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Drying & Packaging


FFPs Frequently Faced Problems

Extending the shelf life of mushrooms is important for
mushrooms, regardless of the species, can only be stored
for a few weeks before they diminish greatly in quality.
Many mushrooms may mold if they are not dried
shortly after harvest. Mushroom also tends to mold if
they get damp after they are dried.
Some types of mushrooms do not dry well, with an
extreme example being those in the Coprinus genus
which tend to turn into a pool of black goop instead of

General Recommendations: RH to be maintained

For drying, the recommended conditions are 0C and a
relative humidity below 30% RH. These conditions cannot be met without desiccant dehumidification. Similar
conditions are required during packaging.

The easiest way to dry the fungi is to place them on a wire screen with air available to all sides. Never dry
them in an oven or use hot air dryers. The heat leaches the chemical constituents and reduces their quality.
Using a frost free (dehumidifying) refrigerator works but it is time consuming. Freezing the mushrooms after
they are dry is another common method for preventing long-term storage problems due to insect damage.
Using desiccant to cool dry mushrooms is overall, the best drying technique.

Mushrooms like Shitake (Japan) , Porchini (Italy), Stone mushroom/ Steinpilz (Germany), etc., form the staple food
of the inhabitants. Truffles and matsutake are more expensive variations of the humble mushroom. In China,
mushrooms are used for curing ailments like cold, flue, sinus, headache, measles, worms, constipation,
hemorrhoids, gout, liver disorders, nutritional deficiencies, poor circulation, and sexual dysfunction.
Now a days Western World has also taken a closer look at the mushroom as being useful for lowering cholesterol,
treating high blood pressure, cancer, heart disease, AIDS, herpes, and other viral infections.
Research has shown that shiitake mushrooms contain an amino acid called eritadenine, which is noted for lowering
cholesterol. Findings indicated that adding shiitake to ones diet helped lower blood cholesterol levels by almost 50
percent, especially in cases where high-cholesterol foods were eaten simultaneously with the mushroom.

Shiitake mushrooms are cultivated on small diameter hardwood logs that have been cut from decay-free live trees.
It is necessary to monitor the moisture level of logs during production.
Mushrooms not only have to be stored in cool dry places but also need humidity control during drying, packaging
and storage. Bry-Air's recommendation is to install a Bry-Air desiccant dehumidifier as they are capable of
maintaining dew point as low as -60 C regardless of ambient conditions. Bry-Air Dehumidifiers help to maintain
optimum required humidity conditions which prevent deterioration due to loss in quality.
Ideally, a dehumidifying system in conjunction with air-conditioning system should be installed to provide optimum
condition for safe storage and to avoid spoilage. It has been found that drying has increased the shelf life of the
Mushrooms by at least 6 months.
Created on: 31st August 2010

Modified on: 31st August 2010

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