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William Shakespeare

Sonetul 76
De ce-mi scriu versul nempodobit,
Departe de culori i iui schimbri?
De ce, n pas cu timpul, n-am gsit
Metode noi, bizare exprimri?
De ce scriu monoton, mereu la fel,
i aceleai strai l peticesc mereu,
Parc semnez cu nume-ntreg pe el,
Cnd spun ce drumuri poart gndul meu?
Iubire dulce, scriu doar pentru tine,
Iar subiect mi-e dragostea i-att:
mbrac n haine noi vechile rime,
Fcnd continuu ce s-a mai fcut.
Cum soarele e zilnic vechi i nou,
Eu tot ce-am spus repet, ca un ecou.
Traducere de Horia Grbea

Traducere Neculai Chirica

De ce mi-e versul fr strlucire,
Mereu acelai i nemldiat ?
De ce nu prind c-o singur privire
Podoabe noi ntr-un mnunchi curat ?
De ce scriu ce-am mai scris i fantezia
n nobila ei zdrean mi-o pstrez ?
Ca numele-mi s-l spun poezia
Dezvluind origine i crez ?
Iubirea mea, n versul meu fierbinte
De tine i de dragoste ascult ;
mbrac cuvinte noi n vechi veminte
i irosesc ce-i irosit de mult.
Cum renvie soarele apus
i dragostea mea spune ce s-a spus !
Why is my verse so barren of new pride?
So far from variation or quick change?
Why with the time do I not glance aside
To new-found methods and to compounds strange?
Why write I still all one, ever the same,
And keep invention in a noted weed,
That every word doth almost tell my name,
Showing their birth and where they did proceed?
O, know, sweet love, I always write of you,
And you and love are still my argument;
So all my best is dressing old words new,
Spending again what is already spent:
For as the sun is daily new and old,
So is my love still telling what is told.

May be regarded as an answer to objections which the poet imagined as made against his Sonnets, or which
possibly had been really made by a rival, that they contained no brilliant novelties, and that their mode of
expression displayed, not versatility, but a monotonous repetition which proclaimed the author in almost every
word. The poet does not deny the charge, but replies that he is always descanting on the same old theme his
friend, and the constant affection he bears towards him.
1. So barren of new pride. -- So destitute of novel imagery, diction, &c.
2-4. These lines may allude to Shakespeare's unwillingness to adopt the mode of expression and the poetical
form employed by his rivals.

4. The new-found methods and the compounds strange may very well refer to the novel compound words
employed by Chapman to express Homeric epithets. In the Address "To the Understander" prefixed to the Shield
of Achilles (1598), Chapman defends himself against the charge of introducing new words without propriety, and
cites the example of Chaucer. Chapman's critics are like a brood of frogs from a ditch, desiring "to have the
ceaseless flowing river of our tongue turned into their frog-pool."
6. Keep invention in a noted weed. -- Express and clothe my thoughts in the same familiar dress.
7. Tell -- Q. has "fel."
11. My best is dressing old words new. -- Making but a slight difference in the expressions. The poet, no doubt,
means thus to imply the constancy of his affection.

Sonet 76
De ce este versetul meu att de arid de mndrie noi?
Pn n prezent, de la modificare sau schimbare rapid?
De ce cu timpul nu am ochire deoparte
La metode noi-au gsit i la compui ciudat?
De ce scrie nc una, tot la fel,
i ine invenie ntr-o buruian a remarcat,
C fiecare cuvnt Oare aproape spune numele meu,
Rezultate naterii lor i n cazul n care a procedat?
O, tu, dulce dragoste, ntotdeauna am scrie la tine,
i tu i iubirea sunt nc argumentul meu;
Deci, toate meu cel mai bun este pansament cuvinte vechi nou,
Cheltuielile din nou ceea ce este deja uzat:
Pentru ca soarele este nou de zi cu zi i vechi,
Deci este dragostea mea nc spune ce se spune.
Poate fi considerat ca un rspuns la obieciile pe care poetul imaginat ca voi mpotriva sonetele sale, sau care,
eventual, ar fi fost ntr-adevr fcut de un rival, pe care le con ine nu nout i strlucitoare, i c modul lor de
exprimare afiat, nu versatilitate, dar un monoton repetare care a proclamat autor n aproape fiecare cuvnt.
Poetul nu neag acuzaia, dar rspunde c el este ntotdeauna descanting pe aceea i tem vechi prieten, i
afeciunea constant a poart fa de el.
1. Deci, sterp de mndrie noi. - Deci lipsii de roman imagini, dic ie, & C.
2-4. Aceste linii pot fi fcute la refuzul lui Shakespeare a adopta modul de exprimare i forma poetic angajat de
rivalii si.

4. Noile-au gsit metode i compuii ciudate se pot referi foarte bine la cuvintele compuse noi angaja i de
Chapman pentru a exprima epitete homerice. n adresa "La Understander" prefix la scutul lui Ahile (1,598),
Chapman se apr mpotriva taxa de a introduce noi cuvinte fr decen , i citeaz exemplul Chaucer. Criticii

Chapman sunt ca o puiet de broate de la un an, dorind "s aib nencetat curge ru de limba noastr sa
transformat ntr-lor broasca-pool."
6. Pstrai invenie ntr-o buruian remarcat. - Express i mbrace gndurile mele n aceea i rochie familiar.
7. Spune - Q. are "FEL."
11. Cel mai bun mea este pansament cuvinte vechi noua. - Efectuarea dar o mic diferen n expresiile. Poetul,
fr ndoial, nseamn astfel s implice constana afeciunea lui.

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