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User Guide
Mark Yang
Media Method
June 26, 2015

Chapter 1
CROSSBOW is file transfer software which send big-size files very fast. It is about 1030
times faster than conventional softwares (FTP, HTTP, etc). CROSSBOW works as Client
and Server at the same time. When it started. It can send files to remote PCs and recive
files from remote PCs.



OS : Microsoft Windows XP or higher

CPU : More than 2 cores. Performance increased with many cores
HDD : Disk I/O could be bottleneck. SSD recommended
Network : 10/100 Ethernet card or higher

Chapter 2
Install CROSSBOW and request license



Download proper application for each platform (http://www.mediamtd.com)

Administrator rights required to install
Run setup file
Install Visual Studio 2013 run-time (if needed)
Config application and request license (Configuration chapter will helps you)
Set network devices - Firewalls, IPSs, etc. Open ports used by CROSSBOW
Some IDS/IPS can think CROSSBOW traffic as UDP Flooding. disable blocking
Microsft Windows Firewall could be problem, Off this features

Chapter 3
Set parameters for your enviroments. Open configuration menu (ToolConfig) or just
press F9


Network configuration

Network setting should be configured based on user network enviroment. Firewalls,IPS,IDSs

and other devices should allow ports used by CROSSBOW. MTU (packet size) must be
choose very carefully.
Control Port Network port used for control signal (TCP In/Out Open required)
Incomming Ports File datum recieved through assinged ports in these range. If there
are ports already used by other applications. other ports available in range automatically assigned (UDP In Open required)
MAX delay At first CROSSBOW try to send files as fast as it can (based on local PC
performance) but network routers,switches and remote PC may not be fast enough
to handle this speed. In that case, packet drop happens. To avoid this packet drops
sender limit its speed. CROSSBOW analyze network situation automatically and
adjust optimum delay between sender and reciever. This delay stored in registry
and use it next time ( second between packet). MAX delay is maximum delay
MTU MTU(Maximum Transper Unit) is packet size which traverse from sender to reciever. In general MTU is 1500 bytes per packet. So default MTU is setted 1450
bytes for safety. But some network route allows only smaller MTU. If speed is not
fast enough Try smaller MTU (1000,500 or smaller).
CAUTION : Sender and reciever should have same MTU value !!
Connect History This is previous connection history, which also have optimal delay
for this destination. This records are used for quick connect and optimal delay
Default Setting Revert all setting values to default. Use carefully
Clear History Clear all connection history

Figure 3.1: Network Setting



CROSSBOW provides features for security, performance and efficiency

Integrity Check Basically CROSSBOW check file integrity with checksum. Most situation that is enough. But if network is unstable (wild area, warzone, etc) stronger
check feature can be used. Integrity Check is MD5 hash check mechanism gurantee file is OK. This is safer but far more slower than default checksum. It require
prepare time before sending and full checking time after reciving.
Encryption All packets are scrambled and randomlly shuffled. Simple packet capturing
can not restore original file
Use Last Delay If you send to any previously connected destination, CROSSBOW remember optimal delay for this route. It can use this previous optimal delay or just
re-calcurate optimal delay from scratch.
Auto Start When this PC boot-up start CROSSBOW automatically as service.
Size Unit All data number displayed in size unit.



CROSSBOW is Client and Server at the same time. It doesnt require any server setting
or additional installation. To work as server. It can control users who allowed to send and

Figure 3.2: Features

recive files. At least one user must registered to recive from other CROSSBOW.
ID Enter New User ID
PWD Enter Password
INFO Additional information in free format
ADD USER Add new user account
DEL USER Delete selected user



CROSSBOW is not FREE.(sorry but I have child to feed). You should get license from
our server. Its very simple to get license. Enter your name, email and just click Request
License button. License manager will issue demo license for you in 3 hours. For demo
copy,internet connection required for license check. If you purchase licensed product. We
will send you USB dongle via DHL which contains your valid license. With that dongle
you can use CROSSBOW anywhere you want - isolated network, VPNs ,etc - license
server will not border you anymore.
USER Enter your name
EMAIL Enter email

Figure 3.3: Users

Figure 3.4: License

STATUS Current State of this copy. When you get license this will be changed to
REQUEST LICENSE Request demo license. (It takes almost 1 3 hours to issue license)

Chapter 4
Main User Interface
If CROSSBOW started well you will see figure 4.1



Top of menu is toolbar.There are several buttons.

CONNECT : connect to remote PC which already running CROSSBOW.
IP,ID,PASSWORD are used for this connection. This user account should be registerd in remote PC. When connection is made successfully, new connection will
be appeared in CONNECTIONS panel. If remote PC can connect to local PC (it
has public IP or designated IP), another new connection will appear automatically
which has RECV mode. With this RECV mode connection you can download files
from remote PC.
DISCONNECT : terminate selected connection
SEND : send selected file to selected connection. There can be several connections
so one file can be send to many connections simultaneously.
RECV : recive selected file in remote connection. If there is RECV connection in
connections panel and you select it. You can browse remote files. At the center of
UI you can see LOCAL/REMOTE tap. REMOTE tap show remote file list you
can download. Choose file and press RECV button.
STOP : At the bottom of UI, there is sessions tap. This show current working
session. If you want to stop session, select one and press stop button.
DELETE : some session can be deleted - stopped, failed ,etc-. Working session
cant be deleted. Stop first.
INBOX : select local folder where incoming file (sent by remote PC) stored.
OUTBOX : select local folder where files to send exist.
CALIBRATE : reset current delay and calcurate from scratch.

Figure 4.1: CROSSBOW main UI

PRI UP : increase priority of selected session which means send faster.
PRI DOWN : decrease priority of selected session which menas send later.



All Directories and Folders of local PC.



When you select a folder in LOCAL DIR panel. LOCAL tap shows files in that folder.
When you select a RECV connection in CONNECTIONS panel. REMOTE tap shows
files in remote PC which can be download with RECV button.



Shows current established and active connections between remote PCs. There can be
many connections. MODE is RECV or SEND. When you select SEND connection.
you can send local file to remote PC. When you select RECV connection. you can
download remote file to local incoming folder



At the bottom of UI, There is INFOMATION panel which has Sessions and Log.
Session shows current recv/send status and previous result. you can see and control
current sessions and previous sessions result. Log is display every detail information of
CROSSBOW - success,error,fail. Log can be dumped into text file (ToolSave Log)


Chapter 5
Tutorial : Simple file send
This chapter will demonstrate how to send file from local to remote. Local PC will be
called A, remote PC will be called B.



Install CROSSBOW at both A and B

Config CROSSBOW A,B (detail information is at chapter 3)
Make new account at B (for example,id is dev, password is dev)


Connect from A to B

Confirm CROSSBOW is running in A and B

From A, try connect B with ip,id (dev),password(dev)
Push CONNECT button at toolbar
In connections panel, new connection will be appered (SEND mode)
If A,B are in closed network or A,B both have public IP, additional connection will
be made automatically (RECV mode). You can download file with this connection

Figure 5.1: File Send from A to B


Figure 5.2: File Send


Send file

Select a file to send in LOCAL panel

Select a connection to send in CONNECTIONS panel
Push SEND button at toolbar
File send will start and new session added in Sessions panel


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