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Nicolle Jurez


Abraham Maslow, born in New York in 1908, created a theory

named The Hierarchy of Needs. The model of this theory was
created in the 1940-50s.

Maslow took interest in psychology while living in Wisconsin

and began toattend the University of Wisconsin. Here he had
the opportunity to spend time with Harry Harlow, who is
famous for his experiments with baby monkeys and
attachment behavior.
It took some observations and studies based on these
monkeys for him to notice that some needs were more
important or took precedence on others. He later expanded
this information and compared it to human needs. Here he
lets us know the types of necessities we as human beings
have and classifies it in 5 different layers.
1. Self-actualization: This is what we do for ourselves in
order to grow personally and fulfil goals.
2. Esteem needs: Maslow noticed two levels of self-esteem,
a lower one and a higher one. The lower one which
includes acceptance from others, needs for statuses
recognition etc. The higher means having self-respect,
confidence, independence and achievement.
3. Love and belonging: When we feel the need for friends, a
partner, children, etc. You begin to not want to be lonely
or anti-social.

Nicolle Jurez

4. Safety and security: When we begin to want to be safe or

protected. You begin to have fears and anxiety.
5. Physiological: These are the basic needs we have like
oxygen, water, food, vitamins and minerals. We can also
find the need for sleep and activity.

We remain using this theory because of its understanding of

human motivation and personal development. Maslow later
wrote a book in 1954 which led to a second one some time

Nicolle Jurez

later. Maslow has been of great influence in psychology

matters. Psychology should be about the people. Real people
in real lives with actual needs and not about analysis and
statistics according to Abraham Maslow.

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