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Applying Buddhist Psychology to Organisation environment

Buddhism is a more than a religion. It can be said as an ancient field of psychology.

The reason being is that, Buddhism study specifically on various mental issues and
its specific antidotes to overcome the issues. Hence there are 84,000 different texts
which Buddha had taught to overcome 84,000 mental issues. Due to the fact that
Buddhism studied and deal specifically on the mind, it is therefore consider to be a
field of psychology.
How does Buddhist psychology collaborate with Organisational psychology? It
seems like two opposite pole of field coming together which seem highly unlikely.
How are they pole apart? Buddhism deals with mental issues more from an
individual basis while Organisational psychology deals with a group of individuals.
Although they might seem poles apart, there are similarity.
Everyone seek happiness, and avoid suffering. From work, relationships, and every
other part of our life, we do make choices that maximize the outcome of happiness,
and minimize or eliminate suffering. This is the same for organization where the
choices made is to maximized their success (happiness), and minimized the failure
(suffering). To do this regularly, there will be research, strategies, plans, and
calculated risks be taken to ensure the choices make can lead to further success.
To have the ability to make such choices, one should be train ones mind to be more
resilient, patience, generous, joy, contemplation, and to have wisdom. Buddhism so
call this the 6 perfections. In order for an organization to be successful, it should
have too, these 6 perfections.
The result can seem to be more effective to create a harmonious and collaborative
organization that enable to do good for its people, customer and the wider
community as whole.

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