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ETM7156 Tutorial for Unit 5

Tutorial for Unit 5

1) Find the theoretical spectral efficiency if SNR = 20dB. Then find the spectra
l efficiency for the following systems:
R, kbps
B, kHz

2) A baseband bit stream as a data rate of 1 Mbps.
a. Assume t e binary bit stream is to be BPSK modulated on an RF carrier. W at i
s t e first-zero crossing bandwidt of t e RF spectrum if simple rectangular pul
ses are used?
b. Assume t e binary bit stream is to be BPSK modulated on an RF carrier. W at i
s t e absolute bandwidt of t e RF spectrum if
i. No pulse s aping
ii. Raised cosine pulse s aping wit rolloff factor of 1.
iii. Raised cosine pulse s aping wit rolloff factor of 1/3.
c. Repeat (b) by assuming baseband unipolar NRZ is used.
3) A mobile radio system uses a modulation sc eme wit power spectral density (P
SD) as s own below, in w ic t e orizontal axis s ows t e offset from t e carri
er frequency divided by t e data rate. In any adjacent band t e PSD must be more
t an 20-dB less t an t e maximum PSD of t e wanted signal. However, because of
t e near-far effect (in w ic t e transmitter in an adjacent band may be muc cl
oser to t e receiver t an t e wanted signal) t e adjacent band signal may be 30-
dB greater. If t e date rate is to be 8 kbps, find t e maximum spacing between c
arriers, and t e bandwidt efficiency of t e systems.
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ETM7156 Tutorial for Unit 5
4) T e BER of a DS-SS cellular system wit power control w ere t e received sign
al power of all users at t e base station is t e same is given by ⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎣⎡+−=beE
NNKQP231/10 where K is the number of users, N is the length of spreading code, N
0 is the noise power density, and Eb is the average energy per bit. How many sim
ultaneous users may be supported such that an average BER of less than 10 3 is m
aintained for each user? Each user is maintained at an average Eb/N0 = 10 dB, an
d assume each user has a PN code that is produced from an 11 bit shift register.
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ETM7156 Tutorial for Unit 5
Appendix A1: Fourier Transform Pair
)(tu fjfπδ21)(21+
sgn (t) fjπ1
)(tuetα− fjπα21+
||teα− 22)2(2fπαα+
t,)(tuetα−)()!1(1tuenttnα−−− 221⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛+fjπα,nfj⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛+πα21
tf02cosπ )()([2100ffff++−δδ  
tf02sinπ )]()([2100ffffj+−−δδ ⎩⎨⎧τ≤=⎟⎠⎞⎜⎝⎛τelsewhere A A,02/||,rect
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ETM7156 Tu orial for Uni 5 
Appendix A2: Table of Q-func ion:
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