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Intimacy with God

The Deep Things Of God

Is it possible to have intimacy with God Almighty?

It is not only possible but hear how these Bible verses put it;...And this is eternal life, that they
may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. John 17:34 NKJV.
God's will is for you to have an intimate personal relationship with Him. It is essential for you to
know God for yourself with no one between you and God. Your relationship with Him is central to
your Spiritual wellness.
Jesus said, The Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor
knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. I will not leave you
orphans; I will come to you. John 14:17-18 NKJV.

To Know God
To Know God is not to know ABOUT God. Even the devil knows about God. But to Know God is to
have intimacy with Him.
Intimacy is a close, familiar, and affectionate or loving personal relationship with another person.
With God the Bible says it this way, it is to know God, and as the word implies it is to have a close
personal warm relationship with Him.
Much like the relationships you build with a spouse or best friend, the relationship with God is built
over time and experiences with Him. As you get to know Him there develops the highest level of
awesome love and respect for Him. As His glorious light shines on you in His presence, you begin to
become what you behold. We become the beneficiary of knowing Him.
He already knows who you are and He loves you unconditionally. He was there when you were
born. He knew your name even before you were born. He formed you in your mothers womb. He
saw when you took your first steps.
He watched as you went off to school for the very first time. He was there when you wrote your
name in the sand. He saw all the times that you were hurt and He is really the only one who can
truly understand you.

Your Destiny
It is your destiny to have intimacy with God. He loves you just because you are you. You can be
yourself with Him. And He loves you still, even if you are in a bad mood. Even while you were yet a
sinner He loved you. You can't make Him not love you even if you don't love Him back.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him
should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16 NKJV He loves saint and sinner but God's will
is that you don't perish.
(God must deal with the non-believers because of His justice but His will is that all come to the
saving knowledge of God.)
Intimacy with God is to draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Become aware of the
presence of God all around you. You are never alone even when you don't feel Him. Spend time in
the Word of God. The Bible is His-story. Look for Jesus on every page of the inspirational Bible
verses of the Word of God.
There are many versions of the Bible, you can read different versions for better understanding. By
studying the Word of God you are getting to know God, you are building a relationship with Him.

A Standard of Measurement
You build relationships by communicating with a person. Prayer is talking with God.But prayer
without ceasing is not incessant talking. Communication can happen without words. Prayer can
simply be a continual awareness of His presence. Intimacy can cause communication without
Intimacy with God is to have a continual communication with Him. However much you are aware of
His presence on a daily bases and how often you talk to Him can be a standard of measurement for
you of how close you really are to God. It can be an attitude indicator that can serve as an alarm
system to keep you safely in His will.
You can work hard for God and be busy doing all sorts of things for God but at the same time feel a
distance from Him. Real intimacy with God can not be measured by works. You can work for
someone and do a good job yet not be intimate with them. It's about relationship. Allow me to use
the Jewish Temple to demonstrate what I mean.

God Teaches
A picture of how to have intimacy with God and come into His presence can be seen in the pattern
of the Tabernacle itself. God teaches through word pictures and parallels as seen in how He
instructed the Tabernacle to be built.
The Tabernacle had three sections. There is the Outer Court, The Holy Place and The Most Holy
Place,where the Ark of the Covenant was kept.
The Outer Court represents the beginning, the first stage of becoming intimate with God. It is here
in the outer court that you become acquainted with Him. You make your requests known to God.
You tell Him about all your needs, you might confess your faults, choose to forgive your enemies,
pray for people, your family, your job or what ever is on your heart.
It is in the outer court that you are likely to battle the flesh. There will be times where you will get
tired. You will get distracted, the phone rings, sometimes you can even get bored and it can be real

work to get through those prayers. But religiously you push your way through because you feel it's
the right thing to do.
At times it can be like sitting down with your spouse and paying bills. You need to do it but paying
bills may not be what you call fun. This kind of prayer may not be something you look forward to
doing. There is a kind of relationship, but just this side of an acquaintance. It's a beginning of
becoming intimate with God.

Keep the Joy in Relationships

I heard a marriage councilor once say that in order to keep love in a marriage, always be careful to
keep fun in the relationship. Do things together with your spouse that is enjoyable for both parties
and it will keep your relationship fresh and exciting. And you will stay IN LOVE.
How is your relationship with God doing? Don't be satisfied with just going to church once or twice
a week and not really thinking about God much until the next service.
Don't stop praying after you are done in the outer court. Most people stop there and prayer can
become a duty and your intimacy with God will not grow.
Your relationship with God can be exciting and fresh and fun. Continue into the joy of theHoly
Victory in Prayer is found in the Holy Place. Intimacy with God deepens. After you have made your
requests known in the outer court than enter the Holy Place by waiting on God. They that wait
on the Lord shall renew their strength. When your done talking just stop and wait on God while
worshiping Him.
Be done with asking and wait for Him to move. Press into God. Draw near to Him and let Him take
the lead. Wait until He Quickens your spirit. Focus on Him, Praise Him, Love Him, Worship Him. And
wait. Wait for Him to come to you.
As you wait on Him suddenly Jesus will become real to you. You will begin to taste His presence.
You will begin to feel Him drawing you to Himself. -This is where the fun begins, -to say the very

Oh Taste and See

You are now seeking Him and not things. Your heart begins to pound as God the Holy Spirit draws
near to you. Oh taste and see that the Lord is Good!
It is then you are allowed to come into the Most Holy Place...
-the Holy of Holies- but the Spirit of Jesus must enter first. It is He who must lead you there. When
God leads you into the Most Holy Place, God will speak to your heart and will let Himself be known
to you. You will know deep intimacy with God.
God is so personal. It's like you and God are alone in the Universe. To know God is to Love Him.
You can't help but fall in love with Him.

His presence overwhelms you! Your heart cries out for more more and more of you Lord Jesus.
Your tears burst out as the glory of God pours over you like waves. Your spirit comes alive and
vibrant and your soul is stilled. Be still and Know that I am God.
There is NOTHING that can compare with this kind of intimacy with God. When He manifests
Himself to you in whatever way He chooses, there are no words to explain how deeply satisfying,
absolutely joyful and simply addictive His presence is.
Christian, know the privilege you have among all peoples of the world to know intimacy with God.
Holy Holy Holy is the Lord. And it's all because of Jesus, who by His death the veil of separation
was torn and Jesus made a way for you and me to enter into the Most Holy Place!

Now begins the deep things of God as He brings you from Glory to Glory.

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.3
John 2-3 NKJV

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