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SACS Input File Checklist

o Verify water depth using structural drawings and the latest underwater
inspection report.

Refer to Mudline Washaway and Scour Guideline for more information

on what to do when the latest Bottom Survey depth readings to not match
the original design water depth.

o Verify whether the water depth includes storm tide (not always recommended).
Make sure tide is reflected here or on wave cards. See Notes on LDOPT and
Metocean Cards section, below.
o Verify mudline elevation is negative (it is measured from the waterline)
o This card will be in the seainp file if using separate seainp and sacinp files.
o Most of the other column inputs for this card are based on preference and can be
left to the SACS defaults. For more information on what each column does and
what the defaults are, refer to the SACS Seastate Manual.
o Here is an acceptable set of typical options:

Col. 65-67 CMB to have the combined loads converted to basics

Col. 71-72 NP to have the SACS model data print suppressed

Col. 73-74 NP to have the Seastate data print suppressed

Col. 79 K to have the AREA warning messages suppressed to avoid a

cluttered warning/error log caused by submerged areas near the water

All other columns left as default/blank, except those described above

o Number of member sections for stress calculations and code checks:

Non-segmented members (Col. 29-30) 4

Segmented members (Col. 31-32) 2

Default 1

Warning This is not conservative. Non-segmented members

should be code checked at a minimum of 4 locations, as stated

o Enter SD to include shear deformation effects (Col. 23-24)

o Enter desired code check option in Col. 25-26.

Enter UC for API 21st / AISC 9th

Enter AA for API 21st / AISC 13th WSD

Enter AL for API 21st / AISC 13th LRFD

o Most print options can be left to default/blank. The following should typically be

Enter PT in Col. 47-48 to turn on the Member Unity Check Range


You will need both this option and the UCPART card in your file
in order for the Member UC Report to be included in your list file.

If the documentation spreadsheet is not functioning correctly,

verify that this option and the UCPART card are both present in
your input file, and then verify that the Member UC Report is
included in your list file.

Enter SE in Col. 55-56 to get element detail reports only for selected

Enter PT in Col. 59-60 to turn on the Joint Reactions Report

o Select the cases and/or combinations that you want results for.
o If this card is not included, then SACS will develop full results (stresses, UCs,
printouts in list file tables, etc.) for every basic and combined load combination.
o Set the unity ranges as follows: blank - 0.85; 0.85 - 1.00; 1.00 blank. This is in
line with BSEE reporting requirements and internal documentation guidelines.
o The blank 0.85 group is not required for documentation. For large files,
leaving this group out will significantly reduce the length of your output file.
o For extreme environmental cases an increase in allowable of 1.333 is applied; for
operating or any other load condition 1.000 is to be used.
o For members that are created (i.e. plate girders, composite shapes, etc.)
o Check the flooded condition for each group (col. 70).

Flood all non-grouted piling, jacket legs, W.B.s, conductors, sumps, and
bulk/oil risers. Do not flood gas-filled risers.

Check the latest underwater inspection and flood any members with holes
in them (See Anomaly/Repair Log) and any members identified as
flooded in the Flooded Member Survey.

o The default shear modulus value is 11.2 x 1000 ksi for steel (col. 36-40).

o Use a shear area modifier of 0.50 for tubular members (col. 65-69).
o Verify segment lengths of multi-segmented groups (columns 77-80). Do not enter
lengths <= 1.0 ft since those numbers are taken to be ratios of the total length of
the member. If ratios are used, the sum of all the ratios for each member should
= 1.0.
o Verify the code check class and Cm values for all groups (Col. 47).

Verify that skipped members are applicable. Typically, we skip secondary

steel for assessments. (Member classification input = 9)

As per API RP 2A Section 3.3.1.d, the following should be used:

Composite section for grouted legs/piles code check class 5

Ungrouted jacket legs code check class 5

Ungrouted piles code check class 3

Most other members should use code check class 1

o Verify un-braced lengths Lb, effective lengths Le, and K-factors, especially for
critical members (columns 52-59).

Be aware of the interaction between group K-factors and member Kfactors / effective lengths (Le).

If both a group and a member K-factor are applied, then the

member K-factor will override the group K-factor.

If a group K-factor is used together with a member effective length

Le, then the two will work together.

o A 5 ft member has a group K-factor of 0.8 and a member
K-factor of 0.6. No effective length is set. The analysis will
use KL = 0.6*5 = 3 ft.
o A 5 ft member has a group K-factor of 0.8 and a member
effective length of 10 ft with no member K-factor. Then, the
analysis will use KL = 0.8*10 = 8 ft.

Examples of how to use K and L in jacket members:

Jacket Legs: Ly = Lz = (K=1.0)*(edge-to-edge distance between

horizontals framing into leg)

Jacket Horizontals: Ly = Lz = (K=0.8)*(face-to-face length of jacket


Jacket Diagonals: Ly = Lz = (K=0.8)*(face-to-face length of jacket


o Use RP option for member detail report if SE option of the OPTIONS card
is selected.

o Add effective lengths Le / K-factors, especially for critical members.

Note: Leaving K=1.0 (or not setting the effective length) is not necessarily

Be aware of interactions between group and member effective lengths /

K-factors. See explanation and examples given with the GRUP Card
notes above.

o Verify un-braced length Lb especially for critical members (columns 60-64).

MEMB2 Card
o Establish X-braces & K-braces.
o Add wind area cards to account for the wind loading on unmodeled items such
as buildings, equipment, flare booms, etc. Use area designators as required.

Note per SACS manual: All defined areas having the same identifier will
be loaded in any load case that specifies that identifier on the wind
definition lines. If left blank this area will be loaded in all load cases
having wind loads.

Keep this in mind whenever leaving an area card identifier blank.

o Add drag area for boat landing if the boat landing members are not modeled.
Use area designators as required. Develop discussion regarding effects on
grating (see also ASCE doc XXXXXX).

Note that the most accurate option to account for the boat landing is to
actually model the boat landing members and then make them into a
dummy structure.

Using drag areas to account for the presence of the boat landing is an
acceptable time-saving alternative. Add information about location of

o Include drag area for portion of sub-cellar deck if wave crest is higher than
B.O.S. of deck (or use API Section 17 for force approximation).
o Note: Any wind and drag area with the same identifier will either both be
included or neither included in a given load case (Example: you name a wind
area and drag area A1, and include the wind card with A1 on it. Then, the A1
drag will be applied even if you dont include a drag card.)
o When using a windshield, be sure to include the depth of the deepest beam in the
wind area to account for the wind loading on external beams.
CDM Card
o Use correct CDM card for drag and inertia coefficients for smooth and rough
members (AP). Smooth refers to cylindrical members above the marine growth
elevation and rough to those below the top of the marine growth elevation

AP refers to the following - - - API, Section 2.3.1.b (7.), page 15:

For smooth unshielded circular cylinders: Cd = 0.65, Cm = 1.6

For rough unshielded circular cylinders: Cd = 1.05, Cm = 1.2

o W.B (Wish Bone) GRPOV local Y and Z dimensions (0.001) and density (0.001).
Also, put an N in column 19 to eliminate marine growth.
o GRPOV local Y and Z dimensions (0.001) and eliminate marine growth for piles
inside of jacket legs and conductors inside of guides.
o Use conductor shielding, applied as drag coefficients in GRPOV.

Refer to API, Section 2.3.1.b (8.), page 16.

o Use GRPOV cards for interior deck beams outside a wind shield zone since these
members are not impacted by wind forces.

Edit effective dimensions to 0.001 to shield members completely.

o Coefficients on the GRPOV cards can be used to achieve partial shielding.

Example: To provide 50% shielding from wave and current, set both drag
and mass coefficients to 0.50 and select the option for overrides applied
as factors.

o Account for splashtron coating on members in the splash zone.

For riser design, account for splashtron added to the riser in the
splashzone (typically).

To account for this increased thickness in the model, use member

overrides to adjust the local Y and Z dimensions. ( increase in radial
thickness = 1 increase in each local dimension)

The increased thickness cannot be used to increase member section


Member overrides can also be used to account for the increased density.

o You can account for corrosion allowance in the splashzone by overriding local Y
and Z dimensions. Corrosion allowance can be project specific.
o Overrides of the local Y and Z dimensions can also be used to adjust the marine
growth thickness of an individual member.
o Add windshield card for the elevations at which global wind area cards are used.

This card prevents ultraconservative wind loading when individual area

cards already exist at specific deck locations.


o Verify extents of growth.

o Typically for new design use 1.5 from (-) 150.0 to 1.0 above MLLW. Marine
growth is measured from the mudline.

API, Section 2.3.4.d (2.), page 26:

Use 1.5 inches from Mean Higher High Water (MHHW) to -150
ft. unless a smaller or larger value of thickness is appropriate from
site specific studies. MHHW is one foot higher than MLLW.

o For existing structures, consult the latest underwater inspection report to find
recent marine growth measurements. Use only the hard growth values. Do not
use less than 1.5 growth in the (-) 150.0 to 1.0 above MLLW
o Verify marine growth density (typically use 64.2 pcf, but could research this
more). SACS default is neutrally buoyant (the value given to the water density).
DNV uses 75.0 pcf density.
o Enter 1.05 as the Dead Load and Buoyancy Load Case Factor for all cases
with the DEAD card in them.

This factor takes into account weight for painting, welds, and other
miscellaneous hardware.

These things occupy volume so it is acceptable to assume that buoyancy

would also be added. However, if a conservatively heavy dead load value
is desired, enter 1.00 as the Buoyancy Factor so that only the dead
weight is factored up and not the buoyancy.

o Enter 1.03 as the Wave, Wind, and Current Load Case Factor for all storm
load cases.

This factor is to account for additional drag due to anodes, etc.

Sample Card:
LOADCNMISC 1.000 1.010 1.011 1.012 1.013DEAD
Add descriptions

o Add non-coded loads for grating, handrail, pad eyes, and other miscellaneous
o Model plating or add plating loads. If adding plating loads, plates may be
modeled weightless to account for the stiffness they add to the deck.
o Can add skid loads or area pressure loads to represent equipment weights
o WIND Card

For wind profile, the default is 21AP.

Enter wind velocity (watch units) and wind direction (typically in-line
with the wave).

If you are using 21AP, then you must enter D in col. 6 or leave it blank
(default is D). Do not enter S.

Enter the wind averaging period in col. 17-24 or leave blank if you are
inputting a 1-hour average wind speed.

If you entered D in col. 6 or left it blank (which you must do if you are
using 21AP), then col. 33-40 can be used to enter SWD or can be left
blank (default to depth on LDOPT line).

Enter all applicable wind areas in col. 45-80.

o DRAG Card

Enter all applicable drag areas here.

o WAVE Card

Enter wave type; typically STRE (stream function including current

effects) is selected. When using STRE, do not select apparent wave period
AWP in the Current Card.

Enter wave height. Be sure to incorporate directionality factors for waves

(if applicable).

Enter the wave period and wave direction.

Enter kinematic factor (default is 1.00, which is conservative).

Wave kinematics factors are to account for the short-crested

(directionally spread) nature of incoming waves and irregularities
in the wave profile that are not accounted for in the stream

Typically, Chevron site-specific reports provide a wave kinematics

factor of 0.88.

API 2.3.4.d indicates that a wave kinematics factor of 0.88 should

be used for the Gulf of Mexico, North of 27 N Latitude and West
of 86 W Longitude

API Section 2.3.1.b-3 and the associated commentary explain the

purpose of using wave kinematics factors. The following range of
acceptable values is provided: 0.85 to 0.95 for tropical storms and
0.95 to 1.00 for extra-tropical storms.

In Col. 19-24, enter the still water depth override. Alternatively, you can
enter a mudline elevation override in Col. 45-50.

Enter the crest position, wave step size, and number of steps; make sure
these values are sufficient to capture the wave.

In Col. 69-70, enter the criteria for determining the wave critical position.
Typically overturning moment (MM) is selected (for assessments and new

design). If doing a load comparison, then select base shear (MS) instead
since load comparisons look at changes in base shear.

For stream function waves, leave the stream function order option in Col.
77-78 blank to let SACS determine the order of the stream function wave,
per API Figure 2.3.1-3.

In Col. 71-72 and 73-74, the max and min member segmentations can be
entered. Default is 10 max and 1 min.

Select a wave print option (typically minimum print, but to check if the
wave has been captured enter 1 or 2 in Col. 76).

o CURR Card

Enter the current direction; this may be omni-directional (in-line with the
wave) or it may have a principal current direction accompanied by
directionality factors.

Typically, we use STRE for wave type which means we do not select
apparent wave period. (If STRN is being used, then apparent wave period
should be selected.)

Enter current velocity (watch units) and either enter elevations above the
mudline or the elevations as a percentage of the water depth. (Start at the
mudline and work your way up if you have different transitions in your
current profile).

Use non-linear crest stretching option (preferred) in CURR card.

Use automatic or user-defined current blockage factors (See pg. 15 in API

RP 2A for appropriate value).

Typically a minimum current of 0.33 ft/s is applied in-line with the wave.
This is used if a principal current direction is established.

Beware that entering an in-line current in Col 5-8 WILL NOT

WORK if using a Stream Function for the wave.
o Hand calculations must be used to determine the cases in
which the 0.33 ft/s in-line current will control.
o Then, the in-line component in those cases must be changed
to 0.33 ft/s and the resultant magnitude and direction must
be calculated. The In-Line Current spreadsheet can be
used to do these calculations. This is a design tool that has
not yet been approved. The next release of SACS will have
corrected this problem so SACS will be able to do these
calculations automatically once that is installed.

o DEAD Card

Add separate DEAD cards in each storm case (Be careful not to double
dip in load combinations).

NOTES on Current and Stream Function Waves

o STRE card + CURR card without AWP: SACS accepts

o STRN card + CURR card with AWP: SACS accepts
o STRE card + CURR card with AWP: SACS converts STRE card to STRN
o Therefore, it is preferred that you use the following:

STRE card + CURR card without AWP

o If an error stating that no stream function solution is possible occurs with the
STRE option selected, the STRN (with AWP) option may produce results
without error.

STRN is stream function theory without current effects, whereas STRE

is stream function theory with current effects.

NOTES on LDOPT and Metocean Data Cards

o If MLW (MLLW actual water depth) is placed on LDOPT card:

Leave water depth blank on DEAD card used in gravity load cases

Place still water depth on WAVE cards

Place still water depth on DEAD cards used in metocean load cases

o If Still Water Depth is placed on LDOPT card:

Place MLW (or MLLW) on DEAD card used in gravity load cases

Leave water depth blank on WAVE cards

Leave water depth blank on DEAD cards used in metocean load cases

o Enter all applicable member and group overrides within each load case, typically
these are shielding overrides (may be different in different directions).
o If using separate seastate file, be sure to include all metocean cards including
drag and wind areas in this file. Load combinations should also be included in
this file only.
o Create loading combinations by combining applicable load conditions. Factors
can be applied to each individual load condition within the load combination.
o Verify no double-dipping on loads (especially dead card).

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