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Characteristics of Tafsir

1. Tafsir bi Al-Matsur
Tafsir bi al-matsur is another term of tafsir bi al-riwayah or tafsir bi al-mangul.
Tafsir bi al-ma'tsur is interpreting the Qur'an with the Qur'an, and with the
Sunnah because it serves to explain the Book of Allah. There are four authorities
that the source of interpretation of bi al-ma'tsur.
First, the Qur'an is seen as the best interpretation of the Quran. For example,
the interpretation of the word the letter al-Imran (3) Paragraph 133 by using
the content of the next paragraph.

"And haste seek forgiveness from your Lord and got paradise as wide as the
heavens and the earth, prepared for those who fear Allah" (QS. Ali-Imran: 133)
Second, the hadith of the prophet that is functioning as explanatory Quran.
For example, the prophet's own interpretation of the word 'al-zulm' the letter

"Those who believe and do not mix up their faith with injustice (shirk), they are
the ones who got a sense of security and they are guided." (Surah Al-An'am: 82)
Thirdly, from the khalifah who know the Qur'an. For example, the interpretation
of Ibn Abbas (68/687) on the content of the letter of An-Nasr with (...).
Fourth, the explanation Tabi'in regarded as the person who met with khalifah.
Law Tafsir bi al-ma'tsur: Bi Tafsir Al-ma'tsur obliged to follow and be taken
because its preserve from deviation from the meaning of Quran.
2. Tafsir bi Ar-Rayi
Tafsir bi Ar-Rayi is interpreting the Quran which the interpreting was teken from
ijtihad and from the opinion of mufassir after knowing about the method of
Arabic language, argumentation of law, and the problem of interpreting like
Asbabun Nuzul, Nasikh-Mansukh, and the other. But, interpretating with the
opinion must having foundation.
3. Tafsir bi Al-Isyari
Tafsir bi Al-Isyari it means the designation, beckoned. While the interpretation of
al-isyari is menakwilkan (interpreting) verses of the Quran al-Karim not as the ,
but by a gesture vague to be known by people knowledgeable and pious, who
pentakwilan was in tune with the meaning Zahir Koranic verses from several
sides syarhis ( which masyru ').
The isyarah according to what the term is defined (something that can be
defined / understood, taken) of a word only guess without having to put it in
context (something that is defined only in the form sentences without context).
According to al-Jahizh that 'cue and pronunciation are the two things are
mutually join, cue lots of help pronunciation (in memahminya) and interpretation

(translation) good pronunciation when heed isyratnya, many cues that replaces
the pronunciation, and does not need to be written.
Isyari commentary by Imam Ghazali was an attempt mentakwilkan passages
from the Koran instead of the meaning zahirnya malainkan with the voice of
conscience, after the enacting of interpreting the meaning of the verse in

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