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Easing the Ups & Downs of Childhood

with the Bach Flower Remedies

By Beth Terrence, BFRP

Discover The Healer Within / Beth Terrence, 2016.

Childhood is a transitional time that can be stressful for children
and parents, too. Just being in a process of growth itself means
that children are in a constant state of change from birth through
their teenage years, perhaps even beyond. Change brings with
it a certain form of stress. And, in addition to the natural growth
changes that children experience, their lives are also in a frequent
state of change as they maneuver through school, family
situations and shifting routines that happen throughout each year.
Finding natural support to ease the stress that can be caused by
transition can help to make childhood a happier experience.
am excited to share with you some ways that the Bach Flower
Remedies can be utilized as a resource for easing the ups and
downs of childhood. And, these remedies are a great support for
parents as well - healthy, happy, low-stress parents are an
essential part of raising stress-proof kids!
What are Bach Flower Remedies?
The Bach Flower Repertoire is composed of 38 different flower
essences, which offer a holistic resource that can help to
strengthen our ability move more easily in the world, to have
healthier relationships, and to experience greater joy and ease of
They are a gentle, safe and natural method of
healing. The remedies work to restore balance between mind
and body by transmitting negative emotions, such as fear,
sadness and overwhelm into positive ones, such as calm, joy and
ease. These negative emotions can interfere with our sense of
balance, health and overall ease of well-being. The remedies can
also assist in resolving trauma and stress from life experiences as
well as aiding us as we move through change and transitions.
By studying vibrational medicine and native British flowers, Dr.
Edward Bach, creator of the remedies, discovered that certain
plant essences have a profound healing effect on the mind. He
Discover The Healer Within / Beth Terrence, 2016.

observed that the remedies affected a deep personal

transformation in his patients character and behavior patterns,
which not only prevented disease but also left the patient happier
and more integrated.
According to Dr. Bach, certain flowers are of a higher order. He
believed that these healing plants addressed disharmony within
the mental and spiritual aspects of our being by flooding our
energy field with higher frequencies and thereby aligning our
whole being.
They actually transmute negative energies into
positive ones. They do not mask the effects of the emotions, but
provide a catalyst for change to occur from within.
How Bach Flower Remedies Can Help Children
Childhood is a time of continual growth and development. Along
with the joy that childhood can bring, it can also be a time of
awkwardness, discomfort and insecurity.
The Bach Flower
Remedies can help children to feel more balanced emotionally
and can assist in relieving some of the growing pains of
childhood. They offer a completely natural way to create greater
ease during any transitional time in life.
Bach Flowers have been used to assist with childhood issues such
as fear, nightmares, shyness, neediness, temper tantrums,
growing pains and situational changes. They can also help with
issues such as ADD or ADHD, anxiety, over sensitivity and
relieving traumatic experiences. Often, issues and conditions that
develop in childhood progress if left unresolved. By addressing
the needs of a child early on, the Bach Flower Remedies can help
to support a happier, more balanced childhood as well as foster
lifelong health and well-being.
Below I share some remedies that can be particularly helpful for
children, but it is good to remember that each child is different.
Some of the remedies really help to ease change and transition
specifically, while others address specific emotions or personality
Discover The Healer Within / Beth Terrence, 2016.

The remedies are natural and safe for all ages, even
babies, so if transitional stress seems like a factor for your child
or for you, I encourage you to give the remedies a try.
Here are some specific remedies that can be particularly
helpful for children

Rescue Remedy is the most well-known Bach Flower Remedy

and is a great tool to have on hand for children. It is a
combination of five remedies that can be used for stressful
situations such as acute stress, hearing bad news, having an
accident, test anxiety, or nightmares.
It is designed for any
emergency situation or acute stress. It can help sooth a child
who is crying, afraid or unable to calm down. It is great after a
sudden shock or a fall. Just put 4 drops of Rescue in a cup of
water and let your child sip on it.
Rescue Remedy is also
available as a spray, pastilles or gum including an alcohol free
child formula, which has a glycerin base. This is a must have
remedy for holistic medicine cabinets and a great tool for
children. Many mothers keep this remedy on hand in their purse
in case of emergency. Rescue Remedy can be a first course of
action for Back To School transition stress.

Discover The Healer Within / Beth Terrence, 2016.

Walnut is a remedy that supports change and transition in many

ways. This may help when a child goes to school for the first
time or goes to a new school or program. It can also help in
adjusting to any changes in the home or family. It is beneficial
for teething, the arrival of a new sibling, puberty, or any situation
when a child is being affected by or reacting to change. Walnut
helps to move through transitions more smoothly.
It is also
helpful for children who are very sensitive emotionally or
energetically. Read more about Walnut
Mimulus can help children who are fearful and shy. It can help
those who may be afraid to sleep in the dark or alone. It helps
with fear of outside things such as dogs, spiders or going to the
doctor. It can also be helpful for separation anxiety. A good
indicator is when a child is shy, quiet or timid as well as dealing
with fear about specific things as mentioned above.
Being a
worrier is a good indicator for this remedy. Mimulus can help a
child to have more confidence and courage.
Aspen can help children with nightmares or who are anxious
without knowing why. They are afraid but for no known reason.
This relates more to an uncertain fear or a sense of apprehension
whereas Mimulus relates to more specific or identifiable fears.
Sometimes a child has a general sense of apprehension or a
spooky kind of fear. It can be particularly helpful after waking
from a bad dream.
Aspen can help to ease this sense of
uncertainty bringing a sense of inner peace and calm.
Impatiens can help children who get easily frustrated with
themselves or others. This can come from things not moving fast
enough or things not happening as they would like them to. For
children or babies who are restless, irritable and may toss and
turn at night, Impatiens can help to bring calm and relaxation.
Vervain can help with tension, eagerness and over-excitement.
It can help hyperactive children to become calmer. For an overly
enthusiastic child, it can help bring balance. It is considered a
Discover The Healer Within / Beth Terrence, 2016.

drive remedy. It is good to be driven but sometimes we can tend

to be over-driven or overly energetic. For children, who have this
excessive energy or excitement, Vervain can help to bring calm
and balance.
Larch is a remedy that promotes self-confidence. This remedy
helps your child when feeling a lack of self-confidence or selfesteem. If a child seems to doubt their abilities and feel not good
enough to succeed or maybe doesnt even try because they
expect failure, Larch can help. It soothes any doubt your child
many have and helps develop a strong sense of self-esteem and
confidence. This can be an ongoing pattern to address or helpful
at a time when a child is facing a specific challenge such as a test
or tournament.
Crab Apple is considered the cleansing remedy. This refers to
mind and body.
Crab apple can be helpful for children and
particularly adolescents with body issues; they may have a poor
self-image, a sense of discomfort or feeling that something is
wrong with them physically. Although we dont specifically treat
for physical conditions with the Bach Flowers, Crab Apple can also
be helpful when a child is having skin related issues such as
eczema, psoriasis or other skin irritations. Crab apple can help to
ease the sense of body discomfort that accompanies these issues.
It can also be helpful for children who tend to be obsessive about
cleanliness or neatness.
And, there are over 30 other remedies that might be indicated for
an individual based on what they are feeling and experiencing at
any point in a time. Working with a practitioner can offer support
in choosing beneficial remedies and learning how to work with
them for your self and your family. Dr. Bach believed that the
remedies are meant as a self-healing tool and so are simple to
use. The Bach Flower Remedies are all natural; they can do no
harm. If the wrong remedy is chosen, it has no ill effect.
The remedies are administered orally. Two drops of each essence
can be put in a 1 oz. dropper or spray bottle with spring water for
Discover The Healer Within / Beth Terrence, 2016.

ongoing treatment, taken directly or put in a cup of water and

sipped. For Rescue Remedy, 4 drops are used. For children, a
short course of treatment, even a single dose can be
beneficial. Also, it is often beneficial for other members of the
family to be treated as in many cases the child is reflecting or
reacting to family challenges or dynamics.
Dr. Bach designed the Bach Flower Remedies to be accessible to
everyone. One of his core concepts was Heal Thyself," as he
believed that we all have the ability to heal ourselves.
remedies are intended to be a natural support to our own innate
healing process. Children can truly benefit from this wonderful
system of healing as they are able to respond quickly to the
effects of the remedies. They are then able to experience greater
happiness and overall ease of well-being as they move through
the ups and downs of childhood and beyond!
About Beth Terrence
Beth Terrence, LMT, CHP, BFRP has been a
Bach Flower Practitioner for over 17 years
and is a Bach Flower Registered
Practitioner with The Bach Centre in the
She offers Integrative Healing
Sessions and Programs in the Maryland/DC
area and virtually via phone, Skype and
online programs.
Bach Flower Remedy consultations are available as an individual
modality or as part of an Integrative Healing Session, which is a
customized session designed to support individual intention for
change, combining holistic resources such as Shamanic Healing,
Bach Flower Remedies, Body/Energy Healing, Meditation &
Mindfulness and Holistic Self-Care. To learn more about her work
or schedule a session, visit www.bethterrence.com.
Discover The Healer Within / Beth Terrence, 2016.

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