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Welcome to RedElk.




Brothers / Sisters: I will be leaving the Publics' Eye soon. This website will be taken off the
net, no later than July, 2007. I have done as ordered by our Creator and will be closing at
"His" orders. Many things have been shared. Many have at least heard the main Message;
GET RIGHT IN / WITH THE CREATOR. It is in THIS "All things are possible". This
includes Phy. Healings, as well as All that Big Brother (Christ) has done.

Over the years many have written. ALL have been answered.....though not ALL have received
their answers. Once my mailings (snail mail) are in the mail...it is in the Postal Services hands.
On occasion some have not received. This is no fault of mine. I REPLIED. It took me 5 yrs.
to answer letters from my 1st Coast to Coast interview. Towards the end people have moved.
"No Fowarding Address". Letters returned. But I tried. If you are one setch, I DID ANSWER.
Others, especially in the "4 Corners" States AND Canada, never received. I asked the Post
Master why...and why I didn't get these back. His reply; "STOLEN!". He was quite angry as the P.
O. Officials have been "Ordered to say NOTHING of this problem". Perhaps You were one in
this category. I REPLIED. KNOW this.

I would like to express my THANKS to many Radio / Internet Radio Hosts ... and other
"Key" people. GLEN KIMBLE (who recommended me to Mr. Art Bell, of the Coast to Coast
AM Program). Mr. BELL / Mr. NORRY / Mr. PENNIT, and their STAFFS. MANY Hosts on
various Internet Programs And Magazines. Too Many to list. And to ALL who have Supported
me through Prayers and various other means ; I THANK YOU! AND THE CREATOR
ABOVE ALL....who made this all possible.

I'm not sure what my future holds....Traveling has been fortold. A book is possible...perhaps
three. THAT is all up to "HIM".
I have made a few friends, and many "enemies". As told, I am Above All, an INNER HEYOKA'....
and our orders come direct from our Creator. This means "stepping on toes". THAT is not
"liked" one bit. Still, it is "HE" we 12 face, not Man. I am not "the enemy" friends....PRIDE and
SELF are. None-The-Less, I wish All...friends and "enemies" alike, WELL.
We are all on a tiny "ship"....and without the willingness to change its course , by the Majority
of "passengers", we ARE headed for ALL I SPOKE OF. The "rocks" lay ahead.


See the vision on DVD

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Welcome to RedElk.org

Welcome! Current Events

Red Elk, a half breed Medicine/Wakian
man (spiritual teacher), belongs to three
Open to speak/teach contact:
Native American societies.
Learn more: Click HERE Redelk


Red Elk's Great Vision CLICK HERE

Did you miss Red Elk's interview on

Coast To Coast?
Get It Here: Audio Download Page

Spectrum Magazine Interviews

Article 1 | Article 2

Picture Archives
(Crystal Skull), Pyramids, Etc

Dulce Interview
(Reptilian Race)
Information on RED ELK's UFO Sighting..
Outline of UFO landing in Ellensburg, WA
CLICK HERE for more information/photos

(Seattle Chat Club Photo)

Note to all: I do not represent any Indian

nation. I represent only the Inner Heyoka
Free Hit Counter
Society. Our orders do not come from
man, but from the Creator only. In so
doing, many traditional ways are
'stepped on'. If anyone has a complaint,
go to the Creator and tell HIM. I will
continue to do what I and the others are
Red Elk

Purity / One Relation
PO Box 166
Thorp, WA 98946

Use this address to invite

Red Elk to speak. Give your Name,
address, phone number, e-mail
address and proposed dates. Please
include a self addressed stamped

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Red Elk's Great Vision on DVD

Hear and contemplate the future Red Elk saw and experienced in his Great Vision. The East and West coasts
of America subside, a huge meteor strikes the Atlantic, unimaginably great earthquakes rip apart the earth
as massive volcanic eruptions darken the skies and blacken the land. Nuclear war, drought, disease,
starvation, lawlessness and mass murder overtake the American people and the world. The Sun's activity
explodes as solar flares, heat, and radiation transform the once green and bountiful Earth into a fiery Hell. But
these tribulations pale in comparison to what soon follows as the earth's axis flips and ensuing floods and 300
mile per hour winds savagely destroy buildings, people, ecosystems and entire nations.

Red Elk believes that there is Hope and that we have time to change and prepare... But the first thing we
must change is ourselves.

Red Elk's Great Vision on DVD is in stock and we are now accepting orders.
This powerful 2 hr & 40 min DVD costs just $19.95 plus $5.00 shipping & handling.

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Austrailia, New Zealand, or Japan:

US$19.95 + US$8.65 S&H = US$28.60
Red Elk Portrait Photos by Ron Williams

For more countries or for more than one

DVD, see our Shipping & Handling page.


Or, send money order (include S&H)

in US DOLLARS payable to:
Eternal Now
PO Box 3843
Missoula, MT 59806
United States of America

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Red Elk's Great Vision on DVD

Red Elk's Great Vision DVD Jacket

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Earth Changes In Our Lifetime

By W M Knight A9 1999



In the most unequivocal terms, the legends of the New Zealand Maori recall times when
the earth was wracked by every possible form of natural disaster.

From the apparent impact of a comet to the birth of a land from the sea itself, their
records are a close match with those of other ancient cultures that recall battles among
gods, lands in torment, and heroes and heroines who paved the way for those who
survived to start afresh.

Maori prophecy also hints at such things happening again.

Legends and prophecy these things may be, but in many details they are an uncanny
match with scientific theories about the past and expectations for the immediate future.
The terminology is different, but both the Maori and modern scientific descriptions relate
to the same events, except that it is science which is the late starter and the slow
learner. Consider for example how th Century scientists were surprised to find that the
Dogon tribe of Africa knew without the aid of radio telescopes of the existence of Sirius
B (the Dog Star), and also speak of "space brothers" from that system who have visited
and taught them many things. While scientists were finally forced to accept the existence
of Sirius B when they confirmed its existence with their instruments, they still refuse to
allow that the rest of the Dogon "legend" is equally valid.

The Maori were also aware of "star brothers" long before science began looking for
evidence of intelligent life on other planets - intelligent beings who may well be the
source of the ancient and world-wide references to gods in the histories of so many
cultures, and who are in truth the "missing link" in humanity's evolution as a hominid.

New Zealand is a pearl of a country, yet it is one of the world's least-known nations.

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Situated in the South Pacific, it is basically several large islands, the two largest
uninspiringly called "The North Island" and "The South Island" by its European settlers
who have lived here in numbers for little more than a century. And as they did in so
many other countries, the predominantly British immigrants moved to banish the ethnic
language from everyday use, struck up a quick trade in natural resources by tearing
down forests and shipping them "home," and replaced the trees and the many varieties
of birds which died with their passing, with grassland farms, crops, sheep and cattle. The
birds were replaced with chickens - which certainly filled a need since the giant moa had
already been hunted to extinction.

When the British came, schools were soon established to teach the English and
Christian version of God, creation, history and life, with an amputated version of Maori
history being condescendingly given less than respectful mention from time to time. A
"Maori Parliament" was established under the guise of fostering national unity, and it
worked very well as a ploy to divert attention from what was no doubt the hidden
European agenda of the time - total take-over and control of the country. In New
Zealand, this did not succeed, because the Maori warrior of the past, who was to
become such a legendary fighter in the ranks of the Maori Battalion in later years, was
also to become a worthy and honourable adversary in the new political battlefields of the
parliamentary system. Thus, despite some notable exceptions, New Zealanders as a
whole do live in harmony together, and even when that harmony is disrupted by
arguments over past treaty commitments or current land ownership, such events are
more often than not resolved, or at least moved toward resolution, by the efforts of all
those who contribute to the process of change. This process is not always peaceful -
and we are going to find, as the Maori have known for thousands of years, that this is
the way of Nature itself.

In the century or more of decay and progress (depending on one's point of view) since
the Europeans arrived in any numbers in New Zealand, what they have not known is
that a lot of Maori lore, knowledge, history, and true science was kept from them
deliberately. And although the Maori are ostensibly one nation today, because of past
tribal differences many Maori may not be aware of this fact either.

When sailors such as Captain Cook arrived in the South Pacific to spread their diseases
and religions in the name of their country, king and god, Maoridom was already an
ancient culture, and as such, like any culture, it was in a state of ongoing evolution within
itself. Cannibalism and slavery were reputedly a way of life. The tribes were supposedly
given to warring among themselves, or to helping shipwrecked newcomers ashore, only
to make them the main course at a seaside feast.

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It might be argued that this once great culture which was partly seeded by intrepid and
learned men and women who migrated from South America in pre-Inca days, had finally
dissolved and decayed into barbarism. But was such barbarism worse than the habits of
the English who were given to using the force of the press gang to turn men into slaves
as sailors, or hunting the Aborigine of Australia by licence on Sundays? The British
certainly felt no pangs of conscience about developing a trade in shrunken heads and
stolen artefacts, and to this day films depicting past Maori culture tend to treat them as
cunning savages. But the outward appearance of savagery was never the full measure
of the Aboriginal and Maori cultures, both of which are conversely famed for their
mystical knowledge, the powers of their priests or shaman, and their ancient roots - and
both of which hide ancient secrets about science, the human body and mind, and even
about the cosmos, to this very day.

Both cultures date back to pre-history, to the very earliest times, to epochs before the
English language existed anywhere; certainly to ages long pre-dating any of the so-
called empires or super powers that we are familiar with. In reality, any nation which
uses its scientists to develop an arsenal of weapons of mass destruction which could
destroy the whole world ten times over - and vaporise men, women and children fifty
miles from the epicentre of an atomic blast in the time it takes for a dropped plate to hit
the floor - is far more savage, not to mention a thousand times more cowardly, than the
Maori ever were.

Further, when we reflect on the fact that in any civilized city right this minute killers walk
the same streets as rabbis and ministers, we should understand that if there were killers
and cannibals among the Maori, there were also peaceful and loving people among
them too, and some of them were chosen from birth to eventually attend special and
secret schools of wisdom. Part of that wisdom decreed that it would be dangerous to
reveal their sacred knowledge to those with no capacity for understanding the mysteries
of prophecy, legend, and ancient science; be they Maori or Pakeha, people are people,
and some of them care little for wisdom, preferring instead to wield power and control
through fear and force.

So the sacred knowledge became secret knowledge, and the students of these schools
of wisdom (both men and women) would become tohunga ("medicine men" by European
definition), who are the knowledgeable doctors and visionaries of ethnic cultures which
are so hypocritically decried by Christianity as practitioners of superstitious ignorance
because they call on the powers of invisible gods and speak to invisible spirits (there is
an irony there somewhere). But the tohunga and tribal leaders were wise, and this
wisdom prompted their decision to keep certain elements of Maori history, or the history
of what is translated as "The Nation," as closely guarded secrets for many generations.

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Only recently, in a book titled "Song Of Waitaha - The Histories of A Nation," has some
of this secret knowledge been revealed, starting with a prophecy that "all will seem lost
beyond recall," but the time will come when "the circle of our dreamtime takes a new
shape for a new dawn. And the people of all colours join to bind what was broken and
live in hope."

It is time to turn the pages of history, to recall global disasters of the past, to question the
current cycle of world-wide weather changes that are upon us once again, and to look to
the future that is unfolding as we breathe.

New Zealand will not escape unscathed, if prophecy proves to be correct - but it will, in
the not too distant future, become once again a participant in the next step in human

Therefore, at the dawning of the 21st Century, we may well ask ourselves, what is this
land's destiny? Will it evolve further as a nation of mixed cultures, or will it once again be
devastated by the forces of Nature; forces which have played such a part in its past, and
which legend and prophecy - backed up now by science - expect to impact not only this
one small nation in the south Pacific, but perhaps the whole planet as well.

In ancient times, New Zealand was called Aotearoa ("The Land of The Long White
Cloud"). To put it in perspective it is a very small country when seen on a map or globe
and measured against the land masses that exist elsewhere. But appearances are
deceptive, because the existence of vast oceans creates the illusion that places like
New Zealand exist in isolation, when in reality they are inextricably linked to the crust of
the world, which over the aeons has subsided beneath the oceans. The world we know
today is not the world it was in ancient days.

New Zealand then is only one of the multitude of features of the planet Terra - a planet
which is constantly undergoing its own cycles of change, growth and evolution - and it is
only one of many countries whose ethnic peoples recall times of change that affected
the whole world. Some of those changes took many ages, but there have also been
times when they were both swift and violent beyond imagining. Prophecy, legend, and
science indicate that the world is now moving into, and through, such a period of time,
and New Zealand will not escape its share of upheaval.

Science knows for certain that natural disasters are predictable, but they are far from
controllable. The best instruments cannot do more than provide data about the past, the
present and possible futures - and when people interpret that data, it invariably gets

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coloured by the opinions of those doing the interpreting. These opinions may be based
on a significant amount of knowledge and learning, but they are at best nothing more
than informed opinion.

On the other hand, there are gifted people throughout the world who for centuries have
used the finest instrument there is - the mind - to record past events, to interpret current
events, and to predict future probabilities. We call their art, prophecy. But we generally
treat it with scepticism, or derision, because we cannot understand how anyone can see
into the future. Therefore, we do not believe what we are told.

But this does not mean it is not true, or that the prophecies will not come to pass; it
means only that we do not want to hear the message.

Given the reality that the ancient and modern prophets of many cultures have been
predicting for a long time that the earth would go through a violent rebirthing around the
beginning of the 21st Century, and given that modern scientists have been saying the
same thing, in different terms, for at least half a century, it would be wise to sit up and
take notice.

It is also natural for people in authority to use their prestige or position to scoff at "wild
stories" about imminent peril or disaster, and to insist that no-one should worry about
anything so bizarre as old legends that tell of "fireballs" from the heavens, "space
brothers," volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, and tidal waves that took the lives of
whole nations of people. However, though we may scoff at legends of the past, we can
hardly argue with present statistics, which prove that storms, earthquakes and volcanic
activity have been increasing globally for a quarter of a century. El Nino has made its
mark with associated weather changes everywhere; and, out of sight and out of mind,
the Pacific Ring of Fire is also beginning to writhe like an awakening dragon; like water
coming to a boil the very oceans are heating up as underwater volcanoes begin to shake
off their slumber.

Such events have indeed happened before, which is why they are at the core of Maori
legends of the past, and prophecies about the future.

Like it or not, that future is now.

The Ring of Fire on which Aotearoa sits is a long chain of unstable earthquake-prone
and volcanically active ground which circles the Pacific Ocean. In past periods of
heightened activity, it has played its part in the creation of the land of New Zealand as it
is today; proof of that can be seen in the constant geothermal activity of the central

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North Island; the irregular but menacing rumblings and eruptions from the volcanoes that
straddle the country from one coast to the other; and even in the South Island, formed
as it is by the battle between great tectonic plates riding on molten magma within the
earth, we see evidence that New Zealand is accustomed to the fires of change.

Once upon a time, the land was not as it is now; and what it is now, it may not be for
much longer, because the tides of change are stirring around the globe, as they did in
the times of Maori legend.

Back then, the whole world was different - and again, science knows this, because it has
core samples from Antarctica which prove it was once favored by a totally different
climate. It was inhabited. And science knows that too - but it is a fairly well kept secret

So too was New Zealand, at a time when world-wide changes rippled through the skin of
the whole globe.

In those days, people lived in various places around the planet, and those who survived
what happened have recorded their experiences, and many prophecies, so the Maori
are not alone among the ancient nations of the world to have recorded past calamities
and to predict coming ones. Those predictions now have a substantial degree of
scientific verification, lending credibility to the suggestion that the world is on the brink of
some form of global disaster. To cite but one example, scientists are well aware that the
Antarctic ice shelf is slipping from its foundations, and that alone has the potential to
create a tsunami that could circle the globe, devastating New Zealand on the way, and
raising sea levels hundreds of feet. In addition, the movement of such a huge mass of
ice and water could create awesome earthquakes, which the Richter scale has no
capacity to measure.

Nevertheless, even if all the worst prophecies should come to pass, the outlook is
actually truly positive, for the same records, prophecies and visions also speak of the
establishment of a new era of widespread peace and harmony over the following

This story is about Aotearoa, how it came to be in the world of the past, what it may
experience in the present, and what role it will play in the world of the future. In some
respects it is a frightening story, but if we are prepared to listen, we will find that it is one
with a happy ending, for as the Maori elders say, "we catch the breath of Life. We speak.
And, to open the way to the deepest knowledge, we listen."

Maori prophecy says fire will explode across the heavens. It will roar like the greatest

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explosion ever heard by mankind. It will create cyclonic winds that will in turn destroy the
infrastructure of civilization as we know it.

Once again, the passing of one age and the birth of another will be recorded and
remembered as the time of legend, when "the gods" vented their wrath upon the world
as they are said to have done before. And they certainly did.

When the tumult subsides, those who emerge from their shelters, caves and retreats will
recover, as will the land. Seeds will begin to sprout. Life will pick up, and go on.

The new legends will recall the shattering of mountains, the shifting of vast land masses,
and perhaps even the fact that New Zealand slid through the ocean like a rudderless
ship before being anchored once again further south. There is indeed hidden but
obvious truth in the Maori history which recalls how the South Island was once torn
asunder by a great storm (part of it sank) and was later joined by a new "outrigger," and
then the North Island was "fished from the sea."

Legend is but metaphor for real events.

Maori records and those of races which until recently knew nothing of the Bible story of
Noah and the Ark, are all perfectly accurate about The Deluge, which was one of the
agents of global change many centuries ago. It was The Deluge which played a very
significant role in New Zealand's past. But who would believe that anything vaguely
similar might soon be upon us once again?

Education has a purpose - to fit the child into the society in which it lives, teaching
socially acceptable history, cultural manners and values, religious beliefs, and so on. But
what we learn as formal history is not the whole truth, because history is written to
perpetuate the aims, values and beliefs of a particular culture - and that is what
happened when Europeans settled in Aotearoa. New Zealand became a predominantly
British colony, bringing with it a parliamentary system of government, and teaching its
new generations of children that New Zealand was discovered by a certain Captain
Cook, a great navigator who sailed uncharted oceans with a fearless crew, followed by
the children's ancestors who made the perilous journey to New Zealand from a country
far across the sea.

At a cursory level, the Maori history is remarkably similar in that their ancestors also
came to this new land by sea, but in other ways it is vastly and profoundly different,
because what we have not known until recently is that the Maori have a far more ancient
history of their discovery of New Zealand - complete with references to experiences that

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were precipitated by The Deluge. It was not until the publication of the book "Song of
Waitaha - The Histories of A Nation," that these secrets were revealed, along with
prophecies that are now coming to pass. But once again, the European mind appears to
have dismissed the Maori stories as insignificant and unworthy of serious attention,
ignoring the fact that the revelation of these Maori secrets brings with them great
insights into events which Western science has only this century started to investigate.

It is a fact that, locked as it has been for hundreds of years into the Judeo-Christian
belief system, the Western mind has been prone to ignoring, or if possible totally
suppressing the histories, practices, beliefs, and even the languages of the cultures
which it has conquered, subjugated, and, either benignly or by force, assimilated into its
own chosen forms of governmental, religious and economic control.

Some of the Maori were wise enough to recognise these potential dangers when the
Europeans arrived, and even though real efforts were made to destroy their culture and
their history under the guise of assimilation, certain elders who were the custodians of
knowledge which predates European history by tens of thousands of years, chose to
preserve their records in the utmost secrecy.

Little did the pakeha know that Maori spirituality at its most sacred, most secret core,
espoused views and knowledge about creation, God, love, and the powers of the mind
which rivalled and surpassed anything the Europeans brought to their shores. In fact,
what they brought was a religion and a cultural ethic which viewed people of color as
heathens awaiting redemption through allegiance to a dogmatic creed that demanded
that the "natives" give up their own beliefs, even their own language, in favour of the
new religion of the immigrants. Perhaps, given that cannibalism, head shrinking, and
slavery for prisoners of war were part of the Maori culture at the time, this was an
improvement of some sort. But we have not paused to wonder at the fact that not
everyone was a cannibal, nor were all Maoris "primitive natives." Behind the scenes of
their culture, just as there exists behind the scenes of today's societies, there were great
men and women whose knowledge, love and teachings were as wise and sacred as
anything ever known on earth. So why would they expose themselves to a group of
foreigners whose only interests were power, domination, control and commerce?

To be educated in the pakeha schools of New Zealand around the 1950s was to learn
little about Maori history other than that "they were cannibals; they used stone tools;
they came here in primitive canoes from Hawaii or India or somewhere - they don't even
know themselves. They couldn't speak English until we taught them. They're great
bulldozer drivers. Good shearers. Terrific soldiers. Bad drinkers. Rotten students,
especially at math.... But some of my best friends are Maoris. And a lot have become

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So much for European attitudes of the 50s. Imagine then what it must have been like to
be a Maori when the first Europeans arrived, especially a Maori elder, well educated in
the ancient knowledge of his or her people, and knowing because of that that history
was in a sense repeating itself. New settlers were once again coming from lands far
across the sea - as the Maori and Maoriori had done before them - and once again, the
land would enter a period of time in which the clash of cultures and beliefs would result
in turmoil and bloodshed, misunderstanding and argument, distrust and hate. Such an
elder would also know full well that while the ancient traditions were based on peace,
love, respect and responsibility as the attributes of human nature which must be
cultivated to ensure harmony within a society, and by extension, harmony with the life
force of the land, there are times when the minds of men choose the tides of conquest
and the illusions of power. It is best, then, to love the new neighbour (if you have the
ability to do so - and such elders do indeed), and treat him as a guest. But do not open
every room for his appraisal, and never reveal the storehouse where the most sacred
artefacts are housed. It is well to let such people believe they have had the last word. It
is well to be silent. And the elders of the Nation have kept their secrets well, knowing in
their wisdom that a time would come when the new nation of people would need to be
told some of that sacred/secret wisdom.

At last, the tide is on the turn. Anger and violence are coming to their natural conclusion
- the world is replaying a drama which has been played many times before: one
civilization is on the brink of disaster, and another stands ready to take its place. It is in
such times that the land itself is subject to upheaval on a massive scale, as if
symbiotically mirroring the attitudes of its human occupants, and then, when the tide
finally changes, peace returns.

The Maori leaders, the chiefs and elders of ethnic groups throughout the world, know
these things. They know too (often from hard experience, for many an honest tribal
doctor, priest or prophet has been killed by the ignorant) that there is wisdom in silence.

But now, the silence has been broken.

And what these elders have to say has implications for the whole planet.


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Posted By: Grayeagle

Greetings, there was the cycle of the mineral, the rock. There was the cycle of the plant.
And now we are in the cycle of the animal coming to the end of that and beginning the
cycle of the human being. When we get into the cycle of the human being, the highest
and greatest powers that we have will be released to us.

At the beginning of this cycle of time, long ago, the Great Spirit made an appearance
and gathered the peoples of this earth together, and said to the human beings, "I'm
going to send you to four directions, and over time I'm going to change you to four
colors, but I'm going to give you some teachings, and you will call these the Original
Teachings; when you come back together with each other, you will share these so that
you can live and have peace on earth, and a great civilization will come about. During
the cycle of time, I'm going to give each of you two stone tablets. When I give you those
stone tablets, don't cast them upon the ground. If any of the sisters and brothers cast
their tablets on the ground, not only will human beings have a hard time, but almost the
earth itself will die."

And so He gave each of us a responsibility, and we call that the Guardianship. To the
Indian people, the red people, He gave the Guardianship of the Earth. We were to learn
during this cycle of time the teachings of the earth, the plants that grow from the earth,
the foods that you can eat, and the herbs that heal so that, when we came back together
with the other sisters and brothers, we could share this knowledge with them. Something
good was to happen on the earth.

To the South He gave the yellow race of people the Guardianship of the Wind. They
were to learn about the sky and breathing and how to take that within ourselves for
spiritual advancement. They were to share that with us at this time.

To the West He gave the black race of people the Guardianship of the Water. They were
to learn the teachings of the water, which is the chief of the elements, being the most
humble and the most powerful. The elders have told me that the black people would
bring the teachings of the water.

To the North He gave the white race of people the Guardianship of the Fire. If you look
at the center of many of the things they do, you will find the fire. They say a light bulb is
the white man's fire. If you look at the center of a car you will find a spark. If you look at
the center of the airplane and the train you will find the fire. The fire consumes, and also
moves. This is why it was the white sisters and brothers who began to move upon the
face of the earth and reunite us as a human family.

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And so a long time passed, and the Great Spirit gave each of the four races two stone
tablets. Ours are kept at the Hopi Reservation in Arizona at Four Corners Area on Third
Mesa. I talked to people from the black race, and their stone tablets are at the foot of
Mount Kenya. They are kept by the Kukuyu Tribe. I was at an Indian spiritual gathering
about 15 years ago. A medicine man from South Dakota put a beaded medicine wheel
in the middle of the gathering. It had the four colors from the four directions; he asked
the people, "Where is this from?" They said, "Probably Montana, or South Dakota,
maybe Saskatchewan." He said, "This is from Kenya." It was beaded just like ours, with
the same colors.

The stone tablets of the yellow race of people are kept by the Tibetans. If you went
straight through the Hopi Reservation to the other side of the world, you would come out
in Tibet. The Tibetan word for sun is the Hopi word for moon, and the Hopi word for sun
is the Tibetan word for moon.

The guardians of the traditions of the people of Europe are the Swiss. In Switzerland,
they still have a day when each family brings out its mask. They still know the colors of
the families, and they still know the symbols, some of them. Each of these four peoples
happen to live in the mountains.

Each of the four races went to their directions and learned their teachings. It was in
Newsweek not long ago that eight out of ten foods that people eat on the earth are
developed here in the western hemisphere because that was our Guardianship -- to
learn the teachings of the earth and the things that grow from the earth. We were given
a sacred handshake to show, when we came back together as sisters and brothers, that
we still remembered the teachings.

It was indicated on the stone tablets that the Hopis had that the first sisters and brothers
who would come back to them would come as turtles across the land. They would be
human beings, but they would come as turtles. So when the time came close, the Hopis
were at a special village to welcome the turtles that would come across the land. They
got up in the morning and looked out at the sunrise. They looked out across the desert,
and they saw the Spanish conquistadores coming, covered in armor, like turtles across
the land. So this was them. So they went out to the Spanish man, and they extended
their hand, hoping for the handshake. But into the hand the Spanish man dropped a
trinket. And so word spread throughout North America that there was going to be a hard
time, that maybe some of the brothers and sisters had forgotten the sacredness of all
things and all the human beings were going to suffer for this on the earth.

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So tribes began to send people to the mountains to have visions to try to figure out how
they could survive. At that time there were 100,000 cities in the Mississippi Valley alone,
called the mound civilization: cities built on great mounds. Those mounds are still there.
They began to try to learn to live off the land because they knew a hard time was going
to come. They began to send people to have visions to see how we could survive this
time. They were told in the prophecies that we should try to remind all the people that
would come here of the sacredness of all things. If we could do that, then there would be
peace on earth. But if we did not do that, if we had not come together as a human
family, the Great Spirit would grab the earth with His hand and shake it.

The elders on the west coast prophesied that they would then begin to build a black
ribbon. And on this black ribbon there would move a bug. And when you begin to see
this bug moving on the land, that was the sign for the First Shaking of the Earth. The
First Shaking of the Earth would be so violent that this bug would be shaken off the earth
into the air and it would begin to move and fly in the air. And by the end of this shaking
this bug will be in the air around the world. Behind it would be a trail of dirt and
eventually the whole sky of the entire earth would become dirty from these trails of dirt,
and this would cause many diseases that would get more and more complicated. So the
bug moving on the land, of course it's easy to see now. In 1908 the Model-T Ford was
mass produced for the first time. So the elders knew the First Shaking of the Earth was
about to come about -- that was the First World War.

In the First World War the airplane came into wide usage for the first time. That was that
bug moving into the sky. And so they knew something very important would happen.
There would be an attempt to make peace on earth on the west coast of this land, and
so the elders began to watch for this. They began to hear that there was going to be a
League of Nations in San Francisco, so the elders gathered in Arizona around 19 or so,
and they wrote a letter to Woodrow Wilson. They asked if the Indian people could be
included in the League of Nations.

The United States Supreme Court had held that a reservation is a separate and semi-
sovereign nation, not a part of the United States but protected by it. This became a
concern because people didn't want the reservations to become more and more
separate. They didn't want them to be considered nations. So they did not write back,
and the Native people were left out of the League of Nations so that circle was
incomplete. In the League of Nations circle there was a southern door, the yellow
people; there was a western door, the black people; there was a northern door, the white
people; but the eastern door was not attended. The elders knew that peace would not
come on the earth until the circle of humanity is complete, until all the four colors sat in
the circle and shared their teachings, then peace would come on earth.

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So they knew things would happen. Things would speed up a little it. There would be a
cobweb built around the earth, and people would talk across this cobweb. When this
talking cobweb, the telephone, was built around the earth, a sign of life would appear in
the east, but it would tilt and bring death (the swastika of the Nazis). It would come with
the sun. But the sun itself would rise one day, not in the east but in the west (the rising
sun of the Japanese Empire). So the elders said when you see the sun rising in the east,
and you see the sign of life reversed and tilted in the east, you know that the Great
Death is to come upon the earth, and now the Great Spirit will grab the earth again in
His hand and shake it, and this shaking will be worse than the first. So the sign of life
reversed and tilted, we call that the Swastika, and the rising sun in the east was the
Rising Sun of Japan. These two symbols are carved in stone in Arizona. When the
elders saw these two flags, they knew that these were the signs that the earth was to be
shaken again ....

The worse misuse of the Guardianship of the fire is called the gourd of ashes. They said
the gourd of ashes will fall from the air. It will make the people like blades of grass in the
prairie fire, and things will not grow for many seasons. The atomic bomb, the gourd of
ashes, it was the best-kept secret in the history of the US. The elders wanted to speak
about it in 19.

They would have spoken of it and foretold its coming if they could have entered into the
League of Nations. The elders tried to contact President Roosevelt to ask him not to use
the gourd of ashes because it would have a great effect on the earth and eventually
cause even greater destruction and a the Third Shaking of the Earth, the Third World

So they knew after the Second Shaking of the Earth when they saw the gourd of ashes
fall from the sky, there would be an attempt to make peace on the other side of this land.
And because the peace attempt on the west coast had failed, they would build a special
house on the east coast of this Turtle Island, and all the nations and peoples of the earth
would come to this house, and it would be called the House of Mica, and it would shine
like the mica on the desert shines. So the elders began to see they were building the
United Nations made out of glass that reflects like the mica on the desert so they knew
this was the House of Mica, and all the peoples of the earth should go to it. So they met
and talked about this. They said that in the 19's they had written and they had not been
responded to, so they said this time we'd better go to the front door of the House of Mica
because things might get a lot worse.

So elders representing a number of tribes drove to New York City. When the United

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Nations opened, they went to the front door of the house of Mica and they said these
words, 'We represent the indigenous people of North America, and we wish to address
the nations of the Earth. We're going to give you four days to consider whether or not we
will be allowed to speak.'

They retreated to one of the Six Nations Reserves in New York State. Four days later
they came back, and I believe the nations of the earth heard that the Indians had come
to the door. And they voted to let the Indians in. They wanted to hear what they had to
say. But the United States is one of five nations of the United Nations with a veto power,
and still they were concerned because this time the Native sovereignty was even
stronger. And I believe they vetoed the entrance of the Native people.

So then they knew other things would happen on the Earth. So they retreated to the Six
Nations Reserve, and they talked about this, and they said the time is really getting
close now -- 1949. They said, "We're going to divide the United States into four sections,
and each year we're going to have a gathering. We're going to call these the White
Roots of Peace Gatherings." They began to have these around 1950. And they
authorized certain people to speak in English for the first time about these prophecies.

One that I used to listen to many times, over and over, was Thomas Banyaca. He was
authorized to speak in English about what was on the stone tablets, and he has
dedicated his life to doing this. And they began to tell us at these gatherings, "You're
going to see a time in your lifetime when the human beings are going to find the
blueprint that makes us." They call that now DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid. They said,
"They're going to cut this blueprint." They call that now genetic splicing. And they said,
"They're going to make new animals upon the earth, and they're going to think these are
going to help us. And it's going to seem like they do help us. But maybe the
grandchildren and great-grandchildren are going to suffer." The elders said long ago,
"They will release these things, and they will use them." This is going to be released not
too long from now. They are making new animals. The elders talked about this. They
said, "You will see new animals, and even the old animals will come back, animals that
people thought had disappeared. They will find them here and there. They'll begin to

They said, "You're going to see a time when the eagle will fly its highest in the night, and
it will land upon the moon. And at that time, many of the Native people will be sleeping,"
which symbolically means they have lost their teachings. We're at that time now. The
Eagle has landed on the moon, 1969. When that spaceship landed, they sent back the
message, "The Eagle has landed." Traditionally, Native people from clear up in the Inuit
region have shared with us this prophecy, clear down to the Quechuas in South

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At this time you're going to see that things will speed up, that people on the earth will
move faster and faster. Grandchildren will not have time for grandparents. Parents will
not have time for children. It will seem like time is going faster and faster. The elders
advised us that, as things speed up, you yourself should slow down. The faster things
go, the slower you go. Because there's going to come a time when the earth is going to
be shaken a third time. The Great Spirit has shaken the earth two times: the First and
Second World Wars to remind us that we are a human family, to remind us that we
should have greeted each other as brothers and sisters. We had a chance after each
shaking to come together in a circle that would have brought peace on earth, but we
missed that.

Tonight they were talking on the news about the sign for the Third Shaking of the Earth.
They said they're going to build what the elders called the house in the sky. In the 1950's
they talked about this: they will build a house and throw it in the sky. When you see
people living in the sky on a permanent basis, you will know the Great Spirit is about to
grab the earth, this time not with one hand, but with both hands. When this house is in
the sky, the Great Spirit is going to shake the Earth a third time, and whoever dropped
that gourd of ashes, upon them it is going to drop. They say at that time there will be
villages in this land so great that when you stand in the villages you will not be able to
see out, and in the prophecies these are called villages of stone, or prairies of stone.
And they said the stone will grow up from the ground, and you will not be able to see
beyond the village.

At the center of each and every one of these villages will be Native people, and they will
walk as hollow shells upon a prairie of stone. They said hollow shells, which means they
will have lost any of their traditional understandings; they will be empty within. They said
that, after the Eagle lands on the moon, some of these people will begin to leave these
prairies of stone and come home and take up some of the old ways and begin to make
themselves reborn, because it's a new day. But many will not. And they said there's
going to come a time when in the morning the sun is going to rise, and this village of
stone will be there, and in the evening there would just be steam coming from the
ground. They will be as steam. And in the center of many of those villages of stone,
when they turn to steam, the Native people will turn to steam also because they never
woke up and left the village.

They say there's going to be the Third Shaking of the Earth. It's not going to be a good
thing to see, but we will survive it. We will survive it. And when we survive it, there's
going to be another attempt to make a circle of the human beings on the earth. And this

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time the Native people will not have to petition to join but will be invited to enter the circle
because they say the attitude toward us will have changed by then, and people will let
us into the circle, and all the four colors of the four directions will share their wisdom,
and there will be a peace on earth. This is coming close.

The prophecies are always either/or. We could have come together way back there in
1565, and we could have had a great civilization, but we didn't. Always along the path of
these prophecies, we could have come together. We still could.

If we could stop the racial and religious disharmony, we would not have to go through
this third shaking. The elders say the chance of that is pretty slim. It seems to me like it's
pretty slim, too. But they say what we can do is we can cushion it so it won't be quite as
bad. How do we do this? We do this by sharing the teaching that will reunite us, written
by Lee Brown.

Wado, walk with peace ....

What is sacred must be spoken sacred.

Creator as Chief,


>From an article entitled, "Let Goodness Take Its Place"

by Larry Merculieff - Silverstar Red Crow 1/18/05

Larry gave this speech to a meeting of Aleut Elders who had assembled to hear his
important message. Larry began his speech in the Aleut language with the saying, "The
afternoon tastes good." He continued...

"You are the second group of people that have invited me to talk on something that is
very special. I have been asked to give you some messages from the spiritual leaders of
the Hopi and [also the] Maori people from New Zealand . When I went up to Canada one
and 1/2 years ago, I went there to be with the Stony Elders. They invited me to go there.
While I was there, they said the Hopi and Maori sent the messenger to meet me. I do not
know why me , but they gave me some messages to bring back here to Alaska . They
must have known things that I do not know or can not see yet. And this is one of the

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things that I think they knew: that I was going to be invited to speak in places like this.

One thing to know before I start. The people who are here today are here for a reason. It
is no accident that you are going to be here to hear this message, and it is up to you
whether or not you want to use this message of wisdom that has been given by the Hopi
and Maori. If you do not use it, I would ask you pass it along to others.

I used to write my speeches, you know, when I left the University. They train you to write
everything down. As Commissioner, you have to write everything down for the public
record. I stopped doing that when an old man, Howard Luke, and I were exchanging
tape recordings with each other. He sent me this tape and said, "Anybody that gets up in
front of a crowd of people and has to read from a piece of paper has no business being
up there!"

So for the first time in my 43 years, today, I say "OK, the papers are going to be put
away." I will speak from the heart. There is a great deal of wisdom in speaking from the
heart instead from a paper. It was a relearning for me. I learned it very well, I think.
When I have to speak before a group, I never know what I am going to say. The only
thing I can do is clear my mind, clear my body, and pray for the messages given from
the people that I have been sent here to give the messages for. And I pray to the
Creator to help. When I came here, I also prayed for the help of the Spirit of the land;
The Spirits of your ancestors; The Spirit of the river; The Spirit of the animals; The Spirit
of the trees; and The Spirit of the wind, because each area of the world has their own
guardian. Even this group now has it's own guardians. They are here now sitting with us,
and so, I ask for their help when I talk.

The Hopi and Maori sent a messenger, her name was Beverly , to meet me when I was
up in Canada . The messages come from the Hopi, Maori and the Stony Elders, who are
part of the gre at Sioux Nation in Alberta , also from the White Bison Society. I will
explain what this is.

What the Hopi [and the] Maori wanted us to know here in Alaska and all the villages, is
that we are moving into the what they call the World of the 5th Hoop. The Navajo called
it moving into the 5th World. Maybe amongst some of the elders of the Athabascan
people there are similar things that are being said about this time. It is a message of
hope. They know of the sicknesses that made them suffer. They know of the fights that
have been going on between the organization and the villages. They know of the
struggle between villages and within regions and between regions. They know about the
alcohol abuse and accidental deaths due to alcohol, the suicides, the high blood
pressure, failing health, heart problems, all these things that our people in Alaska have

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been facing. In my years working for my people, I have traveled all over the State. And it
is pretty much the same everywhere... the kind of problems we are experiencing.

That is not what this message is about. They know about our business in the villages.
This message is a message of hope. They say that moving into this time, of the World of
the 5th Hoop, is a time when all the four sacred powers are going to be reconnected.
They are the red-white-black-yellow. They wanted me to know that, among the Hopi,
they are the keepers of the sacred stone tablets for the sacred red power - that includes
all of us. They wanted me to know that they have the sacred stone tablets in Tibet, in the
mountains, kept by the Tibetan Monks, in the same way that the Tibetans have their
sacred stone tablet with the Hopi.

There are four sacred stone tablets that were given. The sacred black color has theirs in
a small village in Africa. They cannot exchange it with the sacred white color because
they lost theirs. But the Hopi wisdom keepers say that they are soon to find this stone.
Very soon in this time. If you look at the maps where the people of Hopi live and
Tibetans live, [it] is exactly on opposite parts of the world of the Mother Earth. The Hopi
word for love is the Tibetan word for hate and the Tibetan word for love is the Hopi word
for hate. The same word, but exactly opposite meanings. They say that this is necessary
to help keep the balance of Mother Earth. And that there are keepers of this balance that
are around the world like us.

In moving into this time of the World of the 5th Hoop, it is going to be a time of great
healing. There is going to be great healing that is going to start, and the Hopi say that it
is going to start in the North. I have learned just recently that it is going to start in
Alaska .

The Hopi told me that this time of great healing is going to be shown by several signs.
One is when a hoop of a hundred eagle feathers is completed. I have met the person
from the White Bison Society in Colorado, who are the keepers of this hoop. I met the
person while I was in Anchorage. While we were having dinner, a lady came in from
Kodiak and she had an eagle feather in her hand. She said, "I know this had to go to
some special place, and I guess it is you." And [she] gave it to this guy who was sitting
there. His mouth dropped open. He could hardly speak. He said that this was the eagle
feather that was to be the axle-- the center point in this hoop of 100 eagles that was
described to him exactly by the wisdom keepers. The eagle feathers numbered 57 at
that time.

Since that time, two more [feathers] have come from Alaska . One from an all white
eagle. This white eagle had called to this man. (This is true, as I was a witness.) He was

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a white man. He calls me up and he says, "I do not know why I am calling, but this
morning I looked up in my yard and there were 13 ravens in a circle. And in the middle of
the circle was an eagle." He said he knew that was pretty weird. He had never seen
anything like it. The people in the village had never seen anything like this. This was just
about a month and a half ago. He said that he had heard the story of the hoop of the
100 eagle feathers. He said, "That night the tribal chief delivered to me the dead eagle."
That morning he saw the eagle alive, surrounded by 13 ravens, [but] that evening, it was
delivered to the camp. He did not know why. So he heard of the story and knew that, if
he asked permission properly, one of these eagle feathers was to be delivered to this
hoop. And so it was. A person who was on his way down to Colorado delivered the white
eagle feather or the feather from a white eagle. So now there were two feathers

In this time of healing, the message of hope from the Hopi [and] Maori and the Stony
Elders, I was invited to Sacred Ceremony by the Stony Elders. The youngest was 77
and the oldest was 106. No one spoke any English during the whole time I was in the
Sacred Ceremony, which lasted 3 hours. They spoke English one in the middle, and the
person who spoke said "I am speaking English for the benefit of our friends from
Alaska ." We know that your people in Alaska , in many villages, believe that they have
lost their culture, the cultural wisdom and their ways. We are praying to the Creator. We
want you to know of the message that has been given to us so that you would take it
back to Alaska .

The message that they received for us is that our cultures are not dead. All the wisdom
that has been collected in our cultures, since time immemorial, is being kept for us,
waiting for us, to awaken in our spirits. We will awaken our spirits again. When that
happens things will be revealed of the old wisdoms. Things that have been forgotten for
a long time are going to be brought back; Art- Music- Song- Dance- Storytelling-
Spiritual- Wisdom- knowledge, and the wisdom of how to work with Mother Earth, will all
be restored.

They also want us to know that among the Hopi and Maori the are people who do
nothing but pray 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, every year of their
lives. That is all they do. In rotation, they pray around the clock for other people. In this
prayer is where they have seen some of these things that are about to happen. The
healing that is going to take place, the advice that has been given to us, is "Seek not to
fight evil-- do not fight it-- let goodness take its place." So when we see bad things
happen and when we fight those bad things, what we do hurts everybody. Fighting evil
has spiritual energies that go to the ends of universe, affects everybody in the

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When I come into community, I can feel the energies that are created. We are all
affected by it. You know, sometimes you watch little kids when a stranger walks into the
room [and], all of a sudden, the child just cries. Sometimes this happens, or, they love
the stranger. What they are doing is taking their God given, Creator given, way of
talents, skills, gifts, to feel the spirit of the other person. Because everybody give out
these energies. So we have to, they say, be very careful. This is part of the wisdom
amongst the great Athabascan People and most indigenous people throughout the
world. We must take care of how we think-- how we feel.

The signs of this time of healing that is to start are: When the children bring back the
spirit to the village; when the young start speaking with the wisdom of the elders; when
the leadership energies start shifting to the feminine side; when this hoop of the 100
eagles feathers gets completed. And when the White Bison shows up. These are all the
signs of the movement from the 4th to the 5th Hoop.

Now, I know that some of this is in language that you may have not heard in your
lifetime. But I know inside, you will recognize these words to be true. Your intuition is
going to tell you what I am saying is true. The world for the last 4,000 or so years has
been stuck in the male energy side. The male energy is thinking from the brain. It is a
management from the top down. It is more aggressive. It does not use intuition or
feelings from the heart. It is a different kind of energy. It is not a bad energy. It is just
different than the female energy. Female energy is healing, nurturing, loving, caring,
touching, sharing. And that the world spiritual leaders know now that these energies
have been male and now have shifted to the female side.

The center of the top of the energy entrance to the Earth Mother is here through Alaska .
The spiritual leaders say that a host, hosts of angels, are coming through Alaska--
spreading out throughout the world for this healing to take place.

I see what is happening to our young people. I spent most of my life thinking I was a
leader, for 25 years working for my people. I realized, when I finally woke up, I was not a
leader because I was stuck in the same place with the same kind of sickness they had.

Harold Napoleon, who wrote the book, The Way of the Human Being , talks about the
Great Death. Why, people ask, are we suffering like this today? Why are our kids this
way? Why are we having this alcohol problem? It is easy to understand when you get
back in touch with your heart. Harold Napoleon talks about the time of the Great Death.
My people faced it. Eighty percent of our people were wiped out in 50 years. We still
have stories of those times. How many men can a musket ball kill? The Russians were

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betting about the Aleuts, so they lined them up back to back, shot point blank, and the
answer is 9. There is one community where the Russians went to take all the women
and girls for their sex slaves. The women and girls said, "No, this will be a violation of
our spirit!" And they all got on top of a cliff and jumped, in mass, and died. There is a
story in a village in Akutan, where it used to take a year to build meat boats from hide. It
was one of the most sophisticated kayaks in the world. It took a year to build because it
had to be dependable. They had to go out on the high seas for weeks on end. They
knew this, and the Russians knew this. The fur traders, who were greedy, went into the
village at night and destroyed all the boats. The village starved to death. There was one
old woman who survived out of 300 people.

So we have these stories. The first people who were killed among my people were the
Shaman and their apprentices. Because of their religion, or way of life of spirituality, the
Russians did not understand so they destroyed it. They thought it was a threat. Can you
imagine our people who are survivors-- we are survivors here today, having gone
through that time-- experiencing for 50 years, 8 out of 10 people dying in a horrible way?
Your loved ones? Your grandchildren? Your children? Your mother? Your wives? Your
husbands? [All] dying by horrible ways for 50 years? Year after year, seeing horrible
death? And being subjected to all this? The American doctors have a name for this now,
they call it Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome.

The Vietnam Vets have also experienced this syndrome. Veterans, when they came
back from Vietnam, were depressed. They took drugs. They took alcohol. They withdrew
from their relationships. They could not be close to people because it hurt too much.
They did anything to escape their feeling and what they were thinking. When they did
that, they separated from their spiritual side. When this happened, the depression
started. So they experienced this in Vietnam after 2 or 3 years.

Sometimes people had 4 trips over there. Our people experienced it for generations. Not
only did we not have the support that the Vietnam Vets had, [but] they still had their
culture intact when they came back.

Our cultures were eliminated, or attempted to be destroyed. So that the survivors, who
had survived, were without hope. Having gone through such misery and pain, the only
thing they could do to defend themselves, the only way they knew how to defend
themselves, was not to feel.

I know and I understand it. Harold Napoleon understood it. Many of you understand it.
Because as a child, like many of our people, [I] grew up in a family the abused alcohol.
And the first thing that I did as a child to defend myself was to shut off my feelings. They

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were shut off for over years. And when that happened, it is a state of constant
depression and addiction. Addictions can be cigarettes - alcohol - TV - noise; big loud
music, and even thoughts could be an addiction. Anything to take us away from feeling
right now the way we feel. We try to run away from it. That is what happening when you
see a kid walk down the street with big earphones blasting and they are not hearing
anything else because they do not want to be here. No.

The wisdom keepers say that the only place to find the power of the Creator is to be
present in this moment. If we have fears, we are projecting them into the future. Into a
future time that does not even exist. If we have guilt, we are living in the past, for the
past things we did. We are not living now. All the spiritual keepers, of all groups in the
world, be they Buddhists, be they Islamic, be it part Red Pack, be it medicine pack-- you
name it-- say [that] the only way to find the power that has been given to us from the
Creator is to be here, now. Not to escape.

So you see, this addiction that has happened from the Great Death, the survivors are
separated from their feelings. Can you imagine the kind of children they raised? It was
hard for them to love and be close to another because they were afraid. "If I became too
close and love somebody, they would be destroyed, and I would suffer the pain all over
again. So, they stayed away from that feeling. Those kids grew up and had their own
kids, and from generations to generation to generation, until today, we have the legacy
the inheritance of this spiritual sickness that was given to us a long time ago. And so the
answers from the wisdom keepers is to work at being present and that will first revive the

The spiritual keepers also say that the first step towards healing yourself, before you can
heal others or help heal others, is to love that which we may hate or who may hate me.
We may hate ourselves. We may hate an organization. We may hate the people from
outside who have interfered. We may hate somebody. The first step towards this healing
is to stop the hate and turn it into love. And it will transform everything. This spiritual
sickness that we have is going to move now. It is going to change.

There are some predictions in the sacred stone tablets among the wisdom keepers
about what is going to happen here in this World of the 5th Hoop. Not only are we going
to have this healing but the Earth Mother is going to shake in a way that it has never
shook before. It is going to move in a way it has never done before. There is going to be
a lot of fear because of this, and the wisdom keepers want me to convey that, when this
happens, we should not be afraid. Because, what is happening is that the Earth Mother
is trying to help us remove the stuff that we have stuck in our bodies, inherited from the
spiritual sickness of generations and generations out. And one of the ways that we do

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that is to scare the life out of us. This is why there is going to be time for healers.

Healers are being called from all over. Women are now taking their place as the original
healers around the world and some of the strongest original healers are starting here in
Alaska. Not only [will there be] the shift to the feminine side of leadership, but the
women are going to start taking their place as healers. I think this is an exciting time.
The Dalai Lama went down to Yakutan during the last change of the moon, with all the
spiritual leaders, to pray for this time of the shift, this time of healing. And he has
'chosen'-- and this is the words that they use, which are hard to understand-- he has
chosen to take the spiritual energies that they have been keeping in Tibet and move
them from Tibet and bring them here to Alaska. Which they did a few weeks ago. The
reason they did this is because the Chinese are wiping out the Tibetan Monks and
destroying all the temples. So the Dalai Lama moved its spiritual energy here to Alaska,
because this is the place where the healing is going to start. And this is the place where
all the Angels are coming in by hosts. This is the place where the hoop of a hundred
eagle feathers will be finished. And, interestingly enough, some of the healing ways are
being revived from all the cultures. People are being woken up.

How do we start this healing? When you are quiet within yourself and you sit next to the
river-- ask. Do not be afraid to ask. Ask the Creator. Ask whoever you feel is your higher
power, "Please help me find the way because I do not know how to heal." "Make me
your history." And when you ask that, with humility in your heart, you will get it. You will
find it. And it will be given to you, you will see this healing starting to spread like wild fire.
It is just exciting. Exciting to see. And the key to it is staying here, now.

Now, last thing I am going to say: I ran the village corporation in St. Paul for 10 years. I
was city manager for 4 years. We started from no economy out there. In 1983 the
government pulled out. That was our only economy. They pulled out and we lost 80% of
our jobs. That year we had 100 suicide attempts out of 600 people. We had 4 people
who killed themselves. We had 3 who were murdered-- things that had not happened in
our village for 150 years! The last person ever murdered in our village was over 150
years ago. And it all happened in this one year. Big shaking up. And we thought, the
leadership thought-- including me-- that, if we worked to bring the economy back so that
everybody got a good paying job, our kids would return to our village. And that it would
solve our problems. We had [a] growing alcohol problem, 60% of population [were
[ alcoholic and 1/3 of our kids have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. We had suicide attempts all
the time. I have been to 44 funerals here in 4 years-- 44 funerals! Goodness sakes.

So what we learned from this and what I want to share with you is what happened when
we got our economy [back]. We have the strongest rural economy in the State of Alaska

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right now. Our per capita income is $34,000.00-- $34,000.00 per person! That is what
was accomplished in 10 years. But did it solve our problems? No. The spiritual sickness
is still going on. The money only feeds the addiction. We have a community that is
already addicted in some way because of the spiritual sickness. We have inherited this
sickness from the time of the Great Death.

Bringing money in, in large numbers, will fuel the addictions just like gasoline to fire. It
will make it worse. Bigger. Because it is what we do with the money. Look at St. Paul.
We are buying cars. Everybody has got a car now. We bought, maybe, 300 cars in last 3
years. Everybody has got 1 or 2 TV sets-- big ones. Everybody has got 4-wheelers.
Everybody has got boats. Everybody has got nice clothes. Everybody has got nice
houses. Things. Everybody has got things. But yet they are saying, "We are not happy.
What is wrong?" What is wrong is [that] we were looking outside for feeding for a hunger
inside-- a hunger that we did not understand. And that hunger is the hunger of the spirit.

When we have addictions, it is a hunger to fill the spirit. It is like a big stomach inside
you that wants to feed all of the time. And no matter how much we feed it with these
addictions, [it] is never enough. And it just goes down and down and we get so
depressed that we feel we can not get ou t of it. At that point, you die either physically or
your die spiritually. Hopefully, many people will not have to go through that.

So, that is the message that I have brought to you. This is a message of hope and a
message of good wisdom. Remember, our cultures are not lost. The wisdom of it is
already here with us. We just do not know it yet, because we are spiritually sleeping.

Message from the Hopi Elders

We have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour Now you must go back
and tell the people that this is the Hour

And there are things to be considered.

Where are you living? What are you doing? What are your relationships? Are you in the
right relation? Where is your water? Know your garden.

It is time to speak your truth Create your community. Be good to each other. And do not
look outside yourself for the leader. This could be a good time! There is a river flowing
now very fast It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try
to hold onto the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and they will suffer
greatly. Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore,

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and push off and into the river, Keep our eyes open, and our head above the water. See
who is in there with you and Celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing
personally. Least of all ourselves. For the moment that we do, Our spiritual growth and
journey comes to a halt. The time of the lone wolf is over, Gather yourselves! Banish the
word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that you do now must be done
in a sacred manner And in celebration. "We are the ones we've been waiting for..."

The Elders, Hopi Nation, Oraibi, Arizona

10-point Hopi Checklist to consider

Ten years ago, Choquosh. a Chumash elder in California, was summoned by a

prestigious group of Hopi elders They told her they have a message for her to share.
They said, "You've been telling people the 11th hour is approaching. Tell them it is here,
and there are things to be considered."

They gave her a 10-point Hopi Checklist to consider:

1. Where do you live (not just geographically)?

2. What is it that you do?

3. How are your relationships?

4. Are you in right relation with the Earth?

5. Where is your water?

6. Know your garden (and nature around you).

7. Speak your truth; it is time now.


9. Be good to each other.

10. Don't look outside yourself for the leader.This could be a good time.

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Posted By: Darrel Whitewolf

Date: Monday, 24 May 04, 8:16 a.m.

I Darrel Whitewolf, elder of Cherokee decent, with this powerful message, hereby
challenge the elders of all native nations. I hereby petition for the immidiate release of
sacred information to all humanity concerned for the immediate future of their families
and loved ones.

At the risk of having many arrows shot in my direction, I send this message. I am an old
warrior who is no stranger to battles.

It has been brought to my attention that the elders at this time are preparing the last
ceremonies. The Hopi who have no word in their vocabulary for the future and are
preparing to go underground. The Ojibwa and the Lakota are saying that we are at the
end. They say and I quote "Go back and tell the people it is no longer the eleventh

It is said that the blue star (katchina) has arrived and the "Purifier" ( a large celestial
body) follows. It's time for the "CLEANSING" the "THIRD SHAKING". It is time to tell the
people about the arrival of the watchers

from the skies who don't look like us and the ones underground as well. I have heard
that White Buffalo Calf Woman has returned. I have been told to teach the stories of
creation and how we must become together as one. This is not enough. Chief
Lookinghorse has delivered his messages at sacred sites all over the world but it is still
unclear to non indian people just what is happening now, this very year, maybe even this
very next month.

It is perfectly clear to me but who will believe one person? It is not enough to quote
verses from the bible. It is not enough to tell the old stories. It is not enough to talk about
the animals and what it means when a certain one shows up in your life.

I think I can safely say that I speak for all readers here when I challenge you for the plain

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and simple truth about what is about to happen.

No more Bible verses from the unbalanced cross brought by the ones who stole our
land, raped our women and killed our children. The ones manipulated by the watchers.

No more old stories. No more codes. People do not want to hear this nonsense any
longer because time is too short.

I know that you know. I also know that there is still prejudice in the hearts of some of you
and you do not want non- indian people to know these things.

It is time and the time is now for you to speak clearly and decisevely in releasing the
information needed for people of all nations to prepare themselves practically, safely,
physically and spiritually.

There is talk that the Pope is giving his final blessings. He speaks of the fact that
"Wormwood" (Planet X) has arrived. There is talk that supposed astronomers are
watching something large speeding toward Earth.

There is clear and unmistakable evidence that the skies day and night have suddenly
changed dramatically. The moon has changed its orbit and appears in the west sky now
when it rises. The stars are turning around in the sky at night and moving slower. The
Earth Mother staggers like a drunk.

With great respect to the Creator, I bow to him in a humble way and ask for guidance in
these matters not for me but for my brothers and sisters, my friends and families.

With great respect for the elders I ask you to put this knowledge forth and back up your
words which say Mitakoye Oyasin. We are all your brothers and sisters. Will you leave
us behind, only knowing half truths?

Grandfather forgive me if I have offended as this message comes from my heart and the
Spirit of Crazy Horse inside me speaking. Grandfather forgive those who still hold
contempt for the white man, the black man, the red and the yellow.

We send our prayers to you with the smoke from the sacred pipe on the wings of our
brother Awahili, the Eagle.

I ask that you keep all of us here in your presense now and for ever.

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Let the truths become clear to all. Wado,Wakan Tanka, Aho

I do not hide. My e mail is clearly posted above for those who wish to respond.

That is all I have too say. Darrel Whitewolf

Paula Underwood, Iroquois: An Iroquois oral tradition told of an ET telepathic message

"We are coming" The Iroquois Elders responded "Don't come, we are not prepared' The
Star beings replied "Prepare yourselves."

Pathfinder and Silver Star, Cherokee: The galactic symbols have a dual interpretation,
as a Universal Law and as a Spiritual Law. These laws are encoded in our DNA strands.
We are responsible for the vibration we are living with, so bring in the light"" The Star
nations are making the crop circles and will land soon""All the self-destructive karma
from Atlantis and Lemuria has been healed""The Diamondback Rattlesnake
(Quetzalcoatl/Kulkulkan) says to invite him in to transmute the false DNA. Everyone can
become Christ, Quezalcoatl. Be in balance with the elemental beings of earth, air, water,
fire, ether, manna and vibration."

Grandmother Windrider, Mayan: Previous to this time, she was not allowed to speak to
white persons of the Mayan tradition kept by the women."Extreme changes are taking
place.""Karma Cleaning is over. Things are speeding up. Do not hold onto old victim
attachments." The Mayans, Toltecs and Olmecs have a tradition of contacts with E.T's.
""The Gateways are starting to get into position to allow the celestial avatars in.""Your
bodies are going through a good mutation to prepare you for the Millenium""In the
upcoming Earth Changes, some who are not ready to make the transition to the 5th
World will reincarnate elsewhere, on a planet at the more primitive evolutionary stage
that Earth has been in. Some will reincarnate to clean up the debris here, and make the
transition to the higher-consciousness world-society into which Earth is transitioning.
Some will be taken off by the Star Nations to voluntarily live with them.""Changes are
coming, with a planetoid coming close by. Raise your consciousness to miss the wave,
when it comes through.""Learn outdoors survival skills.""This society is completely sick;
it is time for the women to gather together and heal each other, then they will go to heal
the men"

Here are some reference articles / web sites:


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Transition from Fourth To Fifth World: The "Thunder Beings" Return by

Richard Boylan, Ph.D.


At the Native American Star Knowledge Conference held in South Dakota in June, 1996,
senior Oglala Sioux spiritual elder Looks-For-Buffalo (Floyd Hand) revealed that ancient
prophecies are now coming true. These prophecies, heralding immense changes for
humankind, point to the imminent return of the Star Nations, what the white man would
call extraterrestrial cultures.

The Hopi, Sioux and other tribal traditions hold that at this point in history, we are about
to transition from the current pattern of civilization to a radically-different way of living.
This change is so profound that it is called the passage from the Fourth (current) World
to the Fifth World! By "world", the native traditions refer to a slow gradual rise of the
human population to a period of widely-shared cultural and technological high
civilization. The implications of these indigenous teachings are staggering. For this
means that we humans have gone through three previous Worlds, in which our
ancestors rose to a peak of civilized living, only to crash back to a primitive level.

From halfway around the Earth comes additional corroborative information. Mac Ruka, a
Maori spiritual teacher, has toured America at the behest of his Maori people to share
their ancient history. Ruka tells of a civilization, Mu, from which the Maori came. This
civilization once reached ascendancy in the Melanesian Pacific, before it destroyed itself
and its island empire sank beneath the ocean. Fragmentary memory of this empire still
resides in the mythic history of the West as a place called Lemuria. And what of that
other high civilization, Atlantis, which the Greek philosopher Plato stated he learned
about from Egyptian historians? Were Atlantis and Lemuria the Second and Third
Worlds which the Native American oral histories refer to?

If our present "Fourth-World" high civilization is about to fall and be swept away, we
would do well to learn from the history held by these native teachers. For, as philosopher

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George Santayana has said, "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat
it." Let us examine in more detail what those master keepers of oral tradition, the Hopi,
reveal about our previous Worlds. [1]

The First World was called Tokpela ("Endless Space"). The First People understood that
although they had human parents, their real parents were the universal entities which
had created them through their parents: Father Sun and Mother Earth. Each learned that
they had two aspects: as a member of an earthly family and clan, and as a citizen of the
great universe. Gradually the First People forgot to respect their creator. They began to
use the vibratory centers of their body [chakras] only for earthly purposes. They began
to perceive differences and separation between people and animals, and between
different ethnic, linguistic and religious groups. The animals began to draw away from
people. The First People began to divide up and draw away from each other. They
became warlike and fought. The First World's fatal flaw, then, was forgetting the unifying
Oneness of all creation.

But there were a few in every group who held to the original spiritual enlightened path.
These were directed by Spirit to migrate to a special underground location. Then, the
First World was destroyed by fire: volcanoes erupting and fire raining down from the sky,
until there was nothing left but the few faithful people inside the Earth.

After a long time the world cooled off, and a Second World emerged. There was land
where water had been, and water where land had been. When the faithful remnant
emerged from underground, there was nothing to remind them of the previous wicked

They emerged into the Second World, Tokpa ("Dark Midnight"), a big land. The people
spread across the land. They communicated telepathically. But this time, the animals
stayed apart from them. As the Second World people developed material goods to
barter, they became greedy, and traded for things they didn't need and became
avaricious. They began to quarrel and fight, and wars broke out. The Second World's
fatal flaw, then, was absorption in greed and materialism.

But again, there were a few people who kept faithful to the path of spiritual awareness.
And, again, Spirit directed these people to go to a safe underground place. Then Spirit
commanded the twin entities who safeguard the Earth's North and South Poles to leave
their posts and stop keeping the Earth properly rotating. The Earth teetered off balance,
spun around crazily, and rolled over twice. Mountains plunged into seas with a great
splash; seas and lakes sloshed over the land. Then the world became cold and lifeless,
and froze into solid ice.

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Eventually, Spirit ordered the polar entities back to the ends of the Earth's axis. With a
great splintering of ice and a shudder, the Earth began rotating again. The ice melted,
and the world warmed to life.

Spirit created the Third World, Kuskurza [meaning lost over time][Mu?], arranging land
and seas, mountains and plains, and all forms of life. Then Spirit sent a message to the
few faithful people underground that it was time to emerge. These survivors multiplied
and created great cities, eventually countries, and a whole civilization. But then they
became completely occupied with their own earthly plans. They created craft shaped like
a shield that could fly, and used them to fly to big cities and attack them. Soon many
peoples and countries were engaged in aerial warfare. These Third People also
engaged in degraded sexual practices. The Third World's fatalflaw, then, was misusing
flight for aerial warfare and misusing sex for promiscuity.

So Spirit directed the few people who lived according to wisdom that they should build
vessels and store food in them. Then rainwater was loosed all over the Earth. Waves
higher than mountains rolled in upon the land. Continents broke asunder and sank
beneath the seas.

Meanwhile, Spirit directed the faithful survivors to travel first to one, then to another
island, until finally they reached the Fourth World, Tuwaqachi ("Complete World"). After
they had hopscotched across the islands to arrive in the Fourth World, those islands
sank into the sea.

That Fourth World is this present world we live in. The survivors spread across the broad
lands, and gradually began building up the high civilizations which surround us today.
Since this Fourth World is the one we have grown up in, we are aware of the behaviors
of those in it. It can accurately be said that, after an initial time of fidelity to the path of
wise consciousness, many have fallen into a low level of consciousness. In fact, it can
honestly be stated that many people of this Fourth World have fallen into the fatal flaws
of the three previous Worlds: forgetting the Oneness of all creation, sinking into greed
and materialism, and engaging in promiscuity and aerial mass warfare. But we have
added an additional serious element: mass destruction of Earth and its ecological
systems. Thus, the Fourth World's fatal flaws are: all of the previous Worlds' ones, plus
ecocide, the killing of one's own environment.

And now this Fourth World is coming to an end. Some of the signs indicating this are:
extinctions of plant and animal species; poisoning of lands by toxic materials; pollution of
the seas; and thinning of the upper atmosphere, "ozone holes", letting in excessive

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ultraviolet energy, which in turn is killing plant life, causing cancer in humans, and die-
offs of phytoplankton, the source of 90%of the oxygen necessary for life. Global warming
is destabilizing climates, and upsetting the ecosystems that plants, animals and humans
live in.

As the Fourth World careens towards its end, a major new factor is entering the
equation: a widespread series of contacts by various extraterrestrial cultures with human
individuals. What are these extraterrestrials communicating when they make contact?
They express grave concern for how we are killing our planet and therefore ourselves.
Their concern extends to the warfare we are almost continually engaged in, and the
other forms of violence going on: including people allowing whole populations to die of
starvation or disease, while affluent countries stand by. The ETs want us to take
responsibility and turn these situations around, before it is too late.

But the extraterrestrials also have come to make us aware that we are not alone; and
that our rightful place is to be participants in the larger, cosmic family of intelligent
peoples spread across the universe. But first we must eliminate our fatal flaws and
reorder our lifestyle. We must live with consciousness of our oneness with all creatures,
and with the Creative Source. We must lay aside our greed and materialism, and learn
to live more simply and without undue attachments. We must reject promiscuity, and
exercise love with consciousness of the sacredness of sexuality. We must set aside
aerial mass warfare, and begin to settle differences by diplomacy, by setting good
example, by positive peer pressure, and by empowering all peoples. We need to start
treating Earth and its ecosystems like our Mother, with respect and cherishing.

As at the end of the previous Worlds, there will be a faithful remnant of this Fourth World
who will survive, while the others perish. The Hopi Prophecies say what will happen
soon. World War III will be started in the East. Much of the United States will be
destroyed, land and people, by nuclear weapon radioactivity. The Four corners area
around the Hopi will be preserved as an oasis, to which refugees will flee. But what
about those elaborate underground shelters which FEMA [2] has been secretly
constructing for the elite to survive in during the coming Earth Changes? The Hopi
Prophecy says that underground shelters are a fallacy this time. "It is only materialistic
people who seek to make shelters. Those who are at peace in their hearts already are in
the great shelter of life."

What will the Fifth World to which we are headed be like? The Prophecy gives a brief
glimpse of what is in store. "Those who take no part in the making of world division by
ideology are ready to resume life in another World, be they of the Black, White, Red or
Yellow race. They are all one, brothers [and sisters]." As for this Fourth World, "Material

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matters will be destroyed by spiritual beings, who shall remain to create one world and
one nation under one power, that of the Creator." The Prophecy goes on to declare the
stage we are in now. "The emergence to the future Fifth World has begun. It is being
made of the humble people of little nations, tribes and racial minorities. You can read
this in the Earth itself. Plant forms from previous Worlds are beginning to spring up as
seeds. The same kind of seeds are being planted in the sky as stars. The same kind of
seeds are being planted in our hearts. All these are the same."

We are entering the time of Great Purification, as Earth prepares to transition to the Fifth
World. This is a period of Earth Changes: major earthquakes, tidal waves, many
volcanoes erupting, land subsidence, emergence of new land, climatic changes, disease
pandemics, and widespread starvation. Catastrophes of human origin are also in the
offing, including: warfare involving weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear,
rioting and looting, collapse of monetary systems, and forced migrations. As with the
previous Worlds, there will be those who want to cling to the old ways of the Fourth
World and resist the need to change. We see them all around us now. And just as surely
there will be those who seek to live in harmony with the rest of creation. Sensitive co-
existence with other life is not ecological romanticism or fuzzy metaphysics. It is
recognition of the true extent of family.

During this transition more than ever before, each of us is being called to serve the
Great Spirit, that Center of Consciousness from which everything derives its being. Each
of us has an important role during this Great Purification. We need to help find ways for
nations, races and tribes to put aside differences, and join together for the good of
everyone. We need to help plant and animal species survive. We have to bring to an
end the pollution of Earth, and return to our proper role as caretakers of Earth's
ecosystems. We need to lay aside the "success" lifestyle of greed and materialism, and
learn to adopt a lifestyle of "just enough" and "good enough". We need to move away
from the twin follies of promiscuity and puritanism, and learn to reverence sex as the
delightful yet sacred activity of appropriately joining opposites to create a higher truth.
And we need to lay aside the weapons of war, and operate with that compassion,
understanding and economic justice which make for peace.

Where ultimately is this human voyage through a succession of Worlds headed? The
Prophecy says that at the center of the universe, there is a place where all the nations
originated. It is in the Star Nations galaxy. Before we arrive there, we will transit through
nine Worlds.

Native American tradition honors the existence of Thunder Beings. These Thunder
Beings are understood by Native Americans to be messengers from the powers on high,

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the Star People (extraterrestrial visitors). The Thunder Beings are a force for both
dissolution and re-creation. In the Plains Indian tradition, a person who has a visit by a
Thunder Being, in person, in vision or in dream, becomes a heyoka, a "contrary". [4]
This heyoka then customarily soon starts behaving in a way opposite to the conventions
of the dominant culture. The heyoka does so, precisely in order to wake up society to
see that there are other and fresher ways of doing things. Thus, the heyokais the human
counterpart of the Thunder Beings, who repeatedly dissolve the existing order and
fashion a new arrangement from the pieces.

As we transition from the Fourth into the Fifth World, it occurs to me that not all
heyokasare Plains Indians. Some have yellow skin, others black, others white. These
heyokas of every color are experiencers, and have been changed by their experience of
extraterrestrial contact by messengers from the sky (Thunder Beings). As modern-day
heyokas, experiencers are charged to live as active witnesses against the ignorance and
corruption of the Fourth World, and to live as witnesses of the Fifth World which is
emerging. In doing so, modern heyokas honor the Thunder Beings, the extraterrestrials,
who have come as cosmic midwives to help us birth the Fifth World.

And there are others, too, who have not had a personal extraterrestrial encounter, but
who are actively helping humanity move towards cosmic citizenship, and helping usher
in the Fifth World society. These are heyokas as well.

In Winter, 1996, high in the Rockies west of Fort Collins, Colorado, a Star Visions
Conference was convened by Lakota-Dakota spiritual advisor Standing Elk. There
numerous speakers talked about our imminent transition from the current Fourth World
to a new Fifth World. On the evening of November 9th, Conference ceremonial
leadership switched from Native American males to the women. A Cherokee
grandmother recited Crazy Horse's prophecy about these very times, as the Old Age
(Fourth World) closes. Then, after a series of moving prayers and ritual declarations, the
grandmother elders made a startling official ceremonial declaration: the old era (Fourth
World) was ended, and the new age (Fifth World) was being born! A joyous explosion of
tumultuous celebration broke out all over the conference auditorium. After a half-hour,
the grandmother elders were finally able to call the conference back to order. The elders
then declared that this new Fifth World would have as its hallmark the attributes of
positive feminine energy. They explained that the Fourth World, which had been
hallmarked by male energy dominance, had had its time, and made its contributions.
Now that World is passing away. The grandmothers pointed out that the Fifth World
being born must not be one of separatist female dominance, but rather one of forming a
renewed society of women and men as equals. Fifth World society is shaped by the
feminine paths of cooperation, nonaggression, inclusiveness, noncompetitiveness,

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service rather than dominance, use of psychic and spiritual gifts as well as technology,
and living in conscious harmony with nature's ways.

The next morning, a major Colorado newspaper, the Rocky Mountain News, carried the
story that "a bold group at Estes Park Center [Star Vision Conference] had declared an
end to the current era and the beginning of a Fifth Dimension [World] reality." Word of
formal declaration of the birth of the Fifth World was beginning to spread out to the wider
society. This process will take time. But it is important to realize that the Fifth World has
already begun. Just as the Period of Purification which will end the Fourth World has
already begun. During this painful but exciting period of transition, each of us must stand
up and choose: status quo, or helping usher in the Fifth World.

Finally, permit me to share with you a personal Thunder Being experience, and then my
understanding of the role of heyokas in the Fifth World.

Some years ago I did a hanblechia (vision quest) in the desert near Death Valley. During
my isolation, I was presented with a image of a Thunderbird formed by the shadow of a
cloud on a snowfield atop a nearby mountain. The image remained a long time, then
finally dissipated. The skeptical part of my mind at first tried to minimize this event.
However, an hour later another identical Thunderbird image appeared on the same
snowfield, and persisted a while. I could not escape the implication for my vision quest: a
calling to the path of the heyoka. Later my encounter with Star People confirmed this
heyoka journey. Any and all of you who choose to work to bring in the Fifth World are in
my opinionheyokas. Recognize your calling in your behaviors. And then let's get down to
work in fashioning this Fifth World. The negative power of the Fourth World cannot be
annihilated. It can only be transmuted,by being confronted by the simplicity and cosmic
consciousness of the Fifth World's midwives, the heyokas, you (if you wish). We are not
alone in this task. The Thunder Beings (ETs) have come to awaken us, test us, and help
us transmute. As heyokas, our role is to confront the Fourth World's negative energies,
channel and transmute them into cooperative, spiritual, nonaggressive, inclusive,
noncompetitive, service-oriented, dominance-rejecting, psychic, highly-conscious,
natural and harmonious energies.

As we do so, and thereby evolve forward, the vibratory rate of the biological and
consciousness energy fields within us increases. I have noticed that people of like
vibratory rate can "hear" and feel each other's inner consciousness level. And here is a
miracle. A higher-vibrating person (or heyoka, if you will) is like a tuning fork, tending to
create a higher matching (sympathetic) vibration rate in others around who are
functioning at a lower (Fourth World) vibratory/consciousness level. Just like a soprano's
high note can cause a crystal glass to vibrate, heyokas can cause Fourth Worlders

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around them to tend to increase their vibratory rate. But Fourth Worlders have choices.
They can go along with the higher vibratory/consciousness rate, and transition into the
Fifth World. Or they can resist and, like the glass, "shatter", as their outlook is
increasingly dissonant with the emerging Fifth World. If they remove themselves from all
contact with Fifth World people, they may buy some little time, but in the end they will
still have to choose.

As for the heyoka midwives of the Fifth World, recognize that your role is in harmony
with your fundamental way of being, and is therefore unavoidable. Therefore, I
encourage you to operate at your highest vibration, and help usher in the Fifth World.

[In a following article, Dr. Richard Boylan will explore some of the aspects of what this
Fifth World will look and operate like, which is now being created.]

End Notes

1. Waters, F. (1963, 1977). The Book of the Hopi. Penguin Books: New York.

2. The Federal Emergency Management Agency.

3. Waters, ibid.

4. Thunderhorse, I. and Le Vie, D., Jr. (1990). Return of the Thunderbeings. Bear & Co.

Publishing: Santa FE, NM.

5. Boylan, R. J., (1996). Worlds In Transition: Report on the Star Visions Conference,

There is a River - Statement by the Hopi Elders

There is a river flowing very fast. It is so swift that there are those who will be afraid.
They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel that they are being torn apart and will
suffer greatly. Know that the river has a destination. The Elders say we must let go of
the shore, push off into the middle of the river.

Keep our eyes open and our heads above the waters. And I say, see who is in there with
you and Celebrate! At this time in history we are to take nothing personally, least of all
ourselves. For the moment we do, our spiritual growth comes to a halt. The time of the

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lone wolf is over. Gather your self's together. Banish the word Struggle from your
attitude and vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in

This profound statement and advice based upon ancient prophecy is obviously valid for
these times but how does one do this push off into the swift river?

"What you put your attention on is what you become conscious of."

This is the one rule that you cannot break. It is inescapable. So let's use this principle to
our advantage.

The Mayan calendar has now been scientifically proven to be the flow rate of all of
Creation for the last 16.4 billion years. By placing your attention on the individual daily
energies described by the Mayan calendar you're "Tun-ing" your consciousness to the
flow of all of Creation. (The River)

This is what the Mayan civilization had going for it. They lived their lives in "Holy Time"
intuitively flowing with creation.

Yes, they knew that their civilization would come to an end. Just as the flower wilts and
dies to become the fruit and seeds, the Maya knew and prophesized their own demise. If
nothing dies, nothing new grows, and this they did know. We feel this as well. Deeply we
understand that our current systems and standards must die for a new way of life and
experience to flourish.

It is your choice of course, flow or be drowned. You already know this is true.

The Mayan Calendar and Conversion Codex is the simplest method to find and re-find
the current Mayan calendar date from the Gregorian calendar and contains the true
traditional meanings of the energies from the Kiche Mayan priests. It can be used to
instantly find a personal birth energy and true purpose of your life this time around. Also,
it presents a daily Mayan Oracle to assist your journey to your goals.

A tool for consciousness to join the flow of Creation is and was always the true purpose
of the Mayan Calendar.

Here is your opportunity To get Tun-ed in, To the Tzolkin, To join the harmony, To heal
our Mother, To join the Galactic community, As warmly loved, And loving, Sister /

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The Creator gathered all of Creation and said, "I want to hide something from the
humans until they are ready for it. It is the realization that they create their own reality."

The eagle said, "Give it to me, I will take it to the moon."

The Creator said, "No. One day they will go there and find it."

The salmon said, "I will bury it on the bottom of the ocean."

"No. They will go there too."

The buffalo said, "I will bury it on the Great Plains."

The Creator said, "They will cut into the skin of the Earth and find it even there."

Grandmother Mole, who lives in the breast of Mother Earth, and who has no physical
eyes but sees with spiritual eyes, said, "Put it inside of them."

And the Creator said, "It is done."

Message to Humanity

Blue Thunder, aka Bennie LeBeau, Eastern Shoshone, Wind River Indian Reservation,
Ft. Washakie, Wyoming, www.teton-rainbows.com in Egan, Minnesota, Sept 25th, 05.

Greetings my brothers and sisters, I don't write real clear sometimes and need to redo
my writings so here it is...thanks for listening with an open heart...blessings to you all...
Blue Thunder

Message to Humanity from Minnesota, by Blue Thunder September 25th, 05

Greetings all my relatives, I am here in Minnesota today thinking about the weather

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situations and the prophecies, message of my dreams, visions. My message to those

that have been following my work as a peacekeeper is of love, peace and harmony for
Mother Earth. There are many messages of how Mother Earth will reflect her power on
the areas that are causing pain and sorrow to the earth, wind, fire and water. Mother
Earth herself will benefit from the consequences of nature forces, bring harmony. Many
places upon Mother Earth will be purified of the greed, anger, hatred, alcoholism, drug
addiction, jealousy, ect and in the construction and plundering in the development of
Mother Earth's resources. Universal protocols need to be understood. Universal laws of
how the earth works need to be reflected upon by all nations of the world.

Those that do not come back into Universal Law in using the right thought forms and
speaking the Spoken Truth will come under attack by those energies of their own
making in thought forms and their actions. Cause has an effect, either positive or
negative, one or the other it will prevail, light or darkness we have two choices. What is
your choice? Spiritual Law is the Universal Law of how the spiritual laws of thoughts
work in all of nature's creations. This magical energy used in our minds manifests
harmony or disharmony, most evident at this time in history, called prophecy. What we
sow is what we will reap in manifestation, reflecting this into the environments of nature
and our families across the world. Humanity is slowly awakening to what is being
reflected upon Mother Earth and how things really work on Turtle Island in Universal
Laws, spiritual law of the land and not the Man Made Laws.

These Man Made Laws have taken Mother Nature out of balance, out harmony and into
what is happening now in the environmental changes of the world. Universal Laws are
fixing what is wrong now; Natures Laws are in charge not the Man Made Laws. Using
the thought forms of having the right to prosperity is the curse. Thinking that Mother
Earth is a material thing in the thoughts of humanity and not recognizing our Mother will
be the downfall to those in humanity now in those negative thought forms. The
reconnection is need to become grounded to Earth Wisdom, this knowledge is needed
now to help our children, animals, insects, mammals, four legged, winged ones, all of

We manifest all that we get, if we think we are sick then we will be sick, if we think we
are not sick we won't be sick. This is the universal law in the thinking processes, what
we think will prevail. As the saying goes, ask and you shall receive, our thoughts are
powerful, universal law using our minds in sacredness, prayers, we get what we think, in
prayers. There is hope for us all as many Native Americans join the other that are
awake, as others awaken from a deep sleep in the consciousness need, including all
cultures. Nature is here to remind us of exactly that, prophecy. The Native American's
hold the fail-safe connection to heal Mother Nature for all of humanity, prophecy. As

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many awaken from this deep sleep and go to work on Mother Earth environments
everywhere in the America's we take stewardship once again. Indigenous Nations will
lead the way in harmonic ceremonies for all of humanities cultures.

What we reflect upon the surface is what will be reflected above and below us in the
weathers environments healing the Mother Earth's, Soil, Wind, Fire and Water. Working
together co-creating with the holy ones, our ancestors and other spiritual beings.
Working with the many different spirits and they are waiting impatiently, this is the
messages from across the Indigenous Nations in the America's at this very moment.
Many messengers are coming, relaying the messages, coming from the European
Nations, Black Nations, Yellow Nations, Brown Nations and the Red Nations around the
world. Just as our ancestors did in the past caretaking those sacred sites in prayer are
the messages of the Europeans and other cultures messages; giving and asking for
forgiveness of the ancestors of the white, black, white, brown and red nations for peace.
It is apparent this is what is needed to have peace, freedom and the love needed for our
fellow brothers and sisters.

When we do this we can re-educate all cultures on Earth Wisdom, this is prophecy,
knowledge. Now is the time to act as Indigenous Nations, including all cultures to help
our children of the future that are arriving everyday. There is hope and as strong belief in
wisdom, within us all. It needs to be understood where this is going, and why it is
needed and who the stewards really are carrying the wisdom for all of humanity, All
Nations together as one in true sovereignty.

What we are seeing now in nature's fury and her forces are taking out those that no
longer serve a purpose. Called repurification time, prophecy. No one can deny this now.
Our powerful thoughts need to be understood how the mind works and how powerful it
really is in thought forms. Those that do not heed the messages from prophecies and
many messages from Rainbow Warriors in the new sacred teachings will have a hard
time. Those that do not awaken now in these teachings will suffer greatly in their
families; homelands and this will be a wake up call for those not listening. The message
has to be given. Forecasting the future to those that will see what will happen when they
are asleep finding themselves in trouble in nature, in their homes and homelands. Like
the tsunami, hurricane, tornadoes, floods and earthquakes around the world taking place
as I write this. This is only the beginning...stay tuned...more is on the way...if we work
together repairing the sacred sites together the families of humanity we will soften the
blow from nature's forces.

My message of how to soften the blow of nature is in my Medicine Wheel Ceremonies

and our Indigenous Earth Wisdoms. This knowledge is one way; there are many ways

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and the Indigenous Nations hold the key. I have been calling upon all nations to open up
in peace and to forgive what has happened in the past, present and into the future.
Joining forces together healing the sacred sites. In doing so we will heal the Mother
Earth and teach all cultures how to do this with our sacred vibration in sound using the
colors of the rainbows to heal all of Mother Earth with the Indigenous Wisdoms. Utilizing
the light, sound and vibration the Creator blessed us with in our ceremonies. Using one
heart, one spirit, and one mind working together in this manner of thought forms in
peace, side by side one another, all cultures working together.

This is what Mother and Father intended for us to do and we will heal the sacred sites
and our relationships. The elements are in trauma because of greed in mining,
construction, cutting of the trees, building dams, railroads; they hold consciousness just
like us. These elements hold us together in positive thought forms, harmony, thinking
patterns in negativity for materialism and greed has caused the effect of natures weather
to come down upon us in these last days of this time period on Earth. Mother Earth will
not disappear only those the do not work with her in peace, prophecy, repurification is
here and many will leave the planet.

Mother Earth will always be here for those that work with her and those that don't work
for her in materialist way will way leave now and in the times ahead...those that support
the oil and gas industry control the world in darkness...they are being impacted right now
and the rich and the poor alike that are in anger and hatred will leave the planet leaving
a powerful message to the rest of us in what not to do. This and many more messages
are what I was instructed to give to those that will need our help as Native Americans
and other Indigenous Nations alike. The Indigenous Nations hold the fail safe Earth
Wisdom and Knowledge for the World. This is why it is so important for the tribal nations
to heal one another and stop blaming themselves and others on the terrible things that
happened in history. Let it go, I ask respectfully get over it and move on in helping
healing Mother Earth as we were intended to do. Using our ceremonies teaching the
other cultures how they work so each and every person understands how Universal
Laws work, Mother Earth's Ceremonies, Universal Laws.

Those that choose the path of the Rainbow Warrior Prophecy...many blessings to you,
my prayers are with you and yours. Mother Earth and Father, our Creator and ancestors
are awakening our many cultures from a deep, deep sleep. Many blessings to you my
fellow sisters and brothers, for we are all related together to one another. This means
everything in nature everywhere forever and forever so be it as it was intended in
beauty. Many blessings to us all, not forgetting that we are the ones we have been
waiting for.

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Please send this message to our sacred sisters and brothers everywhere...of the brown,
black, white, yellow and red nations of the world, coming together like the five fingers of
the hand of creation, in oneness.

The Eagle, Condor and Buffalo Nations of the America's are uniting the awareness as
you read this message many thank you's,

Many zahaunts Best regards,. Bob Taft The Taft Ranch Lander, Wyoming

Seven Fires Prophecy of the Anishinabe/Ojibwa

Seven prophets came to Anishinabe. They came at a time when the people were living a
full and peaceful life on the North Eastern coast of North America. These prophets left
the people with seven predictions of what the future would bring. Each of the prophecies
was called a fire and each fire referred to a particular era of time that would come in the
future. Thus, the teachings of the seven prophets are now called the "Seven Fires".

The first prophet said to the people, "In the time of the First Fire, the Anishinabe nation
will rise up and follow the sacred shell of the Midewiwin Lodge. The Midewiwin Lodge
will serve as a rallying point for the people and its traditional ways will be the source of
much strength. The Sacred Megis will lead the way to the chosen ground of the
Anishinabe. You are to look for a turtle shaped island that is linked to the purification of
the earth. You will find such an island at the beginning and at the end of your journey.
There will be seven stopping places along the way. You will know the chosen ground
has been reached when you come to a land where food grows on water. If you do not
move you will be destroyed."

The second prophet told the people, "You will know the Second Fire because at this
time the nation will be camped by a large body of water. In this time the direction of the
Sacred Shell will be lost. The Midewiwin will diminish in strength, a boy will be born to
point the way back to the traditional ways. He will show the direction to the stepping
stones to the future of the Anishinabe people.

The third prophet said to the people. "In the Third Fire, the Anishinabe will find the path
to their chosen ground, a land in the west to which they must move their families. This
will be the land where food grows on water.

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The Fourth Fire was originally given to the people by two prophets. They come as one.
They told of the coming of the Light Skinned race.

One of the prophets said, "You will know the future of our people by the face the Light
Skinned race wears. If they come wearing the face of brotherhood then there will come a
time of wonderful change for generations to come. They will bring new knowledge and
articles that can be joined with the knowledge of this country, in this way, two nations will
join to make a mighty nation. This new nation will be joined by two more so that four will
form the mightiest nation of all. You will know the face of the brotherhood if the light
skinned race comes carrying no weapons. If they come bearing only their knowledge
and a hand shake."

The other prophet said," Beware if the Light Skinned race comes wearing the face of
death. You must be careful because the face of brotherhood and the face of death look
very much alike. If they come carrying a weapon...beware. If they come in suffering...
They could fool you. Their hearts may be filled with greed for the riches of this land. If
they are indeed your brothers, let them prove it. Do not accept them in total trust. You
shall know that the face they wear is one of death if the rivers run with poison and the
fish become unfit to eat. You shall know them by these many things.

The Fifth Prophet said, "In the time of the Fifth Fire there will come a time of great
struggle that will grip the lives of all Native people. At the warning of this Fire there will
come among the people one who holds a promise of great joy and salvation. If the
people accept this promise of a new way and abandon the old teachings, then the
struggle of the Fifth Fire will be with the people for many generations. The promise that
comes will prove to be a false promise. All those who accept this promise will cause the
near destruction of the people."

The prophet of the Sixth Fire said, "In the time of the Sixth Fire it will be evident that the
promise of the Fifth Fire came in a false way. Those deceived by this promise will take
their children away from the teachings of the ELDERS, grandsons and grand-daugthers
will turn against the ELDERS. In this way, the ELDERS will lose their reason for living...
they will lose their purpose in life. At this time a new sickness will come among the
people. The balance of many people will be disturbed. The cup of life will almost be
spilled. The cup of life will almost become the cup of grief."

At the time of these predictions, many people scoffed at the prophets. They then had
medicines to keep away sickness. They were then healthy and happy as a people.
These were the people who chose to stay behind in the great migration of the

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Anishinabe. These people were the first to have contact with the Light Skinned race.
They would suffer the most.

When the Fifth Fire came to pass, a great struggle did indeed grip the lives of all Native
people. The Light Skinned race launched a military attack on the Indian people through-
out the country anishinaed at taking away their land and their independence as a free
and sovereign people. It is now felt that the false promise that came at the end of the
Fifth Fire was the materials and riches embodied in the way of life of the light skinned
race. Those who abandoned the ancient ways and accepted this new promise were a
big factor in causing the near destruction of the Native people of this land.

When the Sixth Fire came to be, the words of the prophet rang true as the children were
taken away from the teachings of the ELDERS. The boarding school era of "civilizing"
Indian Children had begun. The Indian language and religion were taken from the
children. The people started dying at an early age... they had lost their will to live and
their purpose in living.

In the confusing times of the Sixth Fire, it is said that a group of visionaries came among
the Anishinabe. They gathered all the priests of the Midewiwin Lodge. They told the
priests that the Midewiwin Way was in danger of being destroyed. They gathered all the
sacred bundles. They gathered all the scrolls that recorded the ceremonies. All these
things were placed in a hollowed out log from the ironwood tree. Men were lowered over
a cliff by long ropes. They dug a hole in the cliff and buried the log where no one could
find it. Thus the teachings of the ELDERS were hidden out of sight but not out of
memory. It was said that when the time came that the Indian people could practice their
religion without fear that a little boy would dream where the Ironwood log, full of the
Sacred Bundles and Scrolls were buried. He would lead his people to the place.

The Seventh Prophet that came to the people long ago was said to be different from the
other prophets. He was young and had a strange light in his eyes. He said, " In the time
of the Seventh Fire, New People will emerge. They will retrace their steps to find what
was left by the trail. Their steps will take them to the ELDERS who they will ask to guide
them on their journey. But many of the ELDERS will have fallen asleep. They will
awaken to this new time with nothing to offer. Some of the ELDERS will be silent out of
fear. Some of the ELDERS will be silent because no one will ask anything of them. The
New People will have to be careful in how they approach the ELDERS. The task of the
New People will not be easy.

If the New People will remain strong in their Quest, the Water Drum of the Midewiwin
Lodge will again sound its voice. There will be a Rebirth of the Anishinabe Nation and a

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rekindling of old flames. The Sacred Fire will again be lit.

It is at this time that the Light Skinned race will be given a choice between two roads. If
they choose the right road, then the Seventh Fire will light the Eighth and final Fire, an
eternal Fire of peace, love, brotherhood and sisterhood. If the light skinned race makes
the wrong choice of roads, the destruction which they brought with them in coming to
this country will come back at them and cause much suffering and death to all the
Earth's people.

Traditional Mide people from other Nations have interpreted the two roads that face the
Light Skinned race as the road to technology and the other to spiritualism. They feel that
the road to technology represents a continuation of Head-Long rush to technological
development. This is the road that has lead to modern society, to a damaged and
seared Earth. Could it be that the road to technology represents a rush to destruction?
The road to Spirituality represents the slower path that traditional Native People have
traveled and are now seeking again. The Earth is not scorched on this trail. The grass is
still growing there.

The prophet of the Fourth Fire spoke of a time when "two Nations will join to make a
Mighty Nation". He was speaking of the coming of the Light Skinned race and the face of
brotherhood that the Light Skinned Brother could be wearing. It is obvious from the
history of this country that this was not the face worn by the Light Skinned race as a
whole. That the Mighty Nation spoken of in the Fourth Fire has never been formed.

If the Natural People of the Earth could just wear the face of brotherhood, we might be
able to deliver our society from the road to destruction. Could we make the two roads
that today represents two clashing world views come together to form a mighty Nation?
Could a Nation be formed that is guided by respect for all living things? Are we the New
People of the Seventh Fire?

Prophecy of Crazy Horse

This was passed on by Chief Joe Chasing Horse, a relative of Crazy Horse. He
translated it from the words of a grandmother who was present when the words were

This is a statement of Crazy Horse as he sat smoking the sacred pipe at Paha Sapa with
Sitting Bull for the last time, 4 days before he was assassinated. Many of these words

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are often repeated. There is one line often left out, that of the "young white ones".

"Upon suffering beyond suffering; the Red Nation shall rise again and it shall be a
blessing for a sick world. A world filled with broken promises, selfishness and
separations. A world longing for light again. I see a time of seven generations when all
the colors of mankind will gather under the sacred Tree of Life and the whole Earth will
become one circle again. In that day there will be those among the Lakota who will carry
knowledge and understanding of unity among all living things, and the young white ones
will come to those of my people and ask for this wisdom. I salute the light within your
eyes where the whole universe dwells. For when you are at that center within you and I
am that place within me, we shall be as one." -- Crazy Horse

------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

"He saw his people being driven into spiritual darkness and poverty while the white
people prospered in a material way all around them. But even in the darkest times, he
saw that the eyes of a few of his people kept the light of dawn and the wisdom of the
earth, which they passed on to some of their grandchildren. He saw the coming of
automobiles and airplanes, and twice he saw the great darkness and heard the screams
and explosions when millions of people died in two great world wars.

"But he saw, after the second great war passed, a time come when his people began to
awaken, not all at once, but a few here and there, and then more and more, and he saw
that they were dancing in a beautiful light of the Spirit World under the Sacred Tree even
while still on Earth. Then he was amazed to see that dancing under the tree were
representatives of all races who had become brothers, and he realized that the world
would be made new again and in peace and harmony not just by his people, but by
members of all races of mankind"

from: Brown, Vinson: Voices of Earth and Sky; 1974, Harrisburg, PA

Russell Means' Prophecy

Here is an illuminating quotation from Russell Means' famous speech at the Black Hills
International Survival Gathering in 1980: "The natural order will win out, and the
offenders will die out, the way deer die when they offend the harmony by over-
populating a given region. It's only a matter of time until what Europeans call "a major
catastrophe of global proportions" will occur. It is the role of American Indian peoples,

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the role of all natural beings, to survive. A part of our survival is to resist. We resist not to
overthrow a government or to take political power, but because it is natural to resist
extermination, to survive. We don't want power over white institutions; we want white
institutions to disappear. That's revolution."

Earth Changes In Our Lifetime

By W M Knight A9 1999



In the most unequivocal terms, the legends of the New Zealand Maori recall times when
the earth was wracked by every possible form of natural disaster.

From the apparent impact of a comet to the birth of a land from the sea itself, their
records are a close match with those of other ancient cultures that recall battles among
gods, lands in torment, and heroes and heroines who paved the way for those who
survived to start afresh.

Maori prophecy also hints at such things happening again.

Legends and prophecy these things may be, but in many details they are an uncanny
match with scientific theories about the past and expectations for the immediate future.
The terminology is different, but both the Maori and modern scientific descriptions relate
to the same events, except that it is science which is the late starter and the slow
learner. Consider for example how th Century scientists were surprised to find that the
Dogon tribe of Africa knew without the aid of radio telescopes of the existence of Sirius
B (the Dog Star), and also speak of "space brothers" from that system who have visited
and taught them many things. While scientists were finally forced to accept the existence
of Sirius B when they confirmed its existence with their instruments, they still refuse to
allow that the rest of the Dogon "legend" is equally valid.

The Maori were also aware of "star brothers" long before science began looking for
evidence of intelligent life on other planets - intelligent beings who may well be the
source of the ancient and world-wide references to gods in the histories of so many
cultures, and who are in truth the "missing link" in humanity's evolution as a hominid.

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New Zealand is a pearl of a country, yet it is one of the world's least-known nations.
Situated in the South Pacific, it is basically several large islands, the two largest
uninspiringly called "The North Island" and "The South Island" by its European settlers
who have lived here in numbers for little more than a century. And as they did in so
many other countries, the predominantly British immigrants moved to banish the ethnic
language from everyday use, struck up a quick trade in natural resources by tearing
down forests and shipping them "home," and replaced the trees and the many varieties
of birds which died with their passing, with grassland farms, crops, sheep and cattle. The
birds were replaced with chickens - which certainly filled a need since the giant moa had
already been hunted to extinction.

When the British came, schools were soon established to teach the English and
Christian version of God, creation, history and life, with an amputated version of Maori
history being condescendingly given less than respectful mention from time to time. A
"Maori Parliament" was established under the guise of fostering national unity, and it
worked very well as a ploy to divert attention from what was no doubt the hidden
European agenda of the time - total take-over and control of the country. In New
Zealand, this did not succeed, because the Maori warrior of the past, who was to
become such a legendary fighter in the ranks of the Maori Battalion in later years, was
also to become a worthy and honourable adversary in the new political battlefields of the
parliamentary system. Thus, despite some notable exceptions, New Zealanders as a
whole do live in harmony together, and even when that harmony is disrupted by
arguments over past treaty commitments or current land ownership, such events are
more often than not resolved, or at least moved toward resolution, by the efforts of all
those who contribute to the process of change. This process is not always peaceful -
and we are going to find, as the Maori have known for thousands of years, that this is
the way of Nature itself.

In the century or more of decay and progress (depending on one's point of view) since
the Europeans arrived in any numbers in New Zealand, what they have not known is
that a lot of Maori lore, knowledge, history, and true science was kept from them
deliberately. And although the Maori are ostensibly one nation today, because of past
tribal differences many Maori may not be aware of this fact either.

When sailors such as Captain Cook arrived in the South Pacific to spread their diseases
and religions in the name of their country, king and god, Maoridom was already an
ancient culture, and as such, like any culture, it was in a state of ongoing evolution within
itself. Cannibalism and slavery were reputedly a way of life. The tribes were supposedly
given to warring among themselves, or to helping shipwrecked newcomers ashore, only

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to make them the main course at a seaside feast.

It might be argued that this once great culture which was partly seeded by intrepid and
learned men and women who migrated from South America in pre-Inca days, had finally
dissolved and decayed into barbarism. But was such barbarism worse than the habits of
the English who were given to using the force of the press gang to turn men into slaves
as sailors, or hunting the Aborigine of Australia by licence on Sundays? The British
certainly felt no pangs of conscience about developing a trade in shrunken heads and
stolen artefacts, and to this day films depicting past Maori culture tend to treat them as
cunning savages. But the outward appearance of savagery was never the full measure
of the Aboriginal and Maori cultures, both of which are conversely famed for their
mystical knowledge, the powers of their priests or shaman, and their ancient roots - and
both of which hide ancient secrets about science, the human body and mind, and even
about the cosmos, to this very day.

Both cultures date back to pre-history, to the very earliest times, to epochs before the
English language existed anywhere; certainly to ages long pre-dating any of the so-
called empires or super powers that we are familiar with. In reality, any nation which
uses its scientists to develop an arsenal of weapons of mass destruction which could
destroy the whole world ten times over - and vaporise men, women and children fifty
miles from the epicentre of an atomic blast in the time it takes for a dropped plate to hit
the floor - is far more savage, not to mention a thousand times more cowardly, than the
Maori ever were.

Further, when we reflect on the fact that in any civilized city right this minute killers walk
the same streets as rabbis and ministers, we should understand that if there were killers
and cannibals among the Maori, there were also peaceful and loving people among
them too, and some of them were chosen from birth to eventually attend special and
secret schools of wisdom. Part of that wisdom decreed that it would be dangerous to
reveal their sacred knowledge to those with no capacity for understanding the mysteries
of prophecy, legend, and ancient science; be they Maori or Pakeha, people are people,
and some of them care little for wisdom, preferring instead to wield power and control
through fear and force.

So the sacred knowledge became secret knowledge, and the students of these schools
of wisdom (both men and women) would become tohunga ("medicine men" by European
definition), who are the knowledgeable doctors and visionaries of ethnic cultures which
are so hypocritically decried by Christianity as practitioners of superstitious ignorance
because they call on the powers of invisible gods and speak to invisible spirits (there is
an irony there somewhere). But the tohunga and tribal leaders were wise, and this

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wisdom prompted their decision to keep certain elements of Maori history, or the history
of what is translated as "The Nation," as closely guarded secrets for many generations.

Only recently, in a book titled "Song Of Waitaha - The Histories of A Nation," has some
of this secret knowledge been revealed, starting with a prophecy that "all will seem lost
beyond recall," but the time will come when "the circle of our dreamtime takes a new
shape for a new dawn. And the people of all colours join to bind what was broken and
live in hope."

It is time to turn the pages of history, to recall global disasters of the past, to question the
current cycle of world-wide weather changes that are upon us once again, and to look to
the future that is unfolding as we breathe.

New Zealand will not escape unscathed, if prophecy proves to be correct - but it will, in
the not too distant future, become once again a participant in the next step in human

Therefore, at the dawning of the 21st Century, we may well ask ourselves, what is this
land's destiny? Will it evolve further as a nation of mixed cultures, or will it once again be
devastated by the forces of Nature; forces which have played such a part in its past, and
which legend and prophecy - backed up now by science - expect to impact not only this
one small nation in the south Pacific, but perhaps the whole planet as well.

In ancient times, New Zealand was called Aotearoa ("The Land of The Long White
Cloud"). To put it in perspective it is a very small country when seen on a map or globe
and measured against the land masses that exist elsewhere. But appearances are
deceptive, because the existence of vast oceans creates the illusion that places like
New Zealand exist in isolation, when in reality they are inextricably linked to the crust of
the world, which over the aeons has subsided beneath the oceans. The world we know
today is not the world it was in ancient days.

New Zealand then is only one of the multitude of features of the planet Terra - a planet
which is constantly undergoing its own cycles of change, growth and evolution - and it is
only one of many countries whose ethnic peoples recall times of change that affected
the whole world. Some of those changes took many ages, but there have also been
times when they were both swift and violent beyond imagining. Prophecy, legend, and
science indicate that the world is now moving into, and through, such a period of time,
and New Zealand will not escape its share of upheaval.

Science knows for certain that natural disasters are predictable, but they are far from

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controllable. The best instruments cannot do more than provide data about the past, the
present and possible futures - and when people interpret that data, it invariably gets
coloured by the opinions of those doing the interpreting. These opinions may be based
on a significant amount of knowledge and learning, but they are at best nothing more
than informed opinion.

On the other hand, there are gifted people throughout the world who for centuries have
used the finest instrument there is - the mind - to record past events, to interpret current
events, and to predict future probabilities. We call their art, prophecy. But we generally
treat it with scepticism, or derision, because we cannot understand how anyone can see
into the future. Therefore, we do not believe what we are told.

But this does not mean it is not true, or that the prophecies will not come to pass; it
means only that we do not want to hear the message.

Given the reality that the ancient and modern prophets of many cultures have been
predicting for a long time that the earth would go through a violent rebirthing around the
beginning of the 21st Century, and given that modern scientists have been saying the
same thing, in different terms, for at least half a century, it would be wise to sit up and
take notice.

It is also natural for people in authority to use their prestige or position to scoff at "wild
stories" about imminent peril or disaster, and to insist that no-one should worry about
anything so bizarre as old legends that tell of "fireballs" from the heavens, "space
brothers," volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, and tidal waves that took the lives of
whole nations of people. However, though we may scoff at legends of the past, we can
hardly argue with present statistics, which prove that storms, earthquakes and volcanic
activity have been increasing globally for a quarter of a century. El Nino has made its
mark with associated weather changes everywhere; and, out of sight and out of mind,
the Pacific Ring of Fire is also beginning to writhe like an awakening dragon; like water
coming to a boil the very oceans are heating up as underwater volcanoes begin to shake
off their slumber.

Such events have indeed happened before, which is why they are at the core of Maori
legends of the past, and prophecies about the future.

Like it or not, that future is now.

The Ring of Fire on which Aotearoa sits is a long chain of unstable earthquake-prone
and volcanically active ground which circles the Pacific Ocean. In past periods of

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heightened activity, it has played its part in the creation of the land of New Zealand as it
is today; proof of that can be seen in the constant geothermal activity of the central
North Island; the irregular but menacing rumblings and eruptions from the volcanoes that
straddle the country from one coast to the other; and even in the South Island, formed
as it is by the battle between great tectonic plates riding on molten magma within the
earth, we see evidence that New Zealand is accustomed to the fires of change.

Once upon a time, the land was not as it is now; and what it is now, it may not be for
much longer, because the tides of change are stirring around the globe, as they did in
the times of Maori legend.

Back then, the whole world was different - and again, science knows this, because it has
core samples from Antarctica which prove it was once favored by a totally different
climate. It was inhabited. And science knows that too - but it is a fairly well kept secret

So too was New Zealand, at a time when world-wide changes rippled through the skin of
the whole globe.

In those days, people lived in various places around the planet, and those who survived
what happened have recorded their experiences, and many prophecies, so the Maori
are not alone among the ancient nations of the world to have recorded past calamities
and to predict coming ones. Those predictions now have a substantial degree of
scientific verification, lending credibility to the suggestion that the world is on the brink of
some form of global disaster. To cite but one example, scientists are well aware that the
Antarctic ice shelf is slipping from its foundations, and that alone has the potential to
create a tsunami that could circle the globe, devastating New Zealand on the way, and
raising sea levels hundreds of feet. In addition, the movement of such a huge mass of
ice and water could create awesome earthquakes, which the Richter scale has no
capacity to measure.

Nevertheless, even if all the worst prophecies should come to pass, the outlook is
actually truly positive, for the same records, prophecies and visions also speak of the
establishment of a new era of widespread peace and harmony over the following

This story is about Aotearoa, how it came to be in the world of the past, what it may
experience in the present, and what role it will play in the world of the future. In some
respects it is a frightening story, but if we are prepared to listen, we will find that it is one
with a happy ending, for as the Maori elders say, "we catch the breath of Life. We speak.
And, to open the way to the deepest knowledge, we listen."

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Maori prophecy says fire will explode across the heavens. It will roar like the greatest
explosion ever heard by mankind. It will create cyclonic winds that will in turn destroy the
infrastructure of civilization as we know it.

Once again, the passing of one age and the birth of another will be recorded and
remembered as the time of legend, when "the gods" vented their wrath upon the world
as they are said to have done before. And they certainly did.

When the tumult subsides, those who emerge from their shelters, caves and retreats will
recover, as will the land. Seeds will begin to sprout. Life will pick up, and go on.

The new legends will recall the shattering of mountains, the shifting of vast land masses,
and perhaps even the fact that New Zealand slid through the ocean like a rudderless
ship before being anchored once again further south. There is indeed hidden but
obvious truth in the Maori history which recalls how the South Island was once torn
asunder by a great storm (part of it sank) and was later joined by a new "outrigger," and
then the North Island was "fished from the sea."

Legend is but metaphor for real events.

Maori records and those of races which until recently knew nothing of the Bible story of
Noah and the Ark, are all perfectly accurate about The Deluge, which was one of the
agents of global change many centuries ago. It was The Deluge which played a very
significant role in New Zealand's past. But who would believe that anything vaguely
similar might soon be upon us once again?

Education has a purpose - to fit the child into the society in which it lives, teaching
socially acceptable history, cultural manners and values, religious beliefs, and so on. But
what we learn as formal history is not the whole truth, because history is written to
perpetuate the aims, values and beliefs of a particular culture - and that is what
happened when Europeans settled in Aotearoa. New Zealand became a predominantly
British colony, bringing with it a parliamentary system of government, and teaching its
new generations of children that New Zealand was discovered by a certain Captain
Cook, a great navigator who sailed uncharted oceans with a fearless crew, followed by
the children's ancestors who made the perilous journey to New Zealand from a country
far across the sea.

At a cursory level, the Maori history is remarkably similar in that their ancestors also
came to this new land by sea, but in other ways it is vastly and profoundly different,

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because what we have not known until recently is that the Maori have a far more ancient
history of their discovery of New Zealand - complete with references to experiences that
were precipitated by The Deluge. It was not until the publication of the book "Song of
Waitaha - The Histories of A Nation," that these secrets were revealed, along with
prophecies that are now coming to pass.

But once again, the European mind appears to have dismissed the Maori stories as
insignificant and unworthy of serious attention, ignoring the fact that the revelation of
these Maori secrets brings with them great insights into events which Western science
has only this century started to investigate.

It is a fact that, locked as it has been for hundreds of years into the Judeo-Christian
belief system, the Western mind has been prone to ignoring, or if possible totally
suppressing the histories, practices, beliefs, and even the languages of the cultures
which it has conquered, subjugated, and, either benignly or by force, assimilated into its
own chosen forms of governmental, religious and economic control.

Some of the Maori were wise enough to recognise these potential dangers when the
Europeans arrived, and even though real efforts were made to destroy their culture and
their history under the guise of assimilation, certain elders who were the custodians of
knowledge which predates European history by tens of thousands of years, chose to
preserve their records in the utmost secrecy.

Little did the pakeha know that Maori spirituality at its most sacred, most secret core,
espoused views and knowledge about creation, God, love, and the powers of the mind
which rivalled and surpassed anything the Europeans brought to their shores. In fact,
what they brought was a religion and a cultural ethic which viewed people of color as
heathens awaiting redemption through allegiance to a dogmatic creed that demanded
that the "natives" give up their own beliefs, even their own language, in favour of the
new religion of the immigrants. Perhaps, given that cannibalism, head shrinking, and
slavery for prisoners of war were part of the Maori culture at the time, this was an
improvement of some sort. But we have not paused to wonder at the fact that not
everyone was a cannibal, nor were all Maoris "primitive natives." Behind the scenes of
their culture, just as there exists behind the scenes of today's societies, there were great
men and women whose knowledge, love and teachings were as wise and sacred as
anything ever known on earth. So why would they expose themselves to a group of
foreigners whose only interests were power, domination, control and commerce?

To be educated in the pakeha schools of New Zealand around the 1950s was to learn
little about Maori history other than that "they were cannibals; they used stone tools;

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they came here in primitive canoes from Hawaii or India or somewhere - they don't even
know themselves. They couldn't speak English until we taught them. They're great
bulldozer drivers. Good shearers. Terrific soldiers. Bad drinkers. Rotten students,
especially at math.... But some of my best friends are Maoris. And a lot have become

So much for European attitudes of the 50s. Imagine then what it must have been like to
be a Maori when the first Europeans arrived, especially a Maori elder, well educated in
the ancient knowledge of his or her people, and knowing because of that that history
was in a sense repeating itself. New settlers were once again coming from lands far
across the sea - as the Maori and Maoriori had done before them - and once again, the
land would enter a period of time in which the clash of cultures and beliefs would result
in turmoil and bloodshed, misunderstanding and argument, distrust and hate. Such an
elder would also know full well that while the ancient traditions were based on peace,
love, respect and responsibility as the attributes of human nature which must be
cultivated to ensure harmony within a society, and by extension, harmony with the life
force of the land, there are times when the minds of men choose the tides of conquest
and the illusions of power. It is best, then, to love the new neighbour (if you have the
ability to do so - and such elders do indeed), and treat him as a guest. But do not open
every room for his appraisal, and never reveal the storehouse where the most sacred
artefacts are housed. It is well to let such people believe they have had the last word. It
is well to be silent. And the elders of the Nation have kept their secrets well, knowing in
their wisdom that a time would come when the new nation of people would need to be
told some of that sacred/secret wisdom.

At last, the tide is on the turn. Anger and violence are coming to their natural conclusion
- the world is replaying a drama which has been played many times before: one
civilization is on the brink of disaster, and another stands ready to take its place. It is in
such times that the land itself is subject to upheaval on a massive scale, as if
symbiotically mirroring the attitudes of its human occupants, and then, when the tide
finally changes, peace returns.

The Maori leaders, the chiefs and elders of ethnic groups throughout the world, know
these things. They know too (often from hard experience, for many an honest tribal
doctor, priest or prophet has been killed by the ignorant) that there is wisdom in silence.

But now, the silence has been broken.

And what these elders have to say has implications for the whole planet.

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From the Native American Wisdom Series,

"Hopi, Following the Path of Peace."

San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1994...

The First World

The First World of the Hopis was corrupted not so much by evil as by "forgetting." The
people had been instructed by Sotuknang and Spider Woman to respect their Creator,
and to use their vibratory centers to help them follow his plan. But as they began to
forget this, they began to quarrel among themselves. Finally, the situation reached a
point where Sotuknang and Taiowa decided that the world had to be destroyed.

Sotuknang appeared before those "chosen people" who still remembered the Creator
and his plan, and told them that the doors at the tops of their heads would lead them to
safety before he destroyed the world. They followed his indication, and took refuge
underground with the Ant People as the First World was destroyed by fire, and a Second
World was created for their emergence.

The Second World

The Second World was almost as beautiful as the first, with the significant difference that
the animals no longer trusted humans and remained separate from them. But here, too,
people began to forget the plan of the Creator, until finally this world also had to be

Again, those who had "remembered" were saved, and taken care of by the Ant People.
Once they were safe, the twins at the poles were instructed to leave their posts so the
world would spin off its axis and out of control. As it traveled through space it froze into
solid ice, until the twins took up their stations again and restored the Earth to life,
creating a Third World.

The Third World

Now in the Third World they multiplied in such numbers and advanced so rapidly that

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they created big cities, countries, and a whole civilization. This made it difficult for them
to conform to the plan of Creation and to sing praises to Taiowa and Sotuknang. More
and more of them became wholly occupied with their own earthly plans.

Some of them, of course, retained the wisdom granted them upon their emergence. With
this wisdom they understood that the farther they proceeded on the Road of Life and the
more they developed, the harder it was. That was why their world was destroyed every
so often to give them a fresh start.

Some Hopi accounts of the Third World contain the tantalizing information that "flying
shields" had been developed there, capable of attacking faraway cities and coming back
so quickly that no one knew where they had gone. When this world and its advanced
civilization was finally destroyed by Sotuknang, this time with great floods, the people
who still remembered the plan of Creation took refuge inside the hollow stems of the
bamboo. Then came their emergence into the Fourth World.

The Fourth World

This time, the people had to search long and hard for a place to establish themselves
and start over again. The Hopi tradition tells of endless journeys by boat, paddling uphill
all the way. From time to time they would find a place to land, beautiful and bounteous,
only to be told by Spider Woman that they must move on: this place was too easy, and
soon they would fall into evil ways if they stayed.

Finally, completely exhausted from their fruitless efforts, the people "opened their doors"
and let themselves be guided. The water carried them gently to a sandy shore, where
they were greeted by Sotuknang and given further instructions. They were to separate
into different groups, each heading in different directions, to claim all the land for the
Creator. Each group would have to "follow its own star" to a place where the earth met
the sea. They would complete such a journey four times in all, to cover all the four
directions, before being guided back together again to settle permanently.

Before the newcomers to the Fourth World set out on their migrations, they were given a
tablet [some say tablets] containing symbolic representations of their journey and final
resting place, and events that would confirm their adherence to the Creator's plan. The
tablet best known today is reportedly held by members of the Fire Clan. This tablet has
always had one corner missing that, according to legend, is in possession of a "lost
white brother" called Pahana. Pahana's return with the missing corner will signal the
beginning of a new brotherhood of mankind.

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These words were spoken by Sotuknang at the beginning of the Fourth World: "See,"
said Sotuknang, "I have washed away even the footprints of your Emergence; the
stepping-stones which I left for you. Down on the bottom of the seas lie all the proud
cities, the flying patuwvotas [shields], and the worldly treasures corrupted with evil, and
those people who found no time to sing the praises to the Creator from the tops of their
hills. But the day will come, if you preserve the memory and the meaning of your
Emergence, when these stepping-stones will emerge again to prove the truth you

The tablet given to the Fire Clan at the dawn of the Fourth World is still missing its
corner.... Consider all these things and change your self !!

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Pyramids And Other Photos

This page contains many new pictures (May 2003), Pyramids included. Scroll down to see.

Crystal Skull, "Lylith"



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This and other crystal skulls are in the care of the Twisted Hair Society of the Cherokee.
Red Elk is an honorary member of this society.

Red Elk
"Keeper Of The Pyramids"

This is in the Mt Baker area. It has a road going direct to the base of one of the sides, then
THESE HAVE DOORS FOR ENTRY ... Military. There are other such places throughout
America, not necessarily into pyramids.

The dark mound on the left is a pyramid eroded by eons of wind. This is at the Yakima
Firing Range, between Ellensburg, WA and Yakima, WA. They can be best and easily
observed from the South lane rest stop (I-82). The military had gotten inside this one long
ago and are, as usual, misusing.

(see "Hoof Foot" underground base pictures at bottom of page)

Can you spot the pyramid in this picture?

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There are literally hundreds of pyramids across the USA, Canada, and our Earth. Most are
made via a sound-laser device set on a four-legged tripod set at certain angles. On two of
the four angles, a small box about 4 to 5-1/2 inches wide and 8-1/2 inches long, and
approximately 7-1/2 to 8 inches high would be slowly lowered downward on two of the
angled legs. As this did so, it would emit a laser SOUND. This would carve a hill into the
proper shape needed. Meanwhile, our people (Indians) would carry away pieces of rock and
spread them some distance away, until all that remained were the pyramid shapes.

The pyramid shown in these pictures can be seen on the highway between Spokane and
Chewelah, WA. On the right, going towards Colville, WA, just as you pass and go down
the hill where Ft. Spokane Park is.

Where the Giza pyramids are, there were no hills to carve. The stones were brought in and
artificial pyramids were made.

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All pyramids are built on semi-precious/precious stones/gold and silver deposits, etc, that lie
on important laylines worldwide.>

The Aztec-Mayan pyramids were built in an attempt to re-create what the "gods" had done as
well as to give honor TO the gods. They had the memories but not the full knowledge.
Many of the Inner World (Number 5 Earth) hold similar pyramids of a cross between
Mayan-Aztec and those here on our surface. These "inner" pyramids are the center
focal point of these cities, a number of which (cities) were destroyed in the war between the
Dracolian Lizard Race and our Number 6 Surface Gods we call 'The Slope Heads'.

Photograph of a Slope Head skull. See further discussion on this subject on our Guest Book.

The Easter Island Carved Heads are carved after these Slope Heads. Easter Island used to be
the Slope Heads' main domain. These "gods", at maturity, were 22- to 24-feet tall. A 27-foot
'giant' would occasionally be seen. These people were (and are) from another dimension....
Not of our galaxies.

At Chewelah pyramid, approximately 1-1/4 mile from its base. This pyramid is surrounded by
private property.

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Woman Energy

Some pyramids are 'working' pyramids, sending off their energies to 'slave' (or 'worker')
pyramids. The working pyramids emit an actual energy source of extreme high frequency.
This energy is then 'mirrored' to the 'workers'. This energy creates wellness, well being,
peace, etc, around it. At this moment, our planet is in such bad shape that though now the
energy is once again being sent, it is disrupting the 'Karma' that has been built up over
several centuries. It is like spreading a scabbed wound open ... It hurts, but in the long run, it

It takes two to realign the equipment that the main pyramids contain. Only women of a
certain high energy balance can be used on this. This is one of those women. Other energy
balances (women) are used in other works, such as Earth healing vortex repairs.

The results:

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Three of 16 clouds counted on the way home early the next morning. Note: The clouds pull
in distant clouds like pulling cotton candy off its main source. Each cloud ends up
looking similar to a large pressed marshmallow, and each cloud is directly above a mirror
pyramid. This set of pictures shows just one of many pyramids in Washington State.


Red Elk

The Forbidden Pyramids -- Keep AWAY!

New Pictures May 7, 2003

This set of rocks is called the Twin Sisters, on the Oregon side of Washington State, not far
from Kennewick. Highway alongside the Columbia River. Whoever told the parks

http://www.redelk.org/website/pyramids.htm (6 of 10) [5/3/2007 2:15:07 PM]


department this tale was pulling their leg. These two stones are three falcons. The one on
the left is a falcon with wings outstretched. The one on the right two falcons perched close
together. The wind has eroded the front, but not the back. There is quite a story to this area,
and one day Red Elk may tell the truth about what all of this was about.

Above is the ravine that leads to a set of three pyramids of identical size. STAY AWAY. You
are on a US Military "Non Existent" base and they WILL shoot.

The hill on the right in the above photo is called the "Whale Back". In the center, you can see
the pyramid. If you're foolish enough to go up the ravine and climb to the right, you'll see
another fence ahead. You're already in trouble if you've gotten this far in the first place.
Don't go any further! There's a reason for this hill, which may be revealed at another day
by Red Elk.

http://www.redelk.org/website/pyramids.htm (7 of 10) [5/3/2007 2:15:07 PM]


UFO Landing Pad

On this hill space craft, whose bottoms were shaped to fit exactly to the shape of the hill,
would land, load and unload. All of these pictures, above and below, are an ancient site
before the last earth flip.

If you look closely to the right of the 'landing pad', you'll see a series of bumps. This was
made to hold grains and foodstuffs, and graduates upward with a walking wall between

This is the back view of the so-called 'Twin Sisters', taken from the base of the pyramid

http://www.redelk.org/website/pyramids.htm (8 of 10) [5/3/2007 2:15:07 PM]


This is THE pyramid of all the above photos/area. There are two more identical further
around the gully, which is shaped like a hook. These three pyramids are 60-feet tall, 60-feet
on two sides, 40-feet on two sides. Note: There is yet a 4th 'something' of identical sides,
that make these three pyramids look like a marble next to a soccer ball. It cannot be seen
from this area. It's approximately 2 miles further on. All Red Elk can say about it is that a
Soviet satellite photo shows that this big 'whatever' exists. It might be flat topped.

Again, I warn all, this is no game. You cross fence here and it is quite likely you will never be
seen again. STAY AWAY!

Entrances to the "Hoof Foot" underground base

(in Washington State)

Here is the only opening above water. (Since rockslide covered) There were three
underwater entries, now blown shut when this base was abandoned. The people of this
underground base, some 90 feet below the surface, are/were very "Germanic" (ie: WWII) like
beings. Extremely thick hair, strawberry blonde, short (approximately 5' 3"), feet like goats
(they wore cowboy boots to conceal and keep their feet in). Deep voices. Very cocky, and it
is not at all unusual for them to come out into a town or city and do business therein. I
discovered these via local Native Americans who had many legends concerning this area. I
checked, found out, and faced these beings. Upon their discovery and upon finding out who I
was and who I worked with, within 3 weeks this base was totally abandoned.

http://www.redelk.org/website/pyramids.htm (9 of 10) [5/3/2007 2:15:07 PM]


The dark line of hill, center left, contained photographic equipment that could see through
rocks and keep track of all traffic close to the base, such as where I am parked for this
picture. Inside their base, towards the ceiling on angles were monitors that included this
particular camera, as well as a number of others. On top of that there were two "Borg like"
families, occupying the 2 houses closest to this base area. One overlooked the base per se.
The other overlooked the other underwater openings. Upon abandonment these "people" left
as well.

Link to Amethyst Skull

Society of Crystal Skulls

Contact Red Elk

http://www.redelk.org/website/pyramids.htm (10 of 10) [5/3/2007 2:15:07 PM]


Very Extensive. Aprox. 7 hrs. of CD time.
The best Red Elk has recorded in teaching, EVER! MANY "How
Tos" included.
Done with a Christian group who had Red Elk come for a wk. of
sharing / teaching.
This CD set is very in depth...showing Indian / Bible...Bible / Indian
ARE OF THE SAME SOURCE!! By telling / teaching of the
combination of the two.
In this, the group learned Trees DO TALK....NATURE n PEOPLE C
That ALL MANKIND C A N DO Healings, Etc.
Note: Red Elk does Not teach on these CDs the WAY TO
CONNECT on "Tree Talk"....
"Too Dangerous unguided"....
But the group did learn this, n TELLS OF THEIR EXPERIENCES IN
Red Elk no longer holds classes on his land but DOES "go out" to
THIS Is One of Those Classes. "you CAN "Do The THINGS Of

USA orders: $195.00 plus $5.00 shipping USA CURRENCY

http://www.redelk.org/website/lessons.html (1 of 4) [5/3/2007 2:15:09 PM]

INTERNATIONAL orders: $195.00 plus $15.00 shipping USA


Checks or Money Orders only

Make Payable to:
Red Elk
P.O. Box 166
Thorp, Wa. 98946 USA

NOTE: Red Elk charged $110.00 per class on his land. That meant
people paid their way to and from classes...their own motel rooms...
and their own meals.
NOTE: It takes aprox. 5 days to receive the orders from the supplier.
Then off to the buyer.
CANADA takes as long as 7 WKS!
Red Elk has no authority with Any Postal Service. "Just sends and
EXPECT DELAYS due to this.

For Written Lessons Contact RedElk:

Purity / One Relation
P.O. Box 166
Thorp, WA 98946
Money orders preferred
personal checks accepted: (items will not ship until check clears)
No more PayPal

http://www.redelk.org/website/lessons.html (2 of 4) [5/3/2007 2:15:09 PM]



THE AGENDA.......telling about reason/ plans of those not us

....and the Creators reason for all this.
$33 USA Postpaid
$35 International

Friends, All below work- But only if you can get into "The Child-Like
Without this you would be best saving your money. Don't Buy!
The "tellings" are easy. Doing takes the purity of a child though. Can
I have 9 who now levitate, 35 who go into the past/future,
7 or more who can become invisable.
Many who self heal and heal others. None so far who teleport.
Many who talk, mind to mind, ON DEMAND
All these lessons can be had, Free, if you learn the formula set
in "The Good Book" (Bible).
These are not limited to medicine men/women alone.
How can they be if in a book as old as "Tradition"?
Best to you all. Ho
Red Elk

Health Series $22 USA,$25 International Postpaid Each

Invisability $22 USA,$25 International Postpaid Each
http://www.redelk.org/website/lessons.html (3 of 4) [5/3/2007 2:15:09 PM]

Levitation $22 USA, $25 International Postpaid Each

Teleportation/Telepathy $22 USA, $25 International Postpaid

http://www.redelk.org/website/lessons.html (4 of 4) [5/3/2007 2:15:09 PM]

Crop Circles in the Sky

Crop Circles in the Sky?

Friends: Here are the blow up pictures I call

"Crop Circles in the Sky"

In my area We have 5 communication towers in sight. When I first noticed these odd lights, one was
The next one (heading east) was lightly so. None of the others had these lights.
In a 2 month period, the Extremely active one has become like the lightly active one.


The high active one is inactive. The light active one is now extremely active and the third easterly light is now
lightly active.
In short these lights are traveling Eastward!! Why?
It is my opinion to be noticed!

This is not any governments doing. Our governments are not so stupid, they do not try to pull a fast one on
the public and then let them know it! In my prayer time I have been told these are from other sources and is
a breakable code. Another odd thing I have found is that these lights duplicate or nearly duplicate there
display every few days! Again these lights want to be NOTICED!

All pictures were taken with the camera resting firmly on the truck bed edge or firmly on the windowsill of the
car with the engines and lights off.
Please note there are no roads/freeways from the spots of the pictures. In short there are NO Reflections!
Though it may appear so in one or two.

To see if your area has similar activity. Look at the lite on a tower, then immediately away from it.
Count to three then look back. You may have to do this a number of times.
This is not peripheral vision!
Three of us were seeing the same things at the SAME TIME!!
A camera will not take peripheral vision pictures. These lights display very rapidly so just point and shoot at
random and hope for the best. Note; The digital camera shows FAR more than the eye can see!

Good Luck. Red Elk

http://www.redelk.org/website/New%20Photos.htm (1 of 10) [5/3/2007 2:15:18 PM]

Crop Circles in the Sky

Double Y's

http://www.redelk.org/website/New%20Photos.htm (2 of 10) [5/3/2007 2:15:18 PM]

Crop Circles in the Sky

Beats Me?

http://www.redelk.org/website/New%20Photos.htm (3 of 10) [5/3/2007 2:15:18 PM]

Crop Circles in the Sky

Look at the string of lights going on to infinity

http://www.redelk.org/website/New%20Photos.htm (4 of 10) [5/3/2007 2:15:18 PM]

Crop Circles in the Sky

Digital 9.9. Picture

http://www.redelk.org/website/New%20Photos.htm (5 of 10) [5/3/2007 2:15:18 PM]

Crop Circles in the Sky

These are not cars, this is on the land by the tower

http://www.redelk.org/website/New%20Photos.htm (6 of 10) [5/3/2007 2:15:18 PM]

Crop Circles in the Sky

The Spiders Picture (Note how they duplicate on the left!)

http://www.redelk.org/website/New%20Photos.htm (7 of 10) [5/3/2007 2:15:18 PM]

Crop Circles in the Sky

Your guess is as good as mine

http://www.redelk.org/website/New%20Photos.htm (8 of 10) [5/3/2007 2:15:18 PM]

Crop Circles in the Sky


http://www.redelk.org/website/New%20Photos.htm (9 of 10) [5/3/2007 2:15:18 PM]

Crop Circles in the Sky

Again, no headlight reflections. NO ROAD!

(I have other pictures to put on, in time. TOTALLY DIFFERENT, but from the same tower sources.)

http://www.redelk.org/website/New%20Photos.htm (10 of 10) [5/3/2007 2:15:18 PM]

RedElk.org Links

Recommended Websites,
products and other resources

Recommended Reading
(read in order given)

Holy Bible

The Tracker by Tom Brown Jr.

Awakening Spirits by Tom Brown Jr.

Urban Shamanby Serge Kahili King, PHD

Instant Healing by Serge Kahili King, PHD

Secrets of Shamanism by Jose Stevens, PhD and Lena Stevens, PhD

Life & Teaching of the Masters

of the Far East

Rolling Thunder Speaks

http://www.redelk.org/website/links.html (1 of 4) [5/3/2007 2:15:21 PM]

RedElk.org Links

* If you want to know what Red Elk is all about, read this last book. This man and he are just
about eye-to-eye, identically, as far as messages to the world and the way of right living.

ALL the above books are extremely helpful in gaining your "upstairs knowledge"

Red Elk personally endorses the following sites, and his comments follow
each link:


Although this Magizine is no longer in print, their website is still in

operation and their 2 interviews are still available to read here.

Folks, the following link concerns an Amazingly Accurate "Future

Knowledge Way".
Not 100%...but DARN CLOSE! I have added it so you can see for
I know Knighten... and have tested it/him 2 years now.

http://www.redelk.org/website/links.html (2 of 4) [5/3/2007 2:15:21 PM]

RedElk.org Links

PRETTY GOOD INFO... Certainly Intriguing

Ho Red Elk
Knighton's system (spiritual science) of forecasting!


Primal Qi Synergy



United Native America

Amon Ma'at

Native Indian Tribes

Stop Chemtrails

We Are One

Prophecy Keepers


The Bear's Byte

Links by Joeblow (forum member)

Links by Dave7 (forum member)

Mel's Hole

Seattle UFO Paranormal Group

http://www.redelk.org/website/links.html (3 of 4) [5/3/2007 2:15:21 PM]

RedElk.org Links

http://www.redelk.org/website/links.html (4 of 4) [5/3/2007 2:15:21 PM]

Welcome to RedElk.org

Welcome to RedElk.org! Red Elk has posted a new simplified web site. Click Here to see his most recent postings
including new photos.

GO TO: FORUM | Contact | Archives | Faq | Family Photos | New Web Site |

NOTE TO ALL: Red Elk goes by HIS givin ceramonial name, he is NOT a "Mr. " Red Elk etc.. Also Red Elk is
a breed...not a fullblood, and plainly states so.
See the vision on DVD

CLICK ON Red Elk's



Two of Five Tipis on Red Elk's property. CLICK HERE

It is well protected by spirits.
(Do you see the faces in the picture above?)
Red Elk's Great Vision:


Did you miss Red Elk's interview on

Coast To Coast? Get It Here:

Audio Download Page

Spectrum Magazine Interviews
http://www.redelk.org/website/index2.htm (1 of 3) [5/3/2007 2:15:26 PM]
Welcome to RedElk.org

Red Elk, a half breed Medicine/Wakian man

(spiritual teacher), belongs to three Article 1 | Article 2
Native American societies.
Learn more: Click HERE

Picture Archives

Crystal Skull, Pyramids, Etc .

New Photos May 7, 2003

Own a piece of the Heavens!One of the most extensive

personal Meteorite collections is now for sale. For more
information, send an email to universalrocks@hotmail.

This collection is from an "advanced topic" researcher

(Seattle Chat Club Photo) who is also the God Daughter of Red Elk.

Note to all: I do not represent any Indian

I represent only the Inner Heyoka Society.
Our orders do not come from man, but from Dulce Interview
the Creator only. In so doing, many traditional
ways are 'stepped on'. If anyone has a Information on RED ELK's UFO Sighting..
complaint, go to the Creator and tell HIM. I
Outline of UFO landing in Ellensburg, WA
will continue to do what I and the others are
CLICK HERE for more information/photos

Click here to get to the forum. Note- You do NOT

have to subscribe to be a member. But you do have
to register as a member to send private messages.

Crystal Skull Message

Call for Peace

http://www.redelk.org/website/index2.htm (2 of 3) [5/3/2007 2:15:26 PM]

Welcome to RedElk.org

Original art by Gary Holland

(click to enlarge)


http://www.redelk.org/website/index2.htm (3 of 3) [5/3/2007 2:15:26 PM]


Heyoka, roughly translated, means "Clown". INNER Heyoka as used on this website, refers
to works more in the Spiritual (soul) area. The "Essenes" of the North American Natives.

Sacred Fools and Clowns Clowns Names for clowns are heyoka, chifone, koshare,
“banana ripener,” kwirana, and “blue jay”. There are both humorous and serious
clowns. Serious clowns of the medicine society maintaining the continuity of fertility,
rain, crops, health, and the various orders of Creation. They are the guardians of the
ritual, ready with yucca plant lashes to catch a child and throw him in the river.

Whenever the clowns enter the stage of drama in a ritual and wherever they are
found in the oral histories, stories, or songs, the clowns have something in common.
Scared clowns from different tribes can recognize another scared clown without word
passing between them, they would be able to know who the other one was; what he
represented and what he was placed on earth to do.

Early histories of oral tradition introduce the concept and the techniques of clowning.
When clowns appear in the creation stories they play important roles during the
emergence of “The People” into the present. Sacred clowns have a special
relationship to the sun, almost like sons. Particularly in the southwest there is often
more than one clown society. Example: Pueblos divide clowns into summer and
winter clowns.

Clowns have several different aspects. Clowns are sometimes guides to the
individuals whose dreams and visions take them to the World of Souls or the Land of
the Dead. Clowns have a widespread association to water places such as mist,
drizzle, rain, clouds, storms, steams, thunder and lightening. Clowns are mediators
for rain. Sacred Clowns: Their Relationship To Scared Knowledge One of the unique
features of Native American sacred ways is the important place of humor, and
laughter in this aspect of “The People’s” lives.

Sacred clowns portray and symbolize aspects of the sacred in a special way, a way in
which their teachings get through to us without even “thinking about” them. Clowns in
their actions don’t seem to care about “concepts. They are not concerned about
definitions but at the same time they define the concepts at the root of tribal
cosmologies, the guidelines for moral and ethical behaviors, and the theories of
balance and imbalance.

Clowns are the only ones who can “ask why” of dangerous subjects or “ask why” of

http://www.redelk.org/website/heyoka.htm (1 of 3) [5/3/2007 2:15:27 PM]


those people who are specialist in advanced sacred knowledge. They ask in their
backwards language, through their satire, and their fooling around. They ask the
questions others would like to say they say the things others are afraid to speak
Jokes, puns, and satire are forms of humor that are important teaching tools. By
reading between the lines the audience is able to think about things not usually
thought about or cause them to look at some things in a different aspect.

Clowns have an important role in terms of portraying and symbolizing concepts.

Clowns portray the boundaries and the limits of the world by going beyond them,
acting in a non-ordinary way while doing so, and in this way contrast they own
contrary behavior with the orderly ritual directions and scared worlds.

Clowns dramatize the powerful relationships. They show the dark side, the light side,
they show us life is hard, and that life can be made easier. Sacred clowns integrate
modern-day elements into aboriginal rituals keeping their dramas effective from year
to year. Most obvious characteristic of sacred clowns is that they are full of
contradictions. They have a mixture of innocence and wisdom, and they speak like

Acoma Medicine Society- The Chaianyi, are some of the most powerful members of
the tribe. Koshare- one of the groups of clowns, were to know no sadness and to
know no pain even if they were hurt. The Koshare was described as “different from
the other people because he knows something about himself”. The sacred clowns
make people aware of their pain and sorrow but they also relieve them from the
thought of it. The Sioux clowns derive their power and wisdom from an experience of
shame. The power originates from the experience of an individual vision or dream
from the experience of shame.

Heyoka is another name for a clown. Thought of as being upside-down, backward-

forward, and says things like yes when he actually means no (for humor). They teach
backwards through nonsense, jokes and threats. The Heyoka perform The
Cleansing Ceremony as follows: They kill a dog and put it in a boiling kettle, then they
dance, sing and act around the kettle. The climax of the ceremony is when the
Heyokas dance and take out the dog meat with their bare arms. Then they give it to
the poor and the sick, which then cures them of the sicknesses that they have, a good
medicine. The Heyoka are not scalded because of a herb- Tapejuta. They chew it
and smear it on their arms; therefore the boiling water won't hurt them. Other activities
performed by the clowns include the Zuni clowns imitation of Satataca, The Bow
Priest, in his Night Chant Prayer. They make obscene remarks in the place of original
lines, this symbolizes the importance of language and all that it allows us to do.
Additionally, some clowns even pose as Blue Jays and “Crazy Dancers.”

http://www.redelk.org/website/heyoka.htm (2 of 3) [5/3/2007 2:15:27 PM]


Generally, most clowns participate in backwards talk, jokes, satire, lots of fooling
around, contrary behavior, the singing of shameful events in their lives, and asking
and begging for food. The MAIN GOAL is to teach by bad example and cause
imbalance at the ceremonies. The clowns have many roles and functions. First and
possibly foremost is to prepare the people for disaster (this shows that collaboration is
needed by everyone to maintain a life that is frequently challenged by catastrophes.)
Also, many clowns are considered to be healers. Some may even feed medicine to
the sick out of their own mouths.

Yet another role is to show preventive medicine to the people, and this may include
good eating and health tips. At the end of a ceremonies, everyone, adults and
children alike, should understand the concept of balance. Additionally, those who
need to must “share their shame.” And finally, other concepts to be understood
should be; personal responsibility is at the heart of social order and survival and
sacred power. This is all concluded in the finale of the ceremony when there is a
cleansing act performed on the clowns.

http://www.redelk.org/website/heyoka.htm (3 of 3) [5/3/2007 2:15:27 PM]

Warning Regarding Earth

NOTE: What is written below was put on several

months ago. Since that time things have escalated
in a highly sped fashion.

URGENT! ALL visitors .... READ THIS:

Due to the upcoming Earth Shift, there is an event

that has recently started that, if you are unaware of
it, may cause you mental distress ... even Madness.

Our inner Earth's plates are grating, creating a

vibration that is now opening, or thinning, various
"veils". All will be experiencing mental/body "shifts"
due to this.

The veils will get thinner and much more frequent as

time goes on. These veils will reveal phenomena,
such as visually seeing Angels, Demonic Beings,
various Inner Land Beings, more UFO sightings, etc.

Parallel Time Shifts will take place as well. We are

made of the Earth, and are thus attuned to it. What
has already started, and will get stronger, is as
natural as breathing. By BEING AWARE that these
things are before you, you will not be as anxious. We
serve an awesome Heavenly Father.

This knowledge alone will allow you to accept and

understand. BE NOT AFRAID!

Again, THIS IS NATURAL, and happens at each earth

http://www.redelk.org/website/warning.htm (1 of 2) [5/3/2007 2:15:28 PM]

Warning Regarding Earth


Bend like a green reed

and you'll be safe.

Red Elk

http://www.redelk.org/website/warning.htm (2 of 2) [5/3/2007 2:15:28 PM]

Red Elk's Great Vision

Red Elk's Great Vision

It was about 1973 or '74 when I decided to do a rather long fast.
Though at that time, I had no idea of how long. It turned out to be 69

Unlike the Pale Teacher, I took water, juices and vitamins. No solid
food passed my lips. Somewhere in about the 49th day I began to
see our future. This vision lasted 3 days. A little each day. Each
section started where it had left off the day before.

I know many reading this will think what I was shown is 'based' on
PAST EVENTS. This is not so. ALL was shown long BEFORE the

Only a few have been privy to what will be shared here - in the
weeks following this vision. They know I'm not 'dipping' in the past -
for they were told before these now "passed" events ever took place.
I've held all basically secret - testing to see if true. Enough has
passed - showing what I was shown to now feel confident these
things as yet that haven't happened: WILL.

Here is what I was shown:

A great gasoline "drought". This happened immediately after the Viet

Nam war.

Car factories closed. Iron factories closed. Both have happened.

Drought and floods.. in this now.

Turmoil of weather.. in this now.

North America with many earthquakes.. in this now. AND TO


Odd diseases. AIDS - Others: Occurring NOW.

http://www.redelk.org/website/Great_Vision.htm (1 of 8) [5/3/2007 2:15:31 PM]

Red Elk's Great Vision

Hospitals filled to capacity due to disease and government

experiments.. Still to be.

Death, so GREAT train box cars haul thousands of bodys to put in the
Dakota badlands - using the Auroras as burial places. Almost all
dead come from the East. Yet to happen.

Children "protected" - evacuated to government safe places. Still to


Crops killed by insects and drought. In process now, and will


HOT! Unbelievably so! Yet to be.

Giant winds - renegade storms. Doing so now will escalate.

Ice/snow storms, East Southeast area - Freezing as we've never

known it to do. MANY die. Showing signs of this now.

Weather in general - CRAZY. Doing so now.

The following are yet to be, unless otherwise indicated:

Steaming waters - rivers / lakes.

Sky turns "mad" - can't be explained.

Blisters and open sores - blindness. MASSIVE.

Hair falling out - in clumps.

Gagging on food / drinks. Choking.

GREAT fear in all people in North America.

Lung / breathing problems. In process now.

Animals / fish / birds disappearing into oblivion - near extinction.

WAR ON OUR SOIL - five armies (nations) doing so. We lose. To be

and probably within the next five years - or sooner.


http://www.redelk.org/website/Great_Vision.htm (2 of 8) [5/3/2007 2:15:31 PM]

Red Elk's Great Vision


Great race upheaval in North America - civil war between races.

Citizens against government - local to national.

A general mass "madness".

USA military gone amuck. Raping / killing / stealing.

Fights over water.

"Road warriors" - guns rule.

Military and road warriors clash.

HATE and FEAR rule. In process now.

Christian churches fail. In process now.

Stealth type murders. Doing so now.

Mass murders. Doing so now.

Adults losing control - kids "lord" over them. Doing so now.

Hawaiian Islands RISE.

Coasts of USA to sink.

HUGE earthquakes / winds.

Sky turns dark.

Sky turns red (days and nights).

HUGE meteorite hits ocean off of our coast.

Sky filled with red hot burning rocks.

Survivors of war - refugees go to upper Minnesota to escape.

Creator 'slaps' away occupying armies. All flee.

Military hidden UNDERGROUND emergency weapons.

http://www.redelk.org/website/Great_Vision.htm (3 of 8) [5/3/2007 2:15:31 PM]

Red Elk's Great Vision

Politicians escaping underground. Tunnels / bases try to regain

leadership - most rejected and run off.

Women take an active place in ruling what's left. EQUAL.

666 number comes into play. To be. (in progress now)

Believers hunted for bounty of $ or water.

Creator feeds / waters His 'children' via birds etc.

Two raptures - first one (man / alien made) is false.

Demonic / alien activities increase. Doing so now.

GREAT economic depression - far bigger than the 30's. Christians

blamed for this. Believer's children mocked and beaten by
schoolyard peers due to the depression.

Many 'good' escape into caves and tunnels and LOWER. In process
now - but very limited.

"Openings" held secret by Native Americans start to get opened /

activated by them. Doing so now. Will escalate.

Sacred Native American KNOWLEGE will be given to ALL. In process


Eventually Armageddon. In process now.

Year 2012 only end of known possibility. Too many possibilities to

know which path mankind will take. Myans gave up. To be known at
the time.

World civilizations cease. Few left. Interbreeding of all races making

one color - one language.

One thousand years of peace.

Earth's people return to same as now - and worse.

Mankind volunteers to be 'borg-like' (machine like). Emotions snuffed

out by technology.

No more wars due to this near robotic state of being. (No more
"LIFE" - spontaneity)

http://www.redelk.org/website/Great_Vision.htm (4 of 8) [5/3/2007 2:15:31 PM]

Red Elk's Great Vision

Rebels remain 'natural'.

A great revival occurs away from borgdom.

Earth is destroyed around 4023. 'Judgement Day' occurs just before

Earth is destroyed.

Afterlife occurs for the good and the bad, who are each congregated

That completes the largest single vision that I had. The following
revelations were also given to me later:

A 7.2 earthquake will occur (some will say it is 7.3 but it is 7.2)
rolling in from the general direction of Portland Oregon moving in the
direction of Seattle. Don't know if Portland or Seattle is affected.
Was shown it was to be in a fairly early in the morning on a beautiful
Spring or Summer day.

Mount St. Helens blows up again. Couger Washington instantly

disappears in the blast. Mountain blows from that side. Ash is at
least ten feet deep in surrounding areas (Long View, Kelso, etc.) - at
least 10 inches in Tacoma, Washington, then turns East (as before).
Similar time frame as earthquake.


Mount Rainier blows - fall time frame. Just under 1/4 of top shoots
straight up - flips over - slams back into the crater, plugging it. This
causes compressed air to blow holes in Kitticas County etc., well
over 100 miles away. Holes from only an inch to over six feet. This
occurs just prior to or early in Elk (gun hunting season) season.

Mount Si - big and little - kiss off the town of North Bend,
Washington. This will happen within three years from October 2003
(when this was first written).

Puget Sound Coast: A HUGE "shelf" of earth snaps off and drops
deeply from outer end - creating a giant backwash. It has a scooping
effect that produces a huge Tsunami wave. This great wave is
hundreds of feet high. All cities, Seattle on down to Oregon, drown.
(Don't know about Oregon.) Water breaks over inland mountain

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Red Elk's Great Vision

passes. Rivers rise - dams break. Stops East of Spokane Washington.

All up to there are killed. Washington State becomes just a strip of
land. Many of the current mountain tops form islands off the new
coast of Washington.

This Northeast US geologic trauma is not necessarily given in the

sequence in which it will occur. Rainier or St. Helens is the most
likely first occurrence.

Rampant Corruption

Hawaii will or has a younger (40s) politician who invites or allows big
Mafia activity. THIS MAN IS BAD NEWS! (watch out voters)

Military is digging in new tunnels, and are putting in small

underground bases NOW. Going underground to escape what's
coming and will rise on the command of hiding politicians to take
over once again.

A water SHORTAGE will occur in nature, but it is also planned and

arranged by man. "Glass like" tunnels are being made. These are to
be used as water conduits to drain lakes - big ones. The US AND
CANADIAN governments will claim it is all nature. B.S. - a man made
catastrophe mixed with some natural events. Government will
control all water rights - wells included.

Okay you've got the vision - and visions after. At the end of the first
(big) vision I was told:




Red Elk

Addendum by Red Elk:

IS THERE HOPE?: Hear me friends, I am "Anti Religious" n teach

NONE save Oneness between each n the Creator. The following will/
can be misconstrued as a Religious STATEMENT.... IT IS NOT. I am
only REPEATING what I was AUDABLY T O L D : As I layed before the
Creator after all the "69 day fast" (I was on the liveing rm floom....

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Red Elk's Great Vision

shocked by what I had been shown over the last 3 days), I asked;
"Why r u showeing me this Sir?" at that HIS VOICE "Hit"me.


READ THE WORD OF GOD (Good Book/Bible) ......DAILY. #2.....PRAY

Other things, personal, were told me as well after this initial

message. Things regarding my "reason for "being". One of which
AFGANASTAN AND (here I can no longer recall). U WILL BE HEARD


(I was then shown this man. One that will be the NXT POPE OF LONG
STANDING (this is now 2004). ( NOTE: There MAY be a Pope AFTER
THE ONE EARTH NOW HAS and BEFORE this "Black" One.....Im not
sure....but IF SO this one will have a VERY SHORT "REIGN"....making
way for the Black One). (NOTE: This "Black Pope" is NOT the ANTI-

Then The Creator showed me walking in the "Land of the Arabs

(Musslum people)". My feet were cripled badly n I was useing staffs
to walk. There (?) I was taken captive and thrown into a deep round
pit that had an iron grill atop. This pit had others within it. ...dead.
Bones and roting flesh. No food or water gos to those within. (You
just "Fry" under the heat of the sun.....condemed to die of thirst n
hunger). DURING THE NIGHT (of one? of more then one?) someone...
or 2 or 3....came quietly and lifted the steel grate and passed a rope
down....pulling me out. THESE WERE A SECRET "SOCIETY" OF
MUSSLUM C H R I S T I A N S! (I know these exist today).

I was then shown me returning to the United States JUST AS THE

GREAT TURMOIL (3 day vision) BEGAN. Returning "JUST IN TIME"
FOR THAT! Just in time for "All Hell" to break loose, here. AFTER

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Red Elk's Great Vision



what "Gentiles" can DO, n BE. IS There HOPE? YES! Can this be
GOD....N O W ! And in the ONENESS...in LIKE MIND.... PLEAD FOR
LISTEN! CHANGE. NOW! Before it's too late.


WILDERNESS?"......... ?

Ho Red Elk

P.S. A part of vision 4gotten till this morn (March 14). ; INSECTS IN
Dead n Dieing.(Soldiers). ATOMIC SHELLS GOING OFF....Effecting
NONE OF THE PRAY-ERS. Both Shapnel/Blast/Atomic Energy

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Untitled Document


A Message
From Red Elk
Editor’s note: It seems as if the pace of the Great Awakening on planet Earth has jumped
up another notch. Those of you who have been closely following the spiritual messages
(and some others) shared within these pages over, especially, the last few months have
noticed a common theme: that we are all, spiritually, in a “decision-making” time. There’s
no more fence-sitting; rather, we are told that ALL shall experience conditions and
circumstances which require a decision one way or the other—a siding with Good or Evil.
Well, here we go again. Yet another respected source has come forth.
On Wednesday, January 22, 2003, we received a telephone call at The SPECTRUM
from renowned Native American leader Red Elk, who felt compelled to share the following
message with all of our readers.
Many of you will remember Red Elk as Rick Martin’s featured front-page interviewee for
our April 2002 issue. That provocative article was titled Red Elk’s Medicine Message Of
Worlds Within Worlds: Old Mysteries, Powerful Truths For Today. Red Elk teaches and
lectures extensively and has several times spoken to the vast listening audience of Art Bell’s
late-night talk-radio program about both spiritual matters and the many layers of activity
going on right under our feet.
Rick Martin answered Red Elk’s call and, once the intent was understood, quickly
grabbed his tape recorder so that we could share the following information and dialog with

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Is it timely? That’s a matter of personal value within the Larger Play that’s rapidly
picking up speed. It seems that teachers from all directions are being urged to step forth
and do their part to help guide those who are awakening to an awareness of the Cleansing
Spirit moving ever more surely over planet Earth.
As Red Elk says, conditions shall be such as to encourage all of like mind to work together
toward the renewal of Mother Earth—for all our relations.

1/22/03 RED ELK

(Website: http://www.redelk.org/)

What I’d like to say, if at all possible, is to the people:

The line IS drawn. Capitalize IS. There will be no more fence-straddling. You’re either
going to be for Good, or for self.
Basically, we’ve only got about 2½ years before war comes to our shores, and WE lose.
But it won’t be a total loss.
The Great Hand of the Creator will slap-down on the foreign armies that occupy the
USA. It will slap-down three times, and every foreign personnel who are connected with
taking us over will flee. But, nevertheless, war is due.
There will be a M7.2 earthquake on the West Coast. Somewhere rolling in from the
Portland, Oregon area. Now, I do not know if that’s Portland included, but from that
particular area, up toward Washington. Date or year unknown, but it will be early on a
beautiful Spring morning.
Mount St. Helens will blow again, going through the lava tubes, wiping-out Cougar,
Washington—going towards Portland. I don’t know if the winds catch it before or after, and
then blow it along the coast, and inland again, East, as before. Time and date and year
unknown—but it will be. It will be as before, on a beautiful Spring morning, between 6:00
and 10:30 a.m. More towards Summer, I think, because it’s a very beautiful day.
Mt. Rainer will blow approximately just under 1/4 of its top, like an arrow shooting up.
And then it will turn around and come down and fill the gap that it had left, creating air
pressure far into the inlands of Eastern Washington, Kittitas County. There will be holes
from a few mere inches to 60 feet or so across, that are blown out with just air pressure,
nothing to do with lava. This will happen sometime approaching or during elk season,
which is Fall time. Again, the time and year unknown.
But we’re in for one heck of a ride. This should take place before the war.
Planet X will not flip the Earth. It’s only one of three events. It will be a contributing
factor only. It is there. We’ve known it in Native medicine knowledge for many, many,
many—well, foretold for centuries. When will it come? I don’t know if it’s on the date

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everybody is talking about; I have no idea. All I know is that it will be coming. And it will
cause great disturbances on the Earth. But it will not cause the Earth to flip, though it will
be a contributing factor.
When will the Earth flip? I don’t know. It will flip within 23 years, anytime within 23
years, and AFTER the events just described.
And it’s going to be Bad versus Good, Good versus Bad, Unconditional Love versus
Self Gratification.
The Christian churches will break up. There will be the true-hearts who will leave,
leaving the modern-day Christian way, in the church buildings. The true-hearts will start
meeting in homes, again. They will stay in the traditional Christian churches until they can’t
stand it anymore. But they will be a Light within the Church for a short time, and then they
will pull out.
Again: the line is drawn! There’s no more fence-straddling, at all. You make up your
mind now which way you’re going to go: Good or Bad.
You still LOVE the Bad. They can call you enemy; but you don’t call them enemy.
The year 2012 is NOT the end of civilization as we know it; that I can see. But it is the
Year of Confusion. So many probables. Mankind can go in so many different, strong ways
that the Mayan, the Aztec, etc., just did not see which way they were going to go. They
were all such strong possibilities to go. So, they more or less threw their hands up and said:
“We don’t know.”
Thank you, my brother, that’s the best I can do.


Martin: I have one question for you.

Red Elk: No, I’m not pregnant. [Laughter]
Martin: [Laughter] Our upcoming March feature concerns the year 2003, primarily.
Red Elk: Yeah, there is something that is going to be done in 2003. I don’t know what.
Martin: There is a lot that people are seeing, a lot of apprehension for the first half of
2003. Some people are apprehensive because of Planet X, some people are apprehensive
because of the possible war in Iraq, and yet there are other factors coming into play, not the
least of which is time manipulation.
Do you have a sense of what people’s apprehension is about 2003?
Red Elk: Most of the apprehension is caused by the Earth, inner great shifting. We are of
Earth. We are made of dirt, and stuff, originally. So we are, therefore, very much in tune

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with the Earth, regardless if you are aware of it or not. The grading, and all of the
movement of our Earth, she’s getting ready to roll. It’s causing a sympathetic vibration in
the human body.
Also, people are going into parallel times and places, actually doing it—and shocked:
“What was that all about?” Because it only lasts a moment, to several minutes. Are they
going crazy? No, it’s just they are not aware of what is happening.
[Editor’s note: This last comment is very similar to what Al Bielek and Preston Nichols
say in Rick’s front-page feature story.]
Martin: There’s a lot of that.
Red Elk: Yes, there is a tremendous amount, and it is growing, and growing, and
So some of the apprehension is due to our Mother Earth. And the fact that our people
came from her belly—in that sense, we ARE connected. But most people are not aware of
the total connection.
But another thing: How do I say it? There is also occurring manipulation through “other
forces”—those who in turn are manipulated by Luciferian angels and he himself, who are
trying to manipulate the humans to be afraid.
Martin: True.
Red Elk: You’re supposed to run to the government; they will “protect” you. You’re
damn right they will! They’re part of the other ones, the Bad ones!
You are being controlled simply by fear—they’re trying to, anyway. Big word: fear! FEAR!
And those who learn to overcome that fear, and walk in the Light of Love and Unity
with The Creator—shoot—this will be a piece of cake.
It will be like walking through a cloud instead of hitting a mountain. It will only cause
you to waiver a bit; then off you go, right through that mountain! It’s nothing more than
energy in the first place, just as you are energy. You become an unstopable force, going
right through an immovable object!
It’s all mind, God-mind stuff. It is, literally, thought energy. You match energy and pass
through. And we can do that—but it takes a heart relationship with Daddy to do it. It really
does; I’m not kidding anybody. It really does!
Put that down, however you want, brother, if you will.
Martin: I’ll be glad to.
Red Elk: The line is drawn! There’s no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Our skies haven’t
turned red, yet. I think that Planet X is going to help along in that way.
I’m not sure if it’s going to be a nuclear explosion that causes this. Although, the wavering
of our Earth, and this Planet X coming by so close and causing what it does—makes the
Earth shake and rattle and roll even more.
And since everybody is on edge anyway, somebody might, might hit the wrong button

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and we will have a nuclear war. And I’m talking PRIOR to Armageddon.
So, the skies will turn red, day and night, for a number of days in a row. What actually
causes it? I’m not sure. It hasn’t happened yet. We can still change everything if enough
people of the planet got right with The Creator; we could stop everything.
Planet Earth can go out into space like a slingshot. Mamma would calm down and say:
“Ah, the fleas are resting.” And not shake us off. Otherwise, we’re on our own.
And I tell you true: the line IS drawn! It’s not a matter of going to be, or a little line here,
a little line there, like it has been—people here, people there, praying for Mother Earth, not
knowing that there’s five more, six blocks down the road, doing the same thing. They’re not
yet connected, a bunch of little lines.
But now, they are going to connect as One! Those who are for Good will connect as One, in
some super-huge kind of meeting.
And they’ve got to learn that, when they connect, they cannot—I repeat, with big
CANNOT—say: “We’re all here for helping Earth and mankind, and this is the way you
must do it.”
They’ve got to realize—I’m talking medicine people, spiritual people, I’m talking
wiccan people—I don’t care, as long as they are for Mamma Earth, and for unity of Love, I
don’t care how they go to The Creator.
But, I’m telling you this: There is a great problem in the world today, amongst the so-
called “spiritual” people. They have a problem with: “MY way is right; so we’ll do it this
They are not living Mitakuye Oyasin [for all my relations]. They just talk the word.
The world is a body, in a sense. We are the doctors, in a sense. All doctors, to be regular
doctors, all go to the same kind of basic training to know the body before they branch off to
be a brain surgeon, a heart surgeon, a foot doctor. But they all have to take the same basic
training before they branch-off.
They are forgetting that we all have the same basic training; we’re all working with the
same body. And sure, some know how to do brain surgery; some know how to do foot
work. But that does not cure the body; it only cures that part.
They must realize it takes all, working together, on the whole body! The brain surgeon,
the heart surgeon, the guy who heals broken bones, the guy who takes care of intestinal
disorders—without all of them truly working together, no ONE is right.
They must unify! Then the body has a great chance of being healed; otherwise, it’s just
partially crippled. Right now the body is spastic. We must work together to make the body
whole. Work TOGETHER, not against each other. None of this “mine is right, yours is
wrong” attitude.
And until they can do that, these who call others together to meet for praying for Mother
Earth, and all that, but they still stay in their specialty and fight each other—how can they

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be so stubborn and yet claim to heal all?! They must accept every bit of each other’s little
individual—or great—amount of work on the body.
The nurse who gives the aspirin, she is very much needed. And so is the brain surgeon.
No one is more important than the other. We must unite!
Now, people world-wide are getting awfully antsy, scattered, frightened. As I said, it’s
designed to be that way, so they can be controlled.
They must be FREE, SELF-THINKERS, and TOTALLY FEARLESS. And they can’t
do that without the total spiritual contact with our Creator. And that Creator is 100% real!
They’ve got to reach that point of KNOWING!
Make that Creator—however you call The Creator: He, She, Cosmos, Allah, God,
whatever—make that one Daddy. Make Him REAL in your heart! Humanize Him to the
point where you can run and jump on His lap, and hug Him. But do it with great respect;
that’s what He wants. You are His thought! You are His child! You wouldn’t exist if He
didn’t want you in the first place!
So make Him an approachable Daddy. Don’t keep Him at such a distance, pushed away
with some kind of artificial reverence. Talk to Him in a respectful manner. But then, regard
Him as you would your father, human father, who you love dearly. You want to go to Dad
and give Him a hug. Or, you want to be able to say: “Dad, I don’t understand this or that;
help me.”
And if you’re in the wrong and don’t admit it, you’re going to get your butt spanked.
He’s Dad! He wants you to grow up right!
You might as well get up on His lap and apologize, and love Him, instead of standing
out there in the doorway. Get in there and hug the Guy, this Great Being. He exists!
Well, I’ve said my piece. A lot more than I intended to say. Take it down as you choose.


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NEW MESSAGE from 1/22/03

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Red Elk’s Medicine Message Of Worlds Within

Worlds: Old Mysteries, Powerful Truths For
<< click image to enlarge

3/8/02 Rick MARTIN

Movies such as Journey To The Center Of The Earth evoke exotic images of strange creatures,
precious stones, wondrous waterfalls, singing crystals, mysterious tunnels, and grand cities. For
some adventurous ones, such exotic themes also stimulate images of lost cultures, buried archives
of secret information, and fantastic treasures beyond description.

And then there are the old reports of tall, luminescent, wise beings existing somewhere within an
Inner Earth, visited by men of such unimpeachable integrity as Admiral Richard E. Byrd. Of
course other legends recount not-so-nice creatures of a dark underworld, the likes of which you
don’t really care to visit. And what about the super-deep and mysterious caverns and “holes” that
some have explored? What about the reports of strange sounds and bizarre sights coming from
somewhere within these curious underground locations?

So—what is fantasy and what is truth concerning that which may or may not exist beneath
our feet?

What about the technically advanced, often intimidating beings from elsewhere—called gods
(with a small g) in some languages—who seem to have had a lot to do with the early development
of planet Earth and her lifeforms? Where are they now?

Are there LAYERS, of a sort, to the structure of planet Earth—like floors in a highrise office
building? And could there be lifeforms—insulated from each other for various reasons—living
within these layers? Or moving fluently through strata of rock as if in a swimming pool?

Some profess to know a great deal about such matters. It is part of their role, at this time of The
Great Awakening, as keepers of ancient knowledge and teachers of long-hidden Truth.

One such teacher is the wise Zulu Shaman and Elder, Credo Mutwa, who we first featured in the
October 1999 issue of The SPECTRUM. Another such gifted soul is the subject of this interview—

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The SPECTRUM: Red Elk's Message

a most gracious and interesting character known as Red Elk.

Red Elk is an Inter-Tribal Native American Medicine Man. He is a self-described “half-breed”

Native American from both the BlackFoot and Shoshoni Nations, as well as being part Irish and

He is a member of the Heyoka (hi–OH–kah), a contrarian group of Native American “lost boys”.
He is, furthermore, one of twelve Inner Heyoka. Red Elk is one of the last nine members of the
Red Web Society, who are working to bring true understanding to Earth. He is Official Keeper of
the Tunnels, Official Keeper of the Pyramids, the Temporary Caretaker of the Flying-Red-Dragon
Drum—a very sacred symbol of the Hopi nation; he is likewise the Altar Carrier of the Native
Nations. Red Elk is regarded—by both Whites and Native Americans—as the bridge between the
Native people and ALL other religions—including the atheists. (Now there’s a challenging
position in itself !)

Red Elk was the featured guest on Art Bell’s late-night talk-radio program on Wednesday night/
Thursday morning December 12, 2001. Those of you who listened to that program with any
interest were probably a bit dismayed as Art adopted a rather disjointed and impatient (perhaps
even abrupt or rude) manner at times with this very wise yet humble guest.

Red Elk did his best to just “go along with the flow” of the evening. The information which Red
Elk attempted to share in the familiar story-telling style of his cultural heritage seemed to annoy
Art, causing interruptions and derailments that did not allow a most interesting narrative to
naturally unfold.

So, after hearing this disappointing broadcast, we here at The SPECTRUM invited Red Elk to
share his message in this much more “peaceful” and appreciative forum—promising no
interruptions or other irritating distractions. Red Elk quickly accepted our written invitation with a
thoughtful return phone call. He then further honored us by blessing the success of this magazine,
and saying this forum serves an important and unique teaching purpose.

On a more human level, Red Elk is a most humble and sincere man, with a great, yet often
subtle and self-effacing sense of humor.

(He is also a longtime accomplished cartoonist—a teller of stories, with humor, in pictures—with
his self-portrait being displayed nearby. This was lifted from the “signature” at the bottom of a
recent written note congratulating us on the new magazine format for The SPECTRUM, and
encouraging us to: “Now get it on the magazine stands in a big way! Aho! ”)

He is coming up rapidly on his 61st year, in a few months, and has received, by his own
recollection, over 41 years of ancient wisdom training.

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The SPECTRUM: Red Elk's Message

I asked Red Elk for some additional biographical information that could precede the actual
interview, and here is what he had to say:

Red Elk: I was born in 1942, in Ellenburg, Washington. At—my mother says from the first
year, I don’t recall it—the Indian’s Yakima Nation, at the rodeo, their last Wakian (or holy,
medicine man) came and saw me at that year. I don’t recall it, but I do recall every year since.

In my 4th year, we moved to Detroit. Before moving, the Elder, who came every year, came to
the family after the rodeo, something he never did before, ever. He put his arm across my
shoulder, and for the first time in anybody’s memory, spoke English. We didn’t know he knew
how, really.

He told my mother: “One day, this young boy will grow up to do many great things amongst his
people.” And then he just put his hand on my head and smiled down at me, and walked off. We
never saw him again.

And his people, I’m not sure if they were the Whites, or the Indians, or what, but nevertheless, my
mother, who despised Indians, all but Chief—we all called him Chief—she just had a great regard
for this gentleman, as well as all the people in the Nation, of the Yakimas. She always feared I’d
grow up, someday, to be Indian. I never realized that. I always thought I was. Mom is much
more Indian than I am, but was always fearful that one day I’d go bush.

Anyway, at 4 it was predicted that this would be—in short, without saying it, I would be a
medicine man, and evidently Wakian, a holy man, as well.

And I started my lessons at age 10. Heyoka means contrary, or the backward people, the people
who go to the beat of a different drum; the people who used to hop on their horses and say “I hate
you” to mean “I love you”; and they’d hop on the horse backwards and ride off.

I was more or less born Heyoka. I was kind of wild. I did strange things. I was raised in Detroit,
more or less in the streets, in and around Detroit. It was kind of fun. People thought I was crazy

I used to belong to what they called the Hood Blades, one of the gangs in Detroit. In the gang I
was the only one who never had to be initiated. Initiation was pretty rough. I asked them why.
And they told me, because they thought I was crazy; they thought I’d kill’em. I don’t know why, I
really don’t. They were afraid of me.

I was a mediator, more than a fighter. And when I would fight, I would, literally, take on 3, when
someone would take on 1; or I would take on 10, when someone would take on 1 or 2. And,
frankly, the reason for it was, I knew I couldn’t fight worth a dang, and I was going to lose, so I
was going to go down looking good, fighting a lot more than I—you know, I couldn’t beat one, let

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The SPECTRUM: Red Elk's Message

alone all of them, but I looked good. And it went well with the gang.

In 9th grade I only went 32 days. The rest of the time, nobody could find me because I was out
trapping, and tracking, and hunting, right in downtown Detroit. They had little fills between
factories, and stuff. I’d be out there with rat-traps trapping quail, and pheasants, tracking deer
alongside the polluted creeks and waters, right by the big auto factories.

But nobody could find me. And if I wasn’t out there, I was in the library, studying. Because they
don’t teach people what they should teach in school. Reading, writing, and arithmetic, and
understanding history, that’s about all you really need—unless you deliberately feel like you want
to be a doctor or a scientist. But to be able to read right, and do basic math, is all people need.
And that’s all I needed.

Other things here are much more important to me, the things of the spirit, and the things of doing,
knowledgeable things. In my case, survival techniques, stealth, hiding and stuff, even as a kid.

But nevertheless, I quit high school at the age of 15. They called me to find out why I wasn’t
going to school when it started. And I told them: “Look, I’m going to be 16 here in another 5
months or so, and I’m going to walk right out the door. So I’m not coming in. Why waste your
time and mine. I have better things to do.” I had to learn spiritual things, and you can’t learn that
in the school.

My training just went on the rest of my life. 8½ years on the black side, to know the enemy—you
know, the dark side. 2½ years at a non-denominational Bible college, which was
interdenominational, taught by many, many Christians, and teachers, denominations, as well as
bringing in people from other religions and stuff—a good education.

In the Inner Heyoka, of which I’m a member, which is the highest calling anyone can get into, I
am what they call a master envisioner, or a high-master envisioner. And my training to do that
lasted from the age of 10 until, gosh, until ’54. So, I can envision what is needed. I can’t do
things for self, I just had to learn; then I had to turn it back. I learn these things so that I can teach
these things.

Well, anyway, I’m just a common Joe. I put my pants on like any other Heyoka, which is over
your head, before you figure out you got them on upside-down.

Heyoka means contrary, backwards, the one who does things that go to a different drummer.
Actually, our prisons are full of Heyokas, although they don’t know that’s what they are—
untrained, unaimed Heyokas.

The Heyoka Society started ages and ages ago, when some kids were getting in trouble within
Nations, and some Elders got together and said: “What are we going to do with these kids?” You

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The SPECTRUM: Red Elk's Message

know, juvenile delinquents, Indians.

And nothing they were doing was doing any good because they were so backwards, so contrary.
They decided to make a Boy Scouts of America, in a sense, for Indians; to make a special society,
and they called the society The Heyoka.

What happened was, they’d take these bad boys, bad girls, and gave them the unique ability of
“being different”, allowing them to be different, but under control. Suddenly, these people, these
young kids, had a reason, they had a pride; they weren’t bad anymore. They belonged to a society,
their own.

And, in time of war, the Heyokas, in any given tribe, or small set of teepees, or whatever, if
they were under attack, the Heyokas would run to the Society teepee, and sit inside and play
bone games, and smoke, and have fun.

Everybody else out there is dying, and killing, until somebody would run in and dive through the
door and yell: “Don’t get your bows and arrows. And don’t go kill the enemy.” And then leave.

And boy, that’s all they were waiting for. Nobody tells a Heyoka to do a damn thing. So, they’d
do the opposite. And they were good fighters, especially in the BlackFoot.

Your Heyoka people, most of those, turned out to be Dog Soldiers, and excellent Dog Soldiers.
And these are people who would take a long line of horse hair or leather, tie it to their waist, and
stake themselves out—about 20-30 feet of line. And they would go right into the middle of a
battle and stake themselves there, and they would fight to the death. And usually didn’t die,
either. They were pretty good killers.

And then, the Inner Heyoka, that is something only the very wisest and oldest Elders in our Nation
of Indians, no matter what Nation, and those are few in existence who know of the Inner Heyoka,
who hear rumors of a society in existence that has been in existence since (to them) time became.
Most of them have no idea who they are, other than the fact that these are very, well, I guess you
call them very special, spiritual people.

That’s rumor; they know about it. But the vast majority of any Indian Nation know nothing about
it. It’s just a very, very few. I doubt if there’s more than 26 left alive who even have heard
rumors of it.

I was invited to be an Inner Heyoka. A bunch came to me, men and women, came right through
the door; they were spirits, Indian people. And they stood there, and I gave honor, and they gave
talk. Right here, right where I’m at.

At that very moment, I couldn’t understand why these spirits had come to me. Finally, they asked

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if I would like to be a member of their society. And I said “What society is this?”

And they said “Inner Heyokas”.

And I said “Gee, I don’t know. I don’t know much about it, at all.”

And they went on to explain where it started, and what it consisted of. It all sounded good.

But, I don’t do things without checking with the Creator. So, I told them that. First, I’d have to
check and see, ’cause I ain’t gonna do it unless God Himself says so.

So, I did. I prayed.

And the Creator said “Yes”. That’s all He said, “Yes”.

And I opened my eyes, and I looked at them, and I said “Yes”.

And from there on in, things really started skyrocketing in my spiritual life. At that time, shortly
thereafter, I was taken for a great ceremony and given the name of Red Elk, which I didn’t like. I
can think of better names for myself. Red Elk, to me, sounded like a very dumb name. And it was
about a year later that I was told WHY I was given the name Red Elk. Now, I’m very honored.

Black Elk, in the book, Black Elk Speaks, Black Elk was a great prophet, Wakian. And he foretold
of the coming of the White man, and how the White man would intersect and intercede the ways, i.
e., the religions, the spiritual touch, as well as life, of the Indians.

I’ve been given the name Red Elk because I foretell; my job is to foretell that the
White ways are going away, and the Red ways are returning.

The Black Elk Speaks gentleman told of how the White man’s religion would encroach upon ours.

I, in turn, say now: It is the Red man’s religion—the thirst for the spiritual touch of the mind, the
Face of God, in and through Nature, as well as to Him, personally, the Way of the True Indian
Touch—it’s coming to the Whites. And, believe me, IT IS!

There are so many Whites—it’s unbelievable—who thirst. Not all have Indian blood. There’s a
tremendous amount who do, just a little speck. And they’ve been searching and searching and

I’ve been ordered to teach. And Mr. Bell’s show [with over 20 million radio listeners] kind-of
really put me “out-there”. And I’ve got hundreds of people wanting to learn. I’m starting a

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website; it’s raw. The news will go worldwide, how to get in touch with the Creator—your
spiritual growth. The thing that matters to every man and woman, every child, is not how many
cars you can drive, not how big a house you can own. That’s nice, and there’s nothing wrong with
it. But with nothing but an empty heart, and a thirst that can’t be quenched, IT IS NOTHING!
And though I’m a poor man, I’m probably a richer man than most men on Earth.

And so, there it is.

Rick: And, to me, the term Red Elk also implies the Red Road.

Red Elk: Oh, it does, it does. Black Elk implies the Black Road. And in the circle, there’s a
cross, or a straight line across, and a straight line up and down. And one is Red, and the other is
Black, and they intersect.

At one time, there was only one line, and on each end of the line was a color, the color Red; and
it’s called the Red Road. But then the Black came in, and crossed over it, just sliced right through
it, didn’t break it, just sliced right through it. That is called the White Road, even though it’s Black
—it’s the darkness of not knowing. And now, those colors are reversed. Where the Black Road
had Black, it is now Red; where the Red had Red, it is now Black.

The Indian Way of how to get back to God, in purity, it very much concerns scripture; it very, very
much concerns the Koran; it very much concerns Buddha. It concerns every religion, regardless
of what that religion thinks or feels or believes about each other. Any religion, and they ALL,
with one exception, all religions, all cultures, are trying to find the Face of the Creator, and they’re
doing so in their own cultural way.

The one exception are those who are perfectly possessed, who deliberately want to be that way,
and go against God in all ways. That is the only religion that is NOT seeking the Creator, and in
truth, seeking love. Those ones seek nothing but power and self-gratification.

* * *

That was what Red Elk had to say about himself by way of introductory comments. Quite a bit to
think about, don’t you agree?

To communicate with Red Elk directly, please write to him at: P. O. Box 166, Thorp, WA 98946.
Keep in mind that Red Elk has very limited financial means; therefore, if you would like a
response to your communication, please enclose a self-addressed, STAMPED envelope. And be

Also be sure and keep an eye on the www.redelk.org Internet website which, as it grows and
evolves, will be featuring much information about Red Elk, his messages, and his public activities.

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* * *

Now, if you think that some of my past stories have stretched and challenged your view of the
world, prepare yourself for what you are about to read. Red Elk’s powerful words of spiritual
Truth and universal Insight stand out like shining gems—perhaps even beacons of Light—to be
discovered along the winding road of his commentaries, discussions, and personal opinions of
shared experience.

You may agree; you may disagree. Ones should always go within to discern what is Truth for
themselves. But I can say, without hesitation, that what Red Elk has to offer is fascinating to
contemplate and, in some instances, perhaps remarkable beyond belief.

[Editor’s note: It should be pointed out here, as an aside, that this discussion with Red Elk
completely sidesteps the “dangerous” realm of secret MILITARY underground bases and related
shenanigans—a subject well known to most readers of this publication and to Red Elk. Those of
you who may be new to that subject should at least go back and re-read Rick Martin’s recent UFO
feature series. Rather, the focus of this interview is other interesting things going on under our
feet—besides what one particular secret faction of the military are up to, in conjunction with
certain alien races here on planet Earth.]

There are, naturally, occasional problems with semantics—what we mean by what we say—
especially when addressing complicated or otherwise multi-faceted topics, and especially those
which are often dealt with through allegory or symbolic imagery. But longtime readers of this
magazine have grown in recognition and discernment of such matters. It’s unavoidable when
spanning vast cultural issues.

By his own admission, Red Elk says he often comes across more like a Bible preacher than a
Native American medicine man. Remember that one of his jobs at this time is the bridging of the
gap between the Native Americans and other cultures. And nowhere is that artificial gap wider
than over formalized religious differences—differences that don’t truly exist at the fundamental
core of Truth. Cutting through that jungle of differences, when such arises, takes patience and
meeting others at least half-way.

Red Elk feels that another aspect of his job at this time of The Great Awakening here on planet
Earth is—no surprise here—the awakening of the great natural abilities, birthright gifts from God
(with a capital G), that are sleeping within all of us. A truly good teacher—particularly a
“contrarian” of such stature from the Inner Heyoka—is going to be pretty clever and unexpected
and demanding in methodology to “shake you up” as part of opening up your mind to possibilities.

And speaking of which, here’s a first as far as requests go, considering all the various interviews I
have shared in this publication over the years: During the initial contact with Red Elk, he

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requested that a woman be present during the interview, so that the “female perspective” would be
represented. Red Elk feels that the female energy looks at the world in a different way, thus
asking different questions that may never occur to a male interviewer.

Honoring his request, my wife, Gail Cortright, joined me on February 15, 2002, for this lively
conversational interview, which lasted well over three hours. Hold on for quite a ride and, again,
make an effort to always look for the fundamental Truth which Red Elk is sharing—and don’t get
lost in any details you may have trouble agreeing with.

Rick Martin: What we are curious about, and all of our readers will be curious about, is the
Inner Earth, and all of the worlds, the supposedly 5 worlds, under us. And yet, after reading your
document [a powerful 24-page booklet titled The Agendas], I want to skip all that and go straight
to the War in the Heavens. But, I guess they’re both so related, we’ll cover both.

Red Elk: It’s a doozy.

Rick Martin: Let’s just jump right in. Don’t hold anything back.

[After some brief discussion with Red Elk about letting his dog out, and it being “our dime”
paying for the telephone call, he made reference to one of “Mel’s dimes”.

Here he was referring to some extremely unusual “1943 Roosevelt dimes” that were discovered
near Mel’s Hole and at another location, in a different state, where there’s a similar deep hole in
the ground. You coin experts will immediately say: “But there is no such thing as a 1943
Roosevelt dime!” And that’s where things start to get interesting. These dimes are not supposed
to exist—at least not on this time-line!

Mel’s Hole is a seemingly bottomless pit on a parcel of private property in Washington state. It
was dubbed Mel’s Hole when Art Bell first had Mel Waters on his program several years ago to
describe the strange things associated with the hole that was on his property. After the publicity
generated from Art’s initial program on this subject, secret government blackmail shenanigans
started-up, which ultimately caused the government to now be in possession of his property.

Art most recently had Mel on his program Tuesday night/Wednesday morning 1/29-30/02 for a
mindbending update of what had been happening lately with him. That’s a major story in itself,
parts of which will be addressed by Red Elk as this interview progresses.]

Gail Cortright: What do you think; did those dimes really exist?

Red Elk: Oh, certainly. The hole exists, I go there quite often.

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Gail Cortright: How did he get it out of the hole? Did it come out of the hole?

Red Elk: Yes.

Gail Cortright: How did it get out of the hole, is what I wonder.

Red Elk: We’ll talk about that first, ok? Are you ready?

Gail/Rick: We’re ready.

Red Elk: Mel’s Hole, does it exist? Absolutely. I first visited it in 1961, I believe, when my
father and I were way up in the hills in an old Model-A or Model-T pickup truck. And he said:
“I’ve got something I want to show you, son.”

We drove down from way up on top of Manastash Ridge, and he showed me this hole. He said
“There’s no bottom.”

And I thought “big deal” at the time, and then we drove back the way we came. Nevertheless, I
was there. Yes, the hole exists.

[Red Elk posted a note on the Art Bell Seattle area chat-club, online, concerning Mel’s Hole.
Here’s what he wrote:

“Do not look for this hole. It is/can be extremely dangerous. It’s name is Lucifer’s Leap. One of
the original holes dug-in by Lucifer to gain entry to #2 Earth (near the center of the Earth).

It is feared by all wildlife, and with good cause. Death emits from it. They Know. Ho.

At the same time, these deep holes come in pairs. Usually not far from each other, they are
roughly 12-14 miles apart. Just as it is so with the one here in Washington.

Combining these Negative/Positive energy holes creates our Earth winds! This is the “stirring” in
the atmosphere above us, Earth “round” that begets them (winds). Ho.

Other forces (black) are drawn to the “bad” holes to “inhale” these black energies and also to
refuel their particular ships’ engine needs. The “Black Light” mentioned (on the Art Bell Mel’s
Hole program) is the expelling of excess deep Earth’s inner energies. A “flushing” in a sense.

The oppositive (good) hole(s) do not radiate this black light; instead their light is purity and
unseen. It is there, but unseen. It is our Earth Mother’s goodness and love that emits from these.

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The turmoil of the two meeting high above is, in a sense, a form of energy warfare. Each trying to
overpower the other, and in so doing the two forces act as a cooling “fan” to our Earth Mother’s
skin. There are no “accidents”. All is designed to work together—black verses light equals
perfect balance! Thus both are good—i.e., both are GO(O)D. Ho.

Anyway, Mr. Waters’ [talk] was done in bewilderment—looking for an answer. He was/is so
“stuned”, he needed to know for his sanity. He had to know. Yes, he did a brave thing. I admire
him for it. Ho. I am done. — Red Elk.]

Why it leaves these strange objects, dropping them on the ground, this is rather interesting.

Gail Cortright: That’s what I found pretty interesting.

Red Elk: They talk about the black light that comes out of this. Well, this is an expurging of the
black energies of the [level] 2 and 3 inner-lands, Lucifer and his army’s inner-lands. It’s kind-of a
flushing-out. And it IS black! And it creates a form of—oh, I don’t know—a really strange
energy, and it mixes in our heavens. And this is not the only hole, or set, as you’ll find out, in
existence on our planet. There’s quite a number. Not far from that hole is ANOTHER ONE, that
is also endless, that exerts an OPPOSITE color, an unseeable color. But those who can see, see it.
You understand what I mean?

[Editor’s note: Red Elk is here referring to those who can see the higher-frequency energies often
called etheric energies, like seeing auras around people.]

Gail/Rick: Yes.

Red Elk: The two—and these holes are usually 14, oh, not more than 25 miles apart. And the
two go into the heavens, and the atmosphere above kind-of blocks it. And then the two mix
together, and create the beginning of the Earth’s winds. That’s where our winds are actually born.
It’s really interesting.

Gail Cortright: It’s very interesting.

Red Elk: Nevertheless, the other hole—these are so sacred, and so secret, that the Nations that
know of these good holes say nothing about it. And so far, luckily, the one that is local, that is
close to Mel’s Hole, it’s mate if you want, is unfound. And it will remain unfound. I’m just
revealing that it’s there; I’m not going to tell where.

And besides, if you want to go there, good luck with the rattlesnakes. They’ve got good

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The SPECTRUM: Red Elk's Message

But, nevertheless, in this expurging, you’ve got to comprehend what dimension is all about. In
this case, it deals almost wholly with parallel times.

Time, like with the watch on your hand, that type of time, and parallel times, are both identical in
works. And I can easily explain that.

Get a deck of cards. What are there, 52 cards?

Hold them in your hand, above a table, and take the bottom card and set it on the table. Now take
the next card and set it on top of the table card. Envisioning whatever you want, that card is
sinking into the first card. And then, throw that second one on the floor somewhere.

So you have “merged” two cards, all the same thickness as the one, but now containing two. And
you do that on, and on, and on, until the end of the deck.

Therefore, you end up with only “one” card, with all cards in it. This is parallel time. This is how
that works, as well as physical time.

Actually, there is no time at all. Other than seasons, there is no time. But they both work on the
same identical principal.

Rick Martin: Now, you mentioned on the Art Bell show the time cave. Is that the other spot
you were referring to?

Red Elk: No.

Rick Martin: That’s something different?

Red Elk: That one, my friend, tells you what our future is.

Gail Cortright: Wow.

Red Elk: Or, it can take you into the past. But let’s get back to the main subject.

This expurging, the black light, cuts through the whole deck of cards. Do you understand?

Gail Cortright: Yes.

Red Elk: Therefore, anything within that beam, passing through—human, dog—you know, the
dog that came back to life?

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The SPECTRUM: Red Elk's Message

[Editor’s note: This is referring to one of Mel’s friends who had—the story goes, told by Mel—
placed his dead dog in the hole and then later saw it alive and well, walking around in the vicinity
of the hole.]

If that’s true, I don’t know. But if the dog happens to be dropping when that black light comes, it
could be very true.

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Dulce Interview

Dulce Interview
This is a chapter from The Dulce Book -
Published on the Internet free without a copyright.
It is presented here to educate people on reptilians.


The following is a list of questions that were directed to former

Dulce Base Security officer Thomas Edwin Castello approximately a
year before his death [or disappearance]. They are followed by his

QUESTION - When exactly was the [upper human-occupied level of

the] Archuleta installation constructed?

ANSWER - I heard Dulce was started in 1937-38 by the Army

engineers, enlarged over the years, most recent work was
completed 1965-66 to connect tunnels to the Page [Arizona] Base,
site of one of the older underground facilities. The four corners base
is called PERICA. Most of the Native Americans [the Indians] living in
that area are aware of that base, and could tell us about the
underground life forms that frequently are spotted near those
communities, Bigfoot, etc. (Note: The references to the Dulce base
here deal mainly with the upper levels, not the extreme lower levels
which include vast natural caverns and, some believe, very ancient
tunnel systems as well. This would include the tunnels illuminated
by phosphorus pentoxide which the alien grays avoid, and the origin
of which is unknown. In fact sources have informed us that some of
the underground NORAD facilities of Colorado were constructed
within already-existing cavern systems, suggesting that Ray Palmer
and Richard Shaver were correct when as early as the mid-1940's
they wrote about the government's search for ancient underground
cave and tunnel systems to be converted for their own use. -

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Dulce Interview

Q -- By what means was the [upper] installations constructed? Are

you familiar with the alleged developments made by the Rand
Corporation of a highly-efficient bore or mole machine capable of
melting rock using nuclear powered wolfram-graphite tipped 'drill-

A -- According to several senior maintenance workers, part of it was

blasted by nuclear devices in the sixties. There are sections, like the
shuttle tunnels, that were formed by an advanced tunneling machine
that leaves the tunnel walls smooth. The finished walls in those
tubes resemble polished black glass.

Q -- By WHOM was the Dulce installation originally constructed?

A -- Nature started the caverns. The Draco [reptilian humanoids]

used the caverns and tunnels for centuries. Later, through RAND
Corporation plans, it was enlarged repeatedly. The original caverns
included ice caves and sulfur springs that the 'aliens' found perfect
for their needs. The Dulce caverns rival Carlsbad caverns in size.
(Note: Carlsbad caverns and especially the adjacent Lecheguilla
caves are 'officially' among the largest and deepest in the world,
with several 'leads' that remain to be explored by professional
speleonauts - Branton)

Q -- What exactly are the cattle [and human] organs such as blood,
anal tissue, eyes, reproductive organs, tongues, etc. used for -- i.e.
the organs obtained via cattle and human mutilations?

A -- Read the so-called Dulce papers [for more information].

Q -- Are the various electromagnetically-controlled air or space craft

-- [that have been seen] leaving from and arriving at Mt. Archuleta --
manned by humans, the 'alien entities', or both?

A -- Archuleta Mesa is a minor area... the craft leave [and are stored]
in five areas. One is SE of DULCE, one near Durango Co., one at
Taos, N. M., and the main fleet is stored at LOS ALAMOS [under].
(Note: I believe Thomas Castello is referring to the 'joint-operational'
fleet. From combined sources however it appears as if Dulce is
absolutely SURROUNDED ON ALL SIDES by 'alien' bases, and that
Archuleta peak -- although apparently the central NEXUS of the

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Dulce Interview

entire underground network -- is nevertheless just one part of an

overall complex that some claim is nearly the size of Manhattan! One
source has indicated that there are chambers a few hundred feet
below the very town of Dulce itself that are part of level one of the
facility. This close proximity may explain why it has usually been
described as the 'Dulce Base'. Apparently even with his high-security
clearance, Thomas Castello was only familiar with one part of the
overall mega-complex which underlies the area. Whatever amount of
activity is taking place there, different sources seem to indicate that
the town of Dulce nevertheless lies over a major crossroads,
convergence or 'intersection' area of alien activity even though the
'core' of alien activity has been extended to Los Alamos. Los Alamos
and the mountainous regions east and southeast of it in and around
the Santa Fe National Forest seem to be the MAJOR 'nest' of
Reptiloid/Gray forces in North America, although there is also a large
number of 'dens' scattered throughout the underground networks
between Dulce and Area 51. Dulce seems to be a major 'through'
point for exterran and subterran reptilian activity, a central
'infiltration' zone for surface operatives, as well as an operational
base for abduction-implantation-mutilation agendas and also a major
convergence for sub-shuttle terminals, UFO ports, and so on. -

Q -- Others have suggested that some of the entities below Dulce are
not of 'extraterrestrial' ORIGIN, and that they are actually descended
from saurian or reptiloid beings such as the Velociraptors or
Stenonychosaurus Equallus -- a 'serpentine' race or races similar to
that hinted at in the third chapter of the book of Genesis?

A -- Yes, some 'reptoids' are native to this planet. The ruling caste of
'aliens' ARE reptilian. The beige or white beings are called The
Draco. Other reptilian beings are green, and some are brown. They
were an ancient race on Earth, living underground. It may have been
one of the Draconian beings that 'tempted' Eve in the Garden of
Eden. Reptoids rightly consider themselves "native Terrans."
Perhaps they are the ones we call the Fallen Angels. Maybe not,
either way, we are [considered] the 'squatters' on Earth.

Q -- Some have suggested that the so-called underground 'E.T.' bases

and tunnels may, for a large part, be literally thousands of years
old... constructions of an antediluvian race which attained to a
considerable level of scientific complexity, and who were destroyed

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Dulce Interview

by a Divinely-initiated cataclysm which took place after they

attempted to merge their science with occult/supernatural forces.
For instance some have suggested that the Bermuda Triangle
phenomena may be the result of an out-of-control Atlantean
experiment that led to a space-time disaster which produced
"electromagnetic fallout" in the Triangle area and elsewhere after
they had accidentally loosed powerful forces and energies into the
world that they knew very little about. Do your observations tend to
confirm or refute such a possibility?

A -- I'm not sure about the Divine part, but these 'aliens' consider
themselves 'NATIVE TERRANS.'

Q -- Where do the little gray Aliens fit in?

A -- They work for, and are controlled by the Draco. There are other
gray skinned beings that are not in league with the Draco.

Q -- Did you ever talk to any of the 'Aliens' at the Base?

A -- Since I was the Senior Security Technician at that base, I had to

communicate with them on a daily basis. If there were any problems
that involved security or video camera's, I was the one they called. It
was the reptilian "working caste" that usually did the physical labor
in the lower levels at Dulce. Decisions involving that caste were
usually made by the white Draco. When human workers caused
problems for the working caste, the reptoids went to the white
Draconian 'boss', and the Draco called me. At times, it felt like it was
a never ending problem. Several human workers resented the "no
nonsense" or "get back to work" attitude the working caste lives by.
When needed, intervention became a vital tool. The biggest problem
were human workers who foolishly wandered around near the "OFF
LIMITS" areas of the "Alien Section." I guess it's human nature to be
curious and to wonder what is past the barriers. Too often someone
found a way to bypass the barriers and nosed around. The camera's
near the entrance usually stopped them before they got themselves
in serious trouble. A few times I had to formerly request the return of
a human worker.

Q -- Are there other sites tied-in to the 'shuttle network' other than
those which you mentioned, and if so, where are the entrances?

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THIS ONE IS UNDERGROUND... The subterranean highway in
America is like a freeway except it's underground. That highway
depends on electric motors [for trucks, cars and buses] for the paved
roads, and it is for limited travel. There is another style of transit for
freight and for passengers that is for rapid travel. That world wide
network is called the "Sub-Global System." It has "check points" at
each country entry. There ARE shuttle tubes that 'shoot' the trains at
incredible speeds using a mag-lev and vacuum method. They travel
at a speed that excels the speed of sound. Part of your question
involves the location of entrances to that base. The easiest way to
answer is to say every state in the U.S.A. has them. Frequently, the
entrances are camouflaged as sand quarries, or mining operations.
Other complex portals are found on military bases. New Mexico and
Arizona have the largest amounts of entrances followed by
California, Montana, Idaho, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Kansas,
Arkansas and Missouri. Of all the state's Florida and North Dakota
have the least amount of entrances. Wyoming has a road that opens
directly into the subterranean freeway. That road is no longer in use,
but could be reactivated if they decide to do so, with minimal cost.
It's located near Brooks Lake.

Q -- Are there any 'bases' in the state of Utah? (Note: Thomas

mentioned several areas surrounding Utah -- Colorado, New Mexico,
Arizona, Nevada and Idaho, where there are 'connections', but little
on Utah which according to some sources lies directly over one of
the largest NATURAL cavern systems in North America, one that is
said to reach deep beneath the Western Rockies as well as beneath
the Bonneville basin) Have you heard anything about an alleged
underground installation within the Wasatch Mountains...?

A -- Salt Lake, Lake Powell Area, Dark Canyon, Dougway Grounds,

Modena, Vernal. All have exits there. Others too.

(Note: There have been many rumors of ancient 'tunnel' systems

being intersected during the excavations of sub-basement levels
below major industrial and mall areas in downtown Salt Lake City.
Various stories surrounding these tunnels include: explorers who
have entered the tunnels and never returned; reports of 'lizard
people' down in the labyrinths; reports of grays working with humans
on electronic equipment and massive building projects going on in

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huge caverns beneath the mountains to the east; reports of humans

who are part of an Asian-based 'Agharti' kingdom who maintain
colonies within the tunnels and caverns below -- and who are in
conflict with the reptiloids, grays, and a group collaborating human
fascists from a network of massive underground facilities beneath
the Neu Shwabenland region of Antarctica; reports of men in suits
having been seen pacing back and forth through large underground
chambers carrying uzi machine guns; reports of seemingly
bottomless shafts; large tunnels strung with lights that are "big
enough to drive a semi-truck through"; sections of tunnel walls that
looked solid yet which one could put their hands through; rooms
which emanate a strange greenish phosphorescent glow; abductees
who are taken below and encounter all types of aliens; discs that
have been seen emerging from the mountains to the east and
attacking incoming UFOs over the valley; Dungeons & Dragons
fanatics who have been down in the tunnels and tell wild stories of
hundreds of miles of maze-like passages; reports of connections to
the tunnel systems via the sewer-drainage network especially
underneath the downtown "Crossroads" area; reports of alien
activity similar to that which has been described in connection to
Dulce New Mexico; and reports of a huge cavern network that
reaches beyond the border of the state in all directions -- a huge
network that connects the underground systems of Nevada with
those of New Mexico. There is a famous story which is not openly
talked about -- there are two versions... both may be true. In one
version a Mormon Temple worker penetrated an underground tunnel
below the 'square' in downtown Salt Lake City and traveled for some
distance through a series of underground catacombs until running
into a 'lizard' like man. The creature attempted to attack him but the
man escaped and managed to find his way back to the surface. He
began telling other people what had happened and soon afterwards
the 'government' arrived in the area and went in and closed off many
of the tunnels leading to the sub-basements of the Temple.
Presumably there was some heated debates over how much of the
underground system this denomination was allowed to control. A
similar dispute apparently occurred to the southwest where the LDS
church maintained a large storage facility under Granite Mountain in
Little Cottonwood canyon, within the upper levels of a vast network
of caverns. Fascist CIA elements and the Grays came in and took
control of the larger caverns deeper within the mountain and ordered
the 'vault' workers to stay out of the 'forbidden' areas -- and stated
that the "U.S. Government" was now using them for "National
Security" purposes and that it was their "patriotic duty" to maintain

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the secret. The other version concerned a custodian who entered a

tunnel near the cinemas area below the Crossroads Mall across the
street and to the south from the temple square, while excavation
was being carried out in a that part of the Mall. The worker entered
the tunnel and before long encountered a 'serpent' type man, beat a
hasty retreat, and told his fellow workers what he had seen. The FBI
and/or the local police soon arrived and sealed the tunnel. Another
story involved a young man who, along with a friend, had used a
chain tied to his pickup truck to rip-up a manhole cover in the area
near the 'Mall' and the 'Square'. They navigated through a maze of
sewer passages underneath and came to a shaft that descended in a
series of 5 small 'rooms' one below the other, and from the bottom
room a tunnel led south into a large chamber wherein they saw a
seemingly bottomless shaft, a large southwest tunnel strung with
lights and 'large enough to drive a semi through', and the footprints
of some type of three-toed bi-pedal creature. Other sources imply
that early pioneers and settlers of the area who explored these
tunnels came in contact with and in some cases even joined with
some of the Telosian-Agharti-Melchizedek-Mayan underground
colonies below the Salt Lake Flats, the Salt Lake Valley and the
Western Rockies. These subterraneans had formerly established
territorial agreements with the Reptiloids and Grays before the
aliens begun invading their subterranean lands below the
intermountain west en-masse in the early 1900's. The treaties were
part of an attempt to stave off a possible inter-species conflict, as
skirmishes between the humanoids [Teros] and reptiloids [Deros]
within the cavern networks of North America had been increasing
since the 1920's, 30's and 40's. Because of a somewhat non-
exclusive collective-mind with which these humans interacted, it
was decided that one possible way to 'convert' the reptilians into
becoming beings of emotion and compassion was to allow them
access to the group consciousness. The reptiloids however, once
given access, immediately began taking advantage of the collective
and used it to CONTROL the humans on a subliminal basis. The ease
with which this occurred may have been enhanced by the fact that
the Reptiloids and Grays were already operating as part of a
collective or group mind, one which was far more complex than the
Ashtar or Astarte collective itself which many of the 'Aghartians'
depended on. This suggests that the reptilian 'collective' or HIVE
itself is absolutely void of any and all care, concern or compassion
for human beings. Individual reptiloids operating distinct from the
draconian collective might however be 'tamed' by other collective-
free humanoids in some cases -- as some have reportedly been

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'tamed' by the Andro-Pleiadean worlds. If the non-humans could be

severed from the 'collective' they might be deprogrammed and
reprogrammed so-to-speak and even attain individual awareness and
a degree of emotionalism. In such cases it would not be advisable to
give these creatures equal standing among humans, and absolute
subservience and monitoring should be enforced even if means were
found to sever them from the collective mind network. When dealing
with the reptilian forces, unconditional surrender should be first
offered, and if this is not accepted than direct military action would
be justified especially in light of the many permanent 'abductees'
whom the Greys and Reptiloids have taken captive [those who are
still alive] to their underground systems. Most of the treaties that the
humanoids had made with the reptiloids 'down under' have since
been broken... especially following the Groom Wars of 1975 and the
Dulce Wars of 1979, during which time much of the underground U.S.
base networks [which were funded by American tax dollars by the
way] were taken over by the Grays. Some sources have implied that
the aliens took advantage of the chaos especially during the Dulce
wars and commenced to invade and conquer several of the older
underground colonies. This apparently led to a rift in the 'Ashtar'
collective, with many humanoids and hybrids splitting off and joining
with the Andro-Pleiadean Federation non-interventionists, and many
reptiloids and heartless humanoid agents splitting off and joining
with the interventionists of the Draco-Orion Empire. The Sirius-B
system which -- aside from Arcturus and Sol -- has been the major
center of 'Ashtar' activity, has since been shaken by this split
between the two opposing Ashtarian factions and war had reportedly
raged through the Sirius system for several years, according to some
'contactees'... an apparent reflection of the division within the
underground networks of North America between the Pleiadean-
backed Sirian humanoids and Orion-backed Sirian reptiloids which
both had maintained operations within the underground levels before
the "Dulce Wars" broke out. The Dulce wars were just the mere tip of
the proverbial iceberg when we consider that the overall events
which happened at Dulce had a chain reaction effect throughout this
whole sector of not the galaxy. Before the division occurred, the
reptiloids were invited to take part in 'peace talks' in Telos and
elsewhere as an act of good faith, but the reptiloid-grey collectivists
were more interested in expanding their empire and feeding their
insatiable appetite for conquest than they were in making peace,
although they agreed to peace treaties that they never intended to
keep for 'Trojan horse' manipulation purposes. There is a remnant
collaboration such as that taking place in the underground facilities

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near Paradox Nevada where collectivist humanoids and reptiloids

from Sirius and Sol still maintain a collaboration of necessity -- in
order to establish a global control system, however a large number
of humanoids within the underground systems are at war with the
collectivist-interventionist Reptilian infiltrators who would otherwise
'assimilate' these humanoids into their collective through deception,
espionage and mind control. Now several contactees like Alex
Collier, Ray Keller, Stan Johnson and others are claiming that the
conflicts in Sirius between the Andro-Pleiadean backed Ashtar
forces and the Draco-Orion backed Ashtar forces -- which were
infiltrated and commandeered by Draco-Orion agents -- have now
spread to the Sol system, as both stellar superpowers have focused
on this most strategic system, intent on protecting their respective
'interests' here from being subverted by the other side. - Branton)

Q -- Does the Mt. Archuleta "shuttle system" connect with a shuttle

system which allegedly radiates from Mt. Shasta in northern

A -- Yes. Mt. Shasta is a major site of Alien - Elder Race - Reptilian

Race - Human meetings. Beginning Cleveland, Grover every
president in U.S. history have visited Telos City. Truman was
supposed to have visited the Lower Realms as a High Archon on
Earth. He was supposed to have met the King of the World there, and
gave him the "Keys to the U.S.A." (Note: Whether or not the reigning
'King' of the Agharti realms at the time had benevolent or other
motives, subjecting America to an outside super-power without
Congressional consent would be considered high treason. Although
unelected/appointed 'individuals' working within the Executive-
Military-Industrial branch of 'government' might choose to do so of
their own volition without Congressional or Senatorial consent, such
an act cannot apply to the 'America' which is based on the
Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of
Rights. There are apparently two 'nations' occupying the United
States, the traditional grass-roots 'America' established by the
founding fathers and led by the 'Electorate' government, and the
fascist Bavarian-lodge-backed 'underground nation' led by the
'Corporate' government which is contesting the original 'America' on
its own soil. Some predict an inevitable civil [?] war between the
Electorate/Constitutional/Surface government of the U.S., and the
joint humanoid-reptiloid Corporate/National-Global Socialist/
Underground New World Order government, which incidentally was
bought and paid for by American taxpayers and other unsavory

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money-making projects. This war will apparently provoke an armed

United Nations / New World Order invasion of the U.S.A. which,
according to George Washington's famous 'vision' at valley forge in
1777, will ultimately end with an American victory as a result of
Divine Intervention. Something like this may be inevitable if
FREEDOM is to be preserved on this world, and beyond. We should
never forget however that the NWO corporate elite and their
draconian masters intend to 'depopulate' the surface of this planet
AND the underground systems as well. According to one Navy
intelligence source the 33-plus Masons [there are allegedly several
degrees above the 33rd degree which interact directly with the
draconians and are part of the interplanetary initiatory lodges]
intend to set the left-wing caverns and the right-wing caverns
against each other in order to depopulate the underground realms so
that they can impose absolute Bavarian-Draconian global control of
'both' worlds. The 33+ and higher degrees according to this source
intend to ride out the inferno in super-secret fortified caverns while
the 33rd and lower degree masons and their respective left-wing and
right-wing armies will be left to die in the surface and subsurface
wars. It may be that some of the 33+ Masons intend to ride-out the
holocaust in their Alternative-3 bases on the Moon and Mars, IF
those bases are still active. Remember, the roots of BOTH the 'right-
wing' National Socialist AND the 'left-wing' Global socialist agendas
trace back to Bavaria. Isn't it interesting that the legendary 'dragon'
has TWO 'wings' -- a right wing and a left wing -- both of which are
controlled by a single 'beast'?. In essence, when it comes right down
to it the war is between the Judeo-Christian based Constitutional
Republic of America and the Luciferian-cult-based Socialist empire
of Bavaria. Both the right and left wing movements are Machiavellian
extremes created by the Bavarian Black Nobility ['Black' here being
a reference to something hidden that cannot be seen, and NOT skin
color] in order to foment global chaos. There are several claims that
the collaboration with the Reptilians began with the Luciferian cults
of Bavaria, and was later brought into America via the infiltration of
the Scottish Rite and the fascist core of the NSA-CIA. There may
have nevertheless been a reptilian presence below North America
within the caverns that dates back several centuries, however a
MASSIVE reptilian infestation of these underground systems seems
to have begun near the beginning of the 20th century. 'Mt. Archuleta'
might be considered the 'capital' of the ALIEN segment of the
'secret' [Bavarian-Draconian] New World Order government in
America -- with the deep underground systems beneath the Denver
International Airport being the 'capital' of the HUMAN segment of the

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secret government. - Branton). Truman received assurance to new

high tech knowledge, and victory over all enemies on Earth. He then
was introduced to Samaza and Khoach, aliens from Bootes and
Tiphon [Draco], both reptilian 'kings' or Embassadors. Truman
updated the '100 Treaty' [that began IN 1933, Roosevelt] and
requested magnetic advance, space knowledge and experiments.
Khoach agreed, Samaza partially agreed. He exchanged hostages for
genetic experiments and magnetic advance, but vetoed space and
beam weaponry.

Q -- Did you notice any involvement of high-level Freemasons,

Rosicrucians or Jesuits within the underground installation and/or
with the aliens?

A - Yes I did, but that is a loaded question, and I won't comment

further. I'm not a Mason, or member of any other secret fraternal
group. There is one organization I am a member of [in the U.S.A.].
That group is commonly called the "Central Unit." It is a pleasure to
tell you that I AM a member of the "Sub-Galactic League" of Costa

Q -- Is there any truth to the allegations that the CIA/'Aliens' have

established 'bases' on the moon, and also Mars?

A -- I've HEARD that too, but I haven't seen proof with my own eyes.
The 'aliens' do allegedly have bases on several moons of Jupiter and
Saturn. The CIA operates in other COUNTRIES, but I've never heard
they operate on other PLANETS (Note: Perhaps we should have
referred to the CIA's superior agency, the NSA, whose personnel
reportedly pilot the "black-budget UFOs" between the LUNA and
DREAMLAND bases. - Branton).

Q -- Have you heard any hints or rumors suggesting that there may
be lower levels beneath the ULTRA-7 level of the Dulce base, and
also, where these might lead to and what they might consist of?

A -- YES. Your guess is as good as mine... Sure, there was lots of

TALK but that doesn't mean it's there. However, I will tell you I saw
elevators that were "off limits" unless you had an UMBRA or higher
security clearance. At that base, information is supplied to me at a
"need to know" basis ONLY! [My clearance was ULTRA-7]

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Q -- Some insist that the U.S./Secret government has developed it's

own disk-craft based largely upon top secret antigravity experiments
carried out by the Nazi-German scientists during World War II. Have
you heard anything referring to this?

A -- When I was working in Photo-security, heard a lot of talk, never

saw the proof, but once in the Air Force I developed a roll of film that
(Note: A letter from 'R.J.M.' of Pennsylvania dated 1-31-91 stated: "...
I have a lot of UFO videos. I also have 'THE SECRET LAND' [1947]. It
shows Bunger's Oasis and says they discovered warm land at the
South Pole. One German author claims the Nazi's had a photo-finish
FIGHT with Byrd. At the end of the movie, it says: 'Byrd's Intrepid
don't think they were talking about the weather..." Another source
has stated that there were loses on BOTH sides, and the Battle for
Antarctica against the Nazi's "Last Battalion" -- which had fortified
themselves in underground bases below the mountains of Neu
Schwabenland, Antarctica -- ended in a stalemate. Question: Why
would Adolph Hitler and Eva Braun commit suicide after Hitler had
spent so much energy executing over 5000 Nazi officials whom he
'suspected' were behind his assassination attempt at the 'Wolf'
bunker, especially if he had a way out via a secret Nazi South Polar
base? The March 18, 1994 issue of THE PLAIN DEALER [Cleveland,
Ohio] carried an AP story titled "DOCTORS FIND BURNT BODY
COULD NOT BE HITLER'S". Excerpts include: "...French forensic
experts say the charred corpse said to be Hitler's is not his body...
experts FALSIFIED verification reports ordered by Josef Stalin to
APPEASE the Soviet dictator.... the body is actually that of an
unknown German male. [The forensic experts] spent more than two
years analyzing the autopsy reports prepared by Soviet coroners in
the days following [the] surrender of the Third Reich in 1945... the
body [said to be Hitler's] had an extra tooth and only one testicle...
no German doctor who had examined Hitler before his death ever
mentioned either anomaly." This is also interesting when we
consider that the well-known 'abductee', Barney Hill, remembered
the following experience under regressive hypnosis as recorded in
the paranormal encyclopedia, "MYSTERIES OF MIND, SPACE &
TIME". Barney and his wife Betty were abducted by gray-skinned
humanoids "from Zeta Reticuli". HOWEVER, one of the 'beings' on the
craft was described by Barney Hill under regressive hypnosis in the
following words which are taken from p.1379 of the encyclopedia: "...

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another figure has an EVIL face... HE LOOKS LIKE A GERMAN NAZI.

THAT BEFORE!" Remember that this occurred nearly 15 years after
Europe had supposedly been "de-Nazified". There seems to be an
Antarctic connection with the Dulce scenario as well as other
possible 'Nazi' connections: German 'tourists' scouring New Mexico,
exploring mines and caves and buying up land and mineral rights just
before the outbreak of WWII; the Nazi-connected CIA's involvement
and their placement of several Nazi S.S. agents -- who had been
brought into the U.S. via Project Paperclip -- within the Dulce and
other underground facilities; the involvement of secret 'Bavarian'
lodges at Dulce; and the possible Antarctican-Dulce connection to
'Alternative 003'. Another interesting connection is the fact that the
secret Nazi teams involved in the construction and operation of the
underground bases below the mountains of Neu Schwabenland and
elsewhere in Antarctica were called ULTRA teams. ULTRA is also
the code-name for the DULCE base! Also there seems to be a direct
connection between the Dulce base and the Montauk base in Long
Island -- which was/is[?] reputedly jointly operated by the Draconian
Reptiloids, Orion Greys and the Bavarian Thule Society which had
backed the Nazi agenda. - Branton)

Q -- Tom, did you have access to the alien craft? Were you ever
inside any of them?

A -- Yes, I frequently saw them in the garages, there are quite a few
of them. The main fleet is stored at Los Alamos. Yes, I entered
several crafts. There were two things that stick in my mind, the odd
spongy feeling of the floors, and the unusual pinkish purple color of
the lighting. The crew stated the floor becomes ridged in flight, and
the purple tint of the lighting changes to bright blue white. The
entire inside of the air craft are scaled down in size, when compared
to the average human. The halls were curved and narrow, but some
how, when inside it appears bigger than it looks. Certain areas, the
outermost sections, almost felt and looked alive. I was never taken
up in one.

Q -- Can you give me more information on the reptilian race, what do

they do on the sixth level? [The area called Nightmare Hall.]

A -- The worker caste does the daily chores, mopping the latex
floors, cleaning the cages, bringing food to the hungry people and

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other species. It is their job to formulate the proper mixture for the
type one and type two beings that the Draco Race has created. The
working caste work at the labs as well as at the computer banks.
Basically speaking, the reptilian races are active at all levels of the
Dulce Base. There are several different 'races' of aliens that work on
the east section of level six (No doubt some collaborating 'Nordic'
factions included. - Branton). That section is commonly called "the
alien section." The Draco are the undisputed masters of the 5-6-7
levels. The humans are second in command of those levels. I had to
ARGUE with one large Draconian 'boss' frequently. His name is
difficult to verbalize, Khaarshfashst [pronounced throaty kkhhah-
sshh-fahsh-sst]. I usually called him 'Karsh,' and he hated it. The
Draconian leaders are very formal when talking to the human race.
These ancient beings consider us a lower race. Karsh called me
"Leader Castello," but it was used in a sarcastical way. However the
worker caste is friendly enough, as long as you allow them to speak
first. They will answer if you address them. They are very cautious
beings, and consider most humans to be hostile. They always seem
surprised when they found many of the humans were open and
trustworthy. There is no fraternizing with the aliens off hours. It is
forbidden to speak to any alien race [in the halls or an elevator]
without a clear business oriented reason. Humans can talk to
humans, and aliens can speak to aliens, but that is as far as it goes.
At the work site, however, it's different. There is "free speech" in the
labs. The camaraderie found in the labs also reaches the computer
banks section. In those areas, everybody talks to anybody. However,
everything changes the minute you cross the threshold of the hall.
Instantly, all conversations become strictly formal. Hard as it was,
several times I had to arrest some one, simply because they spoke
to an alien. It's a strange place.

Q -- Exactly what first made you aware that something was wrong at
Dulce? Seems to me that a place as obviously horrible as this one
wouldn't need an Einstein to know that this is a CRIME site! What
took you so long? Are you the guy who blew the whistle?

A -- There are several things you should know about. I took an oath,
under the penalty of death, that no matter what I saw or heard I
would never divulge the information. Also, I signed a waiver that
states I would willingly give up my life if I was found guilty of
'treason'. At the Dulce Base treason is "ANYTHING that mentions the
details of daily operations at this facility, when outside the
confinement of the this base." When I first arrived, a "need to know"

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policy was in effect. The story the 'honchos' told us was that "this is
a Tri-Biotransfer Facility with Advanced Technology, doing advanced
adventurous methodology for medical and mental gains." Which is a
fancy way of saying they do really risky things with human life just to
see what would happen. If a medical cure happens, it will be
heralded on the surface of the earth as a marvelous new cure, saying
it was found after years of research at some well known medical lab.
The real story of the cure is never explained. After all, the Dulce
Base IS A SECRET FACILITY! These people are very good at what
they do. They do not tell the truth about the unfortunate people that
end up in "Nightmare Hall." I worked with aliens. With that in mind,
you should get the idea of the secrecy and the security at that place.
Yes, I know this was not the usual hospital type job site, but in the
beginning I 'bought' the whole package. I was reminded daily by
intercom, in the elevators, that "this site does high risk advanced
medical and drug testing to cure insanity, please, never speak to the
inmates, it can destroy years of work." I'm sensible, when doctors
say don't speak to them, who was I to destroy the delicate situation?
But one man some how caught my eye. He repeatedly stated that he
was George S---- and that he had been kidnapped and he was sure
someone was searching for him. I don't know why he sticks in my
mind, I found I was remembering his face, thinking he sure didn't
look or sound insane, but many inmates said that. The next weekend
I convinced a friend of mine, a cop, to run a check on the guy, saying
I had a run in with him and was curious. I didn't mention the base at
all. It was a sickening feeling when the computer confirmed that
George S. was missing. What's worse, the cops thought he was just
another guy that got tired of the daily grind and split. That was the
beginning. Am I the one that blew the whistle? No. The next Monday,
I searched for George, but he was gone. There were no records that
explained what happened to him. It was another security officer that
came to me saying he and some lab workers wanted an off duty
meeting at one of the tunnels, [off the record]. Curiosity took over
and I said OK. That night, about nine men showed up. They said they
knew they were risking me turning them in but they wanted to show
me some things they thought I should see. One by one they showed
records that proved many inmates were missing people. There were
newspaper clippings, and even photos that they had some how
smuggled into the base. They hoped to smuggle them back out,
without me turning them in to the honchos. I could see the fear in
their faces as they spoke. One man stated he would rather lose his
life by trying, than to lose his soul by not doing anything at all. It was
that remark that turned the tide. I told them about George and the

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things I found out about him. After a few hours we pledged to

attempt to expose the Dulce Base.

Q -- The name Nightmare Hall is descriptive, but surely there was a

'regular' name, what was it called in the manuals?

A -- In the manuals it was called "The Vivarium". It describes Dulce

Base as a "secured facility for tending bio-forms of all types." In their
report it is retold as "a private subterranean bio-terminal park, with
accommodations for animals, fish, fowl, reptile, and mankind." After
SEEING this 'park' the name Nightmare Hall is far more accurate
than the manual. The 'accommodations' for the inmates at
Nightmare Hall fall short of the pretty picture the manual describes.

Q -- You mentioned one reptilian leader, Khaarshfashst, do you know

any thing about him, like where is he from? Is he from Earth or some
other planet?

A -- His name means "keeper of the laws". They recieve their name
after they reach the "age of awareness". They do not recognize time
as an important factor in "being aware" the way humans do. Upon
their "age of awareness" they are cognitive of the station or position
they are destined to fulfill. At that time they chose or allow someone
to choose their name. Their name will include the position they hold
and several personally chosen letters. Each letter has a personal
meaning, known only to the alien and the one that chose their name.
Since Karsh's name means keeper of the laws his name includes
kaash [memory or keep, base word for 'Akashic' record] and fashst
[law, base word fast or bind]. Reptilians choose to be not only
private but secretive of the location of their natal place. To them
birth, or emergence of life, is considered as one of the sacred rites of
life. They consider Earth or Terra their "home planet", but several
reptoids discuss several star maps. Most of those stars were within
the Milky Way. Within those star maps lies the stars and planets of
the Planets of the Allegiance. Earth being one of the planets in their
trade routes. If any human asked clear questions about the
Allegiance, the Aliens referred the questions to the Draco. The Draco
in turn, referred the questions to their supervisor [me]. I did not have
that information about the stars, because information was supplied
on a "need to know" basis. I didn't 'need' that information.

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Q -- Did any of the working caste join in the revolt? Could you give
me some names?

A -- A few of the reptilian janitorial crew let us know that THEY knew
WE were attempting to sabotage the work going on in the sixth and
seventh levels. One of them, with the name Schhaal, secretly formed
a small group of reptoids with the same mind set as my group (Take
note of the similarity between this scenario and the NBC mini-series
"V", which is now available on video cassette after years of non-
availability. I have it on good authority that the original author of the
"V" idea was an investigator who knew Thomas Castello on a
personal basis. He had connections in Hollywood and had written a
motion picture script, which was in turn seen and 'borrowed' without
permission by an NBC employee and re-written as a mini-series. The
show was based on reptilian humanoids from Sirius-B who had come
to earth under the guise of benevolent human-like space brothers to
bring a new order of universal peace. In reality they had a secret
agenda to rape planet earth of her resources and steal her people for
biological sustenance. This agenda was being contested by a human
resistance who refused to fall for the reptilian's facade, and these
resistors were in turn working with a secret fifth-column of reptilians
who did not agree with their leaders' agenda for planet earth. Could
this mini-series have had an actual basis in a bizarre reality? -
Branton). Sshhaal took upon himself the danger of informing me. He
was as open as is possible in a unique situation. On the day I found
out about it, I was inspecting a camera near an exit tunnel. He
approached, stooped down (the tall reptiloids average about 7-8 ft. in
height according to most witnesses - Branton), seemingly scraping
some non-existent dirt, and he quietly said, "A few of us agreed that
you are singular in your interest in missing-human reports. If true,
walk away. I'll reach you. If it's untrue, destroy my life now!" My
heart almost leaped out of my chest, but I silently walked toward
one of the wide halls. For the rest of my life I'll remember those
words! It was the first time I KNEW reptilians could have individual
thoughts and opinions! Basically, they formed a uniform front with a
small variety of interests. Or at least, that was what we had thought.
It was a couple days before I heard from him again. As he walked
beside me in the sixth level's infamous hall, I heard him say "Enter
the exit tunnel on the sixth level, north, after your shift." The next
few hours were long and filled with thoughts of betrayal, or worse,
but I shouldn't have worried. I contacted one of the original nine
[resistance] men, and let him know, just in case. Gordon wanted to
go with me, but I convinced him to wait a few feet from the exit and

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pretend he was having trouble with his cart [electric, like a golf
cart]. When I got there, there were three of them. SSHHAAL formerly
introduced FAHSSHHAA and HUAMSSHHAA [name base word is
SSHHAA or assist]. With that, I quickly grabbed Gordon from the hall
and the five of us talked and walked in the dark tunnels about three
hours. After that day, the joined resistance group got bigger and
bolder. Ultimately, it ended when a military assault was initiated via
the exit tunnels and they executed anybody on their list, human or
reptilian. We fought back, but none of the working caste had
weapons, nor did the human lab workers. Only the security force and
a few computer workers had flash guns. It was a massacre. Every
one was screaming and running for cover. The halls and tunnels
were filled as full as possible. We believe it was the Delta Force
[because of the uniforms and the method they used] that chose to hit
at shift change, an effort that killed as many as named on their list
(NOTE: If Thomas Castello is correct in his assertion, then based on
his overall revelations, as well as the revelations of others such as
Robert Lazar, Phil Schneider, etc., the Dulce Wars were the result of
at least five overlapping factors or scenarios which converged at
more or less the same time or played into each other. This may have
also involved a conflict of interest within MJ12 itself, and apparently
involved different security forces including the Delta Force, Black
Berets, Air Force Blue Berets, Secret Service, FBI Division Five, CIA
stormtroopers and Dulce Base security. The various factors which
seem to have played into the Dulce wars would include animosity
towards the Greys for their slaughter of several scientists and
security personnel in the Groom Wars below Area 51 three years
earlier as described by former MJ12 Special Studies Group agent
Michael Wolf; accidental [?] encounters between aliens and human
construction workers and security forces near Dulce as described by
Phil Schneider; an attack on the Dulce base 'resistance' that was
apparently ordered by die-hard collaborators in deep-level
intelligence as described by Thomas Castello; an attempt to rescue
several of our best scientists who had been captured by the aliens
after they had discovered the "Grand Deception" involving a violation
of the established treaties, that is the permanent abduction of
thousands of humans to the Dulce and other bases for God only
knows what purposes, as described by John Lear -- could it be that
MJ12 / PI40 was unaware of these abductees, yet their superior
agency the BLACK MONK / MAJIC agency was aware and had agreed
to an actual exchange of human life for technology?; and another
factor would involve a dispute over whether human security
personnel could carry flash guns as opposed to machine guns. All of

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these were apparently contributing factors to the 'altercations'

which raged throughout the Dulce Base beginning in 1979. -
Branton). We, to this day, do not know who BETRAYED us. Gordon
Ennery ran beside me as we ran into the third level exit tunnels, and
he died when several bullets slammed into his back. I vaporized that
assassin and kept running. And I'm still running. Gordon will be

Q -- Tell me more about the flash gun. Is it difficult to operate, or is it

like the weapon on Star Trek, that can stun or kill on different

A -- It is an advanced beam weapon that can operate on three

different phases. Phase one, like Star Trek, can stun and maybe kill,
if the person has a weak heart. On phase two, it can levitate
ANYTHING no matter what it weighs. Phase three is the SERIOUS
BUSINESS mode. It can be used to paralyze anything that lives,
animal, human, alien and plant. On the higher position on the same
mode, it can create a TEMPORARY DEATH. I assure you, any doctor
would certify that person is dead, but their life essence lingers in
some strange limbo, some kind of terrible state of non-death. In one
to five hours the person will revive, slowly; first the bodily functions
will begin, and in a few minutes, consciousness followed with full
awareness. In that mode the alien scientists re-program the human
brain and plant false information. When the person awakes, he
'recalls' the false information as information he gained through life
experience. There is no way for a person to learn the truth. The
human mind 'remembers' and believes completely the false data. If
you attempt to inform them, they would laugh or get angry. They
NEVER believe the truth. Their mind always forgets the experience
of re-programming. You asked if the flash gun is difficult to operate.
A two year old child could use it with one hand. It resembles a flash
light, with black glass conical inverted lens. On the side are three
recessed knobs in three curved grooves. Each knob is sized
differently. The closer the knob to the hand the less the strength. It's
that simple. Each knob has three strengths also, with automatic
stops at each position. The strongest position will vaporize any thing
that lives. That mode is so powerful it will leave NO TRACE of what it

Q -- Is the weapon called a Flash Gun or is there a different name in

the manuals?

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A -- Everybody calls them Flash Guns, or more commonly "The Flash"

or "my Flash" when talking about it. In the manual it is first
introduced as the ARMORLUX Weapon. After that, it is explained as
the Flash Gun.

Q -- What type of security is found at the Dulce Base? What else is

used against espionage or unauthorized entry?

A -- I'll mention a few, but it would be nearly impossible to cover it

all. The weapon, besides the Flash Gun, mostly used is a form of
sonic. Built in with each light fixture [and most camcorders] is a
device that could render a man unconscious in seconds with nothing
more than a silent tone. At Dulce there also are still and VCR
cameras, eye print, hand print stations, weight monitors, lasers, ELF
and EM equipment, heat sensors and motion detectors and quite a
few other methods. There is no way you could get very far into the
base. If you made it to the second level, you would be spotted within
fifteen feet. More than likely, you would become an inmate and never
see the light of the surface world again. If you were 'lucky', you
would be re-programmed and become one of the countless spies for
the Ruling Caste.

Q -- According to certain reports, the Dulce Base is host to [other]

aliens that live in level five. Is that true? Can the humans freely roam
or meet one-to-one in the halls or is some type of protocol in effect?

A -- There is protocol from the first time you enter the base and it
MUST be followed every time you SEE an alien there. From the
working caste, to the visiting aliens, to the Ruling Caste, there is a
never ending check list of rules, law, and strict protocol. There is
never a chance to roam on the fifth level. The alien housing area is
off limits to any human. The Hub is surrounded by security, arsenal,
military and CIA\FBI sections. The area past the security is one of
the most secured areas because it houses so many classified files.
The entire east side of the fifth level is off limits except for security
personnel holding ULTRA-7 [security clearance] or higher. The
garage on the west side of the fifth level requires ULTRA-4

Q -- Is there proof available that could confirm the allegations of the

underground base, or are we just supposed to believe you?

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A -- Many people have asked that one. No, I don't expect people to
believe with blind faith, there is tangible proof that has been seen,
felt or inspected by quite a few folks. I'm in no position to go on a
lecture circuit to explain to every person on a one-to-one basis. I am
trying to stay alive. All I can do is state again, that Dulce is a
SECRET FACILITY. They work HARD to make sure nobody can find
the place. If everyone could easily find it, it wouldn't be a SECRET
facility. I've explained the extreme security methods they use. There
is other proof available. There are five sets of copies in five different
boxes in five different locations that hold complete proof of every
thing I have tried to explain. Here is a list of contents of each box
(delivered into the safe-keeping of five individuals known only to
Thomas Castello and to the individual recipients - Branton): (A) 27
sheets of 8 x 10 photographs of Aliens, creatures, cages and vats.
(B) One silent candid video tape, begins on the computer banks,
shows the vats, multi shots of Nightmare Hall, two shots of Greys,
one shot of the Terminal showing sign saying 'To Los Alamos' and
about thirty seconds of the Shuttle train arriving. (C) 25 pages of
diagrams, chemical formulas and schematics of alien equipment. (D)
A copy of the new treaty complete with signatures. (E) 2 pages of
original Alien documents signed by Ronald Reagan [as governor of
California], each page includes Reagan's signature. The ORIGINAL
set mentioned above is sealed in one piece oxygen free heavy
plastic box. That set includes: (A) 27 sheets of 8 x 10 WITH original
negatives (B) The video tape, AND the original micro film, from which
the video tape was copied. (C) The 25 original pages of diagrams
[with notations], formulas, alien equipment schematics plus the
schematics for the Flash Gun and MY Flash Gun. (D) The treaty with
Reagan's signature plus seven other political signatures and four
Alien signatures. The working Flash Gun in that box is an extremely
dangerous weapon. In the wrong hands, there is no limit on the
danger it could inflict. That proof must be protected. But when
placed in the hands of certain government agencies, it would not be
treated as proof for an Alien visitation. That government branch
KNOWS THE TRUTH and they publicly lie. Think about it like this, do
you KNOW, for certain proof, that George Washington lived? Or do
you believe what other people SAID about him? There is no one alive
that saw with their own eyes what is claimed about him. You judge
all you know about him by what other people SAID. Columbus SAID
there is a new land, and it was found. I am SAYING there are aliens
in several underground bases in this country and terrible things
happen in those places. If I die, before it is proven, search for proof

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(after all, the Dulce Base and the other bases aren't going anywhere.
Unlike UFO's themselves they are not "here today and gone
tomorrow". If they are there, then there are bound to be some
indications of the fact. - Branton). Demand that the government
admit it. If enough people demand it, they WILL find a way to explain
the base, or at least explain why they must keep it secret. There are
MANY people that work at the Dulce Base that know me. I am
challenging those co-workers to speak up, at least anonymously.
Send a letter, or a telegram [or fax] to confirm what I have
explained. In the name of the brave men, woman, children and aliens
that died TRYING to let the public know what is going on at the
Dulce Facility, EXPOSE that horrid place before thousands more
innocent people are tortured and die unspeakable deaths.

Q -- What about the elevators, do they drop from the surface to the
seventh level in a couple of seconds? Do you know anything about
them? Are they electrically lifted? Every where on the surface world
there are elevators made by Otis Elevator Company. Does that
company make the elevators at Dulce?

A -- I failed to notice what brand was available in the elevators at the

base. I could tell you that there is no elevator anywhere at Dulce
that drops from the surface to the seventh level. The security blue
prints show the levels are 'stepped' down. Each level drops one floor
only. Not even the Hub has an express elevator. After the third level,
not only would you change elevators, you are weighed and color
coded, before you re-enter the car. All the elevators are magnetically
controlled, even lights in elevators, as well as all lights on all levels
are magnetically induced. The light bulbs are not the type bought on
the surface, but a totally different type of light system. The
illumination found there is a closer match to natural sunlight than
any artificial light on the surface world. The shape of the elevators is
unique. If you have ever seen a Tupperware sugar bowl, you could
see the shape copied in the elevator. Sort of like an open ended oval
with another half oval on each side. The elevator shaft matches the
shape perfectly. The magnetic controls are in the half oval shape. If
you could stand in or close to the half ovals, you would feel the
slight pull of the power of those magnets. The motion is smooth and
silent, there is a nearly unnoticed surge when the motion starts or
stops. There are no cables needed, because the lift is magnetic, not
electric. Since there are no cables in the elevator cars there is no
chance of them falling.

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Q -- I understand that certain groups of cleared individuals in the

government are collaborating with alien groups. Is it known how
many groups and of what type they are working with?

A -- I don't know how many groups or what type they are working

Q -- A mysterious security man calling himself agent "Yellow Fruit"

says he worked at Groom Lake [Area 51]. The Security Officer states
that he's been in contact with benevolent aliens, at the Groom Lake
facility -- are you aware of such a group?

A -- Yellow Fruit is one of the slang names for Yellow Jack [or Yellow
Flag] that shows quarantine and caution in the labs. There are so
many different slang names at Dulce labs that meant quarantine that
the workers published a booklet to show the meanings. At Dulce,
Yellowfruit are the lab workers [so called from the yellow light
outside the decontamination chambers]. Banana is the older
workers, lemon is the new guys and so on.

Q -- Is there an alien installation under Groom Lake or Papoose Lake

at the Nevada Test Site, and are they conducting biological research
at these sites?

A -- Most of the stuff at the Groom facility deals with defense, but
there is a large storage area in the tunnels that holds thousands of
alien craft parts. From what I have heard, the medical tests at the
Nevada Test Site are conducted by and for the Navy.

Q -- According to my sources, the Aerospace companies have a

secret underground installation in the Tehachapi Mountains, not far
from Rosamond near Edwards AFB. Insiders refer to the Tahachapi
Installment as the Ant Hill. They are experimenting with advanced
technology such as antigravity disks. Some have seen basketball
sized floating orbs patrol the facility, do you have any further
information on this?

A -- The California mountains [Tehachapi, Chocolate, Shasta, etc.] all

have alien security methods and equipment. The basketball size orbs
are used for unmanned patrol. They are silent, but when
photographing living beings there is a humming sound. The glow that
emits light is magnetic aura. This [light] is in the visible spectrum

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[3900 angstroms]. You can see the light, but the light does not
reflect off any thing.

Q -- Is there anything you can tell me about the moon - alien

installations? Atmosphere? U.S. bases?

A -- There is not much I can tell you there. I wasn't in the Lunar
Program. I heard there was a LOT of equipment sent to the moon
between 1959-1964 under "Project Whiteout".

Q -- How do the aliens use magnetism? Do they use it as an energy

source? Is there more we need to know about magnetism?

A -- The aliens use magnetics for EVERY THING! They use magnetics
as the basic structure for their energy source. The more you learn
about magnetics, the better. The Human Race calls them 'magnets',
the Aliens call them 'lodestar'. They have been harvesting lodestars
[lodestones] for centuries. Not only that, they want ALL the
magnetic power on Earth. They intend to continue harvesting that
power, now and in the future. As long as we were only using
magnetic power as an oddity, there was no problem. But in recent
times, the human race has begun using magnetic power and finding
more ways to utilize that commodity. There was a treaty made. In
the original treaty, the human race (or those who supposedly
'represented' the human race, if you could call it that - Branton)
didn't mind at all, 'we' considered magnets as hardly more than
useless. As people searched for another source for power, we turned
to magnetics. The aliens wanted a new treaty. What could we offer?
They chose land, underground mining rights, animals and humans for
new experiments. The general public NEVER KNEW about the treaty.
The governmental [Bavarian cultist] heads of the world chose
another treaty in 1933. This time 'we' got high-tech knowledge in
exchange. So now, the more we use magnetics, the more they claim
humans, and the lands of the U.S.A. We were 'sold' in exchange for
magnets. If you doubt it, look around -- there are token companies
that 'really' utilize magnetic power, but are depending on electric
based or ceramic magnets, NOT lodestar [magnetic oxide of iron]
based magnets.

Q -- What do the aliens do with the cow blood and other parts from
mutilated animals? Do they need these fluids for research or

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A -- The aliens use the blood and body parts for formula to keep them
alive [their food] and for use in the growing vats, and for the artificial
wombs. Plasma and amniotic fluid are the two most vital ingredients
for their lives. Also, the 'sap' of some plants can keep them alive for
months. Most of the plants are parasitic in nature, but red grapes
and okra plants can also be added to the formula to keep them alive,
if they have no 'regular' formula.

Q -- Female abductees report being inseminated by aliens. Are they

trying to hybridize our species?

A -- Yes, they are breeding slave-warriors for the upcoming war with
the alien races (the Nordic races? - Branton). The serpentine races
are in orbit around Earth, Venus and Mars.

Q -- Abductees have reported that the aliens can pass their bodies
and that of the abductee through window glass. Is this a feat of
magic achieved by advanced technology or is it a psychic power?

A -- The aliens have mastered atomic matter. They can go through

walls like we go through water! It is not magic, just physics. We can
learn to do the same thing. It has to do with controlling atoms at

Q -- Are you in communication with benevolent aliens or do you have

contacts that are? If you are, can you tell us how we can
communicate with their teams?

A -- I am not at liberty to discuss communications with any friendly

alien life forms. I can tell you there is a friendly factor active in
Costa Rica, I am in direct communication with that factor. I am an
active member of the Sub-Galactic League of Costa Rica. This
organization, using a small satellite dish, a television set and ham
radio equipment reached this factor. I might suggest that by using
similar equipment and a low band frequency, you may reach the
same factor.

Q -- Do you stay in the U.S.A., or do you live abroad? Do you work

now? I know you have been on the run for several years.

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A -- Yeah, quite a few years. I visit the U.S., but it's really dangerous
when I do. I've lived in several countries. I spent a few years in
Mexico, working as a mercenary soldier. It's rough work, frequently
living in the bush, eating what ever I can find. I spent time in South
America, fighting the drug cartel [it's not the citizens, it's the secret
government, top officials AND American alphabet boys -- CIA, FBI,
etc.]. I settled in Costa Rica, 'bought' a small house in Limon.
Actually it is a shanty that some one abandoned. I paid the
equivalency of $11 to one of the local constables for the right to call
it 'mine'. My name changes when I think some one is asking
questions. I've worked in one of the underground bases near the
Panama border. It's in the mountains, not very far from a passive but
'active' volcano. It is not as fancy as Dulce, but the people are

Q -- What is the best city in Costa Rica for an American to visit and
maybe move to live?

A -- None of them are worth anything [by comparison], but I like

Limon. There is a real culture shock when you get past the tourist
sections. Inside the urban areas, it's not so bad, but away from the
beaten path the picture changes. There are no improvements in the
shanties, no sewers, plumbing, or paved roads. But if you stay in the
cities, and you don't mind the big difference in the cultures, the
countries have a lot to offer. Nice weather, great beaches and
beautiful trees with fruit growing everywhere.

Q -- Are there any other security level names [other than 'secret' -
'top secret' - 'ultra']?

A -- There are many other security clearances, here are a few,

UMBRA, STELLAR, G2-7Z, TRIAD, UMT [Universal Military Training]
and UMS [Universal Military Service], ASTRAL and SUB-ASTRAL.
UMBRA is higher than ULTRA (Note: It may be conceivable that some
of the higher security clearances are used for the joint human-alien
interstellar projects. For instance Whitley Streiber described an
abduction to another planetary sphere where he encountered
ancient ruins, aliens and human personnel dressed in military
kackies and carrying camcorders, automatic weapons, etc.
Obviously such personnel would have to possess an extremely high
security classification, such as "Universal Military Service" for

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instance? The joint alien-illuminati "alternative-3" projects have

reportedly taken part in joint offensive operations against the
peaceful residents of other worlds, this according to a couple who
'defected' from the alternative-3 movement after an agent from the
'Federation' warned them about such atrocities. - Branton)

Q -- Ever see a badge with 'MAJI'?

A -- No.

Q -- Since you have lived in Spanish speaking countries, it's obvious

that you are bilingual. What other languages do you speak?

A -- Other than English, the only other languages I speak are Spanish
and Eusshu, the common language [alien] spoken at Dulce. I speak
Spanish fluently, and enough Eusshu to keep my self out of trouble.
Shortly after I first transferred to Dulce, I took a crash course in
Eusshu. Any one that plans to spend more than one week working at
that base, they are wise to learn the basics. Other wise, you are
required to wait for an escort to get around. All the signs at that
base are written in the universally recognized symbolic language.
Eusshu is logical and easy to learn.

Q -- What are the eating habits of the aliens? Are they carnivores?

A -- That depends weather they are one of the gray worker caste,
one of the reptilian worker caste, or one of the higher developed
Draconian Leaders. Also, the created beings, replicants, type two
being, or one of the really strange [genetic] mixtures. I'll try to cover
a little of each. The formula includes amniotic water, plasma and
several other body parts [raw, usually bovine]. This nearly clear
mixture with a texture of pureed peaches, and almost in that color.
The grays make the attempt not to 'eat' around the humans, because
the odor of it is VERY unpleasant to ANY human. They can spend
days or even weeks between feedings. The working caste of the
reptilians eat meat, insects and a large variety of plants including
vegetables and fruit. They prefer their meat raw and very fresh, but
have learned to enjoy some cooked meat like rare beef steak (Note:
According to many abductees, the reptiloids are not above eating
human flesh. It has been said that they prefer flesh that is young
enough to be free of toxins, yet old enough to be imbued with a
lifetime of accumulated "emotional energy residue" which is resident

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within the human body. Some abductees claim that certain reptilian
factions have such complex bio-technologies that they are able to
remove a human's soul-energy-matrix and place it in a containment
'box', and use the controlled 'body' for whatever purpose they
choose. Some abductees also insist that in some cases the
reptiloids can create a cloned duplicate of a person in a short
amount of time through time warping and replace the soul-energy-
matrix of a person back into the new cloned body if their
disappearance from society would otherwise create too many
problems. This way they can ingest the emotional-residue-imbued
original body without the abductee realizing [in most cases] that
their soul-memory-matrix has been transferred to a cloned body,
because they would have experienced a total 'soul-matrix' energy
transfer and a suppression of any memories relating to the transfer
process. The cloned bodies do not possess the integrated emotional
residue that the vampirialistic reptiloids apparently crave and find
intoxicating in a similar manner as a human on earth who is addicted
to hard drugs. - Branton). Unlike the Greys, they eat frequently and
usually carry or send for food on their breaks. The Ruling Caste is
SECRETIVE about their foods. They have created several dietary
myths that they carefully embellish when the chance arrives. One of
their favorite legends involves one of their ancestors' ability to eat
an entire flock of geese in one setting. They RARELY eat in sight of
any other species. They carefully choose their food, then carry their
meal to their quarters. It was only when dignitaries arrive at the
base did they join their meals. They enjoy the same foods we do, and
they have been seen secretly munching on a freshly found snail. The
"human looking" replicants eat some cooked vegetables. They rely
on vitamins and liquid protein for sustenance. If they have to eat on
the surface world, they can eat what ever they are served, but as
soon as possible they regurgitate. Their digestive systems frequently
fail to process the food properly. The engineered beings have a
special diet, created for their dietary needs. The mixture includes
several organ foods blended with plasmatic fluids, amniotic liquids
and parasitiplasm materials. These unique 'animals' also enjoy
occasional green plants, usually grasses or lettuce. The creatures
that are designed to become warriors, eat protein filled liquids.

Q -- In the Dulce Papers, copper seems to be high on the importance

list. In what methods is copper used?

A -- One of the main uses of copper at Dulce is containment of the

magnetic flow, magnets are used every where at that base. The

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infamous vats' interiors are lined with copper, and the exterior walls
are clad with stainless steel. The mechanical arm that stirs the
liquid is made of a copper alloy. Other uses include dietary needs in
a few of the transbiotic beings. There are several specially made
cells or rooms built first with lead, then magnetic steel then clad in
copper. It is in those cells on the Fourth Level that contain living
aural essence. This essence is what you would call [a captured
disembodied] 'soul' or..."astral body". (Note: This may tie-in with the
reports of certain remote-viewing "astral spies" who claim to have
"projected" into underground facilities like Dulce New Mexico or
Pine Gap Australia, only to have close encounters with these astral
containment fields, or have been captured by the same and released
after being 'interrogated' via super-sensitive electronic equipment. In
one case an Australian remote-viewer was probing the Pine Gap
facility where he also "saw" three other astral spys.

The magnetic or astral body of one of these people had been

captured by such a containment field, which really disturbed him.
This man, Robert, also saw Greys and Reptiloids operating in the
deeper levels of Pine Gap and also Nordic-type humans who were
apparently captives and who did NOT seem to be very happy about
being there. - Branton)

Q -- Growing multi-species beings, blood formulas and human parts in

vats sounds like a bad plot to a science fiction movie. The doctors
and scientists of the world claim you can't mix the species (Note:
Naturally this may be true, however through genetic bioengineering
and gene-splicing this has apparently been accomplished to some
extent - Branton). The concepts mentioned in the Dulce Papers
sounds far fetched. Could you provide information that the average
"surface world" reader could understand about similar things?

A -- The doctors and scientists on the SURFACE world may say that,
but underground, away from the prying eyes of ethics boards, they
DO GROW TRANS-GENUS BEINGS! There is a lot of written material
available at libraries. One of the best sources is an easy to read
book published back in 1969, by Prentice-Hall International, with the
Albert Rosenfelt. In this book, they discuss "animals that may be
especially bred to supply genetically reliable organs for people." --
and "...the use of fetal or embryonic material from which adult sized
organs and tissues may be grown..." Also he discusses the fact that
embryonic tissue has no immunological activity, therefore it cannot

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Dulce Interview

provoke the defense mechanism in the recipient. IT WILL JOIN THE

He further discusses solitary generation, commonly called virgin
birth, but also known as parthenogenesis. With one "virgin birth" in
1.6 million births average ON THE SURFACE of the world, in Dulce
that rate is reversed. Occasionally, a "normally born" human infant is
born in the hospital wards on the Seventh Level. Parthenogenesis is
the method used to grow type two beings. The now common
transsexual surgery on the surface world, began at the Dulce Base.
Men became women on a whim in the Seventh Level labs, and with
the Fourth Level technology, the brain washing [resulted in] the
"eager desire to become a woman" and that poor man [whether a
willing or unwilling participant] FIRMLY BELIEVES he always wanted
to be a woman. No one could convince him to believe the truth. ALL
THINGS ARE TWISTED AT DULCE. A quote by Dr. Ralph W. Gerard [in
THE SECOND GENESIS] put in his now classic statement: "There can
be no twisted thought without a twisted molecule". MOST have
originated at Dulce.

Q -- How are the human workers stopped from telling everything

about Dulce?

A -- Implants, fear threats to harm the families, EM control, also

reprogramming with ELF [Extremely Low Frequency] and drugs are
the most common methods to 'encourage' the workers not to divulge
the location or daily routine.

Q -- A construction worker at "The Ant Hill" [The Northrup's

Tehachapi Base] reports seeing 10-12 foot tall human looking beings
in lab coats. Who are these guys, are they from the hollow earth?
(Note: The Hollow Earth theory is one that was postulated by various
well known individuals, including Marshall B. Gardner, Raymond
Bernard, William Halley - discoverer of Halley's comet, Edgar Allen
Poe, Edgar Rice Burroughs, John Cleves Symmes, John Uri Lloyd and
others. Basically the thesis involves what one might refer to as the
Geoconcavitic sphere theory, or that as the earth was forming in its
molton state the planetary spin created a hollow or concavity within
the center similar to the hollow created by the centrifugal force of a
horizontal washing machine following a spin cycle. The theory,
which has been postulated in para-geological theories, in adventure
novels, and in some cases even in alleged visits to the "inner world",
states that the 'shell' of the earth averages between 800-1000 miles

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thick, with an interior surface consisting of oceans and land

illuminated perpetually by a sphere of electromagnetic and/or
nuclear energy suspended at the very center of the "empty space".
There are reputedly funnel-like openings near the polar regions,
perpetually concealed by mist created by the collision of cold air
from the outside and hot air from the inside, which permits ingress
and egress to and from this inner 'world'. The theory states that the
inner surface has its own gravity, yet slightly less than the outer
surface gravity. One side-theory is that between the inner and outer
surface where gravity is nullified there exists a layer of weightless
or low-weight caverns in an eternal state of chaos where minerals,
liquids, gases and chemicals continually slam together from the
earth's rotation, causing intense magmatic activity, a virtual inferno,
or "bottomless pit". Some have theorized that -- based on the
Apocryphal book of Esdras, chapter 13, which contains non-
cannonized Jewish legends -- that the 10 'lost' tribes of Israel
disappeared beyond the river Sambatyon and to a place in the far
north where humans never lived before called 'Arzareth'. In the last
days, a path would be made through the ice and waters of the north
and the lost tribes would return. There are three tribes accounted for
as of this writing, or rather two tribes and two half tribes: Judah,
Benjamin, half of the Levite tribe, and apparently half of the tribe of
Dan if we are to believe the Ethiopian 'Jews' who claim to be
descended from Dan. The '13th' tribe would be accounted for by the
fact that the two Josephite tribes of Ephraim and Manassah are
considered distinctive tribes in and of themselves. As for the 'giants',
some believe that these have a direct connection to the 10-12 foot
tall 'Anakim' people mentioned in the Old Testament who were
driven out of Palestine, following which the Torah gives no further
details as to their fate, although there have been many reports of
such 'giants' being encountered in large cavern systems below
Alaska, Oregon, California, Utah, Texas and Mexico, and also reports
of ancient gravesites in the western U.S. and elsewhere where the
remains of human giants have reportedly been discovered. Most
often they -- like the fifth dimensional "Sasquatch people"
themselves -- have been described as being benevolent, unless
provoked. - Branton)

A. They are probably inner earth drones [workers]. The deeper you
get, the stranger the life forms. The tall men are from the
subterranean levels, lower yet are the dwarfed deformed forms. I
don't trust either of them. There are other forms, that both the tall
men and the dwarfed men fear and loathe, they are similar to Bigfoot

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in appearance, but extremely violent and enjoy eating what ever

they find while it is still alive! They are subhuman and demented,
with an IQ around 15 (Note: Apparently, according to another source,
these lower 'Bigfoot' type creatures -- having more of a resemblance
to apes than to the more "human-like" faces and features of the
much friendlier Sasquatch people who frequent the surface -- dwell
in wild cavern systems some 6 or more miles deep, along with other
very large and dangerous insectoid and quadruped or serpentine
reptilian life forms reminiscent to something from out of a hadean
nightmare. This is according to a report I investigated some years
ago of a group of speleonauts who reportedly broke into a vast
underground labyrinth west and northwest of Cushman, Arkansas,
where they encountered these types of creatures as well as friendly
blue-skinned humans who claimed to be descended from a family
that had survived an ancient global deluge by taking refuge within a
large ship. These ancient people claimed that their ancestors had
come to the Americas and discovered the cavern 'world', wherein
they commenced to establish their hidden civilization. - Branton).
The reptiloid [hominoid as opposed to quadruped or serpentine] life
forms stay in caves or caverns that aren't very deep. They prefer the
desert mountains. They use camouflage rather than fighting, but
they do carry vril rods for protection [flash guns]. They do have a
symbol, not the hokey "snake-with-wings" that I keep seeing in the
public (which is used mostly by the GREYS and also as a medical
symbol for the Delta Force - Branton). The REPTOIDS use a dragon
with its tail in its mouth [a circle] with seven pointed stars in the

Q -- There have been reports of the Delta Force having black vans
with no tires that hover over the ground. How much are we [U.S.A.]
already inter-working with alien cultures?

A -- I haven't seen the black vans you mentioned. We are totally

submerged with alien cultures. Very little of the original human
cultures have survived.

Q -- How can WE [the public] go after, or expose an alien culture

which is covert and hidden?

A -- Go for the best shot. That means go after the REPTOID. They
stay near the surface, they choose to try to hide and avoid contact.
They are soldiers, doing a job and usually there are two or three at

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each job site. They are 'manning' a remote post. They are not to
bother the humans unless they are endangering the post. Most of
them are not hostile and won't kidnap you, they may blast you with a
flash gun that may paralyze you [you won't remember the flash] for
an hour or two and cause confusion and mild fear. It could cause you
to black out [pass out] for a while. It is their way to escape and buy
time to hide any visible equipment. If you know any areas with
repeated reptilian sightings, then that is the place for you to look.
They are fearsome to meet face to face, and their voices are harsh
and whispery with heavy ss's, but most of them understand English
[and several other languages]. Wear something with a reptile [not
something violent, like St. George killing the Dragon!] in sight. If you
see one, keep your hands OPEN, palm forward, arms DOWN. That is
the non-aggression approach. DON'T raise your arms, unless told to.
DON'T carry anything in your hands or arms. If he doesn't run, walk
SLOWLY towards him. Let him speak first. They consider humans
repulsive and hostile and threatening [with good reason!]. DON'T try
to offer him anything, DON'T touch him or anything of his. If he
hisses at you, back up a couple feet, but DON'T LOOK AWAY! It
simply means he finds you smelly. DON'T try to overpower him, he is
stronger than ten or twelve men! Usually, if he hasn't run so far, he is
curious and wants to talk to you. FIGHT YOUR FEAR and your
thoughts of panic.

Q -- How do we get closer to some kind of data to prove to others

that there really is a danger from non-human beings?

A -- Good question. I'm afraid we will find the proof the hard way,
when we are invaded. Try to keep a small camera with you at all
times. When you search for reptoids, keep it in your pocket.

Q -- Is there a specific location where the public can set up their

cameras and equipment to DOCUMENT an alien-government base,
and/or their activities?

A -- The problem is, most of the meetings are held in military bases
or underground. The Groom Lake Facility does fly several alien craft
that regularly fly over unpopulated land that go back and forth from
several bases, Southern California has several notable areas. Twenty
Nine Palms -- Lancaster or Chocolate Mountains are well know for
such activities.

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Dulce Interview

Q -- Could you provide us with a copy of your badge or card you used
at Dulce?

A -- Badges or cards never leave the bases. All exits have bars or
walls of metal... to open, to go out requires using the card. When you
use it for an exit slot, the card won't come out. Each time you leave
the base, you are issued a new card, with all the usual data about
you, plus your weight added, corrected daily. There are several
mines in the Chocolate Mts. that open into a base highway, but be
aware that they are patrolled regularly and there are cameras there.

Q -- There are so many types of really far out 'Aliens' seen in TV,
movies, magazines and popular fiction, is there one type of a
fictional unknown race, in your opinion, that fits the term 'Alien'?

A -- Yes! There are two, an alien that is totally indescribable, and

another would be a pseudo-alien.

Q -- What are the dimensions of the Dulce Facility?

A -- There are 1,700 paved miles of roads under Dulce and Northern
New Mexico., towards Los Alamos is another 800 miles of tunnels.
The base is STILL GROWING [due west].

Q -- What is the top depth?

A -- The First Level starts 200 feet from the surface. Each level has a
ceiling of seven feet, except levels six and seven, the ceiling there is
45 and 60 feet. There are approximately 45 feet or more between
each level. The average highway ceiling is twenty five feet. The HUB
at the base is 3,000 feet wide. Use a 7.5 minute scale map to try to
comprehend the size of the place.

Q -- Are there "regular vehicle" exits that can be observed from the

A -- Yes, but they are inside Los Alamos.

Q -- Are their aerial exits that can be observed?

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A -- Twenty miles due north of Dulce (across the border into southern
Colorado? - Branton) is a large hanger, it is hidden by a facade of
cliffs. Look for an isolated short road on the top of a mesa, with no
road to or from the top.

Q -- Are the ventilation shafts visible?

A -- The ventilation shafts are hidden by bushes or vents inside

caves. There are five on the top of the mesa, be aware there are
cameras inside most of the vents.

Q -- Is there external security, and could we recognize them in or

around the town itself?

A -- There is minimal security on the surface, most of the men [and

women] are Air Force or "highway crew" men. There used to be a
Best Western motel that hosts or hires a lot of Base workers from
Level One. I don't know if that motel is still operational. Most of the
security force live in Santa Fe. Others live at White Pine [Los

Q -- Are there security sensors? What type? If so, what is their power

A -- Yes there are many types of sensors, radar, infrared, heat

sensors, microwave, EMGW, and satellite. Most of the sensors are
powered by magnetic power. The only thing you may notice on the
surface, would be an occasional satellite dish.

Q -- If you can, give us some information on the upcoming war with

the aliens. When does it start? Do you recommend going

A -- The war has already begun. To start, they use "weather control"
devices that can cripple a city in hours. Storms, flood and drought --
with those few things they can bring any country to their knees in a
hurry. Yes, I do recommend going underground. Choose a location
that has a higher elevation than the surrounding terrain. Pick out a
cave or even an abandoned mining shaft or two, bury a cache of
supplies [including food and water!] near these locations. Place the
supplies in heavy plastic boxes that have tight lids [to prevent the

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destruction by earth burrowing rodents and insects]. Then plan to

live like a squatter when it becomes necessary. If you own land,
create a system of tunnels and tell no one. Use your tunnels to
secrete your supplies, and plan to live in those corridors when you

Q -- What about the reptilian ships that are in orbit around the
equator (presumably including the original two 'planetoids' that
arrived in geosynchronous orbits around earth at 400 and 600 miles
up in 1953. This reportedly led to an NSA project which successfully
communicated with the Grey aliens and resulted in a contact-landing-
treaty scenario involving president Eisenhower and other Executive-
Military-Industrial officials at Muroc/Edwards/Holloman Air Force
Bases in 1954 - Branton), are they cloaked?

A -- They are not cloaked the way you may think. It's more like
nobody is learning to SEE, even though it is in plain sight. Like the
mail man becomes invisible because you are so used to seeing him
you never noticed he is alive. One of the favorite methods of covert
activities is to 'hide' their operation in such an OBVIOUS way [or
place] that no one would suspect it is covert (for instance, hiding
entrances to underground bases beneath religious shrines, federal
buildings, mining works, malls, libraries, lodges, hotels or basically
areas that one would consider the least likely places to hide or
accommodate an entrance to an underground facility. The
underground New World Order 'FEMA' facilities throughout the
United States apparently utilize this type of concealment with many
of their bases. - Branton)!

Q -- What are the Greys susceptible to?

A -- The grays are photosensitive, any bright light hurts their eyes.
They avoid sunlight, and travel at night. Camera flashes causes them
to back up. It could be used as a weapon against them, but they
recover quickly. It could buy enough time to escape. Use commands,
or nonsensical words in the form of commands and they will back up.
Their brain is more logical than ours and they do not create 'fun'.
They do not understand poetry either. What really confuses them is
saying things in "pig-latin". We learned that in a hurry, and used it
against them [the GREYS] in the Dulce Wars.

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Dulce Interview

Q -- Can greys read your intentions if you came up behind one?

A -- Yes. They read your INTENT, because they use your body's
frequency. The human race broadcasts a frequency, that they
recognize as an electromagnetic impulse. Each person has a slightly
different frequency, that difference is what we call 'personality'.
When a human thinks, they broadcast strong impulses, in the case of
'fear' the frequency is 'loud' and easy to recognize (by the same
right, a calm and composed mind-set should be far more difficult to
'recognize' - Branton).

Q -- Can we shield ourselves against their mental control?

A -- We CAN shield ourselves against them, however 95% of the

human race never try to control their thoughts, and controlling our
own thoughts is the best weapon. The average person rarely thinks
in a clear pattern. That allows the brain to think in a chaotic way.
Control your thoughts, AND YOU CAN STOP THE ALIENS
thoughts have kept me alive for years.

Q -- Could you shed some light on the type of human the aliens are
looking for when they abduct?

A -- I can tell you that the most common are petite women in their
early twenties or early thirties, dark haired boys between five to
nine, small to medium size men in their mid-twenties to mid-forties.
But, let me stress that there are ALL TYPES of people being held
against their will in the Dulce Base! There are tall heavy men and
women, teenagers, elderly folks and very young girls in the cages
AND the vats. I only mention the most common age-size are the
small young men and petite women. The boys are favored because at
that age their bodies are rapidly growing, and their atomic material
is adaptable in the transfer chamber. The young small women are
frequently very fertile. The men are used for sperm. I have no idea
why they prefer small to average size men.

Q -- Did you ever see twins or triplets, etc.?

A -- Since you mentioned it, no. It never crossed my mind to search

for them. But then that doesn't mean they aren't there. There is no
way I could have seen everybody at that huge complex.

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Dulce Interview

Q -- What is the prevalent human race at the Dulce Base? I am

curious about both the human workers, and the inmates.

A -- The human work force is made of people from every nation on

the surface world. The one thing they share is that they all speak
english. If you are asking if there are white, black, red, yellow and
brown skin color, again I'll have to say that there is no 'prevalent'
race there. As for inmates, I could see ALL races there. From what I
could see, it looked like there were more 'white' people, but again, I
saw a constant flow of different people, many I think, were only
there for a few hours.

Q -- Please explain the method they use to identify each inmate.

A -- No one has a name. When first brought to this facility, they were
issued one large 'number'. Usually that code has a mixture of
numbers and letters. They show the place, how, and by who,
followed by the time, age, sex and finally the personal number [their
S.S. number]. For example it might look like this: NVLV-00A-00700-

Q -- With that huge facility, trash and garbage must be a real

problem, how do they dispose it?

A -- It was never a problem. Some of it is 'reformed' or melted down

then remade. Some of the wet garbage is 'eaten' by bacterial forms,
and what's left is vaporized in a vat like chamber. The residue of that
action [it takes them months to get enough to measure] is used in a
complex lye and used to fertilize crops.

Q -- Where is your family? Not just your wife and son, but parents and

A -- Cathy and Eric are still missing. My parents died in a car crash
when I was in my teens. I have one brother, if he is alive I suspect he
is inside an underground base some where. I haven't heard from him
for several years. Please pray for them, please!

Q -- What is your birth date, and where were you born?

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Dulce Interview

A -- 23 April 1941, Glen Ellyn, IL [actually in a farm at home, in the

place now called Glen Ellyn, my birth certificate list is at Wheaton,

Q -- You have been through so much, and yet keep fighting, what is
your biggest fear?

A -- That the general public will forget THE TRAPPED INNOCENT

PEOPLE in the despicable place, and will ignore THE HUNDREDS OF

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UFO Landing Site

in Ellensburg, WA

This is a circle left on the ground by the most beautiful UFO Red
Elk has ever seen.

(Oval indicates location of the mark on the ground)

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The ship appeared to be made totally of crystal, except the

engine compartment. In the bottom picture you can see a wider
patch towards the top right of the oval. This is where the door
opening came down and almost touched the earth, as the craft
hovered about 3-4 feet above the ground.

There is a break in the circle at the top, center. This is where the
engine protruded somewhat out of the side of the craft, thus
leaving a 'break' in the circle. The engine compartment was
shaped like an egg, with the big end sticking out of the craft. This
craft only had engine, navigation(?) and motor running (?)
equipment and three seats.

The seats were in a 'V' formation. There were three men aboard.
The pilot sat in the forward seat and was a bit taller than the
other two. All three were extremely short, approximately 4-1/2
feet tall. The taller, closer to 5 feet tall, appeared to be in charge.
These three were very human in looks, other than their stature
and their SUPER THICK reddish-tinted blonde hair.

The craft hovered approximately three feet above the ground,

leaving an exact 16-foot circle, as measured by Red Elk himself.
This craft's fuselage was on many angles, with the exception of
the egg-shaped outside engine area. The bottom could not be
seen through. All else could, with the exception of the engine,
seats and electronic (?) equipment. You could literally stand in
the front and see through the back.

The craft made no noise whatsoever, and stayed about 12-14

minutes while the two crewmen stepped outside, on a step-like

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ramp that came out of the side mentioned, and came to within
about 2-3 inches above the grass. At no time did any part of the
ship rest on the earth. The two crewmen went about their duties,
and because of their stature, were unable to look inside the
window of the house they were hovering behind. The taller pilot
came out. and he and a crew member locked hands and lifted the
third up, by putting his foot in their hands, looking into the
window of the house. Once satisfied, the three stood and
conversed a minute or two, then went back into the ship, shut the
ramp, and the ship slowly floated upward in total silence before
shooting off like a streak of lightning.

This was not a long range ship. It either came from another
dimension or a Mother Ship. It was more like a fast scout ship.
These beings were 'good' or friendly beings. Red Elk has met a
few other friendly beings ... Darned few. These were not 'hoof
foots', who are quite similar in looks, but were perfectly formed
human beings (?). One odd thing he noticed was that in the field,
across the fence in the photo, were three horses, dead asleep on
their feet, and they seemed to have been put in that sleep, so as
not to panic.

Why were they here? I know, but I am not going to say. Just
know that it was for, and is for, a good reason. Do UFO's exist?
You betcha! Ho! -- Red Elk

(Red Elk has had many encounters with UFOs of various types
and shapes, and of various people from 'out there' and IN HERE,
our Earth, and has also had one physical contact, chasing a 'grey'
with a knife. He said the grey was too danged fast to catch. He
calls these people 'Bee People', or 'Insect People'.)

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Donations make it possible for Red Elk to go out
and speak and continue his work of spiritual awakening.
Send all donations to:

Purity / One Relation

PO Box 166
Thorp, WA 98946

Red Elk will no longer answer e-mails other than private

messages sent to him on the FORUM. Click HERE to get to the
forum. Note- You do NOT have to subscribe to be a member. But
you do have to register as a member to send private messages.

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Fequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question of Red Elk, try looking for it on this page. If you don't
find it, then go to the FORUM to see if it is there. If not, you can post your
question in the Premium section.

Q: Mel's Hole?
A: No place to mess with. If you want more information go to: http://

Q: You sound like a PREACHER ... WHY!

A: People come to me to find out how to love. The Pale One, you know as
the Christ, was/is a walking example of what love can do. Where else would
you find this example? His way and Native American ways are quite similar,
despite most Indians not wanting to admit it. The Hebrew race, as well as
our Indians, were at one time tribal-like. The Hebrews would migrate
across the land as we did. The Hebrews broke into smaller groups, as did
we. The truth that the Christ spread and SHOWED and T A U G H T is for
everyone. To many of us in the Medicine way, He was/is THE GREATEST
MEDICINE MAN ON ALL EARTH. If you come to me to learn, bring a Bible. I
recommend with this Bible "Awakening Spirits" by Tom Brown Jr.. Between
the two, you will learn amazing things.

Q: Why do you charge ANY money for talks, tapes ... whatever?
A: It was hard on me to do this. I spent years teaching for absolutely free.
The Fullbloods know the "rules". You DO give to the medicine person.
Whites, on the other hand, are mostly just as they usually are: Takers. I've
found after several years, they had no respect for the things they were
learning. (After all .. if it's free, it's not worth anything!) Only five taught
now live by the teaching. I put out my time, years of learning, effort, fuel,

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Fequently Asked Questions

chainsaw use, truck, permit $$ .. almost always for just a, "Thank you , Red
Elk." FEW GAVE AT ALL, even tobacco. They did not and do not know the
way. Thus, I am forced to charge. You, if a mechanic, or a secretary, or a
doctor, etc, train for your work and expect pay for your work. Why do you
expect me to work for nothing. I am just as all .. I have bills to pay, family to
take care of, etc. Why do YOU complain? IF you succeed in going to the
childlike mind, every lesson that you buy will succeed. I ask no one to buy
these lessons. This is a personal choice. Actually, they can all be gotten for
free, if you know where and how to look. Meanwhile, I eat ... finally. My
wife, who has carried the load for many years, has finally got a husband that
is giving more than just giving. Ho!

Q: You're getting RICH!

A: I'm getting WHAT? I have three old cars and an old trailer house to live
in. I'm in debt up to my eyes ... had to put my land up to get this used
trailer .. and you have the audacity to say THAT? Are you sure it's THIS
Red Elk?

Q: Levitating?
A: Go to my guest book. Go through it and you'll find three who have
written in who are doing it. I know of seven total that are doing so via my
instructions. IT WORKS!

Q: What are rods?

A: Our Dr./Scientists who use huge microscopes on the human body see
these things quite often. WE ARE INSIDE GOD'S BRAIN ... Thought! The rods
are simply the white and red blood cells that are in ANY brain.

Q: War?
A: There is no need for this. We have people in medicine who can send
away troublemakers, to live out their normal lifespan, causing no trouble to
any. I believe strongly that our government knows that this help is available
to them, but there is no money in just taking away trouble. Some could
easily send them to a different dimension, with food and water, and kiss
their ASS Goodbye!

Q: Blue Mountain meeting. Where? When?

A: Southeast Oregon. One mountain off the Blue Mountain range of
mountains. Time to be announced. Looks like this coming Summer. I let this

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Fequently Asked Questions

be known on orders from the head of the Red Web Society. This will be open
to any and all of "Pure HEART". It is not something to pay into. You'll be
lucky if we can get an outhouse there. All expenses will be self paid: food,
place to sleep, sleeping bags, coffee ... ALL. This call is going out to the
WORLD. More will be announced later as I am told.

Q: Do Lizard People REALLY exist, or is this a bunch of BS?

A: I wish they didn't. Here is a site you may be interested in, although I
have not looked into it myself: Go to Art Bell's website (www.artbell.com)
"Past Guest: Bonnie Crystal". Click on her web link and scroll to images of
expedition. Click and scroll 'til you see a caver, pointing to lizard tracks
pointing to an underground cave. Make up your own mind. We of Medicine
have long ago made up ours. Yes, they exist.

Q: Where are the Lizard People?

A: Many are bred into our people and are living, eating, working next to you.
Some actually shape-shift into human form .. though rare. Most overall live
below us in the earth. There are instances where full blood lizards are seen
on our surface in full lizard form, but never outside in public. They work
hand in hand at certain sites in well guarded and unlighted (by Sun)
factories, etc. Do they exist? Wait. You'll find out.

Q: Does Bigfoot exist?

A: YES! Our original earth (human) beings. We are DNA'd into our shape
form and (advanced) stage via people from other planets out of BIGFOOT
STOCK. Adam and Eve were the first (successfully DNA'd) Human Beings.
Bigfoot is our living "ancestors". Why aren't they often seen? Because
these brothers have evolved into abilities that go different from our own.
They are masters at stealth/invisibility. THEY ARE ALIVE. THEY ARE STILL

Q: What is a pole shift and when will the next one occur?
A: I am never given dates .. only events. IF we continue on the course we
are now on, start practicing treading water. We'll be swimming well within
25 years. The shift will be Earth, for the fifth time, turning on its axis. Few
will survive. Due to the shift, mankind will once again mate into one color ..
one "breed" and one language. There will be no differences in either. In
time, it will slowly get back to the way it is today.

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Fequently Asked Questions

Q: What lies ahead for our planet?

A: If we do not unite as one in LOVE, NOW: War, famine, huge weather
shifts, disease, civil wars, mass killings of each other ... MADNESS!


Q: What can we do to prevent this?

A: Earth is now Ninivah. Read what happened in the Old Testament to that
old city/country. IT WAS PUT OFF. We can do the same, but ONLY by
getting ourselves PERSONALLY right with our Creator. LOVE!
Change, folks, must start within our own SELVES. Then it will pass on to
others. It will take a vast majority of this planet's people to save our Earth
from what lies ahead. Unity in ONE Heart. Until the moon, sun, skies turn
red for a period of days in a row, WE STILL HAVE A

Q: I feel the Bible telling me to worship his son also. Although I feel great love for
Jesus, I just don't have the exploding affection for The Creator. Also, I am led to
believe that all non Christians are not going to heaven! How could this be true?
What about the poor children that have no other insight in religion -- let alone the
adults that have never witnessed true sacrifice? I have been looking for a Non-
denominational church that is truly such, but I have only found Christian based
churches that accept non-Christian petitioners. Where can I go that I do not have to venture
off from My Lord and Savior? I don't want to feel like a hypocrite every time.
A: Lil Sister: it may help u 2 know "Christians" 2day have been "watered
down" since day 1. In this they have become Lazy...in the beginning of
Christianity most did not know how 2 read. Thus the HAD 2 rely on those
who could. THEY HAD NO WAY 2 CK if what was being told was Truly what
was written. THIS HAS BEEN CARRIED ON 2DAY. Only NOW it is "easier" to
b setting there n let "The "SMART" One" TELL them WHAT IS MEANT! In
short...U R LED by those who want 2 "force" THIER OPINION...n U accept it
as "The WORD"...from "God". LAZINESS on R part has led 2 this! NO ONE
CHKS.! U r rite: the Churches) R WRONG. Watered Down. N WE HAVE
ALLOWED IT. It is no One's) Fault...it is OUR PERSONAL FAULT. Blame NO
One .... but Yourself. Now, lets get back 2 righting r wrong: ASK THE
LETTERS (Bible). Then TRUST HIM....He HEARS! Then start ANYWHERE in
that Good Book, reading. IF U R Serious....HE KNOWS UR HEART....if its
"TRUE": then u WILL start LEARNING! It will b between just 2 ...U....and
"HIM". Try it...then get back 2 me if u need more "help". In HIS L O V E....Red

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Fequently Asked Questions

Q: There is no God! If there was, why all the killings and wars!
A: On the contrary. YOU might not believe in HIM, but HE BELIEVES IN
YOU. That's why you exist. He's made you from His thoughts. You exist
because of this. Wars, killings? He warns us, if we do not trust, rely and
adhere to him ... LOVE Him, or you will get a "reward" you will not be happy
with. He also says, if you DO love him, etc., your life will be cake and
honey. It's all up to you. He's a better father than a man-father. HE KEEPS
HIS WORD. He knows your heart, and you can NOT Con him!

Q: Why do you say "Brother" or "Sister", when we do not look or think the same, or are of the same culture?
A: As stated above, we are all of the same MINDWOMB of the only Creator.
Thus, we are Brothers and Sisters in that way. I just say it as I see it. As in
any family, people do not agree with each other, and go their separate
ways. STILL, we are all from the same Womb! Hate me or not, I AM STILL

Q: Why are some Native Americans so upset about the things you say?
White Man has taken just about everything they have, and now their
"religious" ways are being told to the general public. They fear that the
White Man is about to take the last thing they have left. WOULDN'T YOU BE!

In their anger and fear, they strike out and say anything they want to stop
this. WOULDN'T YOU? Then why am I doing this? The answer is simple: I
and the other 11 Inner Heyokas have been ordered to do so. As stated, our
world is about to go through a major change, leaving few humans left. As
stated, there will be no 1 - 2 - 3 DIFFERENT races.

ALL WILL BE ONE COLOR/LANGUAGE. Our red brethren and the aborigines,
as well as a few countries/peoples know the sacredness of the Earth and all
with all people. Without this, mankind will become extinct. What I share and
teach can be gotten for free by anyone who puts their faith in trusting the
Creator to tell them. There are some things of Medicine I WILL NOT SHARE.
Those things, IF you are to learn them, will be strictly between you and the
Creator. ALL things I teach ARE IN BOOKS. I give out nothing that is
unexposed. Ho!

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Fequently Asked Questions

Q: Dream?
A: Yes. His. We are as gods. We have been given two gifts in this life: Self
will and the ability to dream. Today those dreams are called inventions.
Someone dreamt/dreams something into existince. Cars, phones, clothes,
glasses .. all are of someone's dream. We in Medicine have learned this and
learned that we can "Work the Dream." . CHANGE IT! Right now we are
living in a nightmare. LOVE ... Change it! Ho!

Q: I have listened to your lesson on Invisibility and tried to make it work for me, but I am having no luck.
What am I doing wrong?
A: The lessons are simple. The doings are NOT! In nearly all these lessons,
you MUST get into the CHILDLIKE MIND. This is very hard for adults to do.
Remember, children can make a make believe person so REAL to them, they
ARE Real. YOU MUST BE IN THAT WAY AS WELL. Another problem is your
belief system. Do not use CAN'T words! Such as Believe, Hope, Think,
Maybe, Someday, In Time, Will, Try .. etc .. Or all stopping, or putting off to
the future words. Use the word AM. As in, " i AM Flying". " i AM Invisible",
etc. Use only AM! It conditions your mind to MAKE IT SO. Ho!

Q: What can I do to prepare myself for the upcoming times?

A: Don't ask ME ... Ask the Creator! Ask. Shut up and listen. And expect to
hear an answer. HE'll tell you exactly what to do and where to go ... and
when. EXPECT!

Q: What is your greatest need?

A: Ask "Dad". For sure, I DO need constant prayer!

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Fequently Asked Questions

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Family Photos

Family Photos

Red Elk at 17
Already considered 'fearless', with 7 years medicine training behind him, he
would fight only if necessary but would mediate between rival gangs to
quell fighting, Detroit, MI area.

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Family Photos

Red Elk in the Navy

1960, Vietnam

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Family Photos

(Recent Image)

Brother, "The Apple"


Red Elk's Daughter

(Shadow Woman)

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Family Photos

Are you a Northern Exposure fan?

This is Red Elk's wife, Meachelle

and Star in Roslyn, WA, where
Northern Exposure was filmed.
Red Elk, family, and Star were extras
a number of times on the TV show

Home made dog sled. Child sled on water ski with lawnmower handle.
Worked like a charm!

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Family Photos

Overlooking Red Elk's property

Road leads to sweat lodges and tipis

22-foot, very old

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Family Photos

16-foot takeabout<

Red Elk in front of one of his sweat lodges

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Family Photos

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Red Elk News

Red Elk News and Current Events

(updated 09/15/2004)
Where and when you can meet up with Red Elk

RED ELK HAS RETURNED FROM CANADIAN CREE TRIP (two months and over 14,000 miles traveled). From
the Pacific to the Atlantic ocean thru all the provinces. Zig zagging from almost the Yukon to almost Labrador.
Not only was this trip extremly successful in opening sacred sites/closing evil places, but ALSO FULFILLED PART
OF HIS GREAT VISION ("You will go coast to coast, border to border"). Red Elk will be doing one more school on
his property this year: Oct 1-2-3, 2004. For more information see 'classes' below


Red Elk will hold one more class on October 1-2-3, 04

A $50. non refundable deposit will be required in advance. Bring your own Food and
Bedding. Outhouse available only, no showers. For those who desire there are motels available
in two nearby towns. NO nonprescription drugs or alcohol are allowed on this property.
Send payment to: Red Elk P.O. Box 166 Thorp, WA. 98946

You can get Red Elk's Recorded Lessons on the LESSONS PAGE of this website.

Please keep in mind, I am a teacher. I do NOT mediate between you and 'Dad'. But I
do Teach you to do so one on one as well doing the things of the Pale One (Christ). This
is way of the Inner Heyoka.....PURITY

Red Elk

Get Red Elk back on the radio on Coast To Coast AM.

Send George Noory an email and let him know you'd like to hear Red Elk

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Red Elk News

in another interview: george@coasttocoastam.com

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A Message from Red Elk

A Message From Red Elk

So far, our Earth’s people are not united on one Planet, to pray for love for ourselves.
Thus our path continues on to our eventual near extinction. Though many gather
united—for this oneness—it is not near enough. ‘Here and There’ is just that: ‘Here
and there.’

Our World is now “Nineveh” — headed for the same downfall. This is no longer a city
state about to be devoured, but US. All of Us. Approximately 10 million world wide
will remain to pick up the pieces.

Not a pleasant thought.

What lays before us has been before: Three times.

#1 of the soon to be #5 “Flip” concerned no humans.

All others have—and all for the same reason: “SELF.”

Will we EVER LEARN!?!

We still have a chance to change—to unite as ONE. ONE heart. ONE mind. Toward
and for LOVE.

Love for your fellow man.

Our Earth Will quit her shuddering if WE just calm down! Peace. Worldwide.

This Place can not be depended upon for our world leaders—governments –to be
brought to the point where we are safe. NOT UNTIL OUR HEARTS AND MINDS
have CHANGED TO “MITAKUYE OYASIN”—ONE (relation) first as well.



No longer can we put blame OR hopes on others. WE are responsible for “WE.”

Love/Peace begins WITH*IN the individual.

I have seen the Future. 3 times. It is so horrible I bawled—just “lost it”—and wanted to
throw up. Each time.

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A Message from Red Elk

I saw (and see) our Great Country Raped of Greenery\Animals\birds\Fish\insects\and







Starvation on a mass scale.


You name it. It was shown.


I fit in “NO MOLD.”

I ask that NO ONE believes me. Not IN ME or with what I say.

Just look around.





Much of what I was shown has already come true. I will not go into details. I told a
select few. They, as I, retained and watched. All saw thing after thing “become.” They,
as I, feel we have no choice than to accept the rest will be as well IF we continue on
the Path we now still tread.


There is a “signal”—a “sign,” that this vision of the GREATEST PROBABILITY WILL
BE NO MORE “THE GREATEST” –but the ONLY. That sign will be 7-8(?) days and
nights of a “blood red sky.” Sun, Moon, Stars—day and nights of Blood Red or Very

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A Message from Red Elk


This is both an Indian Legend and in Scriptures. Once we see that we are doomed.


Leave Each Culture to Live their cultures! Leave each to go to GOD in THEIR OWN
cultures’ way. No more “I’m Right—Your WRONG”

Within Governments

Within Religions

Within Denominations

Live—and let Live.

All of us!

As long as love prevails.


You\I are of the same womb. Our Creators’ MindWomb.



Why fight within our own family!!

Why act as a CHILD!



Our very existence depends on it.

PLEASE consider this.

Look within.


We were BORN to Love

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A Message from Red Elk

Consider ALL, over SELF


“What Comes Around Goes Around”

Love for Love will Come back to you.

You do not believe it? Look around! We are receiving hate now—for hate.


Start within your own SELF

And our EARTH will calm down.

And we will LIVE.


Consider this.


Red Elk

Read about the Crystal Skulls And More

from Elders Of The Twisted Hair Society

Red Web's Call For Peace


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A Message from Red Elk

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There once came from the North Country, to what is now the upper
western portion of New York State, a young man of Huron birth. He
was called Deganaweda. Even as a child he talked of a peaceful way
of existence and of harmony among the tribes. He spoke of the
importance of the heart and called for an end to war- like ways and
sacrifices of blood. But he found only deaf ears amongst his own
Huron people, for they were war-like and not given to the ways of

Our story begins when Deganaweda began a pilgrimage that would

eventually bring his teachings to the five tribes of the

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Haudenosaunee and later, six when they were joined by the Seneca
peoples. He helped them create a confederation of tribes, under a
form of self-ruling government, in which there would be no royalty,
no tyranny, no need for war. This unification of the tribes would later
be referred to as the Great Iroquois Confederacy. Which would
include the Mohawk, Onandaga, Tuscarora, Cayuga and Oneida
people, who would later be joined by the Seneca and the Mohican.
The Mohicans would later be all but wiped out by the Huron’s,
leaving the Confederacy composed of six nations as it is described
in our history books. In the confederacy Daganaweda's words were
welcomed with enthusiasm and discussed around the council fires of
the elders. During his pilgrimage Deganaweda met Hiawatha.
Hiawatha, it is said, lived as a hermit deep within the forest. He lived
alone, holding a great bitterness in his heart. He grieved over the
slaughter of his family by the bloodthirsty Onadaga chief. It is said
that Hiawatha had even taken to cannibalism. Deganaweda was
challenged by a Grandmother to share his teachings with Hiawatha.
She told him that if he could convince the angry Hiawatha, the beast
of the woods, to walk in peace and harmony, then perhaps there was
something to this wisdom. If he succeeded in changing the heart of
this beast, then all the tribes would surely listen to him.

Deganaweda met with Hiawatha and spoke with him from his heart,
for he was filled with the Great Spirit and had no fear. This meeting
with Deganaweda caused a transition within Hiawatha’s being. They
became inseparable, and from the wisdom taught to him by
Deganaweda, Hiawatha became a renewed human being. A great
friendship grew between the two, and Hiawatha became
Daganaweda’s chief disciple. It is said that Deganaweda suffered
from a speech impediment; he had stuttered since childhood. For
this reason, Hiawatha became known as the chief spokesperson for
Daganaweda’s Great Peace-- the Kia ëneri Kowa.

Both Deganaweda and Hiawatha taught that the human race was
one great family. They taught of love and unity, with reverence for
the Creator of all mankind and the sacredness and honour of all life.
The way of the Great Peace was established. It was a great plan for
social order that cantered its strength around the family fire. They
taught of the inner balance of male and female within the self and in
all relationships, the importance of the Mother/Father Principle. This
teaching was to spread through the many single-family firesides. In
the Great Peace it was taught that from these single families would
come the basis of authority, leadership and the strength of the

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people. A natural order of social living was encouraged that allowed

for the spiritual expression of all individuals. This concept was
intrinsic to the integrity of their society and the establishment of the
Long Houses that exist to this day.

In the way of the Great Peace, women are the keepers of the family
lineage and as the bearers of life, they teach the knowledge of
harmony and balance within the family. The tribe is the extended
family, and neighbouring tribes should be considered relatives who
are necessary for a healthy genetic evolution, an extended family, if
you will. The balance within the whole of a society originates with
the individual. The balance of male/female within the individual
expands to the relationship between man and woman, and then into
relationship with their offspring. This then expands into the
extended family. All women are mothers to all the children, as are all
men their fathers. The tribe was a living ecosystem for human
consciousness, a living heart.

Women had equal status within the tribal council. They formed the
Council of Grandmothers that looked out for the survival of the
family structure above all things, for without the family structure,
the people could not continue. No major decision that would affect
the tribe as a whole was ever made by one individual of either
gender, or any singular council; all councils were accountable to the
Council of Grandmothers. Thus, they had devised a matriarchal
system whereby no structure of dictatorship could arise and seize
power from the people themselves. There simply was no position
that allowed for the rise of a tyrant within their society.

The teachings of the Great Peace likened all war to quarrelling

amongst children. Spiritual teachings were intermingled with the
teaching of balance in the social order. In this culture there was no
separation between living an abundant, full life and the expression of
spiritual practice and beliefs because social laws were created out
of an evolved spiritual understanding of human nature. In this
manner, human beings learned to live in harmony with nature, thus
they dwelt in a state of harmony within themselves. For nature was
the kingdom with which humankind shared their dream. Mankind and
Womankind were seen as spirit alive in the flesh. There was One
Creator, One Father. There was one Mother. From this union came
forth all their children--the human race.

So powerful were these teachings that the tribes of the Algonquin

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peoples formed the Iroquois Confederacy. It is from this Confederacy

that much of the Constitution of the United States and the
Declaration of Independence came. It is from the doctrine of life
expressed by the Iroquois Confederacy by which the invading white
Europeans forged the foundations of the American constitution, the
basis of all Western Democracy

The Great Prophet, the Peacemaker would spend many seasons with
the Haudenosaunee people they who would later be known as the
Iroquois Confederacy establishing the ways of the Great Peace. All
things must change and the Peacemaker would not be amongst the
people forever. He heard the call to move on along his journey but
before he would go he would deliver his final message to the people.
It was time for him to fulfil his agreement here that he had long ago
made with Creator. The people were very saddened by the
announcement of his departure from them.

He met with the People one last time upon the shores of the Bay of
Quinte, near what is now Lake Ontario. All the tribes were asked to
send representatives to participate in a great ceremony to show
their integrity and their commitment to the Great Peace. At this
ceremony it is said that the people who represented each tribe of
the confederacy buried their weapons of war into a huge pit over
which they planted an evergreen tree.

. This tree represented the Tree of Life. Its branches reached to the
heavens, to the Father. The tree and its roots represented the five
tribes of the Iroquois Confederacy. The tree would grow, and send its
roots deep into the earth to draw its nourishment and strength from
the Mother, as did the people. The tree of life was planted upon an
island in the lake, which was mostly white granite. The White granite
represented, as did the white shells of the wampum belt a blanket of
purity, the Mothers most pure mind. Some say that this tree is still
alive today.

Wrapped within her robe of purity and wisdom, the Mother protects
that original dream and wishes of those who participated in this
great ceremony. Deganaweda spoke to them of Three Great Double
Ideals, upon which they could build their foundation of self-

1. Ne Skin. Purity of the mind and of the body are tied together

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through the experience of the flesh. It is called the Human Drama,

which is our dance through this life. Harmony between groups of
people, for all of our human existence is realized through mastering
the experience of relationships between each other. Inner harmony
and peace, and the true union with creator, the source of all life is
realized through maintaining of the balance of the spirit, while it is
alive in the flesh.

Our purpose along our path is the expression of divine love of the
Creator and the divine Mother through our actions, and emotions
given and received through our expression of that divine love. For all
has been given to us, without question, that we might reflect that
which we receive from Creator and the divine Mother which is
unconditional love.

2. Ne Gaiihwijo. Righteousness in deeds, action, as well as our

thought should be the premise for all conduct. Our action is the
expression of our true thought. Our actions often times speak louder
than our words, for it is through action the inner self, the true state
of being is expressed.

When we maintain a state of most pure mind, we deal with life’s

events with open heart. Thus we are acting as the expression of the
Creator. In this manner we maintain a justice and equality in dealing
with human rights, in integrity of spirit. The superior quality within
all beings is the expression of Creator who always speaks through
the human heart.

Remember always it in the heart of a thing that its spirit can be

found, and within its spirit is the very essence of the Creator.
Creator’s deeds being from the heart are always righteous and
Sacred. Our actions thus applied are filled with the power of that
which is Sacred. The state of Sacred, by its own decree is the state
of most pure mind. Although often silent, and sometimes soft in its
action this path is for us never without power. Consider this truth, is
not the Creator realized within all things? What thing exists that is
not by the decree of the Creator?

3. Ne Gashedenza. It is good to maintain within your society a force

that councils a skilled power for the self- defence of the people. This
force must always be tempered by employing the guidance of your
spiritual understandings of the higher reason of the mind. All actions

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taken must be of righteous intent. All things that can be called

righteous are the results of the balance between the physical and
the spiritual, there are no exceptions.

Therefore, when differences arise, as they will, the councils between

your peoples must always be held with both the spiritual leaders and
the military leaders present. The views of these councils should then
be presented to the Sachems, who are your spiritual elders. They in
turn must answer always to the Council of Grandmothers. The
council of Grandmothers represents the social order of the people. In
your societies all relationships are born from the foundation of the
family fire--Mother, Father, and their children. Brother, sister,
nephew, niece.

This structure is of the Mothers own design and purpose, and will
reach out through your society like the roots of a great tree, seeking
its strength and nourishment from the Divine Mother herself. Without
the purposeful maintaining of the family fire your social order would
quickly fall into disorder and decay. You are all extensions of this
family fire, which is your strength when the times of change and
calamity overcome you. Standing together you have the strength to
withstand the storms that will come. Standing separately, without
order you fall easy prey to the forces darkness, which are born of
fear out of chaos, and as a people you would vanish like leaves
before the wind.

We are all, in the end, brothers and sisters of one family, the children
of one Mother and one Father. The balance of the male and female
must be maintained within your relationships. It represents the
balance of the Mother and the Father in the very process of creation,
from which all of life is manifest.

In this way the Great Peace shall be established. In this way it shall
be a living dream of the people that shall be handed down from
Mother to Daughter, and as the bearers of life they shall pass it from
Father to Son. And this peace which is born of the heart, and the
people who live through this heart shall be forever. For they shall be
in rhythm with the heart beat of the Divine Mother, which never

He told them that they had done well living in accordance with the
Great Peace. He told them they would know much abundance, and

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they would be happy for a while. However, he also told them they
would have great trials in the days ahead of them. He told them that
a time was coming in which many of them could start to forget the
principles of the Great Peace. A time was coming when the way of
the serpent would rise from seeming sleep upon the land.

If the ways of the heart were forgotten and the people took to their
old ways of warring amongst each other dark days would come as a
result. He foretold that if the Serpents were awakened there would
be a time of great trials and much suffering. In the darkness of this
time they would come to mistrust themselves as well as their
leaders and they would doubt even the very principles of the Great

Daganaweda told the people that he saw that during this time of the
return of the serpent energy, that a White Serpent would come into
their land. For a time, it would intermingle with the people. It would
be accepted by the Indian people, and they would come to regard
the Serpent as a friend and a brother. This Serpent would grow and
be nurtured by the people and over time the Serpent would become
powerful. As it grew although outwardly friendly towards the people
the ultimately become obsessed with having more and more power.

This Serpent would have an insatiable appetite for power. It would

seem that there would never be enough to satisfy this Serpent. It
would reach out a giant claw and attempt to choke the life force
from the People. If they did not succumb to the twisted will of the
Serpent, which would grow more and more delirious with its quest
for knowledge and power. The Serpent would grow mad and think
that it could own the very Earth itself.

In its desire for more and more power, it would eventually attempt to
drive off and even kill the very people who had befriended it. It would
threaten to completely destroy them, and any other People that
dared defy its will. Many would become addicted to the seemingly
easy way of life that the Serpent would offer them, and through
gradual corruption of the spirit they would fall under the power of
this Serpent. The Serpents power lay in its ability manipulate the
people by creating fear, and self doubt in the true spiritual path.

The Serpent was a master of illusion, and could even fool itself for a
time into believing that it was liken the people itself. That it was no

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longer a Serpent. But while it talked of love, and a new way of life for
the people it would be devouring the Earth itself. Even the beast of
the forest and the great seas would flee in terror when it showed it
face amongst them.

However, there would be People who would who would continues to

live in the way of the Great Peace. They would see the Serpent for
what it was. They would not give into fear and illusion. Although
small in number they would somehow survive, the times that were
coming. Many however would choose to leave rather then endure the
years of struggle and hardship that would come to this land. It would
be very strange times. A great struggle would develop between
these few people who still held to the ways of the Great Peace and
the Serpent.

There would be much contest and long suffering by the People, as

the ways of the Serpent would have slowly corrupted many of them
from the inside, separating them from the power of the great spirit
that moved within them. The ways of the Serpent would separate
them from each other, mother from child, child from grandparent.
The family fire would be almost non-existent in times that were
coming. If the family fire was ever allowed to be broken, if brother
took to warfare against his brother it would it would only be a matter
of time before all was lost. A great despair would fall upon the
People and the land. Since the People were the land it would be that
in time event the land would start to die.

With the Great Peace broken the once proud People of the Long
House would become weary from the endless torment of the soul
that would never seem to end. Daganaweda told them if the peace
was broken they would become as few in number as leaves on the
trees in winter, that some tribes would have vanished from the face
of the Earth entirely they would be as dust in the wind. As the
seasons continued, many would forget their ways entirely, and the
Great Peace would appear as a myth of a distant long ago past. He
told them as a result they would endure spiritual pain that would
seem to be endless. He saw the people falling upon the ground like
turtles on their backs. They would be as helpless as children fighting
this Serpent. Then one day a Great Red Serpent would appear there
would develop a great battle between the two. So great that the
whole Earth would appear to shake. This shaking would occur three

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The battle between the Serpents would be unending, and after

awhile the White Serpent would appear at one point to accept defeat
by the Red Serpent, but only momentarily. This was only because the
White Serpent was stunned by the sudden blow of the Red Serpent's
strange power and rage. For the Red Serpent would have grown
quickly and mysteriously to great size. And this Serpent would have
strange powers that would be unfamiliar to the White Serpent as if
they came from another world.

With the coming of this Red Serpent even greater confusion, would
befall the land. The White Serpent would let loose of its hold on the
People in an attempt to fight off the assaults of the intruder. All of its
attention would go to battling the Red Serpent. Some of the people
would manage to run away to the hilly country towards the West,
which would be away from the Serpent's grasp. Hidden in the hilly
country their wounds would begin to slowly heal and they would
seek once more a peaceful way of life and begin to return to divine
order seeking harmony with the ways of the Mother Earth.

Some would begin to remember once again the old ways. They would
begin to re-establish the principles of the Great Peace among
themselves. People would come to them from all over, not just the
Haudensaunee, but people from all nations from the four directions,
from the beginning times. They would be called to gather together in
the hilly country to heal from the war and terror. Here they would
renew their original bonds of friendship and brotherhood, as it was
during the Great Peace.

They would, at first be, small in numbers and would choose to

remain neutral in the fighting that would ensue between the Great
Serpents. They would slowly begin to awaken, as if from a bad
dream or sickness. They would come to own themselves once again
and through their renewed connection to the spiritual powers of the
Earth they would grow stronger in their understanding of their
dormant wisdom.

The People living close to the Earth would learn to become strong in
their hearts. In this way they would become free from the fear that
would be like a great plague upon the land. From this place in the
hilly country their lookouts would be watching the Serpent's battle in
the distance. The Serpents warring would never seem to end, for the
way of Serpent energy to renew itself is through killing and war. The
Serpent would create fear in the hearts of the People who would

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become lost and be unable to connect to the source of their

creation. From their fear these Serpents would draw their energy.
For the Serpent would have no energy of its own. From their place in
the hilly country, the People would hear and see the battle raging
between the Serpents which would become so violent at times that
the mountains would begin to crack open, Fire would spew from
their mouths, for the Serpents would learn to use the lightning
energy and they would even grow wings as they carried their wars
even unto the heavens. It is then that the rivers would begin to boil,
and the fishes would turn up on their bellies. There would be great
flooding and great drought. Some of the great rivers would flow
upstream in an unnatural manner. The weather would become
erratic and nothing would grow as it once did. It would seem as if
the Earth itself was lost in confusion and sickness. In those areas
where the greatest of fighting took place there would be no leaves
left upon the trees, and the grasses would burn up as great fires fell
from the sky. Strange bugs would appear in the sky and coming from
the ground. They would be like beetles, and they would crawl along
the ground and attack both the Serpents and the people. Everywhere
there would be death. The land would appear as if the whole of the
Earth was dying. Everywhere the Earth and all her life forms would
become sickened from the stench of death and destruction.

Then there would come across the land a great heat. It would swell
from the Mothers belly and move across the land in great clouds of
fire. It would appear as if the bowels of the Earth were opening and
spilling forth this great fire everywhere. This heat would last a long
time, so long that it would cause the stench from all the death to
become intolerable. Even the Serpents who would continue to battle
for they loved war would themselves begin to sicken from the stench
of death. Then one day a warrior who was standing lookout from the
hilly country watching the Serpents battle, would see from his
lookout post the Red Serpent reach around the neck of the White
Serpent and pull from him a feather as he tore open his throat. This
feather would be carried by the wind to the South. Here it would find
its way to a Great Black Serpent that would have appeared from
some mysterious place where it had been hiding in the darkness. It
would have been awakened from all the commotion and warring in
the North. The Black Serpent, upon studying the white feather,
would be astounded, as the hair would begin to dance upon the
currents of the wind as it turned itself into a white bird and then into
a white-skinned woman.

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This white-skinned woman would have power and wisdom. She

would be skilled in the ancient arts of the People, and she would
speak to him in their ancient language, which he understood. She
would tell him stories as she danced upon the wind shape shift
before his eyes. She would tell the Black Serpent stories of great
sickness that was upon the land and in the hearts of the People.
Stories of death and horror going on in the North. These things he
would know somehow to be true, but again he would have been
asleep deep within the belly of the Earth for a long time.

He would ask her to tell him the stories once again, for it would be
unbelievable to him that such things could be occurring upon this
Earth. Then, when the woman was through with her tales, he would
ever so gently place her down upon a rock, with great love and
respect for her purity of spirit and her personal powers.

He would then turn to the North and let loose a great roar, filling the
winds with his furry over the horrors he had heard. The winds and
the sound of the great roar they carried would be felt over the whole
of the Earth. It would rise up from the belly of the Earth, and even be
heard in the heavens. With great speed the Black Serpent would then
head towards the North to find the other two.

The two Serpents would already be weary from the firestorms, and
the stench of death. They would be sickened to the point that they
would weak and exhausted. They would rise in horror and shock at
the sudden appearance of the Black Serpent, which would seem to
come from nowhere. They would recognize him but not believe his
appearance possible.

The Black Serpent would attack the Red and White Serpents with a
great vengeance, and he would defeat the Red Serpent entirely.
Then he would stand upon the chest of the White Serpent, letting out
a horrible and boastful roar as he tore him into two pieces. The
battle would be short; it would not be too long before the Black
Serpent would begin to look for yet another Serpent to conquer,
filled with the energy of war and killing. He would have taken on the
evil of both serpents and become a power of darkness that defies
description. It would appear that he intended to devour the whole of
the Earth, even the heavens in his furry.

The Great Black Serpent would look in all the directions for a

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formidable foe. When he turned towards the direction of the hilly

country, he would see the People standing noble and erect, with
their arms open, having fearless hearts, facing the winds of change.
He would know that this was not where his fight was to be found; he
would turn and look elsewhere. For a time the whole of the world
would be in darkness. Great clouds will have formed from the battle
and the spewing of smoke from the Mother belly. It would be as if
time itself had stopped.

The Black Serpent would then turn towards a sound coming from the
heavens and, for a moment become blinded by a great and
mysterious light that would appear from the heavens. This light
would be many, many times brighter than the Sun. This Great Light
would be travelling east, coming from the West, over the great
waters. It would appear in the skies for the passing of twelve of our
days. When it arrives there will be no night and day. This would
terrify the Black Serpent to such a degree that he would slither into
the ocean, trying to hide himself from the great light. He would sink
beneath the Great Waters and never be seen by the People again.

A part of the White Serpent would have survived. Although weak, he

too, would see this light and make a feeble attempt to gather himself
up and go towards that light. Suffering greatly from the wound
received in battle with the Black Serpent, this portion of the White
Serpent would find its way to the hilly country. Here it would be
taken in and helped by the People, as it is their way to nurture the
weak. This portion of the White Serpent would take on the ways of
the People, but for a long time after, he would shake with fear
whenever he again witnessed a great light.

Then, as if rising from the ground itself, the form of the Red Serpent
would appear. He would also witness the strange Light shining like a
great star, and he would tremble with fear. He would also try to
crawl towards the North Country, but would die along the journey
from his wounds. Leaving behind him a bloody trail that would split
the Earth into a shaky canyon. This trail would split this land of the
Turtle in two, and then into four pieces.

To the south where the Black serpent had vanished the Ice would
begin melt, great pieces of ice would begin to fall from the sky,
putting much of the land to the East into the deep sleep of winter.
There it would be purified from the death that it had known. In these
times we will witness other strange occurrences with the weather.

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The seas would become violent and rise covering much of the old
shoreline. New cliffs would rise from the sea, as well as new lands.

The trail left behind by the Red Serpent would be washed clean as it
filled with the waters from the North. New mountains would form
along where the body of the Red Serpent lay still and cold in its
death. This would form a new sea in the North Country, which would
forever remind the people of the dark times through which they had

The mysterious light would be as a mist and would engulf the entire
Earth much like a giant cloud. We will be lifted from the wheel of
time, and we will be unable to determine its passing. Death will
cease to be. Our dream will blend and become many realities, all
different yet all truth. As we experience the unravelling of the dream.
We will witness the force that which allows our perceptions to
manifest and express as our reality. For within this great light the
nature of all things is dreamlike

From the centre of the mysterious light the Great Star would begin to
emerge. The light from this star would swell and eventually become
brighter even than our Sun. It would appear to take form an eight
pointed star as it came closer and closer to the Earth. It would
become so large that it would block out much of the heavens from
our view. Its presence would cause many things to be effected and
we will witness much phenomena as the new world is born before
our eyes

There will appear in the heavens a great bow having the twelve
colours of creation. From this bow would be heard the sound of all
people, all who ever were and all that would be. Then there would be
a shifting of the sound like a great harmonic. It would then appear as
if they were all one voice, singing the sound of the new Creation. The
sound of what had been heard so long ago when this world was itself
created. When we first walked upon the Earth and wondered at the
newness of her.

When the Star emerges from within the light many of the People who
will have been hiding will come forth from their seclusion. Many will
come from their refuge in the hills and mountains. They will be
strange as if they were walking for the first time. There will be many
new colours and species of life that will come forth from the great

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void. For they will have lifted their voices to join with the voices of
the heavens.

Man and beast all manner of life form upon this plane will recognize
and acknowledge their part in the spider web of life. They shall know
their part in the dream for life will have become in a moment the
expression of each of their visions of how things would be. There
shall come a day like no other for all the creatures of the Earth in
that moment of forever shall be as one, and man and beast shall
communicate as it was long ago, for fear shall be a no thing. A sound
shall come forth from the great star.

The people who will be coming forth in little bands from all
throughout the hilly country will witness the appearance of
Daganaweda, as if walking right out of this Great Star, returning to
the People. The Peacemaker would be joined by many others as the
dream of horror would come to a close. With his return there would
be much rejoicing, and the people would feel like they had awakened
from a dream. They would once again walk the way of the Great
Peace, Kia ëneri Kowa, and form a new and great civilization that
will continue into forever, creating a new world from the essence of
the old. In this world even the eldest of us would be as children, yet
possess the wisdom of experience of the ages that had come before.

We will join once again with our brothers from the stars. No one shall
be denied, and no one shall be untouched in this time. No dream
shall not come to pass, and no thought shall go unrealised. To speak
more of it would serve no purpose for it will be beyond our
comprehension what will occur. The way of the Kia neri Kowa shall
help create the new world you seek. That which is created shall be
born of the heart.

The time for the need for darkness will have passed. You will once
again be as you were in the beginning children of the Sun and you
will feel as if you have awakened from a dream. Your need for death
and dying shall no longer serve the purpose it did before, for you will
be walking upon the pathway of your foreverness. Man and spirit
shall be as one in the Great Peace.

It is told.

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Crystal Skull Message

Elders of the Twisted Hairs Society

In the tradition of the Cherokee secret medicine societies, the Elders of the Twisted Hairs
Society, I have been moved by the secret knowledge and spirit to reveal these words…

-“Metis” Thomas ThunderEagle

THIS SACRED KNOWLEGE is from my Elder Heyoehkah, the war chief of the
Twisted Hairs and a member of their council of Elders…

“You seek to know the origins of this clear receptacle which you call ‘the Crystal
Skull.’ I tell you that it was made many, many thousands of years ago by beings of a
higher intelligence…It was formed by a civilization before those you call ‘the Maya.’
Our level of civilization was, as you say ‘at that time’ far in advance of that which you
now have by many factors. This receptacle contains the minds of many and the minds
of one…It was not made using what you call the ‘physical.’ It was molded into the
present form only by pure thought. The thoughts and knowledge are crystallized into
this receptacle …

This receptacle is thought process crystallized, thus the information was crystallized
into this receptacle. We have put thought form into pure language within that which
you call ‘the crystal skull.’ Much of the world that we created, we have created with
mind, mind creates matter. You will understand this and crystal technology will be
given to those who understand in more detail that crystal is a living substance and
you can infuse mind with matter. This receptacle is crystallized because you, within
the third dimension, need to see it, to hear and to touch…Its form makes it easier for
mind to attach to mind without what you call personality…But you respect the
personality, the head, the enclosure of your brain…so this form as the receptacle has
been guarded and guided for many an age.

The Earth life of this receptacle is 17,000 years. It has been handed down from
generation to generation, polished with sand and hair, and no harm will come to it.
You are seeking information as to the other receptacles of the mind…there will be
other receptacles found for there are many…for no one man and no one mind were
given all the knowledge…Each of the receptacles contains the information where the
others are. We would give you one where we left markings upon the Earth near the
area you call ‘Nazca lines’ in Peru, although there are also ones in the high places of
the mountains. There will be one of Blue in the region you call ‘South America’…

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Crystal Skull Message

There will be another found when the lost civilization that you call ‘Atlantis’ rises to
you…and we would urge you to explore the ocean bed…we would urge you to
discoveries in the area you call ‘Bimini’…but we will direct you, will show you that
which you call a ‘temple.’ This was an area of communication between the Earth and
the other Star systems…when all the receptacles are placed together you will be
keepers of wondrous knowledge…Light and sound will be the key, when the right
harmonic vibration is produced you will have the information you require…but the
time is not yet.

There are still some receptacles that have not yet been given form and others which
remain safely under your ocean bed. But you shall not find them all as you say, ‘at
this time.’ It would be too dangerous for man to have this information…too early in
your evolution…because sadly mankind still seeks to better all the original destruction
of our time. You ask why the ‘crystal skulls’ had been made in the first place…the
receptacle has been given this form to encourage the mind of oneness and to reduce
your desire for separation… your mind seeks separation… we sought to leave you
with the concept of oneness, but your mind seeks only separation. As you say, ‘as
you seek so you shall find.’ And already the process of separation has begun. You
have already begun the separation but there will be more. You have a desire to
separate that will lead to your own destruction. Separation causes mankind to hate,
envy, distrust and enslave.

His continued separation causes annihilation and death. We can already feel the
influence of this separation as violence… there is much violence occurring within your
planet … Being not like yourselves…The result is endless forms of violence against
men, violence against nature, violence against Mother Earth. You have asked about
mankind’s history upon this planet…We understand that you come seeking in quest
of the first beginnings of man. We wish to tell you that your own origins were thought
in form. You must realize you must cast your eyes up, and not down. The answers
are in your local heavens and those planets close to your sun. These things are being
hidden by your own charge people, or leaders to hide your true identity and
beginnings. There will be many discoveries pointing to this acknowledgement within
the next 5, 10, 15 years…and the beginnings of what you call your civilization are well
over 15,000 years before the acknowledgement as that which you call ‘Atlantis.’ For
there is also much evidence of our civilization still beneath your oceans. Already there
are discoveries near the ‘Bimini Atolls.’ But there will be many more discoveries over
the next 5, 10, 15 years which will point you toward the right direction…there will be
discoveries in South America, in Australia and in Egypt. In that which you call your
deserts you will find much knowledge. But you will find traces of our civilization
through most parts of your seas especially beneath the oceans which you call the
‘Atlantic’, the ‘Indian’ and which you call the ‘Dead Sea.’ There, closest to your Earth’s
surface, and soon to be discovered are remnants of our civilization…

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Crystal Skull Message

These new discoveries will confuse and cause much disharmony; but the disclosure
of these discoveries will be needed to reduce the mind of separation. But many of
these discoveries will not be permitted at this time. We can only permit that which will
not cause too much havoc for your primitive minds…You need to know that we came
to your Earth from a different world. From other dimensions we come into this
dimension. We came to experience, needing to experience density.That which we
first heralded had nothing of the density of what you call a ‘BODY’, the life on this
Earth plane was very primitive in form but we spliced our entity into your entity and we
took upon ourselves the physical form which is recognizable to you. We sought only
to experience material density and to bring knowledge and higher awareness and
thus enlightenment. But we did not confine ourselves to any one what you call
‘Geographical Location.’ There were many, and many of our relics and of our
teachings are still to be found scattered amidst your land masses and your sea
masses. But there are still many among you who seek to find where in you universe
we are to be found. But still you cling to the Idea that we are of the third dimension
and you still cannot grasp the Idea that we are of the other dimensions beyond your
rudimentary space time continuum of relativity.

Just as you smell, feel and know the wind is real but unseen, that which we are is
also…we would tell you that the essence of time is an illusion, time has been created
in fact, by a higher intellect as a form of control upon the brain and function of the
body image. This is a safeguard against corruption of matter, but in essence, time is
non-existent. Thought exists independently of the body and the brain, but time is the
creation of matter. Thought is without time, time as a mechanism, was introduced to
material and ‘current’ mind only. Not to thought or spirit, to keep you bound within the
third dimension and within the perimeters of the small planet you call ‘Earth.’ We
would urge you to explore with truth and understanding that which the mind is
capable of understanding not that which the brain is restricted to. You will notice even
in your primitive medicine, the frontal lobes of your brains withhold electrically fired
responses continuously, yet you have not reached a stage in your development that
allows these ‘other’ secret areas to be accessed without the proper harmonic
conversion. The three tone conversion unlocks the ‘hidden’ areas of our

You will note at your present state of Evolution only 1/100th of your intellectual
abilities are being accessed. Time is related to you as numbers. We offer to you that
number and time have no depth, these are merely programmed into the current mind
as safeguards to keep you in time and space. They are a function not really of mind
but of brain. And they are really a dysfunction of the brain to keep you tied to the
physical dimensions of the three-dimensional Earth world. The relativities you call
‘number,’ ‘time,’ and ‘space’ are a function of the brain related to only the third
dimension. his current mind set keeps you a prisoner in time and space and in the
material physical world you call reality. But the delusion of time must remain for a

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Crystal Skull Message

period longer.

Why have the Crystal Skulls been created in the first place you ask…We have come
now to warn you, because the separation has already begun. The destruction is
already beginning to take place. For you with your primitive knowledge, have already
started something which now cannot be reversed. It was started through your
scientists playing with and being sound and light waves and that which you call
‘particle beam’ technology which you have bombarded your thin protective
ionosphere within you atmosphere. You will notice that there are many destructive
waves, and solar flares now bombarding your planet, Alpha waves, Beta waves,
Gamma radiation and the like. There will be more destruction brought about by
atmosphere intervention. Your projects such as H.A.A.R.P. in what you call Alaska
must cease.

The unusual weather patterns and rapid climatic change, your ‘El Nino’ is only a small
start. There will be massive land movements. We wish to tell your civilization has
grossly misunderstood the use of light, sound and matter. That is why you have only
just uncovered that which is closest to you. But, even now, your scientists and your
governments play with toys that they do not understand. They play with light and
sound and that which you call ‘particles’ and ‘radiation’ and they soon will rain havoc.
But because the reaction is not immediate and not obviously near to yourselves, you
continue and you continue until this very planet will erupt and destroy. As we have
said, your current mind seeks only separation. You have a desire to separate that will
lead only to your own destruction. For this is the same mind that caused the great
flood and caused the previous destruction of many a land mass. You cannot perceive
the reality on a love plain, a oneness plain, a togetherness, a bond between the
universe, your nature, the planets and all that is, is one.

Until you get past your last 500,000 years of arrested spiritual and universal growth,
the Earth will continue to destroy the virus that infects its very health. And that virus is
call mankind. But this destruction has begun to happen again already. But his time it
effects other life in the cosmos. We can already feel the influence of this total
separation in our world. But, at present, you are unaware of this separation because it
is of your own making. But we tell you that your Earth will undertake great changes…
Even the body of your planet will change, as with your weather as with all you do with
your Earth as you know it. As you know it now, there will be changes upon the Earth
in the form of the human, the Animal and that form you know as ‘vegetation’ or ‘plant’
life and that form which you know as the ‘atmosphere.’

There will be a disaster that is of great consequence. But, in essence, your ‘disaster’
as you would term it, has already begun. You will find much death amongst your life
forms upon the planet. You will find that which is grown in the ground will cause much
change and you will see that which feeds upon the ground will end up with much

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Crystal Skull Message

death. You will see much destruction due to what you call a ‘radiation’ caused by your
self destructive tendencies. You will find much pestilence in that which now flies aloft
upon your planet. There will be eruptions and disruptions of weather patterns, and
much separating of atmospheres. You will have much surface wind.. and your
livestock will die in very great numbers. Your waters will rise where they should not
rise and your land will be sinking underneath the waves. Land masses will disappear
and seas and oceans will rise. There will be a great splitting of the Earth, from deep
within the Earth. The magnetic field will shift and is already shifting now. The Earth
will split asunder and the discharge will wander through he Earth and into the outer
atmosphere. The atmosphere is already entering a state of negative pollution, in other
words, your oxygen content and biosphere effect cannot cleanse itself completely

This is what you, the beings of the Earth are causing with your disruptive negative
thoughts and actions. And this is why we left these receptacles for you to find, in your
time, over 750,000 of your Earth years ago, very long long ago in times far past.
When we realized that so many had forgotten their original purpose of your
incarnation, into this physical dimension, when we realized that the mind of
separation would take hold and that there would be a great catastrophe on this Earth,
we chose to return to our own original dimension, but we left behind the legacy of our
minds. We knew there would be those whose knowledge and seeking and spiritual
progression would turn them towards this path. We knew that because of the disaster
that would befall this planet, there would be those who would be needed to call upon
their reincarnation memories to heal, to counsel and to love a world gone mad, a
world without knowledge, a world without hope, where the fires of destruction would
reign. But when the time comes it will be the duty of all those who seek spiritual
knowledge to instruct others when the Earth moves from its Axis. Within this
receptacle, and the others we have left you, lies that which you will need. Our
imparted knowledge, here crystallized, will be imparted when the right time arrives. It
was determined that through these receptacles the minds of one would be activated
and would present themselves when your Earth was in need. And this is now
beginning to happen, as you say ‘at this time’ and ‘in this place…’

We are here to tell you that there is…will be…and has already begun, a great change
within your Mother Earth. The Ideas, thoughts and gifts we are about to give you from
this forgotten age, are vital to the survival of your species. We urge you to make
known to mankind the things which we are to give you, in the hope that the upcoming
holocaust can be reduced. For although what is given cannot now be changed, its
effects can be much diffused…

This sacred communication is from my Elder Heyoehkah, the war chief of the
Cherokee Twisted Hairs, and a member of their council of Elders. In the standing and
long stead tradition for hundreds of generations, Cherokee Secret Medicine Societies.

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Crystal Skull Message

-“Metis” Thomas Thunder Eagle

The Crystal Skull

Interesting Theory…

The sun produces a complex range of radiant energies, of which we humans are only
aware of two parts; the infra red which produces warmth, and normal light which is
visible to the eye. Likewise most man made electromagnetic energy waves such as
radio, television and microwave signals cannot be detected by our ‘normal’ senses.
Human detection capabilities in the ‘average’ person are currently estimated to be
less than 2 percent of the known wavelength spectrum.

This means that most of ‘us’ are not aware of over 98 percent of the currently known
events that surround us at all times. That many other energy frequencies surround us,
and they are unfelt, unseen and unheard. The human body with its complex electrical
and chemical network of nerves and high moisture content is not only our power
source but also a sensitive antenna system capable of receiving signals from an
uncountable variety of sources. When we come in contact with a piezo of electric
quartz crystal such as a crystal skull the electro-magnetic energy waves we produce
are received by the quartz. The Crystal then starts to oscillate faster and faster thus
amplifying these signals and rebroadcasts them in modified form, back out into the
atmosphere where they are picked up again by the cells of the body. In effect, the
quartz crystal modifies and amplifies our own electro-magnetic energy waves and
relays them back to us. So, in the process these waves of ‘energy information’
become stronger and clearer. Remember raw piezo-electric quartz is certainly
renowned as a natural electronic oscillator, or resonator and amplifier.

Photographs of Crystal Skulls


Red Web's Call For Peace


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Crystal Skull Message

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Call for Peace




(Rod Skenendor ... Elk Chief)

All of life is sacred.

The Mother Earth is sacred.
All things for her are sacred.
Spread the word.
Share the Dignity.


Elk Chief


We write this to you after long and careful consideration concerning the issues
currently confronting your respective nations which unfortunately we only hear rumors
of, not being there in person.

We submit this communication in part, to entice a meeting with you and discuss
openly the land dispute matters those rumoring bring to our attention and seem to be
causing an over-load of strife and stalemate, and additionally, present some model of
consciousness that appears to be missing.

And then, since we as Native Americans are included in the grand overall scheme of
life and sovereign by creative intent, and since we have managed to maintain the
principle of spiritual rights laid out millenniums ago by our forefathers to speak for and
protect the sacred Mother Earth through our ceremonial ways, which host a longevity
here in the West stronger than any others sharing this locale, we care to offer
suggestions, which may dutifully provide some solutions to what we accept are dire
circumstances in your countries.

It is with great caution and definitely not customary on our part to imply that perhaps
another people from distant lands needs help in determining a better future, yet at this
juncture, it would appear that a new and fresh approach is called for. If we are
successful in coming together the way some dreams have revealed, prompting this

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Call for Peace

effort by us to aid, in short time we may be able to rejoice over our combined attempt
to produce a clearer understanding.

We are no better nor wiser than you or anyone else. We are certainly equal in all
areas including human needs and qualities. In the field of spirit interaction relating to
creation and the earth however, at least here in America, we hold the edge. Another
fact we can expound upon and should be taken into some depth of consideration is:
“With the spirit all things are possible. Without the spirit, anything might happen and
one has little choice but to accept it.” We endorse the spiritual journeys of all who are
on them.

As a sovereign race of two-legged beings, we have admired your illustrious cultures

for as long as we have known of your existence. According to American history,
Marco Polo seeking new trade routes to India when he wound up lost, here on our
shores. This information probably created the link between your nations and ours,
both being called Indian, you in India, we here. The white mans arrival here in our
homelands disrupted our entire way of life, yet we can compliment him to some
degree in that he also brought worldly knowledge that otherwise would have taken
much longer to learn.

His religious concept through his history on the other hand, also caused us much
concern. What he professed as a righteous way to live we quickly realized was not
what he adhered his own style to. Although today there are considerable amount of
Native Americans who for whatever reasons adopted his Christian ethics those many
who resisted, holding on to a traditional practice, found his methods did not justify a
natural balance. Much was left to desire when it cam to living in harmony. He said
one thing while doing another. This indicated a loose grip on reality that to our way of
thinking worked against what we knew to be true Our ancestors took him in when he
first came and was floundering. He repaid them with death and destroyed a
considerable amount of the unmatched beauty of nature in the process. The irony of
his deeds certainly did not live up to what he professed as sacred.

Through the white man’s religious history, that he doesn’t speak openly about, we
learned that the god society, when new upon our earth, had wars with brilliant
weapons—we will bring this to light again later on in this writing—that up to that time
were unequaled on this plane of existence. Whatever emotions caused the gods
disconcertment is not certain but the aftermath of those acts was not a positive thing
by any means…the very soul/spirit connection was interrupted almost irreparable.
How could life flourish in the most positive way with his type of discernment acting as
a roadblock?

Many of us known as Native Americans have lived in tepees, long houses and other

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Call for Peace

such shelters drawn and constructed mainly from natural materials. For this reason
and more, we feel we have something in common with you. What we are not sure
about is how you view the earth, Mother of every living thing in our modern solar
system. Do you set aside a portion of your time to speak to the spirit world on her
behalf? And if at one time, as part of a legacy, you did but no longer carry on with this
tradition, is it because you may have forgotten your old ways? Whatever split of
emotion you are currently led by? Whatever quirk influences shadows in your daily
customs as you threaten each others states with nuclear annihilation stills us. And,
therefore, we are prompted to seek you out at this time on this grand life journey, to
tell if somehow we can lend some precious insight to function in averting the brevity
which seems to have cloistered your valuable tenets this measure. Go easy brothers.

In 1947, or thereabouts, we Indians were granted U.S. citizenship although we did not
seek the status. What this did in effect buried us even deeper in obscurity, which led
to a despair of our own as it fixed us in a fifth class standard comparable to how
America subjects most so called third world countries, yours fitting into that category.

What we garnered from this experience as the years stretched on however permitted
us to recognize the upheaval some impose perhaps on purpose, upon others, and we
learned to take it as a hurdle we were spurred to absolve. Patience as well as other
virtues aided us in finding ways and methods to bear what this inflicted in personal
grief and confrontation. Somehow, we reached back into the past where we rely on
the spiritual essence of our old ones. With their support as spirit, eventually the
resolve pertinent to overcome an imposed situation. In the process, some forgave
while others yet harbor an animosity…choice.

As nations grow psychologically and philosophically, the often narrow rigors of policy
tend to separate people therein; and all too frequently, leaders lose touch with their
constituents. Compassion flounders. Eventually even the leadership, who perhaps
oblivious to what has transpired, tastes the same acrid dysfunction as the general
populace. How could they not? And soon each individual citizen of any particular
society turns away from the other as certain pangs of solitude takes over the senses
causing a schism in the entire nation’s sociology. Despite the fact that position of
responsibility must be upheld, they suffer. Distrust builds. Obviously the order of state
must go on, but where will clear thinking come from?

It is never easy to remedy turmoil and what dishevelment brings, and it is safe to say
that all governed bodies of the global family have experienced like circumstance, with
few taken to a point of disorientation serious enough to bring about disorder, even
finding a suitable recovery. Without debate, anger founded on frustration is the
biggest enemy other than the self for who when piqued and maybe disillusioned,
would comprehend why another might be undergoing similar emotions? Of course
over crowding, and poverty due to it, rarely gives way to compatible solubility. In all

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Call for Peace

this, man has walked away from certain concerns and practices which were once
prioritized as sacred and important. As a result, a dilemma looms. We have the
seemingly put the maker on the back shelf, consequently leaving only our human wits
to sort out the blight facing world society.

Does this suggest that man is weak and unable to endure? Certainly not, at least to
the amounts where we cannot find new solutions through our amiable interaction with
each other…that is, as long as we afford the time. An exigency exists. Expanse is
shortened, money flows. Something terrible is occurring. We must make a circle; put
a light at the center. Is it fear of one another that strangles us? Likely not. It is
probably more a twisted sense of the unknown.

Undeniable truths present themselves. No light can be brought out unless we gather
our natural ingenuities together, calling upon all available pundits, instructing clarity.
At this stage, there can by no cynical renderings offered from any source. No one can
place blame! We need to have each other to fix what is now broken.

In the presentation of this message, we represent no one single governing entity.

Instead, this is a diverse grassroots effort, united from different walks of life. Our
concerns are being voiced worldwide. We harbor no abjectness in our appeal. Our
sole aim is to interject while time is still on our side. We do contend that hope is there
as well.

Some would say that your particular issues are a government to government affair.
We choose to differ with that opinion caring in lieu to present human to human
tendency. We are biased in the favor of relying on the greatness of human nature, not
a soulless bureaucracy, geared chiefly to the counting of beans. We direct this to your
better sense of justice. For us, this issue is as uncommon as it gets in all aspects
imaginable. It needs to be metered in the most sensible mind people can muster, as
congenial as goodness will allow. Like hands across a backyard fence…if you will.

Read about the Crystal Skulls And More

from Elders Of The Twisted Hair Society


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Call for Peace

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The SPECTRUM: Red Elk's Message

Red Elk interview continued: PAGE 2 of 6

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Anyway, what it does is, it creates a force-field that would lift anything there, that’s within that
beam, up. And, just like any wind blows anything, it gets thrown to the side.

And that’s what happened there [referring to the mystery dimes].

So, it literally cuts through all parallel times—all the cards in the deck—in one spot. And there
are, again, many of these spots. And that’s how it goes.

Gail Cortright: So that dime was from a parallel time?

Red Elk: Right. Now, understand the parallel time idea: say you blink here, and hit a little boy
on a bicycle and kill him. On another time stream, you don’t blink; on one of these many—there
are trillions of these parallel times for every moment of your life—so on A parallel time, you
didn’t blink, and the little boy is not hit, and he grows up to be President of the United States or
whatever. Do you understand what I mean?

Gail Cortright: Yes.

Red Elk: Now, the Creator’s mind is enormous—so vast, so unbelievably way beyond, way
above the comprehension of mankind, that He can keep track of every parallel time.

Every single human being, on any planet, whether they look like us or not, has a path. And it is
what they do on that path, that there is something opposite, or in-between, of the same human
being, on another parallel time.

So, think of all the breaths you’ve taken. Think of all the events in your life—well, you can’t—
just an event like getting in the car and driving down the road and turning left. In another reality
you go straight. In another one, you don’t go anywhere. In another, you turn right. In another,
your car breaks down. You understand?

Gail Cortright: Right.

Red Elk: But the Creator has them ALL. He knows every one. I don’t know how many people
are on our planet, on our particular planet, but there’s got to be over two, and nevertheless, He has

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The SPECTRUM: Red Elk's Message

it all worked out, other paths, of other people, who are called you, in other situations, parallel
time situations. So it’s all kind-of interesting.

Oh, I love the Guy. He’s a Cool Head. I really love the Creator. He’s Pop, the Old Man,
Topside, He’s Dad to me. He’s more than just holding at arm’s length. He’s a Guy that I get to
crawl-up on His lap, and give Him a big hug.

Gail/Rick: (Laughter)

Red Elk: A personal relationship. That’s what He wants from everybody, but everybody holds
Him up there, some in fear; it’s too bad because they’re missing out. This is a Guy who, in His
mind/womb, is both our Mother and our Father.

And then, enter: the wonder of you, bringing YOU into life, through your mom and dad,
who He wanted, through their moms and dads, who He wanted, just so He could get you.

You know?

And not just so He could get you. He wants everybody. He loves everybody. But what do we
do? We stand back in fear, or awe—or in many, many cases, we give Him “white bread” by
saying that we don’t believe in Him, which is a bunch of bunk.

Everyone was born knowing that there is ONE God.

Anyway, the world—I’m not speaking “Christian”, I’m speaking “the world”—would be
so much better off if they started personally communicating with Him; and not only prayer,
but just chat, like “Hi Dad, how’s your day?”

“Well, goin’ pretty good kid. I gotta go get some new teeth, though; got one knocked-out by
another kid.”

Gail Cortright: (Laughter)

Red Elk: But He’s that kind of a relationship, and the world can have that.

Gail Cortright: Right, absolutely.

Red Elk: And that brings us to another point. The point being, we are not alone! Not only are
there many trillions of parallel times on this particular planet, but there are many, many planets in
times, dimensions, and planes.

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The SPECTRUM: Red Elk's Message

A lot of those people—you wouldn’t even think that some were a living human of any sort, but
no, they are our brothers and sisters. They are made in that shape to fit the environment of the
planet they’re from, their Earth. And He has parallel times there, too.

This is a Mind that is just incomprehensible. And don’t play chess with Him. That would be so
stupid. (Laughter)

Gail/Rick: (Laughter)

Gail Cortright: Well, you know, a lot of people ask—since you’re talking about Creator, I’ll
just ask you this real fast, so you can get back onto your story. But a lot of people will call here
and ask: “What can I do to prepare?”

And, normally they’re meaning “How much water should I buy?” or “How much food should I
store?” or something along those lines. What I tell them, in my opinion, is that the best thing
anybody can do to prepare is to work on and have an unbreakable connection with Creator.

Red Elk: A relation, yes. And you’re telling them, actually, the only truth that matters. People
have come to me, over the years, and asked the same question. And they’re talking “survival”.
And that’s great. But how do they know how long they’re going to survive? You could put the
phone down and drop dead.

Gail Cortright: And you can have all the survival stuff that you want, and if you don’t have
that Connection to get your own Guidance, it may not do you any good.

Red Elk: Like on Mr. Bell’s show, I said everyone has their own path, everyone will be warned
in their own way. And the fact is, not only is that a true statement, but instead of running around
in fear, get your spiritual growth to the Creator act together.

Gail Cortright: That’s right.

Red Elk: And I have people who have sunk almost $300,000—a husband and wife—they’ve
literally gone flat-out broke building a special house to survive.

Gail Cortright: An underground shelter?

Red Elk: In this case it’s burmed, but nevertheless, close to it, heavily burmed above, as well as
three sides. But, you know, I say: “This is all good. This is fine. This is wonderful. I hope you
aren’t downtown buying a cup of coffee!”

Gail/Rick: (Laughter) Right, exactly.

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The SPECTRUM: Red Elk's Message

Red Elk: But if they were, and it did, that house was not meant for them. They spent all their
money. There are no accidents. It was meant for a survivor. So, there’s no accidents.

They give me a great kick, you know. They bought this HUGE generator.

I say “Wow, why have you got the generator?”

They say “Man, when the electricity goes out” and blah, blah, blah.

And I said: “When the electricity goes out, and blah, blah, blah, so goes the gasoline, and
the roads, and the way to get the gasoline.”

Gail Cortright: That’s exactly right.

Red Elk: I can’t believe these people!

I have seen what the most probable future is. I don’t go into the future; I’m taken into the future.
I do teach people how to go forward, and advise them only to go into the next 24 hours, because
that is the zone that the probabilities are so closely related to today, it will probably be the one
that is actually going to happen.

I tell them, two days, the probabilities are spread out a little more, and three, even greater. So,
anything beyond three you cannot count on; there are so many probabilities—you can blink here,
and hit the boy—anything during those 3 days.

The next 24 hours is another story; it’s so close. And, by doing this, I teach them how to fast-
video their next waking moments, from the time they wake-up to the time they go to bed.

Well, you can’t learn to do this and sit-up, let’s say 12 hours, learning what the next 12 hours of
wakefulness will be—you’ll be asleep during that time!

So, I teach them how to fast-forward, and ask the Creator to stop, or slow down, when a problem
is coming up—a quarrel, an accident, or whatever. And if you can’t catch it, then ask them to
back it up and run through it very slowly.

You can, literally, change the greatest probability for tomorrow simply by doing so. Turn left,
instead of going into the area where you would have had an accident. Tell each other about the
greatest probability of a quarrel coming up, and you can stop the quarrel because you realize, oh-
oh, here are the signs. You understand what I mean?

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The SPECTRUM: Red Elk's Message

Rick Martin: Yes.

Red Elk: And, in truth, if you do this on a daily basis, and pay attention, you can have a really
great and wonderful life. You wouldn’t spend money needlessly; you would stay home if you
needed to; you would take your children out of school that day, or what not, because you’re
looking at the greatest probability. You change the future. You change the path, simply by being
aware of what that particular future path of 24 hours is.

But many people have asked me, would you please foresight my life? I say: “Not a problem.
You’re going to live until you die, and the rest of it is all Christmas presents.”

Gail/Rick: (Laughter)

Red Elk: I tell them, flat-out: “No, I won’t go any further than that.” And it’s true. Life is
meant to be full of surprises, good or bad. And let them experience it. Why should I take the
greatest probability of their life and share it with them? It is only the greatest, it is not the ONLY
probability. And if they turn left, instead of right, they change that greatest, automatically. And,
frankly, what their future holds, I’m not that brainy that I can look at ALL THE
PROBABILITIES over the years; only the Creator can do that.

But the next 24 hours, He says: “Oh, the medicine man, I’ll let you look there, safely. And you
can teach it, safely.” Aho.

Rick Martin: The thing that I’m most curious to know about, so I might as well ask that first,
and then we can back-up and go from there. In your booklet you say, a few months ago you were
contacted by members of the Federation of Planets. And they informed you that we—I presume,
here on Earth—

Red Elk: Right.

Rick Martin: —caused a split within the Federation.

Red Elk: That’s what THEY think.

Rick Martin: Can you explain that?

Red Elk: Oh, understand that other human beings from other planets have DNA’d us, over the
years. Not necessarily personally, one planet coming and doing it. But because it started,
originally, with the very first planet, which was not this Earth, and the very first people of that
planet, again, which was not of this Earth. This is a, relatively speaking, fairly new planet.

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The SPECTRUM: Red Elk's Message

When planet # 2 came up, when the Creator kicked that one out—like an egg, you know, in a
mountain chicken—then it kind-of evolved. Well, by the time they got evolved, pretty fair, # 1
planet was so evolved, and so commonly gone “technical”, instead of “Godnical”, they decided to
go have fun with Mickey.

So, they went down and said: “Hey, these seem like pretty primitive people. Let’s go over and
use them to do our work, clean our toilets and serve us.” And they started DNA-ing their blood
into them, and making them half-breeds, and then using the result to better their life in an ungodly

Rick Martin: Are we talking about Earth yet?

Red Elk: Not yet, we aren’t even born yet. Earth is still sitting way back there in God’s
Creation Mind.

Now, this goes on and on and on. Mickey grows up and does it to number 3 planet. Number 1
does it to number 3 planet. And then, you know, it just carries on and on and on.

Eventually, everybody’s got everybody’s blood, bloodline, weak here, weak there, strong here,
strong there. But, nevertheless, every human being—and I’m not speaking Earth alone, I’m
speaking everyone with soul, and there are more than I can count, but then again, I have trouble
counting past two—every single one of them are intermixed with the rest.

In Indian language, we call this mitakuye oyasin (we are one relation). And we are not referring,
in that sense, to all beings throughout all Creations, beginning to now. We are also referring to
the worm, the tree, the weather, everything else, without which we would have a hard time
making it.

But then again, when people hear mitakuye oyasin, in their minds, they think: “Yeah, we’re all
people of this planet.” Some of them have got brains enough to realize we’re all people of this
planet, plus everything that makes up this planet. But few realize that we are all of
EVERYTHING made-up, everything—that includes other planets’ people, other planets’ trees,
gases, whatnot, everything. Because other planets—if they’re made up of, say, pure acid, or pure
gases—Scripture says: “God is in all things.” It is He who gives us everything that makes us,
whoever we are, from whatever planet we are, survive. And all things have life, have awareness,
a God-awareness.

So, we are connected to absolutely everything ever made, and is made to this time,

Unless I got off the track, did that answer your question? I don’t remember the question.

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Rick Martin: The question concerned the split among the Federation.

Red Elk: Aho. Ok, that does not answer your question.

Gail Cortright: (Laughter)

Red Elk: But it does lead to it. Therefore, all the Federation peoples, the so-called wise men
and elders of various planets, belong to the Federation; not all planets, this is just a Federation.
There are others that won’t have anything to do with it, they got their own thing goin’. But,
nevertheless, these people all see that you and I, here on the planet called Earth, have everything
in us, everything, including themselves, no matter what themselves happen to be—Draconian,
Pleiadian, or whatever. So, they all lay claim to us.

Now, we have the “Unholy Four”, who claim us to the point that they’re more than willing, and
have, and are, and am, at war, fighting everybody because they want us. [In his booklet called
The Agendas, Red Elk describes the Unholy Four as being: the Reptilians, the Bee People
(Greys), the Gargoyle race, and Sasquatch.] It’s like the Conquistadors who came to America
and planted a flagpole to say it belongs to Spain; it’s that type of deal—very arrogant, very heady

So it boils down to them playing with DNA and so on; it all boils down to you and me. And
everybody wants a piece of the action. It’s either, leave us alone—and nobody wants to,
especially the Unholy Four—or, somebody gets to win and control us, and the vast majority do
not want that. So, the best thing to do is to kill us, wipe us off, no more problem. So that’s where
we stand. Win or lose, that’s where we stand.

THEY have created the problem, but believe it’s we who are the problem. If they hadn’t screwed
around in the first place, we would have evolved naturally, and be only our own problem. Do you

Rick Martin: Yes.

Red Elk: And nobody’s great threat.

Gail Cortright: Do you think that’s part of the reason it has taken us so long to evolve?

Red Elk: Honey, we have not taken so long to evolve. If you want to see those who are on the
evolution path, go talk to Sasquatch, THEY are our original people.

Gail Cortright: I remember you saying that on the Art Bell show.

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Red Elk: Adam and Eve were the first “evolved” through DNA, of them, Sasquatch.

Gail Cortright: So, we’ve evolved from Bigfoot?

Red Elk: No, no, no. We WERE Bigfoot; they modernized us—different brains, different
bodies, and everything else.

Gail Cortright: Oh, I see.

Rick Martin: These other off-planet beings.

Red Elk: Somebody piddling around with good little ole’ people of Earth, now blaming us for
their problems. And I’ve gone to the Federation. I’ve stood there before the Federation. And—
and you can put this in—I chewed their butt royally for their screw-ups.

And, afterwards, when I came back from this meeting, I got a phone call from one of the others of
our planet who belongs to the Federation. This gentleman said: “Red Elk, I know you couldn’t
see me for all the vast number of people, but I and others of this planet were there and heard you.
And I/we wanted to thank you. We have always known that what you said was needed, but we
feared, and you have no fear.”

So, what was said, was said. I’m not too well liked up there. I’ve only been up there three,
maybe five times, tops. I get on their butt like I get on anybody else’s who’s screwing-up. Even
worse, I get on my own. I feel real bad when I screw-up.

Gail Cortright: (Laughter)

Rick Martin: Somebody has to speak frankly to these beings, especially if they are, quote,
“looking out for our own best interest”.

Red Elk: They aren’t. They’re looking out for THEIR best interest!

Gail Cortright: Right, right.

Rick Martin: Interesting.

Red Elk: And you can emphasize their! We have, basically, three types of other beings, three
types of thought. Those who are FOR us, which is just about zero, if not so. Those who are
AGAINST us, which is close, if not very, very close to 100%. And those who IGNORE us. Hot,
cold, lukewarm. Scripture says: “I would rather you be hot or cold, than lukewarm.” Lukewarm
makes a very uncomfortable bath. If it’s hot, you can take a bath, you can cool it to your liking.

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Cold, at least you can drink it. But to drink or bathe in lukewarm water is really difficult. So, in
their own ways, they are all against us, and only for themselves.

Gail Cortright: Wow.

Rick Martin: You talk in your booklet about Lucifer being behind everything, and the
opposition to Lucifer is, of course, part of God’s Greater Plan anyway, in an effort for everyone
to be aware of how magnificent He is as a being.

Red Elk: Absolutely. We—this particular planet—is a mousetrap floating in space, and you
and I are the cheese. We are the ones who will draw all to us. And they are close, I mean close.

Fighting, right now, the war is suckering in every created being who’s alive today, including
different dimensions—not parallel times, but including dimensions, and times, and planes. Many
who want nothing to do with the war have no choice but to go to war.

These are not spiritual beings I’m speaking of; these are physical beings. It’s all over us. We
smell pretty good to the mice out there. And that’s exactly why the Creator has allowed
everything to go on as it is. IT’S HIS PLAN.

And none of them, absolutely none, except for the few who I get in contact with—full-blood
Lizards, half-breeds, that type of thing—none of these people give one thought to anything but
themselves. They, in their own way, right, and mind, believe that. They don’t give any thought
to ever being created, to their “original” Adam and Eve, their original Sasquatch of their planet.
They just plain don’t have Him (which has no sex) in their mind at all. It’s their culture. It’s
accepted. We are who we are.

And the vast majority feel that they are the BIG G, God. And in so doing, they can do anything
they want. If they want to do bad, they’re God, they can do it. If they want to do good, they can
do it. But the fact is, very few, I’m talking just 3, 4, or maybe 10 people on this planet are aware
that they are not God, therefore are not Lucifer, and therefore have no right to do to others, just no
right. And, well, the rest feel otherwise.

And my job is to make the others, all others, not just people of our planet, but all others, aware
that there is something far bigger than them, and that they, in turn, are being hoodwinked,
stealthfully used by someone they don’t believe exists either. They think they are God, they are
Lucifer—in fact, they are not either.

And the true Lucifer is using them, and making them feel like they are God.

Gail Cortright: Right.

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Red Elk: So the fact is, it’s not them against us, it’s Lucifer against the Creator. Do you
understand? But we happen to be the physical ones who are getting zapped.

Rick Martin: Caught in the middle.

Red Elk: Yeah. But what a wonderful middle it is for this planet. All the people who will die—
look at the end result of the millions who, beyond our planet, who will finally see the truth. There
is ONE CREATOR! Bring them back to their original roots that they had, eons ago, but now
forgotten. And it is our sacrifice for the Creator, to be the cheese in the mousetrap, willing or
unwilling. And what is death? It’s a continuation of life, period.

So, it’s going to be kind-of a hurtful way to die for many people, but it is anyway. Some people
get tortured to death, some people get run over by a truck or a car and spend days dying, but we
all die. We don’t have to, but we all die. Death is nothing. Getting there can be a pain. Death is
a piece of cake. I’ve been there, done that. I’ve got 3 more trips to go. No problem.

As far as I’m concerned, Heaven—ho, wow, what a place that is! I never go there, I’m always
taken there. Heaven, to me, is a great place to visit, but I’ve got a job to do and I don’t want to

Gail Cortright: So that’s not just a state of mind?

Red Elk: Oh, no, no, no. You ought to see the walls in Heaven, unbelievable. They are huge,
glasslike—I could not even venture how thick between one glass pane and the other one behind
it. I have no idea. But it’s not an inch; I’m talking feet or yards. And its pastel marble, and it’s
like somebody blowing smoke between glass panes, and all this color, these beautiful pastel blues
and pinks and golds; oh, it’s just beautiful. And that’s what the walls are like. And you touch
them and they’re warm. They’re not hot, they’re not cold; its just fantastic. A nice place to visit
—and for anybody who worries about it, shoot, don’t worry.

Gail/Rick: (Laughter)

Red Elk: The AIR, the air, I think, is the most unbelievable part of all of the Heavens. The air
is GOD HIMSELF—the awareness, the love, the majesty. You breathe God!

Maybe you two are old enough to remember, Grandma would wash windows with newspapers
and vinegar. When she got done, they squeaked, and it was a prism of sunshine coming through,
thousands of clean glass particles. That’s what the air is like, and you breathe it. It’s a “heavy”
place to go to, really cool.

Gail Cortright: I bet.

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Rick Martin: Wouldn’t mind a vacation there.

Red Elk: Wouldn’t mind a vacation?

Rick Martin: Wouldn’t mind a vacation there.

Red Elk: Some people get that vacation, then come back and they are not afraid of dying. I
never was, in the first place. But I’ve spent my time up there, and came back. And I know that I
will do 3 more times. But the fourth time, I’m not coming back. I’m done here.

But, people have asked me: “If you’ve really been there, why did you come back?” Like they
don’t believe me. I’ve got a job to do!

Rick Martin: Yeah, your job is not done.

Red Elk: Nope. And I’m very pleased with my job. I’m not going to be too happy with what’s
going to happen during it, to me personally, but me be darned. I am no one. I am here for
others. I just happened to be a by-product. It’s something that Inner Heyokas know. No, this is
not a matter of blowing myself up, at all. I’m just making a statement.

Rick Martin: Over the last number of years there are a fair number of so-called New Age
authors and channels who have either made the statement that Lucifer is no longer on the planet,
or he’s been bound, or he’s not really an active force anymore. And I think it’s really a disservice
to man for people to be making those kinds of statements when he is very much a real force, and
he is very much in the game.

Red Elk: Well, again, what is going on with people who say that? It is Lucifer trying to
convince any who will listen that that is a fact; therefore they’re open to be “gods” within their
own minds, and do whatever they want. It’s all deception.

Gail/Rick: That’s right.

Red Elk: Lucifer is a wonderful being. I’ve seen him, personally. I’ve faced him, personally.
And he’s not red, with a long tail and horns! But nevertheless—he is a Master of deception, a
Master of lying!

Rick Martin: He’s the best.

Red Elk: Oh, there is nothing better. If you say Lucifer is all bad, you’re wrong. He’s a good
example of what’s all bad! The Creator, what a kick, I love the way the Creator works. Lucifer

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can’t get anywhere except by conning you.

People say: “Oh, the devil made me do it.” Or “The devil’s on my back.”

No, not if they see it right. There is no bad, it is only how you comprehend it and look at it. I’m
not saying that my grandchild being tortured and raped is not a bad event. But I look at it even
different beyond that: It is simply a test to watch if you can grow past the rock, pebble, or
mountain put in your spiritual path to grow.

There is no bad. It is only how you look at bad. The Creator allows these things to happen,
hoping that you will realize that it is a rock, a pebble, or mountain in your path, and that you will
overcome it, and get stronger in love, His Love, true love, purity love, and just keep going up that

He wants you to learn to go around, over, or under that large boulder that’s been placed there by
Lucifer. In short, He’s using Lucifer, and Lucifer’s conning you, thinking that it’s Him doing it,
as Lucifer; and it is, but you’re supposed to be conned into thinking that you cannot surmount that
stone, which you CAN! He’s conned you into thinking that you can’t.

And I’ll guarantee you: a man who lays down gets up a lot slower than a man who falls down.
And we all fall, we all fail. But the guy who falls down, gets up quick, and he starts attacking that
stone. In time, in time, as you grow, that rock will only make you falter, as you walk through it.
You no longer have to go around it, above it, or under it. You grow so spiritually strong, it just
holds you there for a few moments. And you just say: “Ah, come on, this is just an illusion; this
is meant to slow me down from growing spiritually, to Dad, and in Dad.” And I’m just going to
have to bypass it. I’m going to bypass it this time by walking through it! And when you get to
that stage in your life, in your spiritual growth, boy, I tell you, it’s fun. And you get bigger and
bigger rocks thrown there.

Rick Martin: (Laughter)

Red Elk: Yeah, but it makes you grow stronger and stronger and stronger. And then the world
looks at you and says: “How could you laugh at that terrible thing that happened to you?”

“Ah, shoot, piece of cake.” You understand what I mean?

Rick Martin: Yes.

Red Elk: There is no bad, brother, none whatsoever. It’s only how you look at it. I’m not
saying things are not horrible and won’t happen, or don’t happen; they do. But it is meant for you
to grow, spiritually.

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Gail Cortright: Right.

Rick Martin: Let’s talk about the levels under our feet.

Red Elk: Mr. Bell did not give me the opportunity to explain it all, and I can’t blame him,
entirely. I misunderstood one of his questions, but nevertheless, there’s no accidents, including
getting off the track many times on Mr. Bell’s show; there’s no accidents. I gave a lot of things
out, unfinished.

So many came back to me in written notes: “What’s this? Finish it up.”

So, I’m still writing letters. (Laughter) Gosh, am I writing letters, answering letters.

But, nevertheless, people have gotten the impression there is a ball, free floating inside a ball, free
floating inside a ball, free floating inside a ball, and on and on. This is not the case.

The whole Earth, from its lava center, to our literal top here, number 6, is solid, except for
HUGE, HUGE CAVERNS, caverns that are two, three hundred miles wide, and many, many
times that long. Just like we have caves, big ones, up here [in Washington state], there are caves
in the next level down, number 5. That is the 5th inner-land.

And mankind, here on this surface, if they hit the right spot, and could go deep enough, they
would hit a big air pocket and drop 2-3 miles before they would start hitting more rock, because
they’ve penetrated a cave. These caves are filled, and deliberately made to look like what we
experience here on the surface of our planet.

And the deeper you go, number 5, there are lots and lots of these caves. But its not so many that
you punch a hole here, there, and everywhere and you’re hitting nothing but caves.

By the way, their is the illusion of “mountains” between number 5’s floor and ceiling. Because of
the heat inside, and because of the air outside, here, that gets down in there, cold and hot, it
creates great clouds. So the people—the few who are there at the moment, and the many who
will return—they see these as clouds. And the sides of these giant caves, they believe are
mountains, the tops of which are hidden by clouds. In truth, it’s not; it’s just the top of the cave;
but you can’t see that because there are clouds; it’s steamy in there. Do you understand?

Gail/Rick: Yes.

Red Elk: The farther down you go, the less and less caves, and the smaller and smaller. And
then you get, literally, right down to Lucifer’s realm, where there are very, very few natural
caves. Everything there he’s connected cave-to-cave, his own tunnels, and made his own caves.

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Do you understand?

Rick Martin: Yes.

Red Elk: Ok. Anything below him is too hot for him, the lava at level number 1, our planet’s

Rick Martin: Now, what are these caves that are under South America, under China, that are
like fused glass, smooth caves that go for hundreds, perhaps thousands of miles?

Red Elk: There is no “perhaps”. I am a caretaker of the tunnels.

Rick Martin: Who made those?

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