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7 uscveire. 645 INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATIO! ae ‘eteaoon se 1M. Ret. 7473.03 UIDELINES FOR VESSELS WITH DYNAMIC POSETIONING SYSTEMS A Tho Maritime Satety Conmittes at its sixty-third session (16 to 25 May 1994), approved the Guidelines for Vessels with Dynanic Positioning Systems, set out at annex to the present circuler, as prepared by th Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Equipment at its thirty seventh session. 2 Member Governments are invited to bring the Guidelines to the attention of ail bodies concerned, and apply the Guidelines to new vessels with dynanic positioning systens constructed on or after 1 July 1994, In conjusction cath Anmplenentation of the provisions of paragraph 4.12 of the 1089 MODU Code ee amended by resolution HSC.38(63). 3, Member Governments are also invited to use the proposed model form of flag State verification and acceptance document eet out in the appendin to the. Gulded ine w/1s08n/enP Msc/cire.645 ante, GUIDELINES FOR VESSELS WITH DYNAMIC POSITIONING SYSTEMS Sontents Page Preamble veseeeeeseseseeesevee es 3 1 General 1.1 Purpose and responsibility 4 112 Appiteation 4 113 Definitions 4 Ala Exemptions» 5 AIS eguivalente ..., 5 2 Equipment classes. Soeeeeneeeee see 3 Functional requirements 3:1 Genera a 7 312 Power system 1... 7 313. muster systen s a 314 DP-control systen 8 3.4.1 General ss ® 31412 Computers s1.sclosusiuueee ° 3:4:3 Position rotorence aystene » a0 alae 10 3.5 cable a 36 u 4 operational requirements .. n 5 Surveys, testing and the Flag State Verification 2 land Acceptance Document (PSVAD) 5.1 Surveys and testing pee 2 5.2, Flag State Veritication and Acceptance Document (FSVAD) 13 Appendix: Mode2 form of FSVAD ws1so8neme wsc/cize.6¢5 ax Page 2 1 ‘These Guidelines for vessels with dynanic positioning eystens have been developed to provide an international standard for dynamic positioning systens fon all types of new vessel. 2 Taking into account thet dynamically positioued vessels are moved and operated internationally and recognizing that the design and operating criteria reguire special consideration, the Guidelines have been developed to facilitate international operation without having to document the dynamic positioning system in detail for every new area of eperation, 3. The Guidelines are not intended to prohibit the use of eny existing vessel because its dynanic positioning system does aot comply with these Guidelines. Mony existing units have operated successfully and safely for extended periods of tine and their operating history should be considered in evelusting their suitability to conduct dynamically positioned operations. 4 Compliance with the Guidelines will be documented by a Flag state Verification and Acceptance Docunent (FSVAD) for the dynamic positioning system. The purpose of a FSVAD is to ensure that the vessel is operated, surveyed and tested according to vessel specific procedures and thet the Feaulte are properly recorded. 5 A coastal State may permit any vessel whose dyaunic positioning system is designed to a different standard than that of these Guidelines to engage in operations. w/1s08n/enr Page 3 As Rurpose and responsibility ‘The purpose of these Guideiines is to recommend design criteria, ry equipment, operating requirenents, and a test and documestation systen for dynamic pocitioning systens to reduce the risk £0 pereoanel, che vessel, other vessels or structures, sub-sea installations eat the enviroreent while performing operations under dyaanic positioning control. 2.1.2 The responsibility for ensuring that the provisions of the Guidelines ere complied with rests with the owner of the DPuvessel. 1.2 Application ‘The Guldetines apply to dynamically positioned units or vessels, the kee! of which ie 1eid or which is at a similar stage of construction on or atter i suny 1994, 2.2 Definitions In addition to the definitions in the MODU Code 1989 the following definitions fare necessary for the guide! ines: 2.3.1 Dynamically positioned vesse! (DP-vasse1) means @ unit of a vessel which automatically mainteins its position (fixed location or predetermined track) exclusively by means of thruster force. 4.3.2 Dynamic positioning system (DP-eystem) meaas the complete installation necessary for dynamically positioning a vessel comprising ehe following sub-ayste 11 power system, 12. thruster eyetem, and 13 pP-control eysten. 4.3.3. Position keeping means maintaining » desired position within the normal ‘excursions of the control systen and the eivizonnentel conditions. 1.3.4 Power system means all components and systene DP-systen with power The power system includes? sary to supply the :1. prine movers with necessary ausiliary systems includiag piping, [2 generators, [3 Idtenboarde, and ‘4 istributing system (cabling and cable routeing). 2.3.5 Thruster syston means a2 components and systens necessary to supply the DP-system with thrust force end direction. The thruster system incred A thrusters with drive unite and necessary auxiliary systens including piping, -2 main propellers and rudders {¢ these axe under the control of the DP-syster wr1a08n/ene msc/cire.645 Page 4 +3. thruster control electronics, ‘4 manual thruster controla, and ‘5 associated cabling and cable routelag. 1.3.6 DP-control system moans ail control components and aystens, hardware and software necessary to dynamically position the vessel. ‘The DP-conteel systen consists of the following: sl computer eyston/ joystick system, [2 sensor system, +3. display system (operator panels), 4 position reference systen, and *S. associsted cabling and cable routetng 1.3.7 Computer system moans a system consisting of one of seversi computers Aneluding softwere and their interfaces, 1.3.6 Redundancy means ability of a component or system to maintain or Testore its function, when a single failure has occurred. Redundancy can be achieved for instance by installation of multiple componente, systene or alternative means of performing @ function 2.3.9 Fing State Verification and Acceptance Document (FSVAD) means the document issued by the Administration to a DP-vessel complying mith these Guidelines. (See Appendix for model form.) 14 Exemptions An Administration may exempt any vessel which embodies features of novel kind from any provisions of the guidelines the spplication of which might impede research into the develostent of such features. any such secoeke should, however, comply with safety requirements which, in the opinion of the Administration, are adequate for the service intesded and are such as te ensure the overall safety of the vessel. The Administration which allows any such exemptions should list the exemptions on the Fiag State Verification and Acceptance Docunent (FSVAD) and communicate to the Organisation the particulars, together with the reason therefor, f0, that the Organisation may circulate the sane to other Goveraments for che information of their officers. 1.5 Equivalents 2.5.1 Where the Guidelines require that particular fitting, material, appliance, apparatus, iten of equipeent or type thereof should be fitted or cerried out in a vessel, or that any particular provision should be made, or any procedure or arrangement should be complied with, the Admiaictrseion ney ailow other fitting, material, appliance, apparatus, stem of equipment or type thereof to be fitted or carried, or any other provision, procedure or arrangement to be made in that vessel, if it ig satiaficd by trie! thereot or otherwise that such fitting, material, appliance, appratue teem of equipment oF type thereof or that any particular provision, procedure or arreagement te fat lease as effective ae that required by the Guideline Msc/cize.645 amex Page 5 1.5.2 When an Administration so allovs any fitting, material, ezpliance, epparatus, item of equipment or type tharsof, or provision, procedure, arrangenent, novel design or application to be substituted, fe should Communicate to the Organization the particulars thereof, vogether with a Feport on the evidence submitted, ¢o that the Organisation may eigevlate the sene to other Governments for information of their officers, 2 eQUreMeNT CLASSES 2.1 A DP-systen consists of components and systems acting together to achieve sufficiently reliable position keeping capability. The necessery reliability is determined by the consequence of a loss of position keeping capability. ‘The larger the consequence, the more reliable the DP-systen shown be {To achieve this philosophy the requirements have been grouped into three equipeent classes. For each equipment clase the associated worst case failure should be defined as in 2.2 below. ‘The equipment class of the vessel required for a particular operation should be agreed between the owner of the vessel and the customer bared on a risk anslysis of the consequence of a loee of position. Else, the Administration oF coastal State may decide the equipment class for the particular operation. 2.2, The equipment classes are defined by thei worst case failure mods follows 1 For equipeent ci single fault. of position may occur in the event of a For equipment class 2, a loss of position is not to occur in the event of a single fault in any active componest or systen. Normally static components will not be considered to fail where adequate protection fron danage is demonstrated, and reliability ie to the satisfaction of the Administration. Single failure criteria include +1 Any active component or system (generators, thrusters, switehboards, ronote controlled valves, etc.) + 2 Any normally static component (cables, pipes, manuel rel valves, etc.) which ie not properly documented with respect : to protection ond reliabizity. , For equipment cl 3, a single failure includes: { <2 Teens Listed above for class 2, and any nom } component is assumed to fail. aly static 2. ALL components in any one watertight compartnent, from fire or flooding. 3 ALI components in any one fire sub-division, from fire or flooding (for cables, sae also 3.5.1)~ 2.3. For equipment classes 2 and 3, a single inadvertent act should be considered as a single fault if such an act is reasonably probable. w/1408n/EHP usc/cire. 645 DANE, Page 6 2.4 Based on the single failure definitions in 2.2 the worst case failure should be determined and used as the criterion for the consequence analysis (woo 2.5 The Administration should assign the relevant equipment class to @ DP-veuse1 based on the criteria in 2.2 and state it in the Flag state Verification and Accoptance Document (FSVAD) (see 5:2) 2.6 When a oP-vessel is assigned an equipeent class this means that the Dp-vessel is suitable for all types of DP-operatious within the eeeigned and lover equipment clas 2.7 It is a provision of the guidelines that the DP-vessel 1s operated in such a way that the worst case faliure, as determined in 2.2, can occur at any ine without causing a significant less of position. 3 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS 3.1 General 3.1.1 Is so far as Ls practicable all components in a DP-system should be Gesigued, constructed and tected in accordance with international standards recoguizea by the Adninistration. 3.1.2 In order to moot the single failure exiteria given in 2.2, redundancy of Components will normally be necessary as follove 1 for equipment class 2, redundency of all active components: 2 for equipment class 3, redundancy of all components and physical separation of the componente. 3:1.3 For equipment class 3, full redundancy may aot always be posetbie (e.gs, there may be a need for a single change-over syaten from the mais computer system to the back-up computer syaten). Non-redundent connections between otherwise redundant and separated systens may be accepted provided that it is docunented to give clear safety sdventages, and thet their reliabitity can be demonstrated and docunented to the satisfaction of the Administration. Such connections should be kept to the absolute minimum and fade to fail to the safest condition. Failure in one ayaten should in no ct be transferred to the other redundant system. 3-2.4 Redundant componente and systems should be immediately avaliable and with such capacity that the DP-operation can be continued for such a peciod that the work in progress can be terminated safely. The tranefer to redundant component or system should be automatic as far as possible, and opecatar Antervention should be kept to a minim, The transfer should be sncoth and within acceptable Limitations of the operation. 3.2 Power system 3.2.1 The power system should have an adequate 1 changes. sponse time to power demand 3.2.2 For equipment class 1 the power system nead not be redundant. W/iso8n/enP msc/cire.645 3.2.3 For equipment class 2, the power system should be divisible into two or more eystems such thot in the event of feilure of one systen et least one other system will remain in operation. ‘The power systen may be run ae one systen during operation, but should be arranged by bustle breakers to separate eutomatically upon fafluces which could be transferted from one system to another, Including overlosding aud shoctachfeuite, 3.2.4 For equipsent class 3, the power system should be divisible into two or more aystems such that in the event of failure of one system, at least, One other systen will remain in operation. The divided power system should be Aocated in different spaces separated by A.60 class division. Where the power systems are located below the operations! waterline, the sepsretion souls also be watertight. Bus-tie breakers should be open during equipecat ol operations unless equivalent integrity of power operation cen be accepted according to 3.1.3. 3.2.5 For equipment classes 2 and 3, the pover available for position keeping should be sufficient to maintain the vesgel in position after worst cose Failure according to 2.2 3.2.6 Tf 9 power management system Is installed, adequate redundancy of reliability to the satisfaction of the Admiaistration should be denosetrated, 2.3 Thruster syaten 3.3.1 The thruster system should provide adequate thrust in longitudinal and lateral directions, and provide yawing moment for heading contros. 3.3.2. For equipment classes 2 and 3, the thruster system should be connected to the power system in such a wey that 3.2.1 can be complied with even after Esilure of one of the constituent power systens snd the thrusters comected to that eysten. 3.3.3 The values of thruster force used in the consequence analysis (soe should be corrected for interference between thrusters and other effects which would reduce the effective fore 3.3.4 Failure of thruster eystem including pitch, azimuth or speed control, should not make the thruster rotate or go to uncostrolled full pitch and speed, 3-4 pe-control syaten 3:4.1 Genera +1 1m general the Dp-control system should be arranged in @ DP-control station where the operator has a good view of the vessel's exterior Limits and the surrounding area. +2 The DP-control station should alspiey information from the power system, thruster system, and DP-control system to eagure that, these aystens are functioning correctly. Information necessary to operate the DP-systen safely should be visible at all tines. Other information should be available upon operator request + Display systens and the DP-control station in particwiar, should bbe based on sound ergononetric principles. The DP-control system should provide for easy selection of control mods, i.e. manual, Joystick, or computer control of thrusters, and the active mode should be clearly ateplayed. w/1s08n/enP msc/cire.645 nex Page 8 “ 34.2 For equipment classes 2 and 3, operator controls should be designed s0 that no singie inadvertent act on the operatere panel san leed: to a eritical condition. Alarms ond varnings for failures in systens interfaced to and/or controlled by the DP-contro) eysten are to bo audible and visuel. A permanent record of their occurrence and of status changes should de provided together with ny necessary explanations. ‘Tho DP-control systen should provent failures being transferred from one systen to another. The redundant components showla be so arronged thet a failure of one component should be isolated. and the Other component activated. Te should be possible to control the thrusters manually, by Individual joysticks and by a common joystick, in the event of failure of the DP-control system. The software should be produced in accordance with an appropriate international quality standard recognized by the Administration. Computers For equipment class 1, the DP-coatrol system need not be redundant. Yor equipment class 2, the DP-control aystem should consist of at least two Independent conputer systans. Connon facilities such as self-checking routines, data tronefer arcangenents, and plant interfaces should not be capable of cousing the failure of both/all aystens. For equipment class 3, the DP-control system should consist of fat least two independent computer systens vith self-checking aad alignment facilities. Common facilities euch as self-check ag routines, data transfer arrangements end plant interfaces ehould not be capable of causing failure st both/all systene. Ia sddition, one back-up DP-control system should he arranged, see 3.4.206+ An alarm should be initiated if any computer fails or is not ready to take Yor equipment classes 2 and 3, the DP-control system should include 8 software function, normally mows as ‘consequence snaiysis', waich continuously verifies that the vessel will remain in position even Sf the worst case failure occurs. ‘Thie analysis should verify that the thrusters remaining in operation after the worst case failure ccan generate tho ane resultant thruster force and monest_ as required before the failure. The consequence analysis should Provide en alarm if the occurrence of @ worst case failure would lead to & loss of position due to insufficient theust for the mntal conditions. For operations which will take the consequence analysis should the thrust and pover remaining after the worse case failure, based on manual input of weather trend. W/18080/EKP usc/cire.64s Dees Redundant computer systens should be arranged vith automatic transfer of control after a detected failure in one of the computer systens. The automatic transfer of control trom one coaputer rysten ko another should be snooth, and within the acceptable limitations of the operation. For equipment class 3, the back-up DP-control system should be in a Foom seperated by 4.60 clase division from the mais DP-coutrol station. During DP-operation this back-up coatrol system showlé be continuously updated by input fron the sensors, position reference systom, thruster feedback, etc., and be ready to take over control: ‘The switeh-over of control to the back-up systen should bo manuel, Situated on the back-up computer and ehould not be affected sy failure of the main DP-control syeten. An uninterruptable power supply (UPS) should be provided for each DP-computer system to ensure that any power failuse wil! not affect more then one computer. UPS battery capacity should provide minimum of 30 minutes operation folloving a seine supply feilere. 3.4.3 Position reference aystens 3.4.4 Vessel at Position reference systems should be selected with due consideration ko operational requirements, both with regard to restrictions caused by the manner of deployment and expected performance in working situation. Yor equipment classes 2 and 3, at least three position reference systems should be installed and simultaneously eveilable to the Dr-contrel system during operation” When two oF more position reference systems are required, they should not ali be of the eame type, but based on different Principles and suitable for the operating conditions. The position reference systens should produce data with adequate sccuracy for the intended DP-operation, ‘The performance of positios reference systens should be monitored ‘and warnings provided vhen the signals from the position reference aystens are either incorrect or substantielly degraded, For equipment class 3, at least one of the position reference systems should be connected directiy to the back-up contre) ayster and separated by A.60 class division from the other position reference systems. esse sensors should at least measure vessel heading, veesel motions, and wind speed and direction When an equipment clase 2 or 3 DP-control eystom is fully dependent on correct signsis from vessel sangore, then these signals should be based on three systems serving the same purpose (ie. this will result in at leest three gyro conpesses being installed) wsc/cize.645 Page 10 -3 Sensors for the sano purpose, connected to redundant systems should De arranged independently so that failure of one will not affect the others. 4 For equipment class 3, one of each type of sensors should be connected directly to the back-up costrol systen and separated by A.60 class division from the other sensors. 3S Cables end piping avatens 3.5.1 For equipment class 3, cables for redundant equipment or eystens should aot be routed together through the sane compartments. Where this is wnavoldable such cables could run together An cable ducts of ACO class, the termination of the ducts included, which are effectively protected from ll fire hazards, except that represented by the cables themselves. Cable connection boxes are not allowed in such duets 3.5.2 For equipment class 2, piping systens for fuel, 1ubrieation, hydraulic 2f1, cooling water and cables should be located with due regard to fire Records and mechanical damage 3.5.3 For equipsent class 3, redundant piping system (i.e. piping for fuel, cooling water, lubrication oi1, hydraulic oi1, ete.) should not be routed Yogetner theough the same compartments. Where this in unavoidable, such pipes could run together in ducts of A-60 class, the termination of the ducts included, which are effectively protected from all fire hacards, except thet represented by the pipes themselves. 3-6 Reguixenents for essential non-pP-systens For equipment classes 2 and 3, cyctens not directly part of the DP-system but which in the event of failure could cause failure of the DP-system, (e.g., conmon fire eupression systems, engine ventilation systems, shut-dowa systems, etc.), should also comply with relevant requirements of these 4 OPERATIONAL, REQUIREMENTS 4:1 Before every DP-operation, the DP-systen should be checked according to vessel specific “iocation” check list to make sure that the DP-systen is, functioning correctly and thet the system has been set up for the appropriate equipment clase. 2 During DP-operations, the systen shold be checked at regular intervals according to a vessel specific watenteeping checklist. .3. DP operations necessitating equipment class 2 or 3 should be terminated vihen the environmental conditions are such that the DP-vessel will no longer be able to keep position if the single failure criterion applicable to the equipment class should occur. In this coutext deterioration of environmental conditions and the necessary time to safely terminate the operation should also be taten into consideration, ‘This should be checked by way of enviromental envelopes If operating im equipment clase 2 snd by way of an autonatic consequence enslyeis if operating in equipment class 2 or 3+ The necessary operating instructions, ete., should be on board. H/1408n/ EHP 4.4 te following checklists, usc/cire.6¢5 vest procedures and instructions should he incorporated into the DP operating mamials for the veseel Location checklist (see 4.1). Watehkeoping checklist (see 4.2). be-operation instructions (see 4.3) Annual tests and procedures (see Initial and periodical (5-year) tests and procedures (s fend Salada Example of tests and procedures after modifications and snon-conformities (see $1.14) 5 SURVEYS, TESTING AND THE FLAG STATE VERIFICATION AND ACCEPTANCE DocuMENT (FSvAD) 5-1 Surveys and testing 5.1.1 Each DP-vessel which is required to comply with the Guidelines is subject to the surveys and teating specified belowt Initial survey which should Include a complete survey of the DP-systen to ensure full compliance with the epplicable peres of the guidelines. Further it includes a complete test of ell syetene and components and the ability to beep position after siugie failure, associated with the assigned equipment class. The type of test carried out and results should be docinented in the Flag state Verification and Acceptance Docunent (FSVAD), see 5.2 Periodical survey at intervals not excesding five years to ensure full compliance with the applicable parts of the guidelines, A complete test shoula be carried out as required in S-lli. The type of test carried out and the results should be documented ta the PSVAD, 00 5.2, Annual survey should be carried out within three months before o ‘efter each anniversary date of the initial survey. ‘The annual survey should ensure that the DP-systen hi accordance with applicable parts of the guidelines and is in good working order. Further an annual test of all important systems and components should be carried out to decunent the abiiity of the Dp-vessel to keep position after single failures associated with the assigned equipment class. Tho type of test carried cut and results ‘thould be documented in the FSVAB, soe 5.2. A survey either general or partial according to circunstanc be made every tine a defect ie discovered and corrected oF accident occurs which affects the safety of the DP-vessel, or whenever eny significant repairs or alterations are made. After such a survey, necessary tests should be carried out to desonserate full compliance with the applicable provisions of the Cuideliues. The type of tests carried out and results should be recorded and kept on board, shout w/1so8n/eRP sc/cire.645 EK Page 22 5.1.2 These surveys and tests should be witnessed by officers of the Administration, The Administration may, however, entevst the surveys and kesting either to surveyors nominated for the purpose or ko organisstions recognised by it. In every case the Administration concersed should Belly guarantee the completeness and efficiency of the surveys and testing. The Administration may entrust the ovner of the vessel to certy out annual and Minor repair surveys according to's test progranme accepted Sy the Aamintetration 5.1.3 Agtor any survey end testing has been conplated, no significant change should be made to the DP-system vithout the sanction of the Admsiserstion, except the direct replacement of oguipnent and £ittings for the purpose of reptir or maintenance. 5.2 Hag State Verification and Acceptance Rocument (PSUAD) 5.2.1 A Flag State Verification and Acceptance Docunent (ESVAD) should be Asoued, etter survey and testing in accordance with these Guldelises, either by officers of the Aaninistration or by en organizction duly authorized by At, In every case the Administration assunes full responsibility for the Povan. 5.2.2 The FSVAD should be drava up in the official tenguage of the issuing country and be that of the model given in the apgendix to the Guidelines. If the Language used is neither English sor French, the text shovld include f@ translation into one of these lenguag 5.2.3 The FSVAD is issued for an unlimited period, er for a period specities by the Administration, 5.2.4 An FSVAD should cease to he valld if significant alterations have been made in the DP-syaten equipment, Citeings, arcangements, ete. specifica in the Guidelines without the sanction of the Administration, except the direct Fepiacenent of such equipment or fittings for the purpose of repair o: 5.2.5 An FSVAD issued to a DP-vessel should cease to be valid upon tranofer of such @ vessel to the flag of another country. 5.2.6 The privileges of the FSVAD may not be cla: DP-vesse1 unless the FSVAD is valid. 2 An favour of any 5.2.7 Control of 9 DP-vessel holding a valid FSVAD should be carried out according to the principles of 1.7 in the MODU Code 1989. 5.2.8 Results of the FSVAD tests should be readily available on board for w/1e08n/eKP éSc/Cire.645 Page 13 APPENDIX Model Form of Flag State Verification and Acceptance Docunent FLAG STATE VERIFICATION AND ACCEPTANCE DOCUMENT (oficial seat) (stato) Issued under the provisions of the UIDELINES FoR VESSELS WITH DYNAMIC POSITIONING SYSTEMS use/cire...) under the authority of the Governnent of ~(Eull Gesigaation of the State) by "(Eutl official designation of the conpeteat person or organization authorized by the Adninistration) | Distinctive identification | aype | Port of | official (tame oF mumbo) registry | INO-nunber Date on which keel was laid or vessel was at similar stage of construction or fon which major conversion wae commenced s+r++.- THIS 18 70 CERTIFY that the above-mentioned vessel has been duly documented, Surveyed, and tested in sccordauce with the Guidelines for Vestele with Dynanic Positioning Systems (MSC/Circ.....) and found to comply with tho Guideiines. The vessel 1s allowed to operate in DP Equipment Clase .. fand in lower equipment clas ‘Tis document remaing valld ustils.ceececeeeeeeeeseseeeee unless terminated by the Administration, provided that the vessel is operated, tested, end surveyed according to the requirements in the guidelines and the recults are properly recorded, Tesued at. (Place of issue of document) (bate ot issue) (Signature of authorised official desuing the certigicace) (Seni or Stamp of the issuing authority, as appropriate) w/1s08n/eKP mscycire. 645 Page 14 MIST OF EXEMPTIONS AND EQUIVALENTS (sof, Stems 1.4 and 1.5 of the Guidelines) w/1408n/eKP mscrcire. 645 Poge 1s LIST OF MANY SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS COVERED BY FSVADE A121 ain systems and components included in the dynamic positioning system are to be listed ina systematic way. Ag an alternative reference scan be made to drawings, etc. It is important that it is possible by this List to identity ail systems and components covered by FSVAD. Software versions should also be identified. Equipment installed after @ate of issuing FSVAD should only be included in the list after control fend testing has been completed and modifications and non-conformitiee report signed. w/1s08n/ene sc/cire.64s ore Page 26 Record of anual eusvey reports, ond special (5 years) aucvey reports jaReport _|Sign. of Reterenco [appointed Datetunber |eurveyor (72) Sige. of IMaster/Piattorm Manager * AL reports should be filed together with this FSVAD for use during later Resting end inspections by nominated surveyors, flag State surveyors, ete IRs if reguicea, rof, item 5.1.2 we1a0en/ene

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