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Bicycle Crunch: Lie down with your back pressed onto the floor. Bring your hands
behind your head. Starting with your legs bent at a 45-degree angle, bring the right
knee into the chest while straightening out your left leg. At the same time, rotate
your top half so your left elbow goes to your right knee, then switch to the other
side. Repeat for one minute, three times a day.
The Boat: Sit on the floor, with your knees bent and feet flat and tilt back,
extending your legs so your body forms a right angle. Pull your abs in to balance.
Extend your arms at shoulder height past your knees. Hold for five slow breaths and
return to your starting position. Repeat five times a day.
The Plank: Lie face down then lift yourself up on to your toes and forearms, with
your elbows bent at 90 degrees. Keeping your core muscles - your stomach and
bottom tight and your legs straight, hold for 10 seconds. Repeat three times a
day, gradually building to 40 seconds each.
1. Wall Push-Ups
Stand about 3 feet away from a wall and lean forward, placing your hands shoulderwidth apart against the wall. Bend your elbows and bring your chest toward the wall
(your heels may come off the floor), then push away until your arms are straight
again. Repeat 10 times.
TONES: Chest muscles, to keep your upper body lifted
2. Scapula Squeeze
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your elbows and keep arms up, with
palms facing out (to form a W with your upper body). Then pull your shoulders back
and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold for 3 seconds and release. Repeat
10 times.
TONES: Upper-back muscles, to prevent slouching
Reverse Crunch
Lie on your back on a mat, and place your hands behind your head. Bend your
knees and lift your feet off the floor, pointing your toes toward the ceiling.

Contract your abs and curl up your tailbone, slightly lifting your lower back off the
mat. Return to starting position, and repeat for 1 minute.
Trainer tip: Raise and lower your tailbone slowly to best target your lower abs.

Side Twist - A
A. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Raise both arms
out to your sides and bend elbows to 90 degrees, pointing your fingertips toward
the ceiling. Extend your left foot to the side, and twist your torso so your left arm
is in front of you and your right arm is behind you.
Slide Twist - B
B. Twist your torso back toward the left, and raise your left knee toward your
chest. Continue thismotion for 45 seconds, then switch sides and repeat.
Trainer tip: Keep your abs tight throughout the move.

PLANKING LIKE THE TAEKWONDO STYLE (30 seconds 2 to 3 reps)



Lie on your back flat on the floor and relax.

Raise your left leg then hold.
Raise your right after then hold.
Raise both legs and hold for 15 sec
Rotate spine both left and right
Lie on your stomach then lift your left leg and hold it
Then your right leg.
Try to bend your head then try to reach it using your feet while lying on your
9. Then sit Indian style and relax.

1. Mountain Pose stand straight

2. Raised Arms Pose -

Barry Stone
Inhale and bring your arms up and
over your head. This is your basic
morning stretch, but you are focusing
on keeping the good alignment you
established in mountain pose,
particularly staying grounded in the
heels and keeping your shoulders
moving away from your ears at the
same time that you reach up through
your fingertips. Your gaze can come up
to the hands, which can be shoulder's
width apart or palms touching.
3. Standing Forward Bend Uttanasana

Barry Stone
Exhale and fold over your legs into a
forward bend. If the hamstrings feel a
little tight at first, bend the knees so
that you can release your spine. Let
the head hang heavy. Slowly
straighten the legs if you like but keep
the head hanging. The feet can be
touching or hip's distance apart,
whichever feels better.
4. Garland Pose - Malasana

Barry Stone
Move your feet out to the edges of
your mat and bend your knees,
coming into a squat. The toes may
turn out if necessary. If your heels do
not reach the floor, take a rolled up
blanket under them. This is a position
that is quite natural for children but
we lose the knack for it as adults. It's
great for the hips and to counteract
the effects of too much sitting in
chairs and riding in cars. It's also a
very useful pose.

5. Lunge Pose

6. Plank Pose

Barry Stone
After your second lunge, step the left
foot back so that it is next to the right
foot at the back of your mat. This is
the classic preparation for a push-up.
Stay five breaths here while making
sure that your hips do not drop too low
or rise too high. If your elbows tend to
hyperextend, microbend them. Bring
your knees down if necessary. After
five breaths, release your knees to the
mat and come back to sit on your
heels, resting for a moment.
7. Staff Pose

Barry Stone
On an exhalation, bring your torso
over your legs in a forward bend. Your
hamstrings should be warmer now
than when you did your standing
forward bend earlier. Work with your
breath, lengthening the spine on each
inhale and deepening your forward
fold on each exhale. Stay for five
breaths, keeping the feet flexed.
9. Head to Knee Pose - Janu

Barry Stone
Come back up to sit and bend your left
leg, bringing the sole of the left foot
inside your right thigh. Use the same
technique described above to deepen
the pose using your breath. After five
breaths, sit up and switch legs.
10. Happy Baby Pose - Ananda

Barry Stone
After catching your breath, swing your
legs around so that they are
outstretched in front of you. This is the
seated equivalent of mountain pose, in
that it seems very simple but has a lot
going on. The legs stay strong with the
feet flexed. The shoulders stack over
the hips so that the spine is long and
straight. The arms may be straight or
slightly bent.
8. Seated Forward Bend Paschimottanasana

Barry Stone
Lie down on your back and hug your
knees into your chest. Then separate
your knees and bring each ankle
directly over its knee so that the shins
are perpendicular to the floor. Flex
your feet and hold onto them from the
outside as your draw your knees
downward. Roll side to side a bit on
your sacrum if it feels good. This is a
position that is familiar to anyone with
children. Resist the urge to put your
toes in your mouth. After five breaths,

stretch your legs out on the floor and

Cobra (5-10 sec)

Super Cobra (5-10 sec)

The Table

Cat Stretch

The Bow Down

The Yawn

Basic Leg Stretch

The Bridge

Super Stretch

Hands on the Head Bow Down

Wall Stretch (tiptoe)

Hanging (on a bar)

Amateur Stage (3 Exercises)

In the Amateur Stage, there are a total

of 3 different exercises that are
designed to warm up your body in
preparation for the more advanced
Straight Leg Up

and tougher exercises in the later

Recommended Directions:

Touch Toes

Twice A Day once after waking up,

once before going to bed

Two Straight Legs Up

7 consecutive days before

advancing to the Intermediate Stage
2 Additional weeks concurrently with

The Down Hill

the Intermediate Stages Exercises


Exercises in this stage should be

able to be completed within 15


Rest your body weight on your

elbows and upper back

With legs up in the air, rotate

your legs in a cycling motion

Without further ado, lets move on to

Pedal for 60 seconds

the exercise instructions! Each set of

exercise is given a unique name to
help you to remember them clearer.

3. The Butterfly

1.Turning Log


Lie down in bed


edges of the bed with your arms

and legs

Stretch your arms out to as far

as you can

Roll around in bed by twisting

and turning your body in every

Stretch your arms out

horizontally (perpendicular to your

Stretch your arms and legs as

much as you can.Try to reach the

Stand Up with your heels

Rotate arms in clockwise

direction Do not bend your elbows

Repeat in the other direction

possible direction

Stretch every joint and muscles


2.Air Bicycle

While in bed, place your hands

on your hips

Lift legs and lower torso into air

(90 or perpendicular to the bed)

* Do this rotation set for about 8 times

to loosen up the shoulder joints.
After the first stage, you should be
able to notice better posture. Initially
for the first few days, there might be a
slight tingly pain in the back
(especially if youre not used to this

kind of stretches). However, the pain

Only do 5 out of the 10 exercises

should not persist for a long period.

each day.

Should the pain persist, please stop

4. Ballerina

the exercises immediately and seek

medical consultation.

Grab a chair and stand upright

behind it with your feet together

Intermediate Stage (10 Exercises)

and hands holding onto the back of

Even though your body has warmed
up by doing the Amateur Exercises,

the chair

your body is still not conditioned to

the stretches and strain in the

Straighten your arms and make

sure your elbow isnt bent

Lift your right leg backwards

muscles. The exercises in this stage

slowly to as high as possible(you

are to help your body get used to the

can lean your body forward while

stretching and help you complete the

holding on to the chair for support)

next stage easier.

Hold the possible for at least 5

seconds and slowly bring it back

Recommended Directions:
You may start doing the exercises in


the Intermediate Stage only after

completing at least one full week (7

Repeat Step 3 4 for the other


Repeat Step 3 5 for 10 times.

consecutive) days of the exercises in

the Amateur Stage.
Once a day

5. Chicken Wing

Lie down on your back on the


One cycle: 21 days

Lift your right leg up

Bend your leg and bring your

knee to your chin

Grab your leg with both hands

and stretch (inhale as you go along)

below the knee

Pull your knee to your neck

With your knee touching your

neck, hold that position for 8 counts

Lower arms by bring it forward

slowly back to original position as

You may lift your head but your

shoulders should not leave the floor

Pull your body upwards as far

as you can go while tip-toeing

(take a deep breath here)

Tip Toe as you raise your arm

you lower you heels to the ground

Repeat Step 1 6 for 1 minute

Repeat Step 1 6 for 2 minutes

Repeat Step 1 6 for 3 minutes

Slowly release your leg and go

*The same set of action is done for 3

back to the starting position (slowly

times for a different duration each

exhale here)

time you do a set, you do it for 1

Repeat Step 2 8 with the other

minute more.


Repeat Step 2 9 for 10 times

6. Tip Toe Stretches

7. Rocking Horse

the floor

Stand upright with knees and

heels touching; keep your arms at

Raise arms forward and

off the ground

Raise your arms over your head

with the palms facing outwards and
the knuckles touching

Bend your body in a way that

your head, shoulder and legs are all


Place your hands behind your

back with fingers interlocked.

the sides

Lie down on your stomach on

Maintain the position and slowly

rock your body forward and

backwards for a few counts then

Repeat Step 2 & 3 for 10 times.


Repeat the set of actions (Step

Repeat this rocking motion for 5

2 4) for 10 times with a 1 minute


break in between each set.

Stretch both arms out in front of

*Please take note to do this action

you, with palms touching the floor

Raise right leg upwards without

slowly so as not to strain your muscles

or injure them in the process.

bending the knee. Hold position for

8 counts.

Lower the leg slowly and repeat

9. Hip-py Thrust

Step 7 for the other leg.

back and hands below your

Repeat Step 7 8 for 5 times.

*At any point of time, while doing this


Bend your knees and leave only

your toes touching the floor.

exercise, if you feel tired, take a break

before continuing

Lie Flat on the floor on your

Lift your hip upwards and

support yourself with your hand,


palms down.

Stand upright with your arms

over your head and thumbs hooked.

the weight will be on your shoulder

Without lifting your heels,

stretch your body and bend as far

Arch your body in a way that

and toes.

Slowly lower your hips back to

as you can towards your right (in

the original position and straighten

the shape of a rainbow)

your legs slowly to release the

Return to the starting position

and stretch towards your left.


Repeat the set, Step 1 5, for

another 10 times.

Stand upright with your feet

apart and palms on the back of your

*Each time you repeat the set; try to

arch your body more and more so as

to stretch your body to the maximum.

of your legs slowly

10. The Thinker

palm must not leave your leg.

Lean forward slowly and bring

Wrap your arms around your

knees and pull them towards you.

Release leg slowly and return to

initial position.

Repeat Step 1 4 for 5 times.

11. The Bow Down

Try to bend your body

backwards as far as you can

your knees up to your chest

Slide you hands down the back

of your legs slowly

contact area when stretching.

Place your palms on your


and the edge of the seat. Your back

and buttocks should be the only two

Slowly return to starting


between your body and the chair

should only be the top of the chair

Try to reach as far as you can

without bending your knees your

Straighten your body on a chair

and stretch; the only contact point

Slide your hands down the side

Repeat Step 1-7 for 5 times,

*Please bear in mind for this exercise,
do not rush through it and stretch
slowly in case you pull a muscle.

12. Back Flip

Stand upright about 24 inches

from the wall with your back facing

leg without lifting the left.

Bend your right knee and lean

the wall

Shift your weight onto your right

Stretch your arms forward and

forward as far as you can

bring it up over your head in a

smooth fashion

Touch the wall behind you with

your fingers without any other part
of your body touching the wall

Hold the position for 8 counts

Return to starting position

Repeat Step 2 5 for 7 times.

a. use right hand to prevent yourself

from falling
b. tip toe on your left leg to be able
bend more forward

can and hold for 3 counts.

starting position.
6. Repeat Step 2 5 for the

other leg.

between you and the wall by an

additional of 3 inches everyday.

5. Slowly move back to the

* IMPORTANT: When you do this

exercise, increase the distance

4. Lean forward as much as you

7. Repeat Step 1 5 for 5 times.

Advanced Stage (4 Exercises)

However, be careful not to injure your

back by pushing yourself way over
your limit.
13. Leaning Human Tower

By now you should have noticed some

slight changes in your body, you might
have already gained some inches, if
you hadnt dont panic and continue

Stand upright with your legs

on results will show in a matter of

spread apart; right leg in front of


the left

After going through the first two

stages, your body is now in a better

condition and much more accustomed

Shift your weight onto your right

to the pulls and stretches. Now, you

foot and raise your right hand

can do more rigorous training to grow

forward (leveled with your

that extra height.


Recommended Directions:

Bend your right knee and reach

for the floor as far away as possible

You may start doing the exercises in

the Advanced Stage only after

* Use your right hand to support

completing the full set of exercises in

yourself from falling over.

Amateur Stage & Intermediate Stage.

The previous two stages should have

these while, you can tip toe but

taken 4 weeks.

your leg must not leave the floor.

Once a day for 7 consecutive days.

One cycle: 7 days
Do all 4 exercises every day.

Hold the position for 8 counts.

Return to the starting position


Exercises should take 30 45

minutes to complete

Your left leg must be straight all

Reverse the legs and do the


Alright, lets move on to the exercises!

14. Three-Legged

Stand upright with arms at your

15. Touch Toes


Move your left foot backwards

for about 10 15

Perform this set for 10 times.

Stand upright with legs apart

and hands on hip.

Try to reach for your left toe

with your right hand without

bending your knees your left hand

should stay on your hip.

Reach for your left toe with your

right hand and hold for 8 counts.

Hold the position for 8 counts.

Return to initial position.

Change sides (reach for your

Reach for your right toe with

right toe with your left hand).

Hold the position for 8 counts.

Repeat the set 10 times.

your left hand and hold for 8 counts.

Return to initial position.

Do this second set 5 times too.

The purpose for this exercise is to

17. Monkey Swing

stretch as much as you can, so you

should always try to go as low as
16. Sit N Reach

This exercise is aimed to reduce the

pressure on your spine and to stretch
and straighten your spine.
* Requires high vertical bars. You can

Sit on the floor upright with your

try to replace them with the door

legs stretched out (90)

ledge or something similar please

Reach for your toes with both

make sure that the bars are stable

hands (if possible, try to touch your

and can withstand heavy weight.

leg with your head too)

Hold the position for 8 counts.

Return to initial position.

your legs must be straightened

and not touching the ground.

Do this first set 5 times.

Spread your legs apart (V

Grip the bar and hang in mid air

Swing forward and backwards

Do this set for as long as your


body can handle

Repeat a few times.

* Be careful not to overexert yourself,

take a rest when your arms feel tired.

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