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Social Media Glossary

A complete guide to the terminology of the Shaw Academys Social Media Marketing and Online
Reputation Management Course

Lesson One Content & Community

ATL Above the Line (Marketing). Traditional, non-digital marketing

BTL Below the Line (Marketing). Non-traditional, includes digital marketing. Experimental
marketing can also be included in BTL

UGC User Generated Content. Any content that isnt created by the owners of the website.
Typical of Social Media

Accountability Which platform your profits/revenue come from. This is one of the major
benefits of Social & Digital Marketing

Space Timer A social media user only concerned with one place and one point in time e.g.
A Facebook Check-in, FourSquare

Space Locator A social media user only concerned with one place and tagged to a certain
location e.g. Review websites like Yelp or TripAdvisor

Quick Timer - Transfer of traditional social media applications to mobile devices to increase
immediacy (e.g. posting Twitter messages or Facebook status updates)

Slow Timers Neither time or location sensitive. Transfer of traditional social media
applications to mobile devices e.g. watching a YouTube video or reading a Wikipedia entry

Vertical The market your company operates in E.g. Accommodation, Fashion Retailing.

Engagement When a user takes action with your posts/content

Lesson Two Monetizing Social Media

Conversion A user who has completed a desired action. This may be a sale, a video view, a
page view etc.

Lead A customer that has supplied you with contact information to you or a sales team can
follow up with

Content The images, video, text and other media that are posted in order to inspire a

Daniel Byrne Head of Social Media Education


Ad copy The written content on your website or contained within a post designed to
create product desire

KPI (Key Performance Indicator) A measure of performance based upon data related to the
commercial outcome of your marketing activity

A Pin The content you post in Pinterest

A Board The area you post your content on Pinterest

Lesson 3 YouTube

Curated Content - Content curation is the process of collecting, organizing and displaying
information relevant to a particular topic or area of interest.

Viral Content Content which spreads rapidly through social media that has massive levels
of engagement

Channel Were you house your content on YouTube. You only have one account but you
can have multiple channels

Public Video Anyone can see this and it can be searched for

Unlisted Video Not listed on YouTube but anyone with the link can view. This cannot be
found by searching

Private Only viewable by you and a select view. Invisible to other users on your channel

Lesson 4 Facebook

Verified pages A page that has been reviewed and is the official content of the
brand/company or person

Profile A personal Facebook account belonging to a single, individual-user

Page A Facebook account for Businesses, brands and organisations

Reach How many people actually see your content (Can be total or broken down by

Facebook Insights The In-house analytics platform for Facebook

Facebook Mentions A way for public figures/ celebrities to keep in touch with their

Call-to-Action A button designed for conversions

Daniel Byrne Head of Social Media Education


Lesson 5 Twitter

Tweet A post on Twitter made up of 140 characters or less

Retweet To forward another users tweet to your Twitter

Mention A tweet that includes another users Twitter Handle (@username)

DM/ Direct Message Private message between Twitter Users

Hashtag A word or phrase that is preceded by a # in order to group similar messages

Trend When a lot of users are talking about the same topic

Lesson 6 - LinkedIn

Connections The equivalent of Facebook Friends. There are varying degrees of connections

First Degree Connection Someone directly connected to you

Second Degree Connection A connection of a connection

Third Degree Connection Anyone beyond a second degree connection

Pulse LinkedIns News Service. Houses an array of professional topics

Groups Interest groups on LinkedIn. Range from University Alumni to Charities

Lesson 7 - Instagram

Re-gram To forward another users posts to your own Instagram

Lesson 8 Data Driven Social Media

Data Analysis The practice of reading the data generated from your Social Marketing

ARPL The revenue you generate on average for every lead you have

ARPA - The revenue you generate on average from every sale you make

PPM - The percentage of your revenue that is solely profit

A/B Testing Comparing two alternatives to see which resonates better with your userbase

Hits A request to a server for a file. This may be an image, a video, text file or a web page

Daniel Byrne Head of Social Media Education


Pages/Visit How many pages on average people view per visit

Page Impressions A request to load a single page. Similar to views

Average Visit Duration How long people spend on average on your site

Visits How many time people have come to your page (total)

Bounce Rate The percentage rate of people who visit our site and immediately leave

Unique Visitors How many people have visited your site with duplications removed

Percentage of New Visits What is the percentage of people who are visiting your site for
the first time

Lesson 9 Online Reputation Management

ORM Online Reputation Management. The process of altering your consumers perception
of your brand in the online space.

Social Listening The act of searching for what your customers are saying about your brand.
Information can be found from Blogs, Social Media, mainstream news outlets and review

Lesson 10 Strategy Development for Social Media

Strategy A plan that has been designed to bring about a desired future or reach an

Tactics The small steps needed to be taken in order to execute your strategy

S.O.S.T.A.C. Situation Analysis, Objectives, Strategy, Tactics, Actions, Control (An example
of a strategy Model)

Kill Switch The actions we take if our strategy fails

Daniel Byrne Head of Social Media Education


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