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Chapter Five

Washington, D.C., National Security Council Briefing room

President Douglass stepped briskly into the room acknowledging greetings with sh
ort, quick nods. Douglass sat heavily in his accustomed chair and began speaking
without any preamble, "Ladies and Gentlemen, this De Beers situation is getting
out of hand. Overnight, the Syrians expelled the British legation. British Prim
e Minister Yarborough is screeching like a scalded cat. He is also asking the US
to join Great Britain in sanctions against Syria."
There were murmurs around the table but since everyone already knew about what t
he President just announced, no one voiced anything louder. Obviously the other
shoe was yet to drop. They did not have to wait long.
President Douglass took a sip of water and contemplated those around him.
"Such an action would not place any great hardship on Syria and could only serve
to increase tensions in the Middle East. However, we may not have much choice.
Yarborough is adamant in his complaints that your President
has been less than vigorous in support of the British position. Tit for tat. Tit
for God damned tat people! Implications are that if we don't play ball now, the
British and the Dutch may not intercede on our behalf in Brussels. I don't have
to tell you badly we need good trade relations with the EC. The New American Re
vitalization Program's Fair Trade package recently made into law and the Equal O
wnership package, now before Congress, are meaningless without European Communit
y cooperation."
Several persons started to make some comment but faltered in the face of Douglas
s's hard set lines. Horton Timmons, National Security Advisor, also made slight
head motions suggesting the President be allowed to finish before any raisings o
f question.
Samuel waited for silence to supplant various noises in the room before continui
ng, "As all of you know, I have repeatedly sought the assistance of the Soviets
and the Japanese in calming the Mid-East situation. Each time I stressed the nee
d for the Syrians to return to a more reasonable and productive stance in the De
Beers/CMR dispute. Each time the responses I received were either non sequitur
or some ridiculous conundrum. A courteous affront is still an affront, people."
Douglass paused for effect and took another sip of water. Everyone sensed Samuel
's stated grievances were not part of a didactic spiel but were leading to a Pre
sidential resolve.
"Cockamamie circumspection is not my long suit as most of you know. I concluded
that a more direct, albeit somewhat contentious, approach was warranted. Pursuan
t to that determination, I then impressed upon Prime Minister Moritama the delic
ate nature of current US-Japanese trade negotiations. My intent was to conjure u
p in his mind months of difficult progress placed in jeopardy by the continued u
nrest in the Mid-East; an unrest in his power to alleviate. Similarly, I spoke w
ith President Tukakov and indicated possible foreign aid negotiation slowdowns s
hould the Russians continue their nonchalance regarding Syrian actions. Prime Mi
nister Moritama and President Tukakov remain intransigent, however. I have asked
and asked again. I have warned. It would appear it's time for some gristle."
Most of those not already jotting notes reached now for pad and pen.
"Today your President will propose to Congress that this nation join with Great
Britain in limited sanctions against Syria. Threats made and the specter of terr
orism promoted by Syria cannot remain unanswered while the
spirit of international free trade is heinously oppressed by ruthless collaborat
ors. Additionally, I have instructed the Secretary of Commerce to announce a pos
tponement of further trade agreement talks with the Japanese government. He is t
o also announce an expected delay in concluding a foreign aid package for the Ru
ssians. Interested parties will be so informed by the State Department in a matt
er of minutes. If you have comments pertinent to those pronouncements, now is th
e time.â
Vice President Elizabeth Rivera posed the first question, "Mr. President, since
you did not mention military preparedness, are we agreed that there is insuffici
ent cause for military intervention at this time? I feel it necessary to reitera
te there have been no reported terrorist movements and no foreign army mobilizat
ions following the Syrian proclamations."
Douglass turned to Martin Delany, Secretary of Defense, and said, "Martin, pleas
e fill everyone in on our current military posture."
"Certainly, Mr. President." Switching on and speaking into a small microphone, M
artin requested an area map projection of the western Pacific on the screening w
all. Placing a pointer light on the Hawaiian Islands, Martin began his discourse
, "As I am sure most of you are aware, the National
Earthquake Institute is predicting a western Pacific earthquake of staggering pr
oportions. The southern half of the Hawaiians is tagged as the probable epicente
r. The projected magnitude of this event ranges from very strong to calamitous.
Worse, the destructive potentials enumerated by NEI from collateral earthquakes
in the Pacific Rim, Polynesian and Papuan areas are appalling. We could have a d
omino effect such as man has never witnessed. From Japan to northern Australia,
stretches a thousand-mile wide belt of potentially incredible destruction. The r
isk is so great that Air Force and Navy forces are redeploying to areas outside
the danger zone."
Martin cleared his throat and paused to enable everyone to consider the import o
f the threat presented by NEI's analysis. Martin next moved his light beam to th
e Marshall Islands area, then on to Auckland and finally to the Indian Ocean, ho
me of the secret US base Diego Garcia.
"Map locations I've just pointed to are the major redeployment selections of our
military. A small contingent of the naval group that will relocate to Diego Gar
cia will proceed on to join US naval forces currently south of the Red Sea."
Martin whispered into the mike again and the projection changed to a
depiction of the Middle East, centering on the Red Sea area.
Vice President Rivera spoke again, "Are not our forces in the area already appro
priately sized for the situation as we now see it? Additionally, are not British
and French warships nearby for any concerted action needs that might arise?"
The Defense secretary replied, "Yes, to both questions, Madam Vice President. A
small task force led by the USS Hornet is on station with two British destroyers
and one French missile frigate. Our thinking now is that this is a perfect oppo
rtunity to reinforce US presence in that region as part of an overall redeployme
nt away from the threatened Pacific area. A force increase in this manner may no
t be construed as threatening as would normally be the case."
President Douglass interjected here, "But it will not be ignored, either. Additi
onal ships will serve to substantiate a new intolerance to fitful Syrian abeyanc
Rivera countered, "Or it may unnecessarily escalate a tenuous situation into som
ething none of us want, a breakout of armed hostilities. Mr. President, I
for one must ask you to postpone any precipitous moves until we reexamine our op
tions. I feel a closer inspection of motives, both ours and others, will dissuad
e you from such provocative actions."
"Elizabeth, as always I value your counsel and your objections are noted, but .
. . there are times when if you let a fire get too out hand you end with a confl
agration that consumes everyone and everything around it. I believe, this is one
of those times. Now people, it's time. Please brief your department heads and s
tay handy. Things should start hopping shortly. Thank you all for attending."
Office of the Attorney General
Lydia Hardcastle was pacing furiously behind her desk. Seated in front of the de
sk, Crystal pretended interest in her notes. She was awaiting an opportune momen
t to redirect the conversation to productive reasoning in lieu of more outbursts
and digressions. Crystal actually had little more to contribute on the subject
supposedly under discussion; i.e., where or who is the perfidious leak? Who or w
hat was subverting trade negotiations and benefiting foreign nationals in merger
and buy-out agreements involving
American businesses? If anything, Crystal's search for the leak had led her inve
stigation toward sources outside the Attorney General's office. Someone who work
ed closely with AGO, had access to AGO files but was not an AGO employee. Crysta
l correctly assumed, that should she tell Ms. Hardcastle that little tidbit, Lyd
ia would self-righteously and spitefully set out to wreak vengeance on the State
Department, perhaps prematurely. One thing was certain. Lydia Hardcastle was go
ing to have someone's ass on a stick roasting over an open flame. If Crystal did
not make a substantive finding soon, Lydia was going to pick her own candidate,
guilty or not.
Finally, Lydia halted her stalking laps and faced Crystal - head lowered, eyes s
moldering and arms crossed. Crystal would swear later that thunder accompanied H
ardcastle's pronouncement.
"Madam Bramble, you have thirty-six hours to produce the mother-fucker leaking i
nformation from this office. Better yet, find the slimy bastard's lair somewhere
else. If you cannot flush this scumbag son-of-a-bitch, I will personally clean
this fucking office from top to bottom . . . and I will not be picky about where
I start. Read my lips, Bramble. Come back in my office in thirty-six hours with
something I can use or don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out! M
eeting adjourned!"
Crystal locked eyes with Lydia and held it until Lydia flinched and angrily turn
ed away. The deepening flush on the back of the Attorney General's neck was sati
sfaction enough and Crystal left, dignity intact.
The investigation had so far been discreet but thorough. Documents of a sensitiv
e nature were carefully logged. Copies were numbered and coated with an emulsifi
er that blackened any page exposed to very bright lights, such as with copiers a
nd camera flashes. Documents could be photographed using infra-red film and not
leave tell-tale blackouts and that was how Crystal thought the information was g
etting out. It would be virtually impossible to place infra-red sensors in every
office but key offices and secretarial vestibules were another matter. Where th
ere were senior secretaries, whole squadrons of cabinets brimming with confident
ial material abounded.
There was the possibility of computer pilfering. A careful study of user logins,
cross-referenced to file selections concerning trade and/or pending mergers or
buy-outs with foreign nationals, had revealed no discernible pattern. The disket
tes used on office PC equipment were encoded for use on only one machine. An AGO
personal computer would not write to a disk not
specified for a particular unit and all encoding of diskettes was under the cont
rol of the main computer - each encoded diskette logged and subject to periodic
examination by the central system. It drove the secretaries crazy when the main
unit interrupted with a demand to insert such-and-such diskette for verification
. Faced with a PC that refused to function until the big BOSS machine was happy,
the secretaries complied but not without suggesting some marvelously inventive
things to do with BOSSâ s wirings.
Since originals were tightly secured after copying and numbered copies never lef
t the building without a trail an eight year old could follow, photographic repl
ication presented an obvious avenue of escape. By Monday morning the sensors wou
ld be on guard and then, to quote Crystal's thoughts, "Hell, let the bitch bewar
The White House Oval Office
The President's National Security Advisor was one of the two persons who could s
ee the nation's leader without an appointment. Horton Timmons did so now. Samuel
, we have a response to the Commerce Secretary's edicts. The Soviets and the Jap
anese have issued a joint communiqué that promises exacting repercussions shoul
d the US abrogate trade consultations or foreign
aid agreements with either party. Here, read it yourself, " and Horton placed a
copy in front of Douglass. After scanning the printout once and then carefully r
ereading for full comprehension, President Douglass asked his chief advisor, "Ha
ve we asked for a clarification on 'exacting repercussions'?"
"Yes sir'" Horton answered. "Their separate replies were identical and almost in
stantaneous. Obviously they were expecting us to question that." Horton handed D
ouglass a second page with only four typed words.
Douglass read the message and exploded, "What the Hell? Are they insane or what?
" The words read 'Exacting repercussions is correct'. "They are trying to pull t
he most conniving, shoddy scam in history with this crap. Better assemble the ot
hers, Horton. It promises to be a long day. Before you leave Horton, any thought
s you want to bring up beforehand?"
"Mr. President, the Soviets and the Japanese must believe we are running a bluff
. They not only called but raised audaciously. Any reaction we devise from here
on is critical. A misstep now could provoke a complete rupture in relations."
Houston, Texas
"Jamie, I just had to call and give you the good news." Leigh Roper had another
reason to call her friend Jamie Graddison, but that would come out later. "Yes,
my dear, sweet, devious partner, I bear glad tidings. Guess who called to set an
appointment for interview with moi?"
Jamie, wife of Senator Graddison, had only time to breathe out a small, "Who, de
"Why, that precious little ol' man from CNN you seated me by at that bountiful r
epast you and the good Senator hosted Wednesday last."
Mrs. Graddison managed only, "Congratulations to television's newest sensation m
y . . ., " before Leigh raced on.
"Here's the best part. They are considering me for an evening slot, not daytime,
not the wee hours but prime time darling!"
"Well, I always said your butt was prime cut, sweetie. Congratulations again. Wh
en is this momentous occasion scheduled Leigh?"
"Monday next, can you believe it? If that goes well, in Atlanta I mean, I go to
D.C. for a second interview with that bureau. Wouldn't I just pee my knickers if
I wound up in Washington? I really want a field job in D.C. over desk duty in A
tlanta but whatever, I'm about to bust."
"Burst, sweetie, " laughed Jamie. " Let's work on that grammar. We wouldn't want
to burst that CNN bubble with too much Tex-ass twang and slang. Whatever happen
s, and I'm sure it will be wonderful, you best stop by and visit before you retu
rn home."
"It's a date, Jamie. Anyway, I need to find someone in Washington who can fill i
n the blanks on a certain tough Admiral who's been noticed up to strange doingâ s i
n strange places."
"Which Admiral is that? " queried Jamie.
"Admiral Thomas T. Bramble. You know him?"
"Vaguely, Leigh. Umm, perhaps you should introduce yourself to one of our nation
's finest up and coming Assistant Attorneys General while you visit."
"What on earth are you rambling on about, Jamie? Assistant Attorney General? Who
? Why?"
"I believe her name is Crystal Medearis. Crystal Bramble Medearis is the frequen
tly ignored daughter of one Admiral Thomas T. Bramble. You will find that Mrs. M
edearis is smart, direct to the edge of rudeness, well informed and in disagreem
ent with almost all of her father's mutterings. I believe you will find her a de
lightful and informative experience, Leigh."
"Who can believe your encyclopedic memory? You are amazing! Do you know everyone
who works or ever has worked for the government? Don't answer that. I'm paying
for this call and you may start reading the D.C. blue pages to me and putting na
mes with titles. You're scary, but I love ya girl. Thanks for the tip and wish m
e luck."
Leigh listened to her friend say goodbye and then hung up feeling very content.
Admiral Bramble was the primary impetus behind the call to Jamie and again her f
riend had revealed a remarkable solution to a vexing problem. God bless Jamie Gr
addison and her meticulously cataloged reference guide to the rich and powerful,
all bundled up behind the
disarming smile of a beautiful, gracious Washington hostess.
Spring, Texas (north of Houston)
The Sunday teleconference with Admiral Bramble was postponed until tomorrow and
Neal Palmer did not relish an entire day spent in dissection of minute details w
ith the talented Dr. Miriam Goodman. Anyway the latest seismic readings from Jap
an would not arrive in Houston before midnight at the earliest. Neal hoped the l
atest readings would amplify his earlier findings and serve to convince a stubbo
rn Dr. Goodman of the grave dangers facing the inhabitants of those islands. Nea
l had occasionally encountered Miriam on various Far East consults and generally
considered her a good hand. Easy to listen to as she explained her data, and ab
solutely easy to look at, Professor Goodman could get tough if a project fell be
hind or failed to stay on course. If Neal's data was not bang-on, Miriam would n
ot waste a millisecond in consideration of a threat to Japan.
For now, Neal would relax and enjoy his favorite hobby - ambling and rambling th
e antiquing byways. He was forever on the watch for an opportunity to expand his
collection of early American Art Pottery. Earlier this year, Neal had bequeathe
d a superb example of Newcomb College
pottery to a close female colleague who retired to New Mexico to begin her great
American novel. The pot had been dear to Neal's heart but the colleague was als
o special, and that made for a good match.
Browsing the Spring Antique Mall, near Old Town Spring, Neal started when a hand
lightly grasped his elbow. He was astounded by the voice that ensued. The voice
belonged to Leigh Roper.
"Excuse me, Dr. Palmer. I did not expect to see you so soon, and before you star
t yelling for me to go straight to Hell and scaring the Be Jesus out of all thes
e good people, please allow me to apologize for my rude and unseemly behavior in
your office Friday . . . please?"
Neal was amazed and perplexed by the lovely and contrite visage of Ms. Leigh, Le
e-Roy, Roper. "However did you find me Ms. Roper? Do I give off some kick-the-do
g scent and you followed it for a bit of verbal mischief to perk up a slow day?"
"I did not FIND you, " flared Lee-Roy. Leigh quickly suppressed the anger to exp
anded nostrils and zipping violet flakes in otherwise blue green eyes. Leigh had
resumed control. "I happen to collect Flo-Blue china. It makes for
spectacular wall smashes you know." The flashing eyes were mocking now. "Anyway,
the owners here called about a piece I've been searching for to complete a grou
ping. I did not expect you to be here and I positively did not expect you to be
such a rotten grudge holder!"
"Wait, wait . . . please! Apology and explanation accepted, Ms. Roper. Shall we
try first names and see if that soothes our savage breasts?"
"Terrific idea . . . Neal. New names, a fresh start and loads of 'tiquing talk o
ver mildly invigorating beverages. Any interest Neal, prudently cautious of cour
"Leigh, in your company I remember being wonderfully frightened on my first roll
er coaster ride. So, with quaking knees and a racing heart I accept, but I warn
you . . . I can be exasperatingly picky about my choice of beverages."
"Not to worry, Sir Quivering Armor. My humble, but quaint lodgings, are replete
with Rolling Rock and Newcastle beer. For those quieter, lighter moments you sha
ll have genuine Kona coffee."
Neal, breathing out a little more strongly than intended, took in a solid lungfu
l and congratulated Leigh on her subject research. He also ruefully hoped she ha
d not uncovered all of his likes and dislikes and other personal traits and triv
ia that comprised the best part of male mystery.
Eyes very wide in innocence but with twitching at the corners of her full mouth,
Leigh went on to enumerate Neal's hat, shoe, shirt and trouser sizes. The list
was remarkable in that Neal had not worn a hat since his navy days.
"Other dimensions and assorted likes and dislikes I never accept secondhand, " L
eigh stage whispered to a rapidly blushing Dr. Neal Palmer. Switching to a low b
ut more normal voice Leigh added, "My house of inquisitions also boasts a massiv
e fireplace, yet to roast anyone, and a quirky but expensive sound system I won
in a beauty contest." She then took Neal's unresisting hand and led him out into
the parking lot.
Seizing a chance to deflect any more personal inspections of Neal by Leigh, the
good Doctor asked, "What low-rate contest would dare to award you a quirky prize
"Miss Oklahoma you ditz! Don't dusty old professors even read newspapers
or gossip? Really, if you knew how hard we journalists worked to keep you inform
ed. Well, it's their life's work isn't it?" Gaining ground in friendly rejoinder
s, Neal said, "I'm afraid you caught me out, Leigh. I never could read anything
where the words had less than five syllables and I was always afraid to gossip.
Guess I thought God would whisper my secrets to Ted Turner. Sorry, but I just fl
at missed your big day."
"Very good and very quick Mr. Neal, and about time you loosened up, sweetie. Com
e on, follow this little cruiser and I'll lead you to a calm port in our stormy
Following Leigh's gold Lexus SC350 proved more of a challenge in Houston traffic
than Neal had imagined. He was prepared to drive fast but Leigh weaved in and o
ut of lanes with a practiced aplomb that he was hard pressed to duplicate. When
they finally arrived at Leigh's almost hidden apartment complex off San Jacinto,
near the Galleria, Neal had added another thirty-five minutes of jangles to his
already over-sensitized nerve fibers. He also had a compelling need to pee, usu
al for him in stressful situations - often embarrassing in frequency. With twitc
hy nerves, a bursting bladder and thoughts that ran like "Talk it up hero; still
waters run full of shit" or "this is a great opportunity for macho bonding," Dr
. Neal Palmer
followed a bouncing, swaying Ms. Leigh Roper into her web, "whenâ s the damned spid
er going to spring and how big are the fangs?â
Neal requested a bottle of Newcastle brown ale, no glass, and excused himself fo
r a much needed porcelain interlude. When he returned, he noted what a homey war
mth Leigh had created in her apartment. It was surprising he should feel so rela
xed. Settled in a great, comfy chair, near a ripping good fire (A/C also running
) and Elton John singing to him in surroundsound, Neal found himself gazing in c
ontentment at a truly stunning woman. Leigh, feet under legs in her chair, was v
ery still in over-the-rim of Chablis contemplation of this odd but nice man. Rec
ognizing his need for a bit of timeout, she looked away and leaned back, softly
humming the melody now vibrating from almost endless speakers around the room. L
eigh's change of posture appeared to expose her dual nature in the flickering fi
re light. Rapidly moving shadows alternated in highlighting and obscuring her de
licate facial structure, first strengthening then muting her profile.
Neal, holding a now empty bottle and fighting off a nicotine craving, ventured t
he first break in their silence, "Leigh, I can't tell you how pleasant this is.
I appreciate your efforts to start fresh and they seem to have worked. This pomp
ous old suit is relaxed and . . . "
"Great, " Leigh interjected, "But you cannot have a cigarette until after you ha
ve fucked me." Beaming her brightest megawatt smile, she rose and moved toward a
flabbergasted Neal with a slow and exaggerated hipswinging walk. Leigh stopped
directly in front of Neal's upturned face, and with the deliberate slowness one
uses with a tremulous and wanting puppy, brushed her lips across his partially o
pen and dry mouth. She straightened and carried with her Neal's right hand which
she gently kissed, her tongue just touching the soft areas between his knuckles
. Neal could hear her speak again from a distant place, "Let's see what other bu
bbles Peaches can burst in a soothing, warm shower, after which we can take turn
s seducing each other. You, in your best professional manner and I, in a subdued
but still wanton manner. Perhaps we will discover that the best way to ease the
hot blood between us is not to spill it but to redirect it to more interesting
and useful places. It's OK. I don't really bite . . . but I do love to suck . .
. and you are going to lose a vessel if we don't attend to that fluid rearrangem
ent pretty soon."
Caught in a slow motion vision usually associated with car crashes and professio
nal athletes, Neal watched Leigh turn and glide toward the bathroom. It was mesm
erizing to watch her clothing fall away before she
reached the first doorway. His whirling mind suddenly focused on a phrase he lea
rned from a South Korean scientist to express the unexpected, "another unbelieva
ble!". Still incredulous, Neal rose and with a new allover firmness, followed Le
igh's footprints.
The warm, almost hot water would normally have signaled the end of Neal's most p
repossessing tumescence. In company with this beautiful, frisky and soapy-wet wo
man, bent on squashing pesky bubbles with various parts of her curvaceous anatom
y, such an departure never even mildly threatened. They stepped out of the showe
r squeaky clean and as yet un-possessed. Neal and Leigh patted each other dry. P
atted because any more stimulating contact would have resulted in premature, non
-conjoined eruptions.
Back in front of the huge white fireplace and loosely intertwined on the creamy
white carpet, Neal purposed to return Leigh's initial brushed-lips kiss with dee
per ones on his own. They remained so until Leigh urged his attentions lower. As
his mouth closed on one hyper extended nipple glowing in surrounding pink puffi
ness, Leigh began a rhythmic stroking of the other reaching nipple. Her free han
d caressed Neal's hair in matching tempo. Low, heated sounds echoed each other a
s Leigh arched her back directly responding to the pressure and warmth against h
er left thigh from Neal's
straining and searching erection. Resisting a pounding urge to immediately swall
ow his hardness in her clasping vagina, Leigh instead pushed Neal's head still l
ower and began a slow spread of her legs. Revealed first to his eyes and then to
his lightly flicking tongue was the large, glistening and engorged button that
centered Leigh's passion. Neal drew the small protuberance into his mouth. That
elicited strong knee jerking tremors that fled Leigh's twisting body in a harsh
breath rush, a carrier wave for repeated meaningless and 'Oh, God' murmurings. G
ently probing the source of her fresh tasting flow, Neal barely heard Leigh whis
per, "Now lover, fuck me with that beautiful boy."
Urged by her whispered need and manifestly afraid he would not last but a moment
, Neal bit down on his tongue and somehow managed to abate a raging libido deman
ding release. But not by much. Sensing his struggles for control, Leigh surfaced
to place a restraining hand on Neal's chest and gently but firmly pushed her sw
eet, pleasing man onto his back. There she could effect tantalizing but less sti
mulating forces. She wanted to ensure he enjoyed satisfying mental as well as ph
ysical release. Teasing chest caresses, whispered love words and lightly sucking
kisses on Neal's neck and nipples allowed his churning sperm sacs to settle bac
k to a pleasant simmer. Closely watching Neal's eyes that were busy in appreciat
ion of her flushed
body and her courtesan-like skills, Leigh swung her right leg over his hips. She
curved back and licked away small rivulets of pre-moistening fluid that overflo
wed the tip of his penis. Lifting her head, Leigh then partially inserted his le
ngth in her still wet and pouty opening. Tightly drawn pupils lost in blue green
irises blazed into Neal's eyes as she settled her hips in an engulfing snare of
his fullness. With slowly circling up and down movements Leigh (and an astounde
d Lee-Roy) established a beginning canter of what would be his headlong gallop i
nto oblivion. As Neal gained on fulfillment, Leigh had one more surprise to anno
"Lover, when your little soldier is ready to fire his pearly charge, it can only
happen in one place."
Neal gritted a strangled, OK . . . but wherever that is you better start . . . m
aking . . . Oh, Lord . . . reservations."
"That place, my dear, is right between the pretty lips speaking to you now. I've
noticed you always seem enthralled with them and perhaps you won't mind too muc
"Oh, sweet blessed whatever, escaped Neal's mouth as he visualized Leigh's
words and strained to contain the no longer containable.
Leigh quickly slipped his nearly erupting erection from the grip of one set of l
ips and directed it past the other pursed pair - far back in her silky, sucking
throat. Neal half rose in orgasmic rigor as he pulsed for long, minute long, sec
onds. It seemed never ending because each time Leigh swallowed, her throat muscl
es squeezed him into more after shocks. Finally she eased her sucking grasp and
allowed his long slide to freedom and into the now freezing room air, but she wa
s hardly finished.
Leigh immediately seized the base of Neal's deflating erection with her left han
d while pulling and arching his length into a bent bow, curving toward his belly
, with her right hand. Binding strength punctuated with licks on his scrotum and
nips and nibbles at the highest points on his inner thighs brought her soldier
back to life. It took less than a minute.
"Now, lover, " as Leigh generously slathered saliva on Neal's still expanding le
ngth, "I'm going to lie on my rather full tummy and you are warmly invited to nu
zzle that nozzle where the sun don't shine."
Neal moved, after only a slight hesitation to answer "another unbelievable"
as Leigh settled her breasts and head comfortably around crossed arms. As she ga
ve a slight raise of her ample bottom to more easily welcome his entry, Leigh pr
oposed, "If the nice professor would kindly rub Peaches' neck and shoulders whil
e he is lustily sporting himself, all of us will be happy campers. If mommaâ s happ
y, you might be invited again.â
Neal hoped Peaches/Leigh could not hear his sotto voce reply, "I know this isn't
real. Iâ m going to wake up with horribly wet sheets.â
Peaches, Leigh and Lee-Roy shared a satisfied smile, sheltered by a covering arm
, as Lee-Roy silently answered Neal. The quip not quite like the one made famous
by Meg Ryan, "Get off my ass or lose me forever."
Much later, Neal lay quietly pumping carcinogens into his forty-year old lungs.
He was thinking how Leigh had for a second time taken his expulsions into hersel
f delightedly unconcerned that he and her were basically strangers. Finally he a
sked the question that had been begging, "Leigh, not that I'm complaining, I'm n
ot, but why your rule of what goes where and when?" "It's complicated for an ans
wer just now, lover." Leigh felt a rush of Adrenalin. She neither allowed a chan
ge of position nor her eyes to open as
she continued, "Can you, just please the pretty lady and please yourself for now
? Maybe later, if it's still important, I can try to explain."
Only Lee-Roy knew the whole answer. Men seemed so complaisant about seeing their
strongest male essence run down a partner's leg or pooled helplessly in soft de
pressions. Men could let their semen slide away from mute curves to penetrate un
feeling and unwelcoming sheets and feel no loss. Taking their power for granted,
males squandered it mindlessly. Only a few special women were cognizant of the
bountiful harvest possible by capturing and ingesting electric male power pulses
. For countless centuries various cultures had practiced some form of genital fe
asting on conquered foes. The ritualized eating signified an absorption of power
and virility from those providing the selected body parts. Lee-Roy's adaptation
was, to her, no more than a civilized refinement on an age-old practice. There
was a simple answer to his less than brilliant question, but it was also impossi
ble to vocalize. There was no penis envy, only power envy.
Neal accepted Leigh's deflection but a small disquiet lodged for future recall.
He put out his cigarette and drifted off into pleasant displays of colored light
s that raced around illuminating different aspects of the woman who, in waking l
ife, lay snuggled to his left side.
They stood in Leigh's foyer, Neal casting futilely for a way to express a pletho
ra of emotions in a few words. Leigh, very still, only her eyes moving, searched
his face.
"You are the most enchanting woman I've ever known," he began, "and I can hardly
bear to leave you but . . ." Truthfully, a part of Neal very much wanted to lea
ve. He needed time to sort out his feelings for this incredible Leigh Roper. Obv
iously Leigh could be dangerous, even disastrous to his life. Standing before hi
m now - beautiful, tousled and half revealed in her unbuttoned silk robe - she (
they) clutched his heart as no other had ever done. Whatever happened after toda
y, Neal sensed that the man who gave his heart to Leigh Roper would probably gat
her tatters of what he had given as his reward. He was afraid not to give and he
was afraid he had already done so. "Leigh, I don't know what I'm trying to say.
What you want and what I can give, I just don't know what . . ., " Neal went si
lent and looked away.
Leigh reached up and turning his face back to hers said, "Lover, and you are my
lover, don't! Our togetherness will work itself out, even professionally. When y
ou can, if you can, we will take what life allows. Won't we? Hey! " Leigh offere
d Neal a huge grin and held back the edges of her robe as she
continued, "But when you just feel the need for seed, I'll fold you a saddle tha
t would make Gene Autry cry, or prove to you again how nicely the lady is stump-
broke, or if you would rather, I'll cut to the juicy stuff and plant lip tracks
all over your soldier and soul-suck you to a new level of Karma."
"Jeeze Leigh," Neal exclaimed as he grabbed and held her tightly, "you are every
man's fantasy, you are incredible and you have seen Top Gun too many times."
She pulled her head back, opened her eyes widely and said, "Think so? Gee, I..."
"His name is Pork chop"
"Pork chop? Who is? Oh, that Pork chop!"
"Yeah, just something I heard once. Speaking of names, I'm sorry about the Peach
es moniker."
"Oh, I don't know. I am starting to like her. Peaches do have a wonderful shape,
don cha think, " and Leigh flipped her robe again to close the pun.
"Now, go on. Do your lurking and skulking stuff while I, " she laughed and posed
haughtily, "I have news to sell to those that appreciate me." Bouncing a quick
kiss off his nose, Leigh turned Neal around and pushed him toward the door.
Closing the door, Leigh leaned her head against the molding. Neal stood unmoving
on the other side. Both were holding back tears. Neither knew whom they wanted
to cry for most.
Washington, D.C., the White House
The Washington Redskins were locked in a seesaw battle with the Philadelphia Eag
les on NFL. A few were following the game if the crowd noise suggested something
interesting would be the subject of one or more replays. Others kept in periodi
c touch with CNN on another set glowing in the partially lit room. The main focu
s for everyone was the composition each was reviewing. The mood was somber and t
ension stood out on the necks and hands of those assembled to advise the Preside
nt tonight. A day filled with missives conveying accusations and recriminations,
relayed via
satellites to a triplicate of increasingly obdurate capitols. It was a moment in
history when the wisest of men and women would normally have cautioned restrain
t and a cooling off period but tired and frazzled minds often give birth to impr
essive folly. President Douglass and his closest advisors were about to commit a
n absurdity that has confounded prideful man since Eve wanted to eat the apple.
One simply does not force a confrontation with a power that is largely a mystery
. To understand your foe and his capacity to inflict pain is covered in 'How to
fight a battle 101'. See any college course guide. To ignore this dictum is to i
nvite disaster and defeat. One crucial piece of information had completely elude
d those struggling now to formulate yet another credible and persuasive response
. The leaders with which they were corresponding were spoiling for a fight. A so
lid piece of stupidity arrowed into the sky by the band on Pennsylvania Avenue w
ould unleash surprises they had not dreamed of in their most fanciful moments.
At 10:13 P.M., President Douglass signed off on the following: â The United States
regrets and decries the intransigent refusal of the (insert Japanese or Russian)
government to utilize it's leadership role to defuse and resolve an internation
al conflict that threatens the stability of all nations. It is the conclusion of
this government that only unilateral action by the United States appears likely
to preserve world order. We have not sought this
responsibility but once directed on this path to peace the United States shall l
abor undeterred save by those offering a resumption of reasonable accord."
The messages were transmitted to Moscow and Tokyo at 11:14 and 11:22 that night.
Power grids went down in Baltimore, Trenton, Wilmington, Philadelphia and Provi
dence at 2:36 A.M., next morning coinciding with overhead passage of a small Jap
anese weather satellite.

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