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Teacher Candidates Perceptions of Scientists: 30 Years After DAST

Deborah McCarthy

Southeastern Louisiana University

College of Education
Department of Teaching and Learning
Hammond, LA.

LERA March 2014


Teacher Candidates Perceptions of Scientists: 30 Years After DAST

The stereotyping of science as a masculine endeavor engaged in by elderly men in lab
coats and glasses and its effect on attitudes has been recognized since the decade of the birth of
rock and roll, Sputnik, and Eisenhowers presidency (Blin-Stoyle 1983; Jones, Howe, Rua 2000;
Author 2002). Research says that images of scientists form by second grade and become more
entrenched as students advance in their science education. The researcher examined drawings of
scientists and analyzed attributes listed by 91 teacher candidates in the College of Education in
an American university in south Louisiana. Drawings of participants in two methods courses
were compared to those in a planning/assessment course. Atypical drawings and those
completed by male participants were analyzed separately. According to studies some factors
affecting images are: methods of science instruction, mass media, and progression through
science classes, role models and authentic out-of-classroom activities. Therefore as contributing
data, demographic information, facts concerning science courses and reasons for images
articulated during class discussions were collected.
Literature Review
Meade and Metraux first documented the popular image of scientists held by American
high school students in 1957 by analyzing the essays of 35,000 participants. The image that
emerged was that of an elderly man wearing a white coat and glasses, performing dangerous
experiments in the lab (Narayan, Park and Peker 2009; Narayan, Park, Peker & Suh 2013).
In 1961, Beardslee and ODowd surveyed and interviewed 1200 college students. The
data painted an image of a person referred to consistently as he of high intelligence who
persevered to find truth while neglecting his social life. He had a colorful personality and was


somewhat radical, coldly intellectual in his professional area but excitable in the public political
sphere (p. 998) often out of touch and impulsive. The authors stated to alter this image would
require a brilliantly conceived long-term campaign of confrontation through mass media and of
educational innovation that is not likely to be undertaken (p. 1000).
From 1966 to 1977, Chambers (1983) developer of the Draw- a -Scientist Test (DAST)
collected student drawings of scientists in the place of verbal or written descriptions. Using the
analysis of 81 undergraduates of drawings illustrated by 4807 French and English-speaking
children (K-5) across socio-economic levels, Chambers determined seven indicators: lab coat,
eyeglasses, facial hair, symbols of research (lab equipment, etc), symbols of knowledge (books,
file cabinets), technology, and relevant captions (formulae, taxonomic keys). Chambers
concluded that by 2nd grade the stereotype reflecting the seven indicators begins and by the 4th
and 5th grade the image as a rule, has fully emerged (p.260). Chambers also reported that even
though 49% of the 4807 participants were girls only 28 women scientists were drawn, all by
females and that socio economics did affect the richness of the drawings. Concerning the
instrument, Chambers proposed, DAST is probably more useful in identifying than in
measuring attitudes. Therefore, it may ultimately prove more useful in the construction of
hypotheses than in the testing of them (p. 265).
McDuffie (2001) studied the images and associated attributes of 550 pre-service and inservice teachers. Roughly 60% of the participants were enrolled in elementary science methods
classes and 80% were women. The participants completed the DAST and listed adjectives
describing scientists and social scientists. The results were that 84% depicted males and 71%
showed scientists as middle aged. Fifty-four percent drew their scientist in isolation surrounded
by lab equipment, 50% were wearing lab coats and 43.7 % were frowning. Attributes were


categorized as personal or professional. Results were that about 50% described scientists as
intelligent, 25% practical and 13% as nerds. McDuffie noted the persistence of the stereotype
and observed that there was virtually no difference between the attributes and sketches of preservice and in-service teachers. McDuffie recommended that the study of scientists biographies,
speakers, and interviews with scientists, laboratory experiences, discussions about stereotypes in
the media, field trips to show scientists work and providing career information as possible ways
to change stereotypical images.
What influence do teachers, field experience and instruction have on the scientific images
of students? Miele (2014) conducted a study of undergraduate science methods students,
graduate students in elementary school science and environmental science, and undergraduate
students in an inquiry-based science content course paired with a field-based methods course.
The DAST was administered at the beginning of the semester as a pre-test. Results showed a
marked difference in stereotypical features between the undergraduate method students and
graduate students with every feature occurring less frequently in the graduate students drawings.
The authors noted that the graduate students were:
already working in urban settings as elementary school science specialists or as
educators teaching children at informal science institutions such as museums or
zoosthey see science as something that they can do and that their students can so.
This was supported by the results of the DAST. (p. 37)
Following the pre test, the two groups examined their drawings and recognized the
presence of stereotypical images that excluded females, young scientists and minorities. Both
groups identified print and electronic media as influencers.


At the close of the semester, the undergraduate methods students repeated the DAST as a
post test. Images were significantly less stereotypical. However, some stereotypical features
remained because the students drew their teacher, the author of the study. They commented that
they felt confident in their ability to teach science and do science. Results of post test drawings
of the graduate students showed a further reduction in stereotypical features.
The undergraduate students in an inquiry-based science content course paired with a
field-based methods course took the DAST at the end of the semester. They reported that their
images after completing the course were substantially different from what they would have
drawn on the first day of class. Three of the 18 participants drew their science education
professors. The researchers concluded,
The results of this study indicate that DAST may be a useful tool to reveal changes in
beliefs about science and scientists (and by inference, the effectiveness of instructional
practices aimed at the affective domain) on completion of college courses in science and
science education. (p.40)
The importance of science course content was investigated in Turkmens (2008) study of
287 Turkish 5th graders. He used the DAST and a questionnaire asking students to explain what
their scientists were doing and how they learned about scientists. The purpose of the study was
to determine if a new science/technology course impacted images. Turkmen reported that male
images (94.1%) that are elderly (69.7%), working in the laboratory (79.8 %), and wearing lab
coats (46.7 %) were predominant. Ethnic diversity was practically nonexistent. Students
reported that the primary source of information influencing their images was their teachers
(61.3 %) with media at 41.8 %. Parents and friends were also named. Turkmen stated that
teachers can identify and modify student images early on. He suggested that teachers introduce


science careers, use science history from textbooks and invite scientists from the community
(role models) to speak to young children.
Instruction as a factor was investigated by Narayan, Park and Peker (2009) in a study
involving 480 third and seventh graders from India, South Korea, Turkey and the United States.
The DAST was utilized in conjunction with drawings depicting students doing science and a
short description. Drawings were evaluated using the DAST-C checklist. The researchers found
that the type of teaching approach, when, and how often science was taught affected images.
Overall the stereotypical masculine image of the scientist was predominant across all four
countries. The authors suggested that public attitude toward science and technology impact
attitudes and images as well as family involvement in school. They recommended the use of role
models to modify perceptions.
In 2013, Narayan, Park, Peker and Suh extended their research. They studied the images
of 1800 students enrolled in grades three, seven and ten from South Korea, India, Turkey, China,
and the United States using the DAST and DAST-C. Survey prompts asked students to draw a
scientist, a student doing science, name a career they planned to pursue and write short
descriptions of each. Their findings were that most drawings depicted the stereotypical image of
a male wearing a white coat working in a lab. Again the influence of science instruction was
evident. The researchers found it surprising that South Korean students drew the highest number
of scientists wearing lab coats working in laboratories because 3rd and 7th grade science is taught
as an integrated discipline (all sciences combined) and includes only one lab per week.
American students drew more scientists in everyday clothes, having a normal appearance than
Korea, India, Turkey, and China. In the US, hands-on activities and demonstrations are utilized
during the elementary years. Structured labs are an integral part of high school courses. Science


is taught at all grade levels from one to four times per week at the elementary level (grades K-8)
and more often at the secondary level (grades 9-12). In general, this international study implied
that stereotypes are highly resistant to change (p.125).
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study was two-fold, first, to investigate education majors
perceptions of scientists in the College of Education, Department of Teaching and Learning at
Southeastern Louisiana University and second, to determine the characteristics they associated
with scientists. The researcher was also interested in the age of the participants, gender, type of
instruction, number of science courses, and reasons given for images as contributing data.
Drawings and questionnaire data of science/social studies/language arts methods students were
compared to planning/ assessment students. Questionnaire data, attributes, atypical drawings and
drawings by male participants were thoroughly analyzed to discover any patterns. Accordingly,
the researcher was curious to investigate if the stereotypical image of scientists identified 30
years ago in Chambers DAST is still alive and well in an average college classroom?
A convenience sample of 91 teacher candidates in the College of Education, Department
of Teaching and Learning at Southeastern Louisiana University were the participants in this
study. Sixty three were enrolled in the course, Instructional Planning and Assessment. The
course objectives are to design assessments and lesson plans in science or social studies
accompanied by 10 hours of direct instruction in the field. Fifteen participants were enrolled in
the methods course, Curriculum and Instruction in the Elementary School (grades 1-5) and 13
were enrolled in the methods course, Upper Elementary Curriculum and Instruction (grades 4-8).


The methods courses are co-taught concurrently by a language arts instructor and the researcher
who is responsible for the science and social studies components. Methods students create
lesson plans then teach science content for 2 weeks and social studies content for 2 weeks in
local elementary schools. They also design science learning cycles and judge an elementary
science fair.
Eighty three participants were pre-service and eight were earning alternative certification.
The majority were white females in their 20s who had progressed through four or more science
courses in high school and college. (See Table 1.)
Table 1
Teacher Candidate Demographics (n = 91)



* Age Range

** Years Entering H.S.

4 or More Sci. Courses


Female 94.5%

White 92.3%

20-29 yrs. 89.0%

80s-90s. 19.7%



Black 7.6%

30-49 yrs.


College 75.8%





Note * Age 19 1 teacher candidate

Age 52 1 teacher candidate Note ** - 70s 1 teacher candidate

The researcher utilized the Draw-a-Scientist Test (DAST) developed by Chambers (1983)
as described in the literature review. The DAST used in this study provided the following
prompt: Below, illustrate what you think a scientist looks like. Place any items that you feel
belong in the illustration with your scientist. The participants were also asked to list attributes
they associated with scientists and be prepared for discussion. This allowed for a more thorough
understanding of the perceptions of the participants. The second instrument used was the Draw-


a-Scientist Test Checklist (DAST-C) developed in 1995 by Finson, Beaver and Cramond to
quantify scores for drawings. (See Appendix.) Using ANOVA procedures, Finson (2002)
reported that DAST-C established a high inter-rater reliability of 0.96 to 0.98 (Narayan, et al.
2013, p.116). The instrument used in this study had 14 indicators associated with the
standardized image of scientists. They were: lab coat, eye glasses, facial hair, symbols of
research (lab equipment, etc), and symbols of knowledge, technology, relevant captions, male
gender, Caucasian, middle age/elderly, mythic stereotypes, indications of secrecy, scientists
working indoors and indications of danger. Two were added by the researcher: smiles and wild
hair. To establish reliability of the data the researcher (Rater 1); a chemical engineer and former
university professor for 10 years (Rater 2); and a 3rd grade teacher for over 40 years who taught
2nd and 3rd grade science (Rater 3) analyzed the drawings using the DAST-C. A questionnaire
developed by the researcher was used to collect the information: age, gender, years attending
high school and college, courses taken and methods of science instruction. A class discussion
involving 51 teacher candidates took place regarding the reasons for the images on the drawings.
At the beginning of class, the researcher explained the study and requested that the
teacher candidates read and sign a consent form approved by the universitys Institutional
Review Board. The researcher introduced the DAST, citing the publication of the 2001
McDuffie study of 550 pre-service and in-service teachers to emphasize the seriousness of the
task. After distributing the questionnaire and the DAST prompt, the researcher read the
instructions, repeating those regarding the listing of attributes. No time limit was set. Markers
were provided to encourage detail in the drawings. A class discussion involving 51 teacher
candidates followed regarding the reasons for the images on the drawings.



Data Analysis
Inter-rater reliability using Cohens kappa coefficient (K) and Pearson product-moment
correlation coefficients (r) were determined using PASW Statistics 18 software. To score the
drawings, the three raters placed a check next to the items they saw in the drawings and a
question mark if they were unsure. Question marks were considered as unchecked. The data was
entered as zero or one. Total scores of the drawings for the 3 raters were compared and Pearson
product-moment correlation coefficients (r) were generated.
For all drawings, percentages of occurrence indicated by the raters check marks were
calculated for each of the 14 indicators plus the additional two. To determine if the perceptions
of teacher candidates in the two methods courses differed from those in the planning and
assessment course, separate percentages were computed.
To begin the cross-case thematic analysis of the lists of attributes, the researcher read the
comments of one class. Categories began to emerge which reflected the repetition of attributes.
Descriptive words were used for coding then percentages were calculated to verify the groupings
as major themes (Creswell 1998). To organize the themes, thematic conceptual matrices were
developed using direct quotes from the teacher candidates.
Using the questionnaire data, the researcher analyzed the demographics, the amount of
science courses and methods of instruction then converted each into percentages. Comments
during class discussions regarding the reasons for the images were recorded. Methods students
drawings and attributes were compared to planning/assessment students. Drawings and
attributes of atypical images identified by at least two of the three raters were particularly
analyzed, coupled with questionnaire data to determine any patterns. Drawings by male
participants were also examined separately.



Analysis of DAST-C
Inter-rater reliability was established for all items by calculating the values for Cohens
kappa using PASW Statistics 18. All kappa values were in the moderate to substantial
agreement range with the exception of Item 7 which showed slight agreement between Raters 1
and 3. This could be attributed to lack of clarity concerning what constitutes a caption. Items 3
and 9 were classified as almost perfect and Items 11 and 12 were interpreted as constants. It
appears this occurred because Items 11 and 12 were not checked (0) by any of the raters (Landis
and Koch 1977; Viera and Garrett 2005). (See Table 2.)
Table 2
Kappa Values for DAST-C and Two Additional Items n= 91

1. Lab coat
2. eye glasses
3. facial hair
4. research (lab equipment)
5. knowledge
6. technology
7. captions
8. male
9. Caucasian
10. middle aged/elderly
11. mythic stereotypes
12. secrecy
13. working indoors
14. indications of danger
15. smile
16. wild hair

Rater 1, Rater 2

K values
Rater 1, Rater 3
.a (constant)
.a (constant)



A Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient was computed to assess the

relationship between the total scores of the 91 drawings examined by Rater 1 (the researcher)
and Rater 2; and Rater 1 and Rater 3 to establish the reliability of the researchers analysis. There
was a strong or high positive correlation between total scores for Rater 1 and Rater 2, r = .846.
There was also a strong or high positive correlation between total scores for Rater 1 and Rater 3,
r = .836 indicating an overall strong agreement in the analysis of the drawings (Hinkle, Wiersma
and Jurs 1998). (See Table 3.)
Table 3
Correlation Coefficients for R1, R2, R3 Totals

Pearson Correlation










Sig. (2-tailed)

Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)


Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)














**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Analysis of DAST using DAST-C

Percentages were calculated for each of the 14 items plus the two additional indicators for
the three raters. Because of the strength of correlation and kappa values, the researcher was
confident in reporting the average percentages of the results of the DAST-C. Seventy eight
percent of the participants drew their scientists in lab coats; 81.3% surrounded them with lab
equipment and 73.6% placed them in an indoor environment. (See Figures 1 and 2.)



Figure 1
Example of a Drawing of a Female Scientist: Female Planning/Assessment Student (Age 27)

Figure 2
Example of a Drawing of a Male Scientist: Male Methods Student (Age 22)

Research (lab equipment) was prevalent as well as glasses/goggles. Facial hair, mythic
stereotypes, secrecy, danger and elderly images were barely represented or absent. An
unexpected statistic was the average percentage of participants putting a smile on their scientists
face (78.3%) although this has been documented in other studies (Narayan et al. 2009; Turkmen



2008). Because of the large discrepancy between Rater 3 and the remaining raters on Item 7
captions, the researcher omitted Rater 3s percentage from the average. (See Table 4.) A single
drawing portrayed two figures and one depicted a black scientist even though there were seven
black participants. Two drawings illustrated scientists with wily expressions and one included
the caption toxic.
Since the attribute of gender is salient in most studies, separate percentages were
calculated and undecided genders were omitted rather than reporting for n = 91. Percentages
were as follows: Rater 1 at 65.1%, Rater 2 at 40.5% and Rater 3 at 52.3% with the average being
52.6%. This is an encouraging statistic with regards to stereotypical images and roles based on
Table 4
Average Percentages of Raters for DAST-C and Two Additional Items n= 91
1. lab coat
2. eye glasses
3. facial hair
4. research (lab equipment)
5. knowledge
6. technology
7. captions
8. male
9. Caucasian
10. middle aged/elderly
11. mythic stereotypes
12. secrecy
13. working indoors
14. indications of danger
15. smile
16. wild hair

Average Percentages
37.3 *



Comparison of Planning/Assessment Students and Methods Students

To determine if the images of teacher candidates in the science/social studies/language
arts methods courses (n = 28) varied from those in the planning/assessment course (n = 63),
separate average percentages were computed. The major difference between the two groups is
that the methods students planned science lessons and went into local schools to teach science.
The process of designing science lessons and teaching them encompasses three weeks of the
semester. These teacher candidates judged an elementary science fair during which students in
4th 6th grades explained their projects to the methods students. Methods students also worked in
cooperative groups to develop a science learning cycle which is an inductive, inquiry-based,
hands-on instructional strategy and carried out one activity with the methods class. The
planning/assessment students only designed science lessons if they selected science content to
build their lessons around and did not implement them. They were required to teach in local
schools for 10 hours but what they taught was determined by the teacher whose classroom they
were visiting. These students were able to assist at the Louisiana Childrens Discovery Center, a
science-oriented hands-on museum. The items with average percentages appreciably different
were Item 8 male gender, Item 13 indoors and Item 16 wild hair. The average percentage of
methods students drawing males was 35.7 while 53.4% of the planning/assessment students
depicted men. For Item 13 indoors, 66.8 % of the methods students drew their scientists inside
versus 77.2 % drawn by the planning/assessment students. Using average percentages, the most
telling difference was that 64% of the illustrations by the methods students depicted female
scientists working outdoors (33.2%). (See Table 5.) The average age of the methods students
was 25; the average age of the planning/assessment students was 22. Methods students
completed an average of seven college science courses while planning/assessment students



completed five. This is logical, considering that the majority of planning/assessment students are
in their third year of college and the methods students are in their final year. The majority of both
methods and planning/assessment students described the type of science instruction they
experienced as discovery, inquiry-based, hands-on and exploratory including labs and lecture.
Age, type of instruction and advancement through science courses were similar. Research says
that authentic out-of-the classroom experiences influence images of scientists (Christidou 2011;
McDuffie 2001;Miele 2014; NGSS 2011, 2012; NRC, 1996; NRC 2009; NRC 2012). Methods
students planned for a week then taught science content in the field for 2 weeks during the
semester. However, it is speculative to infer that this out-of-the classroom experience encouraged
the depiction of women scientists in the drawings.
Table 5
Comparison of Planning/Assessment Students and Methods Students n= 91
1. lab coat
17. eye glasses
18. facial hair
19. research (lab equipment)
20. knowledge
21. technology
22. captions
23. male
24. Caucasian
25. middle aged/elderly
26. mythic stereotypes
27. secrecy
28. working indoors
29. indications of danger
30. smile
31. wild hair

Average Percentages
Assessment/Planning n=63
Methods n=28
38.8 *



Analysis of Attributes ( n=88)

Of the 91 participants, 88 listed attributes they associated with scientists. After
completing a cross-case thematic analysis, four themes emerged: Appearance, Workplace
Environment, Cognitive Abilities and Personality (Creswell 1998). Of the 88 participants, 37.5%
established the 1st theme Appearance. Comments such as white males, old, stained button
down shirts, eyes are red from lack of sleep and women were noted. Several wrote positive
descriptions like scientists can dress nice not have to be dorky, clean cut and They do not
have to wear big glasses and white coats.
The 2nd theme of Workplace Environment was established by 31.8% of the participants.
The teacher candidates described the environment as having black lab tables, beakers,
chemicals, board with equations, posters or models of scientific ideas, graphs, test tubes,
charts and old books. Some indicated that the environment can be both in lab and in the
field, laboratory can be anywhere, including outside adventures to explore plants and
The 3rd theme was Cognitive Abilities with 82.9% listing attributes associated with
thought processes. Many wrote smart or intelligent. Some were more specific with
comments like analytical, good in math, innovative, thinks outside the box and creating
hypotheses and theories, precise and observant.
The final theme was Personality. Seventy five percent listed attributes that described
perceptions of personality. Some comments were that scientists are geeky, weird, straitlaced, and anti-social, not compassionate and unable to understand others ways of
thinking with a strange sense of humor. Many were positive. They described scientists as
being honest, put together, brave, like any other person, understanding, patient and



a good listener. Some saw scientists as being passionate with a love of science. Scientists
want to help all students to learn and understand the material. They are explorer(s) and are
okay with their thoughts being disproved even after years of believing in a certain way. One
20 year old male teacher candidate in the planning/assessment course wrote a very illuminating
attribute. The phrase read Typical geek according to society. (See Table 6.)
The following comments by a 25 year old male teacher candidate from the
planning/assessment course reflected a common perception of scientists with the exception of his
reference to prank wars, a recent college phenomenon involving practical jokes.
The student wrote:
When I picture a, scientist I automatically think of what our society would label as a, dork. I
see them as bright! Almost too bright. Im not beyond thinking of many as being socially
awkward. But I bet they would be great at being in a prank war. Theyre smart, yet mostly
likely difficult to understand or relate to.
In contrast to such a stereotypical description, a 21 year old female teacher candidate in
the methods class listed the following attributes: logical thinker, wide variety of ethnic
backgrounds, both males and females, intelligent, analytical, many years of education, introverts
and extroverts, curious. For the researcher, it was encouraging to find that 68 of the 88
participants (77%) attributed positive qualities to their scientists.



Table 6
Cross-Case Thematic Analysis of Attributes (n=88)






normal, skinny, does not fix hair, dress casual



equipment and books, petri dishes, computers, test tubes

Cognitive Abilities


deep thinking, solve problems, collects data, analytical



dedicated, weird, desire for the unknown, frazzled, honest

Analysis of Atypical Drawings

Of the 91 drawings examined, 11 were deemed atypical by at least two of the raters, in
most cases by all three. These participants were females ranging in age from 21 to 52 years,
however the majority (8) was in their 20s. They progressed through two to five high school
science courses averaging three courses and two to 19 college courses, averaging seven. These
teacher candidates listed labs or experiments and several used hands-on, to describe their
In these drawings, scientists wore regular clothing, had normal hair styles, and were
smiling. A 27 year old female planning/assessment student depicted a black female. (See Figure
3.) One drawing by a 21 year old methods student displayed a girl and a boy in a classroom with
musical notes emanating from a CD player. (See Figure 4.)



Figure 3
Example of an Atypical Drawing: Female Planning/Assessment Student (Age 27)

Figure 4
Example of an Atypical Drawing: Female Methods Student (Age 21)

Seven of the 11drawings (63%) depicted females, which is noteworthy. Two were drawn
outside in a marine environment, one by a 52 year old teacher candidate in the science/social
studies/language arts methods course who progressed through 11 college science courses and
another by a 28 year old in the planning/assessment course taking 19 college courses. The
participant who completed 11 courses, specifically mentioned Plant Science and going into the
field at Roan Mountain in Tennessee. She also planned science lessons, taught science during



field experience, judged an elementary science fair and designed a science learning cycle in her
methods course. The planning/assessment participant who completed 19 science courses
mentioned labs and reported taking courses such as Biology of Marine Mammals, Cetacean
Behavior and Vertebrate Zoology. Additionally, she listed a zoo keeping internship which
implies working with experienced keepers (role models) in an authentic outside-of-the-classroom
environment. (See Figure 5.) A third teacher candidate who completed seven college courses
described her Field Biology course as It was an outside experience. For these two participants
it appears that neither age nor advancement through science courses fostered stereotypical
images as suggested in the literature (Christidou 2011; Wallace and Pedersen 2005). The
researcher realizes that these participants could simply have an innate interest in science. Each
experienced out-of-the- classroom activities. However, it would be speculative to deem out-ofthe-classroom activities as the significant influencer.
Figure 5
Example of an Atypical Drawing: Female Planning/Assessment Student (Age 28)

There were negative attributes on two atypical drawings like: messy hair, semi nerdy,
and boring. However a sizable majority were very positive. Some examples were: smart,



has a good imagination, open-minded, wide variety of ethnic backgrounds, both males
and females, (hopefully) not biased, normal, multicultural, men and women, creativity,
intellectual honesty, detailed-oriented, and openness to new ideas.
Analysis of Drawings by Male Participants
Because there were so few male participants (5), the researcher examined their drawings,
attributes and questionnaire data separately. The average age of the male participants was 23
years. The average number of science courses completed was four in high school and five in
college. All described lecture as being the primary method of instruction, with labs provided on
occasion. The drawings were of males wearing glasses or goggles surrounded by lab equipment.
Tests tubes were common, two with smoking chemicals. One depicted his scientist holding a
hypodermic needle and another included the caption Talk Nerdy To Me on his scientists
collar-less shirt. He also used the labels dork and socially awkward (See block quote.) as
attributes. All acknowledged scientists as being intelligent and smart. There were negative
comments such as geek, hates being wrong, lone star but positive ones such as
progressive , fearless and patient . One stereotypical drawing in particular from a 21 year
old methods student who had completed six high school science courses and nine college courses
did not match his apparent affinity for science. (See Figure 6.) However, his explanations
painted a scientifically literate picture. He included the light bulb because scientists are
innovative thinkers, come up with new ideas to better the world around them. Accordingly, he
asserted that lab coats are normal attire for laboratory work and glasses are associated with
intelligence. The equipment permits scientists to experiment to test new ideas. For this
teacher candidate, progression through science courses did not appear to foster a conventional
description of a scientist even though the drawing was very stereotypical, including the devious



smile and bald head. A second drawing by a 27 year old planning/assessment student who had
completed four science courses in high school and two in college followed the same pattern.
This scientist had no mouth, wore goggles and was dressed in what appeared to be a hazardous
materials or radiation suit. But his attributes included dedicated, ok with failing and a
Figure 6
Example of Drawing by Male Participant : Methods Student (Age 21)

Class Conversation Regarding Influencers

The researcher asked 51 participants to give reasons to support their drawings via a class
discussion. The comments included electronic media like the television shows Bill Nye the
Science Guy, Dexter, NCSI and the Big Bang Theory, movies, textbooks, cartoons, childrens
books, the news, photographs and educational videos. The participants also included science
classes in high school, labs in college, interviews, field trips and personal experience as



The purpose of this study was two-fold, first, to investigate education majors perceptions
of scientists in the College of Education, Department of Teaching and Learning at Southeastern
Louisiana University and second, to determine the characteristics they associated with scientists.
The researcher was also interested in the age of the participants, gender, type of instruction,
number of science courses and reasons for images as contributing data. From the data collected
using the DAST and DAST-C, it became evident that the participants associated some of the
stereotypical characteristics with their image of scientists. Most drew Caucasian figures wearing
lab coats and eye glasses working indoors, using lab equipment and books. These results
mirrored McDuffies (2001) study which involved pre service and in service teachers. However,
several were not associated with scientists in this study. Mythic stereotypes like Frankenstein,
signs of danger, indications of secrecy, elderly scientists, and facial hair were either barely
represented or completely absent. Because the researcher assumed that wild hair would be
common in the drawings, it was added to the DAST-C. The results showed that it is still
somewhat common (25.9%).
The participants seldom drew scientists that were obviously elderly (13.4%) or had facial
hair (1%). The average percentage of female scientists drawn in this study whose gender could
definitely be identified (47.4%) was noteworthy. In McDuffies study of 550 drawings, only
16% represented females even though 80% of the participants were women. This suggests that
perhaps some progress has been made over the last 10 years in altering the male stereotype. A
very striking statistic regarding gender came from the science/social studies/language arts
methods students whose drawings using average percentages depicted almost 63% of their
scientists as females.



As the researcher began examining the drawings, a feature that surfaced almost
immediately was the number of smiling faces. Over 78% of the participants drew a happy
scientist which appears to temper the idea that students still see scientists as menacing, ominous,
unapproachable, serious individuals but instead view them as friendly and rather proud of their
work (Christidou et al. 2011; McDuffie 2001). Another conspicuous finding was the absence of
diversity in the drawings. Even though there were seven black participants in the study, only one
black scientist appeared.
Questionnaire data and DAST images for all 91 participants showed that three of the 11
participants in their 30s through 50s produced atypical drawings. Of the nine participants in the
study who advanced through more than 10 college science courses, two fashioned atypical
drawings. Research says the images of scientists become more entrenched as students age and
advance through their science education (Baker and Leary 1995; Joyce and Farenga 1999; Potter
and Rosser 1992). Contrary to the research, in this study, advancement through science courses
did not result in stereotypical images of scientists for these participants. Also age did not appear
to influence images. Of the 11 atypical drawings eight participants were in their 20s, two in
their 30s and one in her 50s, an age range spanning three decades. The male participants, all in
their 20s, drew extremely stereotypical scientists. Positive and negative attributes were written
by all age groups. The ages of the 16% who described scientists as nerds or dorks ranged from
19 to 34 years with only one being a methods student; the others were in the planning/assessment
course. However, the researcher realizes that DAST is a brief snapshot of perceptions and other
factors could certainly be involved.
In this study almost 100% of the participants reported in the researchers questionnaire
that they participated in labs/experiments combined with lecture. Some described experiences in



their college courses as hands-on. One 22 year old female methods student commented on the
questionnaire, The classes I remember most were the ones we did hands-on activities. In
contrast, a 23 year old female in the planning/assessment course expressed her dissatisfaction
with Physics 142, a completely hands-on course. She wrote, I thought the class was pointless
and could not wait until it was over. Twenty seven percent listed other experiences such as
internet use, simulators, projects and field experiences. During the class discussions, the
participants mentioned high school classes, the media, books, college labs, personal experience
and interviews as influencers.
There were very low average percentages quantified using the DAST-C for the standard
items of facial hair, middle age/elderly and indications of danger as well as the absence of
mythic stereotypes and secrecy depicted in the DAST. The literature suggests the type of
instruction (Hora and Ferrare 2014; Miele 2014; Narayan et al. 2013; NGSS 2011, 2012; NRC
2012 ) and role models affect images (Baker et al. 1995; Lerner 2002; McDuffie 2001; Narayan
et al. 2009; Turkmen 2008). Are these students considering their instructors as role models in
place of what is portrayed in the media? The researcher concurs with McDuffie, Narayan, Park,
Peker and Suh and others that role models and social interaction with scientists are also conduits
for changing images and should be part of the students educational experience. Conversely, the
percentages were high for lab equipment and working indoors, a reflection of the usual
environment in which students experience science.
The attributes listed were both negative and positive regarding appearance and
personality. The terms nerdy, geeky and dorky were found in 16% of the responses but as
noted, several attributes mirrored basic human qualities such as creative, inventive,
passionate and enthusiastic about the field they work in.



The cognitive abilities were very positive. The participants wrote attributes like openminded, skeptical, precise, observant, curious and honest. However, elements
associated with the workplace environment were standard with these few exceptions laboratory
can be anywhere, both in lab and in the field and outside adventures to explore plants and
animals. In general, the attributes associated with scientists were positive. Seventy seven
percent wrote affirmative qualities.
From the results of this study, the researcher suggests that the items of secrecy and mythic
stereotypes could be eliminated from the DAST-C instrument for older students and that facial
expression (smile) be added. Derived from the DAST-CR developed by Matkins in 1996, Jones
and Bangert (2006) omitted these items based on a pilot study they conducted preceding their
research on medias effect on images. It appears that these features have become much less
significant and could dilute the strength of measuring for stereotypical images (Turkmen 2008).
Even though the researcher was encouraged by the percentage of female scientists, lack
of elderly wild-haired males and numerous positive attributes continuous interventions are
needed to inform images that are more scientifically literate. From experience in teaching science
for over 30 years and based on research (Gelabert 2014; Jeanpierre 2014; Martin 2012; NGSS
2013), the researcher recommends that inquiry-based learning incorporating real-life problems
should be part of every science educators pedagogy. Students should continue to engage in
hands-on, inquiry-based lab activities. The researcher recommends that experiences in the field
be incorporated whenever possible even if they culminate in the lab. Teachers should attempt to
teach science as collaborative effort since many of todays endeavors are team based.



These recommendations are supported by the former National Science Education

Standards (NSES) now the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The National Science
Education Standards (NSES) were first supported by American President George H. W. Bush in
1989 and further encouraged by the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), National
Science Foundation (NSF) and National Education Goals Panel. By 1991 the National Research
Council began to coordinate the effort. Representatives of NSTA, the American Association for
the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the American Chemical Society (ACS), the National
Science Resources Center (NSRC), the American Association of Physics Teachers, the Council
of State Science Supervisors, the Earth Science Education Coalition, and the National
Association of Biology Teachers were selected to oversee the development of the standards. By
1996, the standards were ready for teachers around the country to apply in their classrooms. The
standards mission was to engender scientifically literate Americans, excited about science and
equipped with the knowledge to make informed decisions as voters on matters of science-related
issues. Concepts, student skills and pedagogy necessary to achieve this goal were expressed in
the standards. In 2010, because of the tremendous changes in science and technology and the
lack of American students interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)
related careers, the National Academy of Sciences, Achieve, the AAAS, and NSTA orchestrated
the effort to update the NSES. The idea was to excite and prepare American high school
students to enter STEM related careers and become scientifically informed adults. From that
effort emerged the Next Generation Science Standards. The standards represent the concepts and
skills American students of the 21st Century should develop and do while providing suggestions
to teachers on methods of instruction. The Framework for K12 Science Education: Practices,
Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas (NRC 2012) described in the NGSS recommended that



classroom instruction allow students to plan and carry out investigations and engage in argument
using evidence (p. 42). To improve attitudes and alter stereotypical images, topics that stress
personal concerns or interests, face-to-face interactions with scientists, role models and out-of
class activities such as field trips and field work were recommended especially for females.
In Appendix H: Nature of Science, the NGSS (2013) specifically recommend the use of
examples from science history in the form of case studies of scientists to develop students
understanding of scientific inquiry and stress the human side of scientists. (Appendix B) Because
of the lack of cultural diversity observed in the drawings the researcher, based on past studies
(Barton 1998; Galili and Hazan 2001; Hoots 1999; Solomon, Duveen, Scot and McCarthy 1992;)
and personal experience (McCarthy 2002) suggests that science history and biographies be
included in the curriculum to stress the humanistic, multi-cultural aspect of scientific discoveries
(Klopfer 1969; Kuhn 1962; Turkmen 2008).
In closing, the researcher is encouraged by the results of this study. Based on the DAST,
DAST-C and the participants lists of attributes, it is the researchers assertion that the teacher
candidates in this study continue to dress scientists in lab coats wearing glasses and picture the
laboratory as the usual workplace but perceptions of the personality and cognitive abilities of
scientists are more realistic and humanistic. For education majors, it is imperative that they have
a scientifically literate image of scientists and what scientists do (Christidou 2011; McDuffie
2001; Turkmen 2008). As future classroom teachers, they will have the ability to identify
students uninformed images early on and engender valid perceptions of science and scientists as
these girls and boys advance through their science education.



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Appendix A
Draw-a-Scientist Test (DAST) Checklist
Student's Name ________________________________________________
Gender (circle): M / F Age __________ Grade level ________
1. Lab coat (usually but not necessarily white)
2. Eyeglasses
3. Facial hair (beard, mustache, abnormally long sideburns)
4. Symbols of research (scientific instruments, lab equipment of any kind)
Types of scientific instruments / equipment.
5. Symbols of knowledge (books, filing cabinets, clipboards, pens in pockets, and so on)
6. Technology (the "products" of science)
Types of technology (televisions, telephones, missiles, computers, and so on):
7. Relevant captions (formulae, taxonomic classification, the "eureka!" syndrome)
8. Male gender only
9. Caucasian only
10. Middle-aged or elderly scientist
11. Mythic stereotypes (Frankenstein creatures, Jekyll/Hyde figures, etc.)
12. Indications of secrecy (signs or warnings that read "Private," "Keep Out," "Do Not Enter,"
"Go Away," "Top Secret," and so on)
13. Scientist working indoors
14. Indications of danger
Items added by the Researcher
15. Smiles
16. Wild hair

Note: Several images of the same type in a single drawing count as one image (for example, two
scientists each with eyeglasses receive only one check, not two).



Appendix B
Next Generation Science Standards: Nature of Science Matrix (NGSS: Appendix H 2013)
The basic understandings about the nature of science are:
Science is a Human Endeavor
Understandings about the Nature of Science

Science knowledge is cumulative and many people, from many generations and nations,
have contributed to science knowledge.
Men and women from different social, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds work as
scientists and engineers.
Men and women from different social, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds work as
scientists and engineers.
Scientists and engineers rely on human qualities such as persistence, precision, reasoning,
logic, imagination and creativity.

Scientists and engineers are guided by habits of mind such as intellectual honesty, tolerance of
ambiguity, skepticism and openness to new ideas.

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