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Integrarea in societate a persoanelor cu autism prin practicarea artelor martiale

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A recent and growing trend that has provided many benefits for children on the autism
spectrum involves their engagement in karate and other martial arts.
A 2010 research project conducted by the University of Wisconsin physical therapy
department confirmed what parents were already reporting in the course of learning martial
arts, children with autism essentially came out of their shells and grew more socially assertive
and cooperative. They exhibited better balance and motor coordination, eye contact improved
and play skills were further developed. Greater self-esteem was also reported, with the added
bonus of these kids being able to defend themselves, if need be.
Karate and martial arts assist kids on the autism spectrum with the ability to concentrate and
focus their attention in a consistent and highly structured environment. Additionally, parents
find that new skills carry over into home and at school. The release of energy in a safe and
ritualized environment can bring a child to a new sense of calm. Friendships are formed
around a shared activity and that sense of belonging can be the greatest reward of all.
If contemplating martial arts for your child, its always good to consult with his or her doctor
prior to beginning any physical training. Observe the class before committing your child to it.
It should be small and solely for children with autism, at least initially. Higher functioning
children may be able to integrate into regular classes immediately. Confer with the instructor
about your childs needs and make sure you feel you can successfully partner with them.
Once your child is underway, have them practice at home in a no pressure environment and
offer encouragement and reinforcement for the moves they have already learned. A
demonstration for siblings or other relatives will also go a long way in building confidence
and self-esteem.
Martial arts offers therapeutic rewards and parents will enjoy the fact that their child can
participate in activities that other kids take for granted. And with summer fast approaching, it
just may be the perfect activity to consider.
Gimnastic i arte mariale, noua terapie de recuperare a copiilor bolnavi de
autism, lansat de un antrenor de Qwan ki do din Constana, a fost apreciat la
nivel mondial. Cercettorii din Canada vor s-l conving s plece din Romnia i
s se stabileasc acolo, cu tot cu terapie. Constneanul, ns, nu se gndete si prseasc micuii pe care i ajut voluntar de mai bine de cinci ani. La
nceputul lunii, Neptun Tv a difuzat un reportaj despre antrenorul de arte mariale

Paul Cojocaru, inventatorul terapiei 3C bazat pe recuperarea psihomotorie a

copiilor cu autism. n urm cu o sptmn, acelai material era prezentat
canadienilor, n cadrul unei festiviti de premiere a oamenilor implicai n lupta
mpotriva autismului. i dac majoritatea specialitilor au venit cu teorii, Paul
Cojocaru a vorbit despre rezultate concrete. Terapia alternativ 3C presupune
exerciii elementare de gimnastic i arte mariale, adaptate copiilor bolnavi. Este
o modalitate simpl prin care micuilor li se insufl ncredere i care i ajut s fie
contieni de propriul trup. Asta i-a impresionat pe strini, care nu au mai stat pe
gnduri. Romnul nu a fost atras de propunerile canadienilor. Este dispus s
accepte cel mult un parteriat, la distan, pentru c tie c n ara lui sunt multe
viei care depind de el. n sala de sport a colii generale nr. 28 Dan Barbilian din
Constana, Paul Cojocaru i ateapt pe copiii autiti la antrenament.Autismul
este o tulburare a creierului care afecteaz modul n care copilul percepe
realitatea. Cei care sufer de autism devin, practic, captivi ntr-o lume a lor.
Romnia, ns, nu recunoate oficial aceast boal i nu ofer edine gratuite de
terapie, cum se ntmpl n alte ri. Doar la Constana, n Centrul de zi pentru
Copiii cu Autism, micuii beneficiaz de terapii de comunicare. Este singurul din
ar realizat exclusiv din fondurile Consiliului Judeean Constana care asigur,
gratuit, zeci de ore de terapie.

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