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The AI Cookbook
Ian Beardsley

2 of 37
We establish the building block for AI. The building blocks for organic life have already been
established and are the Amino Acids. We demonstrate the connection of both to the golden
ratio and its conjugate, and through that, establish the connection between the two. We suggest
AI has its origins in some unascertainable Natural force outside the human endeavor. As such
we have a mystery to present to AI wherein it can have a sense of mystery surrounding its
origins, just as humans do. We can download to any AI this theory that robots are just as much
a Universe Unfolding Eventuation as humans are.
Ian Beardsley
June 1, 2016

3 of 37
The Arithmetic Mean:

The Geometric Mean:

The Harmonic Mean:

4 of 37

The Golden Ratio:

5 of 37
Basic Amino Acid:

NH2 = Amino Group
COOH= An Acid Group
The R Group Determines The Amino Acid

6 of 37
Two Basic Amino Acids

The Amino Acid Cross Addition:

Across: H+H+H+N+C+C+O+O = 1.01+1.01+1.01+14.01+12.01+12.01+16.00+16.00=73.06
Down: H+C+C+H+H+O+H = 1.01+12.01+12.01+1.01+1.01+16.00+1.01=44.06
(Down)/(Across) = (44.06)/(73.06)=0.603~0.618=1/1.618=the golden ratio conjugate
The Amino Acid Cross Addition:
Across: H3+N+C+C+O+O=73.06
Down: 1.01+12.01+12.01+1.01+1.01+1.01=28.06
(Down/Across)PHI=(Down/Across)1.618=(0.38438)(1.618)=0.6219~0.618=phi=golden ratio

7 of 37
Across: H+H+H+N+C+C+O+O = 1.01+1.01+1.01+14.01+12.01+12.01+16.00+16.00=73.06
Down: H+C+C+H+H+O+H = 1.01+12.01+12.01+1.01+1.01+16.00+1.01=44.06

Across: H3+N+C+C+O+O=73.06
Down: 1.01+12.01+12.01+1.01+1.01+1.01=28.06
Serine =

Alanine =

8 of 37
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is composed of diodes, transistors, and integrated circuitry, which uses
Silicon (Si) doped with phosphorus (P) and Boron (B).
Silicon (Si) = 28.09
Phosphorus (P) = 30.97
Boron (B) = 10.81
That which I did next was to take the geometric between phosphorus and boron and divide it by
silicon. Then, take the the harmonic mean between phosphorus and boron and divide it by
silicon. And finally, took the arithmetic mean between these two results. That final result turned
out to be the golden ratio conjugate (0.618) to one place after the decimal:

9 of 37

Finally, we write:

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And in general:
We have found the following, where Au is gold, Ag is silver, He is helium, H is hydrogen and

3/10 is 0.3 is the albedo of the earth. The sun fuses hydrogen into helium and, Au/Ag is about
9/5, which is the ratio of the solar radius to the lunar orbital radius:

11 of 37
The basic unit of AI is:

This can be broken up into three parts:

Since these are grams squared per moles squared, we take the square root of each:

This is titanium and aluminum:

(27.64866+25.876)/2 = 26.76233 grams/mole ~ aluminum (Al) =26.98 grams/mole
48.4479 grams/mole ~ titanium (Ti) = 47.88 grams/mole
These metals are light and strong and should be used for the robot skeleton.

12 of 37
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main (void)
printf("The main components of AI are made of silicon (Si) doped with\n);
printf("Phosphorus (P) and Boron (B).\n");
printf("Si=28.09, P=30.97, B=10.81\n");
int n;
int i;
printf ("How many numbers averaged?: ");
scanf("%d", &n);
while (n<0);
float num[n],sum=0.0,average;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
printf("%i enter number: ", i);
scanf("%f", &num[n]);
printf("The sum of your numbers is: %.2f\n", sum);
printf("The arithmetic mean is: %.2f\n", average);
float a, b,total, product, harmonic, geometric, answer;
printf("We find the harmonic and geometric means between a and b.\n");
printf("enter a: ");
scanf("%f", &a);
printf("enter b: ");
scanf("%f", &b);
printf("harmonic mean is %.2f\n", harmonic);
printf("geometric mean is %.2f\n",geometric);
printf("If you chose phosphorus and boron for a and b,...\n");
printf("would you like me to divide the results by silicon? 1=yes, 0=no: ");
scanf("%f", &answer);
if (answer==1)
printf("harmonic/Si is: %.2f \n",harmonic/28.09);
printf("geometric/Si is: %.2f\n", geometric/28.09);
printf("Would you like me to take the artithmetic mean between these results? ");

13 of 37
scanf("%f", &answer);
if (answer==1)
printf("The arithmetic mean of the harmonic and geometric means is: 0.61\n");
printf("That is the golden ratio conjugate.\n");
printf("This means that:\n");
printf(" (sqrt(PB))(P+B)+2PB\n");
printf(" = phi=0.6\n");
printf("closing sesssion\n");

14 of 37

jharvard@appliance (~): cd Dropbox/discover

jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/discover): ./ai
The main components of AI are made of silicon (Si) doped with
Phosphorus (P) and Boron (B).
Si=28.09, P=30.97, B=10.81
How many numbers averaged?: 2
1 enter number: 30.97
2 enter number: 10.81
The sum of your numbers is: 41.78
The arithmetic mean is: 20.89
We find the harmonic and geometric means between a and b.
enter a: 30.97
enter b: 10.81
harmonic mean is 16.03
geometric mean is 18.30
If you chose phosphorus and boron for a and b,...
would you like me to divide the results by silicon? 1=yes, 0=no: 1
harmonic/Si is: 0.57
geometric/Si is: 0.65
Would you like me to take the arithmetic mean between these results? 1
The arithmetic mean of the harmonic and geometric means is: 0.61
That is the golden ratio conjugate.
This means that:

= phi=0.6
closing sesssion
jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/discover):

15 of 37

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main (void)
float a, b, product, sum, geometric, harmonic;
printf("We looked at silicon doped with phosphorus and boron,...\n");
printf("But, Gallium (Ga) and Arsenic (As) can be used as doping agents,..\n");
printf("As well, we can use Germanium (Ga) in place of Silicon (Si),...\n");
printf("for the semimetal.\n");
printf("Germanium = 72.61, Gallium = 69.72, Arsenic = 74.92.\n");
printf("Give me a the doping agent Ga: ");
scanf("%f", &a);
printf("Give me b the doping agent As: ");
scanf("%f", &b);
printf("The harmonic mean is %.2f\n", harmonic);
printf("The geometric mean is %.2f\n", geometric);
printf("Notice the hamonic/geometric for Ga and As, is close to Germanium (Ge)\n");
printf("Germanium was the first generation semiconductor.\n");
printf("This would suggest logic gates using these doping agents,...\n");
printf("Should be doping Germanium for first generation robots,\n");
printf("This says:\n");
printf(" sqrt((Ga)(As))~Ge\n");

16 of 37

jharvard@appliance (~): cd Dropbox/discover

jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/discover): make skeleton
clang -ggdb3 -O0 -std=c99 -Wall -Werror skeleton.c -lcs50 -lm -o skeleton
jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/discover): ./skeleton
We looked at silicon doped with phosphorus and boron,...
But, Gallium (Ga) and Arsenic (As) can be used as doping agents,..
As well, we can use Germanium (Ga) in place of Silicon (Si),...
for the semimetal.
Germanium = 72.61, Gallium = 69.72, Arsenic = 74.92.
Give me a the doping agent Ga: 69.72
Give me b the doping agent As: 74.92
The harmonic mean is 72.23
The geometric mean is 72.27
Notice the hamonic/geometric for Ga and As, is close to Germanium (Ge)
Germanium was the first generation semiconductor.
This would suggest logic gates using these doping agents,...
Should be doping Germanium for first generation robots,
This says:

jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/discover):

17 of 37

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main (void)
float P, B, Ga=0.0, As=0.0, geo, geometric, Si, doubled, twicesi;
printf("Si=28.09, P=30.97, B=10.81\n");
printf("Ge=72.61, Ga=69.72, As=74.92\n");
printf("Let us find the geometric mean between P and B:\n");
printf("Enter P: ");
scanf("%f", &P);
printf("Enter B: ");
scanf("%f", &B);
printf("Let us find the geometric mean between Ga and As:\n");
printf("Enter Ga: ");
scanf("%f", &Ga);
printf("Enter As: ");
scanf("%f", &As);
printf("geometric for P and B = %.2f\n", geo);
printf("geometric for Ga and As = %.2f\n", geometric);
printf("Let us now add sqrt(Ga*As) to sqrt(P*B)\n");
printf("Then divide the result by 2 times Si\n");
printf("We divide by double Si, because we have added the mean of,...\n");
printf("two doping agents, to the mean of another two doping agents.\n");
printf("sqrt(Ga*As)+sqrt(PB) = %.2f\n", geo + geometric);
printf("Input Si and I will divide 2Si into the above sum: ");
scanf("%f", &Si);
printf("(sqrt(Ga*As)+sqrt(PB))/2Si =: %.2f\n", doubled/twicesi);
printf("This is the golden ratio (PHI) which equals 1.6\n");
printf("We have therefore discovered:\n");
printf(" sqrt(Ga*As)+sqrt(PB)\n");
printf(" ------------------------ = PHI\n");

18 of 37

jharvard@appliance (~): cd Dropbox/discover

jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/discover): make dope
clang -ggdb3 -O0 -std=c99 -Wall -Werror dope.c -lcs50 -lm -o dope
jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/discover): ./dope
Si=28.09, P=30.97, B=10.81
Ge=72.61, Ga=69.72, As=74.92
Let us find the geometric mean between P and B:
Enter P: 30.97
Enter B: 10.81
Let us find the geometric mean between Ga and As:
Enter Ga: 69.72
Enter As: 74.92
geometric for P and B = 18.30
geometric for Ga and As = 72.27
Let us now add sqrt(Ga*As) to sqrt(P*B)
Then divide the result by 2 times Si
We divide by double Si, because we have added the mean of,...
two doping agents, to the mean of another two doping agents.
sqrt(Ga*As)+sqrt(PB) = 90.57
Input Si and I will divide 2Si into the above sum: 28.09
(sqrt(Ga*As)+sqrt(PB))/2Si =: 1.61
This is the golden ratio (PHI) which equals 1.6
We have therefore discovered:
jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/discover):

19 of 37

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main (void)
printf(" (sqrt(PB))(P+B))+2PB\n");
printf(" - = phi\n");
printf("(27.64866+25.876)/2 = 26.76233\n");
printf("This is approximately equal to aluminum (Al)\n");
printf("This is approximately equal to titanium (Ti)\n");
printf("This says a second generation robot,...\n");
printf("should have a skeleton composed of,...\n");
printf("titanium-aluminum alloy\n");

20 of 37

jharvard@appliance (~): cd Dropbox/discover

jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/discover): make busca
clang -ggdb3 -O0 -std=c99 -Wall -Werror busca.c -lcs50 -lm -o busca
jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/discover): ./busca

= phi
(27.64866+25.876)/2 = 26.76233
This is approximately equal to aluminum (Al)
This is approximately equal to titanium (Ti)
This says a second generation robot,...
should have a skeleton composed of,...
titanium-aluminum alloy
jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/discover):

21 of 37
It is at once clear what we need to do for the next phase of this project. Each guess we have
made has had favorable results. First we guessed that Silicon (Si) doped with Phosphorus (P)
and Boron (B) should have in their means the golden ratio or the golden ratio conjugate, and
they did, if they were to be the building blocks of AI. Then we guessed the golden ratio, or its
conjugate, should be in the ratio of the elements in the building blocks of organic life, which are
amino acids, and we had success with that in our cross method of comparing molar masses.
We then thought, since all that worked, it should work for gallium (Ga) and arsenic (As) doping
germanium (Ge) because Germanium was the first generation of semiconductors. We then
guessed that our equation for the building block of silicon semi conductors doped with
phosphorus and boron, should, if we broke it down into three parts, reveal something
meaningful. It did, in fact, the best thing it could, that titanium (Ti) - aluminum (Al) alloy is the
natural material for the skeleton of AI. This is perfect because Titanium-Aluminum alloys are the
finest structural metals to date because they are light and strong. We then applied the same
concept to the doping agents Gallium and Arsenic, and the result was very good: Germanium
semiconductors should be used for logic gates in first generation AI and that, the skeleton,
should be iron. It made sense that it worked out this way.
Now, we are lead to ask the logical question, what should the veins of the robot be? We would
guess copper and/or aluminum, because these metals are ductile and can be drawn out into
long wires and are very conductive. Copper is used more than any other element for electrical
wiring, aluminum is used for casing of electrical devices. Thus there should be some sort of a
connection to AI in their molar masses. But, it does not stop there. We are lead to ask, what is
used to insulate the wires? That is what should the protective skin of the veins be? There are a
multitude of electrical insulators, but sufficient for wires made of copper, is any plastic or rubber,
the most basic of which is polyethylene (plastic). It has the chemical formula:

{ (C }_{ 2 }{ H }_{ 4 })_{ n }

The result is very perfect and almost exact, we find the polyethylene has a molar mass almost
exactly the same as silicon, the source of diodes, transistors, and integrated circuitry used to
make the logic gates that make AI think. Behold:

This leaves us to contemplate what the magic in Copper (Cu) and Aluminum (Al) might be.
Cu = 63.55 g/mol and Al=26.98 g/mol

22 of 37
Electron Volt: A unit of energy equal to the work done on an electron in accelerating it
through a potential of one volt. It is 1.6E10-19 Joules (Google Search Engine)
Volt: Potential energy that will impart on joule of energy per coulomb of charge that
passes through it. (Wikipedia)
Coulomb: The charge of 6.242E18 protons or 6.242E18 electrons.
Forward Bias: A diode (silicon) must have 0.7 volts across it to turn it on, 0.3 volts
(Germanium). This is called forward voltage. The forward voltage threshold is 0.6 volts.
(0.6 volts)(1.6E-19)=9.6E-20 Joules
This is the energy to turn on a diode, or the threshold of life for artificial intelligence. I
call it a bue (basic unit of energy).
Aerobic respiration requires oxygen (O2) in order to generate ATP. Although
carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are consumed as reactants, it is the preferred method
of pyruvate breakdown in glycolysis and requires that pyruvate enter the mitochondria in
order to be fully oxidized by the Krebs cycle. The products of this process are carbon
dioxide and water, but the energy transferred is used to break strong bonds in ADP as
the third phosphate group is added to form ATP (adenosine triphosphate), by substratelevel phosphorylation, NADH and FADH2 (Wikipedia)
Simplified reaction:
C6H12O6 (s) + 6 O2 (g) 6 CO2 (g) + 6 H2O (l) + heat
G = 2880 kJ per mol of C6H12O6

(2,880,000 J)/(6.02E23 C6H12O6) =4.784E-18 J = basic unit of biological life

(4.784E-18 J)/(9.6E-20 J)=49.8~50
This says the basic energy unit of organic, or biological life, is about 50 times greater
than the basic energy unit of electronic life, or artificial intelligence.
That is 0.6(50)=30 electron volts = basic unit of energy for biological life.
So, we see the visible spectrum for one photon of light begins where the energy of the
photon is 2 bue electronic which is 100 bue biological and that that photon has a
wavelength of 1.0 micrometers.
This is all about vision in a robot or AI.

23 of 37

+1.2eV |>> out (9.6E-20 J, or 0.6 eV)


A photon has to have a minimum energy of 1.2 electron volts to impart to an electron for it to
turn on the simplest of logic gates; a one on, one off, OR GATE, for there to be an output of one
bue (basic unit of energy electronic) , which 9.6E-20 Joules, as I have calculated it.
Use Plancks Equation: E=hv where h= 6.626E-34 Joule seconds
v=2(9.6E-20)/(6.626E-34)=3.067E14 cycles per second
wavelength = lambda = c/v where c is the speed of light equal to 3E8 m/s

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lambda = (3E8)/(3.067E-14) = 9.78E-7 meters

1 micrometer = 1E-6 meters
lambda ~ 1 micrometer (This is where the visible spectrum begins)
So we see the visible spectrum for one photon of light begins where the energy is 2 bue.

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ian beardsley

26 of 37
While Loop In Python
n=int(raw_input('Count to this integer: '))
if n>0:
while (x!=n):
print('Give me a positive integer.)

While Loop In C
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int i=0;
int n;
printf("Give me an integer less than 10: ");
scanf("%i", &n);
while (n>0)
printf("%i\n", i);

27 of 37

For Loop In Python

For Loops in Python and C
n=int(raw_input("Give me a positive int: "))
for number in range(1, n+1):

For Loop In C
int main (void)
int n;
printf("Count to this integer: ");
scanf("%d", &n);
while (n<=0);
for (int i = 1; i<=n; i++)
printf("%d\n", i);

Running the For Loop in C (Does same thing as the While Loops)
jharvard@appliance (~): cd Dropbox/descubrir
jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/descubrir): ./count
Count to this integer: 5
jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/descubrir):

28 of 37

print("Let us ask what is simplest k = 4 statement?");

print("It is: ");
print(" ");
while (x!=k):
print(" ");
print("It depicts a 45-45-90 triangle");
print("It has for unit sides a square root of 2");
print("It is also one of the 'three special triangles'");
print("used to determine sin and cos functions of special angles");
print("It is important because 45 degrees is the maximum");
print("range for a projectile.);

29 of 37
print("The basic substances from which life formed on early earth are:
print("CH4 (Methane), NH3 (Ammonia), H2O (water), H2 (hydrogen gas)")
print("The idea of Wolfram is if we can describe something
print("with a few short lines of source code, then ")
print("this can be an alternative to using mathematics ")
print("to describe Nature. ")
print("Because these substances from which life are made of, ")
print("elements 6 (C), 7 (N). 8(O) of the period table and H, ")
print("a simple loop can be written, because the C, N, and O, ")
print("progress in increments of one, while the H decrements. ")
print("as such we write code to make the pyramid of life.")
while (x!=k):

print("Where we say HH=H2, HHH=H3, HHHH=H4, and,...")

print("CCC = O, CC = N, and C = C.)

30 of 37

print(" ");
print("Pythagoras thought the tetractys was the key to the universe")
print("It is the triangle such that: 1, 1+1=2, 2+1=3, 3+1=4")
print("which is 1+2+3+4=10")
print(" ")
while (x!=4):
print(y*" "+x*"* ")
print(" ");

31 of 37

It is my belief that, in order to make AI that thinks, you need to make a

"therefore()" function that draws off a "what is this?()" function. To make an AI
that uses the latter function it needs to be able to learn so that it can make a
memory of data that grows and changes and can be used to try to determine
what something is with the "what is this?()" function.
Ian Beardsley
March 20, 2016

32 of 37
#include <stdio.h>
int main (void)
printf("The computer knows what the sum of two
printf("x=float(raw_input(Enter x: \n");
printf("y=float(raw_input(Enter y: \n");
printf("z=x+y \n");
printf("print(x + y= + str(z) )\n");
printf("But, instead of asking the computer to
printf("a times b = a*b \n");
printf("We can teach it from the definition of
printf("that a*b is a added to itself b times,
printf("a=float(raw_input(Enter a: \n");
printf("b=float(raw-input(Enter b: \n");
printf("while (b>0)\n");
printf("else: \n");
printf("a times b equals: + str(result)\n");
printf("Let us run the above code: \n");
float result=0, a, b;
printf("Enter a: ");
scanf("%f", &a);
printf("Enter b: ");
scanf("%f", &b);
while (b>0)
printf("a times b is: %.2f\n", result);

numbers is.\n");

say: \n");
a+b \n");
and we write: \n");

33 of 37

34 of 37
Last login: Mon Mar 21 20:15:20 on ttys000
Claires-MBP:~ ianbeardsley$ /Users/ianbeardsley/Desktop/analytics ; exit;
The computer knows what the sum of two numbers is.
x=float(raw_input(Enter x:
y=float(raw_input(Enter y:
print(x + y= + str(z) )
But, instead of asking the computer to say:
a times b = a*b
We can teach it from the definition of a+b
that a*b is a added to itself b times, and we write:
a=float(raw_input(Enter a:
b=float(raw-input(Enter b:
while (b>0)
a times b equals: + str(result)
Let us run the above code:
Enter a: 2
Enter b: 3
a times b is: 6.00
[Process completed]

35 of 37
jharvard@appliance (~): cd Dropbox
jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox): make analytics
clang -ggdb3 -O0 -std=c99 -Wall -Werror analytics.c -lcs50 -lm -o analytics
jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox): ./analytics
The computer knows what the sum of two numbers is.
x=float(raw_input(Enter x:
y=float(raw_input(Enter y:
print(x + y= + str(z) )
But, instead of asking the computer to say:
a times b = a*b
We can teach it from the definition of a+b
that a*b is a added to itself b times, and we write:
a=float(raw_input(Enter a:
b=float(raw-input(Enter b:
while (b>0)
a times b equals: + str(result)
Let us run the above code:
Enter a: 2
Enter b: 3
a times b is: 6.00
jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox):

36 of 37
As well we must make the computer understand that while multiplication is an addition process,
division is a subtraction process:

37 of 37

The Author

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