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Medieval 2 TW traits (for cheating, either blatant or simply to remove silly tra

its such as 'ignorance' on an 'intelligent' character) Part 1:

Generals' Traits
-GoodCommander 5 +5 Command
-BadCommander 4 -5 Command
-GoodAttakcer 5 +5 Command when attacking
-BadAttacker 4 -4 Command when attacking
-GoodDefender 5 +5 Command when defending
-BadDefender 4 -4 Command when defending
-Drink 6 -5 Command, -5 Authority, TaxCollection -10
-Feck 4 -4 Chivalry, -6 Piety, -2 Loyalty, -2 Authority, Troop Morale +4
-Ar se 4 -3 Command, -5 Authority
-Girls 5 -2 Chivalry, LocalPopularity -3
-Sobriety 3 +1 Command, -2 TroopMorale, Personal Security +2, LocalPopularity -2
-GoodAmbusher 4 +4 Command When Ambushing
-BadAmbusher 3 -3 Command when ambushing
-Disciplinarian 3 +1 Command, +1 Authority, -2 Troop Morale, +4 MovementPoints,
+1 Law
-BadDisciplanarian 3 -1 Command, -1 Authority, +3 Troop Morale, -4 Movement Poin
ts, -1 Law
-GoodSiegeAttacker 4 +4 Command when assaulting settlement
-BadSiegeAttacker 3 -3 Command when assaulting settlement
-GoodSeigeDefender 4 +4 Command when defender from beseigers
-BadSeigeDefender 3 -3 Command when defending from besiegers
-Brave 5 +2 Authority, +2 Troop MOrale
-Coward 4 -4 Troop Morale
-Slothful 4 -2 Authority, -4 Movement Points, -15 Tax Collection
-Energetic 4 +2 Authority, MovementPoints +5
-Beserker 3 -4 Chivalry, Troop Morale +3, Attack +3
-Xenophobia 3 +3 Public Security
-Xenophilia 3 -3 PublicSecurity
-PublicAtheism 4 -8 Piety, +8 Unrest
-PublicFaith 3 +4 Piety
-GoodAdministrator 3 +3 Law, +10 Trading
-BadAdministrator 3 -10 Trading
-InspiringSpeaker 3 +2 Law
-BoringSpeaker 3 -2 Authority, -2 Troop Morale
-RhetoricSkill 2 +2 Authority
-StrategicSkill 3 +3 Command
-TacticalSkill 3 +4 Command When Ambushing, +3 Line of Sight
-MathematicalSkill 3 +3 Command when Beseiging, +30 seige equipment points, +15
-PoliticsSkill 3 -2 Loyalty, +2 Authority
-LogisticalSkill 3 +3 Morale, +4 MovementPoints
-RabbleRouser 4 +2 Authority, +4 LocalPopularity, +2 Unrest
-VictorVirtue 3 +3 Authority, -2 PersonalSecurity, +3 Local Popularity
-Epicurean 3 +10 Trading, -3 BribeResistance
-Stoic 3 +2 Loyalty, BribeResistance +30
-Austere 3 +2 Loyalty, +30 Bribe Resistance, +10 Tax Collection
-Aesthetic 3 -3 Command, BribeResistance -2, Squalor -2
-Ignorance 3 -2 Authority, -10 Trading, TaxCollection -10
-Gambling 4 -20 Trading, BribeResistance -4
-SpyMaster 3 -1 Chivalry, PublicSecurity +2, Training Agent Cost Reduced
-AssassinMaster 3 -3 Chivalry, +2 Personal Security, Reduces Assassin Recruitmen
t cost
-CounterSpy 3 +1 Chivalry, +1 LineofSight, +4 PublicSecurity
-AssassinCatcher 3 +2 Chivalry, +1 LineofSight, PersonalSecurity +4
-Trusting 3 -3 PersonalSecurity
-Paranoia 4 -2 Command, -2 Authority, +4 PersonalSecurity

-Liar 3 -3 Authority
-Embezzler 3 -30 Tax Collection
-DeceiverVirtue 3 -3 Loyalty, +3 authority
-Upright 3 +3 Loyalty, +30 BribeResistance, +6 Law
-Corrupt 3 -2 Loyalty, -4 BribeResistance, -30 TaxCollection, -3 Law
-Authoritarian 3 +2 Authority, +3 Unrest, +6 Law
-NonAuthoritarian 3 -2 Authority, -6 Unrest, -3 Law
-Disloyal 4 -3 Chivalry, -4 Loyalty
-Loyal 4 +3 Chivalry, +4 Loyalty
-Cuckold 4 -4 Authority
-GoodFarmer 3 +3 Farming Income
-GoodMiner 3 +3 Mining Income
-GoodEngineer 3 +2 Seige Attack, +60 Seige Build Pts
-BadEngineer 3 -3 Seige Attack
-GoodTrader 3 +30 Trade
-BadTrader 3 -30 Trade
-Just 3 +3 Chivalry, +3 Law
-Unjust 3 -3 Chivalry, +3 Unrest
-HarshJustice 3 -1 Chivalry, +3 Unrest, +6 Law
-LenientJustice 3 +1 Chivalry, -3 Law
-HarshRuler 3 -3 Chivalry, -2 PersonalSecurity, +2 Squalor, +3 Law
-KindRuler 3 +3 Chivalry, Squalor -3
-GoodBuilder 3 +15 Construction, -3 Squalor
-BadBuilder 3 -15 Costruction, +3 Squalor
-Generous 3 -5 Trading, -10 Tax Income
-Miserly 3 +5 Trade Income, +10 Tax Income, +3 Squalor
-Noctophobia 3 -3 Command at Night, +2 PersonalSecurity
-Noctophilia 3 + 3 Command at Night
-Perverted 6 -4 Piety, -2 Authority, -5 LocalPopularity
-Scout 3 +3 Line of Sight
-BattleScarred 4 +2 Authority, +8 HitPoints
-GoodInfantryGeneral 3 +3 Command when commanding Infantry
-BadInfantryGeneral 3 -3 Command when commanding Infantry
-GoodCavalryGeneral 3 +3 Command when Commanding Cavalry
-BadCavalryGeneral 3 -3 Command when Commanding Cavalry

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