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Unity 3D with C#

Group members:
Attiq ur Rehman


Usama Hassan Alvi


Presentation Link:

Multiple Choice Questions

1) What is Unity 3D?

a) Search Engine
b) Browser
c) Gaming Engine
d) Media Player

2) Is Unity 3D a cross platform?

a) YES
b) NO

3) What is a cross platform?

a) multi connection
b) multi compatible
c) multi task
d) multi process

4) What tools Unity 3D used for programing?

a) unity script(java script)
b) C#
c) None of the above
d) Both a and b

5) What APIs Unity 3D used?

a) Direct3D
b) OpenGL
c) OpenGL ES
d) All of the above

6) Where is it essential to install unity web Player?

a) Web Browsers
b) Android
c) IOs
d) Mac

7) What is Unity web Player?

a) Media Player
b) Game Player
c) Plugin
d) None

8) Is Unity only used for developing 3D games?

a) YES
b) NO

9) Who develop Unity?

a) Microsoft
b) IBM
c) Apple
d) Unity Technologies

10) Unity is written in which programing Language?

b) C, C++
c) C#
d) Python

11) Can threads be used to modify a Texture on runtime?


No. Unity doesnt allow other threads, besides the main one, to make modifications on these
kinds of data.


Yes, Because Texture and Meshes are examples of elements stored in GPU memory

12) Can threads be used to move a GameObject on the scene?


No. Fetching the Transform reference isnt thread safe in Unity.

b) Yes, Because Fetching the Transform reference is thread safe in Unity


13) Can two GameObjects, each with only a sphere collider, both set as trigger and
raise OnTrigger events?

No. Collision events between two objects can only be raised when one of them has a RigidBody
attached to it.
b) Yes. Collision events between two objects can be raised when one of them has a RigidBody attached
to it.

14) Which of the following examples will run faster?

a) 1000 GameObjects, each with a MonoBehaviour implementing the Update callback.

b) One GameObject with one MonoBehaviour with an Array of 1000 classes, each implementing a
custom Update callback.

15) Arrange the event functions listed below in the order in which they will be
invoked when an application is closed:
Update() ;OnGUI() ;Awake() ;OnDisable() ;Start() ;LateUpdate()
OnEnable() ;OnApplicationQuit() ;OnDestroy()
a) Awake(); OnEnable(); Start(); Update(); LateUpdate();
OnGUI(); OnApplicationQuit(); OnDisable(); OnDestroy()
b) OnGUI(); OnApplicationQuit(); OnDisable(); OnDestroy()
Awake(); OnEnable(); Start(); Update(); LateUpdate();

16) Why vectors should be normalized when used to move an object.



Normalization makes the vector unit length.

Normalization makes the vector auto increment/decrement.

17) What is vertex shader?

a) Vertex shader is a script that runs for each vertex of the mesh
b) Vertex shader is a script that runs for each fragment of the mesh

18) What a pixel shader?



Pixel shader is a script that runs for each fragment after three vertexes are processed in a meshs
Pixel shader is a script that runs for each pixel of the vertex.

19) What is the role of inspector panel in the Unity editor?

a) The inspector panel allows users to modify numeric values drag and drop references of scene


It shows all the available scripts, textures, materials and shaders available for use in the project.

20) What is the role of project panel in the Unity editor?

a) It shows all the available scripts, textures, materials and shaders available for use in the project.


The inspector panel allows users to modify numeric values drag and drop references of scene



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