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que Paper?Para a ABNT (1989) paper um pequeno artigo cientifico, elaborado
sobre determinado tema ou resultado de um projeto de pesquisa para comunicaes em
congressos e reunies cientificas, sujeitos sua aceitao por julgamento.Os
propsitos de um paper so sempre os de formar um problema, estud-lo, adequar
hipteses, cogitar dados, prover uma metodologia prpria e, finalmente concluir ou
eventualmente recomendar. O paper intrinsecamente tcnico, podendo envolver
formulas, grficos, citaes e ps de pgina, anexos, adendos e referncias. um
pequeno artigo cientifico a respeito de um tema pr-determinado. Sua elaborao
consiste na discusso divulgao de idias, fatos, situaes, mtodos, tcnicas,
processos ou resultados de pesquisas cientificas (bibliogrficas, documental,
experimental ou de campo), relacionadas a assuntos pertinentes a uma rea de
estudo.Paper no ...Um resumo de um artigo ou livro;Idias de outras pessoas,
repetidas no criticamente;Uma srie de citaes, no importa se habilmente postas
juntas;Opinio pessoal no evidenciada, no demonstrada;Cpia de trabalho de outra
pessoa sem reconhec-la, quer o trabalho seja ou no publicado, profissional ou
amador;EstruturaTtuloNome completo dos autoresResumoIntroduoReviso da
literaturaMetodologiaDesenvolvimentoResultadosDiscusso dos resultadosConcluso
AnexosBibliografiaComo se faz?Delimite o temaDefina uma perspectiva sob o qual voc
tratar o tema (sociolgico, psicolgico, filosfico, histrico, matemtico...).
Apresente os problemas que estar resolvendo e construa uma hiptese de trabalho
Indique o objetivo do seu pape e desenvolva suas idias apoiando-se em fontes
dignas de crdito. Apresente bibliografia.Na elaborao de um paper, o autor ir
desenvolver anlises e argumentaes, com objetividade e clareza, podendo
considerar, tambm, opinio de especialistas. Por sua reduzida dimenso e contedo,
o paper difere de trabalhos cientficos, como monografias, dissertaes ou teses. O
paper deve ser redigido como estrita observncia das regras da norma culta,
objetividade, preciso e coerncia. Devem ser evitadas as grias, expresses
coloquiais e que contenham juzos de valor ou adjetivos desnecessrios. Tambm
preciso evitar explicaes repetitivas ou suprfluas, ao mesmo tempo em que se deve
cuidar para que o texto no seja compacto em demasia, o que pode prejudicar a sua
compreenso. A definio do ttulo do artigo deve corresponder de forma adequada,
ao contedo desenvolvido. Para que o contedo do paper seja bem trabalhado e
fundamentado sugere-se que o mesmo tenha entre 10 e 15 pginas. Como o paper deve
ser sempre fundamentado cientificamente, deve-se utilizar no mnimo 3 autores na
pesquisa.Antes de comear a escrever o artigo, preciso que o autor primeiro rena
as informaes e conhecimentos necessrios por meio de livros, revistas, artigos e
outros documentos de valor cientifico. Em seguida deve-se organizar um esqueleto ou
roteiro bsico das idias, iniciando com a apresentao geral do assunto e dos
propsitos do artigo, seguida da indicao das partes principais do tema e suas
subdivises e, por fim, destacando os aspectos a serem enfatizados no trabalho.
Todavia, independente de ter propsitos distintos, o cientfico ou acadmico:
introduo, desenvolvimento e concluso.Quando se usa?De um modo geral, o paper
produzido para divulgar resultado de pesquisa cientificas. Entretanto, esse tipo de
trabalho tambm pode ser elaborado com os seguintes propsitos:* Discutir aspectos
de assunto ainda pouco estudados ou no estudados (inovadores)* Aprofundar
discusses sobre assuntos j estudados e que pressupem o alcance de novos
resultados;* Estudar temticas clssicas sob enfoques contemporneos;* Aprofundar
ou dar continuidade anlise dos resultados de pesquisas, a partir de novos
enfoques ou perspectivas;* Resgatar ou refutar resultados controversos ou que
caracterizaram erros em processos de pesquisa, buscando a resoluo satisfatria ou
a explicao controvrsia gerada.Tipos de paperPosition paperHoje, exige-se que o
aluno saiba ler e interpretar, e tambm questione e se posicione diante da

realidade e do que dito apresente suas prprias idias. nessa linha de

raciocnio que se situa o position paper. No se trata de um relatrio ou resumo.
uma reflexo original, o educando deixa de ser um receptor passivo e passa a ser um
sujeito critico e ativo.Position paper uma posio, do prprio autor, mas
tambm o posicionamento de outros autores sobre o assunto. Esse tipo de trabalho
exige uma reviso bibliogrfica.A estrutura do position paper a seguinte:- CapaFolha de rosto- Sumrio- Introduo: objetivo, delimitao, metodologia- Reviso
bibliogrfica: sobre o assunto- Reflexo e posicionamento: do autor sobre o assunto
- Concluso- RefernciasShort paper ou issue paperPequeno, conciso, problema
crucial, questo, tema, no significa dizer que o contedo deva ser tratado com
menor profundidade. Pelo contrrio: a delimitao do tema propicia o aprofundamento
do contedo.Estrutura do short paper:* Capa* Folha de rosto* Introduo*
Desenvolvimento* Concluso* Referncias#Ministrio da EducaoSecretaria de
Educao Profissional e TecnolgicaInstituto Federal de Educao, Cincia e
Tecnologia de RoraimaDiretoria de GraduaoCurso Superior de Tecnologia em Gesto
HospitalarPaperBoa Vista2009#Ministrio da EducaoSecretaria de Educao
Profissional e TecnolgicaInstituto Federal de Educao, Cincia e Tecnologia de
RoraimaDiretoria de GraduaoCurso Superior de Tecnologia em Gesto Hospitalar
PAPER#Boa Vista2009Exemplo de PaperPOSITION PAPERComit: Comit Econmico e Social
(ECOSOC)Tpico: Diviso do rticoPas: Reino da DinamarcaI. Posio OficialO Reino
da Dinamarca lanou-se numa expedio pelo rtico a fim de utilizar os recursos
existentes para bem econmico e posteriormente como um bem social.
Sob a Conveno das Naes Unidas sobre o Direito do Mar, os pases controlam os
recursos submarinos em uma zona de excluso econmica de 200 milhas nuticas (370
quilmetros) a partir de sua costa.Embora esteja na Europa setentrional, a
Dinamarca considera como seu territrio a Groenlndia, que se localiza a poucas
dezenas de quilmetros das ilhas rticas do Canad.Ambos os Pases, Dinamarca e
Canad tero de trabalhar juntos e encontrar uma soluo pacfica, pois a expedio
um esforo nico de cooperao, embora os dois pases tenham reivindicaes
territoriais sobrepostas.II. Questes a que uma resoluo deve responderDinamarca e
Canad lanaram, no incio de Abril, uma expedio conjunta que busca traar um
mapa do subsolo do rtico e que ajudaria a provar as suas reclamaes de soberania
sobre reas com potenciais recursos em petrleo e gs. Enquanto a escurido do
inverno se levanta sobre a vasta regio rtica canadense, helicpteros e avies
transportam cientistas e equipamentos de pesquisa ssmica dos dois pases para este
projeto. Como resolver esta questo visto que no s a Dinamarca e o Canad, mas
tambm a Rssia, os E.U.A. e a Noruega tambm reclamam pelo mesmo?!Trabalho Escrito
apresentado, para fins de avaliao na disciplina de Metodologia Cientfica,
correspondente ao 1 semestre do curso Superior de Tecnologia em Gesto Hospitalar.
##################################### ##










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Win32_BaseService class represents executable objects that are installed in a
registry database maintained by the Service Control Manager. The executable file
associated with a service can be started at boot time by a boot program or by the
system. It can also be started on-demand by the Service Control Manager. Any
service or process that is not owned by a specific user, and that provides an
interface to some functionality supported by the computer system, is a descendent
(or member) of this class.
Example: The dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) client service on a Windows
NT/Windows 2000 computer system.##DisplayName##System Drivers and
####################,###C########P####boolean##DisplayName##Service Accepts
Pause##Description##The AcceptPause property indicates whether the service can be
Values: TRUE or FALSE. A value of TRUE indicates the service can be
#######(###1########>###T########a####boolean##DisplayName##Service Accepts
Stop##Description##The AcceptStop property indicates whether the service can be
Values: TRUE or FALSE. A value of TRUE indicates the service can be

#######?###H########U###m########z####boolean##DisplayName##Interacts With
Desktop##Description##The DesktopInteract property indicates whether the service
can create or communicate with windows on the desktop.
Values: TRUE or FALSE. A value of TRUE indicates the service can create or
communicate with windows on the desktop.##DisplayName######,#######+###
Name##Description##The DisplayName property indicates the display name of the
service. This string has a maximum length of 256 characters. The name is casepreserved in the Service Control Manager. DisplayName comparisons are always caseinsensitive.
Constraints: Accepts the same value as the Name property.
Example: Atdisk.##ErrorControl#######0#######8###
#### ##
###string##DisplayName##Severity Of Startup Failure##Description##If this service
fails to start during startup, the ErrorControl property specifies the severity of
the error. The value indicates the action taken by the startup program if failure
occurs. All errors are logged by the computer system. The computer system does not
notify the user of "Ignore" errors. With "Normal" errors the user is notified. With
"Severe" errors, the system is restarted with the last-known-good configuration.
Finally, on"Critical" errors the system attempts to restart with a good
Code##Description##The ExitCode property specifies a Win32 error code defining any
problems encountered in starting or stopping the service. This property is set to
ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR (1066) when the error is unique to the service
represented by this class, and information about the error is available in the
ServiceSpecificExitCode member. The service sets this value to NO_ERROR when
running, and again upon normal termination.##PathName#######4#######+###
#######I##Q#######^##n#######{###string##DisplayName##File Path
Name##Description##The PathName property contains the fully qualified path to the
service binary file that implements the service.
#######l###t#######################uint32##DisplayName##Server Specific Exit
Code##Description##The ServiceSpecificExitCode property specifies a servicespecific error code for errors that occur while the service is either starting or
stopping. The exit codes are defined by the service represented by this class. This
value is only set when the ExitCodeproperty value is ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR,
#######5###=########J###X########e######## ######string##DisplayName##Service
Type##Description##The ServiceType property supplies the type of service provided
to calling processes.##Values###################"###/###>####Kernel Driver##File
System Driver##Adapter##Recognizer Driver##Own Process##Share Process##Interactive
########################### ##%###c########p####string##Description##The
StartMode property indicates the start mode of the Win32 base service. "Boot"
specifies a device driver started by the operating system loader. This value is
valid only for driver services. "System" specifies a device driver started by the
IoInitSystem function. This value is valid only for driver services. "Automatic"
specifies a service to be started automatically by the service control manager
during system startup. "Manual" specifies a service to be started by the service
control manager when a process calls the StartService function. "Disabled"

specifies a service that can no longer be

playName##Start Mode##StartName#######<#######+###
#################################string##DisplayName##Starting Account
Name##Description##The StartName property indicates the account name under which
the service runs. Depending on the service type, the account name may be in the
form of "DomainName\Username". The service process will be logged using one of
these two forms when it runs. If the account belongs to the built-in domain,
".\Username" can be specified. If NULL is specified, the service will be logged on
as the LocalSystem account. For kernel or system level drivers, StartName contains
the driver object name (that is, \FileSystem\Rdr or \Driver\Xns) which the input
and output (I/O) system uses to load the device driver. Additionally, if NULL is
specified, the driver runs with a default object name created by the I/O system
based on the service name.
Example: DWDOM\Admin.##State#######@#######8###
######string##DisplayName##State##Description##The State property indicates the
current state of the base service.##Values#########################%#######Stopped##Start Pending##Stop Pending##Running##Continue Pending##Pause
Id##Description##The TagId property specifies a unique tag value for this service
in the group. A value of 0 indicates that the service has not been assigned a tag.
A tag can be used for ordering service startup within a load order group by
specifying a tag order vector in the registry located at:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\GroupOrderList. Tags are only
evaluated for Kernel Driver and File System Driver start type services that have
"Boot" or "System" start modes.#k##
####### ###########+
##### ##########Z###^#################"##"###$##########!
ervice#####,########9###t##### ##|####Description##The StartService method attempts
to place the service into its startup state. It returns one of the following
integer values:
0 - The request was accepted.
1 - The request is not supported.
2 - The user did not have the necessary access.
3 - The service cannot be stopped because other services that are running are
dependent on it.
4 - The requested control code is not valid, or it is unacceptable to the service.
5 - The requested control code cannot be sent to the service because the st####


############n######P###i#########e###m###)###/###############|#########7########################### !##6!
Win32_SerialPortConfiguration class represents the default settings for data
transmission on a Win32 serial port. this may include the default configuration for
establishing a connection and error

#######V###_########l####boolean##Description##The AbortReadWriteOnError property
indicates whether read and write operations are terminated if an error occurs.
Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the driver terminates all read and write operations
with an error status if an error occurs. The driver will not accept any further
communications operations until the application acknowledges the
#############uint32##Description##The BaudRate property indicates
the baud (bits per second) rate at which the communications device operates.
Example: 9600##BinaryModeEnabled###################
######################boolean##Description##The BinaryModeEnabled property
indicates whether binary-mode data transfers are enabled for the serial port. Win32
systems only allow binary transfers through serial ports, so this value will always
be TRUE.##BitsPerByte###################
#######################uint32##Description##The BitsPerByte property indicates
the number of bits transmitted and received for each byte of data for the Win32
serial port. The number may vary with control and error correction bits, such as
parity bits.
Example: 8##ContinueXMitOnXOff###################
#######$###-########:####boolean##Description##The ContinueXMitOnXOff property
specifies whether data transmissions continue when the receiving buffer is close to
full and an XoffChar character has been sent to the transmitter.
Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, transmission continues after the input buffer has
come within XoffLim bytes of being full and the driver has transmitted the XoffChar
character to stop receiving bytes. If FALSE, transmission does not continue until
the input buffer is within XonLim bytes of being empty and the driver has
transmitted the XonChar character to resume
######################boolean##Description##The CTSOutflowControl property
determines whether the Clear To Send (CTS) is checked before transmitting data. CTS
signals that both devices on the serial connection are ready to transfer data.
Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, data transmission is suspended until CTS signal is
given.##DiscardNULLBytes##### #############
###boolean##Description##The DiscardNULLBytes property determines whether to
discard NULL bytes (characters) when they are received.
Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, NULL bytes are discarded.##DSROutflowControl#####
####################,####boolean##Description##The DSROutflowControl property
determines whether data outflow control is enabled when there is a Data Set Ready
(DSR) condition. DSR signals that the connection has been established by the
devices on the serial connection.
Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, DSR data transmission is suspended until DSR signal
is given.##DSRSensitivity####### ###########



###boolean##Description##The DSRSensitivity property specifies whether the

communications driver is sensitive to the state of the DSR signal.
Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the driver ignores any bytes received, unless the
DSR modem input line is high.##DTRFlowControlType#####

####################}##### ######string##Description##The DTRFlowControlType
property specifies the use of the data-terminal-ready (DTR) flow control after a
connection has been established. After a communication line has been established
the DTR can be left in the following states: enabled, to show that the connection
is still active; disabled, to ignore the DTR once received; or it can be used as a
data flow control
#######################uint32##Description##The EOFCharacter property specifies
the value of the character used to signal the end of data. .
Example: ^Z##ErrorReplaceCharacter#######*###########
######################uint32##Description##The ErrorReplaceCharacter property
specifies the value of the character used to replace bytes received with a parity
Example: ^C##ErrorReplacementEnabled#######.###########
######################boolean##Description##The ErrorReplacementEnabled
specifies whether bytes received with parity errors are replaced with the
ErrorReplaceCharacter value. Characters with parity errors are only replaced if
this member is TRUE and the parity is enabled.##EventCharacter#######0###########
######################uint32##Description##The EventCharacter specifies the
value of the control character that is used to signal an event, such as end of
Example: ^e##IsBusy#######4###########
######################boolean##Description##The IsBusy property determines
whether the serial port is busy.
Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the serial port is busy.##Name#######6#######)###
#######f###########n########{####string##Description##The Name property
indicates the name of the Win32 serial port.
Example: COM1##Parity#######:#######+###
################\##### ##d####string##Description##The Parity property specifies
the method of parity checking to be used. Parity is used as an error checking
technique where an extra parity bit is included with every unit of data. If even
parity is used, the parity bit is used to make the total count of bits set an even
number. The receiver can then verify the validity of the data by counting the bits
that are set. Odd parity, sets the parity bit so that the count of bits set is an
odd number. Mark parity always leaves the parity bit set to 1, while space parity
always leaves the parity bit set to 0.
Example: Even##Values#####|
######################boolean##Description##The ParityCheckEnabled property
determines whether parity checking is enabled.
Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, parity checking is
########################## ######string##Description##The RTSFlowControlType
property specifies the request-to-send (RTS) flow control. RTS is used to signal
that data is available for transmission. Uses of this member include:
Disable - RTS is ignored after the first RTS signal is received.
Enable - RTS is left on for the data transfer session.
Handshake - RTS is turned off if the transmission buffer is more than threequarters full, and RTS is turned on when the buffer is less than one-half full.
Toggle - RTS is turned on if there is any data buffered for transmission.
#######p###x###########b##### ##j####string##Description##The StopBits specifies
the number of stop bits to be used. StopBits separate each unit of data on an
asynchronous serial connection. They are also sent continuously when no data is

available for transmission.

Example: 1##Values#####z###}#######1##1.5##2##XOffCharacter#######H###########
######################uint32##Description##The XOffCharacter property specifies
the value of the XOFF character for both transmission and reception. XOFF is a
software control to stop the transmission of data (whereas RTS and CTS are hardware
controls). XON resumes the transmission.##XOffXMitThreshold#######L###########
#########################uint32##Description##The XOffXMitThreshold pate of the
service (Win32_BaseService:State) is equal to 0, 1, or 2.
6 - The service has not been started.
7 - The service did not respond to the start request in a timely fashion.
8 - Unknown failure when starting the service.
9 - The directory path to the service executable was not found.
10 - The service is already running.
11 - The database to add a new service is locked.
12 - A dependency for which this service relies on has been removed from the
13 - The service failed to find the service needed from a dependent service.
14 - The service has been disabled from the system.
15 - The service does not have the correct authentication to run on the system.
16 - This service is being removed from the system.
17 - There is no execution thread for the service.
18 - There are circular dependencies when starting the service.
19 - There is a service running under the same name.
20 - There are invalid characters in the name of the service.
21 - Invalid parameters have been passed to the service.
22 - The account, which this service is to run under is either invalid or lacks the
permissions to run the service.
23 - The service exists in the database of services available from the system.
24 - The service is currently paused in the system.
Other - For integer values other than those listed above, refer to Win32 error code

###Success##Not Supported##Access Denied##Dependent Services Running##Invalid
Service Control##Service Cannot Accept Control##Service Not Active##Service Request
Timeout##Unknown Failure##Path Not Found##Service Already Running##Service Database
Locked##Service Dependency Deleted##Service Dependency Failure##Service
Disabled##Service Logon Failed##Service Marked For Deletion##Service No
Thread##Status Circular Dependency##Status Duplicate Name##Status Invalid
Name##Status Invalid Parameter##Status Invalid Service Account##Status Service
Exists##Service Already



#####__####StopService##################### ######Description##The StopService

method places the service in the stopped state. It returns an integer value of 0 if
the service was successfully stopped, 1 if the request is not supported, and any
other number to indicate an error. It returns one of the following integer values:
0 - The request was accepted.
1 - The request is not supported.
2 - The user did not have the necessary access.
3 - The service cannot be stopped because other services that are running are
dependent on it.
4 - The requested control code is not valid, or it is unacceptable to the service.
5 - The requested control code cannot be sent to the service because the state of
the service (Win32_BaseService:State) is equal to 0, 1, or 2.
6 - The service has not been started.
7 - The service did not respond to the start request in a timely fashion.
8 - Unknown failure when starting the service.
9 - The directory path to the service executable was not found.
10 - The service is already running.
11 - The database to add a new service is locked.
12 - A dependency for which this service relies on has been removed from the
13 - The service failed to find the service needed from a dependent service.
14 - The service has been disabled from the system.
15 - The service does not have the correct authentication to run on the system.
16 - This service is being removed from the system.
17 - There is no execution thread for the service.
18 - There are circular dependencies when starting the service.
19 - There is a service running under the same name.
20 - There are invalid characters in the name of the service.
21 - Invalid parameter

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