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Volume IX Issue 8

S O N S O F C O N FE D E RAT E V E T E RAN S CAM P # 2 6 5




August 2016



COMMANDERS QUOTE: If its important to you, youll find a way. If not- youll find an excuse.

I hope everyone is doing well and that your AC is working! Our speaker this month is Mr. Dan Dugan. His topic
will be The Battle of Franklin, Tenn. You will really enjoy this one! We will be presenting door prizes from the
Relic Show, voting in a new member, and having a short but informative business session, so, come early, bring
someone with you and as sure as the Dog Days of Summer are here again, I'll probably see you at Penn's in
Brandon on August 6th, 2016 at 7pm. Please remember that Dues are due and we will be drawing for a Confederate
bond ( worth $650.00 ) at our Nov. meeting. Only members that have paid their dues are eligible!

-Tim Cupit
Hollywood often makes movies about events in history that are not historically accurate, especially
those concerning the Civil War. Their latest offering, The Free State of Jones starring Matthew
McConaughey is no exception. Our guest speaker at the July 2nd meeting was Joel E. Readman,
historian and researcher of the Legion of Newton Knight. He presented his findings and answered
questions about Newton Knight, and cleared up some misconceptions and fictitious claims portrayed in
the movie, which was partially filmed right here in Mississippi!
Mr. Readman was a great speaker. Historians like Mr. Readman keep the facts straight and the
memories of our ancestors alive throughout the years. We enjoyed having him, and look forward to
seeing him again!


This month we were honored to have a representative of Wounded Warriors of
Mississippi with us again at our July 2nd meeting as Cheryl Bruce received
another very LARGE check for FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS from SCV Camp
The money was raised from our Fifth Annual Interactive Civil War Relic Show,
and we know it will be used to help our Mississippi Warriors! Visit them at:


Agenda for August 6, 2016
- Open with prayer at 7pm sharp
- Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag and salutes
- Trivia
- Guest speaker; Dan Dugan The Battle of Franklin Tenn.
- Q&A
Unfinished Business
- Camp T-Shirts are $20 proceeds go to fund the Relic Show
- www.scv265.com and Camp Facebook stats
- First Thursday Coin Club meeting at Brandon library
- We have flags and MS flag bumper stickers available
- Events committee report by Tal Floyd

- Dues are due $50 drawing for Confederate

Bond valued at $650 at Nov. meeting
- Any other unfinished business?
New Business
- Door prizes from Relic Show
- New Members
- Soldier's rest report
- 3rd Brigade picnic report
- Did everyone sign in?
- Does everyone have a door prize ticket?
- Door Prizes
- Open Floor
- Close with prayer at approximately 8:20pm
Please leave $1.00 tip for the crew that cleans up!

by Tom Fortenberry
Letters From The Front
Yesterday and through the cold night as the rain fell. With the
battle won. A steady stream of weary and tried souls could be
seen returning to camp. I was one of them.
Now as I collapsed to the ground among my fellows I pulled
myself up against the shelter of an oak and fought again to
forget about the events that had occurred over the past few
days. The rain continued to fall.

removed the letter from the shelter of my coat and unfolded

it. The rain the night before had not erased the words as I
began to look at the letter which I could now recall that I
had never read nor written. The letter began like most of my
letters; to my wife, children, family, and friends
As I read the letter it reached out and to me and I again saw
the man who had given it to me in the heat of battle. It
happened as our forces moved forward that I came upon a
man lying on the ground. He reached out to me, I stopped,
gave him some water and started to move forward when he
placed a letter in my hand. His letter read as follows; to my
wife, children, family, and friends.

This is the fourth year of this war and our northern army is
slowly moving toward final victory. Though shall no sense
of victory is without effort, trial, and testing. The
Though the night had been long, the rising of the new day sun celebration of the fourth of July is soon to be upon us and
brought a renewed hope and warmth as I rose up to join my
yet I remain a soldier who being under orders surrenders his
fellow men. Throughout the day we repaired, cleaned, and
independence in many ways. We have now come some
made ready for what all of us had been trained for. And yet we many miles from our homes to deprive others of theirs.
hoped that the battle yet before us would not come soon or
Share my letter to others. Know this as you well know, our
maybe a dispatch would bring peace to replace death with life. Great-grandfather fought in the first war for independence
A dispatch came later that day informing us that the unit was
and now we are fighting those who have those same rights
to stand down and rest for a short while. It was welcome
for their own independence. My father taught me this. I will
news, an answered prayer to replace all of the sadness and
try to get it right. When in the course of human events it
sorrow we had seen and experienced.
becomes necessary for one people to dissolve and declare
the causes which impel them to separation by the powers of
The events which had clouded our minds over the past days
law and the self-evident truth of Almighty God. Love,
soon began to clear and the reality of all that had happened
began to be expressed by word of mouth and letters written to
home. The shock of all of things for myself was the moment I God Bless
realized I had been carrying a small folded paper under my
coat and only now had remembered I had it. In careful hast I
Thomas Fortenberry, Chaplain Camp 265

by John Hall
Can you say in parting with the day that's slipping fast,
That you helped a single person of the many you have passed?
Is a single life rejoicing over what you did or said?
Does someone whose hopes were fading, now with courage look ahead?
Did you waste the day or lose it, was it well or poorly spent?
Did you leave a trend of kindness, or a scar of discontent?
As you close your eyes in slumber, do you think that God would sayYou have made the world much better for the life you've lived today?
When conversing with others, we often casually refer to ourselves as the
SCV Family, but thats exactly what we are. We are more than just a group
of folks with common interests and hobbies. We are a family, we come
together and support each other in times of need. We all need help sometimes,
and this time it was Jamie Peckinpaughs turn.
Jamie is a member of the SCV family as well as the Mechanized Cavalry. He
is an arborist by trade, and was severely injured on the job last month after
being electrocuted and falling to the ground while trimming a tree. He has
several small children, and we all know the bills never stop!
Canned goods and monetary donations of over $250 were collected and
delivered on July 12th by Damen & Carla Tackett, and son Colby (pictured
left). We pray for a speedy recovery and will update everyone on Jamies
condition next month!

We had several awards and recognitions to present at the July 2nd meeting. Mr. Chris Merck (below left)
was presented with a certificate of appreciation for representing our Confederate Heritage across the State,
as well as donating his time and talent assisting numerous camps, as well as OCR chapters with social media
and internet services. Mr. Frank Evans (below right) was also recognized for his valuable contributions to
help promote the FifthAnnual Interactive Civil War Relic Show.

Chris Merck (left) with Chuck Gray.

Camp Commander Tim Cupit with Frank Evans.

We also welcomed some new additions to the SCV Camp #265 Family! Mr. Grady Clifton Polk and Mr.
Jeffrie G. Rayner, Jr. received their membership certificates. Welcome aboard!

Camp Commander Tim Cupit with Grady Polk.

When the South raised its sword

against the Unions Flag, it was in
defense of the Unions Constitution.
- Confederate General John B. Gordon

Camp Commander Tim Cupit with Jeffrie Rayner.

by Sid Boteler


Mel Gibsons movie The Patriot depicted the battle of Cowpens, January 17, 1781, where American
General Daniel Morgan had a line of militia fire into British General Cornwallis and Colonel Tareltons
dragoons, regulars, highlanders, and loyalists. When Americans retreated, the British pursued, only to be
surprised by American Continentals waiting over the hill. In the confusion, the Americans killed 110 British
and captured 830. Cornwallis regrouped and chased the Americans, arriving at the Catawba River just two
hours after the Americans had crossed, but a storm made the river impassable. He nearly overtook them
again as they were getting out of the Yadkin River, but rain flooded the river. This happened a third time at
the Dan River. British Commander Henry Clinton wrote: Here the Royal Army was again stopped by a
sudden rise of the waters, which had only just fallen (almost miraculously) to let the enemy over. In March
of 1781, General Washington wrote to William Gordon, We have ..... abundant reason to thank Providence
for its many favorable interpositions in our behalf. It has at times been my only dependence, for all other
resources seem to have failed us.
Taken from The American Minute, Notable Events of American Significance.
by William J. Federer

This month we would like to say a very special
OF BRANDON. As you all know, we give away
door prizes at every meeting. The coin club has
donated numerous coins as prizes over the years and this month was no exception. A Conder
Token similar to the one pictured on the right was
donated by the club.
These tokens are known in Britain as provincial
tokens. They are called Conder tokens in the United
States after James Conder who catalogued the series
of tokens. These tokens were made so the common
man would have a small coin for small purchases.
King George III discontinued making small copper
coins in 1775. They didn't circulate well and a lot

A halfpenny Conder token issued by the Parys Mine Company of Anglesey in


were counterfeited. In 1787 private companies

started making their own "money". They made
penny and half penny tokens. By 1795 there were
thousands of issues of these tokens. Most are valued
at $20-$30 and up.


The ladies of the Mary Ann Forrest Chapter of the Order of Confederate Rose have been busy! This chapter
is growing by leaps and bounds! They were at the Mississippi Division Reunion in Biloxi, helped with the
Fifth Annual Interactive Civil War Relic Show in Brandon, recruited members at the Tomato Festival in
Crystal Springs, participated in a living history at the McRaven House, and also met with a preservationist at
the Rodney Presbyterian church to discuss a future restoration. Whew! They are a great group of ladies that
work well together to get the job done. Keep up the good work!


The Sons of Confederate Veterans

Camp #265


317 Lake Heather Road
Brandon, MS 39047

Our next meeting is August 6th

at Penns in Brandon at 7:00pm.
Come early!


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