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1. A.

The difference between mean, mode and median

Mean nilai purata yang digunakan untuk mewakili satu
set nilai./ the "average" you're used to, where you add up
all the numbers and then divide by the number of
Median nilai tengah sesuatu taburan skor yang disusun
mengikut urutan menaik atau menurun / the "middle"
value in the list of numbers
Mode - the value that occurs most often. If no number is
repeated, then there is no mode for the list / digunakan
untuk menyatakan kategori yang mempunyai kkekerapan
yang paling tinggi.
b. What happen to null hypothesis when p<0.005?
c. What can conclude if the outcome of an analysis is a
significant negative correlation between 2 varibles
That one of the variable increase and the other tends
to decreace.
No relationship between 2 variables.
d. Jika significant di atas 0.05 maka tidak
Dengan erti kata lain tidak terdapat perbezaan yang
signifikan antara data yang diuji
e. What happen to the altenatve hypothesis whn type 1
error occur?
Jika berlakunya ralat jenis I berlaku kita menolak Ho
apabila dlm kedaan sebenar , ia benar.

2. A. % male individual a VH - 30.8%

b. % female VH

- 28. 9

c. Pearson chi square & significant 1.928

f. Is the relationship statiscally significant
g. How nterpret data
O cell (0.0%) have expected count less than 5
The minimum expected count is 38.19

3. A. Determine the indepent Varible (IV) of this study

TV hours
b. determine the dependent Varible (DV)
c. Determine an appropriate statistical analisis for this
relationship and why?
Menunjukkan High school menunjukkan mean 3.23 lebih
banyak menghasilkan 1 jam 1 hari, berbanding Junior
colledge mean 2.67
d. procedure performing the choosen analyse
analyse compare mean independent sample T-test
pilih pemblhubah diuji dalam kotak test variable (TV hour)
dan (degree) dalam kotak grouping klik efine 1 dan klik c ok
e. group statisti

H school
Junior school







h. Is there any significant relationshio between iv and dv

of this study

4. Procedur correlation
Analyz correlate bivariate
Varibles Es121, Eds129 option
Mean and std deviation ok
b. copy the correlation
c. what is correlation coefficient
d. based on the correlation rule of thumb, what is the
strength of this relationship
positive relationship
e. conclusion
correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed)
5. A. Analyze regration linear input depent /
independent ok
c. R square


d. Adjusted R square value


e. 8953.016
f. -92.053
i. Regression coefficient 164.541

j. Relationship no
k. Reg coeffi B for ECS98
l. Is the relationship is sig


m. Sebyk 41.7% drp ketiga tiga factor mempengaruhi

crime rate (100 41.7 = 58.3) lagi 58.3% dipengaruhi
oleh factor lain


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