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1-69345.1.2 A 0 NEBOSH NEBOSH INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMA. IN OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY Unit IA: International management of health and safety nebosh ‘TUESDAY 19 JANUARY 2016 3 hours, 0936 to 1230 omintes racing tine i alowed befor the sao tis examination. You may no wre anything ding tis pared. ‘Answer both Section A and Section 8 SECTION A ‘This Seton contains i queston®: Answer ALL SIX questions [A questions cary equal marks ‘The maximum marks for each question, or pat of a question, are shown in brackets You sre advised to sped about 15 minutes cn each question, Stat each answer ona new page, 1 Anaccident hes occured on a construction site and at least one person has been injured, (2) _tdentty FIVE peop who coula be mervowed to provide information for ‘an investigation AND, in EACH case, justify why tney should be interviewer 6 (©) Outtine issues that should be considered wen preparing for accident Investigation interviews wit the organisation's workers. o 2 Outline, wth appropiate examples, the Key features ofthe following rise ‘management concepts: (2) iskavoidance; @ (©) isk reduction @ (©) sk wanster, o (2) fiskretention o DASHED ONEDOSH Ti m a This question paper MUST be returned to NEGOSH after the examination and must NOT be Coote 3 Outi issues that should be considered when planning a health ard safety Inspection programme. {Information on the specie workplace behaviour or condtions that ight be ‘covered in an inspection is not required. 0) 4 (@) Outline factors that shouldbe considered when developing a worker ‘onsiltalion programe. 6} (©) Outine ermal methocs of consuling with the workforce. 2) (©) Outline informal methods of consuiting wit te workforce. @ ‘5 Perception’ may be defined asthe process by which people interpret information that they fake in through thelr senses. ‘Outline « range of factors that may affect how people perceive hazards in he (10) 16 Reasons for managing health and safety are ofien quoted as being mora, legal ‘and economic. Explain the legal reasons for heath and safely management. 410) ‘SECTION: “This secton contains five questons. Answer THREE questions only Ad quesbons cary equal masks. “The maximum marks fr each question, or part of 2 question, ar shown in brackets, ‘You ae advisedto spend about30 minutes on each question ‘Stat each anewer ona new page. 7 Anorgarisation shoul cary out risk assessment before developing a safe ‘system of work (2) Outline facors that shouldbe considered when carying out a risk assessment (10) (©) Give tne meaning of ne term safe system oF work’: @ (6) Outline the issues to be adtressed to effectively implement safe system of work, ‘Dasrient ONEBOSHDNTS weege§ {This question paper MUST be returned \2 NEGOSH siter the examination and must NOT be copied 8 —_Armanufacturing organisation with major on-site and of site hazards is analysing failure, Following a process containment fale (0.5 per year), a falure election mechanism should detect the release, Once detected, an alarm sounds {and a suppressant is acivated. Final, in order o conto the intial release, an ‘perator is require to inate manual control measures folowing the release of the suppressants part of he analysis, the organisation has decided to quanily the risks associated with a substance release fom the process and develop @ {quantified event ree from the dala, ‘etivity Frequencyeliabiliy— Process containment fare 05 per yesr Failure detection 0.95 ‘Alarm sound 0.99 Release suppression 0.85 Manval conrel measures aclvaled [0.8 (6) Using the data proved, construct an event tree that shows the This question paper MUST be retuned to NEBOSH af sequence of events folowing a process containment flure e (©) Calculate the frequency of an uncontrolled release resulting fom process Containment fallure (©) Ouitine factors tha stroll be considered when determing whiter the frequency ofthe uncontrolled risk is tolerable or not. 6 (8) the isk is found to be intolerable, outline the methodology fora cost benefit analysis with respec othe process described, co 9 (2) Outline the meaning and relevance ofthe following terms inthe context of ‘enalaling himan nor in tha workplaces ergonomics; @ 48) anthropomety; ® i) task analysis. ) (0) Other han amonomic sss, oti ways in which human relibty fn ‘the workplace may be improved. In your answer, consider ‘ndvidual ob' and ‘organisationar issues. “4 10 (01 Give the meaning ofthe term ‘heath and safety culture @ (01 Outline the role of an exganiation in the development of a positive haath ‘and safety culture. (12) (6) Identity ways of measuring the effectiveness ofa heath and safely culture 6 ‘DARIEN ONEBOSH 2076 paesce eas tum ova? the examination and must NOT be copies 11 Organisations are subjected to many influences in health and safety. (2) Wdentifyinfuential pares AND outline how they can affect health and ‘safety performance in an organisation 0) (©) Outtine now non-confermity to an accredited health end safety standard ‘can be used as a form of enforcement in a sel-reguiatoy model, 10) TOASTED ONEBOSH 2076 age dof ‘This question paper MUST be retured 19 NEBOSH after the examination and must NOT be copied

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