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Redeeming the
Sermon - Bryan
Chapell pdf
This complete
guide to
teaches the
basics of
organization, and
trademarks of
great preaching.
With the help of
charts and
creative learning
Chapell shows
how expository
preaching can
reveal the
redemptive aims
of Scripture and
offers a
approach to the
theory and
practice of
preaching. He
also provides
This complete

Between Two
Worlds: The
Challenge of
Today - John
R.W. Stott,
Eldon Jay Epp
Stott's modern
classic, Between
Two Worlds,
argues that there
is a chasm
between the
biblical world
and the modern
world. This
chasm is bridged
through the
preaching and
proclamation of
the Word of God.
It is the preacher,
through the
Spirit, who
stands in the gap
between these
two worlds. It is
whereby the
world of the
Bible is brought
into the Stott's

50 People Every Christian

Should Know: Learning
from Spiritual Giants of
the Faith - Warren W.
Wiersbe pdf
Christians in the twenty-first
century need encouragement
and inspiration to lead lives
that honor God. When faith
is weak or the pressures of
the world seem
overwhelming, remembering
the great men and women of
the past can inspire us to
renewed strength and
purpose. Our spiritual
struggles are not new, and
the stories of those who have
gone before us can help lead
the way Christians in the

Preaching A
Biblical and
Practical Guide
to the Effective
- R. Larry
Overstreet pdf
Michael Duduit,
executive editor
of Preaching
Magazine, writes
in the foreword
that "the reader
will find in this
book a valuable
discussion of
what persuasion
really is, what
the Bible has to
say about it, how
it is modeled in
the New
Testament, and
what role
should and
should not play

in our own
preaching in the
century. The
author has
provided so
Michael Duduit,
Preaching to a PostEverything World:
Crafting Biblical Sermons
That Connect with Our
Culture - Zack Eswine pdf
Zack Eswine starts this
unique pastoral resource
with a captivating question:
Could I now reach who I
once was? Challenging the
idea that today's preachers
must do away with biblical
or expository preaching if
they are to reach nonChristian people, Eswine
offers a way of preaching
that embraces biblical
exposition in missional
terms. Recognizing all of the
different cultu Zack Eswine

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