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6th, 7th, 8th History Class

Room 202

Below are the classroom guidelines and expectations that will create a respectful,
organized learning environment for all.
Ms. Monk monks@pacacademy.org

Mrs. Goode goodel@pacacademy.org

1 Respect the teacher's desire to lead the class through each lesson.
Ways how = when the teacher is at the podium/front of the room or gives a cue for your attention, stop
talking/working, pay attention and listen for instructions. Dont distract or disrupt others. Have a
respectful attitude towards the teacher and address the teacher appropriately. When the bell rings at the
end of class, clean up, pack up, check with the teacher for HW/announcements and wait for the teacher's
2 Practice safety, cooperation and kindness when doing activities or working together in class.
In other words, be the first to behave safely, cooperatively and kindly or respectfully to each other. Strive
to follow school and teachers rules and procedures without having to be told. Backpacks must be kept on
the hooks if brought to the room. They are to be stood up with straps tucked in for safety reasons. Since
we have close quarters it is preferred that you do not bring a backpack to class only bring materials
3 Please follow the following procedures.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Make sure pencils are sharpened before class.

After Opening Prayer

Listen for Teacher instructions/announcements. No talking or questions please.


Red Card / Yellow Card

Red Card no talking. Raise your hand and wait for your teachers permission to talk.
Yellow Card you may talk quietly within your table group or assigned group.
If teacher is at the podium talking or raises hand it is time for silence. I also expect that you will remain
quiet while I, or a classmate is speaking. If we are doing an activity that requires you to be out of your seat, I
expect you to stop talking and follow directions as soon as hear class signal, hold up my hand or ring the class


Write your name, class (ex. 6A), date, lesson page # and title, and your student # on right hand corner on
each assignment you turn in. Points will be taken off if heading is not on the assignment correctly. Assignments
that are turned in are to be placed in the appropriate folder on the shelf on the back wall. If it is not in the folder
when I leave after 3rd period, it will be considered missing. Do not hand your teacher the assignment or leave it on
her desk unless told to do so.


When leaving class for any reason or to Borrow classroom materials

Ask for permission, sign out (or take a pass if the teacher says), and sign in when you return.


Notify Teacher immediately about any emergencies (ex. sight of blood, feel sick)
Refrain from asking to do non-emergency related things during a lesson.


Enter class in an orderly and quiet manner. Place your backpack on the hook in the back of the room if you
bring it to class. Do not have backpacks at the table for safety reasons. You must have history materials ready
on desk when the bell rings. Ask permission to borrow classroom materials.


When you are tardy

Enter quietly, sit down and avoid distracting or interrupting anyone. Place any tardy slip in the basket on the shelf.
If you cannot figure out how to join in with class when arriving late, wait for the teacher to pause and ask for help.


When walking through the hallway

Stay quiet, orderly and do not distract others, no stops without permission. No horseplay.


When announcements come through the intercom

Stop and listen quietly. When the teacher is present, let the teacher address the intercom.


Where to turn in assignments, forms or permission slips

*The folder for your period is on the back shelf.
*Keep any assignment or paperwork in your folder for reference that the teacher does not ask for.
*Permission slips go in the basket on the back shelf. DO NOT lay assignments or slips on my desk, podium, or
hand to me. For assignment to be counted they must be placed in the correct file. Homework should be completed
before class. Assignments that are turned in a day late will be lowered 10 points. You will be held accountable for
all assignments.

Specifics to remember when in Ms. Monks or Mrs. Goodes Room . . .

*Off limits areas = my desk, file cabinet, code red card, tech equipment and teachers personal possessions.
*Do not write on, puncture or damage school property such as desks/tables, seats and bulletin boards.
*Please keep cabinet/closet doors closed; last one in or out of it should take responsibility.
* Books and workbooks should be kept in the assigned cubby/holder area only
*Be cooperative and orderly during emergency alerts:
Classroom Expectations:
Display kindness and integrity
Listen when others are speaking be positive
Be in class on time and prepared to use to use time wisely
Keep the classroom clean. Pick up your materials
You must keep your materials in your assigned cubby/holder
Corrective Actions:
1st Offense: Verbal warning and or speak with teacher after class.
2nd Offense: Red mark in grade book. Three red marks equal lunch detention and parent notification.
3rd Offense: After School detention
4th Offense: Call and or conference with parents, and behavior modification plan.
5th Offense: Refer to principals office.
Note: Teacher reserves the right to escalate disciplinary action based on the severity of the offense.
Emergency Procedures:
Fire Drills:
In a single file line, without talking, leave room to the left, down the stairs & out to the track area.
leave room to the right, down the center stairs to the game/lunch room - code blue.
Bad weather: if outside, go inside the appropriate building & remain indoors until all clear signal - code blue.
if Brevard County School System cancels school, PACA will cancel school - code blue.
Other threats: code white = partial lock down, code red = full lock down, code yellow = teacher-related info.
Student Signature and Date:

Parent Signature and Date:



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