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English I

Room D156

Ms. Huck

Miss Ginster

Email: huckco@qps.org
homework website: misshuck.weebly.com
Remind 101: text @b7887 to the number 81010
to sign up for reminders
Phone: (217) 224-3770 ext. 174

email: ginsteme@qps.org
phone: (217) 224-3770 ext.

Course Description:
The primary goal of this course is to survey numerous literary genres. Students will
further their knowledge of the proper use of the English language through the study of
literature, writing, speaking, and listening. Students will analyze literature that is selected
for its cultural value, as a model of superior writing, and for its ability to improve critical
reading skills. Students will write in all major modes. An emphasis will be placed on
whole class selections and the analysis of literature.

Course Goals/Objectives:
Throughout the year, students will:
incorporate and cite strong textual evidence to support analysis of text
identify and explore literary elements in order to aid in comprehension
broaden knowledge of the conventions of Standard English
critically research and evaluate information from multiple sources
improve critical reading skills
enhance writing skills through the application of different written modes

Required Materials


3-ring binder
Loose-leaf paper
#2 pencils
Blue/black pens
Red pen
Flash drive

Literature and Language

Novels of various genres
Other resources

Classroom Expectations
Students will:
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Engaged

Tardy Policy:
We will have a sign-in sheet for students when they come in late. Every unexcused tardy
will result in a 15-minute detention to be served with the teacher. This detention is to be
served within 3 days of the tardy. If the detention is not served, then we will contact the
Pre-arranged Absences:
Pre-arranged absences include field trips, athletic events, music events, etc. When
students know that they will be absent from class, they will be expected to have all work
completed and ready to hand in upon their return, unless other arrangements are made
with us.
Cell Phone & Electronic Devices Policy:
We follow the student handbook policy on cell phones. Cell phones and other electronic
devices must be silenced and out of sight prior to entering the classroom. Failure to
follow this policy will result in disciplinary action.
Bags, Backpacks, Purses, etc.:
All of these items must be kept off the table during class time. Only materials needed for
this class will be on top of the tables.
Food/Drink Policy:
DO NOT have any food or drinks other than water in class. This includes gum. Students
will need to provide the proper documentation from the school nurse or a doctor if they
have a medical condition that requires a snack.

Grading Scale & Grading Procedures




Below 60

The quarter grade is comprised of 80% performance and 20% practice.

Students are allowed two retakes per quarter on a test/quiz that is defined as a
performance grade. We follow the handbook policy on retakes.
Late homework is accepted until the performance assessment.
Homework that is late will not receive full credit and will result in a grade no higher
than 60%.
Students are highly encouraged to monitor their grades. Parents and students can
monitor grades online via Family Access.
Students may discuss their grade with us at appropriate times during class.

The plagiarism policy in the school handbook will be enforced.

We are happy to meet with students before and after school. Please see us to
schedule a time to meet outside of class.

First Semester
argumentative essay
Elie Wiesels Night
independent reading
Homers The Odyssey
literary terms
language enrichment
Article of the Week

Second Semester
Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet
argumentative writing
research writing
independent reading
literary terms
language enrichment
Article of the Week

While this list does not include all of the assignments students will complete this year, it
will give an idea of upcoming assignments. Each semester will end with a comprehensive
final. The semester final is worth 15% of the semester grade.

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