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Research notes on immigration and democracy:

1) Many swedes reject low skill jobs including myself, traditionally these jobs were performed by
2) Since there is a technological stagnation for a long time almost ten years and the west is not in
possession of android robots to perform these low skill jobs, the governments are forced to import
cheap labour otherwise society would collapse
3) Laws forbid single parenthood from artificial conception, there are no artificial wombs and fertility
rates in the west are declining, it is wrong to import foreigners to increase fertility, it is a domestic
political issue and should be handled within the EU with new progressive directives and funding of
alternative conception methods
4) Some immigrants are probably aligned with terrorist cells, this is a military issue, not political and
has nothing to do with religion, it is criminal and anti human in nature, right wing propaganda
sometimes deliberately exploit criminal encounters with police to entice ethnic polarization
5) Immigrants are victims of discrimination due to communication difficulties, ethnic populations and
business owners are not to blame for this systemic problem, forced labour quotas should be strictly
6) From an aesthetic viewpoint based on greek ideals and subjective preferences, the covering of
women in ugly robes should not be lawful, however, I find that rural populations in western countries
do not hold a significant advantage to immigrants aesthetically, so a replacement would not be
catastrophic in this regard.
7) Concerning cultural ideals it is the role of state educators to provide a broad objective curriculum
covering every nations history and mythology without inferring personal or religious values unto the
pupils. My experience with western education is mainly positive until age 12 but it is intensly deficient
in the modern world due to the internet. The only valid options are elite schooling or private tutoring by
parents or special teachers, public schools after k-12 are dysfunctional.
8) Old media should always be avoided at any cost due to corruption, new media should always be
scrutinized for right wing guerilla propaganda infiltration and dissemination since right wing parties are
banned from the public media outlets
9) political dogma is always inferior, pragmatic, objective fact based and rational approach to problem
solving is always superior
10) Fundamentalism and extremism should be criminalized including far left and far right extremism
which is anti human in nature
11) A new EU should be governed by all citizens through the use of the internet in a direct democratic
format with special advisors in every subsector of the economy, this is a decision that the people of
europe must assume command of themselves without interference by the old political model
12) It is possible that this immigration crisis is a decoy to draw attention away from domestic
corruption and failure of administrative bodies throughout the EU, including a failure of political
dogma, there should be no punishment or finger pointing for this systemic failure because it is rooted in
technological advancements in the field of mass communication and increased population awareness
13) finger pointing is forbidden, political parties across the spectrum including the military and police
are to blame for inferior performance on the immigration issue. It is possible that right wing parties
during power ascent will target opponents and make accusations against them fueled by populist
14) A right wing regime in any EU state has no place in the modern technological world, it will not
solve the issues I have illuminated in this article, restrictive immigration policy is only the beginning of
broader implementation of tyranny if NeoNazis remain in power, the people are wrong to use
disruptive communications platforms to cling to ancient doctrines, it is better to create a new paradigm
of direct democracy and abolish the inferior dogmas of the 20th century which is like riding a horsecart

instead of driving a car

continued: 15) Non adherence of the refugee convention by signatory parties automatically disqualifies
further commitment by adhering member states which at their discretion are at liberty to enact
restrictive policies according to sovereign preferences as has already been witnessed
16) Right wing arguments against immigration based on welfare depletion is invalid as large sectors of
the population will soon face unemployment due to automation of society, only permanent residence
foreigners holding citizenship should be eligible for social security until the automation procedure is
17) A criminal mind is generally a diseased mind, this approach should be adopted by the medical and
correctional community to ensure adequate care for inmates who commited offenses while influenced
by negative factors beyond their control such as elevated hormone levels, low IQ and low self
awareness or youth. Repeat offenders classified as anti social or psychopathic should receive inpatient
care at a psychiatric facility, not imprisonment. In cases where necessary this includes isolation.
18) No forced medication should be administered to a patient who is not directly hostile towards
themselves or others through physical assault, this is a confirmation of the human rights conventions
but it is not adhered to by atleast one european country.
18 b) All important medical decisions should be recorded and uploaded by video to an alternative
youtube of psychiatry intended for medical professionals to safeguard patient rights and integrity at all
times. The patient should be present during the interview when the recording takes place and no
alterations to the file may be conducted by staff.
19) It is possible that sexual abstinence or decreased sexual activity within young male criminal
populations could result in lower offense rates over time. To prevent involuntary emission several
natural life style changes should be introduced based on individual profiling but in general involves
alternative methods of climax and dietary changes.

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