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Patience & Waiting on the Lord

No matter how much you think others may benefit from what you have to say, there is always more you can learn from
them, if youre just humble and patient enough to find out. (I:3)
Make the extra effort to wait on Me, even when you feel like rushing out and jumping into the day. (I:28)
In the Spirit, things move slowly and majestically. Not as quickly and hectic as you do in your world. The difference is
almost like the way you view ants: They move speedily and they always have got to do something to ensure their
provision and survival. But Here everyone knows that all the fretting, worrying and haste in the universe wont add one
iota to your stature. (I:54)
Learn from Me to be longsuffering. Love suffereth long and is kind. Be longsuffering and kind! (I:71)
Im teaching you a brand new modus operandi. Like Moses running away from a very hectic, active, stressy and busy life
in Egypt and coming to the wilderness to learn to do nothing but tend sheep for 40 years... I had to get Egypt out of him
first. Before youre going to get into your gear of operating in the flesh, Id rather have you do nothing but learn to hear
from Me, listen to Me, soak up Me, absorb Me, take time with Me, loving Me, begging Me, learning to let Me do things for
you and through you.
Dont get impatient with yourself! Im not impatient with you, so, why should you?
It takes faith to just wait on Me! But youll feel so much better, if you do! (I:75)
I do some things to teach you patience, other things to keep you patient, and yet others to make sure youre still patient.
For verily, you have need of patience. - Patience with others, even patience with yourself. Patience with your and their
mistakes and faults... (I:102)
I knew all along that you were going to need this time to make it. You dont have to torture yourself with selfcondemnation and anxiety, wishing you could do things better and faster. (I:137)
Are you willing to extend the same amount of patience, love and forgiveness to others that has been shown you? Maybe
Im just allowing them to be so weak to test you and see how you will handle it, how much patience you will have for
them, how much love; how much you will pray for them to make it!
Keep waiting patiently on Me! (I:172)
Wait on Me! Stop rushing ahead without Me in your life, wait for My instructions and learn to patiently wait and move and
act at My majestic speed. (I:185)
Im not impatiently expecting the Fathers children to learn how to drive a truck when they only recently learned to ride a
bike. Youve got to trust in My patience, and also be patient with yourself. (I:227)
The mess of pottage of some personal dream or desire in the end often only turned out a decoy, a distraction of the
enemy, a compromise to settle for a quick, easy-to-see, easy-to-reach solution or satisfaction, as opposed to the long and
winding, thorny road of faith and patience. (I:246)
Have patience and compassion for the weaker ones, for you never know what I may do in their lives over time, and what
great miracles might be wrought through their weakness. (I:257)
You dont have the patience for friends with handicaps? I was an Outcast, the Son of God, permanently marked as not
one of them, battling with the Devil all My life, appalled by the hypocrisy, hardness and evil of their hearts and destined
to die a criminals death. My destiny was My handicap!
Work on your qualities as a friend. Your companions need someone loving, patient and understanding, not aggravated!

Remember how much mercy, patience and longsuffering Ive had toward you, and it might help you to wink at the faults of
others a little more... (I:300)
Just as My Spirit is manifested in fruits like humility, love, patience, etc. (Gal.2:22,23), the spirit of the devil has its
manifestations of pride, self-righteousness, hatred, jealousy, envy, bickering, strife... (I:346)
Meet each question asked with friendliness, kindness, politeness and an air of understanding, loving-kindness and
patience! (I:394)
Just like I learned a lot from My interactions with people during My time on Earth, became a lot more understanding of
their plight, much more patient and merciful, so will all this serve to teach you greater love. (I:404)
Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, how to be meek and lowly in heart, not impatient! (I:441)

I'm a very patient Teacher, especially with those who want to learn, even if they sometimes tend to think they're smarter
than the Teacher Himself. I see the heart, and as long as there is a desire to want to see your failings and want to do
better, what else can I do but teach you, even over and over again, until you get the point? Just make sure that you try to
apply the same patience, love and mercy with others and don't be like the man whose debt was forgiven but would not
forgive others for theirs. (I:447)
I wish to give everyone multiple chances, and I want you to learn likewise, to have patience with others and learn better
how to handle their flaws.
I can use everything I give you and make you go through, if you just patiently hold on.
Its better to patiently wait than to force things and push things through in the flesh, for fear that I will somehow let you
miss out on your destiny and purpose.
So, have patience and faith in My Love, and put the time of your life which I have given you to spend on the spirit, if you
want to be smart and reap lasting fruit! (I:455)
Remember that I endured much more contradiction of sinners against Me, so that you may learn patience, meekness and
humility from Me and not come across as hostile to people! (I:459)
Loving the sinner means loving them in spite of their sin and patiently helping them to overcome their sin and having the
faith that they will eventually manage to do so by My grace! (I:469)
Youre learning precious lessons through My withholding the flow of blessings at the rate you would want it: youre
learning patience, consideration, learning to put Me first in the whole process and to praise Me in spite of the fact that Im
not giving you everything you want, because I know better whats the best for you... (I:477)
It takes time and requires patience and faith to pray! (I:485)
Paying attention to the details will help you not to overlook important factors, it will teach you patience and the
importance of little things. (I:494)
It's got to be My time! People have got to wait on Me! It's got to be My move! So often, folks get impatient and their urge
to get something done in the flesh so they can pat themselves on their backs, impatiently drives them out into a spur of
feverish activity in which they sometimes get so involved that they don't even notice My voice anymore, or that the Spirit
and anointing has departed from them... (I:500)
The bigger a team becomes, the more patience is required for the weakest member. (I:502)
You must patiently allow Me to work in your life and worry not about doing it in the arm of the flesh. (I:511)
That difficult situation stretched your muscles of patience, your desire to understand the other, carnally
incomprehensible side, contributed to making you more longsuffering, more gentle... (I:513)
Sometimes the best for you is to wait a little while and learn a little patience, as I have said, "ye have need of patience"
(Heb.10:36) and patience takes faith, so it all contributes to your acquiring the true riches and values of the spirit. (I:519)
It's more difficult in many ways, more humbling and it requires more patience to operate as a team, to learn to function as
a team, but the reward and benefits are that it safeguards you from a selfish and independent road of pride and selfefficiency. (I:521)
It takes a while to turn someone around and have them get into a whole new modus operandi of working by Me. It's not a
thing that happens from one day to the other. It takes time. Moses didn't become the patient shepherd overnight, either. It
took him 40 years, until he was 80, to get where I wanted him. (I:524)
I'm teaching you the strength of patiently waiting for Me and absorbing and assimilating My Power. (I:545)
I'm showing you how much more understanding, patience and longsuffering is to be expected of you. (I:606)
You're often impatient, and would like to know everything all at once, do everything all at once and "get it over with" so
you can finally cash in your rewards and have some fun. But that's not how it works.
Making you the tool and vessel you want to become is going to take time. And getting frustrated when it doesn't happen
quickly enough and looking around elsewhere for satisfaction instead only delays things further and slows down your
Take time to love, take time to learn the art of love. It takes time to become an artist! (II:31)
Dont become impatient if it's not quite here yet! You can see the light on the horizon, but it still takes a little while until
it's fully day.
A new day will come. A new page will be turned over. A new book will be written, and things will have changed. In the

meantime, pray for those changes to come to pass, which you can see now only in the distance, on the horizon. Don't fret
or get impatient, but pray them through! (II:41)
How can they believe that you'd lay down your life for them if you're not even willing to sacrifice a few hours or even days
to deal with a problem someone has, in a gentle, loving and patient way? (II:108)
Keep in mind that it takes shifting a ton of sand in order to find the diamond, and don't let your impatience get the better
of you if you run into more wolves, dogs and goats than sheep! Of course the sheep are going to be fewer and less in
number; otherwise it wouldn't be a challenge! (II:118)
You've got to learn to be patient and longsuffering, understanding and forgiving, knowing that you're in need of just as
much forgiveness. (II:164)
There's hardly anything more important for Me than ensuring that each of you find the center of My perfect will for you,
that you take time to learn to hit the mark instead of missing it, and I'm a very patient Teacher. (II:170)
Any problems you might be having right now, such as with impatience, etc., will all be a thing of the past.
I'll take care of your weaknesses. (II:178)
I've put you there to learn patience for the less than perfect, and love for the unlovely.
Everybody can love perfect people! There's nothing special about that. But it takes something to learn to love the
imperfect and faulty and to put up with their flaws, look past and beyond them and yet come up with a compassion for
them. (II:179)
Patiently put up with others' flaws and be helpful, loving and tolerant! (II:201)
Be patient, not only with others, but also with yourself! Don't require more of yourself than I do! (II:219)
Whatever you do, wait for My approval, for the confirmation of My Spirit! Those who rush ahead without Me, fall flat on
their faces. It's a test of faith, sometimes, for you to wait on Me, instead of running out to do whatever is there at hand to
Waiting on Me is the secret to success! Whatever you wait for Me to give you the strength, power and wisdom for, will
always be a success - what I consider success. (II:272)
Put aside all impatience, and patiently wait on Me! Have you got the patience and faith to wait on Me?
The temptation is often there, to jerk and make your own move, before I or the prophet have arrived, but your only hope
and chance to make it is to wait on Me. (II:285)
The trying of your faith worketh patience" (James 1:3). Patience is a mystery. In the natural, the children of men are
impatient, they would like to achieve and acquire things quicker than they usually do, understand things quicker. They
don't like to take things by faith and wait for the answer, wait for the outcome. The general attitude is, "Now, God, when
are You going to start making some sense?" While We go, "just wait and see!"
The world is rushing back and forth, trying to satisfy their own impatient desires with fast food, fast entertainment, fast
money, fast transportation, fast songs, etc. I'm making your life-style differ from theirs. Take it easy, take your time! Take
your time to look and see and behold the great wonders of God! If you're going too fast, you just don't see the hand of
God at work in your life. You've really got to take time to see it.
The devil is spurring everybody on to make the most fun, pleasure, money or other physical accomplishments out of their
time. Whereas what people have to do in order to really gain their souls back is to sacrifice their time to Me.
I have given them their time, their lives, every minute of it, and yet they refuse to give any of it back to Me. They have time
for anything but for Me, they try to avoid Me, run away from Me, sometimes even while pretending to be serving Me.
Many are just too busy, too occupied with other things than to be able to really stop and take the time to truly find Me.
Finding Me and developing an intimate relationship with Me takes time!
Many secrets of life lie in taking your time and going slow. You cannot enjoy your life unless you slow down enough to
really wait for Me, really make sure that you're walking with Me, living each day with Me, spending time with Me, moving at
My pace and stop trying to rush ahead of Me. (II:306)
Be patient and know that there is more to come! (II:310)
Patience is one of the names of My Game. (II:335)
My main lesson for you right now is patience; to wait on Me and not move or jerk before it's My time to move. (II:353)
II: 395, 426, 481, 519, 548, 580, 584, 611, 643
Patience is of the essence, and you will just have to wait and see how things will pan out.

All of creation and this Big Picture is much a matter of waiting to see how things will pan out! (2011:32)
When youre prone to getting annoyed easily, but this is where you have need of patience. (2012:9)
Be patient, hope and believe that the right people will eventually cross your path, those on whom your compassion wont
be wasted. (2012:10)
Many things simply dont make sense when youre stuck in the middle of them, and it takes some wait and see to tell
how things pan out in the end. (2012:33)
Wait and see what else might come up, and dont get so impatient, like Saul, when he went ahead to celebrate the victory
without waiting for the prophet, and lost the kingdom as a consequence. Be slower to take matters into your own hands
and quicker to trust Me! (2012:59)
You cant always move full steam ahead. Youve got to lay low for a while and wait for the right time. (2012:131)
It takes time to familiarize with the spirit of a place and adjust to it. It takes patience and love.
Dont give up prematurely! Dont break up the search, and dont give up hope.
Let it grow means, give it some time and patience. For some things (especially when it comes to results and reactions,
especially such as spiritual fruit) youve just got to wait. (2013:14)
Only few are diligent and patient enough to attend lifes school to listen, and really learn something from it.
The difference with the short-sighted is that they cannot wait. They want to see immediately, and so they go by what they
can see the opposite of faith. (2013:19)
You need patience to develop love for truth at some point. (13:34)
Faith is all about not putting money on top of the here and now, but something better, even if that means its still to come,
and youre just going to have to come up with some patience and wait for it. (13:93)
Sometimes lifes a matter of waiting and trusting. Like farmers: They wait, knowing that their seeds are eventually going
to sprout, grow and bring forth more fruit.
Thats precisely what youve got to learn: not to judge and assess solely by what you see right now, but to wait and see!
Some of the best things in life simply take time. (13:95)
When youre a mature adult and youve learned an infinity of things that your little kid still has to learn, or some of which
anyone else (as in thy neighbor) hasnt learned yet, its a test of patience, and of how strong your love is. How great is
your capacity to love? - Great enough to put up with this? (13:105)
Remember that everythings gonna be alright, no matter how far from alright they may presently be. Sure, youd prefer to
have everything alright right now, just like a small child who doesnt yet grasp the concept of having to wait for
something. But in this case, Wait for it! may be generally applicable. (13:106)
You need a little bit of patience. Things cant all happen that suddenly. You need a little more trust. (14:32)
Sometimes you need a bit of patience for healing! Sometimes you need to take some time to let your faith in Me grow
again! (14:51)
Being self-righteous and impatient with folks is something you find out best through the trouble you cause with them
through those weaknesses (15:114)
Ive always opened some doors for you even if it was at the last minute to test your faith and patience. So, keep that
faith and patience! (16:64)
Remember that patience and waiting on Me is one of the big lessons in life and work-ons! If things dont work out the way
youd want them to, well, just have to wait for them to happen tomorrow or another day! Patience takes faith. So,
impatience shows a lack of it, and that youve got to make it grow.
Remember how Sauls failure to wait for Samuel was the big mistake of his life, and unfortunately, many folks are plagued
by that vile enemy signature of impatience!
It takes time and requires patience to make it through life according to My will and the Fathers. It just takes time to learn
certain lessons that life has to teach you. (16:97)

(Verses on waiting on the Lord:)

Let none that wait on Thee be ashamed. (Ps.25:3)
Thou art the God of my salvation; on Thee do I wait all the day. (Ps.25:5)

Let integrity and uprightness preserve me, for I wait on Thee. (Ps.25:21)
Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him. (Ps.37:7)

For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the LORD, they shall inherit the earth. (Ps.37:9)
Wait on the Lord, and keep His way, and He shall exalt thee to inherit the land. (Ps.37:34)
I will wait on Thy name, for it is good before Thy saints. (Ps.52:9)
Because of His strength will I wait upon Thee, for God is my defence. (Ps.59:9)
My soul, wait thou only upon God, for my expectation is from Him. (Ps.62:5)
Mine eyes fail while I wait for my God. (Ps.69:3)
Let not them that wait on Thee , O Lord God of hosts, be ashamed (Ps.69:6)
Our eyes wait upon the Lord our God, until that He have mercy upon us. (Ps.123:2)
I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in His Word do I hope. (Ps.130:5)
The eyes of all wait upon Thee (Ps.145:5)
Wait on the Lord and He shall save thee. (Prov.20:22)
Blessed are all they that wait for Him. (Isa.30:18)
They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be
weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. (Isa.40:31)
They shall not be ashamed that wait for Me. (Isa.49:23)
We will wait upon Thee, for Thou hast made all these things. (Jer.14:22)
The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him. (Lam.3:25)
Quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD. (Lam.3:26)
I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me. (Mic.7:7)
Therefore wait ye upon Me, saith the Lord. (Zeph.3:8)
Wait for the Promise of the Father (Acts 1:4)

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