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1. a) Describe the four elements that boards of directors should take into account when
overseeing the management of health and safety within their organization

Planning the direction of health and safety

Delivering the plan for health and safety
Monitoring the health and safety performance
Reviewing health and safety performance

b) outline the responsibilities that departmental managers have to ensure the health,
safety and welfare of those working in the department
 hold the responsibilities and accountabilities for the health and safety performance
of their department
 responsible for management of contractors and their supervision
 ensure that any machinery or equipment are suitably maintained
 ensure all records and documentation is preserved and presented as required
 to develop a training plan that included adequate instructions for safe working
 to take part in investigations to identify root causes and prevent happening again
c)Outline the factors that will determine the level of supervision that a new employee
should receive during their initial period of employment within an organization

the competency by skills required for the job

age of the person
experience held by the person
complexity of the job
level of hazard and risk involved
legal requirement for the job
communications skills

d) outline why it is important that everyone is aware of their roles and responsibilities for
health and safety in an organisation
 health and safety responsibilities need to be assigned and communicated to the
 employees should be held accountable to carry out health and safety responsibilities
 unless they are aware of their roles, employees may not take the accountability
 by defining, employees are also made aware of their limitation

2. a. Explain the meaning of the term competent person when related to health and

Ability to perform a job safely

Understanding of the legal requirement
Knowledge of the job
Ability to identify hazardous situations and resolve the problem safely
Holding a suitable attitude and perception required for the job

B) Outline the factors that the employer consider when selecting an individual for the role
of health and safety competent person within the organisation

Age of the person

Educational qualifications
Experience in similar field
Assessment on practical skills
Knowledge of legal requirements
Team working skills

c) Outline the organisational factors that may cause a person to work unsafely even
though they are competent
 A unclear and evident commitment from the most senior management
 inEffective monitoring
 inEffective communication systems
 in Effective supervision
 poor Procedures and standards for all aspects of critical work and
mechanisms for reviewing them
 lack of leadership
d) Identify FOUR types of specialist help that may be required to support the health and
safety function

Health and safety advisors

Health and safety practitioners
First aiders
Fire marshals

3. a outline the responsibilities of employers towards workers in respect of health and

safety function

To provide and maintain workplaces, machinery and equipment

To give necessary instructions and training to the workforce as required
To provide adequate supervision
To provide suitable PPE free of cost
To undertake risk assessments and introduce safe systems of working within
 To ensure to carry out health surveillance to all employees
b) outline the rights and responsibilities of workers in respect of health and safety

freedom of association
not to be part of forced labour
free of discrimination
no child labour
to be consulted on major decisions
to be communicated
to ask for training and supervision as required


to take care of themselves and others around

to use the equipment appropriately
report any unsafe conditions
notify the responsible persons on accidents and incidents
to comply with the instructions given

4. a outline the reasons that visitors to a workplace may be at risk from injury than

Not familiar with the workplace layout

Not aware of the hazards in the workplace
Not trained in the emergency procedures
New to the surroundings in terms of suitable PPE, supervision etc.

b. outline the controls that should be in place if night workers are employed by an

avoid employing young workers

reduce the working duration
health assessment of the workers involved
frequent communication to ensure their safety
installation of emergency and panic alarms
log in and log out reporting systems

c. Identify THREE principal responsibilities that each employer has in a jointly occupied

ensuring safety of people entering the premises are safe

common access and egress are well maintained
any risk assessments are communicated
common meetings held
fire drills are conducted for all the occupants

d) Identify the possible health and safety issues that may arise in the management of a
supply chain
 It involves the design process which should be legally compliant
 May not be followed by manufacturer in terms of design specifications and supply of
adequate information
 Supplier may face issues of containment and packing
 Installation may not take place correctly thereby posing additional hazards

5. several construction contractors are to be employed by a printing to refurbish its

a. outline the health and safety responsibilities of the self-employed

they should be responsible for their health and safety

ensuring others may be affected are notified and safeguarded
undertaking relevant risk assessment
cooperating with other employers where they work
provision of information as required

b. outline the main issues to be considered during the selection of the contractors by the
printing company

ensuring they have a Health and Safety Policy

can demonstrate their competency
have method statements and risk assessments for their activities
they have effective communication and monitoring systems
they have trained and skilled workforce

c. outline the matters to be addressed by the company while supervising the contractors
and the contractors in supervising its employees

that the correct procedures were explained to the contractors

the contractors are familiar with the printing company premises
adequate signage and notices are displayed in the area
the work is monitored on day to day basis
tool box talks are conducted to remind safety
comply with the organizations HSE policy
cooperate and report any hazardous situations

6. a. Explain the meaning of the term Health and Safety Culture

The safety culture may be defined as a product of individual and group values, attitudes,
perceptions, competencies and patterns of behaviour that determines the commitment to
the organisations health and safety management.
b. describe FIVE requirements of positive health and safety culture

leadership and commitment to health and safety in the organisation

effective communication and consultation in the organisation
a robust health and safety policy
accident reporting and investigating procedures
trained and competent personnel

c. identify ways in which the health and safety culture might be improved

Management commitment towards health and safety

Leadership set by an example
A realistic Health and Safety Policy aims and objectives
Effective communication within the organisation
Accident investigation procedures
Equal priority to Health and Safety along with production demands
Effective audit #Safety committee meetings # Training and supervision as required

D. outline eight possible indications of a poor health and safety culture in an organisation

A high sickness, ill health and absentee rate in the workplace

The perception of blame culture
High staff turnover
Incompetent workforce
Lack of accident reporting and investigation procedures
Poor management of hazards and risks
No resource allocation by the management
Poor compliance of legal requirements

7 a. The number of accidents is a measure of the health and safety culture in a company.
State the definition of accident incidence rate.
A calculation of the rate of accidents enables health and safety performance to be
compared between years and organisation.
b. describe other measures of the health and safety culture. Outline how information on
accidents could be used to promote health and safety in workplace
 accident data may be used to identify root and underlying causes to reduce future
 the data can be compared to check effectiveness of controls in place
 the information on accidents can help in identifying the trends
 to comply with legal considerations
c. identify six indicators of management commitment to health and safety in the

reduced number of accidents

happy workforce
reduced number of civil claims and compensations
high degree of consultation
reduced enforcement actions

8 a. Explain using an example, the meaning of the term attitude

Is the tendency to behave in a particular way in a certain situation. Example complying
with the mandatory signage of PPE use in the area.

b. Outline THREE influences on the attitude towards health and safety of employees
within an organisation
 Organisational factors having a positive health and safety culture
 Job factors an important element when designing the process of a job or a task
 Personal factors individual characteristics could cause influence on their attitude,
motivation and perception.

9. a. Explain the meaning of the term motivation

Motivation is the driving force behind the persons reaction or behaviour.
b. Other than lack of motivation, outline FOUR reasons why employees may fail to comply
with safety procedures at work

not being appreciated

cynicism in the work culture
lack of self- interest
poor communication systems

c. Outline ways in which employers may motivate their employees to comply with health
and safety procedures

performance appraisal
health and safety awards and rewards
welfare conditions
training arrangements

10. a Explain the meaning of the term perception

It is the way in which people interpret the environment or the way in which a person
believes or understands a situation.
b. Outline the factors relating to the individual that may influence a persons perception
of an occupational risk.


## Motivation
## Attitude

c. outline ways in which employees perceptions of hazards in the workplace might be


variations in the job

hazard identification
signage and markings
training and supervision
welfare conditions

11. The human factors which influence behaviour in the workplace are the organisation,
the job and the individual factors
a. Describe the essential elements in the organisation and the job that will ensure good
health and safety behaviour.

Management commitment
Effective health and safety policy
Good communications
Effective training and supervision within the organisation
Accident reporting and investigation procedures

Its an important element during the design stage of the job and any equipment
 Ergonomics of the work station
 Detailed analysis of the job and the task to be performed
 Provision of correct tools and equipment including PPE
b. Outline personal or individual factors that may contribute to human errors occurring at

Health condition

12 a. Explain the meaning of the term human error.

An error is an unintentional deviation from an accepted standard, whereas a violation is a
deliberate deviation from the standard.
b. Describe the difference between human errors and violations.
 An error is an unintentional deviation from an accepted standard
 Human error is split into slips, lapses and mistakes (rule based and knowledge based)
 The violation is a deliberate deviation from the standard
c. Outline using practical examples, THREE types of human error and THREE types of
violation that can lead to accidents in the workplace.
 Slips failures to carry out the correct actions of a task example: use of incorrect
 Lapses failures to carry out particular actions which may form part of a working
procedure example : driver leaving the ignition keys
 Rule based mistakes when a rule or procedure is remembered or applied
incorrectly example: during counting of items, one individual missing the count
 Knowledge base mistakes well tried methods not applying example:
measurement of noise not done using a sound level meter
 Routine violations occurs when the breaking of a safety rule or procedures is the
normal way of working. It becomes routine not to use the recommended
procedures for tasks. Example: regularly driving forklift truck at high speed
 Situational violations occurs when particular job pressures at particular times make
rule compliance difficult. Example : use of a ladder than a scaffolding
 Exceptional violations rarely happen and usually occur when a safety rule is broken
to perform a new task. Example: during emergency procedures breaking a rule to
evacuate quicker
d. Outline ways of reducing the likelihood of human error in the workplace

Training and competency

Hazard Identification signage, markings and notices
Effective communication toolbox talks

13. a Identify FIVE topics for which there would be health and safety standards in a

Welfare arrangements
Personal Protective Equipment
Equipment purchase and use
Safe Systems of Work

b. outline the possible actions that a Chief Executive and senior managers could take to
improve the health and safety standards in the workplace

review the existing procedures and introduce additional actions

ensure resources are made available
provide adequate training and supervision
improve monitoring health surveillance etc.
Ensure employees are provided with adequate welfare facilities to carry out their
work efficiently
 can enforce the actions through warning notices and letters

14. Following a significant increase in accidents, a health and safety campaign is to be

launched within a manufacturing company to encourage safer working by employees
a. Outline how the company might ensure that the nature of the campaign is effectively
communicated to, and understood by, employees
A variety of communication methods are used such as:

Tool box talk
Practical demonstration role play

b. Identify a range of methods that an employer can use to provide health and safety
information directly to individual employees

Toolbox talks
One to one training

c. Outline reasons why the safety procedures may not have been followed by the

poor communication
lack of interest
complex procedures
technical information not understood by the users
poor supervision

15. Outline the advantages and disadvantages of communicating health and safety
messages to employees
a. verbally
 easy to communicate
 a bigger audience can be covered

language barrier
hearing limitations

b. in writing
 document to refer
 quicker to reach

too long to read

difficult to understand

c. graphical
 simple to understand
 effective in approach

can be ignored
message may be incomplete

16. Noticeboards are often used to display health and safety information in the
a. Outline the limitations of relying on this method of communicate to employees and
how these limitations may be addressed

may not be located correctly

not maintained well
poorly illuminated
information not updated
not attractive to users
not legible information displayed
not important topics in the noticeboard

b. identify four types of health and safety information that might usefully be displayed on
a notice board.

health and safety committee minutes

accident data
emergency contact numbers
fire evacuation procedures

c. Identify FOUR other methods which the employer could use to communicate essential
health and safety information to their employees

toolbox talks

17. a Explain the difference between consulting and informing workers on health and
safety issues
Consulting a two way communication with workers example : purchase of Personal
Protective equipment
Informing - a one way communication received from the management example:
Organisations policies
b. Outline why it is important for an organisation to consult with its workers on health and
safety issues
 It is important to gain the cooperation of all employees to have a positive health and
safety culture in the organisation.
 It is the legal requirement as per ILO standards
 Can help the management in identifying the underlying issues in performing a task
c. Outline how arrangements for consultation with workers may be made more effective

carry out regular meetings

feedback sessions conducted
performance appraisals carried out
trainings held
accident investigations carried out with workers participation

d. Outline the reasons why a health and safety committee may prove to be ineffective in

lack of suitable agenda

poor chairmanship
irregular meetings
no equal representation
no important topics to discuss
actions from the meeting not followed up
no minutes of the meeting noted and circulated

18 a. Outline the importance of induction training for new employees in reducing the
number of accidents in a workplace
 Should always be provided to new employees, trainees and contractors
 Key requirement to provide information on health and safety issues
 Keeps a record of people being made aware of organisations health and safety
 Raises awareness on emergency procedures in the organisation
 Trains workers on the hazards and risks to manage in the organisation
b. Outline reasons for additional refresher health and safety training at a later stage of
employment within a workplace

legislation requirements
change in process or procedures
enforcement actions
employee returning to work after a long gap
after a major accident
periodical review
technology upgrade

c. Identify the reasons for a review of the health and safety training programme within an

an increase in the accidents

vulnerable workers young, disabled etc
changes in the legislation, technology or work procedures
change in location
increase in the workforce

19. a building contractor is to undertake building maintenance work in the roof space of a
busy warehouse. Outline the issues that should be covered in an induction programme
for the contractors employees.

Traffic routes to follow

Site speed limits
Welfare arrangements
Emergency procedures
Health and Safety Policy
Accident reporting procedures
First Aid arrangements
Authorised areas

 Permit to work systems to follow

 Specific arrangements that are made whilst they are on site
 Signage and notices

20. Following an accident at a manufacturing company, an investigation concluded that

there had been a poor record of specialist and supervisory training
a. Identify THREE types of specialist training that may have been relevant to the company
 job specific training
 supervisory and management training
 specialist training forklift drivers, confined space
b. outline the possible supervisory failures that could have caused an accident

poor perception
poor communication skills
lack of understanding of their responsibilities

21. Describe TWO internal and TWO external influences on the health and safety culture
of an organisation
Internal influences
 Management commitment
 Production / service demands
External influences
 Enforcement bodies
 Society concerns

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