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God sent the angel Gabriel to tell a virgin named Mary that

she would give birth to God's Son.

El ngel Gabriel le dijo a una virgen llamada Mara que ella

dara a luz al Hijo de Dios.

When the time was near for Mary to give birth. Joseph and
Mary had to make a long journey from where they lived in
Nazareth to Bethlehem.

Estando cercano el tiempo en que Mara iba a dar a luz,

Mara y Jos tenan que hacer un largo viaje desde donde
vivan en Nazaret hasta Beln.

When they arrived in Bethlehem, there was no place to stay.

The only room they could find was a place where animals
stayed. Baby Jesus was born there and Mary laid him in a
feeding trough, since they did not have a bed for him.

Cuando llegaron a Beln, no haba lugar donde quedarse. La

nica estancia que pudieron encontrar fue un lugar donde los
animales dorman. El beb Jess naci all y Mara le acost
en un pesebre, pues no tenan una cama para l.

When Jesus began His life's work, He went about

everywhere doing good. Helping people, loving children,
strengthening tired bodies, and bringing God's Love to all
whom He could.

Cuando lleg el momento de que iniciara Su misin, Jess fue

por todas partes haciendo el bien, ayudando a la gente,
interesndose por los nios, fortaleciendo a los cansados y
salvando a cuantos crean en l.

Jesus did many miracles. He turned five loaves of bread and

two small fish into enough food for over 5,000 people.

Jess hizo muchos milagros. Convirti cinco panes y dos

pequeos peces en suficiente comida para 5.000 personas.

Once, while crossing a large lake with His disciples, a great

storm arose which threatened to sink the boat they were in.
He commanded the winds and the waves to ceaseand
immediately there was a great calm.

En cierta ocasin, mientras l y Sus discpulos cruzaban un

extenso lago, se desat una feroz tempestad que amenazaba
con hacer zozobrar la nave en que se encontraban. Orden a
los vientos que se calmaran y a las olas que se aquietaran, y
enseguida hubo gran bonanza.

Throughout His ministry Jesus gave sight to the blind,

hearing to the deaf, cleansed lepers, and raised the dead.

Throughout His ministry Jesus gave sight to the blind,

hearing to the deaf, cleansed lepers, and raised the dead.

Jesus was also a great teacher. He taught that God loves us

very much and wants to make us His children. He often
explained deep truths by means of parables.

Jess tambin fue un gran maestro. Ense que Dios nos

ama muchsimo y quiere hacernos Sus hijos. Sola explicar
profundas verdades por medio de parbolas.

Then suddenly, Jesus was arrested, and less than 24 hours

later He was executed as a criminal.
Jesus chose to give His life because He knew that was the
only way God's plan for our salvation could be fulfilled.

La situacin dio entonces un giro repentino. Se llevaron

preso a Jess y en un lapso de apenas veinticuatro horas lo
ejecutaron sumariamente como a un criminal.
Jess opt por ofrendar la vida por ti y por m, sabiendo
que aquella era la nica forma de cumplir el designio
concebido por Dios para nuestra salvacin.

Three days later, early in the morning, some women who

had followed Jesus visited His tomb, but His body wasn't

Tres das despus, muy temprano en la maana, unas

mujeres que haban sido seguidoras de Jess visitaron Su
tumba, pero la encontraron vaca.

An angel told them, Jesus is not

here. He has risen from the dead,
just like he said he would!

Un ngel les dijo: Jess no est aqu. Ha resucitado de entre

los muertos, como dijo que lo hara!

During the next forty days, Jesus appeared to his disciples

many times.

En los siguientes cuarenta das Jess se apareci a sus

discpulos muchas ocasiones.

Jesus told the disciples Go into all the world and preach
the Good News to everyone. And be sure of this: I am with
you always.

Jess dijo a sus discpulos: Vayan por todos los pases del
mundo y anuncien las buenas noticias a todo el mundo. Y
tengan por seguro esto: que estoy con ustedes siempre,
hasta el fin de los tiempos.

Then Jesus went up to heaven, and a cloud hid him from

their sight.

Entonces Jess subi al cielo, y una nube lo ocult de su


God sent Jesus, in the form of a man, to understand us and

show us what He Himself is like and to bring us to Himself.
To receive God's love in Jesus, all you have to do is open
your heart and ask Him to come in.

Para manifestarnos Su amor, acercarnos a l y llevarnos a

comprender Su esencia, Dios dispuso que Su propio Hijo,
Jesucristo, tomara forma corporal y bajara a la Tierra.
Para aceptar el amor de Dios manifestado por medio de
Jess, no tienes ms que abrir el corazn y pedirle que entre
a formar parte de ti.

Text compiled from www.openbiblestories.org and Activated
magazine. Used by permission. Art Aurora Productions.

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