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your responsibility to know your children, to

teach your children, to protect your children to

guide your children, and to be an example for
9. Nuwaup-u Nuwaupians you must also acknowledge your own sexuality, your own
lust, perversions and know that what you did
before you became aware of Wu-Nuwaup has
and does affect your life today. If all males and
females did exactly the same, then you can say
Im not to blame for going from boy to boy,
man to man. Yet, all do not and did not do that
so it is not natural nature. Its your own choices
that affect your life and dont say to your children, I did not know this or that; or I aborted,
that is killed, murdered, an unborn person because oft his or that. Yes, its partly your maNaS-u Manash-u Parents fault; yet, it is
also your own physical fault and your Aaqal
aqal Mind. You read that sex book or magazine or looked at the photos. You watched pornography that caused a reaction in your brain
and addicts you to look again and again and
overtime the desire to look at more and more
perversions and even wanting to try and or experiment; then your whole life is changed and
youre a new person out of control. Its all a
reaction in your brain, Now if before your
tazwah Tazwah Marriage you did not
know this about yourself and your mate does
not wish to compromise or agree with your
newly uncovered perversions, you will go out to
seek them elsewhere and destroy your relationship and yasar Yasar Family. This is
real and happening everyday. That is the point
of strip clubs, pornography websites to seduce,
allure, addict, attract, entice and trap you. Its
the works of the sex force; the six ether forces
to take over your Aaqal aqal Mind,
KaLaL Khaa Body and take your very
baaaH Baaa Soul
Luster attracts lust; Pleasure attracted by feeling
good many mix up lust for love.

This weakness is in you by mixing your natat Natat Seed with the Adamites who live
by no rules or disciplines. They live by danger,
drugs, alcohol and perversions and this is their
HaXab azhab Culture from way back as
Vikings are still with them today. Now tired of
their own zaztat-u Zazaztat-uWomen,
the men Patriarchism which is the root of their
religion of monotheism or Abrahamism, Mosesism, Jesusism and Muhammadism and their
political systems from the Roman tribune and
Greeks both of whom promoted homosexuality
and abuse of the female. So now once again tired
of their women and they seek to take over other
races women and called it Democracy and or Republican parties are the results. If a people with
their own culture or way of life do not wish to
accept the aadaM-u Aadam-u Adamites
way, then they enter a war to convert them. So
they can invade their aqal-aat Minds,
Khaa-aat Bodies and Baaa-aat Souls
take over then have access to all others, truth is
truth. Youre a cult if you dont accept their religious beliefs.

NO. 3



1. We Nuwaup-u Nuwaupians
acknowledge that sexualities are part of Humanoids natural tabeHyal tabaH
Tabeyal Taba Natural Nature.
2. We Nuwaup-u Nuwaupians
acknowledge our hakaMdum Hakamdum
Wisdom and understanding of our own
KaLaL Khaa Body that not all people
are the same sexually or have the same exact
feelings about jaNesyal AadaN-aat
Janesyal adan-aat Sexual Pleasures.
3. We Nuwaup-u Nuwaupians
acknowledge that some persons are much
more sexual than others and we know that our
children are not the same as ourselves and that
each is born with their own level of sexual
raGab-aat Raghab-aat Desires.
4. We as Nuwaup-u Nuwaupians must
learn to recognize in our Karad-u Kharad
-u Children, who are much more
jaNesyal Janesyal Sexual than others;
or even ourselves to know and recognize the
slang word horny which means sexually
aroused, excited sexually. This takes place in
the persons daMaG Damagh Brain and
is not the same in any way. So you must know
what to look for in a young age with your
Karad-u Kharad-u Children.
5. We as Nuwaup-u Nuwaupians
know the haqaqtal
Haqaqtal Haqaq-aat Actual Facts that

both aaSah Aashah Female and aayaS

Aayash Male and those in between nawaH
-aat Nawa-aat Genders get horny equally. Its not a fact that males are more sexual
than females or that bi-sexuals or homosexuals
which should be called hormone sexuals; or
lesbians or transsexuals are any more sexual
than those who claim to be heterosexuals. It is
the same and equal in kakal Kalal All,
with the exception of only muKNaStat-u
Mukhnashtat-u Hermaphrodites or MuKnaSu
whose bodies hazuz Hazuz Vibrate on
twice the frequency as all other beings, the
original beings.
6. We as Nuwaup-u Nuwaupians
acknowledge that sexual phobias were created
by religious fanatics first started by mistranslations of the Hebrew Book, the Torah chapter
19; then picked by Christians sects who mistranslated it from the Hebrew laHaj Laaj
Language to the Greek and Latin laHajaat Laaj-aat Languages because the
open sexuality of the Romans and Greeks as
they set out to convert them to this new Hebrew sect called Christianity and now has
spread as a phobia the taOal Tapal
World over. Nuwaupians are nor homophobic or under any other phobias created by religious fanatics or any other fanatics. Nuwaupians respect the human right to love whomever,
to choose to zawuh Zawuh Marry whomever you choose, and your private sexual life is
no ones business except your own.
7. We as Nuwaup-u Nuwaupians encourage
Muldadtat-u Mothers and muldad-u
Muldad-u Fathers to know your own childrens sexuality at a young age, know some
children are much more sexual than others and
its very important not to ignore this or you

will find you lose your Karad-u Kharad-u

Children. The jawed Jawed Wicked
dawew Dawew Evil world at a young age
as the girls seek boys and the fatay-u Fatay-u Boys seek fataytat-u Fataytatu Girls this is part of the humanoid natural
nature, puberty; some more and before others.
To ignore it or try to enforce restrictions on
them will not work its in their very brain
chemistry. So you jalus Jalus Sit and
natuq Natuq Speak with them not at
them to find out and remember girls can be
just as horny as boys and some at a very young
age. To enforce total separation of genders
does not work too much contact unsupervised
between gender does not work. You have to
know your Karad Kharad Child each
their own level of sexuality. You cant judge
them by yourself you cant train them to be
what your religion in the past taught you. Take
the time to learn them, explain life, relationships, sex, lust and nymphomania with them.
8. We as Nuwaup-u Nuwaupians explain and teach our children about the many
sexually transmitted disease, venereal maraD
-aat Maradz-aat Diseases and how
once they contract one or many it is with them
for life or even can take their lives; and can
affect their child in taldad Taldad
Childbirth and how easy it is to become
pregnant and the actual fact that in most cases
once the girl becomes pregnant the boy
doesnt want to have anything to do with her
anymore and many reject and deny the
mawas Mawas Baby as their own. She
now is a teen or young mother and her plans
for the future are never the same. Once a male
sees a young girl with a child, its a target that
she is available for sexual use after all she has
already done it. All he seeks is to satisfy his
horniness or lust; then again he moves on. Its

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