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Chakra system chart by astrology

Planetary influences on chakra system

Introduction to the chakra system

The human energetic system is mainly composed of a vertical energetic axis which runs
through our spine from the perineum (the region between the genitals and the anus), up
to the top of our head. This is our main energetic channel and it is called in India the
Sushumna Nadi. On this channel, at different levels there are seven energetic centers
(named chakras) that represent our link to the "reality" and the universe(s). They are
located as shown in the image on the right.

Chakra system chart by

One can identify the nodal axis with
Sushumna Nadi, the energetic central
channel that runs through our spine. On this
channel, the six chakras are projected at
different levels as shown in the image on the
left. The seventh chakra, the crown chakra,
called Sahasrara chakra is not shown in the
natal chart, it couldn't be, as it doesn't relate with the material level, only with the higher
spiritual worlds. It is transcendental and represents our link to the Divinity.
The other six chakras will be projected on the nodes' axis as
1. Muladhara chakra or the root chakra will be projected
at a distance of 30 degrees from the South Node (SN) on both
2. Swadisthana chakra or the sexual chakra will be
projected from 30 degrees to 60 degrees from the SN on both
3. Manipura chakra or the solar chakra will be projected
from 60 degrees to 90 degrees from the SN on both sides.

4. Anahata chakra or the heart chakra will be projected from 90 to 120 degrees
from the SN or from 90 to 60 degrees from the North Node (NN) on both sides.
5. Visshuda chakra or the throat chakra will be projected from 60 to 30 degrees
from the NN on both sides.
6. Ajna chakra or the forehead chakra will be projected from 30 degrees to the NN.
Planets that are in the projection area of one chakra will influence that chakra according
to their nature and the side of the nodal axis where they are located. Those on the left
side (waxing from the SN) will influence the receptive part and the function of that
chakra, while those on the right will influence the emissive part and function of that
chakra. In order to understand this better, an esoteric study of the chakras would be

the Seven chakras system

quick overview of each chakra's activity/influence

receptive side / energy emissive side / controlled


the root chakra or


physical, material energy

controlled energy, stability

the sexual chakra or


sociability, sexual

seduction, sexual energy


the solar chakra or


what gives you self


will power, perseverance,


the heart chakra or


what you like, love


love emitted

the throat chakra or


passive intuition

active intuition and contact to

other worlds

the forehead chakra or


mental interest, analysis,


logics, mental creativity,


the crown chakra or


transcendence - link to the spiritual worlds, to GOD

Table with the planetary influences on the chakra system:

effect on the chakras when it is

in the left side of the nodes'
axis, influencing the receptive
function of the chakra

effect on the chakras when it is

in the right side of the nodes'
axis, influencing the emissive
function of the chakra


lots of high quality energy on that

level both natally and received from
the others in life

increased control, mastery of that



increased receptivity on that level,

the native easily absorbs energies and
information from the other or from
the nature

deep feelings and a clear inner

perspective on the energies of that

mental receptivity on that level, the

MERCUR native is easily energized, fascinated
by specific information, either read
or heard from others


mental control, understanding,

mastery of that level

interests / hobbies / passion on that

seduction power, erotism, the
level, meetings of persons that offer
successful use of the feelings in order
him/her psychological support, the
to gain control on that level
feeling of being loved


energy, dynamism, activity on that

level, courageous friends

courage, dynamic action, good

energetic control


lots of energy and resources, open

interest on the level, exuberance,

power of accumulation of energy,

wise, spiritual use of that energy


few resources and lack of energy

very controlled manifestations,

contracture, strategy, economy


energy outbursts alternating with low spiritual, higher consciousness of the

level energy, fluctuations
energy on that level


low physical energy, but good contact

with the other worlds

spiritual use of the energy on that



passion, deep understanding and

feeling of the energy on that level

transformative potential, occult

interests and use of the energy

In this kind of spiritual astrology the Ascendant, the Medium Coeli and the astrological
houses are unimportant because in the true spirituality it doesn't matter WHAT one

does, but rather HOW one does it. That's why the planets (the inner energies of the
being) are important and not the house cusps.

Ideal chakra chart

There is an archetypal activation of all chakras, placing the Moon's Nodes in their
domicile on the 0 Capricorn-0 Cancer axis and considering the influence of each sign
ruler on the chakra situated at its correspondent level.
We may see in the below images the ideal planetary influences on the chakras.

The above image could be redesigned as follows, in order to get it more like the
traditional representation of the chakras (the planets are not represented anymore, but
you certainly know which planet rules each sign).

A very interesting exercise is to look for persons who have planets influencing their
chakras as in this ideal chart. You will notice good functioning of that chakra. For
instance Hitler and Stalin had Saturn activating the right side of their Ajna chakra, that's
why they were almost geniuses in what they did. (the malefic side, though) Mircea
Eliade, a world renowned scientist who wrote a very extensive book on the history of the
religions had in his natal chart Jupiter activating the left side of the Ajna chakra, the
mental energetic center, offering him a outstanding memory and intellectual analysis
capacity (Jupiter is also about religions).
And so on. There is no limitation in the study of the planets' influence on the chakras.
You will find very interesting perspective when analyzing the transiting planets' or the
eclipses' influence on a person, you may even apply this in the synastry study, revealing
hidden information on the subtle energetic influence of one person on the other.

the Synastry and the chakra chart:

Person A's planet on the right side of a chakra of person B, means that A is helping B to
become more active, is stimulating B (which can be both in good or bad). If A's planet is
on the left side of a chakra of B, means that A is actually giving B something that B is
receptive at (on that level; and it can be also a good thing or a bad thing).
Consider always the North Node position of a person in the other person's chart. Similar
as in synastries, where the ascendant's position of one person in the other chart
indicates the house on which the first person is most influential, the chakra activated by
one person's NN in the other person's natal chart is the most important level of the
You will quickly notice that if A's NN is on the right side of a chakra of B, then B's NN is
on the left side of the same chakra, but of A. It means that in a relationship there is
always a receiver-sender relationship (on the same level, i.e. chakra), that represents the
base of the connection of the two persons.
As a rule of the thumb, in a sentimental relationship there is always someone who loves
more, and the other one who let him/herself be loved.

the North Node transits and the chakra chart:

Consider also the North Node transits around the zodiac, passing through the 12
natal projection regions of the 6 chakras.
Each transit lasts for approx. 1,551 years, as the entire cycle of the nodes lasts 18,614
years, representing a full development and evolution cycle.
--- beginning of the first nodal cycle --0-1,55 years: the neurological-motor development of the baby: its first successes
(learning the basics, understanding and acquirement of the basis of the language,
walking, playing, eating) - the transiting North Node activates the receptive side of the
forehead chakra, Ajna.
1,55 - 3,1 years: the child starts talking articulated phrases, his thinking is mostly
intuitive, not logical - the transiting North Node activates the receptive side of the throat
chakra, Visshuda.
3,1 - 4,65 years: the child starts having intense feelings to the mother, the other
members of the family, to other children - the transiting North Node activates the
receptive side of the chest chakra, Anahata
4,65 - 6,2 years: the child gets a stronger understanding of its own individuality, it is

the age of "I want that! and I want it now!" - the transiting North Node activates the
receptive side of the solar plexus chakra, Manipura
6,2 - 7,75 years: the child starts the socializing process, he goes to school, gets in
contact with many other children of his age, learns the rules of social behavior - the
transiting North Node activates the receptive side of the social, sexual chakra,
7,75 - 9,31 years: the child has a lot of physical energy, loves running around, and it is
very difficult to have him still - the transiting North Node activates the receptive side of
the root chakra, Muladhara
9,31 - 10,86 years: the child learns to put his physical energy into practical purposes,
such as organized sports, starts doing little things in the house (if parents teach him to
do so) - the transiting North Node activates the emissive, active side of the root chakra,
10,86 - 12,41 years: the children become interested in the opposite sex, the girls have
their first menstruation, the children socialize a lot the transiting North Node activates
the emissive, active side of the sexual chakra, Swadisthana
12,41 - 13,96 years: the children face very important individualization (personality)
problems - typical teenager problems, they learn how to control their needs, start
claiming authority - the transiting North Node activates the emissive, active side of the
solar plexus chakra, Manipura
13,96 - 15,51 years: the first love experience; whether real or imaginary love, the
teenagers start thinking in terms of feelings: the transiting North Node activates the
emissive, active side of the chest, heart chakra, Anahata
15,51 - 17,06 years: the teenagers start understanding beyond the words and reality,
they get a better intuitive image of the universe - the transiting North Node activates the
emissive, active side of the throat chakra, Visshuda
17,06 - 18,61 years: the most mentally creative period of life; they say that many
genial ideas were born in persons of this age; it is sure however that the young persons
start having their own understanding on the reality, and also start exposing their ideas
to the others.
--- the first nodal cycle is over --The next ones follow the same pattern, although on a very different level.

Natal chakra activation

I have developped a simple astrology program calculating your natal chakra system
diagram, showing the natal chakra activation, according to the theory presented above.

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