Você está na página 1de 4

globalvar name,roll,eng,engr,ma,mar,mb,mbr,phy,phyr,ed,edr,eth,ethr,result;

name = get_string("Enter your name -","");

roll = get_integer("Enter your admission number -","");
eng = get_integer("Enter your English Marks","");
if( eng <= 100 && eng > 90 )
engr = 10;
if( eng <= 90 && eng > 80 )
engr = 9;
if( eng <= 80 && eng > 70 )
engr = 8;
if( eng <= 70 && eng > 60 )
engr = 7;
if( eng <= 60 && eng > 50 )
engr = 6;
if (eng <= 50 && eng > 40)
engr = 5;
engr = 0;
ma = get_integer("Enter your Maths 1 Marks","");
if( ma <= 100 && ma > 90 )
mar = 10;
if( ma <= 90 && ma > 80 )
mar = 9;
if( ma <= 80 && ma > 70 )
mar = 8;
if( ma <= 70 && ma > 60 )
mar = 7;
if( ma <= 60 && ma > 50 )
mar = 6;
if (ma <= 50 && ma > 40)
mar = 5;

mar = 0;
mb = get_integer("Enter your Maths 2 Marks","");
if( mb <= 100 && mb > 90 )
mbr = 10;
if( mb <= 90 && mb > 80 )
mbr = 9;
if( mb <= 80 && mb > 70 )
mbr = 8;
if( mb <= 70 && mb > 60 )
mbr = 7;
if( mb <= 60 && mb > 50 )
mbr = 6;
if (mb <= 50 && mb > 40)
mbr = 5;
mbr = 0;
phy = get_integer("Enter your Physics Marks","");
if( phy <= 100 && phy > 90 )
phyr = 10;
if( phy <= 90 && phy > 80 )
phyr = 9;
if( phy <= 80 && phy > 70 )
phyr = 8;
if( phy <= 70 && phy > 60 )
phyr = 7;
if( phy <= 60 && phy > 50 )
phyr = 6;
if (phy <= 50 && phy > 40)
phyr = 5;
phyr = 0;

ed = get_integer("Enter your Eng Drawing Marks","");
if( ed <= 100 && ed > 90 )
edr = 10;
if( ed <= 90 && ed > 80 )
edr = 9;
if( ed <= 80 && ed > 70 )
edr = 8;
if( ed <= 70 && ed > 60 )
edr = 7;
if( ed <= 60 && ed > 50 )
edr = 6;
if (ed <= 50 && ed > 40)
edr = 5;
edr = 0;
eth = get_integer("Enter your Ethics Marks","");
if( eth <= 100 && eth > 90 )
ethr = 10;
if( eth <= 90 && eth > 80 )
ethr = 9;
if( eth <= 80 && eth > 70 )
ethr = 8;
if( eth <= 70 && eth > 60 )
ethr = 7;
if( eth <= 60 && eth > 50 )
ethr = 6;
if (eth <= 50 && eth > 40)
ethr = 5;
ethr = 0;

result = ((engr*4)+(mar*4)+(mbr*4)+(phyr*4)+(edr*4)+(ethr*4))/24;
show_message("Click OK to know the expected points ");

draw_text(x,y,"Name : "+name+"#"+"Admission Number : "+string(global.roll)+"###"

+"English Marks -"+string(global.eng)+"#"+"Points Obtained : "+string(engr)+"##"
+"Maths 1 Marks -"+string(global.ma)+"#"+"Points Obtained : "+string(mar)+"##"+"
Maths 2 Marks -"+string(global.mb)+"#"+"Points Obtained : "+string(mbr)+"##"+"Ph
ysics Marks -"+string(global.phy)+"#"+"Points Obtained : "+string(phyr)+"##"+"ED
Marks -"+string(global.ed)+"#"+"Points Obtained : "+string(edr)+"##"+"Ethics Ma
rks -"+string(global.eth)+"#"+"Points Obtained : "+string(ethr)+"###"+"EXPECTED
POINTS : "+string(result));

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