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Vaginal discharge during pregnancy is very common, because of the increase in the

levels of estrogen and the additional flow of blood to the vaginal region. However,
the appearance of the discharge can differ in consistence and color and could occur
for various reasons. A white discharge which has the consistency of egg whites is
normal, as is a light yellow discharge. However, a thick yellow discharge during
pregnancy that usually has a foul odor could be the symptom of a disease or an
infection and could probably be caused by one of the following factors:

Bacterial Vaginosis Commonly known as BV, this condition refers to an

infection that is the result of an imbalance of organisms, in the vagina or cervical
canal. It can be transmitted through sexual intercourse, just like a yeast infection.
Some symptoms associates with BV are a burning sensation while passing urine or a
yellow discharge that has a fishy odor. Pregnant women who are affected by BV are
likely to have preterm labors, or deliver babies that are too small.

Cervical Polyps These are smooth, red, finger-like appendages, appearing in

the passage that extends from the uterus, to the cervical canal. Cervical polyps
usually occur without displaying any symptoms. However, they can get infected or
inflamed, resulting in a change in the color and smell of the discharge. Read more
on green discharge during pregnancy
Trichomoniasis: This is a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) that can lead to
abnormal yellow discharge during pregnancy. Trichomoniasis is a parasite that
affects the vaginal discharge of the expectant mother. It can also lead to other
serious concerns like an infection in the amniotic fluid, or a pre-term birth.
Chlamydia: This is also an STD, with leads to either a thick yellow discharge, or a
green one, in women who are pregnant. If left untreated, this condition can cause a
miscarriage or complications during labor. Chlamydia can be passed on to a baby,
when the mother is going through the labor and this can be very harmful to the
Candidiasis: It is a kind of yeast infection, occurring in quite a few pregnant
women because of hormonal changes. This yeast infection can be treated by using
anti-yeast vaginal creams, which should be prescribed by a doctor.

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