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29-12-2014 Benefits Of Elaka

Medicinal Uses of Elaichi or Cardamom

1] Improves Digestion Cardamom helps in stimulation and regular excretion of
gastric juices in the stomach. It helps in balancing these acids in cases of acidity,
thus providing relief during heart burns. A good benefit of cardamom is chewing it
after a meal. This helps those suffering from flatulence and gas. Cardamom is also
beneficial in relieving stomach cramps and hiccups.
2] Anti spasmodic Cardamom helps in relieving muscle spasms and tremors. It
improves blood circulation to the lungs and can be helpful for those suffering from
whooping cough, sore throat, asthma or bronchitis.
3] Detoxifying agent Cardamom helps in cleansing of body. It is considered to be a
refinement spice against caffeine. It also helps those who want to quit addictions
like smoking, alcohol, tobacco chewing, and even those who have a sweet tooth. It
eliminates urges.
4] Treats urinary infection One of the lesser known benefits of cardamom is that it
is a diuretic and helps in increasing urination. It has thus been found to be helpful
in urinary tract infections.
5] Helps in oral problems It helps in curing tooth and gum infections. The most
common benefits of cardamom is that it can be used as a mouth freshener. It is a
boon to a vocalist as it helps in improving voice.
6] Essential volatile oils Cardamom oil is full of antiseptic, anti depressant, anti
ageing and antioxidant properties. Avail benefits of cardamom by applying this oil
when you have headaches. Adding Cardamom oil to bathing water helps in relieving
depression, stress and in fighting common sicknesses and bodily strife.
7] Tonic It enhances appetite. A well known benefit of cardamom includes
decreasing nausea and vomiting. Cardamom helps in relieving mouth ulcers. It
encourages the functioning of nervous system and helps in relieving weakness.
Cardamom contains phytochemicals like Indole -3- carbinol (IC3) and di
indolylmethane (DIM). These helps in fighting hormone responding cancers like
prostate cancer, ovarian and breast cancers.
8] Good source of minerals It contains potassium, calcium and magnesium. These
minerals play a role in controlling heart rates, blood pressure and are important
component of body fluids and cells.
It also contains copper, manganese and iron. These contribute to cardamoms
antioxidant and blood cell formation properties.
The benefits of cardamom have been known to mankind since ancient times. In
Ayurveda, cardamom is referred to as Tridoshic and is used in balancing the three
doshas of human body.
26-12-2014 Medicinal Uses of Turmeric or Manjal
Medicinally it has been used in alternative medicines in large scale to treat most
serious and widely afflicting ailments like Arthritis, Cancer, Diabetes, Multiple
sclerosis, Atherosclerosis, Inflammatory Bowel Disorder, Kidney infections, Liver
diseases, Food poisoning, Respiratory ailments, Gastro- intestinal ailments, insect
bites, Ulcers and Wounds etc. It is used as both- internal and external medicine.

Botanical Name : Curcuma-longa Some of herbal folk remedies from Turmeric are
listed below:
1. Traditionally the dried powder of the rhizome of this plant is used as an external
bath powder to enhance beauty and shine of the body.
2. For eczema and skin infections, fresh turmeric is ground along with Korai kzhangu
(Cyperus rotundus ) and applied externally over the affected area.
3. For sinusitis the dried rhizome is burnt and smoke is inhaled through each nostril
2-3 times daily for best results.
4. Regular use of turmeric reduces onset of Alzheimers. It also helps in managing
inflammatory diseases like Arthritis and Ulcerative Colitis.
5. Curcumin, the powerful antioxidant in turmeric helps to prevent Cancer. It
neutralises substances and conditions causing cancer. Helps the cell to reatain its
integrity protecting it from the threats of cancer causing substances or carcinogens.
Inhibits enzyme topoisomerase which causes replication of cancer cells. Also
blocks enzyme Cyclooxygenase or COX2 which activates carcinogens.Curcumin is
a rich antioxidant that fight free radicals causing Cancer.
6. Turmeric boiled in milk and sugar is a traditional remedy that helps soothening
throat, treat respiratory ailments.
7. Turmeric is one of key medicines used for treating Vatha ailments or Arthritis,
Diabetes, Digestive problems. Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory herb. Helps
to decrease pain. According to studies, turmeric is a potent inhibitor of enzymes like
Cylo oxygenase 5, Lipo oxygenase etc which means that less PG2 or potent lipids
that produces pain in body. Hence it is used in treatment of Arthritis and pain
management. Turmeric has ANti-glycemic properties that helps tio maintain proper
functuning of pancreas, regulate and balance insulin levels, lower sugar and
triglyceride levels and helpful in managing Diabetes Mellitus. Nisa- Amalaki capsules
containg equal proportion of turmeric and Indian gooseberry is an effective remedy
against Diabetes. Turmeric increases intestinal flora and aids digestion. Helps to
decrease gas production in abdomen and distension.
8. Regular intake aids in weight loss, enhances beauty and shine of the body.
9. Taking pregnancy during late pregnancy along with milk ensures a child with
beautiful skin. Turmeric is also analgesic and reduces pain during child birth. After
delivery turmeric is given to expel lochia and waste out of the uterus. It regulates
bleeding, acts as an antiseptic for quick healing of scar. It purifies the blood and
internal organs.
10. People suffering from weak bones or osteoporosis are recommended to
consume milk added with turmeric before going to bed daily..

11. Excessive use of drugs and alcohol may tax the liver causing liver ailments.
Studies shows curcumin restores liver cells, destroys toxins in the liver. It also blocks
harmful effects of smoking to large extent.
23-12-2014 Keezhanelli
Medicinal Uses of Kizhar Nelli
This wonder herb is used in medicine, since time immemorial by both Chinese and
Indian medicines. The whole herb is useful.
* Kizhar Nelli has anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-spasmodic qualities.
* Kizhar Nelli is one of the best medicines to cure jaundice. (Hepatitis B and A). The
whole herb is used.
* It can prevent Hepatitis C.
* Prevents bleeding caused by snake bite.
* Cures scabies, psoriasis, rhinitis and sinus problems, kidney stones and worms.
* Kizhar nelli is also used in the treatment of leprosy, bronchitis, anemia, urinary
discharge, anuria, asthma, hiccups, blood disorders, malaria and for enlargement of
liver and spleen.
* In Unani system of medicine, it is used for treating chronic dysentery.
* In Siddha system of Medicine, also Kizhar nelli is used
Various clinical studies have been carried out for its medicinal uses and has gained
worldwide popularity due to its effect against Hepatitis-B.
Keezhanelli has been used in Brazil and Peru as a herbal remedy for kidney stones.

22-12-2014 Nandiyavattai
Chandni flower (Hindi name) is very commonly found all over Tamil Nadu. Most of
the homes in Tamil Nadu will have this plant in their homes for using it in prayers.
Chandni is an ever green shrub and its flowers are one of the most widely used
flowers for prayers and it needs very little maintenance. It is called Nandiyavattai
in Tamil and Moon Beam| Carnation of India | East Indian Rosebay in English.
Chandini flowers scientific name is Tabernaemontana Divaricata. These are
beautiful white flowers and if you are regular reader of this blog, you would have
seen the tree in the back ground, in most of my pictures. There is the single layered
flowers, like in the picture and double layered flowers, you can use either one.
These flowers have amazing medicinal uses, especially for relaxing tired eyes and

getting rid of the burning sensation in the eyes. If you are a person, who spends a
lot of time in front of the computer or doing intricate work, you will find your eyes
getting tired and developing a burning sensation. These flowers are great for
treating the burning sensation in the eyes and are known to relax and refresh the
eyes. If the flowers are crushed and placed on the eyes, you will find your eyes
immediately refreshed and the burning sensation will stop very quickly. To make this
eye mask, first take a 100% pure cotton cloth, boil it in water to sterilize the cloth
and squeeze out the water. Now take fresh chandni flowers and crush them in a
mortar and pestle. Place it on the cloth and roll it gently, lie down in a comfortable
bed and place it over the eyes. You will find the burning sensation stop very quickly.
Even if you dont suffer from burning sensation of eyes, whenever you see these
flowers, take one and press them on the eyes, you will find your eyes much brighter
and refreshed. If you are a person who suffers a lot from burning sensation of the
eyes, use this mask at least weekly thrice to see good results.

19-12-2014 Murunga

18-12-2014 Saamanthi benefits

Saamanthi health benefits
This is Saamanthi medicinal uses benefits and Values. Chrysanthemum plants are
called Saamanthi in Tamil. These plants have a number of ornamental, culinary,
environmental, insecticidal, and medicinal uses that are known to man since
Saamanthi nutrition facts
Chinese medicine still uses an herbal infusion of chrysanthemum for treating
problems like fever and sore throat among many other ailments. People commonly
consume it in tea form for the treatment of viral and bacterial infections, digestive
problems, sinusitis, and for improving eyesight and hearing. Some of the important
information and facts about this plant are as under:
* The most medicinal parts of this plant are the flowers and leaves
* Some of its main ingredients include chlorogenic acid, flavonoids, and carotene.
* It is a rich source of vitamin A, B6, C, K, riboflavin, and thiamine
* It contains essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, folate, iron, sodium,
potassium, phosphorous,

manganese, zinc, and copper

* It is also used in cooking soups, stews, hot pots, casserole dishes, and stir-fries in
Asian cuisines
* It is an excellent source of antioxidants that help prevent and treat a number of
diseases and disorders
Saamanthi Health Benefits
The various health benefits of chrysanthemum are as follows:
* It is a rich source of vitamin C and is therefore very effective in treating viral and
bacterial infections.
One of the medicinal uses of chrysanthemum tea is that it helps relieve the
symptoms of sinusitis and cold and eases head heaviness.
* One of the other chrysanthemum health benefits is that it is a natural coolant and
helps lower body
temperature while suffering from fevers or heat strokes.
* Chrysanthemum is also a well-known natural remedy for acne and pimples. You
can either drink it in tea form or use it as an herbal poultice for the topical
treatment of acne and pimples.
* Experts also recommend using chrysanthemum for skin problems like boils, skin
sores, irritation, and allergic skin reactions. Its powerful anti-inflammatory and
antiseptic properties help in treating these problems effectively.
* Chrysanthemum tea helps regulate high blood pressure and is therefore very
beneficial to hypertension patients. It is also a good remedy for calming the nerves
and easing anxiety, stress, and mental fatigue.
* One of the health benefits of chrysanthemum is that it increases blood flow to the
heart, thereby making it effective for maintaining good cardiac health.
* Chrysanthemum tea consumed with meals helps in boosting digestion, especially
in the case of oily and greasy foods.
* Being low in calories, chrysanthemum tea is also good for obese as well as weight
conscious people.
* Research shows that chrysanthemum tea may also be good for people suffering
from neurodegenerative diseases
like Parkinsons disease. Chrysanthemum contains neuro-protective properties that
help prevent neuron injury and degeneration.
* Chrysanthemum is also a good treatment for other problems like eye irritation,
conjunctivitis, ulcerative colitis, and migraines.
Chrysanthemum tea Preparation

Chrysanthemum tea is obtained from dried chrysanthemum flowers. You can easily
make it bye by adding hot water in 3 grams of dried chrysanthemum flowers, let the
mix steep for 5 minutes.

17-12-2014 Murungai benefits

Murungai health benefits
Murungai Keerai Medicinal Uses and Values
This is murungai keerai medicinal uses benefits and Values. Drumsticks leaves are
called murungai keerai in Tamil. The leaves are used in many types of tasty recipes
like murungai keerai poriyal, murungai keerai kootu and the very murungai keerai
soup, but apart from this drumstick leaves are beneficial for many health problems
Murungai keerai nutrition facts
According to Ayurveda, drumstick leaves carry medicinal properties which can cure
more than 250 types of diseases. It has nutrients and antioxidants which are useful
in being healthy.
Drumstick leaves have vitamin A and vitamin C. They also carry plenty of Amino
acid and calcium.
Murungai keerai health benefits
The medicinal properties of these leaves are useful to get rid of bones, skin and
heart related problems.
Drumstick leaves juice is useful in avoiding constipation.
Drumstick leaves soup is consumed to get relief in asthma and many other
respiratory problems.
Drumsticks are rich in calcium. Consumption of these leaves can be helpful for
stronger bones and stronger teeth.
Potassium is useful in brain development. Drumstick leaves contain plenty of
potassium, even more than potato. Thus they are useful in brain development and
nerves building.
Drumstick leaves are very much useful in building up body cells and make the body
fit and healthy.
Murungai keerai for hair Growth
Juice of drumstick leaves are useful in reducing body heat and thus used in treating
heat related problems like hair loss, tiredness and eye sores.

Take Drumstick leaves along with pure ghee to stimulate the blood circulation in the
body to induce the re growth of hair follicles.
Drumstick leaves for pimples: Drumstick leaves juice mixed with lemon juice is the
very good remedy for controlling pimples.

Murungai keerai and pregnancy Benefits

Consumption of drumstick leaves are advised for conceived ladies who are suffering
from calcium deficiency and insufficient iron in the blood.
These leaves improve defense mechanism in body and thus fight against many type
of infections.
Applying boiled drumstick leaves paste on joint pain, nerves or muscles pain,
headache gives soothing effect immediately.
The antimicrobial properties of drumstick leaves cure throat, chest and many types
of skin infections.
The people who are facing the problem of sexual weakness, the drumstick and
drumstick leaves are highly advised as a treatment.
Drumstick leaves for anemia: Drumstick leaves and lemon juice is a miracle mixture
for treating many diseases like deficiency, anaemia, cough, asthma, nerves
weakness and even for smoothness of skin.
If you are getting swelling on hands or legs frequently, then drumstick leaves juice
will be very much beneficial.
Drumstick leaves and honey: If you have the extract of drumstick leaves along with
honey and tender coconut is useful to regain the strength and reduce the weakness.
The kids who are facing eye nerves weakness, drumstick leaves juice and honey
mixture is advised to take at night before going to bed.
Drumstick leaves for hypertension: Take Drumstick leaves recipe weekly three times
are helpful in reducing high blood pressure.
Drumstick leaves juice benefits: Drumstick leaves juice, cucumber juice and carrot
juice along with a pinch of rock salt is best remedy for treating excretory infections

16-12-2014 Aavaarai benefits

Avaraikai health benefits

It is rich in potassium and thus regulates good heart function, relieves stress and
Its rich in fibre thus aids good digestion and overcomes constipation
Also lowers cancer risk preventing buildup of carcinogenic substances.
It is also rich in amino acid that is good for pituitary gland which regulates human
Avarai kai is rich in iron, calcium, protein and vitamins. Avarai kai is easily digestible
and so can be taken by all kinds of people and also can be eaten at night.
Avaraikai is also referred as Indian broad beans
Pale broad beans are good for internal organs.
Broad beans should be taken more in our diet in case of diabetic, dysentry ,
frequent head aches.
In Assam, people use the juice of avarai kai for throat pain and ear pain.

15-12-2014 Idukaattupoo benefits

12-12-2014 Lemon benefits

Benefits of Lemons:
1.Lemons are alkalizing for the body: Lemons are acidic to begin with but they are
alkaline-forming on body fluids helping to restore balance to the bodys pH.
2.Lemons are rich in vitamin C and flavonoids that work against infections like the
flu and colds.
3.Your liver loves lemons: The lemon is a wonderful stimulant to the liver and is a
dissolvent of uric acid and other poisons, liquefies the bile, says Jethro Kloss in his
book Back to Eden. Fresh lemon juice added to a large glass of water in the morning
is a great liver detoxifier.

4.Cleans your bowels: Lemons increase peristalsis in the bowels, helping to create a
bowel movement thus eliminating waste and helping with regularity. Add the juice
of one lemon to warm water and drink first thing in the morning.
5.Scurvy is treated by giving one to two ounces of lemon juice diluted with water
every two to four hours. In 1747, a naval surgeon named James Lind cured scurvy
with fresh lemons. To this day, the British Navy requires ships to carry enough
lemons so that every sailor could have one ounce of juice a day. In the past, lemons
were replaced with limes; this is where the English got their nickname limeys.
Watch this video: Scurvy Pirates and the Lemon of Love
6.The citric acid in lemon juice helps to dissolve gallstones, calcium deposits, and
kidney stones.
7.Vitamin C in lemons helps to neutralize free radicals linked to aging and most
types of disease.
8.The lemon peel contains the potent phytonutrient tangeretin, which has been
proven to be effective for brain disorders like Parkinsons disease.
9.In India, Ayurveda medicine values the lemon as a fruit and for its properties. It is
sour, warm, promoter of gastric fire, light, good for vision, pungent and astringent.
10.It destroys intestinal worms.
11.When there is insufficient oxygen and difficulty in breathing (such as when
mountain climbing) lemons are very helpful. The first man to reach the top of Mt.
Everest, Edmund Hillary, said that his success on Mt. Everest was greatly due to
12.Lemons have powerful antibacterial properties; experiments have found the juice
of lemons destroy the bacteria of malaria, cholera, diphtheria, typhoid and other
deadly diseases.
13.Blood vessels are strengthened by the vitamin P (bioflavinoids) in lemon thus
prevents internal hemorrhage. Also, making it useful in treating high blood pressure.
14.The symptoms of eye disorders, including diabetic retinopathy have been shown
in research to improve due to the rutin, found in lemons.
15.Lemons contain 22 anti-cancer compounds, including naturally occurring
limonene; oil which slows or halts the growth of cancer tumors in animals and
flavonol glycosides which stop cell division in cancer cells.
16.According to The Reams Biological Ionization Theory (RBTI), the lemon is the
ONLY food in the world that is anionic (an ion with a negative charge). All other
foods are cationic (the ion has a positive charge.) This makes it extremely useful to

health as it is the interaction between anions and cations that ultimately provides
all cell energy.

11-12-2014 Seemai Agathi benefits

Seemaiagathi or Vandukolli
The best medicinal plant against bacteria, fungus, virus and parasite.
Botanical name : Cassia alata
Family : Caesalpiniaceae
Actions : Anti-bacterial, Parasiticide, Purgative, Anti-fungal.
Siddha Medicinal Uses :
For skin infections caused by bacteria, fungi etc the paste of leaves are externally
applied over the affected areas.
Seemai agathi paste which is prepared by grinding the leaves with coconut oil or
gingilee oil into a paste.This medicine is a very good external remedy against skin
infection especially fungal infections.
The leaves may be ground with lemon juice also and applied extenally as a paste for
various skin ailments caused by micro-organism.
A paste of root can also be used as an external application especially for ring worm.

Nattu Maruthuvam 10-12-2014

09-12-2014 Benefits Of Rose Flower

08-12-2014 Malligai Benefits

Medicinal benefits of JASMINE Flower (Malligai Poo)

The Jasmine flower forms a vital ingredient of almost all ayurvedic medicines owing
to its diverse curing qualities. Specifically it is used to remove intestinal worms

* It is considered to be an apt and biological cure for jaundice and other venereal
* The flower buds help in treatment of ulcers, vesicles, boils, skin diseases and eye
* The leaves extracts against breast tumours
* Drinking Jasmine tea regularly helps in curing cancer
* Its oil is very effective in calming and relaxing.

05-12-2014 Alli Poo Benefits

Uses & Benefits of Podina
The white water lily alkaloids and oils work as very good anti-inflammatory and mild
sedative. To get healthy hair, one can boil its roots a bear and can use it as hair
rinse. It really gives you beautiful healthy and shiny hair. The seed can be used as
an alternate to coffee.
The rhizome of this plant works as a perfect antiseptic and astringent. A decoction
made from water lily rhizome is used to treat diarrhea. Water lily plant is also used
in the treatment of kidney pain, congestion and aching throats. It is also good in the
treatment of soreness of the vagina and abnormal vaginal discharges.
It has many therapeutic uses and it is considered that it help to lower sexual
cravings. It soothes the nervous system that is why it cures the problems like
nervous anxiety and insomnia. Its dried buds are used in the treatment of mental
disorder. It has been concluded in studies that decoction of water lily flower can be
administered as a uterine injection which cures uterine cancer.

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