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Plan Title: All Stars Line Up

Name: Emerald Contreras

ID# A04034022

Behavior Contingency Plan

Undesirable Behavior Targeted:
During transitions, students are pushing and shoving, are not in their correct line order; theyre disrupting other classes by
talking too loudly, and are not listening to the teachers directions. This shortens class time by lengthening the time it takes to
transition, in turn minimizing students full potential time to learn.
Desirable (expected) Behavior Targeted:
During transitions, the students will line up in the correct order to leave the classroom. The students will then make sure that
their voice are off, their hands are too themselves, theyre facing forward, and following the line.

Types of positive reinforcements Behavior Reinforced when & how?

1. Immediate R+
While transitioning, the students exhibiting desirable behavior will be given a star to put on their lanyard, which will then
be transferred at the end of the day to their All Stars Line Up board.
Intermediate R+
Progress will be shown on the All Stars Line Up board by the number of stars on the right hand side. Depending on how
many stars they have, they can earn a planet.
Overall R+ - Novel Interactive Learning Activity for whole class when goal is met
Once all of the possible stars/planets have been earned, we will have an activity designed to give students a hands on
learning experience by learning about the different planets and creating a replica of their favorite one out of paper Mache.
4. Explain how you will quickly & easily administer all R+ without interrupting teaching.
While walking in transition, the teacher will silently give students stars to put on their lanyard. This can also be done once
the students reach their transition location.
Interactive Learning Activity
TEKS 3.8D: The student knows there are recognizable patterns in the natural world and among objects in the sky. The student
is expected to: identify the planets in Earths Solar System and their position in relation to the sun.
Once the All Stars Line Up Board is completely filled, the students will blast through space learning key facts about each
of the planets. When the students demonstrate that they have a general understanding about the order of the plants from the sun,
and some of their key features, the students will be able to make a replica of the planet they find most fascinating out of paper
Explain HOW you will Teach the Desired Behaviors:
The teacher will first hold a discussion over what good behavior in the hall looks like. The teacher will then model and explain
what that behavior looks like. This includes voices off, hands to themselves, and facing forward. The teacher will also
explain the importance of good behavior in the hallway. Next, the students will role play what good behavior during
transitions looks like. The students will then be given a two-day trial period consisting of 14 opportunities to practice
before All Stars Line Up begins.
Explain HOW you will Teach the Plan:
After the instructor teaches the students what the expected behavior looks like, the All Stars Line Up board will be shown to
them. Then the teacher will explain to the students that when they display the proper behaviors in the hallway, they will earn a
star for their lanyard to then be placed on the board. Every time the class hits a specific milestone represented by a line on the
board, they will earn a planet to show how far theyve come and how close they are to their prize. The overall goal will be met
when there are enough stars to reach the top off the board, and all of the planets have been earned.
Possible Options (secondary level) Desirable behavior: Seated and ready to learn BEFORE the bell rings
Necessary Items: Star Stickers, Planet Stickers, Lanyards, Paper Mache, Glue, News Paper, Water

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