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Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 261 (2003) 32–39


Adsorptive removal of methylene blue from colored effluents

on fuller’s earth
G. Atun,a,∗ G. Hisarli,a W.S. Sheldrick,b and M. Muhler c
a Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, University of Istanbul, 34850 Avcilar-Istanbul, Turkey
b Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Ruhr, D-44780 Bochum, Germany
c Department of Technical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Ruhr, D-44780 Bochum, Germany

Received 3 July 2002; accepted 9 January 2003

The adsorption behavior of methylene blue (MB) on four fuller’s earth (FE) samples of varying compositions was investigated using a
spectrophotometric technique to obtain information on the color removal. The distribution coefficient (KD ) increased with an increase in the
initial concentration (C0 ) of the dye, attained a maximum value, and decreased again at higher initial concentrations. Dye solutions became
colorless for a C0 value corresponding to maximum KD . A progressively increased flocculation behavior in the clay suspensions was observed
and the maximum value of KD corresponds to optimum flocculation of the clay. The KD values were found to decrease exponentially after of
the solution again became colored while the amount adsorbed increased with an increase in the initial concentration of MB. Only adsorption
data obtained for this region could be defined by adsorption isotherm equations. The shifts of the C0 values corresponding to KD max toward
higher concentrations were correlated with the composition of FE samples by using XRF, XRD patterns, and SEM images. The influence of
temperature on MB adsorption was also studied and thermodynamic parameters were calculated.
 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.

Keywords: Fuller’s earth; Dye adsorption; Methylene blue; Adsorption isotherm; Distribution coefficient

1. Introduction octahedral alumina layer, which is separated from aque-

ous solution by a tetrahedral silicate layer [19]. The struc-
Fuller’s earth (FE) used as an adsorbent has been known ture of zeolite channels contains large cages with windows
to exist in the Mihaliccik region of Turkey. It contains vari- showing different openings [13]. Sepiolite is a fibrous clay
ous amounts of dioctahedral smectites (Ca-montmorillonite), mineral with fine channels running parallel to its fibers. It
natural zeolites (analcime), and loughlinite, which is a kind has an open structure exhibiting microfibrous morphology
of sepiolite [1]. All of these minerals exhibit a strong affin- with a large micropore volume due to the existence of in-
ity for heteroaromatic cationic dyes. The visible absorp- tercrystalline cavities [9,21]. Monomers, protonated cations,
tion spectrum of cationic basic dyes such as methylene dimers, and higher aggregates of dye occur on the external
blue (MB) [2–11], thionine (TH) [12–15], crystal violet surface or in the basal plane, cages, cavities, or channels
(CV) [9–11], acridine orange (AO) [7,16,17], and rhodamine of these minerals depending on the size of the dye mole-
6G (R6G) [18] has been used recently in the determina- cule, dye loading, solution pH, the type of exchangeable
tion of surface properties of several types of clay minerals cations, surface acidity, and the swelling properties of the
such as smectites [2–8,12,15–17], zeolites [13,14], and sepi- clay. Since each form of dye absorbs visible light at a differ-
olite [9,10,18]. Smectites are specified as 2:1 layered clays ent wavelength, a visible spectroscopic technique has been
and swell in water. Surface charge of smectites arises from successfully used to study clay–dye interactions in clay sus-
proton adsorption–desorption reactions on surface hydroxyl pensions. The MB–clay interaction has been claimed to be
groups while layer charge results from substitutions in the an extremely sensitive fingerprint for the detection of sur-
face properties of clays such as surface charge, layer charge,
* Corresponding author. surface area, and exchange capacity [3,6,8,9]. There is, how-
E-mail address: gultena@istanbul.edu.tr (G. Atun). ever, some disagreement about the correct value of surface
0021-9797/03/$ – see front matter  2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
G. Atun et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 261 (2003) 32–39 33

area calculations because it was recently shown that the gen- in the range of (5 × 10−5 )–(2 × 10−2 ) M. Except for
erally accepted adsorption geometry is questionable and the the largest concentrations generally no dilution of the su-
MB molecules adsorb a tilted arrangement [6,8]. Visible pernatant was required prior to spectrophotometric mea-
MB spectra in dilute solution show a band associated with surements. Absorbances were determined a wavelength of
monomeric MB at 665 nm with a shoulder at 605 nm. The 665 nm, which corresponds to the maximum absorption peak
observed red shift of the MB monomer band in clay suspen- of MB monomers in water, or at the maximum of the red-
sions arises from the interaction of dye molecules in the in- shifted monomer peak.
ternal domains of tactoids. MB in aqueous clay suspensions Kinetic experiments were made to compare adsorption
shows metachromatic behavior even at lower concentrations rates of MB on FE and on commercial activated carbon
with respect to the aqueous dye solution. The decrease in the (CAC). Beakers containing 5 cm3 of MB solution of 3.25 ×
monomer band and the appearance of bands at lower wave- 10−3 mol dm−3 were immersed in a thermostatic shaker
lengths are attributed to formation of dimers and higher ag- controlled at 298 K. Adsorbents were added to the beakers
gregates on the external surface [2,4–8]. and the timing was started. The suspensions were shaken as a
The aim of this study is to produce a satisfactory effluent function of time from 1 min to 4 h. At various time intervals,
for discharge into receiving waters or for reuse as a water samples were taken and MB concentration was measured,
supply from highly concentrated MB solutions by using FE after centrifugation as already described.
samples with different compositions. The adsorption data The distribution coefficient for adsorption KD (cm3 g−1 )
have also been correlated to the ratio of clay minerals in was derived using the formula
FE samples and have been used to determine the adsorption
capacity for MB of the adsorbents. C0 − C V
KD = , (1)
C0 m
where C0 and C are the initial and final concentration of the
2. Experimental dye solution (mol dm−3 ), respectively, m (g) is the weight of
adsorbent, and V (cm3 ) is the volume of the aqueous phase.
Four FE samples from different deposits in the Mihal-
liccik region were used for batch experiments. FE samples
were kindly provided by Professor M. Yeniyol from the Ge-
ology Department of Istanbul University and Y. Bilge from 3. Results and discussion
Bensan A.S. X-ray diffraction (XRD) paterns of the four FE
samples revealed that they were composed mainly of Ca- 3.1. MB adsorption isotherms
montmorillonite, loughlinite, and analcime [1]. The chemi-
cal composition of the FE samples was analyzed by X-ray As an example of the adsorption isotherms of FE samples,
fluorescence spectrometry (XRF). Analyses of the FE sam- Fig. 1 depicts the amounts of MB adsorbed by FE-2 against
ples are given in Table 1. The surface morphology of the raw the equilibrium concentrations for various temperatures.
material and the product obtained after MB treatment of FE Three regions can be distinguished on the isotherm curves.
were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In the first region (I), an S-shaped isotherm which corre-
Adsorption of MB was performed by using a batch sponds to a slow increase, followed by a fast growth, and a
method. The clay samples were crushed and sieved through region growing to a plateau is observed at very low dye load-
a 200-µm sieve. A liquid–solid ratio V /m of 100 cm3 g−1 ing, except for the lowest temperature. After that, the curves
was chosen. Thus 0.05 g of clay was put into contact with show a behavior in which at lower equilibrium concentra-
5 cm3 of dye solution in a polypropylene beaker of 25 cm3 tions the adsorption is higher than at higher equilibrium con-
for 4 h (i.e., a time period long enough to reach equilib- centrations in the second region. However, the amount of
rium) at a given temperature in a thermostatic shaker/water adsorbed dye increases depending on the initial concentra-
bath and left overnight. Later, the clay suspensions were tion for all cases. The adsorption of MB on FE leads to
centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 30 min and the equilibrium changes in the absorption spectra of the dye. As may be
MB concentration was determined by using a Perkin Elmer seen from visible spectra for the first region in Fig. 2 the
UV–vis. spectrophotometer model 554 with silica cells of maximum wavelength of the monomer peak is observed at
length 1 cm. The initial MB concentrations were changed 675 nm. This represents a red shift by about 10 nm with

Table 1
Chemical analyses (wt%) of the FE samples used in this study
Clay SiO2 Al2 O3 MgO CaO Na2 O Fe2 O3 TiO2 MnO K2 O P 2 O5
FE-1 51.09 10.09 10.57 4.38 3.83 4.19 0.42 0.06 2.45 0.01
FE-2 51.70 9.51 11.06 4.10 4.85 3.95 0.38 0.06 2.00 0.01
FE-3 52.42 7.73 12.55 1.90 6.60 3.14 0.29 0.05 1.64 0.01
FE-4 50.23 6.29 13.61 1.84 6.81 2.25 0.22 0.04 1.07 0.00
34 G. Atun et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 261 (2003) 32–39

that the positively charged surface hydroxyl groups on the

edges of clay repel the similarly charged MB cations and
hence they enter the interlayer of minerals without covering
of outer exchange sites [12]. The dye molecules must ori-
ent themselves to find a suitable position in the interlamellar
spaces of the adsorbent. Since this is a difficult process an
S-shaped isotherm is observed in this region and the color
changes from light blue to dark with increasing dye con-
centration. However, an absence of S-shaped behavior at the
lowest temperature may be due to the competition of dye
molecules with water molecules in the interlamellar spaces
because it is well known that the adsorption of water mole-
cules on a solid is higher at lower temperatures. Although
there are positively charged surface sites on FE, no peak is
observed at the longer wavelength corresponding to the pro-
tonated form of adsorbed dye.
In the second region (II), as the initial MB concentration
increases the equilibrium concentration of MB in solution
decreases and finally reaches zero. This does not character-
ize an adsorption behavior. In this region the change of color
Fig. 1. Equilibrium profiles for MB solution in contact with FE-2 samples at from dark blue to colorless can be followed by the naked
various temperatures. The curves in the first and second regions were drawn
by hand through the data. eye. The clay flocculates due to aggregation of the cations in
the interparticle space of the flocs. At an excess of MB, FE is
gradually peptized, forming small tactoids with monomeric
MB in the interlayer space and at the same time adsorb-
ing dimeric and polymeric MB cationic species at the solid–
liquid interfaces. Colorless solution (CS) appears at the point
of optimum flocculation of FE, indicating the highest rate of
sedimentation due to size of the flocs forming. This behav-
ior suggests that all structural negative charges of FE in the
suspension are neutralized by cationic MB species. Time-
dependent spectra for the second region show that the shoul-
der at 610 nm starts to decrease, and at 575 nm a new large
peak appears. At equilibrium, the 610-nm peak completely
disappears while the 575-nm peak increases. It is assumed
that the 575-nm band in the MB spectra in Fig. 2 corresponds
to trimers or higher aggregates of dye on the external surface
and 610-nm band corresponds to dimers at the outer and in-
ternal surfaces of the clay [7,15]. The amount of adsorbed
dye (qcs ) at the optimum flocculation point (i.e., at CS) is
considered to correspond to coverage of the clay surface
with MB molecules. The layer charge distribution on the FE
layers is heterogeneous because of its heterogeneous nature.
Neutralization of the higher negative layer charge density by
Fig. 2. Visible spectra of MB in aqueous solution and after equilibration at
cationic MB species promotes greater agglomeration and the
a point corresponding to the first, second, and third regions.
value of qcs increases as the layer charge of FE increases.
In the third stage of adsorption (III), the MB solutions in
respect to the maximum observed for dilute aqueous solu- equilibrium are once again colored and the H type isotherm
tions. At this stage dye penetrates into the interlayer space is observed, indicating that the adsorbent surface has a very
where the bathochromic shift could be due to p-interactions high affinity for MB molecules. The wavelengths of the
between the aromatic entity and the oxygen plane of the absorption maximum and shoulder of the supernatant are
clay minerals and/or micropolarity/microacidity of the in- 665 and 605 nm, respectively. These values are similar to
terlayer surface. In our unpublished study, the average pH those of MB in water rather than to those of MB adsorbed
value at the zero point of charge (i.e., pHzpc ) of FE sam- on dispersed clay particles, indicating the presence of free
ples was determined as 8.7. Since solution pH changes in MB molecules in the water phase. The interaction of the
the range of 6 to 8 during sorption experiments it is believed montmorillonite, sepiolite, and some zeolite with MB and
G. Atun et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 261 (2003) 32–39 35

other basic dyes has been studied by several authors with

similar results [7,13,15,18].
The curves show clear plateaus corresponding to maxi-
mum adsorption capacity (qm ) of FE. Although the S-shaped
curves in the first region move toward the right, indicat-
ing a lower coverage for higher temperature, the adsorbed
amount of MB increases with increasing temperature in the
third region. This may be attributed to the difficulty of the
monomers attaining a suitable orientation in the interlamel-
lar space at higher temperature. On the other hand, the ad-
sorption mechanism in the third region is considered to be
ion exchange and in general the exchange capacity increases
as the temperature increases.
Only adsorption data for the third region in Fig. 1 could
be fitted to Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm equations.
The linear form of the Freundlich isotherm is defined by

log q = log k + n log C, (2)

where q is the amount of dye adsorbed per unit mass of ad-

sorbent (in mol g−1 ) and C is the equilibrium concentration
Fig. 3. Freundlich isotherms for third region of MB adsorption at various
of dye (mol dm−3 ).
As is seen in Fig. 3, log q vs log C curves give straight
lines according to the Freundlich isotherm equation. The of the linear form of the Langmuir isotherm,
Freundlich isotherm parameters k and n are shown in
Table 2. The Freundlich exponent n gives information about C/q = 1/Kqm + (1/qm )C, (3)
surface heterogenity and surface affinity for the solute.
For favorable adsorption, 0 < n < 1. Since the degree of where qm is the maximum adsorption capacity of dye (in
favorability increases as n approaches zero all four FE mol g−1 ), and if the equilibrium concentration C is referred
samples show a very high affinity for MB species. to standard concentration C 0 = 1 mol dm−3 , the adsorption
Since the Freundlich isotherm equation does not take into equilibrium constant K is found to be nondimensional.
account the maximum adsorption capacity, as an alternative, As seen in Fig. 4 from the linear relation between C/q
data for the H type isotherm were fitted to the Langmuir and C, the adsorption equilibrium constant K and maximum
equation. The adsorption data were analyzed with the help adsorption capacity qm of adsorbents were calculated and

Table 2
Isotherm parameters of MB adsorption on FE samples and parameters for KD
Clay sample T Freundlich parameters Langmuir parameters max
Parameters for KD
n k × 104 r qm × 104 K × 10−4 r C0 × 103 qcs × 104
(K) (mol g−1 ) (M) (mol g−1 )
FE-1 290 0.116 2.94 0.982 1.50 3.77 0.999 0.85 0.84
298 0.093 5.20 0.992 3.15 6.17 0.999 1.50 1.49
318 0.083 6.95 0.951 4.25 3.13 0.999 2.00 1.90
333 0.080 9.15 0.948 4.48 14.00 0.999 2.35 2.30

FE-2 290 0.079 3.09 0.961 1.78 16.27 0.999 0.90 0.98
298 0.068 5.89 0.962 3.47 20.48 0.999 2.00 2.00
318 0.050 8.13 0.958 5.65 21.53 0.999 3.60 3.50
333 0.061 9.42 0.994 6.11 36.58 0.999 3.80 3.79

FE-3 290 0.059 3.55 0.950 2.95 22.19 0.999 2.50 2.50
298 0.057 6.62 0.911 4.15 36.58 0.999 3.25 3.22
318 0.051 7.84 0.986 5.79 29.65 0.999 3.63 3.62
333 0.060 9.33 0.995 6.00 56.81 0.999 3.80 3.79

FE-4 290 0.058 5.15 0.967 3.96 38.08 0.991 3.00 2.99
298 0.061 8.51 0.977 6.02 45.59 0.999 3.35 3.30
318 0.069 9.12 0.977 6.23 56.24 0.999 3.70 3.69
333 0.065 10.47 0.999 6.34 79.02 0.995 3.80 3.79
36 G. Atun et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 261 (2003) 32–39

Fig. 4. Langmuir isotherms for third region of MB adsorption at various

temperatures. Fig. 5. The change of log KD values against initial concentration of MB
solution for FE samples.

these are also shown in Table 2. Both K and qm increased

ite and montmorillonite have a d spacing of 12.9 Å, peaks
from FE-1 to FE-4.
corresponding to 2θ of 6.8◦ overlap in the XRD patterns in
Using the appropriate constants for the Freundlich and
Fig. 7 for the FE samples. These XRD patterns also show
Langmuir equations, the theoretical isotherm curves were
that this peak increases from FE-1 to FE-4, indicating that
predicted using known values of C. Figure 1 shows a com-
the fraction of these minerals increases. On the other hand,
parison of the experimental points with the Freundlich and
the XRF data in Table 1 support the fact that especially the
Langmuir isotherms. Both isotherms gave good agreement fraction of loughlinite increases rather than that of montmo-
with the experimental data for the four temperatures. rillonite. The increase in the maximum adsorption capacities
toward FE-4 may be correlated with the enhanced loughlin-
3.2. Distribution coefficients dependence on initial ite fraction (Table 2).
concentration of MB To better understand the interaction of dye with FE,
SEM images and XRD patterns of a raw clay surface
Our investigation has focused particularly on determin- were compared with the MB adsorbed surface at BCS, CS,
ing the initial concentration of MB for the appearance of and ACS. At the BCS, the intensity of peaks of MB and
colorless solution depending on clay composition and tem- loughlinite in the XRD patterns decreases with respect to
perature. This can be easily determined from the C0 value the raw materials. On the other hand, at the CS, the basal
corresponding to the maximum of the log KD vs C0 curves. spacing is hardly ever observed for MB adsorbed loughlinite
Before the appearance of colorless solution (BCS) the val- and montmorillonite. Since at this point the adsorbed amount
ues of KD increased exponentially with increasing C0 while of MB is equal to the point producing optimum flocculation,
after coloring appeared (ACS) they decreased. The curves silicate layers arranged very irregularly with respect to one
for BCS and ACS intersect at a point corresponding to C0 another [3]. At ACS, the peaks of MB adsorbed clay appear
for the occurrence of CS. These points for CS shifted toward again. This suggests that MB aggregates adsorbed on the
higher C0 values from FE-1 to FE-4 (see Fig. 5 and Table 2). surface are diffused interparticles and clay silicate layers are
As can be seen in Table 1, the amounts of MgO and Na2 O reoriented. The SEM images corresponding to these XRD
increase from FE-1 to FE-4 whereas the amounts of Al2 O3 , patterns indicate that the surfaces at BCS and CS are covered
CaO, and Fe2 O3 decrease. This suggests that the amount of by MB aggregates while at ACS some of the dye molecules
loughlinite, which is a Na-sepiolite, in the FE samples in- are diffused inside and the surface shows some similarity to
creases toward FE-4. Sepiolite is a natural hydrated magne- the raw material.
sium silicate mineral with a needle-like morphology [20,21].
These microscopic fibers have dimensions ranging in length 3.3. Effect of temperature on MB adsorption
from 0.2 to 2 µm. A comparison of SEM images for FE-1
and FE-4 in Fig. 6 shows fibrous loughlinite particles inter- The values listed in Table 2 show that the values of C0
spersed with a larger fraction in FE-4. Since both loughlin- corresponding to KDmax shift toward higher concentrations as
G. Atun et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 261 (2003) 32–39 37

Fig. 6. A comparison of SEM images of FE-1 and FE-4 samples.

temperature increases from 290 to 333 K. However, smaller forming small tactoids of larger spacing. So, the adsorbent
changes were observed for higher temperatures. A series of possesses a higher surface area and a more porous nature.
experiments were conducted with water without MB at 298, As a result of these phenomena, the adsorption capacities qcs
318, and 333 K to study the transformation of clay in hot at CS, the maximum adsorption capacities qm , and the equi-
water. librium constants K increased with increasing temperature
A comparison of SEM images and XRD patterns of raw (Table 2).
The change of free energy of adsorption can be calculated
material and hot-water-treated FE showed that peak inten-
from equilibrium adsorption constants:
sities of XRD patterns increased with increasing tempera-
ture and SEM images showed that clay layers are separated, G0 = −RT ln K. (4)
38 G. Atun et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 261 (2003) 32–39

Fig. 7. A comparison of XRD patterns of FE samples.

Thermodynamic parameters, standard enthalpy H 0 and Table 3

entropy S 0 of adsorption, were obtained from the slope Thermodynamic parameters for MB adsorption on FE
and intercept of the ln K vs 1/T plot according to the Clay sample H 0 × 102 G0 S 0
relation (kJ mol−1 ) (kJ mol−1 ) ( kJ mol−1 K−1 )
FE-1 1.58 −27.34 0.92
S 0 H 0 FE-2 1.29 −30.30 1.01
ln K = − . (5) FE-3 1.28 −31.74 1.06
R RT FE-4 1.27 −32.28 1.08

The results presented in Table 3 show that the values of

G0 are negative, indicating favorable adsorption. These 3.4. Comparison of adsorption rate of MB on FE and
values (around −30 kJ mol−1 at 298 K) are in the middle of activated carbon
physical adsorption and chemisorption [22]. Since H 0 is
close to zero and S 0 is positive, the adsorption mechanism Since the adsorption rate of MB is very high, the dis-
is an entropy-controlled process. tribution coefficients initially increase exponentially. There-
G. Atun et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 261 (2003) 32–39 39

tion of MB in solution decreases as dye-interacted clay in-

creases. The adsorption process of MB on FE, for the treat-
ment of MB effluents, allowed effluent suitable for reuse
to be produced. The results show that MB adsorption on
FE is very fast compared to that on CAC and also that FE
samples have higher adsorption capacity. Furthermore FE
is approximately 500 times cheaper than CAC. Therefore,
FE can be used as a highly effective low-cost adsorbent for
the removal of cationic dyes. The optimum condition for
the production of colorless effluent was determined as about
318 K.


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