taste preference either positively or negatively.

Consumer taste refers to a person's ability to choose quality goods or goods suitable to him/her
whereas consumer preference refers to choose something better than previous goods. So,
consumer taste preference refers to persons ability to choose a product he/she prefers. Consumer
taste preference is what matters when consumers want to buy a product. Many researches have
been conducted in the world to analyze consumers taste preferences and many large
organizations have already taken advantages of these researches but there still remained a gap
which needed to be filled. We conducted this research to fill the gap that remained on this topic.
We tried to find out effects of different variables on consumers taste preferences. The research
achieved the goals that it was pursued for. The variables that are used in this research are
consumer perceptions, consumer awareness, brand image and consumer taste preference. Brand
image is an independent variable and consumer taste preference is the dependent variable.
Consumer awareness and consumer perception are elements of independent variable.
Research question:
How and to what extent brand image has an impact on consumer taste preference and how it
shapes consumer taste preference?
Purpose of the study:
The research is of academic nature and its sole purpose is to find out variables which effect
consumer taste preference. There are many researches on consumer taste preference and how to
shape consumer taste preference. By these researches, many corporations have taken advantage

but there still remains a gap that how these variables influence consumer taste preference. Brand
image is such a variable whose effect needs to be identified. This research gives us such results
that show how and why consumer taste preferences are affected by brand image. It also shows to
what extent this affects consumer taste preferences. This research has following major

It shows how brand image affects consumer taste preference.

It shows why brand image affects consumer taste preference.
It shows to what extent the consumer taste preference is affected by brand image.

These objectives give us our desired results and also give proper information about consumer
taste preference and how to shape consumer taste preference. This research sets a ground for
future researches where the researcher might research on effects of other variables on consumer
taste preferences.
Significance of the study:
This research is very beneficial for the corporations having problems about consumer taste
preference. This research gives them solid suggestions to improve their brand performance. This
research is also very important because with proper knowledge about consumer taste preference,
the corporations can achieve higher brand performance and in turn higher profits. This research
also sets ground for future researches about consumer taste preference. It is helpful for the
research students who want to research on consumer taste preference. It gives researchers
primary data about consumer taste preferences and will also save their time.
Hypothesis formulation:
H1: Brand image serves as a dominant factor in shaping consumer taste preference
H2: Brand awareness creates higher expectation in customers and thats why it influences
consumers taste preference
H3: Consumer perceptions work to make brand image better and influence consumer taste

Literature review:

In the past, numerous studies have been conducted to find the effect of brand image to consumer
taste preference. In those studies it has been found out that brand image does have an effect on
consumers taste preference. Brand image can be defined as the meaning that the consumers
identify with the product or as the sum of their understanding of the product. Brand image is the
result of impressions of consumers gained from various sources about the brand. Many factors
such as trying out the branded product, the manufacturer's reputation, product packaging, brand
name, the ad format used and its content and the type of media where the ad is presented are
among these sources. Brand image is seen as the sum of the emotional and aesthetic impressions
that occur in the consumers about the product. Various characteristics such as what that the brand
reminds, what it evokes in the eyes of the consumer as well as the buying behavior of the
consumer must be dealt with in order to determine the brand image.
Since 1950s, Brand Image becomes a significant concept for customers behavior research.
The brand image is a glass reflection of the brand personality. Keller's was proposed by Aaker
who defined that brand image is stated as a set of associations, which are organized in some
meaningful way. Brand image is developed from consumer interpretation, whether emotional or
logical. According to Hsieh, Pan, and Setiono (2004), "a successful brand image allows
consumers to recognize the needs that the brand satisfies and to distinguish the brand from its
competitors, and increases the probability that consumers will purchase the brand" (p. 252). A
companys product or services can gain a better position in the market, sustainable competitive
advantage, and increase market share (Park, Jaworski, &MacInnis, 1986).
Hence several empirical findings have confirmed that a favorable image will lead to brand equity
(Faircloth, Capella, & Alford, 2001; Biel, 1992; Aaker, 1991; Keller, 1993), loyalty (e.g. Koo,
2003; Kandampully&Suhartanto, 2000; Nguyen & LeBlanc, 1998), purchase behavior (Hsieh et
al., 2004) and brand performance (Roth, 1995). Reynolds (1965) noted that "an image is the
psychological concept established by the consumer on the basis of a few particular impressions
among the total impressions; it comes into being through an innovative process in which these
selected impressions are expanded, exaggerated, and systematic" (p. 69). Kotler (2001) defined
image as "the set of impressions, beliefs and ideas that a person holds about an object" (p. 273).
On the other hand, Keller (1993) considered brand image as "a set of perceptions related with
brand associations in consumer's memory" (p. 3). Aaker (1991) proposed a similar definition to
Keller; brand image is referred to as "a set of associations which are generally systematized in

some meaningful way" (p. 109). However Biel (1992) defined brand image as "a cluster of
associations and attributes that consumers associate to the brand name" (p. 8). Past purchasing
experiences and familiarity with the brand can generate consumer perception and can enhance
their buying decision (Aaker, 1991).
Consumer Perception and Consumer Awareness:
Many past studies have been conducted on consumer perception and consumer awareness to find
the buying pattern or behavior of consumers. Many researchers have worked on this topic to find
the answer to the problem above. Some famous research findings are given here.


Brand Image



Sample Selection:
We have taken a sample of 100 employees of different industries to collect data about the topic.
The data collected is reliable and authentic and serves its purpose. Sample was selected with a
help of quota sampling (10 questionnaires per industry).
A self-administered survey was done for the collection of data. The purpose of the study and the
importance of the study were explained to the employees. We gave out 120 questionnaires to the

students but only 100 came out reliable and authentic. So, the data of these 100 students were
The SPSS 19.0 was used for analyzing the data. The descriptive technique was used for analysis.
The data was entered into the SPSS software and frequency table technique was applied to it to
get the result.

Result and discussion:

When we analyzed the data we find some interesting results, these results are given below:
Hypothesis 1:
Hypothesis 1 states that brand image serves as a dominant factor in shaping consumer taste
preference. Brand image is present in the initial decisions when choosing a brand. The
hypothesis is thoroughly tested with survey questionnaires filled out by different business
employees and customers. About 90% of the respondents agree that they prefer brands that have
a good overall image in the market. Only 10% respondents either disagreed with the above
statement or are not sure about what they want. So, we can conclude from these arguments that
people are more likely to choose brands that they have knowledge about. Brand image can have
positive and negative effects on consumers taste preference.
In other words, we can say that if a brand has a good image, consumers taste preference is more
likely to be positively influenced by this. If a brand has bad image, it will negatively influence
consumers taste preference. We can take example of Apple whose sales declined after it was
revealed that Apple has offshore companies out of USA. This news hit the market like fire and
badly affected the image of Apple. This is a practical example which shows that consumers are
more likely to choose brands with a good name or image.
The respondents who disagreed with our concept of brand image effecting consumers taste
preference said that they prefer brands that have attractive packing. The respondents saying that
they prefer packaging over brand image are only 5% of the total respondents but this reveals that
people who dont go for brands with a good image are more likely to go for brands with better

brand image serves as a dominant factor in shaping consumer taste preference



Valid Percent





Not sure








Strongly Disagree







Strongly Agree





This is a table which shows the analyzed data of our respondents. We took survey from 100
people out of which 75% people strongly agreed to our statement and 15% people somewhat
agreed to the statement. Therefore, the total percentage of respondents agreed becomes 90%.
Around only 5% respondents are not sure about this hypothesis; 3% respondents strongly
disagreed to our statement and 2% of the respondents are those who somehow disagreed. These
results clearly show that brand image is a crucial factor which can influence consumer taste
preference both positively and negatively.

Hypothesis 2:
Hypothesis 2 states that brand awareness creates higher expectation in customers and thats why
it influences consumers taste preference. Brand awareness is the first step in consumers
decision making process. Consumers like to have knowledge of brands they purchase or use and
are more likely to go for brands which they have knowledge about. This hypothesis creates a
relationship between brand awareness and consumer taste preference and tries to find out how
brand awareness influences consumer taste preference. The hypothesis was examined by
surveying some real customers of different brands. The results were same as we expected them
to be. Around 80% of the respondents believe that they have taste for brands that they know
about and only 20% of the respondents disagreed with this statement. People who believe that

brand awareness influences taste preferences, say that brand awareness can positively impact on
consumers taste preference. Simply, we can say that when a person is left with a choice of
choosing between a known brand and an unknown brand, the person will more likely choose the
known brand.

brand awareness creates higher expectation in customers and thats why it influences
consumers taste preference

Strongly Agree



Valid Percent







Not sure









Strongly Disagree








The table shows results of our collected data for this hypothesis. Its shown that 65% of the
respondents strongly agree with our statement and 15% respondents somehow agree to our
statement. Interestingly, only 10% of the people are not sure about this. Around 7% of the
respondents disagreed with the statement and 3% strongly disagree with our statement.

Hypothesis 3:
Hypothesis 3 states that consumer perceptions work to make brand image better and influence
consumer taste preference. Consumer perceptions shape the image of the brand and with the help
of positive word of mouth, can also improve brand name. This hypothesis makes a relationship
between consumer perception and consumer taste preference. This hypothesis states that there is
a positive relation between these two variables. Consumer perceptions can create high
expectations in consumers mind and in-turn can influence the taste preferences of consumers.

We have examined this hypothesis by asking real customers of brands about what they think
about the relationship and how consumer perceptions shape consumer taste preference. The
results were according to our expectations as most of the respondents agreed to the point that
consumer perceptions positively influence consumers taste preference. Around 90% of the
respondents believe that consumer perceptions are major factors in shaping consumers taste
preferences and can positively influence the taste preference. Only 10% of the respondents are
those who believe that consumers perceptions can have negative or no impact on consumers
taste preferences.
These results prove that positive consumer perceptions increase expectations which in-turn
influence taste preference in consumers and negative perceptions result in low expectation which
in-turn cause change in taste of consumers.
consumer perceptions work to make brand image better and influence consumer taste


Valid Percent





Not sure








Strongly Disagree







Strongly Agree






The above given table shows the results for this hypothesis. Around 80% respondents strongly
agreed with the statement and 10% somewhat agreed with the statement. Around 3% respondents
are not sure about this statement and 5% disagreed with the statement. Only 2% respondents
strongly opposed our hypothesis.

The results are in accordance with our expectations and support our hypothesis. The research was
successfully implemented and thats why it achieved the goals and objectives for which it was
being pursued. From the above results we concluded the following:

1. Brand image sure has an impact on consumer taste preference it can both positively and
negatively influence consumer taste preference. The positive brand image will result in
shaping taste of consumers towards your brand and vice versa.
2. Consumer awareness is a crucial part in consumers choosing process it can influence
the consumers taste preference.
3. Consumer perceptions create a sense of high expectations and in-turn can influence
consumers taste preference. Consumer perceptions can influence consumer taste
preference both positively and negatively. These can shape the taste preference of
consumers towards your brand.
These conclusions show that this research achieved what it was being pursued for.


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In order to research on the topic Impact of corporate identity on corporate

branding, we would like to find out your opinions about the topic. Please
take a few minutes to answer the following questions. Your honest opinions,
comments and suggestions are extremely important for us.

Brand Image






y Agree



brand image refers to the overall
understanding of the brand in
consumers mind
consumer taste preference is shaped
through brand image
Brand image has a positive effect on
consumer taste preference
Brand image is formed by consumer
awareness and consumer perception
Consumer awareness
Consumer awareness refers to the
extent to which customers are familiar
with the product
consumer awareness helps brand image
to influence consumer taste preference
Consumer awareness can improve
brands image
Consumer awareness positively impacts
consumer taste preference
Consumer awareness negatively affects
consumer taste preference
Consumer perception
Consumer perception refers to the
overall expectation of customers from a
product or a brand
consumer perception helps in making
brands image
Consumer perception has a positive
impact on Brands image
Consumer perception negatively affects
brand image
Consumer perceptions
consumer taste preferences



Consumer perception can make

customers loyal to the brand

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