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World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium


Relocalization of a low income citizen suburb of Rosario (Argentina)

affected by climate change impacts
Rubn D Piacentini1,2,Marcelo Vega1,3, Natalia Feldman1, Sofa Garro3, Daniela Mastrngelo3, Luis


Laboratorio de Eficiencia Energtica, Sustentabilidad y Cambio climtico (LESyC), IMAE, FCEIA, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Rosario,
2. Area rea Fsica de la Atmsfera, Radiacin Solar y Astropartculas, Instituto de Fsica Rosario, CONICET - Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Rosario,
3. Direccin General de Innovacin y Calidad Ambiental, Secretara de Servicios Pblicos y Medio Ambiente, Municipalidad de Rosario, Argentina
4. Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Dresden University of Technology, Germany
5. Universidad Autnoma de Chile

Climate change (CC) is one of the most important environmental problems challenging current
urban planning and management. The impacts of CC will affect dramatically urban areas and their
populations in different places of the world. In Latin America the spatial scope, magnitude and
intensitity of CC impacts are still lacking adequate policies and implementation in planning practice.
In the Central-Eastern region of Argentina, the intensity of rains increased significantly in the last
decades, producing large floods and consequently citizen displacements from houses placed near
rivers. We present a project for relocatization of low income persons living in a suburb with high
flood risk of Rosario city, Argentina. Since climate change plays a significant role as a source of this
problem, the Municipality of Rosario is developing the project based on sustainability criteria.
Consequently, we investigate the replacement of conventional (non-renewable) energy by sustainable
(renewable + efficiency) energy and the reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG) emission to the
atmosphere. We present results for the estimation of indicators related to the reduction of: 1)
Conventional energy use and GHG emission due to increase in sustainable energy use in
construction, operation/maintenance and demolition/recycling/reuse of new habitats, 2) Energy use
and GHG emission due to mobility, 3) GHG emission due to compost production from city organic
waste in this city suburb and 4) GHG emission due to other contributions. All indicators are
determined per year and in the whole life cycle of the habitats.
Keywords: Relocalization, city suburb, Rosario, Argentina, climate change

1. Introduction
1.1 Climate change foundation and impacts in the Rosario city region
There is a large amount of scientific evidence that humans are the main responsible of climate change (CC)
through the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) like Carbon dioxide (CO 2), Methane (CH4) and Nitrous
oxide (N2O) to the atmosphere (IPCC/WG1 2013, Weart 2008, Piacentini and Mujumdar 2009, 2013). In
particular, buildings are responsible for about 1/3 of this warming (UNEP, 2009). Consequently, it is of
great importance to contribute to the reduction of the world temperature increase, through the design of
habitats (houses, buildings and infrastructure), applying sustainability criteria. Some of them are:
-a) Renewable energy use and efficiency in habitats in their life cycle (building construction,
operation/maintenance and demolition/recycling/reuse) periods, b)
- Renewable energy use and efficiency in mobility, including the reduction of food transportation from long
distances and replacement by urban and periurban agriculture, c)
- Compost production through urban organic waste, d)
- Other contributions coming from forestation.
As a consequence of the application of these criteria, a significant reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG)
and particulate matter (mainly black carbon) emissions to the atmosphere can be achieved.
Besides the consideration of Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability, proposed for the new millennium
goals 2015-2030 by United Nations (Sachs, 2015, UN Millennium Goals, 2015), another important aspect
that is taking into account in the project design presented in this work, is Goal 1:Erradicate extreme
poverty and hunger, since not only it will provide a better way of life to the persons that will have new
houses, but also it will give many of them the possibility to have access to new sustainable (green) jobs in
different specialities: building industry, aquaculture and urban agriculture, among others.
Climate change in one of the main threat to cities, mainly those placed near ocean, river or lake coast, due
to the sea level rise (of about 20 cm from the industrial revolution to the present time) (IPCC/WG2, 2014).
In particular, Rosario city is placed in the Humid Pampa region of Central Argentina, and the investigation
done by meteorologists (Barros et al, 2014) showed that the number of intense thunderstorms (with
precipitation equal or greater than 100 mm), increased in the Central-Eastern part of the country, from the
1960 decade to the 1990 one, by a mean factor of around three. Also the last Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change Report (IPCC/WG2, 2014) analyzing this region, predicts an increase in the number of
intense thunderstorms for the present century.
The El Mangrullo suburb that will be relocated and adapted, is just in the corner of the immense Paran
river (that collect water of an area of Brasil, Paraguay and Argentina of 2.6 millions km2) and the mouth of
the Saladillo stream. So, this suburb suffers of periodic floodings, as other suburbs of the city
(Zimmermann et al, 2016). It must be pointed out that not only climate change but also El Nio events are
responsibles for the floodings, as happened during the three last strong El Nio 1982/83, 1997/98 and the
present one 2015/2016, as measured by the Multivaried ENSO (El Nio Southern Oscillation) Index (called
MEI, see http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/enso/mei/http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/enso/mei//).

1.2 Municipalidad of Rosario projects related to this subject

The Urban Plan promotes one new order of equilibrium who it is integrated, equilibrated and inclusive. In
particular, for the El Mangrullo sector of the of Saladillo stream river mouth will be permit
rehabilitated this area, incorporatinged new absorbent land, and adaptingation the urban
configuration who to avoid the floods. This is possible by adaption a scenarios of more floods and
flood peaks. The project considers the increases in the energy efficiency and the use of energy and clean
energies, the sustainable mobility, the upgrowth of green land and more trees. Also, it promotes the risk
management to climatic events and to generateing employment opportunities including new approaches to
development of the city. These approaches will be more sustainable and inclusive.El Plan Urbano de la
ciudad, a partir de sus proyectos estructurales de transformacin urbana, entre los que se encuentra el borde
del Arroyo Saladillo, promueve un nuevo modo de reequilibrio urbano capaz de superar los modos
tradicionales de actuacin en la ciudad,vinculados a un nuevoprocesourbanointegrador, equilibrado e
inclusivo. En particular para el sector de la desembocadura del Arroyo Saladillo en el denominado barrio El
Mangrullo, permitirn rehabilitar esta rea, incorporar superficie absorbente nueva, y adaptar la
configuracin urbana para evitar inundaciones de familias que habitan el sector, adaptndose a escenarios
de mayores precipitaciones y picos de crecida.El proyectoimpulsa la eficiencia energtica y las energas
limpias, la movilidad sustentable, el incremento de la superficie verde y el arbolado, la gestin del riesgo
ante eventos climticos, y la generacin de oportunidades de inclusin laboral a partir de nuevos enfoques
del desarrollo de la ciudad, ms sustentables e inclusivos.

2. Materials and Methods

In order to develop the present investigation, we consider: a) the living situation of the Rosario city
inhabitants that are affected by frequent floods, b) the environment (soil, water, vegetables, present
habitats, etc) and c) the geoposition of the El Mangrullo suburb with the particular analysis of the altitude
of the Parana river and Saladillo stream coasts, for the determination of the new location of the habitats.
Also, we introduce sustainability criteria, that permits us (following the work of Piacentini, 2016) to
determine the energy use reduction and greenhouse gases (GHG) mitigation, annually and in the whole life
cycle of the habitats.

2.1 Description of the Rosario city suburb El Mangrullo

The El Mangrullo sector of the South-East part of Rosario city is placed at the coordinates
(325954S,603650W,25 m asl) and it is subject to periodic floodings. The inhabitants are mainly
devoted to fishing activities.

El rea de intervencin se ubica en el sur de la ciudad de Rosario, en la desembocadura del Arroyo

Saladillo en el ro Paran, denominada barrioEl Mangrullo. Constituye un escenario ribereo, que como
parte del ecosistema del humedal del Delta del Paran, tiene la particularidad de ser el nico punto de la
ciudad con necesidad de evacuar familias ante la crecida de este curso de agua principal, el ro
Paran,familias que han ocupado sitios prximos a las mrgenes a raz de estilos de vida fuertemente
vinculados a la pesca y al ro.
El sector se encuentra ocupado principalmente de manera informal por viviendas asentadas en terrenos con
escasos servicios e infraestructura, que bajo condiciones de crecida del ro se inundan o sufren situaciones
de riesgo sanitario (proliferacin de vectores, saturacin de pozos absorbentes de lquidos cloacales, riesgo
de enfermedades de transmisin hdrica).
Considerando que los escenarios climticos plantean un incremento en la frecuencia e intensidad de
fenmenos meteorolgicos que afectarn de manera cada vez mayor a las familias que hoy habitan el
sector, se hace imprescindible el desarrollo de medidas de mitigacin y adaptacin al cambio climtico en
la intervencin urbanstica y de mejoramiento del hbitat. El proyecto permitir adems, incrementar la
capacidad del municipio de incorporar esta dimensin en la gestin del territorio, la obra pblica y el
fortalecimiento social, para replicar en otros barrios.

Figure 1: Map of the Rosario city (upper left) and El Mangrullo suburb (325954S,603650W,25 m
asl):1. Recovery of the mouth of Saladillo stream, 2.Complete remodeling of South Regional Park,
improving access and streambank, 3. Rearrangement and overall improvement of Molino Blanco suburb, 4.
Scheduled extension of the park, linked to social inclusion policies and production equipment, 5.
Rehabilitation and expansion of Balneario Los Angeles, 6.Environmental protection of the future expansion
of the Park.
Figure 1.Top: Map of the Rosario city and El Mangrullo suburb (32 S,60.. W,25 m asl
This sector is occupied by informal houses which are emplaced in vulnerable sites. These places are
flooded and suffer risk health (proliferation of vectors, saturation of absorbing wells sewage, risk of
diseases of hydric transmission).The adaptation to climate change is essential, due to because of the
increment of the frequency and intensity of intense meteorologicaly phenomenaons, that are more probable
every time. Then, it is essential for the mitigation and adaptation to climate change, the urban intervention
and the improvement in the habitat. This project could be replicated in other places of Rosario city and
other cities in the world.
El sector se encuentra ocupado principalmente de manera informal por viviendas asentadas en terrenos con
escasos servicios e infraestructura, que bajo condiciones de crecida del ro se inundan o sufren situaciones
de riesgo sanitario (proliferacin de vectores, saturacin de pozos absorbentes de lquidos cloacales, riesgo
de enfermedades de transmisin hdrica).
Considerando que los escenarios climticos plantean un incremento en la frecuencia e intensidad de
fenmenos meteorolgicos que afectarn de manera cada vez mayor a las familias que hoy habitan el
sector, se hace imprescindible el desarrollo de medidas de mitigacin y adaptacin al cambio climtico en
la intervencin urbanstica y de mejoramiento del hbitat. El proyecto permitir adems, incrementar la
capacidad del municipio de incorporar esta dimensin en la gestin del territorio, la obra pblica y el
fortalecimiento social, para replicar en otros barrios.

Figure 2Figure 1.Top: Map of the Rosario city and El Mangrullo suburb (32 S,60.. W,25 m
asl).Bottom:Middle: General view of the Rosario city suburb El Mangrullo masterplan, Bottom: GIS
. (LUIS).The Parana river (top) and the Saladillo stream (bottom) can be identified.

2.3 -Masterplan of the project

The intervention components of El Mangrullo (See figure 2) are: a) Urban integration. This integration is
include s connectivity, equitative development and infrastructure inclusive for sustainable mobility, b)
Green space development, with 10 Km of bikeways through the parks and avenues, and reticulated
footpaths for improvinge the absorbing capacity of soil, c) Efficient lightningluminosity (lower energetic
consumption) with renewable energies, d) The relocalization of 308 families in sustainable houses.
These houses will have sustainable criterions during all cycle of life (construction,
operation/maintenanceuse/ mantenimiento and demolition) with resilient response prototypes to the
climate change. Also they are designed with low emissions of GEI, energy efficiencies, and with the use
of renewable energies (solar water heaters, fotovoltaic panels, etc), e) Los componentes de la intervencin
en el barrio El Mangrullo (Figura 1) son: a) Integracin urbana, considerando conectividad, desarrollo
equitativo e inclusinde la infraestructura para la movilidad sostenible, b)Desarrollo de espacios
verdes, donde el equipamiento urbano diseado con criterios de sustentabilidad contempla10Km de
ciclovas a travs de los parques y en las arterias principales que llegan al ro y senderos reticulados
que permiten mantener la capacidad absorbente del suelo; c) Luminarias eficientes de bajo consumo
energtico y con uso de energas renovables; d) Relocalizacin de 308 familias a viviendas sustentables,
incorporando criterios de sustentabilidad durante todo el ciclo de vida (construccin,
uso/mantenimiento y desmantelamiento), mediante prototipos resilientes al Cambio Climtico y con
bajas emisiones de GEI, eficientes energticamente y que incluyen el uso de energas renovables
(calefones solares para agua de uso sanitario, paneles fotovoltaicos para iluminacin de espacios

comunes y bombas de agua, etc), The adaptation of another around 250 houses to climate change, where
will be an innovative take one inedit experience for improving of improve the sustainable conditions of
houses. These houses will not be relocated. There will be improved tThe thermal comfort and the quality
of life of the occupants will be improved, also using clean energies and improving the thermal behavior of
the envelope of the house,with simple bioclimatic solutions,. In these will be implemented clean energies
and improve of condition thermal with simple solutiond of bioclimatic arquitecture e)Adaptacin de 250
viviendas al cambio climtico, donde se llevar a cabo una indita una experiencia de mejora en las
condiciones de habitabilidad de 250 viviendas de familias que no sern relocalizadas, con el fin de mejorar
el confort trmico y la calidad de vida de sus ocupantes, mediante la inclusin de energas limpias y
acondicionamiento mediante soluciones simples de arquitectura bioclimtica y f) Possibility to Enhance of
access tohe green employments like: Fish market with aquaculture, urban agriculture enlargement La
Tablada orchard park, Agroecological market, Climatice observatory for the control of weather and
climatic conditions, Formation Ciudadana Center with the monitoring the climate variables and basic
operations during base for emergencies,; Enhancement of infrastructure for sustainable tourismt; labor
inclusion with gender perspective and development of a Sustainable Maternal Garden.Aumento de las
capacidades de los habitantes del barrio para acceder a Empleos verdes: Mercado de pescadores;
Ampliacin de Parque Huerta La Tablada y Mercado Agroecolgico; Observatorio Climtico y Centro de
formacin ciudadana con monitoreo de variables climticas y base de operaciones ante la emergencia;
Infraestructura para favorecer el turismo sustentable; Inclusin laboral con perspectiva de gnero y
desarrollo de un Jardn Maternal Sustentable.
This initiative is onea pilot test, which will be monitoreding with academic researchers of National
University of Rosario. university. Then, this experience will be replicated in other places of Rosario city,
for reduction of vulnerability to high temperatures and extreme storms.
Esta iniciativa se constituye en una prueba piloto que ser monitoreada con el apoyo y la participacin de
investigadores del sector acadmico de la ciudad, a los fines de ser implementada posteriormente en otros
barrios, como medida de reduccin de vulnerabilidad ante temperaturas extremas.
3. Results and Discussions

3.1 Sustainability actions and indicators for new habitats

In order to evaluate the Project and future use of the habitats (houses, buildings and infrastructure) if
sustainability criteria are adopted, the following indicators are introduced, following the work of Piacentini

3.1.1 Reduction in conventional energy use due to increase in sustainable energy use in new
(sustainable) habitats, per year and in the whole life-cycle of these habitats
One of the main possibilities to reduce the GHG emissions is to develop the Project, making a significant
change from the use of conventional non-renewable energy (mainly fossil fuel) to sustainable energy (=
renewable energy + efficiency) use in the construction, operation/maintenance and
demolition/recycling/reuse periods of habitats (houses, buildings and urban infrastructure). It must be
pointed out that energy efficiency is also included in the definition of sustainable energy, -even if it is not a
real energy, since it acts as an ideal source.
In order to evaluate this indicator, it must be determined:

a) The sustainable (new) energy use in the construction of sustainable habitats, per year
Esust,const/year=i,jEsust,const/year,i,i,j= ..6..320x10036MJ/year (1)
where Esust,const/year,ii,j is the individual contribution of the different processes employed for building an
habitat. These processes (detailed by the i index) are: soil movement, material transportation and ,
construction of the habitats. The different equipments and sub-processes are detailed by the j
b) The conventional (non sustainable) energy use in the construction of habitats, per year
Econv,const/year =i,jEconv,const/year,ii,j = . 7..900 x1036 MJ/year (2)
This annual energy use is determined taking into account the same processes as before, but considering
conventional (fossil fuel)energy use.
The difference between (2) and (1) is
Ehabitat,const/year = Econv,const/year - Esust,const/year= 1..58x106 0 x 103MJ/year (3)
In the same way, this variable can be estimated for the operation/maintenance and
demolition/recycling/reuse periods, the values are: 3..05 x 1077 MJ/year and 7..7 x106 6MJ/year,
respectively.. .
Then, from the previous results, the reduction in conventional energy use in the whole life cycle can be
determined, applying the modelization developed by Piacentini (2016) and assuming that the period of
construction is 2-inicial,const = 2 - inicial = 3 years, that of operation/maintenance 3-2,op/maint = 3 - 2 = 80
years and that of demolition/recycling/reuse final-3,demol = final - 3 = 2 years (with: final-inicial,const,total = 23-2,op/maint + final-3,demol = 85 years). Also, assuming that these variables have a stationary
inicial,const +
behavior (do not change with time or actually they are considered in their mean values), the total reduction
in conventional energy use in habitats at near the end of the present century (85 years from the present
time) of the new relocated suburb, is
Ehabitat,total= 2-inicial,const*Ehabitat,const/year + 3-2,op/maint*Ehabitat,op-maint/year + final-3,demol*Ehabitat,demol/year

3.1.2 Reduction of GHG emission to the atmosphere due to increase in sustainable energy use in new
(sustainable) habitats, per year and in the whole life-cycle of these habitats
From the results obtained in the definition of the previous indicator, the mass emission of GHG to the
atmosphere can be determined as follows
MGHG,sust,const/year =imGHG,sust,const/year,i,j = 477480 TnGHG/year (5)
where mGHG,sust,const/year,i= ki,jEsust,const/year,i,j being ki,j the coefficient that transform energy into mass of GHG
emitted to the atmosphere is
MGHG,conv,const/year=imGHG,conv,const/year= 596600TnGHG/year(6)
in order to obtainmGHG,conv,const/year,i, the same analysis must be done as before.
The difference between the two contributions (5) and (6) is

MGHG,habitat,const/year= MGHG,conv,const/year - MGHG,sust,const/year= . 11920TnGHG/year (7)

Similarly for the operation/maintenance and demolition/recycling/reuseperiods: 4.6594812 TnGHG/yeara
and 2341215 TnGHG/year, respectively.
In a similar way as for the energy in (64), the reduction in GHG emissions in habitats at near the end of the
present century (in the whole life cycle of the habitats), results
3,demol*MGHG,habitat,demol/year=3..88710 x10 ..TnGHG (8)
In a perfect (ideal) build habitat, this term (12) must be zero or even negative acting as a shrink, like the
operation energy use in the very impressive positive energy Green Office building placed in Meudon,
France (http://www.green-office.fr/en/news/mission-accomplished-green-office-meudon-first-world-classpositive-energy-building).
In Figure 3.left, the annual energy terms for the habitats and urban infrastructure are compared. It can be
seen that the main contribution comes from the operation/maintenance period, followed by the
demolition/recycling/reuse period. The and construction period is the lower one. Figure 3.right compares
the corresponding GHG emissions, having a similar behaviourIn Figure 2.top, the annual energy terms in
different time intervals for the habitats and urban infrastructure are compared, in decreasing order of
importance. It can be seen that the main contribution comes from , followed by , . and
. is the lower one. Figure 2.bottom compares the corresponding GHG emissions, having a similar

Figure23. Comparison between energy and GHG different indicators for the annual period in different
time intervals. the different indicators in different time intervals. TopLeft: energy use reductions,
bottomRright: GHG emission reductions to the atmosphere, due to new habitats in El Mangrullo
suburb, Rosario city, Argentina.

The other indicators must be determined in the same way as before.

3.1.3 Reduction of mobility energy use, per year and in the total time interval
In order to obtain this index, it is needed to calculate first, the annual difference in the total energy used in
different types of mobility at present (motorcycle, car, bus, truck, small ship, etc) that use conventional
energy minus the total energy that will be used in (partial or total) sustainable mobility
Emobility/year = (iEmob,conv,i - iEmob,sust,i)/year=4..20 x 12 x 10606MJ/year (9)
where the sum includes the energy use (Ei) in different types of mobility: motorcycle, cars, trucks, small
ships, the replacement of conventional energy use by human energy use (in bicycle) and the efficient energy
use. The final result, assuming that fmobility = of the inhabitants and travelers will use these ways of
displacements as a mean of the whole period, is
Emobility/year,final =fmobility*Emobility/year= 3..15 x 106 x 106 MJ/year (10)
Another interesting terms of this indicator is the contribution of food miles reduction, which corresponds to
the reduction in miles (or kilometers) of the energy use (E) due to food transportation from far away
production units, replaced by urban and periurban agriculture (Piacentini et al 2014a, 2014b)
Emobility food miles/year =(iEmob food miles,conv,i - iEmob food miles,sust,i)/year=300 MJ/year (11)
Again, assuming that fmobility,food miles=OJO ES Y NO 1/23/4 of the inhabitants and food consumers will
use the foods produced in the same city orf in the periurban region, then

Emobility,food miles/year,final =fmobility,food miles*Emobility,food miles/year= 225. MJ/year (12)

Then, for the total mobility period (3-2,op/maint) when people are living in the habitats, the mobility energy
reduction is
Emobility,total= 3-2,op/maint* (Emobility/year,final. + Emobility food miles/year)= 3,002.52 x 1028.MJ .(13)
3.1.4 Reduction of GHG emission to the atmosphere due to mobility, per year and in the total time
In the same way as for the case of habitat GHG emission reductions (7), it can be obtained the
corresponding result for mobility
MGHG,mobility/year = (imGHG,mob,conv,i - imGHG,mob,sust,i)/year = 240.TnGHG/year (14)
So the final result is:
MGHG,mobility/year,total= MGHG,mobility/year + MGHG,mobility food miles/year = 20942 TnGHG/year (15)
Then, for the total mobility period (3-2,op/maint) when people are living in the habitats, the mobility energy
reduction is
MGHG,mobility,total= 3-2,op/maint*MGHG,mobility/year = 16,7 x1.93x 104 103TnGHG (16)
Renewable energy use in mobility can be done since new sustainable vehicles are developed at present and
will be very common in the future (biofuel, electricity, hydrogen, compressed air, etc).
3.1.5) Reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG) emission to the atmosphere due to compost production
from city organic waste, per year and in the total time interval
In the work of Piacentini (2014), it was determined for all the Rosario city, the annual GHG mass emission
due to: a) The compost production for soil Nitrogen fertilization, using the organic municipality waste and
b) the natural reactions in the landfill, producing mainly methane. In the first case, the GHG contribution
comes essentially from transportation, producing mainly carbon dioxide and from chemical reactions in the
landfill, generating mainly nitrous oxide and methane. In the second case, the transportation and landfill
contributions, produce these three GHG.
Since from item 2.32, the number of persons living in the El Mangrullo suburb is 2,83,600 and the total
Rosario city inhabitants at present are about 1 million, the contribution of GHG mass emission of this
suburb is about 0.3628 %. So, the calculation of GHG emission gives the following results:
mGHG,compost,conv= 22792 TnGHG/year, mGHG,compost,sust= 2418.7 TnGHG/year and their difference is equal to
mGHG,compost/year = (mGHG,compost,conv - mGHG,compost,sust,)/year = 2068.3 TnGHG/year
It is assumed that this value will be constant during all the life time of the buildings and houses (up to the
end of the present century), which implies that the increase in population will be compensated with a
reduction in waste production by the inhabitants. Then, for the total compost period when people are living
in the habitats (3-2,op/maint) and assuming that in the Rosario city zone the mean fermentation process
duration is about a year, the reduction of GHG due to compost production from organic city waste is

GHG,compost,total= 3-2,op/maint*GHG,compost/year = 10,720 161.,67 x104 TnGHG (18)

6) Reduction of energy use due to other contributions, per year and in the whole cycle
Other contributions to the conventional energy use reduction are:
Consequently, the total annual contribution is
Eothers/year, total = iEcontrib.i/year(19)
Finally, the contributions in the operation/maintenance period is
Eothers, total = 3-2,op/maint*Eothers/year, total
7) Reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG) emission to the atmosphere due to other contributions, per
The other contributions (., , .)to GHG emissions, per year,
in a similar way as (23) and (24), are
mGHG,others/year, total = ikiEcontrib.i,./year(21)
Finally, the contributions in the operation/maintenance period is
mGHG,others,total = 3-2,op/maint*mGHG,others/year, total=.TnGHG/year (22)
3.1.68) Sum of the different energy reduction contributions
The sum of all contributions to energy use reduction, -the terms (64), (17) and (2713), results
Etotal = Ehabitat,total + Emobility,total + Eothers, total
= (2.46x109+2.52 x 108). MJ = .2.71 x
3.1.79) Sum of the different GHG reduction contributions
In the same way, the sum of all contributions to GHG reduction, -the terms (128), (2016), (22) and (2918),
equals to
mGHG,total= MGHG,habitat,total +MGHG,mobility,total + mGHG,compost,total+mGHG,others,total= . 4.24x105 TnGHG
Like in Figure 3 but for the whole period, Figure 4.left compares the energy terms given in formula (19),
for the habitats and urban infrastructure, mobility, compost production from organic urban waste treatment
and other contributions, in decreasing order of importance. It can be seen that the main contribution comes
from operation/maintenance, followed by mobility energy. Figure 4.right compares the corresponding GHG
emissions, having a similar behaviour

Figure 43. Comparison between the energy and GHG different indicators for the whole life cycle period
in different time intervals. Top: Energy use reductions, Bottom: GHG emissions to the atmosphere, due
to new habitats in El Mangrullo suburb of Rosario city, Argentina.
Like in Figure 2 but for the whole period, Figure 3.top compares the energy terms given in formula (24),
for the habitats and urban infrastructure, mobility, compost production from organic urban waste treatment
and other contributions, in decreasing order of importance. It can be seen that the main contribution comes

from , followed by , . and . is the lower one. Figure 3.bottom compares the
corresponding GHG emissions, having a similar behaviour.
4. Conclusions
From the results and corresponding analysis of the present work, the following conclusions can be
- Climate change is affecting in different ways the life of citizens. In particular, floodings in different parts
of the world are one of the main threat to city inhabitants, mainly in developing countries where the poorest
people live in low level zones with periodic events of these type, more and more frequents due to the
significant increase in the mean world temperature producing global warming.
- In the case of the Rosario city, Argentina, the so called El Mangrullo suburb suffers this problem and the
Municipality of Rosario is working on a Project for the relocation of the houses very near the mouths of
Saladillo stream in theand Paran river. The strongest El Nio events were also producing floods.
- In order to contribute to mitigate CC, the Municipality of Rosario is developing the relocalization of El
Mangrullo suburb habitats, taking into account the maximum possible reduction in conventional (nonrenewable) energy and consequently in the reduction of GHG emitted to the atmosphere. The main
contributions to the energy reduction in the whole life cycle of the habitats comes from:
operation/maintenance (2.46 109 M.. MJ) , followed by mobility (.. (2.52
108MMJ), (.. MJ). and .(.. MJ) is the lower one. In the case of GHG emissions, a
detailed analysis shows a similar behaviorbehaviour: operation/maintenance (3.88
x105..MJTNnGHG CO2eq) , followed by mobility (19300 TnGHGTN CO2eq.. MJ),
(.. MJ). and Compost .(1.. MJ66700 TnGHGTN CO2eq ) is the lower one.
The authors like to thank the members of Municipality of Rosario that are part of the El Mangrullo

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