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By Author: Arushi Dutta

Table of Contents

Table of Contents ...............................................................................................................................2

Book Description ................................................................................................................................3
Chapter 1 Vitamin A.........................................................................................................................5
What is vitamin A?..........................................................................................................................5
Why is vitamin A crucial?.................................................................................................................5
What are the indications of lack?.....................................................................................................5
Chapter 2 Vitamin B .........................................................................................................................6
Chapter 3 Vitamin C ........................................................................................................................8
Vitamin C and Cortisol .....................................................................................................................8
How to Use Vitamin C to Lose Weight ..............................................................................................9
Chapter 4 Vitamin D....................................................................................................................... 10
Where to get your vitamin D ......................................................................................................... 10
Chapter 5 Vitamin E ........................................................................................................................ 12
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 14

Book Description
This book is about different kinds of vitamins and gives an overview of how these
vitamins help in weight loss and underlines the effects of obesity on our daily life
especially children and the younger generations. Not only in children but these health
problems are the major issue for all humans as the reason for their hectic schedule but
along with this here are some daily measures to overcome these problem. As obesity has
become a serious health problem globally, more attention is needed about nutritional
problems in the overweight and obese population, especially about vitamins and
oxidative stress. Weight loss interventions are often associated with reduced intake of
micronutrients, such as vitamin B6, calcium, and vitamin E. Several vitamins have been
found to play important roles in food intake and weight control. Supplementation of
these vitamins may be helpful not only for weight loss but also for the prevention of
diabetes and other obesity-related diseases.
To tackle these downfalls, this book gives you to the point details and various steps to
overcome several fat gain problems and at the same time suggest you some diet related
daily routine to follow to live a healthy life. All the chapters are specially designed so
that readers shall understand each and every aspect of vitamins, intakes of different
kinds of vitamins, symptoms of some health issues and other diet plans to follow in their
busy schedule which is quite easy to practice. This book is specifically for those readers
who want to change their daily routine onto the healthier diet schedule and want quick
and easy hacks to carry them out at the same time. Apart from this, it can also be
followed by readers who want to gain some knowledge about diet, workouts, and

Here, the book is about the THE VITAMINS AND WEIGHT LOSS we are generally
going to discuss that how one could lose weight by either their workouts or usually by
intake of several vitamins such as A, B, B12, gastric bypass, C, D, E. Basically this book
includes that how these Vitamins could lead to a deficiency and how their proper intake
could cure certain diseases and could kill the fat or obesity-related disease. In this book,
we are discussing that how children are getting victim of the fat gain at a younger age
due to their daily eating habits, skipping their breakfast and how should they follow a
regular routine. Which vitamin they should take accordingly to overcome several fat
gain problems. Not only in children but these problems are a serious issue for all
humans as the reason of their hectic schedule but along with this here are some daily
measures to overcome this problem. So, this book includes some easy and special diet
related to specified vitamins that how these vitamins could be affected in fat burning
processes and how one could overcome by obesity-related diseases. That anyone can
follow at their homes by having a look over it mentioned in this book.

Chapter 1 Vitamin A
What is vitamin A?
The vitamin A is fat soluble and is the type of retinoic acid, retinal, and retinol. Because
these retinoid are present in our tissues and are hardly unavailable.
Various carotenoids and evidence indicate that carotenoids work collectively to provide
their health benefits. Taken together in supplement form, these are typically called
"mixed carotenoids." The body can make all vitamin A it desires from these plants. They
are water soluble and do not accumulate in the human body, so toxicity is rare.
More than 500 carotenoids are identified; fewer than 10 percent can be made into
vitamin A in the body.

Why is vitamin A crucial?

Vitamin A plays an essential role in bone development, reproduction, and immune
system health. It also helps the skin and mucous membranes repel viruses and bacteria
more efficiently. It may slow decreasing retinal function in individuals with retinitis
pigmentosa, and is essential to healthy vision.

What are the indications of lack?

One of the first sign of a deficiency is night blindness. Permanent blindness can result if
the lack is left unchecked. Vitamin A deficiency also permits opportunistic infectious
diseases for example pneumonia and measles to become lethal. Supplements may not be
wise for alcoholics, yet because vitamin A is stored in the liver, and prevent liver damage
could make them more susceptible to vitamin A toxicity.
Vitamin A status in patients with obesity, fatty liver disease and after gastric bypass
Background: Vitamin A participates in several essentials functions in the human body,
and their serum concentrations may be decreased in non- transmissible diseases.
Since these people are more susceptible to oxidative stress which, by itself significantly
increases the consumption of materials having antioxidant function 27, the vitamin A
deficiency may show up in individuals with NAFLD, leading to the disease.

Chapter 2 Vitamin B
The B vitamin family is made up of eight B vitamins. Although they may usually be
understood as a group and frequently work together in the body, important and
exceptional functions are performed by each of the B vitamins. To help you better
understand the roles of each of the B vitamins.
It produces cellular energy from the foods you eat and also supports normal nervous
system functionality. It is found in a wide variety of foods, with some of the best sources
coming from pork, whole grains and lentils. Thiamin can also be found in spinach, peas,
milk, cauliflower, red meats, yeast, nuts, sunflower seeds, and legumes.
Also referred to as vitamin B2, riboflavin supports cellular energy production.
Riboflavin is found in a number of foods such as fortified cereals, milk, eggs, salmon,
beef, spinach and broccoli.
Vitamin B6
Involved in over 100 cellular responses throughout the body, vitamin B6 keeps various
bodily functions operating at their best. Vitamin B6, known as pyridoxine which is
needed to metabolize amino acids and glycogen and is also crucial for healthy nervous
system function and red blood cell formation. Vitamin B6 includes meat, poultry eggs,
bananas, fish, fortified cereal grains and cooked spinach.
Vitamin B7, or biotin, is usually found in foods for example strawberries, brewers yeast,
organ meat, cheese, and soybeans. For those who are biotin deficient, studies reveal that
biotin may help support healthy hair, skin and nails.
Diets that can improve vitamin B6 status and maintain fat-free mass for healthy weight
Vitamin B12, childhood obesity, and recommended dosages after gastric bypass surgery
Objective - To assess whether overweight children and teens are at a heightened risk for
vitamin B12 deficiency.
Participants - Three hundred ninety-two children and teens were split into 2 groups as
follows: the normal-weight group had body mass indexes, computed as weight in
kilograms divided by height in meters squared, under the 95th percentile; the fat group
had body mass indexes equal to or above the 95th percentile. Low serum B12 was
defined as a B12 concentration less than 246 pg/ml, and vitamin B12 deficiency was
defined as a level below 211pg/ml.

Primary outcome measure Vitamin B12 concentrations corrected for body mass index
standard deviation scores, age, and gender.
Decisions - Obesity in children and adolescents was associated with an elevated risk of
low vitamin B12 concentration. We urge that dietary assessment of fat children should
contain an estimation of vitamin B12 consumption. The possibility of vitamin B12
deficiency in addition to other micronutrient deficiencies should be contemplated in
overweight children.
Gastric bypass, a weight loss surgery procedure, is often successful for people that need to
lose a considerable amount of weight. On the other hand, the process additionally
changes the ability of the body to absorb certain nutrients, including vitamin B12. You
may need to take supplements for the rest of your life to prevent serious neurological
complications after this operation.
Gastric Bypass
Gastric bypass surgery uses a mix of malabsorption and limited food intake to speed
weight loss. First, the surgeon reduces the belly to an egg-sized pouch, helping you feel
full after eating modest amounts of food. Second, she rearranges the digestive system,
blocking some absorption of calories and other nutrients, including vitamin B12 and
causing food to bypass part of the small intestine.
Vitamin B12
The body needs vitamin B12 for proper nerve function, production of red blood cells and
other substances called for in you cardiovascular and immune system functions. Most
normally healthy individuals get vitamin B12 from animal protein sources, including
dairy products, poultry, fish, meat, and eggs. Over-the-counter supplements also
provide vitamin B12, as do prescription injections and nasal sprays. Materials that are
often decreased after gastric bypass surgery depend on by ordinary absorption of B12
from food sources.
After gastric bypass, individuals cannot eat enough food to satisfy their needs for
vitamin B12, nor do they absorb B12 correctly from the little food they consume.
Because the liver stores several years' worth of B12, you may not reveal signs of a lack
for several years after surgery. However, as many as 70 percent of gastric bypass
patients have low blood levels of vitamin B12 after the first year, and more than 30
percent have symptoms of what if they rely just on multivitamins for B12 supplementation.
Early indications of vitamin B12 deficiency include anemia, poor appetite, fatigue,
weakness, diarrhea, dizziness, fast heartbeat, swollen or sore tongue, numbness and
tingling senses. Protracted B12 deficiency can cause irreversible nerve damage,
dementia, psychosis, changed mood, spasticity, and memory loss.

Chapter 3 Vitamin C
The influence of vitamin C on fat burning exercises, foot intake, and obesity
Vitamin C is one of the most significant and most flexible nutrients used by the human
body. Its the foundation for all new cell - cell and building growth, is also a vital player
in weight reduction, and is crucial to the immune system. If you really want to lose
weight quickly and lose it in a healthy way, vitamin C can make all the difference.
Vitamin C helps in the process of losing weight in two very major ways: its a part of an
important amino acid that burns off the stored fat you already have, and it helps
regulate the hormone that tells your body to store fat.

Vitamin C and Cortisol

To understand the first mechanics of weight loss using vitamin C, you first need to
understand what the hormone cortisol is and how it works. Some of the information is
misleading, incorrect, or merely a little confusing, although theres been an awful lot of
press lately on cortisol.
Cortisol is one of the stress hormones. Each stress hormone (adrenalin is another) has
certain jobs in the existence of anxiety. It stimulates the release of these stress hormones
to do their various occupations when the mind perceives anxiety, which can be anything
from a paper cut to a job loss. All of those occupations are meant to shield the body from
both the physical and the mental impact of whatever might be causing the anxiety in the
first place.
Cortisols particular job is to store body fat, specifically abdomen fat. Our bodies are
made to associate pressure with a potential deficiency of food. In the previous days,
pressure might mean that you were either on the run from a natural disaster, an enemy
tribe, or a predator.
So your brain sends out a supply of cortisol and glucose is taken by that cortisol and
converts it to fat, instead of permitting it to go through the process of being converted to
glycogen, which is what your food becomes so that it can be burned as energy.
The role that vitamin C plays in this mechanism is that it's an incredibly powerful
antioxidant that reduces the impact of stress physically. With enough vitamin C on
board, your brain sends out less cortisol perceives less pressure and consequences. This
prevents new abdomen fat from being kept, which brings us to the second manner that
vitamin C aids weight loss.
But, you need tons of vitamin C to make L-carnitine. This is where making sure you get
enough of the nutrient really comes into play again. Vitamin C is a soluble vitamin; we
dont store much of it. However, we use a lot. Remember, vitamin C is crucial to all cell

growth and cell repair, and your body also needs it for your immune system. Those are
larger precedence, as far as the body is concerned than losing weight.

How to Use Vitamin C to Lose Weight

The best way to get nearly every nutrient is through whole foods. Nutritional
supplements are not bad, but other nutrients are provided by whole foods too, and quite
often a more readily utilized form of those nutrients.
Your first step is to eat a diet loaded with great vitamin C rich foods. Some of the best
are spinach, kale, strawberries, pomegranates, grapefruit, and oranges, essentially any
type of fruit or vegetable. Do your best to eat at least one vitamin C rich food at every
meal and snack.
Breakfast has been labeled the most important meal of the day. We summarized the
results of 47 studies analyzing the organization of breakfast consumption with
nutritional adequacy, body weight, and academic performance in children and
adolescents. Breakfast eaters generally have more daily calories yet were less likely to be
overweight, although not all studies associated breakfast missing with overweight.
Evidence indicates that breakfast consumption may improve cognitive function related
to school attendance, test grades, and memory.
Breakfast as part of a healthful diet and lifestyle can positively affect childrens health and
well-being. Parents should be supported investigate the availability of a school breakfast
program or to provide breakfast for their children. We advocate consumption of a
healthy breakfast on a daily basis consisting of an assortment of foods, particularly highfiber and nutrient-rich whole grains, fruits, and dairy products.

Chapter 4 Vitamin D
The Influence of Vitamin D on childhood obesity, aging, depression and weight loss
Vitamin D insufficiency and childhood obesity have been classified as epidemics
through the world, and both share some common risk factors including inactivity and
poor diet. It's not clear whether vitamin D deficiency is a consequence of obesity, or
leads to, or whether there are regulatory interactions between vitamin D action and
excessive adiposity.
The effects of this deficiency in childhood obesity seem to have negative influences on
overall well-being, including insulin resistance, inflammation, and impeded bone
mineralization, along with increased future risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular
disease, and osteoporosis. Most of the findings to date indicate that the vitamin D needs
of obese children are greater than the fat. Although ultraviolet B-induced skin synthesis
is a primary source of vitamin D, its use is neither feasible nor prudent due to headaches
for skin cancer for many. Additionally, getting adequate vitamin D from natural food
sources alone is typically not achievable, and even in states that permit fortification,
vitamin D intakes are low. Consequently, in overweight children, vitamin D
supplementation is warranted. Weight loss interventions using physical activity and
energy constraint may additionally enhance the poor vitamin D status correlated with
obesity. Over time, there have been several of factors which are connected to weight
loss. From fat, minerals, carbs, calories and the quantity of rest you have - technology
has been able to provide us a look at how exactly these issues component in the weight
loss front.
Vitamin D is clearly useful in preserving sugar levels inside the standard rates together
with processing in foods. Vitamin D can also be one factor in generating synthase which
will be an enzyme that is mainly concerned in converting calories into fat. The more
vitamin D a person has, the more synthase the body produces, therefore producing to
the system holding more fat that it's expected to. Although a link to obesity is not
particularly clear, vitamin D deficiency could in a means be attributed to weight gain.

Where to get your vitamin D

Regardless of its reasons, vitamin D is a very crucial factor in a person's diet. It will help
ward if when consumed in effectively and numerous illnesses such as stroke, are capable
of offering a healthy and glowing skin to one. When the sun isn't yet too hot to hurt the
skin vitamin D is best consumed through the early morning hours. Of course, keep in
mind that this does not create vitamin D the marvelous weight loss compound.
To work at its best, the factor can also be included with the amount of calcium in the
body. A healthy lifestyle of fruits and vegetables can be considered. A weight loss factor


or not, vitamin D is something which every person should think about to remain


Chapter 5 Vitamin E
Vitamin E added to others is found naturally in some foods, and accessible as a dietary
supplement. "Vitamin E" is the combined name for a group of fat-soluble compounds
with distinctive antioxidant activities.
Naturally occurring vitamin E exists in eight chemical forms (alpha-, beta-, gamma-,
and delta tocopherol and alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta-tocotrienol) that have
changing amounts of biological activity. Alpha- (or -) tocopherol is the only form that
is recognized to meet human conditions.
Serum concentrations of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) depend on the liver, which takes
up the nutrient after the various kinds are consumed from the small intestine. The liver
preferentially re-secretes only alpha tocopherol via the hepatic alpha-tocopherol
transfer protein; excretes and the liver metabolizes the other vitamin E-types. As a
result, cellular and blood concentrations of other types of vitamin E are lower than those
of alpha-tocopherol and have been the areas of less research.
Antioxidants protect cells from the detrimental effects of free radicals, which are
molecules which contain an unshared electron. Free radicals damage cells and might
lead to the development of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Unshared electrons are
exceptionally dynamic and react quickly with oxygen to form reactive oxygen species
(ROS). The body is additionally exposed to free radicals from environmental exposures,
such as cigarette smoke, air pollution, and ultraviolet radiation from the sun. ROS are
part of signaling mechanisms among cells.
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant that stops the production of ROS formed when fat
undergoes oxidation. Scientists are investigating whether, by limiting free radical
production and perhaps through other mechanisms, vitamin E might help delay or
prevent the chronic diseases associated with free radicals. In addition to its activities as
an antioxidant, vitamin E is involved in immune function and, as demonstrated chiefly
by in vitro studies of cells, cell signaling, regulation of gene expression, and other
metabolic processes.
Vitamin E replete endothelial cells lining the interior surface of blood vessels are better
able to resist blood-cell components sticking to this surface. Vitamin E also increases the
expression of two enzymes that suppress arachidonic acid metabolism, thus increasing
the release of prostacyclin from the endothelium, which, in turn, dilates blood vessels
and inhibits platelet aggregation.
Recommended Intakes
Intake recommendations for vitamin E and other nutrients are supplied in the Dietary
Reference Intakes (DRIs) developed by the Food and Nutrition Board (FNB) at the
Institute of Medicine of the National Academies (formerly National Academy of
Sciences). DRI is the general term for a set of reference values used to plan and evaluate

nutrient intakes of healthy folks. These values, which change by age and gender,
Adequate Intake (AI): confirmed when evidence is inadequate to develop an RDA and is
set at a level presumed to ensure nutritional adequacy. Tolerable Upper Intake Level
(UL): maximum daily intake unlikely to cause adverse health effects.


In the end, this book would simply like to suggest you as obesity-related diseases are
spreading among humans. But there are several symptoms that could be seen before
gaining these diseases and the way we could find is being described in the book in all the
5 Chapters of this book. These fat gaining diseases could be controlled before and
recovered soon before they exceed the certain level. Scientific studies have found close
relationships between vitamins and obesity. For example, childhood obesity is often
associated with an increased risk of low vitamin B12 concentration.
The condition of deficiencies in several vitamins is especially serious in those with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and after gastric bypass surgery. Individuals with
deficiencies in some vitamins are more difficult to lose fat mass and burn less fat during
fat burning exercises. Low levels of certain vitamins may perturb cellular functions and
impair insulin action, glucose metabolism, and other metabolic processes. So we suggest
you to follow these rules and just by certain workouts you can defend these rising high
issues. One must follow the described right proportion of the vitamins and which
vitamin is rich in which field could help out a lot. And this process will not take much of
your time from your hectic schedule as it could be followed along with your diet these
vitamins do contain certain diseases of their own so they should be in right proportion.
Certain diets can improve vitamin status and the whole dietary quality, and help
maintain fat-free mass during the weight loss time. The right dosages are necessary after
gastric surgeries for obesity, to adjust the reduced serum vitamin levels. Many vitamins
are antioxidants. Correct dosages of vitamin supplementation may also help reduce
systemic oxidative stress in overweight and obese individuals. Effects and applications
of vitamin A, B, C, D, and E supplementation on controlling body weight, cholesterol,
and oxidative damages are discussed here.


Arushi Dutta
Nutritionist and Fitness Expert in MyFitFuel

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