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Almighty Father, we raise our hearts to You in gratitude for

The wonders of creation of which we are part, for Your
providence in sustaining us in our needs, and for Your
wisdom that guides the course of the universe.
We acknowledge our sins against You and the rest of
We have not been good stewards of Nature.
We have confused Your command to subdue the earth:
The environment is made to suffer our wrongdoing, and now
we reap the harvest of our abuse and indifference.
Global warming is upon us. Typhoons, floods, volcanic eruptions,
and other natural calamities occur in increasing number and
We turn to You, our loving Father, and beg forgiveness for our sins.
We ask that we, our love ones, and our hand- earned possessions be
spared from the threat of calamities, natural and man- made.
We beseech You, to inspire us all, to grow
Into responsible stewards of Your creation,
And generous neighbors to those in need.


Lord of Peace, we come to You in our need

Create in us an awareness of the massive forces of violence
and terrorism that threaten our world today.
Grant us a sense of urgency to activate the forces of goodness,
of justice, of love and of peace in our communities.
Where there is armed conflict, let us stretch out our arms to our
brothers and sisters.
Where there is abundance and luxury, let there be simple
lifestyle and sharing.
Where there is poverty and misery, let there be dignified living
and constant striving for just structures.
Where there is selfish ambition, let there be humble service.
Where there is injustice, let there be humble atonement.
Where there is despair, let there be hope in the Good News.
Where there are wounds of division, let there be unity and
Where there are lies and deceit, let your Truth set us all of us
Where there are thoughts of vengeance, let there be healing and
Help us to be committed to the Gospel of peace.
In spite of our differences in faith traditions and ethnic roots,
Teach us Your spirit of mercy and compassion.
For it is only in loving imitation of you, Lord of Peace,
that we can discover the healing springs of life
that will bring about new birth to our earth
a new era of peace
and a new harmony among all
Forever and ever. Amen.


O Lord God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, the sky and the seas,
look kindly on us your children of the Philippine islands,
our home, now beset with tensions over our West Philippine Sea.
We pray to you for peace over that part of our islands and waters.
We pray that questions over it may be resolved through justice and respect
for peoples rights.
We pray that no harm be done to our marine creatures and habitat.

We pray that our fellow Filipinos protecting our islands and seas
be kept safe from natural and man-made disasters.
Loving God you are wonderful Creator, our generous Provider of good
send your Holy Spirit of wisdom and understanding to our leaders
that they resolve this crisis with courage and in the spirit of dialogue.
Help us all to remain faithful to your Word and obedient to your Will
This we ask through Christ our Lord.

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