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Multiple Choice
1. X obtains from Y. They agreed that in case of non-payment by X, X will work as Ys
servant without wages. The obligation of X to pay his loan to Y is
a. Valid
b. Void, contrary to law
c. Void, contrary to morals
d. None of the above
2. The free service of X to Y in case of non-payment of Xs loan is
a. Valid
b. Void, contrary to law
c. Void, contrary to morals
d. B and C
3. X supports Y, a minor because Ys father refuses to support said child. The father is
obliged to reimburse X.
a. Law
b. Contract
c. Quasi-contract
d. Quasi-delicts
4. X met an accident. Unconscious, Dr. Y treated X. X must pay for the services of Dr. Y.
a. Law
b. Contract
c. Quasi-contract
d. Quasi-delicts
5. Wrongful act results imprudence, negligence, lack of foresight, or lack of skills.
a. Dolo
b. Deceit
c. Fault
d. None of the Above
6. Negligence in carrying out the terms and condition under an existing contract.
a. Culpa contractual
b. Quasi-contract
c. Culpa aquiline
d. Crime
7. Punished only if there are laws that clearly cover them.
a. Culpa contractual
b. Quasi-contract
c. Culpa aquiline
d. Crime
8. Who is liable for the lossn of the subject matter by fortuitous event?
a. Creditor
b. Debtor
c. Both creditor and debtor
d. None of them
9. X is obliged to give Y his only car on July 15, 2002. X did not deliver the car on July 15.
On July 20, an earthquake destroyed the building where the car was, the car was
completely destroyed while parked inside. Is X still liable?
a. No. Considering that no demand to deliver was made by Y and the specific thing was
lost due to fortuitous event, the obligations extinguished.
b. No. The obligation is extinguished, even if the debtor is already in default, because
the debtor can plead impossibility of performance.
c. Yes. X is already in legal delay, thus the obligation to deliver the lost specified thing
is converted into monetary claim for damages.
d. Yes. The creditor can instead demand for a substitute of equivalent value from the
10. Power demandable by one person of another to give, to do, or not to do.
a. Personal right
b. Real right
c. Just in re
d. All of the above
11. Power over specific thing and is binding on the whole world.
a. Personal right
b. Just in personam
c. Real right
12. Keys of the house are given to the new opwner.
a. Traditio Simbolica
b. Tradition Longa Manu
c. Traditio Brevi Manu
d. Tradio consortium possessorium
13. Delivery by pointing out the object.
a. Traditio Simbolica
b. Traditio Longa Manu
c. Traditio Brevi Manu
d. Traditio consortium possessorium
14. Delivery by short hand
a. Traditio Simbolica















b. Traditio Longa Manu

c. Traditio Brevi Manu
d. Traditio consortium possessorium
Possessor of a thing not as owner becomes the possessor as owner.
a. Tradio Simbolica
b. Traditio Longa Manu
c. Traditio Brevi Manu
d. Traditio consortium possessorium
Opposite of brevi manu.
a. Traditio Longa Manu
b. Traditio Brevi Manu
c. Traditio Consortium possessorium
d. Tradition by execution of legal forms
X Band, the most promising band in town, is obliged to perform in Y Caf. X Band failed
to show up. The management of Y Caf feels that the band is irreplaceable
a. Compel X Band to perform at its expense.
b. Ask Z Band to perform at X Bands expense.
c. Ask damages from X Band for breach.
d. All of the above
X agreed to paint Ys house orange. Upon inspection by Y, he found out that the painting
was not done evenly, some portion dark and some light. X wouldnt want to undo the
paintind beacause to him the ouotcome is fantastic. Y has a right to
a. Compel X to undo the work at Xs expense.
b. Ask Z to undo Xs work at Xs expense.
c. Ask damages from X for breach.
d. B and C
It is manipulated in the lease contract that X, lessee, shall not plant trees at the
backyard of the house being leased to him by Y. X planted a mango tree at the backyard.
a. Compel X to uproot yhe tree at Xs expense.
b. Ask Z to uproot the tree at Xs expense.
c. Ask damages from X for breach.
d. A nd C or B and C
Delay of the obligor in an obligation to give.
a. Mora solvendi ex re
b. Mora Accipiendi
c. Compensatio Morae
d. All of the above
Delay of the parties in the reciprocal obligations.
a. Mora solvendi ex re
b. Mora sovendi ex persona
c. Mora accipiendi
d. Compensatio morae
Debtor incurs in delay from the time the
A. Creditor files a complaint in court.
B. Creditor demands orally.
C. Creditor demands in writing.
D. All of the above
Damages to adequately compensate for pecuniary loss suffered, including profits.
a. Actual
b. Moral
c. Nominal
d. Temperate
Damages that may be recovered for injury to the plaintiffs business standing or
commercial credit.
a. Actual
b. Moral
c. Nominal
d. Temperate
A will give B his bag or sunglasses or belt on Bs 18th birthday.
a. Delivery of the bag shall extinguish the obligation.
b. Delivery of the three objects will extinguish the obligation.
c. Delivery of part of the sunglasses and part of the belt shall extinguish the
d. Delivery of part of all the three objects will extinguish the obligation.
A promised to give B his bag or sunglasses or belt on Bs 18th birthday. Before Bs 18th
birthday, all the things got lost due to As fault.
a. The obligation is distinguished.
b. A and B should agree on another object to replace the lost ones.
c. B has a right to demand the value of the last thing lost plus damages.
d. A should pay B the value of all the objects that got lost due to As fault.
Before substitution in a facultative obligation if the substitute thing is lost due to debtors
a. The principal obligation is extinguished.
b. Debtor is liable for damages.
c. The substitute becomes due.
d. The principal thing must still be given.
After substitution in a facultative obligation if the principal thing is lost without the
debtors fault
a. The principal; obligation is distinguished.






b. Debtor is liable for damages.

c. The substitute must be given.
d. The principal thing must still be given.
In joint Obligation, joint means all the following except
a. Pro-rata
b. Proportionate
c. Mancomunada
d. Individually and collectively
In a solidary obligation, solidary means all the following except
a. In solidum
b. Jointly and severally
c. Mancomunada simple
d. Individually and collectively
A and B are joint debtors of C, D, E and F, joint creditors to the amount of P100,000.
a. Cmay demand P12,500 from C.
b. D may demand P25,000 from B; A will give B p12,500.
c. E may demad P50,000 from A; E will give C, D, E and F P12,500 each.
d. F may demand P100,000 FROM b; A will give B P50,000.
A and B are solidary debtors of C, D, E, F, solidary creditors, to the amount of P100,000.
a. C may demand P12,500 from A.
b. D may demand P25,000 from B; A will give B P12,500.
c. E may demand P50,000 from A; E will give C, D and F P12,500 each.
d. F may demand P100,000 from B; F will give C, D and E P25,000 each.
A and B are joint debtors of C, D, E, and F, solidary creditors to the amount of P100,000.
a. C may demand P12,500 from A.
b. D may demand P25,000 from B; A will give B P12,500.
c. E may demand P50,000 from A; E will give C, D and F P12,500 each.
d. F may demand P100,000 from B; F will give C, D and E P25,000 each.
34 .And B are solidary debtors of C, D, E and F, joint creditors to the amount of

e. C may demand P12,500 from A.
D may demand P25,000 from B; A will give B P12,500.
g. E may demand P50,000 from A; E will give C, D and F P12,500 each.
h. F may demand P100,000 from B; F will give C, D and E P25,000 each.
34. A, B and C executed a promissory note binding themselves to pay P90,000 to X, Y, and Z.
a. X can collect P10,000 from A, P10,000 from B and P10,000 from C.
b. Y can collect P30,000 from B; Y will give P10,000 to X and P10,000 to Z.
c. Z can collect P90,000 from C; C will ask reimbursement from A, P30,000 and from
B, P30,000
d. X, Y and Z together can collect P90,000 from A or B or C.
II. Discussion/Enumeration (5pts each)
1. How would you know if an obligation arises from law and not from other sources like
contract, quasi-contractact and quasi-delicts?
2. If you incur an obligation, what are your duties and responsibilities?
3. What is Law?

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