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Healing 101 Lecture Notes

Session 2: September 8, 2016

Questions and Review: (15 minutes)
Review the healing process, hypnotherapy, and meditation. Answer questions and facilitate
discussion regarding thoughts and ideas concerning mind healing.
Body Healing
Acupuncture: (20 minutes)
Acupuncture has its roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine, which has been practiced for
thousands of years. It is a technique that focuses on specific energy points located on the body to
restore balance to the natural energy that flows throughout the body, called Qi. According to
TCM, disease in the body is a result of deficiencies or excesses the body creating an imbalance.
This imbalance manifests itself through illness, weakness and fatigue.
Acupuncture follows the natural meridians, or energy highways, in the body. It is important to
understand that these meridians are not linked to the circulatory system of the body, they are an
independent system.
A typical TCM visit would start with the practitioner gathering data to assess the excess or
deficiency through history, demeanor, movement, complexion, voice, pulse, temperature, tongue
examination, skin and muscle tone. Once the disharmony is located, they will look at the broader
picture to determine the underlying cause (food, sleep, stress, etc.). To facilitate healing, these
meridians are accessed and stimulated via acupuncture needles. As the Qi is balanced, healing
occurs throughout the entire body, not just the affected area.
Uses: pain, headaches, morning sickness, nausea, vomiting, hypertension, arthritis, tobacco
dependence, muscular stiffness, PMS, weight loss, etc.
Chiropractic: (20 minutes)
Chiropractic medicine has been used for over a century. The name literally means hand on
practice. Its origins focused on the normalization of the nervous system through joint
manipulation. As it has evolved, Chiropractic medicine has become focused on the relationship
of the spine and its function at the level of the nervous system. If the spine is out of alignment,
then the nervous system cannot regulate the body optimally, creating imbalance.
A typical Chiropractic visit consists of a typical medical intake form, health history, indication of
pain location, spinal examination, x-rays, reflex testing, and muscle strength testing. Once the
Chiropractor determines the status of the condition, they will use alignment (manipulation)
techniques to restore the joints to their proper position. The manipulations use controlled force,
leverage, direction and velocity. Some chiropractors use muscle facilitation techniques to restore
alignment when the manipulations are too painful for the patient.
Uses: low-back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, headaches, and extremity problems.
Yoga: (15 minutes)

In Sanskrit, Yoga means Union of the mind and body. It began over 5000 years ago in India.
Contrary to some beliefs, yoga is a spiritual tradition, not a religion. It is an individual practice,
allowing the person to move through different stages of motion, stretching and poses while
connecting the breath with the movement. Through this connection there is a balancing of the
mind, body and spirit.
There are many types of yoga to choose from.
Ashtanga Yoga: nonstop series of yoga poses, using special breathing techniques to focus
the mind and control the flow of breath.
Bikram Yoga: 26 yoga poses performed in a room above 100 degrees.
Hatha Yoga: the physical practice of yoga. Gentle movement through poses.
Iyengar Yoga: detail-oriented, slow paced. Focus is on correct alignment and positioning.
Power Yoga: athletic based to build upper body strength, flexibility and balance.
Uses and Benefits of Yoga: enhanced relaxation, lowered cholesterol levels, improved balance
and flexibility, decreased anxiety and stress, improved sleep and decreased blood pressure.
Wrap Up and Review: (5-10 minutes)

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