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Homework 1

The table shows details of underground railway system from 19 century to 20

century in six major cities, comprising on date opened,subway length and
passenger per year.
Overall, London has the oldest system on the table, it was opened on 1863.as
for the youngest one its hold by Los Angels track, it just built 15 years ago on 2001.
In other hand, Tokyo subway is the busiest which is serves 1927 millions passengers
each year and the opposite is Kyoto subway, just serve 45 millions passengers each
year. London also has the longest route, it has 394 KM long, by contrast Kyoto has
the shortest route, just 11 KM.
It seems there is no pattern on that table, there is no linear relation between
categories. As London has 394 KM, the longest one route as twice of Tokyo route,
but London only serve 775 millions passengers each year that 100% less than
passenger Tokyos system served each year.

Homework 2
The three pie charts compare the percentages of school spending on five
services categories in UK for three years, 1981,1991 and 2001.
In general, on thats period the greatest school spend was in teachers
salaries by 45% on average. The insurance service was the only one service that
has increasing trend with 2%in 1981 than crawling up to 3% and continued to grow
to peak with 8% in 2001. In the other hand, other workeers salary show declining
ternd from 28% to half of that in 2001. The other two services, including of resource
of book and furniture, are indicating fluctuating pattern in this period. In 1981 both
of them have 15% of total school spend. In next decades resource service overtake
furniture by groeing up to 20% and furniture falling to 5%, but in 2001, furniture
percentage skyrocketed to 23% and resource service dived to 9%.
We can see that, UK teacher prosperity is more preferred than any services in
that pie chart.

Homework 3
The number of complaint comprising of road works, traffic noise, factories
and domestical household, made about noise to environmental health authorities in
the city of newton in sixteen years for 1980 to 1996, is presents in the line graph.
Overall, the patterns of traffic noise and domestical household were simmiliar, both
plateaud at the beginning then slowly decreased at 1986, afterwards stable for 2
years before start increasing, the difference is the traffic noise was skyrocketed but
domectical problem just crawling up, however, the gap between them was twice
more bigger in the end. In the other hand, road works had declining trend, it dived
to 50 complaints at the end from 600 complaints at beginning, decreasing

tremendously by 1200% in just sixteenyears. In the same period, number of

factories complaints was increased, and slowly crawling up in six year before
getting fairly plateau until the en5d of this period. It seems factories and roadworks
complaint had inversely proportional relation as they crossed on 1982.
Homework 4
The graph below shos the proportion of population aged 65 and over in one
century from 1940 untill projected to 2040 in three different countries includoign
Japan, Sweden and USA.
In 1940, the percentage people aged over or equal 65 years old of all
countries was no more than 10% of total population, but projection in one century
show a huge leaping. Japan percentage started from 5%, after half decade it shows
declining trend, afterward it showing gradually increased projection on late 2000
untill 3 decade and skyrocketing on 2030 to 2040. In the same period, two other
country never showing declining trends, it always increased trend in next century,
they two had same pattern from 1940 to early 2000, but Sweden overtake USA
around 2003, it increasing and USA still plateaud, the both of them still had steadily
increasing trend.
In 2040, all country are projected having more than 20% old people in their
population, it aldo say in that three country the amount of natal each year is so
small or negative.

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