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Chakras ~ their meaning & function

Every living being is made up of energy & all this energy contains information. Your physical body is surrounded by an
energy field, an informational housing center, & a highly sensitive system (Anatomy of the Spirit, Carolyn Myss). Our
thoughts create energy, energy creates matter, and matter creates our realities. As a man thinketh, so shall it be. We are
constantly communicating with everything around us, with the energy of the Universe & with each other. Our energy acts as
conduits sending & receiving messages to & from other people. These internal & external messages form energy impressions
that are picked up by our intuition. Our chakras act as a translator translating these messages decoding the energetic
language sent out & received within our human energy field.
The word Chakra (energy points/energy centers) is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning 'wheel'. If we were able to see
the Chakras (as many psychics, in fact, do) we would observe a wheel of energy continuously revolving or rotating in a
clockwise rotation. We perceive Chakras as colorful wheels in the center of our being. The chakras begin at the base of the
spine and finish over the top of the head. Though fixed in the central spinal column they are located on both the front and
back of the body, and work through it. There is an energy field that emanates from within & without each & every one of us.
The field emanating from the physical body is known as our aura ~ the energy centers are vehicles that assist us in
integrating our physical with our spiritual, connecting our mind with our emotions, thoughts, and feelings and with one
another. Just as there as different parts & functions of our brain, each of these centers points, known as Chakras, relates to
different functions within our physical bodies.
Each Chakra vibrates and rotates at different speeds. The first or root Chakra rotates at the slowest speed, the seventh or
crown Chakra at the highest. Each Chakra is stimulated and representative of its own complimentary color, a large variety of
crystals and essential oils associated with that particular chakra, for specific uses. The Chakras colors are of the same as the
rainbow; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, with the exception of the Crown Chakra sometimes reflective of
the color of gold or white. The size and brightness of the Chakras vary with individual development, physical condition,
energy levels, disease, or stress.
If the Chakras are not balanced, or if the energies are blocked, your energy levels, the basic life force of energy will be slowed
down. The individual may feel listless, tired, out of sorts, or depressed. Not only will physical bodily functions be affected
diseases may manifest, but the spiritual and emotional bodies, our thought processes may also be affected. A negative
attitude, fear, doubt, etc. may preoccupy the individual. A constant balance between the Chakras promotes health and a
sense of well being. If the Chakras are opened too much, a person could literally short circuit themselves with too much
universal energy going through the body. If the Chakras are closed, this does not allow for the universal energy to flow
through them properly which may also lead to dis-ease, imbalances, disharmony, and other negative thoughts, feelings and
Most of us react to unpleasant experiences by blocking our feelings and stopping a great deal of our natural energy flow. This
affects the maturation and development of the Chakras. Whenever a person blocks whatever experience he/she is having,
they in turn block their Chakras, which eventually become disfigured and blocked. When the Chakras are functioning
normally, each will be 'open', spinning clockwise to metabolize the particular energies needed from the universal energy
field. We are able to use crystals and gemstones to re-balance all our chakra centers and once the Chakra has been properly
balanced a greater sense of peace and wellness overall will be created. The reason why crystals and gemstones are
wonderful and powerful healing tools are because of what science calls its piezoelectric effect (the magnetic attraction of
crystals connected with our own energy centers). Crystals and gemstones respond to the electricity that is coursing through
our body, and if the energy is sluggish, the constant electrical vibrations of the crystals will help to harmonize, balance,
stimulate, and regenerate these energies.

The 7 Major Chakras:

1. Root Chakra = Red: located at the base of the spine, approx. 2 above the pelvic & between coccyx bone. It

represents the seat of our security & stability, the seat of the soul spiritually & emotionally. Acts as an anchor
between your spirit & physical world. A fully opened & well balanced Chakra brings us in tune with our deepest
sense of self, being as One with the Universe. The root Chakra is powerfully related to our contact with the Earth
Mother, providing us with the ability to be grounded into the earth plane. This is also the center of manifestation.
When you are trying to make things happen in the material world, business or material possessions, the energy to







succeed will come from the first Chakra. All Chakras operate & function from this 1st Chakra. If this Chakra is
blocked an individual may feel fearful, anxious, insecure and frustrated. Problems like obesity, anorexia nervosa, and
knee troubles can occur. Root body parts include the hips, legs, lower back and sexual organs can & eventually will
be affected. When you think of the root chakra, think of an oak tree grows deep into the earth in strength
& anchors itself, growing to its fullest expression, strong & grounded, feeling deeply connected. Every other chakra is
affected by this chakra.
Sacral Chakra = Orange located 2 below the navel representing the seat of our creative energy on every level,
physically, artistically & sexually. This Chakra promotes your ability to provide for self. Creativity, inspiration, ideas
& thoughts flow freely & easily. When this is fully opened we are at our most vibrant, radiant, alive & free spirited
creatively. It's influenced by how emotions were expressed or repressed in the family during childhood. Based &
determined upon your survival skills, assists us meeting & mastering life challenges from family to adulthood ~ also
involves energy of money (abundance). Creative energy flows on all levels when this is a properly balanced chakra;
the ability to flow with emotions freely, our ability to extend ourselves in generosity, and to extend and reach out to
Solar Plexus Chakra = Yellow located 2 below the breastbone in the center behind the stomach. The third Chakra
is the center of personal power of honor & ethics, self esteem, a sense of doing & being. Ability to set healthy
boundaries &self sufficiency ~ the place of ego, of passions, impulses, anger and strength. It is also the center for
astral travel, and astral influences enabling you to access other dimensional levels, receptivity of spirit guides and for
psychic development. A greater knowing of life mission & purpose here on earth ~ whole & powerful, able to be
connected with your divine essence, to do all you came here to do. That gut level intuition ~ the expression my gut
knew it.
Heart Chakra = Green Seat of all love & emotions. This is the most powerful force we can ever obtain in this
lifetime. Connects you with your loving self, your loving nature & is the strength of your compassion, tenderness,
understanding & the places of all forgiveness. It is important to know that you are made of love born to experience
love & extend love in the most wholesome way. The center of our spiritual soul self, the ability to recognize our own
spirit in all people, to love thy neighbor as you so love yourself...
Throat = Sky Blue - located in the center of your throat, enabling us to speak from the eyes of love, governs &
enables our communication from a deeper level of truth, honor, integrity & enhances our listening abilities ~ Mediates
between the head & the heart, a sense of determination, purpose & intent & discipline ~ enabling us to speak & state
our truths with honor & integrity for self & others. Assists in developing the will to fulfill our highest potential &
purpose. This Chakra is governed by the angelic realm. As you speak, so shall it be. Speaking matters into existence.
Third Eye = Indigo ~ located in the center of your forehead, just above the bridge of your nose ~ enables us to see
from the heart of God, seeing from the eyes of love ~ awakens our senses & our extrasensory perceptions ~ enabling
a greater level of psychic abilities ~ Seeing with wisdom & optimism. Seeing your glass as full rather than
empty. When this Chakra is opened we are able to see, and feel spirit; and interact on other dimensional levels, with
spirit world ~ this is governed by the archangels, & its primary purpose is to increase our intuition as well as
interpreting spiritual knowledge, information.
Crown = Violet ~ Represents our connection to our intuitive God-self, the all knowing place of our God
Consciousness ~ with Creator & All That Is within the spiritual world. This is the level that connects us between
heaven & earth & to our own spirit, embracing God within. Governs our capacity to allow spirituality to become a
natural part of our daily lives. Considered the seat of creating & witnessing miracles ~ assisting & serving others to
obtain & achieve faith, hope & love and within self is also the function of this chakra. All divine wisdom, knowledge,
love & truths are received through this Chakra. Acts as the filter of divine enlightenment, wisdom and knowledge
received from Spirit world; the regulator of information from higher dimensions. This is governed by the Creator.

Crystals & Fragrances associated with each

(Crystals are used to balance & harmonize the Chakras ~ fragrances are used to heighten our senses within)


ROOT (1ST) ----


Bloodstone/Boji Stone - works to heal negative feelings, negative emotional patterns and old pain. Promotes free flow of chi and
balanced energy
Hematite - mental attunement; memory enhancement; calming; release of limitations; equilibrium between ethereal and
physical; balancing of yin & yang; focusing energy & emotions; dissolves and transforms negativity; invokes peace; self control
& inner happiness, used for grounding; tranquility & emotional clarity
Onyx ~ Black Obsidian - (snowflake): protects soft hearted people, acts as protective energy glass; dissolves ego; teaches the
mind to be humble and peaceful; spiritual cleanser, dissolves negativity; teaches wisdom, understanding, surrender; increases
clairvoyance and focus, strength and intuition, gives sincerity and gentleness; attracts love and affection; raises self esteem;
improves balance; use in meditation to experience tranquility; use on third eye; aids anxiety, confusion, hyperactivity, negative



Opal promotes change, intuition and reflection; energy boost.

Carnelian - analysis

and precision; protection from negative emotions; stability; inquisitiveness; initiative;

cleansing other stones

Tiger's Eye helps our body be more comfortable during cellular changes and can integrate many levels of being and

understanding into your conscious use of light. They provide strength and protection, and bring awareness of
different perspectives


Tigers Eye & Yellow Citrine - warms, comforts and energizes; gives physical and material power; self-assurance and prosperity;
dissolves negative blocks; aids in digestion, aids in grounding mentally, physically and emotionally; eliminates waste; teaches
release; dissolves fear; has grounding influence; gives confidence; raises vibration; aids with depression.

Fluorite - enhances creativity; supports intellectual pursuits; stabilizes group energy; cooperation; connective structure of love
between all

Smokey Quartz: - transforms negative emotions and energy patterns, meditation, balances yin and yang, mind, energy and spirit;
grounding; protection; stability; survival instinct and intuition; pride and joy in living; psychic communications; cooperation;
dissolves blocks to perception and learning; helps liquid and mineral levels in the body; aids organs in solar plexus area, hands
and feet

HEART (4TH) ---


Rose Quartz - love stone; calming and cooling; harmony after crisis; balances all s; balances yin & yang; assists in healing
emotional wounds; clears the body and releases impurities; helps against stress; kidneys & adrenals; skin; heart; lungs; helps heal
Angelsite promotes sensitivity, gentleness, relaxation & tenderness
Aventurine - protects the heart; promotes balance; motivation; decisiveness; & instinct

THROAT (5th) ---


Aquamarine - aids in communication and voicing ones opinion. Supports one through intense physical, emotional, and karmic
Turquoise - Courage, protection, prosperity, luck, friendship, healing, communication, happiness, emotional balance, astral
travel, weather. This stone strengthens all the Chakra's

Lapis Lazuli - is a natural magnifier of psychic abilities



Azurite - helps one to connect with spirit guides, aids healers, meditators, and psychics. Increases psychic ability. Dissolves
energy blocks and negativity.
Clear Quartz - protection, healing, psychic power. Stimulates psychic abilities, or if placed underneath your pillow it will offer
psychic impulses in the form of dreams. When placed on a painful part of the body it will re-balance bodily conditions and
remove blockages of energies.
Fairy Stone - associated with happiness, love of life, enthusiasm and love of nature. This stone helps us communicate with plants
and animals.

CROWN (7TH) ---


Amethyst - A stone of spirituality. Excellent for meditation, it will enable one to reach higher realms of thought. Enhances
psychic and channeling abilities. Transmutes negative energy. Amethyst helps you think and act at your highest level. It's good
for promotions (spiritual). Offers healing strength, inspiration and divine love in times of stress. A powerful energizer, it will
strengthen the immune system. Vibrates to the number 3. Chakra: - crown, third eye. Symbol of celestial authority, humility,
temperance, moral purity, nobleness & truth of heart. With powers of protection, capable of curing practically every illness.
Calms a troubled mind and balances the system. Works as an anti depressant, tonic & excellent stimulant for the immune system
Clear Quartz - see above
Celestite - clear-pale blue - advances channeling, brings about information/light, core soul healing, spiritual and karmic growth,
evokes peace and the ability to flow with life.
Angelite: - is compressed Celestite and shares Celestite purifies but it also transmutes pain and disorder into wholeness and healing.
Useful for angelic contact.
Celestite: - Contacts spiritual and angelic realms; encourages spiritual development, enlightenment, and pureness of heart. Aids
clairvoyant communication, dream recall, and astral travel. Disperses worries, attracts good fortune. Synthesizes instinct and intellect,
aiding analysis of complex ideas. Brings balance and alignment. Balances mind. Eliminates toxins, brings cellular order

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