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nutrient water pollution causes an overgrowth of algae and microscopic plants, while toxic

pollutants in water can put plants under stress or even kill them. Whether the pollution has a
positive or negative effect on plant life, it upsets the balance of the ecosystem, often with
devastating effects.

Nutrient pollution often occurs because of many human activities, including runoff from
farmland. Rain dissolves phosphorous and nitrogen from fertilizers applied to crops and animal
waste. The increase in nutrients leads to a potential algae bloom that causes dead spots in the
water due to oxygen depletion.

Acid rain is another form of water pollution affecting plant life. Acid rain occurs when water in
the atmosphere dissolves chemicals, including sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, formed by
volcanoes and automobile engines. As the precipitation falls to the ground, it pollutes water
supplies. It lowers the pH of the water and ultimately the soil, inhibiting the growth of some
plants and killing others.

Phytotoxicity occurs when toxins build up in the environment and the plant's root system absorbs
them. Chemicals accumulate in water systems and the environment with a cumulative effect.
Mercury, which also affects fish and animals, has a toxic effect on plants. Seed fail to grow while
mature plants begin to wither and die due to phytotoxicity.

Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies (e.g. lakes, rivers, oceans, aquifers and
groundwater). This form of environmental degradation occurs when pollutants are directly or
indirectly discharged into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful

Water pollution largely occurs due to sewage flow into rivers, dumps into sea and also
contamination of land and water due to toxic chemicals. But of all of them, it seems the main
cause of water pollution is sewage eflux into rivers.

Rivers are the means by which most of the water is supplied for drinking in all parts of the world.
Other sources like wells, bores, ponds, lakes etc. come in the second place and less reliable.

The river water is used for domestic purposes, agriculture, industrial usage.

But interestingly this river water is the prime source of water pollution.

Due to flux of industrial waste, rise in the automobiles oil usage and growth in population, the
rivers are subjected to great deal of pollution.

Pollution of river waters can lead to hazardous risks to humans, animals and also plants.

Since rivers flow through multiple countries or states, polluting the river water at one place can
affect the people on the next places of flow.

Also the river pollution leads to accumulation of large amounts of waste in the Seas and oceans.
This greatly endangers life of marine animals.

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